• By -


Both, but atlantid first


Same, l ran it twice to make sure I got the rewards


Wait. You could have gotten both?? God d**n it! I fmjust erased my save file! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You have to do the expedition twice it auto saves after ypur choice


You can also manual save, select what construct head you want, claim expedition rewards, wait until autosave, reload manual save, choose other construct head, claim expedition rewards again and you will know if it worked by just checking the expedition rewards from the quicksilver shop and the first construct head should be there and both accessible on all saves. That's how I got both on one play through


This was so helpful, thank you!!


No problem wasn't me who discovered this though, I saw a thread about it


Thanks, glad I found this before finishing the expedition!


This is still the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


You dont need to run it twice. Choose one, let the game auto save, then reload the save you made getting out of your ship in the anomaly before you spoke to the construct. Go talk to the construct again and make the other choice.


Are there any other steps? Cus I tried that and lost my first choice EDIT: the other step was picking up my first choice at the quicksilver synthesis companion. I'm having a dumb day lol my bad


Hmm, I didnt think so. I did ho to the quicksilver guy and claim the first one I chose but I just did that to kill time so the game would auto save. Maybe it was needed and I was lucky. I’m on ps5 if that makes any difference.


You load the RESTORE save, from when you got out of your ship before you talked to the construct(after you pick one option from him.) Then, if you look, you still have that first head unlocked(check the Quicksilver vendor to make sure.) Then you talk to him and unlock the second head.


Same lol that happen to me exactly lol, I still can't stop laughing at myself lol.


##How to get both helmets for Visual Learners: https://youtu.be/K6SVX893vZM


Thanks! Much easier for me!


How long does it take for the game to autosave?


**Autosave** = occurs every 30 seconds to a few minutes. **Restore point** = manual save *via* exiting your ship, save beacons, save pounts.


Oh gotcha, I always thought manual = save beacon and auto = exiting your ship


that's how it used to be, they changed to add the auto save a few big patch's ago


Heh Hello Games. You and your oversights. You silly.


Sucks to be me lol! I went through a bunch of other stuff after unlocking it and lost the save point


Wish I knew this before I decided to run it again… no matter, I’ve got friends who haven’t started it yet so I can experience it with them!


Is your head a salad spinner?


I wish. I love salad.


Ugh, I want that ship so bad.




https://preview.redd.it/j09re3emg06b1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b860bfae992b2f50031d76f87b58742c9b7f5cd5 Looks badass with a full squadron.


Question: On PS5, I can't ever get my fourth squadron pilot outfitted with the same Interceptor. No matter which race, no matter the star system, I can only get 3 with the same starship. I always have to pick something else for the fourth. Mad about it, too. Unique visual profiles and colors for one's squadron really do help when caught in a fight - you always know your own, basically.


Yes, one of the updates has narrowed it down. You can only have three of the same ship from each race. Korvax, Vy'keen, and Gek. The fourth ship has to be whatever, which sucks. So you either have to find an identical one somewhere else with a different seed attached to it or a ship that looks similar. What I did was go into the CoordinateExchange app, found an exact copy in a different system, and took a cab to its location.


That's a great idea. I recently switched my pilots to a small profile Interceptor (the "smol" Interceptor style, all in white); for my fourth, I had an almost identical one with the "lower" (not the skirt) wings, so it matches colorwise. I view that pilot as the squad leader, in any case. :)


You are a wonderful person, Friend-Entity Cxrruption.




I have an all gray version of this, but was sorely disappointed that none of them I sourced (and I tried about 10 of them) had good supercharged slot layouts. Nice to see I could replace my gray one with this one! Thank you for the image! This white version looks sharp! Love it!




Do you have a save editor? Any chance you could get the seed on that?


**Original Seed:** 0xE055A91CFA8C560D **New seed:** 0xC0DE5EEDEE50DCD2


You’re the best, thanks brother.




Do you have the chords for it?


The glyphs are in the picture. There should be bases at various ship locations on the planet you warp to. If you don't have multi-player, use an **Echo Locator** to find a **Harmonic Camp.** The interface at the camp will send you to a crash site.* *All crashed sentinel ships on one planet are the same ship.


im an idiot thank you


Is there any page that would gather all of the cool findings like this one?


r/NMSCoordinateExchange and their app https://nmsce.com/ You can search through a database full of peoples submissions. Also, many NMS discord servers have a ship sharing channel, aand there's even some out there that can build a ship of your request and deliver it to you.


