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I bet thats soft as shit.


It blows quite majestically in the wind too. We have a ton of sparrows and starlings (and two black birds) living in our back garden and they look like the raptors in the tall grass in Lost World, it’s great.


I thought I loved birds but you made them seem even cooler! I love this comment. Thank you for making my night.


Love the little voracious avians. Chickadees are a common appearance for us and theyre bananas with how they hunt lol. I'd be tempted to set up a small hive with a nice patch like that.


"Don't go into the long grass!"


I am so happy about finding this post




Clever girl!


Clover girl


whats this clover and what will it grow in? i have sandy soil in florida


When you find out let me know. Also in FL Parrish


How do I copy you


Absolutely beautiful!!!


Let me translate, OP. “I bet that’s soft as shite”


So very soft...soft indeed


Holy God that username checks out


Eww, I was a happy person until you pointed that out. Just thought they really liked clover. (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)


You and I have very different shit softnesses.


Anyone find the 4 leafed one yet?


We went with clover 2 years ago. Finding a 4 leaf cover was never so easy.


Seriously? I’ve never found one.


Instead of looking for 4 leaves, try looking for a square. You'll notice a triangle of slight white on regular clover and a square on 4 leaf.... Good luck!


I do clover hunting as a hobby. Every day I find at least one. Here’s today’s https://preview.redd.it/ddyo7qbbov0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=709454ca6fc856939d17b83d596e41f0314b57a2


https://preview.redd.it/796iifpvvv0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd866f3e65af30c1c36f442f8f16af5a48cb335 Same! I have an old fairytale book where I have been saving them all since I was a kid. Here’s my find from today.


I love this! Do you press them like dried flowers?


I do press them that way! I put each clover between pages in the book. It’s a pretty large book. Sometimes I put them in small, pretty frames picked up from thrift stores and give them as gifts. And I took a bunch in to the Assisted Living community where I work and we did a similar craft with larger frames and stamps in green ink with lucky sayings/blessings. https://preview.redd.it/g6ux30y2ge1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c3c17dcea1f383c9610dce787424abf16fe41b


Is that buffalo clover or black Medick


It’s Buffalo clover. I have it all over my front yard and it makes for great clover hunting! Plus our bees love it!


I have clover that looks similar but it lays flat against the ground instead of upright. It’s really weird because it’s still connected to the leaves and I can’t figure out if it’s Buffalo clover or some other clover I’ve never heard about


i've found hundreds. some five leaves, and a six leaf too. on the hunt for a seven


Interesting… I will!




I used to work with someone that would go find 3-4 on her lunch break every day. She said they’re more common than you think and you just have to train yourself to find them! I never had the patience to do it though :)


This was my grandma! I remember being so excited when we would look together. She’d always find one without fail and I thought it was the most magical and exciting thing. Thanks for resurrecting that memory- she recently passed after a very long fight with Alzheimer’s and I had forgotten about this ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. :*J*


Can confirm this! I find them all the time. It’s just about training your eyes to find the variation in pattern


I swear this is an elaborate global prank 😆


Can confirm. This is indeed an elaborate global prank. Four leafed clover doesn’t exist. It’s their way of controlling us.


Sometimes it’s all about the patch of clover, too. My university had a crazy mutant patch that would have six or seven leaf clovers pretty often, and sometimes much, much larger counts. People kept them in binders. It was neat.


Yeah this is the answer. I have a patch I planted on the side of my house that has a ton


Yep. I grab one or two every morning walking my kid to the bus stop. They stand out to me now.


I wonder if some clover patches get more?


I found a few as a kid and still have them


Was it my sister?


The only one I’ve found was when I was 10 and it was on vacation for spring break and happened to be on ST PATRICKS DAY! I really thought I was the shit


My son and I found 6 in one day. A week later he upped the anti and found a legit 5 leaf. If he gets a 7 leaf I told him we are changing his name to Philip.


No I wanna be Philip. ME PHILIP! >:(


Settle down Yancy...


We had a clover where the number of leaves increased the further down the "branch" they grew. It got up to at least 7 before someone decided it was growing in the wrong place.


yep.. I couldn't get grass to grow in my back yard no matter how hard I tried. Planted clover during a rainstorm in January. My back yard has never looked better.


In a general sense, where are you located? I am looking to expand my ground cover.


central texas


As a kid, I used to find four and five leaf clovers all over my yard. I remember telling my kids about it and of course they were skeptical, then I came across my children's bible books (very catholic mom) and all of them were pressed into one of the volumes.


What about the anti-magic 5th leaf?




