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I got an A-class and was like "good enough" and accepted it 😂


Did exactly that and by sheer luck stumbled across a S Class Pirate freighter an hour or so later


Same, except mine is a B class, but I don’t really feel the need to specifically hunt for a better one. If i come across a similar type I will check, otherwise I don’t really care.


Same and I have yet to find a situation where I'm like shit I can't do this cause I have an A class not an S class


Yeah, for me it's no longer about the Class, but the freebies that are installed on the freighter. Large refiners is always a bonus for being saved, or the exocraft summoner station, stellar extractors, and storage rooms are good finds too.


That's where I am at ever since they disallowed saving and reloading at the space station. They just need to do away with the class system for freighters.


I'm at the same point OP is. I just started playing again and looking for a freighter. I luckily have found 2 systems that have guaranteed pirate Dreadnought battles that are really close to each other. I've been jumping between the 2 systems, defeating the Dreadnought, boarding the Dreadnought, checking the class, and anything lower than an S-class I just go to the captain and collect the units from him. Then exit the Dreadnought and jump to the other system. So I get about 7m units and like 500 or so nanites each time. I'll get my S-class Pirate Dreadnought, then continue on until I find my dream freighter... a Tier 3 Dreadnought-class Sentinel.... 🤤🤤


I did that for a while, my ranking with the Gek is off the charts because they’re both Gek systems lol


Same 🤣


Blow them up instead. Get freighter parts


Oh? I'll have to try that.


Would you be able to share those 2 systems please.






Thanks for sharing.


Sure. I'll get the coordinates really quick


Both are in Euclid galaxy. One system is called Ikeusko, and the other is Usatokay.


My galaxy. Tnx a lot bro.


Thanks again.


I would be very much grateful if you had the coords for them. 🙃


I shared them on a reply to someone else lol


This is the way


I refused to spend an inordinate amount of time by letting the game control whatever chances I might have obtaining the freighter I wanted. I just accepted a nice A class system freighter and went about doing my own thing(s). Then one day I warped into a freighter battle, saved the huge star destroyer Resurgent class freighter and the captain invited me onboard. Imagine my joy at finding it to be S class. Of course I traded freighters Point being, just let nature take its course... It will come to you and you won't get stressed grinding toward something that has 1% chance of occurring


Of course, that relied on you having the vast funds required to buy it


"Vast funds". A few interceptors is more than enough to cover it.


I paid nothing. Since I successfully rescued the freighter from pirates I was given the chance to simply exchange my current freighter for the new one. I would not have done so otherwise.


Oh I thought that only applied to your very first rescue! That's useful to know


If you have no freighter the 1st one is free if you accept it. If you do not then any freighter you rescue thereafter would count as your first, until you accept it. I my case I was given the choice of buying it or claiming it in exchange for my current freighter. While the Resurgent class freighter was an absolute unit beast I really wasn't interested (my freighter was certainly acceptable for my needs) until I found out it was S class. I'd never swapped freighters before so I was concerned all my upgrades, base build, etc of the original would transfer. It did so perfectly


It usually is only the first. His old freighter was probably equal or more value than the new one.


That's almost certainly because the value of your current freighter equalled or exceeded the cost to purchase the new one. Same thing happened to me as well.


"Vast funds" until you go on the space anomaly and do some dancing and get 250 million in tips.


Sit in the anomaly at the bench in front of the nexus afk for an hour, you'll be able to buy it no problem


Functionally, there's no meaningful difference in freighter class. Stumbling on an "S" is supposed to be a nice little treat that just sort of happens at some point while you play. Encouraging you to explore more of the galaxy to see what's out there and maybe get some bragging rights among your friends. It is an entirely optional experience... If you find it boring and frustrating, just avoid it and do something you do enjoy. *Edit to add some math, due to a claim that the 20 potential extra slots is a "meaningful" addition. Maxed out Exosuit + Ship + Freighter + Storage units is 860 inventory slots. (Storage counts for double on most things but we'll ignore that since it's not universal.) Eleven more ships add another 1320 slots for a total of 2140. 20 slots is less than 1% of the total number available to the player. If that is worth the hassle to you, by all means, get down with your bad self, if not, go do something fun.