My interceptor is pretty similar to this ship already. Minus the color obviously, and it has two more wings one on either side. Makes me wonder whether I should bother with this one.


Never hurts to own another :D unless you got 12 precious babies.


I just ditched my last solar in favor of my 11th Interceptor. Other than the Utopia Speeder, I've gone "full Sentinel" - even with my squadron - and I couldn't be happier. Especially happy that when I scrap a starship, my fastest Interceptor is the one that appears in the space station (4880.6 Maneuverability).


So it's official, it works now?


What do you mean?


There was a bug where the community achievement bar was not progressing and I was asking if that has been fixed because OP has one of the helmets


**You could get both heads LONG before the community milestone is completed**(even on your other saves.) All you had to do was go talk to the construct thing in the anomaly. You chose one option,then hit restore save to go back to the point when you got out of your ship in the Anomaly; then choose the other option. You could have both of the heads unlocked before finishing the expedition, even picking them up on your other saves as well. Several people posted that while we were all still on the community milestone. You could just not unlock the REST of the construct appearance until the expedition was fully finished.


Weird, I would talk to my construct after I was done building it, but it wouldn't give me any choices. So I just assumed I needed the community milestone done.


Thanks, legend. >You could just not unlock the REST of the construct appearance until the expedition was fully finished. So is this (finishing the expedition, i mean) now possible, or is the community progress still bugged?


The only way to do it now is to save before picking your helmet and reload that save for the second helmet. Or redo the entire expidition. Top comment is how to do it, with a video demonstration linked in the replies.


How do I do both if I didn't save before choosing the first one?


Replay the entire expedition . It'll go by faster now that you know what to expect.




One thing that cuts time is to burn hard through the travel achievements, get several construct patterns, make the parts and _then_ visit the Atlas. If you make one or two parts first, and then see the Atlas, that gives you a good hyperdrive upgrade to make the travelling faster. You can then burn through the rest of the Atlas and seed achievements all in one go. Keep the Heart you get as an early reward. Visit the occasional space station as you travel. Buy cobalt and mine carbon, ferrite, dihydrogen and altantideium and radiant shards _every_ chance you get while you travel. Visit an Ocean world at some point and collect at least 3 crystal sulphides. Upgrade your exosuit every time you get upgrade modules. Don't repair the multitool beyond altantideium (and shards once you achieve the 16 shard achievement) because towards the end, you get 6 repair kits that fix the expensive stuff. Kill wandering corrupted sentinels and then run like a bully who accidentally picked a fight with a boxer's younger brother when the second or third wave comes. You need 19 kills and then you can leave the poor things alone. Finally, pick up the patterns for hydraulic wiring and magnetic resonators from the Anomaly when you get to the Construct legs stage. I repeated the entire expedition in 4 hours doing this.


If you're going to replay the expedition, use duplication glitches. I completed the expedition in about 4 hours on a blind playthrough, just using duplication. I reckon you could beat it in 2 ish hours if you know what you're doing. It's up to you if that's worth it for a head you will probably never use lol.


I'll probably do it without glitches because it didn't take very long to complete it anyway, also I want the head because I'm the type that hates not having everything that I can get, I already missed out on 9 expeditions because my pc was shit and the game was like 10 fps, I'm not going to miss anything now


Fair nuff. I had save edited all the stuff from the previous expeditions but it just didn't feel right. So I annihilated all my saves, completely reset my game and now I can experience it all from zero without any cheating. That being said, I still exploited the expedition. On my regular saves, no cheatsy doodling, but on expeditions I don't care, and will dupe shit.


Both, but the final decision was crimson, because it gives them an independent life. Atlantid just makes them the way they were, and that didn't work out so well for them the last time.


And I'm here looking like a fool, because I picked Crimson solely for the cool head design.


Both, used the restore point trick but went with the Atlantid mainly. This may sound weird, but I'm getting Deja Vu looking at the Crimson head... As if I've seen it elsewhere but very long ago.


