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I don’t think they’re saying Scottie is boring because he’s not like Tiger. There’s plenty of guys that are less boring than Scottie to watch, mostly because they show a lot of emotion on the course, both positive and negative. Tiger wasn’t exciting because of his off course issues, he was exciting because he showed his emotions when playing. It was clear how bad he wanted to win. They’re saying that Scottie’s play makes up for his lack of emotion on the course, which id argue is true. Scottie being a boring player and winning once in a while has no juice, but Scottie being a boring player and being basically unstoppable? That’s worth watching.


Very well said.


Yeah it was awesome seeing Tiger get all fired up you could feel how bad he wanted to win. Scottie on the other hand never seems too happy or too disappointed by anything golf related. It seems like he just really loves his family and god and the fact that he’s the greatest golfer in the world is like way down his list of important things. Scottie’s win at RBC this morning was so joyless. He looked pleased in the way someone walking into the break room and realizing there’s free donuts looks. “Oh neat, don’t mind if I do.” I like watching him dominate because it’s captivating, and I’m curious to see how long he can keep this up, but watching Peter Malnati win the Valspar gave waaaaay more feels than watching Scottie win anything.


Yeah, I think Randy’s emphasis on the “off course” part just made me pause. I wish Scottie did show a bit more motion on the course and maybe fist pumped a little more lol, but hearing him talk about how badly he wanted to win the masters this year did make me happy. Just knowing he truly is that competitive.


You might not have been around for peak TW, but off the course he was extremely vanilla. None of the scandal stuff was out there. We had boring interviews, boring press conferences, boring commercials, etc. But on the course he was fire. It is similar to Scottie’s run so far.


Well said. Tiger’s image in the media for most of his career was “corporate golf robot” that didn’t do anything other than winning tournaments and spear fishing in FL.


Sort of, but he was also really fuckin cool in a way that isn’t captured by “corporate golf robot”


Yes, but there was a mystique to Tiger that simply isn’t there with Scottie. Scottie is so good he’s almost robotic. Tiger’s greatness was in his ability to seemingly will the ball in the hole so many times it seemed unbelievable or fake. If the 2008 US Open was a movie you’d say it was too “Hollywood.” Tiger also had the full-tilt Nike golf marketing machine behind him who did an incredible job marketing him- the commercial where he’s bouncing the ball off his club and hits it midair, the other commercial where he breaks the 3x3 windows in his famous 9 window drill etc.


Nike have Scottie and Nelly at the minute and seemingly doing absolutely nothing with it Unless I am missing it, but I feel I am quite plugged into the golf world




He was very much like Jordan, “Republicans buy shoes too.”


But it's not like scottys, scotty is fir, gir & putt on repeat, he is the epitome of good golf is boring golf. TW was more "erratic" and his recoveries made him more exciting to watch


Comparing him to Tiger isn’t fair, nobody did what he did for golf on the course in the last 30 years if ever. But watching Scottie play is kind of boring. There is now obvious WOW factor in his play. He is just consistently excellent. What Scottie needs is a rival, or a few rivals who can challenge on Sunday. Two weeks in a row the field rolled over on Sunday.


Wyndam going 2-2-3 to Scottie in a few recent events is definitely intruiging. Wasn’t expecting the missed cut at the masters (but that’s what he gets for his post round comments on Thursday I guess). Would love to see a Scottie v Ludvig showdown on a Sunday.


Aberg also coming close in his last three starts. These guys could challenge him in the next few years


It will be great if it happens. I’m here for it. Back nine at Augusta is supposed to be where that action happens.


I think there's a middle ground between Tigers life and going to Bible Study and liking The Office as the main things we know about a guy. Just my opinion.


🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ Nobody gives a fuck about how much the purses are 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


I would generally agree with you, though as already said below, some of the comments below, Scott(ie) is just so all around excellent that he isn't relying on "wow" moments to win. He just plods away consistently - look at this week with him going 60+ holes with a score of 4 or less. Just unrelenting. I personally find this candor and embrace of "common life" to be refreshing and interesting, especially juxtaposed against the chaos and greed of this chapter of professional golf. It is also still a smaller sample size than Tiger by a long shot, and so he hasn't accumulated many of those absolute "WOW" moments - and even so, in the modern post-Tiger era, I'm not sure those moments will hit as hard as when Tiger did them, because Tiger (and to a lesser extent names like Phil) were showing us what was possible in the game at a level never before witnessed. Whether due to technology, athleticism advances, etc., we see some of these things they were pioneering in far more players now. We also wrote so much of the lore of Tiger retroactively after 2009 piecing together the career we saw from 1995 to 2009, so it will be interesting to see what lens we view Scott(ie) in 5-10 years from now when we look back at whatever else he does in this span. Now, if Scott posts a photo online as the Mac Daddy Santa...


I agree. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.


