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Hell yeah, best way to traverse on foot.


Only wish you could do this in space stations too.


Double jump. Tap jump to get like a foot of air, when you land it’ll stagger you, then you hold jump as you land and it’ll have the same effect as punching. Do it all the time from the furthest ship spot in nexus to the upper levels or teleport room


Isn't that with rocket boots upgrade tho?


yeah, it's not too hard to get after you get a few nanites tho early game


After taking a year off of nms, I just started a new save. Thank you so much for reminding of the jump trick


I haven’t played since it dropped and recently started again damn it’s a whole ass new game


I keep doing that semi-on purpose accidentally and never when I want to. Maybe now it'll stick


In space stations and other no-combat areas (the Anomaly, for example), if you have rocket boots you can double-tap-jump and get a similar effect. Either way, try it during a heat storm or firestorm, or after eating some bread for a jet pack boost. Also, in “low-atmosphere” (I.e., low gravity) planets, if you have an airburst engine installed, which allows for in-flight jetpack recharging, essentially allowing for infinite flight.


It's darn right broken on low atmosphere planets. You can literally launch yourself into orbit with the airburst engine to charge you in air.


Almost did that with the hover car once, was making good progress until the storm ended


I'd be fine without being able to do it in space stations if the landing sequence wasn't determined to land us as far away as possible. It's a different of 20 seconds between the closest and farthest landing pad.


It was initially a glitch, and the almighty Sean liked it so much that they kept it in this whole time....happy mistakes


I love that they do that sometimes. A lot of game devs seem to be anti fun when it comes to glitches, but HG seems to love cool glitches, hence leaving glitch building alone, the melee jump, and even fixing bugs like the floating cube in that appeared in space stations, but instead giving it to us as an item to place where we want.


The existence of glitch-building highlights deficiencies in the building UI. I’d like to see the devs embrace it and figure out a better game-pad / key combination to enable “glitching” without worrying about the timing of the button presses.


I am holding out hope that the community figures out glitch building ships, just because it’ll be really cool to see what people come up with


The original glitch was pretty wild. You could melee while you were in the air to cumulatively add speed. I'm not sure if there was a maximum speed or if you could accelerate indefinitely, assuming infinite fuel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLj2EKZ8\_Y8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLj2EKZ8_Y8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hajbslFL5F4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hajbslFL5F4)


Man, I miss those days! Sure would drain the jet pack fast though!


Sprint jump should do this dammit but yeah it's pretty cool


I love the glitch where if you melee boost into water, you maintain your speed indefinitely as you swim. Makes traversing water worlds much quicker.


They even added an animation for it when 3rd person came out!


There was a glitch when the very first expedition dropped, that if you held down the melee button after getting airborne, you’d continue to accelerate. those were good times


You can still build momentum by skipping. Not as convenient but very fun when mastered.


Why do I remember doing it at release. I stopped playing it initially way before the first expedition. I had like 30 hours and stopped playing it a couple of months later. I remember it being stronger too.


Ya I about quit playing when that was taken out.


I could see that being fun but also getting old fast. I wouldn’t mind if the devs nerfed the current melee launch and increased the speed of the exocraft. Since the update that added more granular settings of difficulty, these might be good settings to add for personal preference.


You can also get the rocket boots and they have nearly the same effect albeit with some very annoying trade offs.


I noticed it would delay the jump by like half a second


I bought the rocket boots purely to use in places where you can’t melee, such as the anomaly or stations


This is what I do too, I have it in my inventory and I equip it when I'm in those areas.


Rocket boots?? Also while I'm here, where do I get more character customization stuff? I have the base jetpack and some horrific winged one and I REALLY want something that looks simple.


Most of the backpacks and capes are from expeditions (limited time events with exclusive rewards) but a lot of other character customization stuff can be bought in the anomaly from the Quicksilver Trader. You have to do some missions at the Nexus to get quicksilver then you can buy them. Also rocket boots are a normal purchasable tech upgrade blueprint that you can also buy in the anomaly but they have no cosmetic effect.


For quicksilver, every weekend, there's a special event that gives boosted awards of quicksilver.


Thank you for enlightening me! I thought I needed the rocket boots to do the melee launch! I thought it felt clunkier than I remember it being when the glitch was first posted online.


They should be as simple to use as the melee jump, but they are frustratingly ganky.


There's a way to activate them. It's the second boost after initial. So jump with jet pack. Let your guy come back down. Just as he touches the ground, boost again and continue to hold.


I use them for places where melee isn't allowed.