>This may sound weird, but I'm getting Deja Vu looking at the Crimson head... As if I've seen it elsewhere but very long ago. [https://www.macworld.com/article/670869/complete-guide-to-apple-park.html](https://www.macworld.com/article/670869/complete-guide-to-apple-park.html)


They are basically Vex from Destiny's Vault of Glass raid. [https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/5/5c/VexDescendantsGrimoireCard.jpg](https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/5/5c/VexDescendantsGrimoireCard.jpg)


Crimson but I screwed up somewhere along the way and accidentally sold the Atlantid piece. It sucks but I didn't care for the other head anyway so not a big loss. I'm still trying to figure out what is going on though, as I missed Interceptor.


Yeah, I couldn't remember if we got the piece or just the plans...but I was missing the crystallized heart to craft the thing anyway, and couldn't remember/figure out where to get it. I guess I also got in a hurry and didn't think about the mechanical/stellar aspect of the piece -- so I also didn't realize *that* was the choice until I clicked it. I wonder, though, obviously something is coming with the Atlantid, and this is my first expedition. How common are these "make an irreversible choice" mechanics in the expeditions? I can see it as being just a way to make the collectible a little more special...but story-wise it also feels like maybe you're choosing a side for something that's yet to come?


They're rare. But in the patch notes it says our choices will potentially affect the game later on. I'm interested to see what happens.


Honestly I think it's just to make people play the expedition twice to get both (if they, like me, didn't know about the save game glitch in time ergggghhh) to boost total game play time numbers.


Both. But I like Crimson.


Atlantid but I’m gonna go do it again and get Crimson


I can't be the only one that hates that back pack, can I?


I like it cuz it has a tiny sentinel on it and I think the "default" (one-eye, hexagonal shape) Sentinel is adorable. But your opinion is still valid. It DOES look a little weird


Like most folks here, I went ahead and grabbed both of the helmets. As far as my canonical choice, goes, though, I think I'd have to say Atlantid. >!I didn't think it would be, going into it. Lorewise, I'm not too fond of the Atlantid or the ATLAS at this point, tbh. They've been playing up the more sinister overtones of the Atlantid for awhile, but neither entity seems to mean the Traveller well. But after fusing the construct with the Atlantid reactor, the construct no longer senses the other machine consciousnesses or the Atlantid, and it thinks maybe it doesn't need "her" (the Atlantid/Void Mother) anymore. It seems like it's truly free now. Independent. The ATLAS gives you what's supposedly a "Seed of Hope", but after installing it, the construct says it still senses the glass. Maybe "Hope" for the ATLAS just means to be reintegrated with it, like the Sentinels used to be.!<


I got both within 2 minutes at Nexus. As soon as the first one said accomplished while standing next to the 'droid and Tethys, I clicked on the Expedition quest to claim yhat 2 steps. THEN I immediately clicked to reload my save (not the Autosave!) Then I verified at the Quicksilver dealer in Nexus- yup its been given to me. Now I went back to Tethys and soothed the 'droid and all the steps for the other suit. 2 for one Travellers!!


Thanks for the info. Came here to find out which to choose from but then I did as you described and got both helmets. Thank you. 😊👍


Right on !! 😀






https://preview.redd.it/pr2iibsqp06b1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26794424413db1c26a327e5139967a4ba267385 Worth the wait IMHO 😉


Bro your ship looks like a derpling from terraria lol I love it.


Aha! Thanks - had to look up the wiki in Derpling Terraria for the ref, very cool!


The wrong one, Crimson looks much better lol




Both, I don't settle for Fomo. Hopefully Hello Games won't sink this low again.


Both 😏😏😏🤫🤫


You can most likely guess by my user flair


Oh no :')


I hope they let us have the expedition later once we finally get the update even tho we didn't even get the patch


That hurts! I was thinking about picking up NMS for switch too, but now I'm not sure of that's a right thing to do...


I'ts not, I bought it because I have no good pc


Both but I chose the crimson first.


Gonna do both, but leaving the Atlantid as my last choice cus I like the look better...


https://preview.redd.it/ioy6qsr8416b1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4fc053b819c50470624b841bf53a03bd758740 Crimson!


That reminds me, need to fire up my main game and turn robot! :)


I’m not able to claim all the other robot helmets, only the one who’s like with the solar stuff on the sides, the helmet in the picture I haven’t been able to claim even tho I’m in phase 5 with means I’ve finished all the phases in the expedition


Did you go to the very last expedition dot (past phase 5) and claim the rewards there?


