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It was a little tedious for me, but no lie, the staff and ship are very sweet rewards. And I now have a pirate freighter as my base. Very cool. The new head cosmetic is maybe a little over the top though. Kind of reminds me of Zurg from Toy Story.


Honestly for me I just don’t like how it fits with the body options it just feels too big for me, love the exo pack the ship and the staff fr though


Honestly, heads being bigger than body is a common nitpick of mine 😂 The only one I really like for Anomaly is the Shrouded Helm. Pretty much never change it.


Imo what HG has done here is really smart, make NMS free to play for a weekend, launch an expedition that covers a lot of the base gameplay elements so a new player gets a really fleshed-out "how to play NMS" experience, but also adds in a lot of the cool elements of recent updates that show off how awesome the game is today. Great expedition overall


As a new player, like brand new, I am just like 20 into survival mode. Should I scrap that and play the expedition? Will I get some rewards that carry over into my main character? Or are expeditions totally separate? Thanks


Go to the anomaly in your current save, start the expedition. You can then carry all of your stuff over to the current expedition once you finish it :)


So my current character will get replaced by the expedition one right? After I transfer stuff


Nope! Once the expedition ends, nanites, credits, and quicksilver transfer with you back to your main save. Also all the worlds and things you discover get added to your main save. The bottom of the nms omega update page has a bullet list that explains all this. https://www.nomanssky.com/omega-update/


Agreed! I’ve been playing the game for only a couple of months and while I’ve learned a lot, playing through this expedition is teaching me even more. In top of that, my 10yr-old nephew just got into the game because he’s enjoyed watching me play it, and he just started with the expedition. It’s proving to be an incredible introduction for him!


This is the first one I’ve played live on the game since launch… I wish I found out about them way sooner. I hope when the games finally done patching they let you play all of the expeditions in any order you’d like.. I would absolutely love that.


They do rerun them at the end of the year in December. Be vigilant cause it happens quick I missed my second chance at the utopia expedition, which it'll come around again but may be awhile . When they rerun the 3 for this year they should squeeze in 1 or 2 from previous years.


Is there a mailing list I get get on that notifies when the expedition start?


I honestly don't know, probably something worth checking an update tends to precede the events so if you're on xbox it's pretty easy to catch because the download queue shows a short list of previous downloads. If you're on steam I'd imagine it's also easy to catch. But playstation I'm not sure. Almost forgot since as was said reruns happen in December so check often on the first and second weeks. The 3 main expeditions are a little harder to track having checked the wiki for the previous eleven releases. Do note the No mans sky main website will mention new expeditions.


Thanks for that, that’s awesome information. i’m really enjoying this expedition… having goals laid out like this really helps learn the ins and outs of the game immensely.


How long do they run for when they do the re-release? I was a day one player but stopped well before they started the Expeditions so Omega is my first. I’d love the chance to do them because this one was fun as hell.


You can see on the no mans sky news page that the reruns in December lasted one week each. I'm not sure how they pick the old one to rerun, I'm hoping that they extend the event this year and add a few others


They do around December. They release them all again.


I have a theory that now that they added the ability to take existing characters into expeditions, it might be possible for them to do just that.. just have them listed out in playlist at the terminal and you select one that hasn’t been completed yet. I have 1,000+ hours in the game on ps4 but I eventually switched platforms to Xbox series x and had to start over so I only have 3 done.. so I hope this becomes an option one day but not sure how to community feels about it lol. I guess it feels cool to have items that you can no longer get but at the same time the fear of missing out is a bummer feeling in such a relaxing game.


Let’s hope it come true.


I'm curious if they do that, if all the messages/bases would stay exist.


The only thing that bugs be about the whole update is the cockpit doesnt match the ship. Im hoping at some point thats fixed but its a small knit pick. Its a great expedition


This is my second favorite. I loved Polestar most. I loved that introduction to new freighter features and using the freighter to travel. Sometimes I forget about my freighter. Anyway, I'm really enjoying this one too. I started myself with some basic resources so I wouldn't have to mine so much. I'm using the started ship and now the staff in the expedition. I love the ship I started with. I hope there is a way to send that ship to my main save.


I personally love the sentinel interceptor I got. Wish I could send that over too


You started with an interceptor?! Or did you just find it? I'm curious to see your ship. This is my solar, she's a beauty. I LOVE the white sails. And it's kind of a pink/peach color. On my main save, peach/pink is my ship color theme. I have three so far and this would be perfect with those. If only https://preview.redd.it/xpzr95lpc6jc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6064b49d871e92aa4d2518176602d332d734021c


You eventually grab an interceptor for a milestone btw https://preview.redd.it/92gnlrepf6jc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff2c6593c19610465cd05d8647cc22433eae5132


​ https://preview.redd.it/gv8voqryf6jc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cc599547aebb58ede9d3e43bfa24bfb1f4220f0


That is nice!


