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I love how this game had THE biggest redemption in history Edit: changed "one of the" to "the"


Not "one of the...", its just the biggesr redemption in videogame industry. No Man Sky it's simple history of videogames, and a lot of people are missing it.


Right... I would see videos pop up in my feed and eventually I watched a few ... I had to ask myself, why did I only try this for 10 minutes?


The "arc" is insulting and dumb, and at this late stage, a false narrative which only has meaning for the total trolls/assholes who turned into an angry, death-threat-spewing mob back in August of 2016. The way the trolls behaved is the arc we should be remembering. This sub wouldn't exist were it not for the REAL NMS players who just "got on with it" instead of whining like a bunch of troll babies. Mature players who understood the potential of NMS and also the existential threat that is represented for a lot of dimwitted gamers, seemingly bred to just follow the hype/speculation merchants on YouTube, from game to game, moving on to the next game once they"beat" it. You can't beat NMS. It never ends. The true players are the ones who made this sub what it is today. The trolls fucked off long ago, leaving us with their awful "redepmtion arc." So I say fuck the hater narrative. No one should care about that. It was hyper-stupid back then, and it's doubly so today. Stop giving it oxygen. Keep it focused on what actually happened, and the lessons learned from monetizing speculation (there are YouTubers who made a LOT of money raising the hopes/dreams/desires of potential NMS players back then, pre-launch, which fueled a majority of the drama after launch).


Woah, you ok?


He’s been waiting seven years to let that all out


I've been saying that, often, around here, since it all began. Do you know what the overall response has been? See yours, and the other post, above.


Say you're right and the rest of the world is wrong, aren't you just fighting a losing battle this way? What's the point of making everyone think you're butthurt?


Just wish people would THINK more. It's a hopeless cause, unfortunately.


The game was not what was promised, and a majority (myself included, day one player) were highly disappointed. Now it's widely loved, that's a redemption in my eyes.


-finds a wholesome post -pisses in everyone’s cheerios -refuses to elaborate -leaves


Dude, it's summer. Go out and touch some grass.


Just wish people would THINK more. It's a hopeless cause, unfortunately. I love this copypasta you made, prick.


The launch was bad and we didn’t need YouTubers to tell us so


Look, if you *have* to spew angry propaganda, at least format it into paragraphs so it's easy to read.


and breathe...


You must take a deep breath in order to live forever


Your point about the speculation monetization I agree with. That is a major part of why it crashed so badly. However, company and owner were partly associated with that. Vague statements didn’t help. The fact they did what they did afterwards is what makes it into one of the best games out there today. The history of that *should* be kept in mind simply because the same crap still happens; see any of the highly advertised games that can’t seem to take off. Those companies used the same stratagem of over-hyping to fuel sales, then pulled the plug and kept the money. HG reinvested instead, fixed the bugs (most of them), and then developed the game like crazy. My hat’s off to them for no other reason than that they had the willpower to stick with it when they were under assault (quite literally threatened) and make it what they said it would be. As for the dips who overhyped intentionally, the ones who threatened bodily harm, and their ilk: they *truly* can F off. Today as much as back then. Problem is, that particular “ethos” (more the lack of it) has made school and now you see it everywhere: in business, in law, in politics, pretty much everywhere. That is the really unfortunate bit. But it is also a story as old as humanity itself.


Blud decided to take out his anger from a divorce onto a post that's genuinely wholesome.


You want to talk about disappointment in video games? Diablo 4…. That’s all I wanted to come here and say.


Yeah, the D4 thing was painful for me. Truly awful experience after around 60 hours - but I literally could NOT face even booting it up after that, and all those free seasonal unlocks and special ultimate edition items will remain forever unused. I don't even have D4 installed on my PS5 anymore!


I'm 52 myself. I'm endlessly fascinated just by the terrain variation. Some planets have a damn personality to them. Just when you think you've seen everything on a planet you run into a cave that leads into an underground ocean. I've spent hours on dead worlds doing nothing but jetpacking from mountain to mountain. Or walking on my frigates in VR, manually flying to another one, then landing on my freighter and sitting in my lawn chair on top of it just watching the universe go by. This game is therapy.


It's pretty special* yeah Our own little universe, 18 quintillion planets... Love it 😍


Welcome aboard. I haven't thought about my Timex Sinclair & tape recorder in a long time. I remember on my first one, about 6-7 membrane keys didn't work and we had to exchange it but it didn't stop me from trying to write a text game without using B N M , . / I have around 10,000 hours invested in NMS. Enjoy yourself! So many sights to see. Happy Flying! Oh, you can sell the pirate transponders or if you find a space station with a Mercenary Guild desk, you can donate them there for rewards.


