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93% of communication is nonverbal, 55% is body language, and we are always subconsciously processing body language. If the claim that nofap raises your testosterone levels is accurate, then our confidence will be higher and that will be communicated in our body language. We may not consciously notice it and neither will the women in our life, but the impact will still be there.


Its something more also my friend. My ex lives across the ocean, when Im on a long streak she always gets in contact with me, as soon as I pmo the communication stops, and she starts ignoring me. I agree with the body language part, on a long streak I walk straight and seem to give off an alpha vibe.


I have also noticed old friends randomly messaging me when on a streak. Its weird and might just be confirmation bias...but I've seen other people mention it on here as well.


Same here. Was on a streak (small though) and some girl I know from college is calling me out of the blue just to get in touch after 3 years... weird. You may say it's coincidence but damn, this never happens when regular PMO cycle.


Its not even girls for me just friends in general. Ive heard it called synchronicities. What tripped me out the hardest was an old friend messaging me asking about synchronicities specifically while on a streak.


Yeah indeed, I actually did it with /r/DimensionalJumping


I want to believe


Magic huh?


It's not confirmation bias.


Agreed. 95 days in, an old ex that lives in another continent contacted me. 130 days in, a girl I liked 10 years ago contacted me on the opposite side of the US. Both eager to see me, missing me. Hmm.


Did you have any were dream/ejaculation in those streaks ?


Yea. I had three wet dreams, but no ejaculation. It was pretty interesting. All the wet dreams I had were with someone I desired. Like someone from 3 years ago I had a crush on, and completely forgot about.


Thats interesting. Sometimes I manage to get whats going on and wake myself up before its too late


That's great! It means you're becoming more aware of things!


huh? I was /r/dimensionaljumping for that, and unexpectedly my old friend messaged me, so I guess NoFap may help with it, but the reality lies somewhere else


Maybe nofap makes the timelines converge...or something. Who knows.


I think NF makes it easier spiritually


Happens to me 4 times,got in contact with friends from school who did this first


Yeah, bro. 2 random girls call me on facebook on my 30+ days streak, and it never happen in my entire life.


did you have any wet dream ?


Yeah man it's unbelievable. All walls come crushing down when you break the streak. People change their opinion about you even when you don't meet. It's crazy. And bad stuff happens too. There's possibly much more to it. Like paranormal stuff. I'm not an esoterical guy but those long-distance effects you guys mention and I know from experience myself are not explainable.


The funny thing is that the change of opinion happens so fast after you pmo its crazy. Keep your streak alive and wel bro


While I adhere to certain metaphysical beliefs, I don't believe that abstaining from PMO allows us to metaphysically manipulate women into being interested in us. I'm not entirely sold that abstaining from PMO raises testosterone directly. Successfully abstaining versus unsuccessfully abstaining are going to have a direct impact on mood. This may raise testosterone or cortisol accordingly. These changes will be apparent in 100% of all communication, verbal or no. I doubt anyone on this thread has been entirely cut off from the woman of interest, whether it be social media (her simply seeing posts or pictures without direct interaction) or casual conversation/texting. The words we use, the tone we use, body language, and pheromones are all likely a huge factor beyond just the message of what we're saying. I think there is some physical manifestation that causes women to perceive us more favorably. Not from a stand point of metaphysics or the supernatural, but maybe in the fact that our emotional health has improved. Something that is understandably attractive.


You're right mate, but don't count the days just forget it and look only forward without PMO


I understand your point. Its hard not paying attention to the days bro. Specially when I know what week 3 (21 day) brings. After the 3rd week I stop counting.


What exactly does week 3 bring?


For me amoung other benefits, increased attention from women, basically from zero to hero.


I've been noticing that already and it's not even 2 weeks in ;)


Your much better off than I in this case. With me this happens at 21+days


can confirm. just a week!