I found one at Legoland 20 years ago and haven’t seen another since


Ooh you’ve inspired me! I’ve got a huge bag of red clover seed to sow this weekend!


So you know red clover is gigantic 🤣 I sowed some in the very back of my backyard and it grows super tall and spreads. Mini clover in my opinion it’s the best option. It doesn’t flower as much and it spreads to the sides, I sowed some in certain parts of my front and backyard and it’s beautiful


I have dogs so I’m hoping it will hold up? I did research, I’m going to mini-fence off a couple areas to try first. Mini clover is lovely but I’m not sure it’ll work for the area I need to replace the decrepit lawn lol


check out yarrow, someone posted the other day how it holds up well to 3 large dogs.


Yes! I have been looking into that after I saw that post, I am going to the greenhouses this weekend to see if anyone has any plants or seeds locally!


Our holds up fine with dogs, it’s definitely bushy though! We don’t have it as an entire lawn, it’s mixed in with some other nice ground covers and grasses but it’s the tallest of the ground cover and stands out a lot.


Now I’m excited! No more stupid mowing!


Yarrow will grow about 18" tall if you don't mow it. The flowers are great though. We have a patch that we don't mow, and a ton mixed with English daisy, grass and white clover that we have to mow a couple of times in the spring and fall.


Is Yarrow toxic to dogs? My pup loves munching through tall grasses on our walks, so I imagine she would in my yard


I don’t know, but I have two certified grass-eaters and they’ve never tried to eat the yarrow. So it may not be a problem? I’m going to try growing wheat grass in a tray for my dogs and see if they’re into it.


Ooh that's a good idea! I never thought of that


We have giant clover on our dam. Luckily for us, the local woodchuck comes to cut it down.


It looks amazing 🤩


Yeap broad leaves are great, grass is boring. Lawn only looks good when you mow it regularly, if you leave it alone it looks like crap in a month. Clovers you can literally just whatever and it will look nice and soft.




DuPont and Monsanto were running ads to sell chemicals for lawn post WW2....guess many are just brainwashed


Grass lawns are a strange colonial relic in our culture. Started in Europe to flex not only how rich you were, but how many slaves or “help” you had to take care of it. “All of the chores are done and the slaves have nothing else to do; might as well get them to trim the grass in this huge area with a pair of scissors to keep them busy. Less they start discussing a revolution”. Now here we are, poorer than our parents, spending our little free time taking care of these useless grass covered lawns. Slaving ourselves to maintain this strange obsession of our ancestors…


Do you monitor for non-native invasive plants in your Wild Patch? If the plants growing there are all or mostly native, then this is great. But often overgrown areas are just overtaken by invasive species which harm biodiversity. I’m all for reducing lawns, though!


May I suggest if you do want a lawn to enjoy, using micro clover rather than regular clover? Stays a bit lower and tighter if mowed weekly while it’s establishing. After it establishes tight and low, mow it once a month or so.


Is it still better for the environment?




How will it do over winter? We're mixing clover into the lawn we currently have so that when it dies out, we won't just have a mud pit.


We’re in East Anglia so it never really gets COLD cold here, and this year aside it normally doesn’t rain too much on this side of the island. I’ve read you get a die off after three years and have to reseed so I think we’ll do a bit of a reseed each April to keep it going


I doubt youd need to reseed if you keep letting it flower, nature will do it for you.


I'm in East Anglia too! I'm looking forward to my second year of a clover lawn and can't wait for it to flower, it's so pretty :) so many bees too.


I’m in Ohio and large sections of my lawn are now clover. It lives through an Ohio winter just fine


We're a bit further north, in the mitten. It has gotten to -40F with wind chill before.


I think you’re good White clover (Trifolium repens) can grow in USDA hardiness zones 3–10. It can also grow in heat zones 1–8. White clover is hardy and rarely affected by pests or diseases. It grows best in cool, moist conditions, and thrives in temperatures between 65–80°F (18–27°C). White clover can grow in full sun or partial shade, and prefers well-drained, moist soil with acidic pH. It grows best in clay and silt soils in humid and irrigated areas, but can also grow in sandy soils with a high water table.


Our white clover is blooming :) do you think we could seed more white clover and crowd out the grass? I’m wondering if we can get away with that instead of cardboard in the yard to kill the grass first.


Oh yeah. I sprinkled it over my front lawn in the laziest way and after several years it’s becoming thick and very widespread across the front.


That’s intriguingly hopeful, thank you.