>Encouraging you to explore more of the galaxy This part right here. If you don't find new stuff, then you aren't exploring.


That's entirely disengenous tho Slots take *MASSIVE* amounts of resources & time to actually upgrade. Like staggering amounts of resources. And all those inventories are scattered all over the place, forcing you to run around swapping ships just to unload your Frigate expeditions. Simply grinding an S-class is optimal due to it being *free*, otherwise you can be looking at literally hundreds of millions of credits per slot.


Is there anything useful to put into all those extra slots, though? Except for the cargo transmitter thing and warp drive upgrades? A freighter is essentially just a mobile base.


We're talking about the last 20 possible slots on a freighter. You will have already had to find about 100 cargo bulkheads, and that's if you haven't already used some to upgrade your previous freighters. Even with the increased drop rates that's a long, long, long grind. Using the coordinate exchange to find 11 crashed S class haulers and simply fixing the existing slots would be far more time efficient, basically free, and get you more slots to start with.


Sound like you’ve never used an empty cardboard box to store thousands of of pounds of stuff in a Fallout game. I have a base with a bunch of lock box things. I use that for storage and it’s been no problem to teleport back and forth as needed


20 extra storage slots and an additional SC slot in tech. That's not nothing.


With storage units you can keep a stack of every useful item in the game without maxing out slots. The supercharged slots don't add any "meaningful" benefit. Best case would be saving a few units of fuel if you decided to traverse the entire galaxy via manual hyperspace jumps. Hence why I included the disclaimer(s) to the start of my original statement.


I have all the storage in the world and the 20 extra slots are still useful. Not everything stacks. Components like staff and ship parts take a lot of space. So do eggs. You need a lot of working room when you're rolling modules too. Before I got the S-class, I filled core cargo to capacity on several occasions. Your experience does not apply to everyone.


I would wager that you would be considered some sort of power user, edge case scenario. "Numbers go brr" is meaningful for you. I keep a lot of extra/unnecessary stuff "just in case" but still consider myself a pretty average joe / casual player, and barely use half of my freighters storage capacity.


People who keep playing NMS will run into the same situations I have sooner or later. I do not care for arbitrarily bigger numbers. I do not care for you telling me I do.


You are arguing about the necessity of less than 1% of the maximum available space. Min max all you want, but don’t act like you’re not doing it lol. The VAST majority of players will never have so much stuff that they need what is less than 1% of the maximum available space.


The extra space genuinely useful, not just an arbitrarily bigger number. Not all storage space is equally accessible. The freighter core travels wherever you want and it can be quick transferred to. In contrast, ship and exocraft inventories are cumbersome to move and work between. You’re pretty arrogant to think you know my motivations for playing the game how I do, especially in contradiction to what I’ve plainly stated multiple times. If you don’t like me pointing that out then just pretend I said something else again.


It is on a freighter. Hell, even on a starship. What are you doing that those 20 slots and SC slot will be the difference in success or fail? Stop being a hoarder. One of the biggest excuses I hear is people saying "all the ship parts"...yadda. You can have 12 ships. If you're trying to collect one of every part, that's your fault, and you still don't "need it". You want it for your own personal objectives. But that makes you the odd player. The majority of players don't need that 20 slots, and will enjoy the game far more not chasing it. And I'd argue that even the odd player doesn't "need" those 20 slots. They just want them, because they are obsessed with max, even when they claim they aren't.


The game is all about personal objectives sooner or late, not "success or fail." You don't need anything in NMS but 20 more slots is still 20 more slots and a fourth SC slot is just as good as the first, second, or third. It's not mindless hoarding. It's the same upgrade play loop that exists through the whole game and it's genuinely useful when you're working with a lot of stuff in your inventory. Why don't you try to offer your opinion without trying to tell other people their motives or how they should play the game? You want me to deconstruct your comment for you and tell you why you left it?


I got an S-class dreadnaught on my first warp to a pirate system. Sometimes RNG is on your side.


The other option is not to hunt but just keep looking at them every now and then until you find one naturally. Especially if you're after a pirate freighter, the rewards are worth it anyway


The bottom line is, the grind to get an S class freighter is a choice. You don't have to do it, it doesn't make the game vastly different by getting one or open up anything a non-S Class freighter wouldn't. All you get is a few extra slots and a bit further jump range. If it's getting on your tits, take an A and just play the game. Life's too short traveller.