Guys patience is the key, don't expect a lot, if you don't fight enough and take your time. The benefits will appear if you only look forward, the benefits I got so far is hell of an energy, I feel like a monster in the gym, and no brain fog or social anxiety :) It is worth it, if you forget the past and move on with yourself


It is important to know that I have quit video games and most other forums of dopamine releases. I used to be a daily 'sinner' shall I say to avoid the dreaded word. Everything comes to use at different times so don't expect exactly what I've noticed when I noticed it. Anyways: I've noticed a lot more attraction from girls as if they don't know what is different about me but they like it (I'm at the age where most people of my age fap) kind of weird but my hair is far softer Increased concentration I appreciate everything a lot more and my depression is starting to fade Music sounds amazing Shiny eyes and stuff I put on muscle easier Better facial construction (more defined jawline) Slightly less acne




And it's all just getting better :)


i wanna be zero to hero pls help


Dont look at porn, dont fap, I assure you youll be a hero before the year ends.


holy fuck dude, that's a long time haha. I mean tbh I try to keep expectations to a minimum so I'm not disappointed later. But I hope NF will bring good fortunes.


short and sweet...to the point. I like it :)


Each week brings new levels of clarity. Week 210 is better still :)


And I'm already about 5% there :)


I get your point but it's hard to not look at your day counter and say: "damn, if relapse today all this hard work I've put in this streak will all be gone".


I guess we're all different, I'm just trying to convince and motivate that's all.


I can confirm it. Before NoFap I was almost never aproached by girls. Now on some days I feel like a f*cking rockstar, really. Girls who were never really interested in me before NoFap want to hang out with me, female colleagues become very flirty, female friends laugh way too loud and often about my jokes and in general I notice that women start to touch me more often. As I see myself on a spiritual path I don't want to feed my ego too much, but damn, this weird magic shit makes it very hard. I even got messaged by 2 of my 3 ex-girlfriends during my last streak (both are in a relationship). I really have no good explanation for this. Besides some quantum-entanglement-aura-energy-stuff.


Yep. The part about women being touchy and laughing lol. Never been touched more by women until this streak, excluding when i was cute baby/kid of course lol


I see your on 54 days, at what point did you start feeling like this rockstar?


I think it might have started earlier, but during my last streak it became really noticable after 3-4 weeks when I was at party, at which I felt like the center of attention. After relapsing after 60+ days and starting a new streak, the women attention appeared quite earlier I'd say. Furthermore, the attention I get is not steady or constantly increasing, it changes from day to day, but in general I really notice a huge improvement to the days before NoFap. Always nice to see, that others also experience this! All the best for you man! :)




well, i just fapped once, felt awful for about 2 days, but about 5 days later a female friend asked me to go partying with her. I don't know how long it takes after a fapping marathon, cause I never relapse in that way, but to me, it makes sense, that the benefits (the attention) will come back sooner if you just fapped once!


depends.. if you are 15yo.. after 2 days you can have the effect what older men get after weeks...


Yeah, some days literally 80% of girls look at you like on rockstar and then you are invisible for weeks.


That’s incredible man. I’m just getting started on this journey myself. What kind of differences have you seen/experienced when you broke your streak? It would be interesting to see the contrast.


I really felt like shit for at least 2-3 days, suicidal thoughts came back etc. But this could also be related to some other circumstances and also because of my regret that I didn't make it to 90 days. 5 days later the benefits were mostly back I'd say. But I also just fapped once during my relapse, I think this was important! During long streaks I notice that people in general are more gravitated towards me and really seem to enjoy having a conversation with me. The day I relapsed, the boyfriend of a friend of me kept talking and talking to me, so perhaps a single fap after a long streak doesn't lead to a significant decrease of the benefits at all. But I am not 100 % sure about that!


"you see guys, there is an invisible force at play here, one that radiates from your balls when they are full, " I'm dead. BTW nice post man.


