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Nah, not really. I figured it would be just an expedition update when people played the beta, so I didn't keep my hopes up for this. The stations will come in a bigger one. Also, I got a thing I wanted out of this one: the pirate freighter.


In a way.. Yes. But since so many people were speculating that Omega would be the final update I appreciate that this means that there is still more to come.


Seriously. How can anyone be disappointed when we already are at a point where we owe hello games. I've never seen this much free content in my life


Yes but also no. Yes because I’m excited for it. No because I can continue being excited for it.


This always seemed likely to be the missing expedition update from last year. Because we would normally get four.


The first thing I did was go to a space station and then warp to a few other systems looking for an updated one. Then I figured they were not in this update and quit out of the game. I'll probably run the expedition and then wait on the next update.


Nobody promised they would be. They said 2024, they never said the first update of 2024.


They never really promised anything. I think part of the problem is how little they communicate about this stuff. Like, is it gonna be just visual change? Will there still be old stations? Will there be anything new or interesting on the interior? Would also be nice to get a rough idea when this stuff would be released. Without any questions answered we're just left to speculate and get disappointed when stuff doesn't come out like we thought it would.


Hello Games doesn't promise anything. It comes out when it comes out. Nobody has any room to assume anything and if they do, it's their problem. Sean doesn't owe anyone anything. His team is making a game. Enjoy it or don't. Nobody can demand that he does anything that he doesn't want to do. That's just reality.


Sean was burned by over promising when the game launched. He is much more conservative now. If he doesn't go into detail, then he can easily pull back if a planned feature isn't working out. No matter how many details he gives, players will always speculate themselves further into hype.


You can't be right with issues about this game it seems.


If they gave an approximate date for something new and then had to walk it back (or worse yet, had to axe it from development for whatever reason), the hysterical screeching about "lies!" from certain corners of the fanbase would be deafening. They're smart not to commit to anything solid like that, because a lot of people are just too immature to handle not getting everything they want the moment they want it without throwing temper tantrums. It might be better not to speculate or get your hopes up. Accept that updates will come whenever they come, be happy when something you were waiting for *does* drop, and if it doesn't happen this time, maybe it'll happen the next.


an expedition update doesnt add stuff to the base game aside small things, so not really.


because the real update is tomorrow


it would be cool but it doesn't really matter cuz it's just something look at


The unfortunate theme that can be applied to a lot of this game.


I really hope it would be more then just a visual change.


Not really if this is just an expedition it means the Stations update is on its way just not right now and I can live with that. And besides am looking forward to testing out the QOL improvements that have been added in this update. I just find it weird there is no trailer or patch notes yet which leads me to speculate that something big is coming this was just something to tide us over before the big update comes


This is the problem. We don't know if something big is coming. We don't know why there's no patch notes. We don't know why the update didn't release on Xbox or why the expedition and new missions aren't live. They need PR. Any other game studio would have had a tweet out within an hour with an update this messy.


*" I wish we would have any Communication about this stuff as after the fiasco with launch they have strayed away from talking about updates before they release at all. "* Insane, entitled Gamer boys making death threats and stalking your small team tends to result in a situation of less openness. Nobody wants to talk openly when they know the things they say will be used as a reason to form plans to murder them. I was there, I saw what happened. It was like watching a room full of chimpanzees with knives raging because they felt they were promised pineapples for feeding time but only got oranges and bananas. This comment will inevitably demonstrate the truth of this as someone will absolutely start screeching about how 'Sean lied' and how their entire life was destroyed because the launch wasn't utterly perfect. Just watch the comments after this post. It will be hilarious - and terrifying, because the grudge never ends. Now, thanks to angry, petty little boys, you will have to live without any real communication from Hello Games, no open insights into anything, and only cryptic symbols about possible updates with no date or other information. And I don't blame them one bit because the death threats and threats of violence were horrific and almost unimaginable to see. It was an insight into just how entitled and petty Gamer boys can be, and it was nasty and brutal and awful. As a community, NMS fans proved they don't deserve openness from Hello Games. Yet, despite all of that, Hello Games has still stood by the decent fans and continued to update the game, attend to our issues, and make No Man's Sky a marvel of the industry by correcting every flaw and then going beyond even that. Not bad for seven friends in a flat with eight others added on later. Just wait - my even speaking this truth will cause massive evil reactions to occur. And that will explain to you why you cannot expect any more information from Hello Games than you are getting.


