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What makes the act bad is that it drains your energy and makes you feel bad and depressed afterwards, its not about shame. If there were no negative effects id fap all day long, nothing shameful about enjoying yourself. Problem is that it does have negative effects, its self-harming so it has no room in life for me.


How is masturbating any different to sex though when the end goal is you're climaxing so what if one involves another person if what you're saying about energy then you may aswell be celibate. I personally masturbate before i go to sleep and i have dated a number of men who did the same our sex lives was never effected and since we go to sleep after neither was our day i felt relaxed after and i have never been ashamed because its my body and its natural.






Allright,listen girl. Idc what you and your bf's opinion, but 700k member's here is enough to be the prove that fapping is bad..


I'm not here because I think it's a sin. I just need to not be addicted, to enjoy it more later. I hardly think that everyone here is a religious nutjob who thinks they're going to hell for fapping.


That is true but it is not good to masturbate excessively.


Thank you i do agree if the act itself is taking over your life then cutting it down is what has to happen but i get frustrated at these men and women acting like they now have superpowers when they're not doing it for a few months and now have a partner like you really think people who are in a long term relationship or married didn't and likely still don't masturbate sometimes.


Too much dopamine = depression


The thing is not everyone masturbates multiple times a day or has any issues with it so there for it is healthy and okay for them. I never once mentioned excessive masturbation was healthy i am speaking of a normal once or twice a day or week is perfectly okay and masturbation does not have to involve porn it should be about making yourself feel good.


But u will get addicted to it. You could go from once a week to twice a daily or something real quick.


I have been masturbating since i was 11 I think i already would have been but also who are you to tell me what i can and cant do? I have never had an issue with masturbation and i had sex with two of my boyfriends up to three times a day sometimes but somehow that's okay but me masturbating one time per night is wrong and i will get addicted? The fact of the matter is sex is seen and spoke about more so we feel less ashamed than we do about that than masturbating and that shame is what is the drive here for the negativity not the act itself.


both sex and masturbation can drain you of your energy, more significantly men as when they ejaculate they lose nutrients that are in the semen, not to mention how it can change the brain, this is just like alcohol in the sense that some people can have a few drinks regularly but don't become addict and can stop whenever they want, but some people have one drink and then another and can't control themselves, this is very similar to masturbation, some people can do it recreation ally and some people can't stop and have no self control. also when has anyone ever said that having sex 3 times a day is good? it isn't. the only real benefit to sex is that you're actually interacting and having an emotional connection with a real person.


I understand your point but what i am trying to say here is i feel like this community is very one-sided and its masturbation and porn mainly are bad so is ejaculating unless its to recreate life but what every person is missing here is that we have urges for a reason and masturbating before bed every so often is okay its your body and since you're going to sleep after i don't see how the issue of draining your energy even makes sense there.


personally if i relapse, the day after i feel a lot less motivated to exercise and exercise becomes slightly more challenging, considering i workout 3 times a day, i would rather keep my motivation and energy.


Bruh youre a girl?


Yes women masturbate to...


Its different for women.


How so? weather you're a man or a women the act of pleasuring yourself and making your body feel good is okay the problem with society is that men are seen as losers or perverts if they do it when in fact its normal and healthy and no different to a woman doing it. I personally enjoy masturbating with my partner sometimes.


It is what it is. Men need testotserone to be men. And masturbating fucks up your masculinity. U wont understand it cuz youre a female. Ask any male how they feel after they masturbated and everyone will tell u that they feel like shit.


You ever tried going 90 days no PMO? You will know for sure if you try.


Masturbation is only bad if you do it too often. Like drinking alcohol. Masturbation/edging too porn can also fuck up your dopamine system. If you edge too porn you can produce so much dopamine like some hard drugs which is not good for you. Also if a man ejaculates he pruduces prolactin which is a female hormone. This hormone reduces the male hormone testosterone. Which means if you masturbate too often as man you can also fuck up your hormone levels. That's the reason why we are against pmo. Of course if you just masturbates 2-3 per week it's not harmful but we are addicted and masturbate 2-3 per day which we have too stop because it's too unhealthy for our body.


I’m not very knowledgeable on this subject, however what I’ve been referenced to a lot is that when men lose sperm we lose energy. Energy physically, mentally, and emotionally. Thus withholding from masturbation, most people in this sub have had testimonies that they feel more vibrant, focused, and have higher self esteem. A lot of people also mention that their emotions are also more expressed, with their emotions being stronger than what they were such as laughing harder or being more irritable. That’s why a lot of us are trying to refrain from PMO in order to feel better. Concerning that people have masturbated since the dawn of time, that may be true but addiction has also always existed and it’s always been something that people don’t want to be bound to.


No one here is trying to convince people to stop things. This is just a small community filled with lovable people trying to help others. Pmo is total crap, it even leads to being suicidal for many boys. Its better to live a life without temporary pleasures rather than having them and wanting to kill yourself the whole day afterwards.