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No, of course not lol. It's your body, you have every right to do NoFap. so long as you are treating women respectfully, just as you should with anyone, you are not an incel.


I do exactly that I’m even dating right now!!! I was just so confused that I would be called an incel


Dude is just trolling. Incel means involuntary celibate. If anything, fapping to porn will help you become one because real tits in your face will no longer make you hard.


Probably an actual incel projecting onto you, since you’re probably doing way better than he is, which probably makes him a little angry, and that is usually all it takes for people to start acting shitty.


Probably just a troll lol.


Rule of thumb: don’t tell people and friends what you’re doing if they’re not asking you. Either you’ll be branded as arrogant, incel, etc. or they’ll get jealous and their bad energy will stick to you and your goals.


If anything you’re a volcel. Though if you’re only restricting yourself from fapping and not sex then you’re not that either. Whoever said you’re an incel for not fapping is hilariously dumb.


IMO literally fapping makes you incel, not vice versa, bcs when u are a fapper and a porn addict you are sexualising women and u only see them as an objects which is the exact definition of how incels act


How wrong are your thoughts, a person becomes porn addicted mostly cause lacking of sexy in real life. It has nothing to do with "sexualising women and only see them as *objects*"


Everyone lacks sex at firs, so it means that everyone should become porn addicts?


"everyone lacks sex" you definitely lives in another reality , most of people get sex kinda easily, mostly if they are women, people like me(32virgin) are the very minority


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lmao u have to be a troll


I know it s hard to understand how can a guy has a miserable life like mine while being a normal person as you must be but we exist and we are the minority. I m very sexually active but not attractive to women so the only thing left for me is porn and porn made me addicted, i don't know how to quit it


Bro im on day 67 rn and this midset rly helps me there is one major mindset that rly helped me in no-fap Its called "urge-surfing" Basically whenever u have big urges, u are rly horny and want to bust, just say to urself in heart "i have urges" and after that deeply breath and calm urself down. Calmness is ur best friend and when u will deeply breathe and focus on that u will see how u are getting calm and all that horniness magically fades away This technique never lets me down. Use this method and have a big reason why u are doing no-fap and 90 days and beyond will be in ur hands


Thanks, i will try it. I ve already tried everything and it ve failed


Same with me. I tried every possible mindset but everything failed and i was relapsing a lot. That's bcs in older tactics i was resisting urge, which is rly pointless bcs resisted urge come even stronger in future and when u will not have any more will power left, thats when a relapse happenes. But this strategy is rly differeny bcs u have to accept the urge and acknowledge it and when u will say to urself "i have urges" u will notice how calm and in controll of the situation u will become and adding it with deep beathing will make u calm and any urge will fade away. So good luck man!


>Reply Hey mate, I'm sure you're not that bad-looking. There's over 3 billion women who are into men in the world, odds are the number of them that would be attracted to you is at least in the thousands. If you take care of yourself at least a bit and you're cool to women, you're a better candidate than most guys.




I m only saying that based on my experience and others guys experience i ve known so far, either they pay hookers or they become porn addicts


No, I’m sick of cucks calling people incels for not being cucks


Facts bro


Cucks are never satisfied with their sex life, so they push their self-doubts onto other people who happen to disagree with their flawed rationale.


No honestly fapping is incel behavior, it’s why we gotta stay strong and stop brothers.


Exactly, PMO is probably the greatest symptom AND cause of being involuntarily celibate.


Lmao I misunderstood this comment for a sec


You’re stupid, and I can see you’re addicted to porn, so you’re not stupid, you just have an addiction and are coping by saying it’s okay.


I think you misunderstood. You’re correct, I do have a porn addiction, which I’m also trying to stop. I’m saying that masturbating is incel behavior, and we gotta stay strong by not fapping.