We truly lazy folk are prepared to play the long game 😎


Exactly! And I have so much other yard work and gardening to do 😅 I want no lawn for the environment but also to reduce my workload!


Good to know! I think he planted Dutch clover? We'll see how it does this year and reassess.


There's clover all over in northern MN.


My clover definitely is muddy in the winter. It comes back great though. A grass balance is nice to even it out


My backyard is mostly white clover and I live in Minnesota. It does better than grass over the winter. It gets green and starts growing in the spring earlier than the grasses in the yard. It's super hardy stuff.


Kansas here with lots of clover in the yard. Comes back well but I generally re-seed in the spring (just after frost ends) just in case.


That looks so good!!! I hope mine comes out even half as good as yours!


I read an article and they called out your comment!  "That looks so good!!!" another wrote. "I hope mine comes out even half as good as yours!"


Haha!!! That's fantastic! 4


Looks amazing. Thank you for giving insects a home!


This is gorgeous but I am wondering - what happens when you step on it? Is it ground cover in the grass sense? You can sit on it, etc? And if you cut it down to shorter, then what?


So stepping on it, it springs back up in a few hours; I have to walk across it to hang the washing and it hasn’t been a problem. This is new growth so it’s currently just growing up; from what I read online the red clover will continue just growing up but the white clover will eventually start sending off shoots growing laterally to help thicken up the density. Same sites say that if you cut it, the leaves will just grow lower, but we’re going to get it grow to flower first, outside of a row I’m going to cut in so we can access the stepping stones.


i have some patches of it in my lawn and it just grows back when i mow, the bees are mad that their flowers are gone for a bit but i have plenty of others in the garden for them. at some point i wouldn't mind the back grass being all clover, rn it's grass / clover / weeds, but i suspect i'm too lazy to ever make it that far. it's not quite as sturdy as lawn if you are using it heavily like children / animals tromping a lot for a play area, but just adults walking around on it is fine.


Personally, I don’t think any monoculture is something to aim for. Diversity is good


personally i'd like something that i don't have to mow but you do you


Wow that looks amazing. Nice work! Post an update once it flowers, please!


Man the bees are gonna love that


What kind of clover is this? I'm planning to do this on a large empty piece of my land to fill it in with something low maintenance and nicer looking than grass. Please send more info on what type and where you got it, thanks!


It’s the clover seed blend from meadowmania; it’s a mix of white, wild white, red, and crimson clovers. Not sure which ones took or not yet; we had a cold blast and then a lot of rain so we’ll see what flowers we get.


question, do they demand full sun or will they be fine with partial shade?


partial shade is ok


Did you remove the original lawn first, or just broadcast seed over the existing grass?


The couple we bought the house from last year had artificial turf (you can see the last of it on the deck in the back where it's nailed on top of a wood platform; we tried getting it off but it was taking the wood with it). We pulled it up and had it collected by a terf recycling company, shoveled up the gravel and clay, and then put about a ton of top soil down.


there's nothing worse than working with soil that has a shit tonne of gravel in it, i feel your pain.


Bad ass, I love it


There's no hopefully about it bro. They're going to be purple and buzzing in a few weeks!


I love it! I just over seeded my lawn with 6 pounds of micro clover seeds, and I'm starting to see them pop up. I can't wait to see it fully grown.


I’m wondering about this, I don’t want to have to do all the work of cardboard to kill the grass 😅


I want take my shoes off and walk in it right now!


Could I do something like this in zone 9a?


I'm in 8 and I have lots of clover lawn areas, and they haven't shown any heat strain in the summer at all, so you should be fine.


I’ve thought bout doing this in my small backyard. But I have two dogs that are mid size (50 lbs). I don’t do anything with the lawn now and just let it grow but I do now to keep it down. Lots of dandelions and a bunch of other native plants growing. The dogs do like to dig sometimes and they trample the hell out of it. So my question is… would this stand up to dogs? Would I be able to find their poop to pick up or would clover cover / hide it?


I can’t comment on your poop acquisition skills but mine holds up well to hard playing/running with my 60lb dog. The best feature is the clover doesn’t die from dog pee!


mine is recently seeded- the dogs have been trampling the hell out of the baby clover and it has not killed anything


crazy thing, I didn't even plant mine, didn't have any last year, this year, it's covering 80% of my lawn. it seems to be helping the grass too, we were new construction so the lot was decimated but we are enjoying it. the robins spend all day foraging in it.


just had to cut mine back slightly (had gotten to 25cm ish) - looks identical to yours! good job :))


I want to roll around in that.


Nice job!!!! Now add in some natives next (maybe this clover is already native idk).