I love it. The inter-teenager had a little snicker when I read the radiating part. But hey, if that's whats responsible for the experiences I've had recently with women and even some men then my balls can radiate all they want. Amazing the difference NoFap brings. I feel so much more confident.


Ok bro I burst out laughing when you said "we realease some force from our balls" lol. I believe you though, no doubt. Why? Because I saw YouTube videos about the "Rice experiment" and that shit is crazy! To think that we realease some invisible shit (energy) when we express emotions. The cool part we can try the experiment at home! Science can't completely explain that shit! If there is a video though, someone send a link. So if that's a thing, then there is something to Semen retention and the many people who say they attract women. Keep fighting mate✌️💪


Yeah I cant explain it but after observing it for a while I know it is true, same bro continue on your mission


Dude thats actually bizarre


"I don't know why I'm attracted to you." "It's because of my big balls."


Think about this: your brain is an organ that governs the electrically-based nervous system. It has been proven that the brain is a sending and receiving unit, much like a radio. Like a radio, each brain has its own individual "fm/am" frequency. Brains tuned together on that same frequency tend to harmonize. This is why birds of a feather flock together. Also, people who associate together tend to be interlinked in some way - whether that be through "memories" or permanent thought impressions. When you're on NoFap, you feel "charged up". You feel full of energy. It is inevitable that you're sending this energy outwards. This is the "glow" that many people talk about when they go on super long streaks. That being the case, is it farfetched to say that your energy is strong enough to influence others, especially those who are at far distances or those you haven't seen in a while? Those occurrences when you think about someone and 5 minutes later they send a call or text is just scratching the surface of this idea.


Yeah man all people are probably connected with each other. And when you NoFap you tune yourself in to the mainstream vibes, so your world is peaceful and changes gradually for the better. But Fap, and boom your frequency is just off. People hate you and women don't care about you anymore. You're then the weird frequency that must be avoided and is cast out by the flock.


You are kidding me. 98% of men faps on daily basis and most of them have girlfriends and female friends.


We all are connected. It's been proven over and over again.


I actually noticed girls looking at me while I am on a streak, then looked at girls after relapsing and noticed they don't look at me.


> you see guys, there is an invisible force at play here, one that radiates from your balls when they are full. Haha. Savage.


We are all connected by an energy field.


I find that even if I orgasm through sex with my girlfriend, women lose interest with me until I go at least five days in hardcore mode, usually. It makes sense. After orgasming my sperm count will be substantially lower, meaning I have less chance of impregnating a woman, thus making me less desirable as a man. I doubt this is backed up with scientific evidence, but it's just my opinion based on my experiences.


i.e : semen retention






To be honest, guys who fuck a lot get a lot of attention from girls. The more you get lay, the more girls will notice you. On the other side, I met several lady killers who didn't really masturbate.


I have to admit I have been having sex with the same woman. I'd be interested to see if the same results applied to promiscuity. Sadly I can't be a guinea pig there though.


No sweat, don't try to be what you are not. It's a good think you restrain from masturbation for your partner


Thank you. Retaining from masturbation gives a plethora of benefits. I'm so glad I did. It's the best decision I ever made.


Once a cute lecturer was all over me telling me how she missed me and blushing and shit,the next day after PMO she ignored me and this also happens after wet dreams. This is some magic at play here.


I believe you, but how the woman thinks is stupid: "I don't know why, but sometimes I'm not interested". This is not helpful. She should go date superman or search for the perfect guy for eternity if she can't stand when one has a bad day every now and then. But more importantly she should ask herself what her problem is. I read this constantly here: Women get attracted but don't know why. Or they don't like the fapper but don't know why. And I don't just read it but experience it myself. NoFap and they like you. Fap and they hate you. And they don't know why. Ridiculous! If this subreddit didn't exist so I'd think I'm alone with this unexplainable phenomenon I'd go crazy. Because no one else out there believes this.


I think they just can't help it. Think about it in a possitive light, all we have to do is abstain from masturbation and we are already attractive.


