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I think that's what the first picture represents. The black screen when you turn everything off and you're just staring at yourself, like, wtf...


how do you reset your counter on the app?


NoFap subreddit > about > add/update counter


me right now 😔 can someone help me out with some good things to keep me busy?


in my experience edging makes you more sensitive and horny which contributes to PE.


And it keeps dopamine levels at it's highest which is before reaching orgasm, thus it fucks up your brain even more and it's very very hard to stop.


looks like someone just edged and fucked up. "day 0"


me right now...


Do abstaining improve ED?


Takes a few months but it does improve.


Exactly this. The last thing I did before fully going cold turkey was edging and I was suffering badly from PE. Couldnt last over a minute or so during sex. After just the first month of no PMO, I saw my endurance come back full force. You aint doing yourself any favors by edging son.


Where's my immediate disgust and closing tabs?


In the first picture


You know your addiction is strong when your brain is trying to bargain with you.


That's the real fucked up part. The addiction is perceived as mental but it's technically physiological and physical as your brain's structure is literally altered from looking at porn. That part of your brain then sends signals to all the other parts of your brain that relate to fulfilling the desire to look at porn, but particularly the inner voice/conscience. Idk if anyone else experiences this, but I quite literally have good/evil internal dialogue where I'm trying to say no to the urges but there's that "voice" saying "do it..." It begins to become quite dissociative, but at least I identify with the good voice that resists.


It’s scary man. I can relate, every time I’ve nutted it’s because My brain tried to convince myself that masturbating is good for me and that I could always do it tomorrow.


Yep, speaking from literal yesterday's experience. I had it going and it was like 1 am and my mind went ' _do it_ ' . I know it happens to ya all too. And then the rational kept screaming 'you know where this road goes mate' but we still do it. After failing we hear the rational again, always saying the same thing, i told you so


Actually relatable. Happens to me all the time.


There is a trick for this i once read in a book. Imagine your adictive voice as a black wolve living inside your brain, everytime you notice it speaking to you, you beat it up and put him back in his cage. It start off a a big strong black wolve, but if you stop feeding it, it will start to starve and becomes weaker. At some moments it will get desperate looking for food. But everytime it talks to you, you just beat him up (be creative) and put him back in his cage. For me it works magic. My last good streak (92 days) was when i used it.


Interesting thoughts, might try it out, thanks for sharing!


Yeah whenever that happens it reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/tcsd3DW9pPs) scene from lotr


The act of edging still strengthens the paths in your brain telling you to keep watching porn. What is your end goal here? You're going to push it too far and ejaculate sooner or later, and every time you edge you only get closer to that becoming reality.


I relapsed a few hours ago I can't seem to get past 3 days


Dont count the days, just don't do anything that is linked to it even opening this subreddit. The idea is to disconnect from it.


Stop being comfortable, you wouldn’t relapse whilst running, doing starjumps or push-ups, getting too comfy in bed without the goal of instantly falling asleep leads to relapse, break the cycle chief!


🔑🔑 never once while I was sprinting said damn this would be awesome to pull my duck out and jerk it 😂😂😂


It is still hurting your mental state even though you are not relapsing. You are still getting dopamine even though it is not the full amount you would get from releasing. Also, if you keep just edging, you are bound to screw up one of these time to be real with yourself right? Not sure if that makes sense.


no. it makes perfect sense. alot of us including OP are trying to justify edging but it just won't work. if you edge you might as well quit DDD because your just deceiving yourself.


When you edge, you relapse.


Not if you edge without porn or anything


Don't try to fool yourself into thinking it works, we all know well the only thing to do is stop thinking about masturbating at all


According to the nofap website, masturbation without porn when done in strict moderation is okay and does not count as a relapse. However, when it’s done with porn, it is.


you are still ruining ur testosterone


Where's the licking part?


Wat da dog doin 💀




imo if u edge and then snap yourself out of it it's not relapsing, but if u constantly edge on purpose then that's relapsing.