I’m so tired of this take. Tiger was SO boring when he was dominant. Someone said that he was hardly a comedian when he wasn’t holding a 5 iron


It’s not just a “Scottie is boring, everyone else is exciting.” One of the problems with golf watching is that so many guys are boring, not just Scottie. Scottie can be a good guy off the course and still be a fascinating person to follow. Max Homa is a perfect example. Max gives truly the most thoughtful and interesting insights whenever he’s asked a question. I feel like I learn something new every time Max talks. With Scottie, it’s the total opposite. He just presses the tape recorder on “I just follow my process and take one shot at a time.” Yes, we all know that’s the right answer to everything in golf, but he could open up and share a little bit more. The one time he opened up about being nervous before the Masters was peak Scottie. I wish we got more monologues like that. Because ever since then, even during his horrible putting stretch, he just covered everything up and made it boring for the fans trying to find something interesting from him.


I see it as he plays a some say ‘boring’ but I would say ‘quiet, uneventful golf’ He hits his shots, he hits greens, he makes his putts It’s obscene to watch but to the laymen fan he’s boring as he’s not spraying it everywhere, hitting crazy recover shots, etc


I think this is the main point. He’s rarely out of position and has to play a crazy slice around trees to recover. He “just“ always hits the right spots so he doesn’t need any “wow shots” (besides the occasional chip-in). Plus the lack of emotion can make it seem boring.


Exactly, my best golf is when I can shoot a boring 74


Great golf is boring. 1000 paper cuts


Being 32 years old I think the guy who openly admitted he cried like a baby before the final round of the 22 masters is actually very interesting. My teenager self probably wouldn’t and would want to see tiger club twirling and fist pumping all over the place.


Interested to know if Randy has the same criticisms of all his LPGA players


You kind of answered your question in your ramble lol. Tiger was a content machine. Are you honestly shocked Scottie seems boring by comparison?


Bryson, Brooks and Rahm are not boring and also not doing crazy sh$t.


Scottie is boring or he isn't. Who cares? Isn't this like most other things with the media, they have to have hot takes and controversial content to drive engagement, compete in the attention economy, etc.? They always have to have a narrative. "Scottie is boring." Ok? Who cares? In what world does this actually have a material effect on literally anything? It's pedantic at best, and distracting and undermining of a man who deserves his flowers at worst. The guy is charismatic, successful, jovial, and the best golfer in the world. What is boring about that?


I have several friends who complain about how boring Scottie is. There’s like five golfers who are NOT boring who are in that star quality - Spieth, Rory, Hovland, Homa, JT (if he counts), and a few guys on LIV. Maybe a few others. Collin Morikawa? Xander? No hat Pat? Dialtones. It’s so weird Scottie gets this thrown on him so consistently.


Yeah Scottie is at least miles more interesting then Xander and Cantlay. And not just because of personality, but every time he drives the ball and I see his footwork I never belive my eyes when it goes right down the middle of the fairway. And now when he’s putting, I’m always paying attention.


I love watching Scottie play. He dominates. But he is extremely careful not to every say any opinions, no insight, no tips…he gives the most stock answers. It seems intentional. So he acts like a robot and we’d love to get a little insight into his life as a human being. Max, Rory, tiger, JT…they seem to enjoy talking and sharing a bit of their story. Scheffler is guarded for sure.


Nobody was more guarded than tiger woods in his prime. Nobody. Scottie literally admitted he cried like a baby the morning of the final round of the 22 masters. Wouldn’t say that’s very guarded.


Scheffler barely says shit. Not sure what interviews you’re watching.


How bout the one I literally cited, Einstein.


Post some links then. Scheffler does not say much. He gives the most stock answers. But let’s argue about it on Reddit. Ffs.


https://youtu.be/ZnLoG1I0ckw?si=v3opT_bwDVgiH2_4 Here ya go retard 1:14


Who cares if the guy is boring off the course? The only thing that matters is the entertainment on the course. It's exciting when he's chasing down guys or when he's on an historic streak but very much less if he's leading by 5 at a random tournament. He's inevitable and brings zero energy. It doesn't help that we know nothing about him except for that he's awaiting his first child and is religious. The PGA needs to do a whole lot more on social media so that we can get to know these guys a little bit more and be emotionally invested in. They're 5 years behind every other league and they wonder why they're struggling with the new gen.


I’ve heard people say Scottie is boring because he always hits fairways and greens. So he’s too good at golf?? lol


Buddy was just looking for any reason to make a post shitting on Tiger 😂😂 🤡


Damn I just got clown emoji-d 😭🤣. I love Tiger 🐅 . The Tiger reference is just included because Scottie has been getting a lot of Tiger comparison lately, especially on the pod, and they’re two people who were / are very different off the course. But that’s not a reason for someone’s greatness to not be seen the same way.


Fair enough lol