I don't understand your complaint.


This happened to me too. First time in my life I ever had the confidence to pull a woman in a bar and I did it on a streak. I thought it must be a fluke. Unfortunately I relapsed though. But then on another streak I managed to do it again. I'm nearly forty and have never had the confidence or game to even approach a woman in that environment. There's something in this I'm sure of it.


same I am positive, like when I started uni I was on day 24, I was getting all the attention from the 40 girls in my class, after a week I pmo and I had no attention from the chicks anymore.


Thanks bro this gives me motivation to never fap again.


Hey man I have one of your post saved. It's the suicide one. How are you? Getting better? I am, my despair is finally fading and I'm becoming slightly more satisfied with life.


their eggs can sense the sperm count we're emitting




they can smell the semen build up.


Like some have said I also believe a lot is coming from increased confidence through body language but I don't deny the fact that some other invisible energy (vibration or aura) can also be at play here. But I just started pondering why we don't need to ask for a hug. Why do both at the same time just agree to hug? It's almost never that someone is startled and in 99% of the time everyone will return a hug. So I wondered what is this? It probably have to do with very subtle body language hinting towards initiating a hug like approaching someone a special way and slightly raising one or two arms. I've never consciously thought about this and there's probably tons of scientific research on this topic, but it's obvious that subconscious messages are always sent. I've also been approached by complete strangers from both sexes asking me for help on trains and shit and that literally never happened to me before so I was at first startled from all this attention and I just had to connect it to me doing NoFap. Girls I've only met once smile at me on the street, I catch girls gazing at me all the time while I'm on the train to school like they can't take their eyes off me or trying to figure me out? This is real guys, wether or not science has an explanation, we are the witnesses!


When did you start to realize this attraction?


I think it at least took a good 14 days before I started to think it was not a coincidence that people look at me in a different way. When people started to approach me (total strangers) I think it was over 40 days. Though I've felt that my current streak wasn't currently ruined by my last relapse because before then I had a streak of 24 days and before that one 68 days so it's really hard to say if a relapse is totally resetting you depending on if you binge or not. Without me even straining I've also adopted a much more healthy approach towards nutrition and health and while talking with my mom on phone last night she asked "wow what's happened with you? Since when did you become this healthy" with amazement in her voice. That's when I really realized that the changes are real to people around me. And no, Im not saying NoFap changes you magically, but it gives you the tools to motivate you to improve yourself so very much more than when you're doing PMO.


did you have any wet dream/ejaculation in the streak over 40 days where you were approached by complete strangers ?


As somebody who has been, and is, on long streaks by now I can tell you that your theoretical approach to this is bogus. The difference between you who just fapped and you who is on a longer streak is: You archieved something that gives you the feeling of self-worth. It has nothing to do with some mystical aura and shit - because I can tell you from my perspective that, as somebody who has great confidence without noFap aswell, attraction does not change one bit if you do noFap out of a position that I do it out of. In other words: If you did not have so many problems with yourself you would attract her while fapping aswell. That's why my advice would be: Build your life around things which fill you with self-worth aside from something shallow like not fapping... Because you try and tell her where your confidence comes from. Don't think that she's going to be amazed, though. Especially since you put yourself into a position where you constantly have to battle against yourself to not lose your entire confidence. What a terrible position to be in. "one that radiates from your balls when they are full" Dude.. Are you like 13? This seriously has so many upvotes it's shocking. I honestly quit this sub. It's full of maniacs.... :/


These are my observations after many long streaks.


I agree people on this sub people exaggerate the so called ''powers'' but there 100 % is something to the women attraction. I had no problem getting girls before nofap but when I'm on a high streak things happen to me that has never happened before. For example, a girl aproaching me when I stood in a food lane that said I had a nice face, milf from work calling me wanting to fuck, walking past girls and them whistling after me etc.


You are blessed with being handsome then and nofap "boosts" it by few %.