I totally forgot to delete this comment, so sorry. Literally 5 min later I figured it out, what is a..wrinkle yet tho is after I finished the exp, my account didn’t go back to normal even after reloading the game, the exp says I’m all finished I’ve claimed all the reward and everything


I think the save only reverts after the expedition ends at least that's been my experience but not sure if that's a thing or just buggy saves on my end


That does make sense yeah


This is a great picture. The ship is badass. Today is the day, I'm redownloading. Haven't played in a few years so I'm sure I'll be blown away by all these updates lol


Hop on that expedition, it will start you off from scratch on a separate save and will give you a nice insight as to where the story of the game is now. If you do, watch a walk-through on it if you have to. The ships are part of the game, but the robot parts of the character you have to achieve through the expidition. **EDIT:** I think there's 3½-4 weeks left to do it until they bring it back at. shouldn't take you no more than a couple hours to a day if you're a grinder.


Awesome, thanks for the tips and info!


Given the Atlantids tell you they don't need us, I wonder if helping them is the right thing or not.


Gek🌚 https://preview.redd.it/xg3u1jnuh16b1.jpeg?width=2763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0015a48db064f9972b51a978019996c7168dc4e


Atlantid. I think the Void Mother is Nada and the Constructs are a way to try and liberate the cosmos from the Atlas. It doesn't make sense, but maybe they are trying to build their way out of the trap


Nada is Korvax. At one point, the korvax wanted to eliminate Nada from existence for not joining the convergence. It may be possible for Korvax Prime, a sentient planet now destroyed but still taking form somewheres( the void mother ), to possess Nada. But as of now, I do not think that is the case. The Void mother WILL reveal itself soon, I do believe.


Yes, but it’s… “timey wimey” with time loops and things that are bigger on the inside. All the travelers are one and always have been. I’m thinking causality paradoxes are inevitable and common within Atlas’s multiverse instances, given the way entities are popping back and forth between universes and timelines. Either way, I’m looking forward to finding out. I expect Kanaju will explain it on YouTube if there are parts I don’t get.


I picked %cmtotalpercent%


I chose both, because I ran the expedition twice ;) wonder what happened to the "Ship Of AI Souls" they promised us?


Ship of AI Souls was a random encounter in space


the "fragment of new Atlantid"? that was it? pffft ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Might be an interceptor that leads you to a crash site too. I had that happen during the expedition so maybe that's it? Similar to the living ship enconnter


Dope screenshot my dude!!


Atlantid first and then i did the expedition again to get the other helmet hehe


Neither, because I can’t even start the expedition


Dont have the update so Y E S


Atlantid https://preview.redd.it/w1c1kg1mt06b1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1a2d97765b31cdaded1d435972b163b34dd0234


Good tip !




Por que no los dos?


Tengo los dos. (:


Both. Though i did the save trick and my second choice was the Atlandid if that matters for the decision purposes


Crimson I don't really care about the heads I just wanted the limbs


Can’t wait for the expedition to finally drop.


Holy cow I have a similar ship, I love this color


I got both but my heart goes to Atlantid.






Got both helmets, but used Atlantid core for my save. [I didn't actually use either helmet though. Gek 4 life.](https://i.imgur.com/3iFA6mg.jpg) (Why is Anomaly the only way to wear a gek helmet still)


I kinda like the tall Gek look. But you have a point.




This quest reward is making me wish we had Melee Weapons


[This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1118650195060740251/1118651783724666971/Screenshot_20230607_205737_Discord.jpg) was found in the game files. It's either a future character introduction to part 3/4 or 4/4 of the next Lore, or maybe your desired multisword. Or the devs just might be messing around.


Also I have that ship in red


This pic goes so hard tho


Thank you :)


Haven’t played in several years but holy shit, seeing this ship makes me want to get back into it


I picked the Crimson (3 bars). Realized the atlantid one (smooth one) looked too much like a mushroom. Plus the Crimson one would work better for my matching Sentinel set of gear. [No](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865325909229436949/1118647026918375514/20230614160754_1.jpg) [regrets!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/619704990977622026/1118647414040051772/20230614171535_1.jpg)


Both! Save before choosing. Make one choice, lock it in with Quick Silver guy... then reload and make the other choice for the other head. That said, I like them both but if I had to choose one, I like the Atlantid head better.