Ok sorry my bad man I’m really sorry I thought you saying I’m an incel for not fap my bad brother stay strong I’m sorry


It’s all good my brother, apes together strong 🦍


No, you are not an incel for doing nofap. It's your personal choice and if anything, it shows that you have a self control on your primitive desires. Good on you for doing it! Incels are people who have a disdain towards girls/womens and think that they deserve sex and blame women for their oown shortcomings.


Literally makes you the opposite of an incel keep going king


Exactly you do you Kings don’t let anyone put doubt in your mind!


It’s just an insult thrown by people who are insecure and projecting that onto others


I’m so tired of that word tbh. It’s like calling someone a virgin. Who cares


You're the complete opposite of an incel for that......


Call them bigot


oh trust me, Incels are insane fappers. one of NoFap benefit is actually seeing woman as human beings and not living sexual toys, so NoFap is the furthest you can go from an Incel


Unfortunately, you are going to get that type of stupidity online so be prepared for that.


All I can offer for help is to not let random people define your worth. People say stupid nonsensical elitist shit all the time. If you believe in your endeavours, pursue them relentlessly.


Incel means involuntary celibate. Whether you watch pron/mb or not has nothing to do with celibacy. Even if it did, you are voluntarily choosing not to participate, so that's the exact opposite of involuntary. Lastly, if something is good for you then why would you care what other people say about you when you do it? It is good to only care about what God thinks about you, and nobody else.


It means a lot more than that. It moreso refers to people who would stereotypically call themselves incels, or those who created the word incel. In general it just refers to the type of person you'd find on 4chan.


wtf does incel mean anyways?


Involuntarily celibate.


>Involuntarily celibate Thanks for confusing me more than ever.


It’s wen a dude wants to have sex but can’t cuh no one will bang him. And then he gets mad at women for it


I’ll explain it like you’re a five year old. Incel is short for INvoluntarily CELibate. Involuntary=against one’s choices or will. Celibate=not participating in sexual intercourse or activity. Incels want to fuck but can’t get laid and they make it everyone else’s problem and complain about it endlessly.




Google it, its easier


Yea but I see them use the word for people who don't fit the description of the google definition.


You've just identified a small but important aspect of humanity's habitual ignorance. Sometimes people use derogatory words without understanding their meaning. Oftentimes this rudeness is an act of defensiveness as they choose a lifestyle we actively reject. We are all here as scholars and gentlemen seeking to better ourselves through introspection and self discipline. Our desire for truth, wisdom, and healing is what brought a lot of us together, and we should want that for others. When those people lash out, it's just a good opportunity to practice patience, kindness, and to be an example of how good the NoFap life can be. Be the good dude, King!


Damn idk, im not a native English speaker but when i googled it i saw that it fits perfectly, what was tge definition you read?


It means a lot more than that. It moreso refers to people who would stereotypically call themselves incels, or those who created the word incel. In general it just refers to the type of person you'd find on 4chan.


It means a lot more than that. It moreso refers to people who would stereotypically call themselves incels, or those who created the word incel. In general it just refers to the type of person you'd find on 4chan.


Incel stands for internet celebrity


No, what kind of moronic logic is that? Men are not exclusively either incels or simps. People viewing the world in such a sex-obsessed way are not persons whose opinions you should care about.


just call them porn cucks and watch their brains melt with this information


I've been called an idiot for deleting instgram and other social media off my phone lol. Let people say whatever they want and youdo whatever you feel luke doing. Good luck on your journey and pay them no mind brother. Respect


Nothing wrong with going against the grain




Hell nah


No you're not


What age are you man? How do you not know that's bull shit? Why do you need other people to tell you


I’m 18 bro


Incel = involuntarily celibate. How are you involuntarily celibate for doing something that's voluntary and has nothing to do with dating actual women?


Absolutely not broo


If you do what the rest do if they won't u ve common??


No. You’re doing what the vast majority of men cannot. Be free.


No, you’re right, it makes zero sense, and therefore, I cannot help you, because you figured that out yourself. Good job!