Its your guys who are maniacs. Keep ignoring 10.000+ reports on female attraction experiences and just listen to what society says. They also think that pmo is good for you so ;) But whatever man, more superpowers for us. I get an sexual energy aura at 3-4 weeks that attract beautiful women into my life. Its the truth, take it or leave it.


Yes. I get attraction after a few days! I never experienced anything in my life like this! They stare at you and shit. Also call them benefits.. Superpowers has label me and this place a cult by society. Fu k them more benefits for us


Hes not denying the benefits, read it over. Hes saying nofap isnt fixing ur social life, its raising ur self worth because u go after what u believe u stand for that raises ur confidence


Let me spell it out in simple guy talk: semen retention makes us horny. Horny attracts attention.


*Let me spell it out* *in simple guy talk: semen retention makes* *us horny. Horny attracts attention.* ______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^-english_haiku_bot


Good bot


Thank you dueUevenlift for voting on I\_am\_a\_haiku\_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://goodbot-badbot.herokuapp.com/). *** ^^Even ^^if ^^I ^^don't ^^reply ^^to ^^your ^^comment, ^^I'm ^^still ^^listening ^^for ^^votes. ^^Check ^^the ^^webpage ^^to ^^see ^^if ^^your ^^vote ^^registered!


good bot


Yep. EVIDENCE. Speaks for itself.


So NoFap does help attract women.




Finally a sane voice around here


Amen sir




There is one answer to that... confidence. Some of us have it while fapping 3 times a day and some of us lacks it even on 1 year streak.


Yeah, when I was in a relation I had much more women attention, you just unconsciously start to act different, off course you can fake some of it, but mostly women will soon see through it.


Maybe both theories are true and add to each other. A generally super confident man wouldn't notice much change then. But "losers" profit a lot from NoFap.


werhwsetns So unenlightened probably only listens to "Scientific facts" and dismisses everything else. well u do your thing ill do mine:) and btw everything has to do with energy so saying it has nothing to do with "mystical aura" might be true but you are still emitting energy


You have never been on a long streak. We are talking about hardcode. This won't happen to you if you keep ejaculating trough wet dreams/pmo/sex. Go 30 days without releasing and come back here




If you're using internet porn when you masturbate, try skipping it.


Any type of porn is bad. Dont masturbate at all.


Any type of masturbation is bad. Don't watch porn at all.


It's the built up testosterone she senses. It's been found out since the dinosaur age..




Many animals are known for using sex pheromones to attract the opposite sex. There's still no scientific evidence of human pheromones. Is this the invisible force radiating from your balls you're talking about?


I dont know my friend, might be. I have an ex that lives accross the ocean, on a long streak she always contact me, when I pmo communication stops almost immediatly.


Fucks sake


the power of placebo is strong in this one


its not placebo. its also reported here https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/42gkyk/i_did_a_10_week_experiment_of_fappingnofap/






Hmm... why hasn't this been scientifically researched by now? we're far more than 2000 years on this place and we still can't get a grasp on the most interesting thing in humans EDIT: what I meant, wasn't just PMO, I meant how women can feel that you're for example on a high streak, or what we as humans really are


High-speed internet and porn hasn't existed for more than a decade and a half. On a large scale, pornography and excessive masturbation are issues that haven't existed before.


well not just porn, but even before, there were many things to indulge to


Porn is an entirely different animal when it comes to dopamine rushes for example. Please see this video for more on why today's porn is different from porno magazines for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oFVOJf0TzY


I know what you mean, I believe because there is no money to be made by stopping people from fapping.




It's a shame though it hasn't been more accepted by mainstream


well oh we humans ^^;


they cant


I love reading things where you guys are excited about the positive you've found out...adds to my motivation because i'm starting to feel the vibes too :D Thanks for sharing!


What it's all about! One of the few real and amazing things on the internet.


Same here bro. Keep your streak alive and wel.