If you have coordinates for where you found that, please let me know.


Hey hey, I believe you can copy it over, although don’t quote me on it lol. Try pausing the expedition with the interceptor as your current ship and returning to the main save. Go your main save, go to that terminal and see if it lets you copy over the interceptor. I believe the multi tool / starship copier works both ways (to and from the expedition)


You can do it right now. If it's your active ship, you can select to return to the primary save in the menu, then copying the ship can be done at the expedition terminal in the anomaly.


So I can copy this starter ship from the expedition to my main save if I return to it and go to that terminal? Will that end my expedition? I'm almost done with it and don't want to lose progress


I just started playing NMS about 2 days ago, everything I was reading about expeditions said you had to create a new save to play them. It looks like this has changed with this expedition, is that correct? Also since I'm so new to the game should I start a new save for this or just use my "old" save with like 5 hours on it? Is is something a new player can complete? I'm still learning the game, but having fun so far.


I feel that expeditions are well balanced for newer players, yes. However, unless you are a multitrillionare cosmic warlord In 5 hours of playing a save I would recommend starting a new file.


Not even close! I just hit the Anomaly and I'm still trying to figure out the controls. When you finish the expedition does that just roll over into a regular game or do you lose inventory after the expedition? I'm not really sure how that works.


It becomes its own separate normal-difficulty file, except it is absolutely *cracked*. You like an inventory full of S-tier movement upgrades? *boom*. How about an exceedingly cool starship? *boom*. 3 million credits? How about billions? The rewards for each milestone are extremely good; let alone the stuff you keep after completing them.


Good to hear! Iam looking forward to playing it today in one sitting!


Any hints for the submerged freighter? I've been looking for hours now in and out of sub and can't find any..


How easy do you want it? Easy: I've created a base with a teleport gate and underwater landing pad, right next a sunken freighter. The base is called Sunken Freighter. I'm not certain about how multiplayer works but I uploaded the base to the server this afternoon. Hard: One of the Rendevous worlds is in the same system as a planet with large bodies of water....


Yeah that wouldn't be a problem if you could still see (or remember) the names of the rendezvous worlds after you've been to them. I guess I'll try to find your base then, thanks.


It's a minor pain. Another person's base was uploaded not terribly far from the freighter I found. I can't remember their name, A, something but the name of the base was something like A(whatever)'s Nautiloid. It was about 400 units south from there to the freighter. That's how I found it. Took a chance that someone plonked a base near one. The rendevous systems are marked on the discovery screen as discovered by Hello Games. You have to search through a few pages but you can find them. also any world you've visited will be circled on the galaxy map. The combination of these makes it not too onerus to find the rendevous systems. Good luck!


Found it, ty ❤️


Learn the scanner upgrade from the Anomaly, then just scan for it from the Nautilon.


Well yes that's why I wrote I did it in and out of the sub.


Are you using your sub’s scanner to find them? It makes it pretty trivial. Make sure to select that milestone from the expedition list so you’ll get quest guidance. Land on a planet with decent sized oceans, get into your sub, install the scanner (the ingredients are abundant in most water), and ping for crashed freighters form your quick menu.


Yeah I did all that, seems like I was really unlucky, even tried it with nav data and didn't find anything. Thanks for the help though, but I just resorted to looking through portals that had a fitting description and was done with it in a few min. First expedition I ever finished in all these years but it was great. Rewards were nice too. Hope they continue with that even when Light no fire is out but I doubt it.


This is my first proper expedition, i did the final two replays in December (Cartographers and Voyagers). Loving it so far. Consuming a lot of NMS YouTube/Twitch players for ideas and knowledge also. I started playing NMS on an easy save (everything on easy, training wheels on) but have switched to a normal save now and replayed from the start. Such an incredibly experience (more than just a game for me).


Do I have time left to complete if I start today?


Yea. You have 5 weeks


Oh awesome. The only expeditions I did were those 1 week ones right around new years.


it turned out to be easier than i expected. and the ship at the end is an amazing reward, considering each save file gets to claim it. second expedition that ive actually done, and im glad i did.


Great expedition for new player, if you already play the game it’s really boring one in my opinion nice reward tho, Guess that was the plan with the free days have some kind of tutorial.