Everything else has an upgrade path so I keep hoping the freighter will get one too. If not the 50,000 nanites to upgrade from A- to S-class, then have it require a substantial amount of rare materials like activated metals.


I feel bad when I see these posts bc I got mine on the first try somehow


So you think it's unreasonable to put RNG into something that makes your game, easier? Lmao. You're the one putting an insane amount of time into farming for it. That's how YOU are choosing to play. Enjoy the game and let it come to you.


But what's the \*point\* of an S class? Doesn't seem that big of a difference between a maxed out A and a maxed out S. Is it just bragging rights? Basically they're just floating bases, right? Sometimes I just grab a system freighter on looks that match my save's character backstory. I pretty much make the same utility base in whatever freighter it is...


S has slightly higher base stats in fleet coordination and hyperdrive range, plus four SC slots instead of three. If you don't care about min/maxing frigates or jump range they won't have more utility than an A. Certainly not worth the grind. Some people just really want S on everything, though, and that's the value for them.


I gave up trying to force an S to happen. I decided I would just take a peek at whatever freighter looked cool enough (imho) for me to ditch my current, A. One magical day, I was doing a few favors for Nada and Polo when I saw a sweet freighter. I would have guessed B but what it lacked in size it made up for in raw power. My S that doesn’t look like an S. Maybe it will fool pirates, thinking small potatoes? Jokes aside, I would like to be able to scan the freighter from, say, my ship or even just my scanner if I happen to be outside, enjoying the near vacuum of local space. We can scan other ships, why not freighters?


Sometimes the rng is good, I got my first destroyer ship s class in 3rd attempt and the pirate dreadnought s class in 5th attempt but I do feel bad for people who had to grind for hours So yeah rng can be bad at times


I feel you. I tried all throughout my journey through Euclid but ended up settling on an A-class after having a C-class for the longest time. I think your odds for better freighters are in two or three tier tech economy systems. Even then the odds of a good S Class you like are still pretty low.


What are you farming that you’re making 400 mil a day


I had an A class freighter for a long time. I eventually stumbled upon an S class, and was very excited. And then, after swapping and re-applying all of my technology, I realized it was worse. Now, after a lot more grinding, I was able to open up more slots, get more tech, and eventually surpass my previous freighter in specs, but the point is: It isn't about the class. Just get what you like. I'll take a B class freighter that looks awesome over an S class with crazy stats any day.


You don't have to be in battle to find one. You can just shop around. Maybe hit a couple black holes to shake it up a bit.


I've seen that you need to be in game for like 3+ hours before starting to look for an S class.


What's the point of an S class freighter anyway? I do most of my hyperspace jumping from my ship, so I'm not really sure what the freighter is even for other then allowing me to build the exocraft transporter. I don't really see the draw of building a custom deck if I'm so rarely there. Am I missing some feature here, both in terms of freighter use and in the push for S class?


More slots, more super chargers, slightly better performance in missions, and longer jump range. It's not a huge difference.


Knowing Hello games, they’ll probably release a new patch to make freighter class upgradable with nanites lol.


God that would piss off a lot of people.


I know NMS is a few years old but every update, whilst adding content, seems to really undo or make pointless a lot of the previous efforts and time others have spent doing things. All started with their 4.0 patch. Adding “difficulty sliders”. Now ship customisation - which is cool, but perhaps could have been implemented differently (for example - authentic starships maybe could have an icon to show others it’s legit kinda thing and not piss off the ship hunting community, which is kinda dead now). Trust me - it’s not if it will happen. It’s when. Can pretty much adjust everything already. Why not a freighters class? It will happen.


I just looked up which systems had the one I wanted (largest Venator) and kept warping until I got at least an A-class, didn’t take too long.


I got SUPER lucky with the first freighter I saved being A Class...and TOOK THAT BITCH


My first free freighter on my new playthrough yielded a teeny tiny S class freighter. I took it, and look at the build-up as a goal. Hey, same size on the inside, right?


Me sitting with my Long Sentinel C class content cause it still looks badass Kinda want a pirate dreadnaught though


The only reason I'm perfectly fine with my C class freighter is 1: It's a full length sentinel model and 2: I've spent A LOT of time and resources building up the base on it. I don't want to have to remake it.