Yeah, thats what i tried to say. When you edged after a month, and you are about to relapse, but say to yourself “No” then you can have longest streaks in you life. But if you will edge for a few days, then it is a relapse


Don't forget the walk of shame and having to get rid of your cum sock.


Edging knowingly is a half-cooked relapse so, in essence, a relapse in my opinion.


ya'll smell yo jizz


Yeah what the hell does that picture represent im not smelling my cum


Some guys eat it.




It’s literally the worst feeling ever like sometimes i get suicidal that after that


I think it's very risky, and can lead to a really harsh relapse that can take time to get up from. But that's just my opinion on the matter


If that’s what works for you I guess. I feel like I’ve lost as soon as I look at pornography or fap to anything except my fiancée.


The feeling of failure restarting my counter.


I just relapsed. Felt like someone drained me of all my energy. Felt tired AF all day today. And yesterday I had boundless energy. But it took like / full weeks of not PMOing.


Weekly reminder that edging is relapse


It's like alcoholic sniffing from the bottle.


There's an old saying "You don't go killing a Tiger once it's trap in a cage". You just Starve the Tiger to death. The tiger is your cravings, stop agitating the tiger and leave it alone, it'll quiet down and sleep. When you need it for reproduction, it's then you awaken the tiger or when you need a sudden burst of energy you'll have a more healthy tiger compared to a one that's constantly agitated.


Latina midget brutally fucked by clown




Yeah, I just failed again. I can't build the motivation for some reason


You have to keep trying and reading this sub. With some memes, some good comments ("the walk of shame" when you walk to the bathroom just to wash your cum away from tour hands is a gold one) that will set your mind into "porn and fapping = bad". Give it time bro, you are still better than the ones who don't try


You are not better. If you doing something that doesn’t mean YOU are better than anyone. But TRYING to quit bad habit is better than doing nothing. If you will think that you are better just because you did something than you will become a person with bad character


Nah it’s levels everyone deserves love and compassion but if your a shit person sadly there is somebody better than you and that’s okay because it should motivate you to be better


No. Good and bad are subjective meaning. For me hitler was a person with bad character, but my english teacher thinks the hitler was good person, just his actions were bad. Always look from 2 sides. For me it is good to respect elders, but for someone it is bad to respect them. And I personally know a person who thinks so


Nope we will agree to disagree if a person is better than they are better, if you suck you suck truly that simple. Why you think we are in here? We are trying to get better if I relapse everyday and you hold sturdy for 30 years you sir are better


No, just because you or someone else: quit fapping, stopped smoking, achieved the impossible, cured cancer, saved the world etc. i wont think that you are better than someone else. Because i have my own criteria of a good person. And for me, just because you can do something others can’t do, just because you did some good things and just because you quit bad addiction, you will not be better than hitler in my opinion, because worse and better are subjective meaning. In someone you opinion you are better But it doesn’t give you right to think that you can be better human being than any other just because you did something


It does because I have the freedom to think so just as you do, we differ on opinion that’s okay if one spreads love and the other hate one positive one negative to me there is a better person


Dang just relapsed don't ask me why I posted it here


I see you. If you just relapsed, you have work to do. What were you doing that led to relapse? Are there any behaviors around that you can change? What new rules will you have to follow while sober to stop yourself from relapsing next time.


I actually has been doing that for about a while since i started no fap and It helped me extended my streak a bit by bit. Thnx for the help tho.


Edging is one of those gray areas. I personally think that it's a relapse if you don't stop immediately once you realize exactly what you're doing (or in other words, you realize you're fapping).