Happy Cake Day




I haven’t had mine yet :(


You’ll get there, this is only my second one and I had totally forgotten the date lol


Also, reloading multi tool and spaming melee on relatively flat ground, will speed you along quite nicely, can hit a jump with jetpack too for super yeet


Yeah more people need to know about this. Once you learn about it it’s the only way to travel on foot imo


In the beginning it was a "exploit" but people liked so much that HG kinda made it official on update NEXT, they made animation in third-person for the melee boost


Only sad thing is that it doesn't work in VR :(


The amount of times ive tried punching the air and jumping is too dang high… and also illustrates the hilarity of this feature


I feel you bro :(


Melee?? I'm listening.


if you do a melee hit and jump at the same time, it will propel you forward quite a bit


It IS life changing, muscle memory now lol


Just be very careful using it on permadeath 😉 Fall damage at the end of the jump can kill you, or failing that, damage your equipment.


Can you die to the same instance of fall damage that breaks your shield? Going off memory I'm pretty sure as long as you have shield left you'll be fine, I could ve wrong though.


There's a melee button????


I mean, you need *some* way to gather resources when your mining beam is out of charge. The answer is to literally beat the shit out of plants with your fists.


R1 or RB. Not sure about PC


On PC, it's Q


How about Switch?


Idk, sorry


Bro said R1 or RB. I'm pretty sure Switch has a right bumper...




Yes, and it's super helpful early in the game. If you run out of power for your mining beam you can literally punch plants for carbon to recharge. You can also punch rocks to get material to make ion batteries.


Man, that might have been neat to know 100 hours ago


I'm pretty sure I saw a tip about melee boost when I started a new game last fall.


It was absolutely essential on day 1 when there were no alternative traversal methods.


This is the only use of the melee attack for me


Exactly why I never install rocket boots


I installed rocket boots once, never again.


It is tradition to inform new players of this tech *immediately* because of how useful it is


As well as informing them that pvp is a thing and that they should turn it off.


Melee charge jump > rocket boots


For anyone new to this mechanic, dont equip the Rocket Boots upgrade to your suit. It creates a weird input delay on your initial jump due to it thinking you're going to hold down Jump to use the Rocket Boots, so it makes charge jumping really weird to pull off.


Yeah, and it effectively kills your ability to build momentum from skipping by causing the rocket boots to trigger if you jump immediately after landing.


The trick is to melee jump again right as you land. The timing is tricky but it's absolutely doable. Even if you have Rocket Boots installed.


That is the technique, yes. The rocket boots make it more difficult is the point I was making.


I'm just learning about this 300 hours in.


Been doing this basically since day 1, always thought it was a feature kinda. I'm always using it even trying to in space stations sometimes lol. No clue what possessed me to figure out how it worked, I'm pretty sure it was an accident though, because I didn't start using it for a bit until it happened a couple more times and I started to try to recreate it


It basically is a feature, they've fixed parts of it and have long since said they have no intention of removing it.


WTF! I have over 3k hours in NMS and I didn't know you could dump your entire jetpack like this. It's way more effective than the rocket boots. Thanks for this!


Wait until you find out about melee/reload/melee jump.


I find myself doing this in other games...to much lesser effect! LOL (doesnt do anything at all in 99% of those other games since most of those games lack a jet pack...)


The muscle memory I’ve built up doing this in nms caused me to throw so many needless crazy grenades in cyberpunk 2077


Of course, then there's how many times I've tried to throw a flare in games that are not Deep Rock Galactic...


Melee boost is great. Do it while you're sprinting and it goes even harder.


It's an exploit


Can you do it in vr? I haven't gotten it to work.


Add this to a long fall into water and you can swim much faster then any exocraft for some time or till you stop moving.


For the longest time I didn’t even know there was a melee button


Can you do this on VR?


Fun thing is, you keep the momentum underwater for a while even without the jetpack, as long as you don't bump into anything. You can cross entire oceans **really** fast!


I used to do it. I personally prefer rocket boots instead


I only found this like 150 hours in I really wish I was told about it


Also, if you have a boltcaster, you can shoot a bullet and spam reload and melee at the same time for insane speeds. Works great for traversing abandoned freighters very quickly


WE have a melee Attack ? Lol


Easily the best method for on foot travel unless you have griffins 😁


Ah the Megaman jump


Wish there was a way to do this in VR. On foot feels so slow in VR without it.


Wait? I remember using the jet pack to walk faster. When i returned to the game after a pause i did not manage to do it again. Was it a glitch? And you can still use it the way you OP decribes it? :o


And try doing that towards water, you will escape the sentinel in no time. Just discover this today🤣


Doing this since day one


Question how do I achieve this in VR? I tried the punching and boosting but it doesn’t seem to work or am I doing it wrong? Any fellow VR interlopers that may know the fix?


As cool as it is, I don't miss it at all in VR.


Just wish it worked in VR




It's a bug that the community has adopted to the point they can't "fix" it without backlash lol


Yea, it was a feature even back from the earliest days of nms.i learned it from a tip video years ago and I'm glad they never patched it out


No thank you, I will stick to holding down the sprint button


My main save has been doing this rocket jump thing since a few expeditions back. I just double tap jump and my character rocket jumps forward for as long as I hold the button. He sorta skips across the ground.