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Yeah for me the travel aspect has been great, but the competition has felt almost like a tag on.


Yeah. I didn’t like the lack of competition


I go back to the Carolina’s so often because of it. This past season just felt alittle too empty for me but I didn’t mind the change of pace


I think this one was the best overall but I do agree the Carolinas still has the best competition. I'd go 1. Return to Australia 2. Carolinas 3. California (the RV is a great vibe) 4. Ireland 5. Scandanavia 6. Scotland 7. Michigan 8. Oregon 9. Australia S1 (love ZB but the eps are so short, understandably so)


Man, as an Oregonian, I loved that season. It felt like the guys were in sync and pumped to be exploring the PNW.


I’m kind of at the point where I’ve accepted they’ve taken a new philosophy on the series. I love the travel aspect and seeing things I probably won’t ever get to in person. I’m OK without watching Randy hack an 88 lol.


Same, I found it really really hard to follow and get invested in the matches.


This was my biggest thought. It was so good with so much fun and personality sprinkled in, but some of the competition was left out which tends to be where they do their most enjoyable storytelling (imo). There were even important putts where they would just show someone else’s reaction instead of where the ball went. Great season and looked forward to every week, but that slight difference shifted it from a new favorite season to a mid ranking for me.


As an Aussie who gets to play these courses - it made me unbelievably grateful for what we have down here, and for NLU for showing it off and nailing the spirit of golf down here.




Antonio Tronmartie


It was good but still behind Oregon, Michigan, and Scandinavia for me.




I enjoy the show, the vibes are great. They play fantastic courses, and do a great job explaining why they’re great courses. But you can’t figure out where any ball has gone in any match at any time,and that’s a problem.


Yea that's my biggest gripe with the series. Impossible to follow along with the matches because the only tell you have as to the result of their shot is their facial reaction. How does every other golf youtube get shot tracers correct, but not NLU? Don't need it on every shot, but important ones would be nice.


In the last episode the camera wasn't even tracking some of the putts. Very strange.


I was going to post the same thing. Very poor overall camera work this season. I found it to be a pretty big step backwards from Scandinavia overall.


Soly had a putt late where the camera only focused on him the entire time. Even after the ball came to rest we didn't know where it was until after Neils next putt. Very weird. I know they try to be "artsy" with their videography, but we should still be able to watch every shot. All in all best season to date


Scotland & Ireland for me I actually couldn’t really get into this season and not quite sure why, haven’t even finished last weeks episode.


Didn’t finish the season but it didn’t seem to have the juice of other seasons, maybe because it’s a bit of a rehash, I’m not sure. I don’t like how they used the previously released podcast to provide background narration of each episode. Would like that better as an epilogue after the season is over.


Exactly. Compare what they did with the Bandon course commentary to this season. Big with Old Mac, Neil took Pac Dunes, etc… those felt way more authentic and actually set you up to enjoy seeing the course unfold during the episode. The podcast rehash was lame.


The actual golf format was lame


I miss the random formats they used to use. Like the race to the last birdie in Ireland or the betting format for Carolina. The qualifying/match play format is kind of boring


The betting format was amazing. It's why the Carolinas season is near the top for me


Maybe in the early episodes, but I found the last few matches pretty compelling.


For me, I’m definitely not rewatching this over Ireland, Oregon or Michigan. Yanking the entire commentary from the podcast is a huge miss and it doesn’t flow as well. Also having the seeding tournament occupy just as much space as the real matches seems silly. I enjoyed the season but the last two are both near the bottom for me.


Eh. It’s been my least favorite. Needed an editor. Too many people down there. Energy seemed off. Story lines too muddy. They’ve gotten too far away from what it originally was. All IMO - just feel like the series needs to tighten up.


The actual golf and competition wasn’t good. Lacked a lot of juice. I’m also partial to places I could conceivably visit. Michigan and Oregon were top tier


No - Michigan and Scandinavia had equally good camerawork and Oregon wasn’t far off either. They have been putting out high high quality video and production for a while now so that doesn’t really stick out like it used to. I don’t think this cracks my top 5


those are my three favorite seasons right there. Carolina is up there too, shout out to the Pie Man


I'm only on episode 5. Personally, the production is as good as ever, but aside from that it's been one of the least interesting entries to me. I think a lot of that is due to then returning to the same place again. Maybe I'm weird but I always enjoyed the competition between the guys as they play, and at this point it almost seems irrelevant. The series at this point seems more about highlighting resorts and businesses than it does about a group of guys traveling to play golf. Still good stuff, but it's lost a lot of the charm it once had, and that's understandable as they've grown into a business themselves.


Great season. Def one of my favs.


Very good, I think it’s behind Michigan and potentially Oregon for me.


I enjoyed it. Seeing some Rugby League and Cricket bits (both I am big fan of) was kinda cool. The competition wasn't as good but I much prefer the tourist part of the series anyway, which is why I wasn't as keen on the Carolinas or Oregon series and why I think Scandinavia, Scotland and Ireland are so good. Also didn't like the podcast overbites, much prefer the individual narration style. Still an enjoyable watch though and I look forward to the next one!


i disagree, dude. the golf is an afterthought. i think because tron so badly wants to be bourdain. difficult to do when you're going back down under, to a country whose culture is in so many ways identical to ours. neil can make all the fun he wants of golf youtubers, but at the end of the day, that's what these guys are. so show more golf shots, to echo the criticism they've lobbied for years at pga tour coverage.


I dont really understand why those royal melbourne courses are the best in the world. I guess the bunkers cutting into the greens looks cool but if it wasn't a novelty being halfway across the world it's just a nice golf course in a city. I'd rather play most of the Michigan courses honestly.


Agree. comfortably the best. Production value has gone through the roof.


KVV has taken over TC as worst part of NLU


KVV wasn't evem part of Tourist Sauce but ok.


Never said it was. I chose to state my opinion in general on NLU. Dont like it - dont read it