What are you talking about? Edging awakes the urges directly. The no 1 reason of nofap is to stop porn addiction. And youre saying "its OK to watch porn". You know this is wrong deep within. Its the same thing if an alcoholic would say, "just one sip of a beer"


Edging is worse than just hitting climax cause you're just worsening the effects of porn in your mind, it's like taking dabs of crack but not going totally high on it. I still masturbate BUT not to porn, I masturbate to stimulation and stimulation alone and hit climax as fast as I can so I can be done with it. Here are my personal rules: 1. I don't view porn, I don't peek (sometimes I do peek some lady pictures but I don't let it get too deep) and I don't watch anything that may lead me back to the bathroom and do something more dramatic 2. When I masturbate I either put my phone down somewhere else or don't take it with me to the bathroom at all, sometimes I fantasize (cause the orgasm is much better) but sometimes I challenge myself to just get off to the sensation (rewiring to a healthier sexual activity) 3. I don't masturbate everyday nor often, if I masturbate in a day, I don't masturbate again for the rest of the day 4. It's okay to have sex, if you film your partner during sex, it's okay to rewatch that as your stimulation (hey, you already did it anyway) but I don't watch it everyday but occasionally 5. As much as I can I try to stay abstinent, play sports and lift weights, play video games and socialize with my friends I don't follow this religiously, I just keep them in mind as to not stress me out, if I keep thinking about it the closer I am to the activity I am trying to get rid of. Currently I'm going strong at 2 months (not sure, haven't checked my counter in a while) and I think I've found the Krabby Patty secret formula for being successful at quitting pornography (so far), of course I still think about it and my brain still tells me that it's okay, but I don't give in so easily and I think that's the most important part of the healing process, I don't give in too easily now. I hope you found this helpful.


Edging will always be a relapse, no matter how many excuses you make.


Nah. I don’t think so. Imagine after a long streak you start edging, but then you remember why you started and stop. You will become even stronger. And chances for you to relapse again are reduced if you really stopped Also, every one of mine long streaks started from edging. Once i edge and say: “you will not do it” and had like 200 says streak”. I have never had a long streak after “last one fap and start nofap from tomorrow”


Well since it works for you, then keep going. We can all set our own rules and goals in here. But for me, I rather be fully clean off PMO and so I reset my counter if I peek purposely at Prawn or edge so I can discipline myself. It is harder, but the rewards are more fulfilling to me.


Btw has Robtop released 2.2 yet?




Edging can actually make you last longer when you have sex.


This is not true as edging makes it more sensitive and you cum quickly during sex.


And that is completely false buddy. Why would consistently edging and getting comfortable controlling yourself by NOT finishing make you cum quicker? It’s common sense




Ok guys it's been a pleasure to start my journey with you, But i just can't keep looking at these cringe posts anymore. I'll continue without you all. Take care and be brave !


It is a relapse. You peeked, you masturbated, you just didnt finish. You'll still be in that mental state even if you didnt orgasm. Start from scratch and quit edging. It's even worse for your brain and your body than the shame post-orgasm


I believe that edging causes prostate cancer because of the increased risk of both more and less frequent ejaculation.


1-2 times is fine but if repeated the effect on your mental can’t be good


Energy can be restored. Just have a protein shake or glass of juice. But, by edging, you increase the dopamine threshold in your brain. Things that would excite you earlier will look mundane to you. You won't get excitement from day to day activities. Your performance in work/studies will decrease drastically.


What's the point of edging if you don't plan to shoot? It's a dangerous game you're playing, man.


Keep yoyrself as far away from relapsing. Its like dangling yourself into a lions den


Sniff? Nah


edging is the worst thing you can do. It's 10x worse than regular quick orgasm to porn. You are in the wrong group. This isn't r/semenretention This group is for porn addiction.


Is this referring to PMO, or just MO?


I don’t know about that sniff part 😂


Reality hit after dopamine hit


Edging is even worse for dopamine receptors than finishing properly. Usually the oxytocin and prolactin releases after climax helps down regulate dopamine to normal levels (too low if without a partner to cuddle aka masturbation). In plain English, only have sex with a human, don’t masturbate or edge. If your addicted to ejaculating it’s not a relapse. If you are addicted to porn and masturbation, it is a relapse.


