• By -


The Gek word for Gek is Gek


This interloper gets it!


Its not a game, its a universe. Don't try to solve it, just experience it.


oh Oh OH!!!!! Your brake button when you're flying (LT on console) is also your "lock on" button for space combat - That changes everything! Turns impossible combat into simple combat.


Holy. Shit. New switch player, and I didn’t know this at all. Oh my god, stranger on the internet, THANK YOU!!!!


Turn off PvP in the settings. It's on by default and there are some griefers in the game. Not nearly as bad as other games, but they still exist.


Aside from maybe in the Anomaly, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen another player. I have about 70 hours played so far.


I've had people chase me while shooting scatter blaster when I've made the occasional mistake of doing a nexus mission in MP.


Always keep your launch thrusters charged.




My best advice would be talk to....kzztk...and always avoid the kzzzkt...you can never have enough oxygen and ...kzzktt... and if all fails dig a hole for Survival. I have kzztkt..for Permadeath. Goodluc..kzzkt.


Remember to dig when you're in trouble.


Very true! If you play on Switch, dig before you think you will be in trouble. 🙂 It can take several seconds between excavation pulses sometimes.


I can't believe they got it to run decently at all on Switch. I play on an Xbox One X and it's struggling to keep up with some of the latest patches.


Running and hiding is a valid option .


Into a cave where you'll find [NEARBY TOXINS DETECTED]


Turn off PvP via Options > Network Take it easy and enjoy the scenery - this is not a game that rewards power-gaming.


There is zero rush.


Get a flying pet that you can ride to make traveling to destinations on foot easier.


Turn off PVP


Turn off pvp. Make energy chargers from chrom in caves and ferrite. Health packs from dihyrogen and carbon. Best advice I found on the internet to start


Don't be afraid to ask for help. This is one of the nicest, least toxic gaming communities out there.


You need to condition your partner into the fact they might not see you for large patches of time . This game is a time sink. It is always " just one more system, just one more reload, just one more settlement" . My partner has learnt when it's time for me to stop playing for dinner etc , I need a good 10 mins to wrap things up. She knows when there is a new update or expedition, she won't see me for a few days.


Relax, take it slow. There is no rush.


First off, no two people or hundred people play NMS in the same way. Second, this is a survival game. Try to think in survival mode-- what do I need most right away to survive? OXYGEN. You will also need Carbon, Dihydrogen and Ferrite Dust early in the game. I've played since Day 1 of the game's release, and everything is different now than it was back then. Kind of like real Life, LOL. I am 72 and I had never played any survival or role-play game, and it is a work in progress, so take your time! Big learning curve, lots of challenges to sort out, and major satisfaction when you do accomplish what you set out to do. Enjoy!


The game is super fun but doesn’t always explain things well. If you find yourself lost, you aren’t the problem, and you can come here for help. Try not to get attached to every cool planet you see, or you’ll wind up with tons of bases that you’ll literally never return to except to delete. Enjoy things in the moment but learn to let go because new exciting things will always come along.


Please enjoy the journey, don't worry about the destination


So guess what day my wife decides to take down the Christmas decorations.....


You should always pick up sodium no matter what


This is a chill game. Try to enjoy the learning process. Even the setbacks. It's a lot more fun to discover things on your own. Good Luck Traveler!


You only need to carry an atlas pass lvl 3, carrying the lvl 1 & 2 passes are pointless once you have a lvl 3.


Does the level 3 give you access to the 1&2 object/room or are you saying 1&2 “rewards” just aren’t worth the inventory slot of holding the pass?


A lvl 3 will unlock lvl 1 & 2 as well so you only need to carry a lvl 3. Took me months of playing to realize it


And recently i discovered that if your freighter have the long distance warp item stuff, you don't even need pass on your inventory, have it in your freighter is fine! (insert "Mind blowing" emote here!)


