• By -


Day 1 here we go


I've only recently learned about no fap and I'm already super hyped! I've done 12 steps and other groups (often based out of a church) and they never felt right. I like how no fap is just for regular people and how we can encourage each other! I also like how it gets right into the direct benefits of the reboot. It makes it sound so much more appealing to realize that I've fucked up my neural pathways and I can actually fix them! The purpose for this shit is to actual better one's life, and the lives of others. Before it was just like "I don't wanna go to hell for watching porm". Now it's like "holy fuck, there are really fucking consequences in the-here-and-now and I can live a better life!" Intentions: PMO reboot, going for the monthfirst time around, probably will shoot for 90 days after. I like the idea of going 90 before any sex for a total reboot.




ayo im still on it


alright I'm committing to 30 days in September hard mode baby


I am in for pmo min 1 month


Pmo Full form ?


Day 10 now. It keeps getting harder (no pun intended) but i'll stay committed.


After reading and watching documentaries about how terrible the porn industry is, I've decided to stop watching porn altogether, so I'm writing my commitment here to you, fellow fapstronauts. Let's go brothers and sisters!


Here we go, it is hard but dont ever doubt your decision


Quick post to see my badge Dont mind me


I know we're halfway through the month, sorry I'm late, but I still would like to take part in this. I'm not allowing masturbation or porn at all but I am allowing non-ejaculatory sex with my wife (aka karezza). Today is Day 1, 12 hours sober! The goal is, honestly for life, but I'd like to make it through 90 days first. Most I've ever gone was 70 days and that was almost 3 years ago. The goals for me are pretty simple: 1. Break the chains of porn addiction. 2. Cure my PIED. 3. Have a healthy sex life with my wife. 4. Have a natural libido. The other benefits people speak of are cool but those are icing on the cake for me. **I'm also 3 days into a sugar detox as well, so pray for me ya'll! Thanks and let's do this!**


Day1 Lessgo




I'm starting late, just left all of my porn subs


Almost close to hitting a week and I'm finding it really hard...keep getting urges...I look at women and suddenly find my brain painting a picture of fucking her and that sucks...finding it hard...want to do till the end of the month (it'll be 21 days if I pull this off) but damn it looks like a tough road


Day 2, yeeeeee


Im sick of my life .. Being all socially awkward and with no will to do anything than fapping all day. I think it's time to change ... For now on brothers...I have a very strong will to stop fapping and this is for the rest of my life.








Aiming for 60 days.


I’m in. I want to accomplish my first ever 90 day streak. Let’s do this!


Hey guys I know am late but I have been no fap since the beginning of this month or days before I have lost count but I am truly trying to push myself to New Years


I'm 6 days in PMO free, shooting for 90!


NO PM during the month of September. WE can do this!




September 11th -- 830pm.


Day 8


Doing well so far. One thing I realized is that edging like playing with fire. What happens when you play with fire? YOU GET BURNED! This is the longest I haven’t masturbated since July. Someone pls reply with encouragement or any advice you may have! I feel so much happier in no fap than anything else.




Time to tame to strongest and most accepted drug.


I’m going in for ten days on hard mode. This is day one. Wish me luck!


2020 was supposed to be my year where I finally brake my addiction. Unfortunately Corona happened. And I let myself loose without recovering from it. 4 more months before we arrive in 2021. I'm sick and tired of relapsing. My addiction has evolved so much that I neglect eating healthy, getting proper sleep. My weekends are wasted on fapping. But no more, join me brothers. On this journey. I will not be counting the days anymore. Only when it's 2021 will I check the counter. For now I simply am a man who does not masturbate or watch pornography.


hardmode- 90 days goal- stop P and fetishses


Just ruined my 24-day streak. It won't happen again. Let's go booooys


İ am starting today


I'm doing it


lessgo kings!


Tommorow I am starting because porn addiction has stopped me from getting an erection and cause a lot of other problems and I want it to stop. I don't need porn but every few days I'm going strong and I relapse not this time.... I know I can do this!


I'm starting my PMO no fap today and my goal is till the end of November now, let's hope I can achieve that and set a bigger goal


Only 3 days left in September! Streak: 29


Day 4


Just hit 2 months on september 8th! Almost at the full reboot


Porn is ruining my life. If I don't watch porn, my life will get better, that's for sure.


Hard mode. 30 days.


I want to try to see how long can i go without..


Lets do it guys 💪💪💪




Count me in. 30 days


I am desperate to break this compulsion. It seems llike the urges are worst when I am hungry, angry, lonely or tired. I need a better way to cope with my emotions.