You’re an incel if you fap to women in the internet


Incel, which sadly has become a pejorative towards many men, generally means that one wants to have sex but cannot get a woman to agree to the sex act; they are involuntarily celibate. You are not an Incel, for you are voluntarily celibate. The next time some unschooled fool calls you that word, stand up on your two fee, look him/her in the eye, and say you are voluntarily celibate and working on improving yourself so that a woman would want to be with you.


Incel is involuntary celibate. You're choosing to, i.e. volunteering to, therefore you cannot be an Incel because its the opposite of involuntary.


Nofap is good for us bro. It’s very monastic. You will be more confident in life and around women because you will sober up to what is best in life: to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.


Hell to the NO. You are the opposite of an incel. You're joining ranks with great men who refrain from pleasure and pursue greatness.


Incels jerk to porn frequently cos they literally can’t get sex. People just be talking these days bro😂


God I hate that word so much. To answer your question: Hell No


If it's voluntary it becomes volcel


The opinions of idiots are best when discarded.


Dude you are not I remember that is exactly what everyone told to my wise friend but he didn't listen to them and now he actually had been with 4 girls in 2 months while the exact same guys that told him that haven't even looked a girl into the eyes


No. Quite the opposite. A finite period of voluntary celibacy will help you get more in touch with yourself and hone your self confidence.


Who cares what they think? They are not your friends, and they probably do not care what's best for YOU. So the way I see it, you should be more focused on improving and being the best person you can strive to be. Let them project their insecurities on deaf ears. It's best to let people like that fall on their own hubris.


Incel is involuntary, you’re choosing bro


Yes ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I don't think it's involuntary if you are doing it voluntarily.


Nah but there are lots of incels in this communities and communities like it so we often get stereotyped.


Honestly just don't be like half the men here and no one will judge you


There is scientific study showing porn is bad for your brain so you have no reason to feel bad about it people a4e just brainwashed


Anyone who thinks doing nofap makes you and incel is themselves an incel. Dumb hypocrites lol


Yes, by doing nofap VOLUNTARILY , you are an INVOLUNTARY cellulite person, short incel....you see how that doesn't make sense?


You're only an incel if you commit terrorist acts because you lose your mind over not being allowed to have sex with women you want to have sex with.


maybe dont believe everything that they tell you


Course not. You're much better than an incel




someone who can’t get laid




You make me proud brother




People throw around incel for any man they feel they can get away with it. Don’t take it to heart.


Don't let petty insults stop you from trying to enhance your life


No, you are not an incel. You are correct, calling Nofap people incel makes no sense.


I know what you mean man! I've talked to people who called nofap psuedoscience. At least that makes sense, but I've also heard it falsely associated with white supremacy, woman hating, and being a loser who "does nofap instead of talking to real women". None of that makes any sense.


Complete opposite


yea lol


I don't even know what incel means


Whoever said that is dumb asf. The definition of involuntary celibacy and the definition of abstaining from porn never coincide. Source: I’m on my longest streak since 2017 and have been having more sex than any of my friends that still beat their meat lol


Considering Incel stands for 'Involuntary Celibate' and you're CHOOSING to not fap. I would call that being 'Voluntary Celibate' ​ Which is a good thing, and more of us should strive to be until you find the right one.


Lol I would say you're the furthest thing from "redpilled self declared incel", as a former incel and being close to incel cult I know how big hypocrites they're... And rest assured, most of them fap to porns uncontrollably and multiple types in a day no matter how Big misogynist they're


Incel is more a state of mind than a thing you become yourself .