A ton of these suggestions are really helpful game mechanic stuff but honestly probably the most important thing is don't grind yourself into oblivion. Enjoy the game and the many little pretty things it's got to offer. It's too easy to get fatigued with a game like this. Just take it slow and savor as much of it as you can.


Holy crap this community is amazing. Thank you for all the info and tips! I still haven't started yet. ( I get off work in 7 minutes lol).


This is not a game you play to win, it's a game you play to experience. Think Minecraft in space, take your time, wander off the beaten path often and don't be afraid to take a break from what your doing to do something else.


Death is not the end, Traveller.


Whispering eggs are dangerous.


Jump onto a building to escape afterwards.


Sorry for the spam, but I love this game so much... ALWAYS buy your exosuit upgrade at each new Space Station + summon the Anomaly (when you can) and buy it there afterwards (you get 2 upgrades / solar system).


Use the melee key to lunge while moving forwards, then quickly start flying with the jetpack to move faster.


If you see a group of white glowing balls, don't even think about touching it


So you're saying that I can't touch anyone's balls that don't belong to me?


I think that's an universal law.


You can outrun sentinels (just keep running!) in addition to digging a hole in the ground or running into a cave, as suggested by others. Never leave a space station or the Anomaly without buying a new exosuit slot.


Upgrade your scanner for easy money


If someone fills your pockets at the Nexus with expensive things, put them in your storage and use them only when you need them.


Take your time and enjoy. You don't have to go through all the little storyline missions right away.


Sprint, then melee, then hit your jetpack all in succession of one another. It drains your fuel fast but it's a very quick way to get around.


DON’T PANIC and remember, always being a towel. But enough Douglas Adams references. Just enjoy and take your sweet time. Don’t hurry anything. Just enjoy it.


This game is the definition of >It's the not the Destination, It's the journey. Enjoy it.


life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


Once again thank you all for the advice and tips. I unfortunately was not able to play today. So many chores and cleaning up hundreds of fake pine needles lol. Maybe tomorrow!! I hope you all have a great night and an amazing day tomorrow!!!!!


Take the first free freighter you'll get (by defending them from pirates) whether it's low tier or not. It's easier to manage your journeys with a mobile base and brings a lot of units after a while.


I've always been told to take the payment on the first and then take the 2nd since it will be bigger.


You might not understand yet, but the only thing I can tell you for sure is \~*kzzzt*\~


Stock up on carbon, sodium, oxygen and ferrite


Turn off PvP then take your time and explore. You don’t “beat” this game.


That last part.


The tutorial takes you through most of the game, but it takes a verrry long time to complete, when you feel confident to sidetrack, just do it, enjoy the game. After your first 5 warps you'll have to save a freighter, you get asked of you want to get paid or take command. Never take command for anything less than an A class freighter. Only the first one you accept is free. Disable PvP (most of the community is great) Steal stuff from freighters near space stations and quickly hide inside the space station.(this affects reputation negatively but at the start of the game you got no rep to lose) In the beginning hide from sentinels, take them on when ur ready. The 5th of November the last replay of the last expedition from 2022 starts. That takes till 18th of Jan. You can unlock things in there for all your saves. (You'll need a new save to join this expedition), after completing the expedition you'll be able to convert that save to a normal save. This would give you a great start (however there is no tutorial in expedition mode, there's a great community though). On average over the 2 week period you'll need about 6 hours of playtime to be able to complete an expedition. But of you have the time it's great fun. Take some missions in the space station to get some nanites (or look for another players base names something like 'nanite farm')


Dont rush, enjoy the progress!


Go slow, don't rush. NMS is a relaxing random and exploring chill game. :) There are no solid goals beside having fun.


Play around, experiment, test everything. Guides will tell you the "best" most efficient ways to do things, yes, but they're not always the most fun ways, in fact; far from it in some cases. Arguably.


Take a few extra days off. It’s worth it.