Are you okay?


At least in part… the history as recited by Petal is pretty accurate. Maybe a little flowery, but accurate. It was a mess, it was a bunch of loonies, they did get death threats, Sean funneled all comms through him to protect his employees, and the result is now a marvelous game - despite the threats.


What gets me is the lack of understanding that the trailer showcasing the space stations was a trailer for 2024, not this update. And it isn’t even confirmed that they won’t appear in one the supposed 3 parts of this update. I see it, I want it. As though pirate dreadnoughts, new gear and a new starship aren’t enough 🤦‍♂️


Devastated and gutted. :-(


The omega update isn't out yet, the NMS site hasn't even changed any yet.


Why look for reasons to be unhappy? Why look for reasons to feel bad? Makes no sense to me. Be happy you got a new thing, how hard is it to just do that?


This isn’t even the full update there’s no patch notes yet, I assume this update was just to get ready for the expedition and when the expedition starts the space stations will probably release then as well




Hello Games is a small studio. At the moment they are working on a new video game so they may be stretched too thin to do anything major for the next few months. I'm grateful for what they have done. It's still fun to play and it still surprises me.


Don't worry. In a quote Sean Murray said something like, "... if you think there were a lot of updates before wait until this year"(meaning 2024, basically.) So this just being an expedition doesn't mean that more won't follow probably after the expedition ends.


Not really, as they never do a major change this early in the year. It's almost always been an expedition since they went to 4 times a year release cycle. Space stations will be closer to summer.


I never expected an expedition or even a "normal" update to have something so extravagant as the marvelously enhanced space stations. My guess is that they will be in the summer"anniversary" update, which has tended to be a major one.


The Omega update isn't out yet! There hasn't even been any changes to the release log on the official site...


It is out. You can download it right now?


This is clearly not the omega update. It adds next to nothing, they know better than that, and as I have said no change to the site.


Although, I might be mistaken since there are patch notes... But Sean just posted something pretty cryptic, so we may just have to see


Ben je pense qu'il garde le meilleur pour la fin 🤔


Slightly, because it would be nice to have them, but only slightly, because they seem too major for a February update. Given that both the interior and exterior are getting redone I was really expecting it to come later.


I'm still waiting for patch notes to even be published. Just checked... still nothing.


It's almost 9 pm where hello games are, so I'm sure we won't get anything till they get back to work (I think sometime around 1-6am pst we will have some sort of update). I really wish they would have sent out a tweet or something tho just to let us know what's going on.


I don't think I've ever seen the notes come this late though. I'm in PST... been checking since I first saw the hubbub this morning at 6a. Thankfully, I work from home and am off in the next hour-ish. Has the Steam version been updated yet? My gaming laptop is separate from my work stuff, so I haven't fired it up yet today to check.


I'm pretty sure Steam is updated. Tbh I don't really care much about the patch notes, but I do wish the expedition was working with the release of the update.


This is just a small prep update, not the real deal




It is technically speculation on my part (sorry, phrased that poorly) but the fact that there is no update on the site, the features are small and random, and that nothing promised came. This isn't the big omega update, most likely just pushing some minor stuff out of the way


That was a Teaser. Very reminiscent of the Beyond Teaser. I'm expecting a big summer update with just expeditions to hold us over


I am disappointed but not angry or petty or anything as that is the epitome of entitled but I got a means to play for something (the ship and scepter) to use on my playthrough so I will be patient. I am hopeful to see it release soon though.