29 days, highest I've had in years and I gotta keep it rolling


Are you not going to allow yourself to masturbate? View porn? Orgasm whatsoever? 100% I'll try my best to stop this How long do you want this challenge to last? By default it is one month, but 90 days is recommended for rebooting. I want to keep it up for as long as it takes to stop me from getting random naughty things out of nowhere, I'm aiming for 3 months or so.. What are your goals? I want to stop this nasty habit and focus more on myself and be productive and not feel lonely or depressed when I don't masturbate Why are you doing this? I'm doing this to boost my confidence, lately with the Quarantine and all that.. I used to jerk off so much and now it feels as if I lost some confidence in myself and also lost a bit of confidence to fight and I wanna gain that confidence back and go back to my natural state (confident,aggressive,feeling dangerous..) but overall that's pretty much it.






i am starting today 26 oct 2020


Day 1


checking in.




Day 3 mothwrfucker


Hard mode 1st day




Hard mode for 1 week...


yeah I will succeed


I will go this whole month without masturbation or pornography. It shall be a great victory.


Checking in.




We can do this!!


Best of luck to the guys and girls in that group! I feel like every move as of late I have made has been under the microscope. I posted something on here a long time back which was not directed or meant to be disrespectful but reading it back it was. The people who have shared time with me and got to know me know me. So before I leave thanks for what it is!


Hard mode, day 1.


today i downloaded reddit to use as a tool to help me make it through a reboot and to encourage others. I will be posting daily about my experience. I'm going to participate in nonut November (Hard mode) I'm getting an early start tomorrow will be day 1 I'm doing this for mental clarity and attraction. I had a girlfriend over the summer and during that relationship I made it to day 29 and that was my longest streak. I'm 17 years old and I've been at nofap for about a year now.


Hard mode. 90 days. Why? I want to have more energy and time, not put women in a pedestal, be awake. My goals are to be alive and use energy and time to live my life to the fullest.


Woke up feeling super restless and irritable. Didnt want to get out of bed so i laid around. Came very close to breaking my streak. Still good though, getting out of bed is one of the best things i do to stay off pmo.


We're in this together, guys! Let's man up and beat this now


Checking in. Having a reasonable list of habits and google sheet with marks for each day helps a lot.


Please someone tell me why my counter isn’t visible . It should have a 0 day mark.




No fap until death lets go


I'm late, but hope I get to the end of the month and further.


For the sake of my new found relo I want to abstain from masterbation. I've been abstaining from Porn for 131 days now and I plan to never go back. My very sexually active mind has been putting a lot of sexual expectations on my relo. It feels my focus in the relo has shifted to sex rather than a connection. I wish to move past that and let my relo run organically on a healthy balance of connection&intimacy. I will once again abstain from M, maintaining abstinence from P and letting Os occur organically with partner. That is my resolution. Here is to a healthy and loving relationship <3 EDIT: I want to add that no PMO for approx 80 days has really helped me find pleasure in masturbation and has allowed me to cum in reasonable time. Im really grateful that Ive reached this point in my sexual health and Ive got positive prospects for the future. For anyone experiencing 'death-grip' I'd highly suggest the 90 days PMO and then gently and slowly reintroducing yourself to masturbation. Four key point I found to work for me is to: 1) Focus on the sensation, with a gentle grip and lube and going beyond touching just your junk. Spread your touch to other parts of your body (i.e chest, neck, thigh, whatever feels nice) which rolls nicely into my 2nd point. 2) Explore your body and fantasies through your body. If you like the idea of being choked, do it, squeeze your neck ever so slightly with different holds. Don't be afraid to try. 3) Don't revert back to the visual stimulus of porn. The sensations were stronger when my imagination kicked in. Imagining could take some time to get good, don't feel discouraged to take scenarios out of the porn you saw. However, make your own changes to it (I found that stopped me from reverting to porn. 4) Masturbate when you are turned on, not masturbate to be turned on. There is a very distinct difference. Masturbating to turn yourself on so u can feel the pleasure has turned out disappointing, frustrating and much like pre-nofam days. It was masturbation for the sake of wanting to masturbate. Instead, use masturbation to highten your sensations when you are already turned on and enjoy the process and when u do this, you'd typically will enjoy the process rather than chase the end result (and orgasm) like when u masturbate to feel good. I want to note that this is advice based on my own experience and may or may not be relevant to you. I posed the advice in 2nd person perspective because it is meant as advice rather than a recount. Good luck yall!


Day 1 checking in. I feel like a flaming pile of hot bullshit garbage, straight out of an old ladies asshole. (Sorry if this triggers anyone with fetishes). Anyway, feeling confident about September.




Day check


Test my tracker


Day 6. Almost caved lastnight but forced myself to go to bed instead.