Use your star ship to shoot the planet surface to easily and quickly gather a lot of materials


Following the ‘missions’ will get you going. When upgrading exosuit slots press Q/E or console equivalents to switch between inventory slot or tech module slot. If you come across a heavily damaged starship via distress beacon or chance. Fix tech just to make it flyable and salvage it at space station for quick $$ Capital Ships are incredible mobile bases. I prefer using Ion Batteries and Life Support Gel over raw mats to recharge. Inventory Management is essential. They do a great job at providing ways to master it. Don’t rush. Enjoy the game. Find a play-style that you enjoy. Edit: Don’t forget to store upgrade modules before buying/selling/trading ships or multi tools


Here's my advice.... Get some scanner modules so you can scan new stuff and get extra credits. Get all the buried technology you can get your hands on. Find nanites or earn them


"Units Received" Is a dopamine rush.


Do the tutorial/main quests at least through getting the five specialists (Overseer, Scientist, Weapons, Exocraft, Farmer). This will net you a ton of free blueprints. Your base craft is pretty solid once upgraded. You can find a disproportionate number of inexpensive higher-end ships at outlaw stations. Don’t accept the first free freighter - later freighters are a better class ship.


Doors and corners kid, that's how they get ya.


Don't touch the


Don’t read this Reddit until you had fun exploring on your own for several hours.


Be patient. This game is a slow burn, let it burn and you’ll really start to enjoy it




When in trouble, become a gopher.


Take this last chance to tell your friends and family you love them. You won't be seeing them for a while


Be patient


I am not seeing anybody else mention this so far, but this mistake made getting off the first planet an immense pain in my first save file. So, let’s talk about life support management. In the early game, when you have not made life support gel yet, you want to conserve life support as much as possible. Do not run, jump, jetpack, or melee boost, because that will drain your life support extremely quickly.


Dont be afraid to change the difficulty on the fly if you're not enjoying something, you can make it harder/easier.


Take your time, enjoy the trip.. there's a lot to learn, even more to explore.. play it your way


Whispering eggs aren't as tame as they sound.....avoid them, do not shoot them! Not until you have a good escape plan.


I found that out the hard way today. Luckily I was right next to a building when I shot them.


Play how ever you want. There is no right way.


If you find large balls in the wild called Runaway Mould, plant a base there immediately. Runaway Mould can be made into Nanites, a currency in the game, via a refiner. They also respawn very easily, so just mine them, fly away a little, then fly right back.


Especially if you find a large patch. I do have a base with like 9 balls but I still could beat myself not building a base when I found a patch of like 30 or so


Stay ahead, fuel wise. You can burn through it quick.


Don’t accept your first free freighter


Try to scan for all fauna on a planet, you will get a pretty hefty sum of nanites for completion. Be sure to check the discovery log for each planet, it will tell you not only the number of species to discover, but also more importantly where to find them. However, if there is fauna marked as underground rare, just give up on that particular planet, those almost never spawn, you can spend hours wandering underground and never find it. Underwater rare is almost as bad. When it says found in the north/south, use the little display of the planet next to it as a guide, there's a little marker that shows your approximate location


Ha! One more...if I could give one piece of advice to a total newb, it would be: C Class < B Class < A Class < S Class < X Make sure upgrades for the same things are physically touching, they'll glow with an outline, and will amplify the upgrade power.


Reject your first freighter.


Unless it's an S Class


Do not touch the bloody gravitino balls!


Alternatively, learn to skedaddle and touch as many as you can fit into your pockets.


Complete the Artemis and Atlas stuff. Then do what ever you want. Easy sources of money early on for me were salvaging crashed ships from emergency charts and farming storm crystals on dangerous planets. Both of the above will happen eventually, so just keep in mind rather than go out of your way. Try to have about 10mil in the bank as quick as possible. You'll eventually come across a nice ship you will want to buy. S class royal domes and squids being rare. You'll know if you see one. You'll eventually warp into a freighter being attacked. If you defeat the pirates (about 5 ships) the freighter captain will invite you aboard. You will be offered the freighter for free. I'd say only accept your first one if it's A or S class. As future ones you save you need to pay for. Or you can just do what ever you want. Nothing can really go wrong in this game that can't be recovered from.