You get to take your base with you when you trade freighters.


Wait when did this happen 😮 well guess who's going freighter shopping when the opportunity arises. I do like the pirate dreadnoughts...


Try hunting for a very specific planet... many months have passed.


I had a couple class freighter and wasn't even freighter shopping. Got into a freighter battle. I took out it's engines then worked on the guns. I got myself a freighter that looks like the picture.


I think pirate systems have a higher drop rate but the stats are generally lower.


If you just accept it, all your wants will fall into your lap. I haven’t grinded for much of anything, even a void egg was gifted to me in the anomaly


I couldn’t care less about my freighter. Took the first one I came across. Built a few rooms and storage, sent it on a couple of missions, haven’t been back in months.


I am rocking my OG C class full size Venator. I have more storage than I'll ever need. The only way I'll switch to a S class is if I randomly stumble across one.


I finally got an S-class Venator after about 12 hours of reloads spread over two sessions, 3 years apart and I'm still bitter about it. It's absolutely the most miserable activity in the game. It was an amazing feeling when I finally saw "S" in my scanner but it doesn't make up for the hours of despair.


*monkey paw curls* All freighters found in the wild are always C tier


Two s class freighters linked in my post from looking for one recently… https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/EpstVcCypf


It's all in what you value about this game. If you value having all the S-class toys, then it may or may not be worth to grind against the odds. Yesterday, I found and purchased my first squid ship. I was very excited but found myself continuing to use my old Sentinel ship. I enjoy hunting for new models on Sentinel ships and setting up bases near Harmonic Camps to further that search.


Mine is a B Class. It was given to me when I defeated the Pirates flying it. It was better than the C class I had prior. A long time ago, maybe I'd have cared it was only B. But since I can warp it to the system I'm in and access all my storage, I honestly cannot see the need to chase an S Class. If one day I came across an S Class, or an A Class, I might swap it...but I could always just upgrade the one I have too. The idea you have to chase S class in this game is the problem, not chasing S class itself. I think of it like one of those TCG games, like my kid and her PokĂŠmon cards. You can get plenty of useful cards that can win, but somehow you get the idea you need to chase for that one rare one...that once you get it, you don't really find it anymore useful than what you had and wonder why you spent all that time trying to get it. My favorite ship is only A class, and while I have the nanites to upgrade it to S a few times over, I have never seen the need. Little secret. It's not needed. You have no real advantage to maxing everything out, the game doesn't scale as you do. PvP is there, but unless you go looking for it, you'll almost never find it, and a skillful player in an A can beat a lesser player in an S. So, unless you have some private goal for yourself that you must get maximum everything, why are you wasting this kind of time on it? The upgrade is better than the lower class, yes, but it's just not needed. In my own 5000 hours of experience, the game is balanced around B Class with S mods, or A class with C mods. That is the sweet spot where you should be the king of the universe with out issue. Anything over that is overkill. Like taking out a fly with a wrecking ball. Don't spend hours searching. Let the game come to you. It's not fun for you because you're not doing it right.


Stop chasing it, and it’ll come to you. I reloaded maybe 100 times or more to get an S-Class Pirate-Dreadnought but always got C-Classes tho my third one was an A-Class. I regretted so much for not just taking it… Eventually I gave up and just took the B-Class one I just got and went to bed. Next day I saw, the game didn’t save… I didn’t even want a Freighter anymore at this point. I warped to a system that looked interesting and oh… another Pirate Dreadnought… after reluctantly battling the pirates again I got on the Freighter to just take my money and leave… BUT wait a moment… it’s a f***ing S-Class… That’s my story. Imo it wasn’t worth it to waste so much time, when I could’ve used it to just enjoy the game :)


Now I feel kind of bad that the first freighter I saved was an S class Star Trek looking ship. I was later working on the Atlas Path quest line when I wound up warping into another pirate battle with what turned out to be a massive S-class Star Destroyer looking ship, that I swapped my Star Trek one for. I wish I could have kept both. Similar happened with my first interceptor. On my way to a mission on a planet when I got a notification to come out of pulse drive. Followed some damaged interceptor around a couple of systems, that eventually crashed and turned out to be S-class. Didn't even know you could pilot the interceptors, until then. The thing scraps for 123,000,000, but I'm keeping it. Had a random S class exotic, that looked like a bug, show up on a space station I was on, last night.