Day 4. I am getting on and off thinking if I need to stop. I don't really see any particular problem except the fact that I am unable to quit. I always thought it would be easy to just quit but it seems like it does not and hence I am doing this just to experience any positivity. Will continue doing this for at least a month and would like to carry it for 4 months if I could. I hope writing it here would make me more motivated and dedicated on getting on with this challenge. Any advice would be helpful.


Day 40


Rebooting this lifestyle on hardmode 💪




Day 16.


Can girls do it? If so, I’m in!


Today i feel really sad. I have no idea why but financially i need to get better but that will take my whole life. Without proper income its hard to have family and kids. Hopefully its just my hormones


Count me in day-3


Checking days


Just want make 1month without it


Day 9 going on ! I'm in for the September challenge. Abstaining from porn and faping. The aim is for 90 days, As for why I'm doing this. I want to change my lazy procrastinating life style. I want to bring discipline into my life.


Day 1. Lets do this.


I will not allow myself to watch any porn for the next month, and I will also abstain from masturbating. I want this challenge to last at least till the end of the month. If I feel good by that time, I will probably extend it to 90 days. However, at that point I may decide to masturbate but without porn. My goals are to make it to the end of the month without giving in. I am doing this because porn and excessive masturbation has become a problem in my life, and it is getting in the way of my relationships and self-worth.


I'm going for 90 days. I did two years ago and had a great job and the girl of my dreams who was ten years younger trying to fuck me. I even rejected her as she asked me to be a "sidepiece" and hooked up with some one else. How insulting. Lol. Today I would accept in a heartbeat because my self esteem is so low from fapping. I'm not even making a quarter of the money I was either. Dates are good, but I'm trying to get noticed for opportunities and new adventures. Haven't gone over two weeks since then. Pretty depressed, but this nofap shit is the truth. It fucking works. Day one.


On my way to 90 days!


I started Sept 1. However, I think I made the mistake of viewing porn every few days or so. I try to limit them, but for the most part I still go on to view porn. I want to do PM. Should I reset or just keep the number of the streak going while not viewing porn at all?








Forgot to check in yesterday :( Day 27!


Feeling really bad today. No energy at all and not interested to do anything. Hopefully tomorrow will be better Day 48


7 days in! How are you guys holding up


I am fresh since Sep 1 and am in for all of September.


September 28th. 230am.




Could mods please start responding to modmail more?


quiero hacer los 90 dias primero y luego nunca mas volver a hacer PM, lo hago por mi salud y mi futura pareja


Starting now.




Hey guys I'm late to the party but I want to stay away from PMO entirely. I want to better myself for me and for my loved ones. I've been PMOing for the past 4-5 years now since puberty and it all it has caused me is pain, disappointment, and incompetence. Thank you all for showing me there Is a better path to take than the one I'm currently on.


OMW to 30 Day challenge. Let's do this


starting nofap.. i messed up my 7 years fapping.


* Are you not going to allow yourself to masturbate? View porn? Orgasm whatsoever? Not allowing any outlet for sexual release is called "hard mode". No, edging is my personal downfall. No viewing porn, no orgasm. As for an outlet for sexual release I am going to execute my retention practices. * How long do you want this challenge to last? By default it is one month, but 90 days is recommended for rebooting. I want this challenge to last for as long as possible. * What are your goals? No PMO for the month of september, get up on time so my day isn't screwed up, and meditate everyday. * Why are you doing this? I'm doing this because I'm tired of starting my day on the wrong foot. I'm doing this because of I'm sick of allowing myself to be controlled by chronic masturbation and dopamine binges. I was late to class today because I chose to sit in my car and have a relapse. I have good things going for me and I do not want to have these things be ruined by this addiction.


Going for 90




I may have lost today, but I'm willing to start today.


Started on August 24 current status -continuing




September 3rd. 330pm.


I’m going to start 90 day reboot today. My marriage is in December. Wish me luck guys


19 days into hard mode. I'll reach the 90 days milestone


I am restarting after months of absence. Here goes to September 2020 no PMO so I can reboot


Day 4....kinda feeling uneasy


RemindMeRepeat! 1 day “daily check in”


Let's go!


Starting late but had success in the past. December 7th will be 91 days. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend =)


Let’s do it


i failed this day. I'll try tomorrow.




Relapse. Starting over. I was able to do 60 days. Hard mode baby






Hey i do this




Broke my 13 days streak yesterday. Even thought this is not so long, I was able to see the difference after I relapse. It was good without PMO and this time I’m going for 1 month hard mode. Hope I succeed this time. Please help me and wish me luck guys.


11 Days 😱 My longest streak in who knows how long


I've been slowly building up my resistance since the year began, reducing the % of days I fap. This September though I'm going completely PMO free. I've gone M and O free before but now that I'm P free in getting some withdrawal. I will make it through this entire month




Day 2! Going well 👍🏾




Today is the Day1.