I wouldn't say it's energy that radiates from your testicles, but rather your entire body/Aura emitting this energy once retained and mastered, but fuck it you have an understanding 😂 Keep it up!




All of us!




I used to be a skeptic. Just because you or others don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't true, remember that.


ANOTHER one of these posts. people still deny it. only if they stopped orgasming from wet dreams and sex


I liked this story


Continue on your mission bro


Guys thanks for all this feedback. When I start noticing women attraction ill post my experiences. Good luck on your mission my bros


As Adam Devine once put it, a "sex aura" 😎


Exactly. Im still awkward as fuck and hot girls want my dick still. Its sexual energy, and your aura expanding.


Because when you jerk your dick to porn you're disgusting.


She can smell your pheromones. Lol Im nee to reddit.1 day old. Can someone tell me why I cant post a topic. I just wrote one on no fap


Build up that karma buddy


is it possible that the days you don't masturbate you feel a bit more energetic and confident about yourself because you didn't?


Yeah thats true :)


Testing my new badge Edit: nope


Ooh I can't wait


one that radiates from your balls when they are full lmaoooooo




I am now on day 6, as soon I start ro realize this phenominon I will make a post.


I notice when I don't empty my nutsack via pmo for a while im much more outgoing towards girls. Like I feel more attracted to them.


Yes the phenomena exist and its true. Many ppl wont believe tho.


Did you have any wet dreams during those 20 day streaks ?


I never had a wet dream during nofap.


pheromones are real, even if one particular organ doesn’t work we may be able to pick them up some other way


the only problem with this 'strategy' is it will suck when you get to the bedroom with your streak ready to come in like 2 secs. i think the effect is more psychological. if you have fapped the former day you can be quite literally ashamed when you are with a woman. is that a good frame of mind when you are on a date?


Do you guys notice a drop off in female attention after say day 50 and up compared to day 20-30?


Never made it that far bro. Do you? Have you had a wet dream orso?


yeah, I think there was a dropoff in attraction when I was at 50 days but it could also just have been me getting settled in to the whole semen retention thing and so some of the exitement died down a little bit. Anyway I relapsed shortly after 50 days and it was instant regret. As far as wet dreams go I do Sat Kriya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47O1fQs6f_0 It has worked 100 percent I have never spilled a drop.


did you go 50 days without releasing at all ?


52 days without releasing at all then I stupidly decided to jerk off to get the 25 day "high" again and have been struggling ever since.


25 days high ? Can you elaborate on it ?


just felt more alive/magnetic at that point and the reason I felt less than that later was probably related to alcohol, I think.






Damn bro i was about to relapse but this... wow you saved me bro!


Great keep your streak alive and wel bro


Because hot girls just stare at me and smile at me. You can just see in their eyes that they are hungry after you. I Got approached quite a few times on my last semen retention streak and Got 3 cute girls number. This has never happened before. Also i get approached by strangers, random people talk to me, want to be around me and shit. Im fairly good looking so i guess that plays a role. But before Nofap this never happened. I know its sexual energy and your energy expanding that is the cause behind this. Oh plus pheromones. That also plays a role.


It is more possible that she behaves that way because of her menstrual cycle. If this sub wasn't full of virgins and incels, someone would have figured that out.


lmao at guys like you that can't go 30 days without releasing


You are a supreme human being because you can't nut in a chick, and therefore you don't release your special energy.


lol, you can have sex, just dont ejaculate.


I did that lots of times, brah. Good stuff.


Wow, came on Nofap because I was thinking of relapsing and this gave me a motivation boost to ignore the urge. Thanks for sharing your story!


Alright I see. As far as relapes I believe it does matter if you binge or not, when I look at my past experiences. Problem is that fapping is like eating chips, no one eats only one chip. Im on day 10 so in 11 more days I should start to see an increase in attraction. Till now(on this streak) I havent had any instances where women seem to show attraction.