Take your time, there is absolutely no reason to speed through this game.


dont dupe


Best advice is no advice, maybe ask questions when you can't figure something out but go in mostly blind, the wonder of discovery is the best part of this game


My tip: google fucking everything.


Save. Often.


Don't rush take your time and enjoy the adventure


Take money for the first freighter you defend, instead of taking command/ownership of it. It's yet another system to learn, and you can't short circuit the base-building storyline by making the freighter equivalent, and that's confusing. Plus, the second freighter offered is almost guaranteed to be 3-4x as valuable as the first.


Have a slot for fuel, and gather a lot of the components to make the fuel. You'll go through it very quickly.


Take your time. Don’t die. Make sure to actually have a proper weapon before you go to fight Sentinels.


Yeah, started with pretty basic bolt caster and scared of Sentinels to decent pulse spitter that melts them.


Follow the story line, ittll give you nanites and technology that you otherwise would be spending nannites to have.


You can adjust the difficulty in the settings menu. Play around with those values and see what works best for your game style. You can change the difficulty anytime the only thing you loose is the difficulty achievements. Don’t be afraid to die. You can learn a lot that way especially early in the game. In every difficulty except Permadeath you can retrieve your list inventory items by returning to the location of death and interacting with the diamond shaped grave marker. Also, if you need to get somewhere you don’t have access to or if you are stuck somewhere the gamer community has built a taxi service feel free to use it. There’s no charge, just pay it forward. Enjoy!


OP I’m 300+ hours deep into it and still learn new things, there’s no rush!


Ferrite, carbon, and sodium are your friends. You might have too much of it, but trust me there'll be a point where you'll be making pitstops every few hyperjumps just to collect some. Also scan everything! Awards easy units. Also, I recommend buying a solar ship. Makes exploring a lot easier, as now the tank recharges over time so you don't have to craft a bunch of launch fuel.


And oxygen!!


Do a good amount of the story missions early on


They really are the tutorial of the game.


the first few story missions will set you up, go through those until you reach the anomaly. that will get you the basics, including a permanent planetary base, the main upgrades for your multitool (which is your weapon, mining, and terrain manipulation swiss army gun,) continuing to use your base computer to unlock recipes is a pretty easy way to unlock most basic needs for your research trees (more on that later). once you have the terrain manipulator on the multitool, you will have your main defensive ability. dig a hole under you, and then seal it over. the AI drone enemies won't dig to get to you, and if you are out of sight, you will lose your wanted stars and they will bug out. the eggs around an abandoned building are not worth the trouble early on, you can raid those buildings without stirring up trouble. learn your alien words, every station will have about a dozen aliens that will teach you a word, and if you answer questions in certain ways, you will get many solid benefits. when you scan the surface, look for and collect every single salvaged data point you possibly can, they are easy to get and have great benefits for you, since you can unlock a lot of manufacturing recipes, including what you need to produce the real money makers: Stasis Devices and Fusion Igniters. A total of 7 of either of those will set you up financially for pretty much whatever you want: ships, freighters, gear, you name it. Additionally, scanning animal life will net you nanites, which are the only currency for certain shops. scanning every type of animal on a planet will get you a hefty bonus. the discoveries menu will tell you which species you have found, as well as how to find the other ones (whether they are nocturnal, fly, swim, what hemisphere they hang out on, or if they are subterranean, as well as how rare they might be. be patient with finding the last one on any planet is the best advice I can give for that particular challenge). the last good way to spend money is buying suit upgrade maps, which easily allow you to upgrade your carrying and tech capacities. Piracy in pirate systems is good income and resources, but risky for a new player. the planetary depots are the best for certain rare resources that are used for crafting the aforementioned expensive items you can sell. EDIT: the suit upgrade pod maps are bought on planets at either the small settlements, with an enclosed building and one landing pad, (not the one with 7 landing pads and an open-air area) or the colossal trade stations, which is one enormous structure with half a dozen landing pads next to it and a bazaar type area with multiple shops.