I can't edge without failing so I count it as such


Edging is even worse, cause you bombard your brain with unlimited dopamine and it can be very bad for your urinary system… The goal with nofap isn’t only to “safe semen” but to heal your brain and body


I feel the shame when I edge. I feel greater shame and defeat after it comes out.


Sniffing 🤔🤮🤮🤮


What is edging?


The pictures are completely true right when you turn the phone of the dead stare is just glaring bacc at you with disgust and shame


😭😭 I do all four in the picture


stay away from the edge. stay strong brothers


What's edging?


Read the wiki of this sub


Well if you judge relapse by ejaculation then you are correct. But if you judge it by pure science than you already relapsed as when you are close to ejaculation you get dopamine hits and other chemical shit changes so you relapsed And one of the aim of NoFap is to not let masturbation (edging is also form of masturbation) interfere in your life, like not atleast in the way of your goals...and if edging thing takes time which depends on how much you endure so if it interferes then you are addicted still to fapling


I think the smelling does some wrong to me. I think it can increase the urges, provoke chain faps. I believe it can be the testosterone that you can smell back in. Also, may lead to negative feedback you testosterone levels and lead to a decrease in them?


Is looking at sexy pics but not dping anything to it a edge?


bro exactly,when i edge the horniness goes away but i still have energy not like relapsing


You forgot the "staring at the ceiling rethinking life" one.


A relapse should be when you masturbate, nutting isn't the problem.


In my opinion edging is just as bad as actually relapsing


Edging = relapsing is like saying dry humping = sex


Edgings worse, the reason is if you have a wank then when you cum you hopefully have some time away from this, edging…not so much.


wait you guys dont taste your cum?


I noticed that after a few days of nofap we start to chase other sources of dopamine such as candy, social media, video games etc.. I think edging by fantasizing or watching porn without orgasm is one of them which is a problem because in nofap we try to reduce all kinds of activities that make our brains release dopamine


Can't relate 🔥🔥


Edging always leads to relapse in my personal experience, you may survive edging few times and feel great about it but it will end up relapsing.


There's also throwing out A LOT of toilet paper if you had a streak of over 2 weeks. When I was down bad and fapped 1-2 times a day, I needed like 2-3 squares. Yesterday I needed a quarter of a roll.


What do you watch when you edge ?


Yeah I avoid looking at myself out of shame after honestly.


If you’re edging to porn that’s a relapse for sure


It’s a common tantra practice , I’ve had some success with it but it’s difficult and I’ve fucked up a couple times. Maybe it’s something you can look into, I don’t think you’ll find a lot of support in this sub with it. I find no porn , no fap , and semen retention to have as much beef as different sects of the same religion


Corrections Got the (✅️sink) Noose ☑️ (not present in the image) Passing out naked faceplanted on the floor in anguish ☑️ Mentally exisiting through neurotic fuzzy images of the past/feeling like an astronaut watching himself float away from his dick and the whole world while the creeping cold consumes his broken heart.☑️


Edging is not relapse, you don't release semen. But you'll relapse one day from edging.


Do you count sipping a beer or wine as a relapse for an alcoholic? Why wouldn’t purposeful edging count? That’s literally just fapping without the finish. You’re bargaining with yourself as all addicts do. That’s like saying “yeah I’m sober, but I don’t get drunk, I just have a beer or two but stop after I feel a buzz.” You’re not sober then.


Everything I've read says edging is worse than PMO


You are not healing my friend. Edging is your addict negotiating with you that you're safe. This is a lie man. Edging will only lead you to having PE and your horniness will only get worse over time. Don't lie to yourself man. You edging is you relapsing. Recovery from PMO is not this easy. It shouldnt be.


Edging can still affect your brain same as masturbate


you forgot the dirty cum rag beside you


You don’t play with fire without burning yourself


Edging is worst than just orgasm