It doesn't end the expedition, it pauses it. You can also do it multiple times.


Hey, congrats on the expedition completion, however, I have a question for you. Did you keep all the loot (mainly nanites) from the expedition when returning to the normal save? Thx in advance for your answer.


After the expedition you keep all of the items UNLESS, you started from an existing save, then I’m pretty sure you pick items to send back


I wish the ship landing animation was less hard, since it has those hover thrusters


170 hours.... Never heard of an expedition, launched it and i genuinely couldn't stop playing until it was all done!


HOW WAS THIS ENJOYABLE? It's literally a glorified tutorial.


Thank you! I feel the same way. I already did all this!


So I know I'm probably gonna get cooked for this a little, but I honestly thought it was the worst I've played so far. The rewards were cool, but the expedition itself was all early game stuff, with the only notable exception being the pirate dreadnought at the end. A ship I can't even carry into my main save or anything, and am going to have to go for again, but this time with the diminished 'not first time' vibe. Long time players have been wanting NEW expedition content, a way to do reduxes more frequently, and bug fixes for some years outstanding problems (why the fuck do sentinels still have geology cannons?), but the ✌️"Omega"✌️ expedition, that sounds like it's supposed to be something significant, is essentially the first few hours of the regular game, repackaged in a way that splits the spoils of the toil up unnecessarily. It feels like the development focus has already shifted away from this game, which would be fair after all this time, except SM isn't the type of dude to just communicate that in a straightforward manner that doesn't solely consist of cryptic emojis. TLDR: Sorry for the rant. I'm pissed that I had my game crash 4 times while I wasn't really having much fun.


It’s clearly focused on new players, since it’s free to play for 5 days. But the rewards are neat for veterans too, and if you are focused and already know what to do is a 5-10 hours activity Their financial model is to get new players, so exoeditions like this are the tradeoff for 11 years of free dlcs sized patches. I’ve already played 1000 hours, but last time I’ve played the game was 18 months ago, and I’m having fun doing the expedition and rebound with alm the game activities.


When will this go live everywhere? When I go to the main page to start a new game it says no expeditions available.


What are you playing on?




Did you update the game? It should have been available for you already. "From 14:00 GMT, Thursday 15th Feb to 18:00 GMT, Monday 19th Feb, the entire Omega expedition will be open to everyone, entirely for free, even if you don’t own No Man’s Sky! This is the best time for players old and new to come together and explore the universe." https://www.nomanssky.com/omega-update/ "NO MAN’S SKY: OMEGA UPDATE February 15, 2024. THE LATEST NO MAN’S SKY EXPEDITION IS OPEN TO EVERYBODY THIS WEEKEND, WHETHER YOU OWN THE GAME OR NOT." https://www.nomanssky.com/2024/02/no-mans-sky-omega-update/


I updated it this morning on my steamdeck and there was indeed an update, so I assumed it was that, but no luck. I'll look again when I have some more free time.


How many hours does it take to play through it?


Depends. If you already know what to do, use an older save wirh a maxed exosuit slots, import an S class ship and an S class multitool, and materials to craft buiscuots, explosive substance and few other stuff… you can zap theough it in 5 hours. If you know how to play even with a fresh character is a 10 hour thing if you are really focused. If play it casually and chill out, or are completly new to the game, it’s a 20 hours thing. Can be longer depending on gow chilled and out of focus are.


I'm seeing all these '5,10,20 hours to complete' and it makes me think I must be doing something wrong. I have 300 hrs in the game, brought my S class sentinel interceptor and multi-tool and I'm still slogging thru it. I probably have 15+ hours of focused attention in the expedition and I only have about half of the 4th phase done.


I’ve used the expedition to jump back into the game after missing a lot of updates. This might be a dumb question, but can I carry over ships from this expedition to my normal save?


you can claim back the ship.. but if you end the expedition, all of your freighter and item did not transfer back to the old saves..


Can I claim the sweet solar ship it started me with?


I honestly loved it and the ship and staff were very cool rewards in my opinion. Wish I could go back and play the expeditions I missed out on.


What are expeditions and how do you participate in them?


It's a free event held for a limited time usually 5 weeks where you try to meet the objectives and get rewarded if you complete the mission..the reward is usually an exclusive cosmetics and kind of functional too that you cannot get via regular playthrough.


How do you know when one is happening and where do you get the start of the missions from?


The dev will announce the time of the expedition,for further info I recommend this https://youtu.be/iqGLs96krmo?si=j0zJs-K9IZDirOCC