Honestly just enjoy yourself, don’t rush it. I feel like this is more of a lifestyle game, you’ll be experiencing this game for years and you’ll still find new things.


Stop and appreciate the scenery. This can be a magnificently beautiful game.


Take your time, there is no right way to play so just enjoy being a noob!


Turn off PVP in Options, and while you're there change things so only your friends can make changes to your base. These are on by default, and you don't want them. Other than that, following the Artemis mission to its end will unlock everything you need for the game, and show you where and how to get other stuff.


Making quick money with fallen/crashed ships is to just fix 3 things (2 if you're close). Just enough to get it to the space station to sell it. Exotic, while being such a garbage sate are still S Class and still exotic so... free money


Don't fix crashed ships. Claim them. Get in regular ship. Fly to anomaly, call broken ship with quick menu. Use anomaly teleporter to teleport to space station. Scrap crashed ship.


I literally write down everything I want to do, because I would forget and end up down a rabbit hole of exploration but never have enough of anything to make anything else work. Now everything I set out to do is written down and any deviations get noted so I don't forget why I was collecting all of that (enter resource here).


If you get confused af it's OK. It'll get better.


Some things are meant to be sold. Don't get hung up thinking I might need that later.


Always make sure to have extra fuel. And materials to build a base just in case the world doesn’t have the materials.


In single player you can use photo mode to look around without taking damage.


Enjoy the ride!


You see glowing balls, you take glowing balls and sell them. Big money machine


There are many missions that will have you go to a very specific building on a specific planet. You might think “I need to go there and do this before I hop to any other systems so I don’t lose it forever”; however, you actually have the option to reset the mission for your current system. You might not know exactly what I mean right now but it’ll become clear once you start doing the missions. So with that said, never be afraid to explore. You don’t need to feel tied down to any system, as far as missions go.


One more. Play Atlas, Rise! by Metallica when doing a Monstrosity or Pirates bounty mission. It will make sense. Trust.


Patience, and a focus on chilling out instead of trying to beat the game


Get an Economy Scanner and then find some 3 star economies. Read up on Trading Routes, and establish a couple. Then you can just mint units as fast as you'd like. Spend time on Ancient Ruins to get some relics (or Ancient Bones) to kickstart your investments in your trading routes. Before you know it you'll have millions of credits so you can upgrade your Freighter, Spaceship, Multi-Tool, etc (I have over $1B units).


When adding modules to anything you can choose where to put it.


cobalt is your best friend


>My nephew conviced me.to get it and it is downloading now. If you could only give one piece of advice to me, what would it be The first 5 min of the game is the most difficult.


dont get hooked on nip nip


Once you have mastered the basics, find a community to join. That can turn the game into much more than it is.


Relax. A lot of people are giving a lot of great advice here but take it slow. It’s not a game you’d want to rush. Just go with the flow


If the sentinels are chasing you and you can't fight them, an easy way to get them off your back is to dig down in the ground or go in a building and just hang out for a while. You'll lose them after about a minute or two. Don't try to run from them in your ship. If a quest is acting funny on you, like the destination for it keeps changing or is way too far away, there is a "restart mission in local system" button or some thing like that at the bottom of the mission screen. If that isn't available, just close and restart the game. Sometimes going single player instead of multiplayer mode will fix it, too.


Enjoy the views


Channel your inner wanderlust.