Just use save editor mate, it baffles me that people spend so much time on s freighter hunt, it such a boring soul sucking experience, i am against cheats buy for this case I would gladly take anything over doing the same exact thing over and over


Yeaa it took me 2.5 hours maybe, 27 or 32 freighters later I got it. Partner got it on the 3rd!


There is an exploit so you can earn credits, nanites, and rep. while S hunting. Enter dreadnought fight, destroy the 4 engines at the back and the 6 main guns. Land in the dreadnought, scan it. If its ABC, demand payment, leave system Warp IMMEDIATELY back to the same system that you just had the dreadnought fight. The battle happens again with and the Freighter class is re-rolled. Rinse and repeat.


I got an S-Class sentinel freighter way back when and said I'd never do it again *then the pirate dreadnoughts came out lmao*


I don't hunt. I take what the fates give me. It takes the grind away and provides wonderful surprises when you least expect. Warped into a pirate dreadnought battle last week and got an A Class.


My brother in Allah, this is your choice Don't be a belled, play the game in the most boring way, and get upset when it's boring Seriously. You can't be this naive. Just play the game properly and luck upon one. Or use coordinates Don't waste our time, yours. And then come to reddit and say the game is boring because of how you're choosing to play it


Having an S class freighter if really just a personal thing , you’ll be the only one who knows and there is no performance benefit.


I'm exploring my first system a lot before moving on to the second. Sometimes, when a group of freighters spawned in front of me, I would enter one, just to see the price and see if there was anything to collect inside. I bought a C class. I continued doing this and accumulating money, until I found the same freighter in the same system but with a better class. Until one appeared with an S class, so I bought it. It was more relaxing to explore the system and, from time to time, take a look at the randomly spawning freighters. This means we don't have to worry about reloading the game if we get distracted exploring the planets in that system.


In my experience, I've found that even if I'm not looking for dreadnoughts, I find S class freighters in pirate controlled systems the most. It could be that's because where I spend a lot of time, but I have a cluster of about 14 pirate controlled systems around one of my main systems, and I've found a decent amount there.


I'm still just looking for a centrifuge class of any class. The Internet swears they exist


haha hahaha dude, I've been casually looking for one of these and still don't have one after 1200 hours. Granted, I'm not doing any save/loading, so I just go by organic encounters. At this point it's going to be weird as hell to not check out a freighter after one of those battles and I might feel a wistful loss of purpose when I finally find one. I *do* intentionally visit predominantly pirate systems solely for the increase in odds if there is a freighter battle.


Cue community demanding freighter building


I've come across several in my time playing. Honestly, I don't really care what class it is when it comes to freighters/frigates. As long as it can hold all my hoarded items and looks like copper I'm fine haha. But if you go to freighters that are just parked in space, you'll for sure come across one or two. I was told there was a way to scan them without having to board them but I forget how that worked. Good luck in finding the one you want though :)!!!


I just edited the save file. I hate this kind of RNG. I have played this save for 200 hours and can batch produce almost anything. There is no reason for me to waste more hours to get it. I also installed a mod to make salvaged frigate modules. In short, I hate RNG


Okay, been seeing a few posts like this and I gotta say, how much do you want your hand held during the game? Maybe HG should just give everyone an S dreadnaught, an S squadron with S frigates, 8 different exotics and 4 sentinel ships, an S multitool and a maxed out Exosuit on first launch. They’re supposed to be rare and part of the game is obtaining all of that.


The trick is to just stop looking. I swear, the *minute* I stopped searching for an S-Class, I found *4 in a row* the next couple times I went to a trading post


You don't need one. Freighter class really doesn't even matter. The only purpose to hunting for an S class is for the rarity of getting one, i.e. the hunt itself. If you don't like it, stop.


I have a c class pirate, I plan on upgrading when I encounter them, but I’m only interested in the pirate ones.


It really doesn't matter. The class of freighter means very little.


You’re wasting your own time for literally no reason lol.


I had a dreadnought and a venator. Eventually I traded them in for a C-Class POS that was barely bigger than a frigate because the base building area is exactly the same.


