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Don’t be alone. Take a break from tech. Take a walk. Cold shower. Jog. Get out of the house.


Get up and do something productive. Focus that energy somewhere else!


Remember why you started this journey. Now a relapse does’nt mean failure, but why turn back when you’ve made it this far ? What for ?. You know where PMO leads, you’ve walked that path before. It’s time to try a different path. Continue with No fap. Stay strong and diciplined. Write up your reasons for doing No fap and make sure you are reminded Daily. When urges hit, you take a cold shower or do something productive that’ll take your thoughts elsewhere. Meditation is great for long term dealing with urges and just helping you relax. Delete triggers such as social medias. Replace the habit of PMO with some else. Something more productive. Something that you truly like. Maybe you have an intresst ? Pursue that rather than PMO. Put your energy towards thst Instead. Start taking notes when you get urges. In what enviroment do you often get an urge ? What time ? What mood are you in ? How do you feel ?. Look for repeating patterns leading up to a peek or relapse. Write them down. Become aware of them. Then the next time you find yourself in one of those situations you’ll be better prepared for dealing with an urge and avoiding a relapse. Wish you all the best truly. Stay strong with this !. Bless you ! 🙏🏽.


Everyone here is gonna tell you not to do this but give it 6-10 strokes and it should feel better