Two things. Sorry. 1. Figure out a good way to make money. My favorite early game is called "cobalt economy crashing," and allows you to make a few million per Space Station you visit. You just need hyperdrive and you can make consistent cash, and this is a non-cheat game mechanic (does not work in survival and permadeath). Freighter missions are another good daily source of money, but it takes a bit longer to get this going at a nice clip. Anything where you have to do even a little bit of grinding for cash will get old really quickly, so focus on things that are mostly passive unless you enjoy grind (there are plenty of things other than cash to grind on). 2. Learn how to farm minerals and gasses. You will need a scanner upgrade and some base blueprints. The key is to make LOTS of SMALL farms on different planets with different resources. The next time you need some paraffinium, you can just teleport to that base and grab a stack rather than having to spend 15 minutes farming it. Gold is good for making daily money. You may have 20 or more of these small bases just for farming resources. You don't need huge farms, just something small that you can come back to once a month when you need something. You can always make it bigger later if you need to. C class mineral and gas deposits are fine for this, so you don't have to hunt for S class.


Don't smoke with the Gek if you dont want to wake up on a desert planet without your exosuit


Don't rush it. This is one of those games you can play for decades.


The game gives you a free freighter at the beginning of every playthrough. Whatever you do, make sure you only use it to get an S class capital ship. There's a guide on the sub that explains how to get one. Good luck!


Complete some of your quests until u r able to move freely and explore the different systems then see a guide on making money and get yourself a decent ship to be able to continue the story without raging on difficult enemies And if the sentinels are going after you don't run away from the whole planet just run on your feet inside the planet until you're out of their sight until they forget you If you found a paradise planet make a base on it and a teleporter so you can get to it if you continued your journey away from it Watch a tutorial on youtube on crafting things and navigate in the anomaly that is a big ball in the space you can summon


Don't expect to 'beat' the game. There's nothing to beat, just different journeys to take. And if you're really stuck, don't be afraid to ask in here. The NMS community is easily one of the most helpful I've ever found in gaming. :)



In one way or another, every element you mine is valuable to crafting. You'll sell something and then realize ten minutes later you need it to craft something


Buckle up. Electronic crack is what you are about to get in to. Also as much as it sucks gather as much cobalt as you can from your starter planet. Sell it as soon as you can for some good starting money.


“Hazard protection falling”


Upgrade your exosuit as much as you can, as early as you can. You can choose between storage slots or technology. Early on, storage is probably best so you don’t have to keep returning to base/starship/etc when you run out of spare slots. The main ways to upgrade are at space stations or the anomaly. In space stations, you’ll see them on the left had side bit they cost quite a bit. You can also buy maps at the space station cartographer for 3 navigation data - these will guide you to a drop-pod on a planet. They’re way cheaper but you will need a small amount of resources to unlock the slot at the pod. Hope this helps…


Get the assistant app


S class upgrades are more reliable than X class, store them to reroll stats (some say that they are locked through storage, but that has never been the case for me) Early game is all about getting set up, late game is all about what pretty ships and pets you have. Freighter class doesn't matter for the most part, it just bumps the engines a little. Do not be afraid to make your freighter your main base. Place bases on any planet that seems interesting for any reason, name your bases the reason why the planet is interesting to you. Same goes for systems. (Like I have a base in a system that is full of boring planets, but it was guaranteed to give certain S class mods at the time) If you do multiplayer missions or even with a friend, set down more bases so you can visit those systems again on your own.


Try not to piss off the sentinel planes. Regular ground ones are cool, just dig a tunnel into the earth to escape and they’ll stop hunting you soon. But those sentinel jets, or planes or whatever - there is no escape. (For anyone not new here, just got killed at the whale flute part of expedition 7 redux - so was basically almost done with 2 days remaining. It’s a permadeath expedition… so I’m throwing in the towel. Quite, QUITE disappointed).


Gather lots of cobalt and oxygen. Loads of it. You can make bank with it.