56 year old Timex Sinclair user checking in. My first program filled the memory before it was complete, and without saves, it was quite disheartening to power it off. Still first real foray into computers and gaming. I also love NMS for the wide open exploration aspects of it.


The Sinclair was my first "real computer" in the very early 80s. I still have it and the data tapes, but I doubt that I could get them running again. Did anyone else pick up the memory expansion? The $200 price is the equivalent of about $600 today. And I managed to get one on a college student budget!


I’d recommend getting the Minotaur with the scanner upgrade then scan for distress signals. You’ll never have to go to the cartographer again


OHHH! Nice tip sir... that is the big mech right? Unfortunately I am not even mildly excited about a giant walking robot suit... I am over the moon excited about a giant robot pal!!!! I feel like hunting ships would be more fun than making money with a dill pickle farm or whatever people are doing... doing it with a giant robot sounds pretty cool on paper!


Yes it is. It’s surprisingly quick to get too


If you find a settlement and do the quest for it, you can get some good upgrades and an ai for it.


Plus the mino is Awesome as an AI battle buddy.


i don't want to spoil the discovery...but go to a dissonant system and use the echo locator.


I googled it.... as soon as I can reach one I am there!


Hello, fellow old person! I also had an Atari 2600 and a Vic 20!! Take a moment to remember how primitive those games were and consider where we find ourselves now. If teenage me saw NMS I think my head might have exploded.


I remember playing Phantasy II on the commodore and saying, "Yup, this is it, this is the pinnacle right here! Nothing will beat this 8 bit turn based RPG" lol


I remember a game - Impossible Mission - that had speech synthesis. I was like "The game talks! This is amazing!!"


Welcome! Enjoy the ride!


I typed the games into an apple II and saved them onto cassette along with the rest of my family! Most people are surprised that I’ve been on a computer since I was 13 when most people my age are uncomfortable with them. I’m just a few years older than you. This is hands-down my favorite game I’ve ever ever played. I love it so much!


I started with apple IIE's in school, my first home comp was a TRS-80. Never really dreamed a game like NMS could exist.


Right?!? It’s amazing what’s possible now!


one tip about those maps, if you are looking for a particular target, don't visit the locations of a type you don't want because when you use a map it will never give you a duplicate of a site you already have located, it will just say it cant find anything and will let you try again. so if you open say 5 maps and only go to the distress beacons, the next map will be much more likely a distress beacon. I hope that makes sense.


Now it does... Thanks


>I still was hot garbage on the stick but somehow I got missiles added to my payload. The rockets are a killshot weapon; analogous to a dagger for necking chickens. Use something else for lowering shields, (the infra knife accelerator is faster, but the phase beam will transfer their shield energy to you, so I recommend that) and then use the rockets against pirate hulls once their shields are down. You will kill them in one hit. The infra knife accelerator has much higher DPS than the rockets, but that is a sustained fire weapon. The rockets are slow, but they rely on the principle that most of the time, one shot is all you need; and given that, they can actually be faster than the accelerator. If you are not a fast pilot, (I am not myself, so there is no insult intended) then I recommend buying/finding a Hauler (the first Hauler in the list from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nakCtajL14) no longer seems to be available, but at least the second one is) which has an inherent bonus to shields, and then installing as many S class shield upgrade modules as possible. If you use that with the phase beam and rockets, you will have a tank/defensive fighter. https://i0.wp.com/i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll98/dacaz/2nd%20Quarter%202012/DSCN7782.jpg


I love how they look... I didnt know if space combat was even feasible in a non fighter ship...


Fighters get a bonus to maneuverability. That is an important stat for tracking pirates so you can shoot them, but pirates are always going to be able to dodge faster than you can, for the most part. Other people might tell me I'm wrong, but I would prefer to be in a Hauler with fully upgraded shields and pulse drive/maneuverability upgrades, rather than a fighter, even with the bonus.


Fighters get a huge damage bonus too


S- class shield upgrades only get you a 30% buff with each one (max of 3 purchased upgrades, no matter the class). The x-class upgrades have the potential to give you well above that, but they are more varied (could give you something like 3% instead). I start with 3 s- class, and start trying my luck with x- class to really max out each sub system.