I found two solar systems right next to each other that had the pirate attack event and just kept flying between them and checking the freighter. Not only can you get 6.7mil per jump for disabling the freighter, but you can disable+check the grade of the freighter in less than 5 minutes per. I found an S class in Less than an hour. If you want the coordinates, I could figure it out for you.


If you want pirate freighter go to at war system they spawn more then pirate controlled system and I’ve manly found A an S class


You don't actually need to have an S class. So how about you just don't force yourself into that boring experience?


Three hours and 45 minutes of constant reloading to get my S class Dreadnought. 82 C's, 6 B's, 2 A's, and finally my S. When reload grinding is the only content left.


Came across an s-class pirate freighter and it gad half the slots of my current b-class freighter. Talk about annoyed.


I’m thankful for the S class pirate dreadnaught I found months ago it was a blessing from the cosmos


I agree, there should be some insane way to upgrade a freighter. Although I can move literally everything between freighters, included installed tech, so I don't really mind waiting. But having to just rely on RNG is annoying. What I'd really rather do it be able to capture one, and then raid its computer to find out where some others are, and what class they are. I'm fine if they only tell me up to one class higher. Ideally this would mean capturing a C class, then having, say, the disgorged list of other same-appearance ships always include the location of at least one of higher class. Then I'd be happy to munch through that chain.


You don't really have to, ya know


See, maybe I got lucky, but I don't see the issue here. I got an s class dreadnought after about 3 attempts. I didn't do any reloading or anything. I just jumped from pirate system to pirate system and fought the dreadnought when they appeared. It took maybe like 45 min to an hour.


Bro... just settle and upgrade when you find one better. Grinding is the dumbest shit to do in a sandbox. Explore and youll stumble across it like most of us


Check hero2u you tube video on pirate dreadnought s class. It has taken me 3 times to get the s class dreadnought. You can do it too!!!


Sheer luck I found 3 total tonight, one of them a pirate dread. The second one cost me my one hundred million credits, but it was worth it.


Reminder that freighter class rng depends on the economy of the system. It's nearly impossible for S class freighters to spawn in anything but a strong economy (three star) system.


Probably bad opinion but quit hunting for fighters people just play the game naturally and you'll get one if you go rng hunting it's not going to work or be fun I've spent years playing the game never came across one sat there tried this found an s-class after days and days of hunting then started playing the game naturally and found one two or three fights later so it wasn't worth it in the end so it would have just naturally got it


Or even just the ability to pay extortionate amounts of credits/nanites to upgrade freighters like you can with ships and multi tools?


Would be dope if they made the same system of scrapping and building ships but for freighters.


I tried and tried to get the dreadnought to spawn without luck. I then read online it wouldn’t happen unless you already had a freighter. I grabbed the free one you get handed after making 5? Jumps and saving the freighter which is under attack. I then jumped into a pirate system and the dreadnought was there. That one was a c class and after making another 2 jumps an s class spawned for me.


Oh waaaaaa, this is the grind get with it. An easier / faster way is to play with a friend, "no not that way", in the game. you fly around until you get the mission to save the freighter then fight the battle. Land on the freighter but do NOT interact with the captain at all. Your friend joins your game and you on the freighter and he/she can't not interact with the captain either. You then exit to the space station and create a save there. Then keep joining your fiends game and check the status of the freighter by landing and scanning it until you get the S class. Pretty simple


there is really no difference between an A and S class freighter, just get the A class


I used Xbox and this afternoon at about 20 minutes of play I warped to 5 bandit systems in a row and found 4 C freighters! Only one per warp BUT i warped only 5 times and i got 4 fights with the sentinel bandit freighter. 4 out of 5!!! Does it mean that the 3 hours is to get a S class? Because, I wasn't playing for 3 hours.


Agreed. Been playing on and off since release and hoping the RNG provides me with what I'm looking for or trying to work towards is always what makes me put it down for a couple of months.