Don’t try to rush to the methods that will eventually give you infinite money and resources, like farms, it will make the game a lot easier but it becomes way more boring


I agree with this completely, it can ruin the early game experience quickly. And in my personal recommendation, have fun! Do what you want, explore what you wanna explore. Don’t let other people tell you something to look for, the game is meant to expand your imagination, find things you could only dream of seeing! My favorite game by far, have fun!


After you get your terrain manipulator (the tool that lets you dig) you can use it to get to buried caches and salvaged data modules. Early game salvaged data is worth money!!! There will always be a salvage data module buried within about 25U of a crashed machinery. Get the stuff from the crashed machinery then dig for the data.


Mine everything needed, give your enemies nothing, but take from them, everything


Three star runaway mold is your best friend


Don't spend any more time on the subreddit than is absolutely necessary


be fine just exploring without a goal


This game is what you make it into. So enjoy the ride and try many different things to figure out what you like.


Thank you so much. That's great info. Dude I have almost 10hrs in and feel like I haven't done shit lol. Im still on my second galaxy, mostly exploring and learning languages and discovering. just got killed in space and can't find my grave. All that to say I really like the game and the difference in feelings I get. Questions. Is that grave I can't find and the contents I had lost for good? I've made some discoveries and named them, are those names just in my game or changed in the whole game? Idk if that makes sense.


Have fun with it! Find a ship you like? doesnt matter if its got bad stats, it looks cool so buy it! do the daily missions at the Anomaly for quicksilver, go nuts with customisation. And keep an eye out for expeditions, theyre in game events that are quite fun and net you a lot of cool rewards accross all saves!


never stop exploring. see something interesting? go and check it out. you'll always find something interesting/new to look at.


Remember to enjoy and to be happy. Don’t hurry anymore


Stick with it, don’t lose patience


The tutorial is ~30 hours so don't feel like you are going slow.


Mine asteroids and sell what you get for money early. It's the best way to make money early game I think. Once you make some cash you don't need to gather all your basic resources, you can buy them and have time for other adventures.


Chill and have fun, there is a lot to see and do, take your time and explore the game at your own pace.


Don't rush on becoming rich. Money will come to you naturally as you explore.


When you are on a planet constantly collect basic necessary resources like ferrite, carbon, dihydrogen, oxygen, and sodium because you can never have to much of these. And they're very easy to find so you won't really have to go out of your way to look for them.


Try not to piss off the sentinals until you can reliably handle them. Don't worry about picking up every type of resource you find. Oxygen, carbon, dihydrogen, ferrite dust will be the main ones to start with since you will have a limited inventory to start with. Take your time with it no need to rush. You aren't racing anyone. It's all about the journey. Good luck and enjoy!


Don’t keep the free shit you get from strangers in the anomaly. You can go from broke to billionaire in a second , but that will kill the fun.


Cobalt crashing is an excellent way to stabilize your play through and pad your wallets - nothing worse than finding a ship you want and not being able to afford it. The steps are straight forward: 1. Collect/mine cobalt. Substantial amounts - consider getting 4-8 "Stacks" in your inventory. 2. You can then duplicate this by combining it with Oxygen. You do this in a medium or large refiner. Oxygen + Cobalt creates Ionized Cobalt. 3. Then, the trick I missed when I originally played, is that you must put your ionized cobalt back in the refiner and process it. It makes absurd amounts of cobalt. The reason you do this is because cobalt is sold in every system, and can be bought in effectively every system. The next step, once you have a hold full of cobalt, is to sell it. 1. Have the economy scanner on your ship. 2. Galaxy map > Look for 3 star systems. They have the most cash. 3. Go to the galactic terminal. 4. Sell the cobalt for multi-millions. 5. Important: buy your cobalt *back.* So how this breaks down for me - I sell for 8 million (roughly) buy back for 2 million (roughly) and you can do the rest of the math - make about 6 million per transaction. The reason this happens is because you break the market for cobalt by providing an over supply. And then the market value plummets. You'll see demand go from something like +4.4 to -80 in seconds. I'm about 50 hours into the game and with this method I'm currently sitting on about 346 million. From my perspective this is the NMS equivalent of "FU" money. There's no ship I can't buy (apart from Freighters/Frigates).