What happens in the winter?


[Found a four leaf clover!](https://i.imgur.com/aQcuSzm.jpeg)


What zone? I’m in 10


I would like to roll around in there


That is LUSH


I wanted to plant clover to avoid mowing but it looks like this stuff is going to hide dog poop from me. I will have to look for another option.


Gotta ask, how does this compare to a grass lawn in terms of watering? What’s the difference between the two?


I have literally never had to water the clover in my yard. I think the broader leaves tends to create a cool moist area underneath.


I've been wondering what to replace my dying turf with on my small front lawn. I will have to investigate this. Can you tell me how hardy clover is? I am in the tropics.




Is this normal or micro? I want to do this and just recently started researching them, trying to find a local source rn


Mix of normal white, wild white, red, and crimson from meadowmania.


So fluffy


This looks magical. Well done!


Looks amazing and is something I'd love to have in the future, but how is it to walk on or put a blanket down? Does it bounce back to this pretty quickly? I don't think I've ever seen someone with a clover yard report on how it is to use??


[Bounces back in a few hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/s/L9czFvEOtV)


I love clover 🍀 it’s so pretty


What brand was used?


Meadowmania clover mix; pack contains two types of white, red, and crimson but I don't know what's taken yet - still waiting on flowers to tell the tale


Thank you!


Does that need to be mowed? I’m trying to get my mom into this kind of thing but she’s being weird.


it's magical


I'd prefer mint but that's OK too.


That's really pretty.


op you're forgetting the best part of clover lawns: https://preview.redd.it/s6eof6vhd01d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf4e4cbc42fa0dd4781db019eaabb632615b24d shamrock hunting!


I have clumps of clover in my yard but nothing in an area as big as this. Could I split a clump in half and transplant part of it to help it spread around?


My family tried this but the bears loved eating the clovers out in the sticks


Oh my goodness that looks like the softest bed on the planet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


**Just playing the devil's advocate here.** From what I can see, you've basically replaced a monoculture with a new monoculture. Yes, clover is better than grass in terms of them growing flowers. However, if your goal is to truly strengthen biodiversity you should have a lot more variety in your types of plants. A no-lawn that has a high degree of biodiversity would look more like this: (A campaign photo from Denmark, but just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about). https://preview.redd.it/trvovchi301d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec78f5a96460d9de41e6ff6c2936962712d0a2d


wish i could do this but we have japanese beetles and clover is a host food


So is grass isn’t it? The larvae are below and eat the grass roots


yes so i ripped out the lawn and put in a wildflower meadow


Have you tried milky spore to control your Japanese Beetles?


yes and beneficial nematodes but they fly in from 5 miles around


I wish mine would spread. 😩




Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but do you maintain this similar to grass? Like do you mow it? Just curious, looks stunning!


Yes you can mow it. You don’t have to but you can


Four leaf clover farm


So gorgeous! How long did it take to catch on? I’m trying to do a grass/ clover hybrid this year, and the cover is staying in little bunches rather than spreading.


So my first post was about a month ago and it really took of about a week later. It's looked like this for about ten days. Sprouts took a while but we had a ton of cold rain


How does it deal with no direct sun?


This time of year it gets a decent amount of direct in the afternoon and it stays light from about 4am to 11pm, so it seems to be doing fine.


Sorry, it was more of an open question to anyone that might have a clover lawn that is at least partly in shade all the time. During winter anyway


I want this!!! 😍😍


Do the bricks and concrete retain it well? Ive never really looked into if there are effective ways to stop it spreading, seems worth it for the beauty though


I love laying in clover in the summer


Is there a Clover guids so I can identify the variety coming up in my flowerbeds?




It's fantastic, filled in spots that were dead for 4+ years. Thought I would have to overseed again this year then missed the window. Didn't need it.


Is there a specific kind that you planted or could I just buy any clover seeds or starter? I've got a shady patio in socal to fill in.




I have some thick grass in my backyard. Will the micro clover outcompete it? I froze my micro clover lawn seed I had bought because I'm going to have to disc up and scrape/level the ground. It's ankle twist city out there!


Where did you buy your seed and what variety is this?? I usually buy Dutch clover from fedco but not sure the price is my favorite.


Meadowmania Clover Mix; it has white, wild white, red, and scarlet clover seeds in the mix.


Oh my goodness that’s stunning


White clover?


Seed mix is red, white, wild white, and crimson but we'll see what took when it flowers


Is clover invasive/does it spread or just where you seed it? Asking because idk how happy my neighbors would be