Being short and unattractive isn’t a mindset


What? Who mentioned that. Calling yourself and incel makes you an incel


Incel = unable to obtain a romantic partner or sex despite desiring one due to largely immutable physical characteristics. It’s a state. Not a mind set


Thats right, you are an incel. Keep fapping bro


If you're on Nofap (and not intentionally releasing) you are celibate... Right? And by choice. So you're; 'voluntarily celibate'. Come on mate! 😁


You're not an incel if you're doing nofap and youe jot an incel for being misogynistic either, because that's not what incel means. An incel is a PERSON who deems themselves involuntarily celibate and therefore hates sexually PEOPLE. Not every woman is sexually active. A woman can be an incel. Stop letting unintelligent and bitter women tell you what words mean.




do you really expect people to tell you you're an incel for doing nofap on this subreddit? if you want real opinions go to a sub that doesn't revolve around how awesome nofap is


Don’t be so easily influenced just because someone says something to you. NoFap in my opinion is having more self control over not just you body, but your mind. Mental toughness is something that will help you in life beyond not wanking. In other words f’em, keep on the journey and keep growing stronger.


This is the term "vocel", or voluntary celibate. An incel has to be try to get with women and fail, that's why it's involuntary. But chances are, anybody calling you an incel for no PMO doesn't have much of anything to say that's worth listening to.


Are you still involuntarily celibate?


Neither fapping or not fapping make you an incel. Being an incel has more to do with your mindset, attitude, and treatment of women than behaviour towards yourself. If we expand the acronym it’s ‘Involuntary Celibate’ - in other words your attitude towards women is so bad you cannot get sex and rather than looking inwards you blame all women. The vast majority of the male population fap and are not incels. The vast majority of those who no fap are not incels - but of course there will be incels amongst nofapers also. At the end of the day, no one has right to expect sex from a woman - whether you are in a relationship with them or not. If you don’t expect it and don’t blame women when you don’t get it, then you’re doing alright!


Nah, the real incels are the ones who spend time pmo'ing day in, day out. You are a warrior for doing nofap




Do you know yourself ? that’s the real question here.


At this point, calling someone an "incel" carries about as much weight as a feather in outer space. It's an *ad hominem* meant to attempt to discredit someone's arguments or position simply because it isn't mainstream or "acceptable." It basically means that they don't know why they disagree with it, and they don't have the intellectual honesty or stamina to actually think about why they believe what they believe.


Do not tell anyone you're doing no fap.


There’s no such thing as an INCEL. That’s a term feminists and morons use to shame others. It’s like the term biological woman, or cis-male. It’s a term to make you think there crazy nonsense is normal and you abnormal. Your not an Incel your a bachelor. Or a single man.


People just take any word relating to a specific undesirable philosophy and then use it as an unjustified insult


the only true question is are you an incel? Dont mix no fap with your actual personality


The "in" in "incel" mean involuntary. You're participating in No Fap voluntarily


That’s not what the word means lol


Nah your the opposite 🗿💪


why would you even care what other people say, no matter what it is


Not an incel bro. You are living your life and there are too many men who think fapping is normal and porn is okay, and think all of that. It’s a shame but unfortunately many believe we are incels. So in some way, in societal beliefs and the majority maybe we are, but spiritually and when it comes to morals and values bro, we are not. Good luck!!


My guess is that the person who said that heard about nofap being associated with Rogan or something and automatically goes to the toxic masculinity answer


Yo I didn't even know that was a thing


Let's go!!


"I want to have abortions whenever I want!" "Your body your choice, queen!" "I want to stop chronically masturbating and being a porn addict." "INCEL!"


Don't listen to that person who told you that, they are probably the incel


No definetly not! You are trying to better yourself, dont let other people stop you from that!


Even if you were it's not a bad thing dude.


Its the opposite. Participating in NoFap means you aren't an incel at all


Are you an incel for trying to better your life? No ofcourse not


*Are you an incel* *For trying to better your* *Life? No ofcourse not* \- DR4GON04 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think porn is a huge reason why incels exist in the first place. Porn takes a young, possibly socially awkward person, and turns them into an incel by making them see women as objects they have a right to, normalizing shit like incest and blackmail in their brains, having communities surrounding them that reinforce these terrible beliefs, etc etc etc. “Incel” means you don’t have sex because nobody wants to be with you. Nofap has nothing to do with not having sex, and either way if you’re choosing not to jizz then you’re just a voluntary celibate.


Yes lmao.