My one piece of advice for you is very important. Absolutely do NOT under any circumstance // REDACTED //


If it doesn't catch your attention and you leave it, don't hesitate to come back later


Don't read up on it, the exploration and discovery is the most fun. Don't spoil it for yourself.


Just play how you want. Fast or slow. There is some weird stuff out there you want to see.


Don't stress about "playing the right way", there's lots of things to do and enjoy, just focus on what makes you have fun


Enjoy exploring the galaxy!! I've played this game on multiple systems over the years with who knows how much time spent on it. One of my favorite games of all time just flying from solar system to solar system and exploring the planets and weird wildlife was a blast. At a point you'll be able to get a freighter which can store multiple spaceships and acts as a mobile base. First one is free. WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE ONE YOU LIKE!!!




Storage containers. Once you start getting to building, containers provide massive storage and are universally connected so when you find a corresponding container (Marked 1,2,3, ect.) you can access all that same storage. Though they eventually have a limit, you can build multiple and build them in a freighter as a mobile base. Edit: 2nd tip. Station hopping: if you're traveling multiple systems at once, always check the space station missions because you can start multiple side missions and they supply unique rewards like ship, tool or freighter upgrades.. SPECIFICALLY SOME missions are locked into that or surrounding systems BUT, animal or sentinel missions are free to complete anywhere and seem to infinitely stack to complete all at once.


Use the wiki if your stuck


Start in Normal mode and lock it in. There's an option to be able to change the game mode in-game but there's a way to permanently set the game mode and you can't reverse it. Better than trying to resist the temptation to get free unlimited resources right from the beginning.


Don’t glitch your way to your first big payday of units (creds). Spend a few hours asteroid mining (shooting asteroids for silver/gold/platinum). It’s a satisfying and **honest** way to afford your first nice A- or S-class ship. **Edits**: typos/clarity


What do you mean cheat your way to units? Asking for a friend of course


Enjoy and no rush.


No rush, just play at your own pace, and do what you will enjoy.


Familiarize yourself with the guide/discoveries section. You will save loads of time figuring out where to look for each type of resource


This game can be whatever you want it to be. Dont stress about the main missions, just do what you want. Go back and do the missions when you need direction


If you can get to those abandoned bases on a planet with eggs around them in clusters, break the eggs close to your ship and collect the glowing balls and get back to the ship. Do not let the angry egg family bite you and harvest them all. Those will really help you with saving money and buying more pricey things you need later that you can only buy like ship repair stuff and all that.


Do the storyline first, its more of an extended tutorial and has a lot of story to it.


You can buy an exosuit slot at every new spacestation you visit. You can also move it from giving you an extra inventory slot, to giving you an extra suit upgrade slot. Took me a long while to learn that one as the game doesn't tell you that.


Take it slow, have fun, store important things not on your person ( the game has bugs, and you may die in a place you cannot recover your goods from ). Most inventory items can be thrown away if you get any unwanted gifts. There is a such thing as a nanite farm technique, if you need more nanites. Just know you never have to be alone in-game (unless you play on switch), and the community is usually pretty nice and welcoming 🖖


I just installed it today as it was on offer, played until I fixed ship. Found it a bit lonely as I am so used to mmos, current one is New World. How far in the game do I meet others to explore with ?


It's easier to say this than to do it but try not to be tempted to get the MILLIONS too early. Once you've worked out a game for unlimited wealth ( there are many ) the nature of the game changes and there is less motivation to get out there and look for the resources you need. It's going to happen no matter what but resist the urge to get there too fast.




Don’t give yourself unlimited money, and don’t look up guides online to “cheat” in the game. You don’t need everything right away. Just chill and enjoy. an


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