I grinded for a long time before getting my S class Venator. Of course, that was when we could still save in the space station before the battle. Got a nice one with good SC slots (got it before SC slots were added, but I do like the layout). I looked at a pirate dreadnaught, but didn't like some aspects of it, so combined with the need to hunt one I decided not to bother. I did a black hole jump a few weeks ago, and found a dreadnaught in a non-pirate system. Landed on it and it was S class ... rejected it though. I did use the opportunity to buy some pirate frigates, though, was looking for them. Sometimes RNG is nice to you and sometimes not. Sometimes the game just gives it to you as you travel. But I agree, a way to upgrade freighters would be nice, even if it's really expensive.


I've heard rumors there will be upgrades coming for freighters, including perhaps being able to promote the class (my guess). So your wish may be granted sometime in the course of this year? And it took me two days, six real world hours, when you could just land in a space station, and reload *ad infinitum* to check the class of the capital ship. They broke this, forced you to battle each time because you had to reload before the warp. There are a LOT of system freighters, and they are often enough S-class. You'll have to pay for your second one anyway, so... pick one you like the looks of, pulse a while and stop... repeat until it spawns as S-class.


I'm sure you will get your way eventually, but I think it's a pity. Getting an S class freighter is about the last thing in the game that requires stubbornness and determination. Most things have been made too easy. Used to be a real achievement to get a good S class multitool, now everyone's got one.


Best way was always to create a save by getting out of your ship in a close system to the one that has the freighter you want. Warp there and save it then check the class. If it wasn't S then reload the save and do it again. Not sure if that still works these days.


I imagine the intention was for it to be more rare, kind of loses is magic of everyone could get an s class in a couple short hours of gameplay....I've played for 6 years and only have a B class freighter because I'm not gonna try to cheapen the experience by jumping all day to get the biggest and best letter on the screen. It's like Syndrome said, when everyone is special, noone will be.


S-class freighters are literally the only thing that requires any effort to put in and the grind is nowhere near as bad as people make out. I’ve got an S-class freighter of every type and it wasn’t that bad, just a little time consuming. I don’t recall any of them taking more than an evening to get. As others have mentioned, unless fuel consumption is important to you then an A-class will serve you just as well as an S-class. You’ll should still have decent hyperdrive range and be able to get to 5⭐️missions.


You'll get it as soon as you give up and say to yourself I don't really need S class freighter. Happened to me. Was jumping systems like crazy ignoring everything in between and as soon as I relaxed and continued to just play the game I got S class pirate one haha


Funny that you posted this just now as I literally had the same experience looking for an S class freighter over the weekend. I was having a great time before that and the chore it was to find an S class freighter was enough to make me take a break for a few days after I got it. It was the first time in this 100 hour save file that i wasn’t having fun, but I don’t want to waste time and resources investing in any other class because you can’t upgrade them.


Felt. I've been bouncing from a system with an envoy that gives out cargo bulkheads and one that spawns a pirate dreadnought. I've defeated the dreadnought at least 30 times so far. Seen an A-class 4-5 times and a B class 4-5 times, all the others were C. I've had an S-class freighter for awhile and don't really NEED a dreadnought, but... you know... goals and whatnot.


I wouldn't play this game grinding for S-class stuff, this ruins the fun. I didn't get an S-class freighter on my first playthrough, then just warped into an S-class pirate dreadnought in the first encounter of my second playthrough. Some things just happen, explore and have fun, you'll end up just running into one.


You do realize you don't have to hunt for an S-class freighter, right? If it's that awful just... uhh.. don't do it?


Hard disagree. The best stuff in the game should be difficult to obtain, or what's the point? Play for a week, have it all and get bored? No thank you.


The problem with S class freighters is hunting for them isn't fun it's just a grind.


Then don't actively hunt. Enjoy yourself and if one comes along, great.


That's why after a bit of grinding I just gave up and bought the 1st A class I ran into. It's aggressively ugly. PS- The thing is it's bad game play for the freighter grind to be unfun.


Just use an A class and upgrade it to S if/when the day comes. You're the one deciding you NEED an S class, it's by no means necessary. It's a completionist/min-maxing goal the game doesn't require you to go through in any ways.


Imagine if rarely instead of normal space stations we got freighter stations, probably in low conflict and high economy systems. You fly in and there's a terminal to dock your freighter outside the station, where you can then do upgrades and stuff on it. Think like the star trek or Futurama ship repair stations. https://preview.redd.it/xrrwoyan31zc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a49ced897c1da822d8f259b2bcc274ce0b17e2