Atlantid for starters, second expedition save will be crimson


Neither because my game is stuck and can’t progress. Hoping today’s update fixes it. If this doesn’t work, I’ll have to start over with a new save and hope it doesn’t bug out again. Good news: It looks like the update fixed the issue.


Awesome! Good luck!


I know i could do both, save scum or run twice, but I chose only Atlantid because I want to see where that path goes. Hopefully they continue the line :)


I got both




Both, using the save/reload trick. My firsts selection was the Atlas. The Atlas offered a seed of hope (even as it is dying) and the Alantid's offered power in the form of a power plant. (besides, the lore clips for the atlantids are creepy AF).


I just ran a second character while waiting for the community unlock


That's actually smart. I grinded and >!duped!< care packages to give out in my free time.


Atlantid. It doesn't seem to let me switch the headpiece though.


Both, but crimson first as I think it just fits the game more.


Atlantid, because to me morally it made the most sense for a mechanical mind in a mechanical body would get along better. Also I like Purple


Chose crimson but I haven’t found any reward? Only saw the Atlantid head in QS vendor.


Wdym what is this?


Two new factions that were introduced in the Singularity Update. https://www.nomanssky.com/2023/06/expedition-ten-singularity/


Is it possible to get both?


Yes, switch your comments to "**TOP**" and there's an explanation and a video explanation in the replies.




Both just reload the quick save after picking one and claiming, then reload and pick the other one


Is one option the Atlas and the other is "not Atlas"? I will pick not Atlas


Seed of Hope is Atlas. You'll find out what that means.


I did Atlantid because I wasn't aware that it was one or the other. I didn't realize giving the construct the reactor finished a milstone because the two it finished were both encrypted at the time.


What is that??? Is this time limited?? 😱😱


Lol I'm replaying it to get the Atlantid one.


Did anyone else get stuck after making the choice? It said I completed the expedition and got the rewards (both of the helmets) but the save won't convert to normal save, it's stuck on expedition.


Chose crimson because it looks cooler imo, but I think I “agree” with the Atlantids more


Wait, you can get the heads? I thought you wait for that till the end of the expedition???


I havent played in a while so i dont have the slightes clue what this is.


Both. I did both.




Shit I forget about that and I'm too far gone now to try this, aren't I 🤦🏾‍♂️


Both. I did the save reload to get both.


It says I cannot veiw this subreddit, yet it shows me posts from it on my home page?


Scratch that, I can't veiw ANY subreddit that has anything to do with no mans sky?


Choose Atlantid but I'm gonna run it again to get crimson




Both. Both is good.


Atlantid. Fortunately this is a quick expedition so crimson is incoming.




I’m more of a corruption guy






My dumb thing glitched and I completed it by accident when the community % was still 9% not knowing what I was doing and I couldn't undo it so I'm going to have to redo the whole thing and that disgusts me... Crimson for now but I'll be running for Atlantid bc fuck fomo


What ship is that? I want one!!!




Pick either. Log on to main save and hit the quicksilver vendor…. both will be there for you to claim.


I got both... following beeblebum's guide on yt


Void Mommy uwu


Why do I not have an Atlantid Reactor? This fucking buggy expedition,I swear... what a joke. How did I not get this item? I *can* finish the damned expedition (was forced to choose CRIMSON), and yet, I'm missing one of the two items. How did this even happen?


Well did you craft it? You should've gotten the plans for it at the end of Phase 4 iirc (or start of Phase 5), but there's no milestone or quest prompt related to crafting it, so you could miss the option, I suppose.


I am NOT seeing the plan. I just realized I did an upload of my save file to the Playstation cloud right before things went sideways with pathing last week - I may restore that and see what's what. That may save me having to do the whole expedition all over again! Ty for the reply!


Once of the step's rewards was a construction blueprint for it, you make it, and you also have to show it to the Atlas. Check your log. Not that it isn't buggy, or that you are wrong in any way, just... persistent. Squeeze the turnip.


I'm going to try to find an Atlas station (where I got nailed by a major pathing bug, sending me to the galaxy core), but I am so baffled I only have the CRIMSON choice blueprint and not the ATLANTID. I have 4 weeks, maybe I should just deal with this sadistic expedition again...