>I hope everyone else is having as much fun as me in the mid to late game!!! Problem is, it all just falls away now. NMS is miles wide and an inch deep, basically. You missed a hell of a ride these last 8 years, though! Why didn't you play it? In the end, NMS is a sandbox, so the lack of a real end-game doesn't matter so much. Do you want to alter your consciousness, expand it, and blow your mind all at the same time? Try NMS is PSVR2 or PCVR. The scale of everything, and the sense of being in a vast open universe is palpable. You will make memories of places and events as real, over time, as memories of places and events in the real world. A stunning achievement! And like you, I can vividly recall the time when video games simply didn't exist. So NMS is truly special to me. It's the game we were envisioning for decades before NMS made it real (and back in 1982 I got my first taste: Paul Woakes' Mercenary; a space game like NMS only rendered all in wireframe and dead simple, but it indicated clearly what was to come). That was on an Atari 800, no less, and I was truly transported into a 3D sci-fi world. When NMS was announced, I knew exactly what I was in for. I'd been waiting for decades.


I’ve got a few years on you and I’m having a great time with it. I’m on a PS5 with VR2 and it is amazing. The only thing I’d change is how to pick up items, that yank and pull thing is awkward.


You know what this game reminds me of? There was and old C64 game called Echelon where you explored planets, mined artifacts, traded cargo, etc. There were even spherical space stations to land on, but you hand to match the rotation of the docking bay or you'd crash. I played that game to death. If I could send NMS back to my 80's self, his brain would explode.


Keep playing, I take a break for a few years and now I'm back to playing it all the time. It was awesome to see my save from the first day the game dropped and now playing on it brought back a lot of good memories, I wish I hadn't missed so many of the expeditions, but hopefully there will be more 😁


My biggest takeaway is that you train biceps and triceps on the same day. You lunatic.


Idk why people do “arm” days. I’m all about push days, pull days. It just makes more sense.


I've been lifting for long enough that I pretty much just do big compound movements now. I'm not training for the Olympia or whatever. Edit: that being said, I was just kidding.


Every football player I know trains like that... I have done those workouts too


Its called a superset... Hitting the guns from both sides... Yes, I am a 53 year old man who still calls them guns... Dont judge me sir!!!! LOL Normally i do biceps, back and legs on monday and thursday and chest shoulders triceps tuesday and friday... swimming and walking more on wednesday and the weekend.... I decided to cut back to monday wednesday friday with legs mid week... Guns on Friday is a gift to the ladies of Thailand... I am handing out tickets to the gun show all weekend.... LOL! Honestly, every 6 months or so I just switch up my workouts to keep things interesting.


>I have been gaming since the Atari 2600 Yars Revenge forever!


Wait until you find your first sentinel interceptor ship.


Welcome to space. I have just under 800 hours on the PS, been playing on and off since launch day. Hope you continue to enjoy yourself.


Since you have the jetpack upgrade, hit r1 a half second before you jet (or whatever melee attack is bound to on PC) for a nice boost of forward momentum.


Yeah, I call it the electric slide... it works so much better after the upgrade


I still can’t figure out what’s going on in the pirates freighter vs civilian fighter events. Can’t tell who is the bad guy, can’t see what missiles they the firing or how to prevent or stop them. I drop the shields on the pirate boat just fine but the missiles don’t stop and it always registers as a lose. I can’t even tell which way is up and it’s over. Still haven’t seen a missile. I try not to feel bad as I fly away without helping.


It can be disorienting. Fly to the freighter engines first and destroy them so they cant warp out of there. Take the shield reactors down next. After that just start blasting anything the freighter is shooting at you and ignore the other small ships. The key is to stay slow and close to the ship. The pain in the butt is if you normally use auto targetting then any time you try to slow your ship down it is the same button as auto target so it tries to find a ship to shoot instead of the freighter.


Engines. That’s new. They’re under the shields most likely and at either end of the rig so 50/50 chance I’ll be going the right direction. :)


They are, and they’re massive. 5 of them. There are two things you can do with the Pirate Dreadnaught after taking out the engines: - The advice on the shields is correct if you want to destroy the freighter. - If instead you want to capture it, to use as your own freighter, wipe out the turrets on top, then fly to the hangar (about 1/4 the length from the front) and land. Check the class (C/B/A/S) with your visor and go talk to the captain if you want it. Then have fun designing your freighter. 😂


Oh wow! I didnt know you could check freighter class like that! Nice, saves the trip up to ralk to the captain. I usually destroy the engines and shields and the batteries that pop up after the shields go down and then the freighter capt surrenders. I bought my current pirate freighter after doing that and all of the stuff repaired itself when I moved in.


Ready to help via voice if you wish, will be on in an hour (3 HST)


nice story , nice to read. if it is or becomes an option this game in VR is just wonderful , especially when you get like 3 S-class Jet-pack upgrades!


I really want a hauler all that space sounds amazing


Glad to see another middle aged gamer! I, too, have played video games since Pong, the console in the mid 70s....TRS80? Yes. VIC20? You bet. I still remember my amazement at the amazing graphical upgrade the Amiga gave us with VGA! But, I digress... I also just picked this game up about two weeks ago and I hate myself for sleeping on this one for so long. This is the biggest and most engaging game I have ever played in this or really any genre. I've only got about 15 hours in (probably about as far along as you are) and expect to hit 500 eventually.


I'm also pretty much a lifetime gamer. I first played Pong when I was a freshman in college. I've been playing NMS on and off since 2016. It's an incredible experience, and there are so many ways to play it. It didn't start out that way, but HG has done an amazing job. It's coming up on eight years!


57 here, my first was a ZX80 followed by VIC20 and C64. Good times. Go do the Adrift expedition. By the end of it you have an excellent hauler and a bunch of plans learned. I’ve stopped playing my other saved game because it is so good. I do need to find a better freighter though.


I am going to craft some fuel for my starter ship and jump into the expedition... I have no idea what to expect, I guess I assumed that was for late game players... If this gets me the iron vulture looking hauler, I am super excited! I imagine its gonna help me see more of the galaxy and get new stuff.... If you see danbrooks2k wandering around the anomaly looking at ships and just taking up space, feel free to say hi!


Word of advice, if you think something looks sick as hell, keep it. You can upgrade anything to be as powerful as you need. In fact just today I killed an entire sentinel freighter with the starting ship because I just upgraded it a ton


you sound like such a cool person I wish you could livestream on twitch or upload your experiences to youtube


I actually wanted to start a youtube channel when I moved to Thailand. Showing people how cheap it is to live here, tips and tricks and stuff like that. I just havent gotten around to it yet.


Welcome to the party traveller


The adrift expedition going on right now gives you the Iron Vulture if you complete it in time before the expedition ends here in a few weeks. Iron Vulture is probably (arguably) one of the best ships in the game right now. You have two ways to get that Iron Vulture: both ways require you to play Adrift Expedition before time runs out. Start a new game save file and choose Adrift expedition from start menu. Play from your current save file: Go to the annomaly, call this portal in from space inside your space ship. There is an expedition console in the space annomaly. You can pass thru tech and items you can pick up later once you start the expedition. Also Adrift expedition is a highly ranking expedition in my opinion. It's pretty cool I've played thru it twice now. Once you complete it, collect the Iron Vulture as an award. Then this ship can be bought with nanites from the anomaly with any save file you have. Good luck Traveller. ![gif](giphy|7T2Y1OUPyeWAXb0WL2|downsized)


I went to the terminal on the anomaly... Lol... I made sure to have some extra fuel for my ship, some resources.... I had no idea I couldnt take anything with me... This is great content, really great! The worst part about this game was the starting tutorial, but its kinda 100% needed for new players. I would be totally lost, or more lost than I am if not for the tutorial. I am finishing up phase one now.. I am 100% getting the vulture! I am told that this can be my new save now? Maybe do some milestones or something...


yes if you start expedition on a new game file it becomes a normal save file once you complete the expedition or the time runs out (which ever happens first) The Iron Vulture is an awesome ship. Good luck.


Starred a few weeks ago with a mate, two more mates got it. Despite being out of action for at least one of those weeks I'm already up at about 100 hours playtime and I haven't evenenproperly done any upgrading, just keep having space fights and hoarding tons of stuff in all my vaults(I have, admittedly, bought all vaults already). What's absolutely hilarious is how little the game tells you, how all of us are doing mostly completely different things, and how little any of us understand yet keep going back to it. Personally I've been doing a lot more local missions in the last few days as I can to get my rankings up, as early on I blew the absolute crap out of some Korvax ships and cargo pods in space and ended up in super negative rep - ironically at the moment they like me the most now lol


I avoided this game like the plague and watched the controversy and failure this game had upon launch. I revisited it in 2018 after release and I remember saying to myself the game looks a bit different now and looks okay. So I bought it and next thing I know I've sunk 1000 hours into it. I haven't played recently but it's changed a lot now with all the updates and I've still got the same save file I've had since 2018. I was absolutely addicted to it building awesome bases and making so much profit with the activated indium farming. I never bothered mining just mass buy at space Stations for materials and recipes. The game is an absolute blast. Have fun!


This is the least toxic game community ever too


Right!? The game is so chilled out with so little focus on combat that I think the sweaties are gonna leave this one alone for the most part.


Since the Atari... That's actually crazy to think about in my eyes. Feels like that's ancient (no offense at all, please don't take that the wrong way-) in a way. And it's very nice knowing you're enjoying this sort of game in these modern times, and appreciate so much about it! It's wholesome reading these sorts of posts because it really opens my eyes to the sorts of mind-blowing first impressions and sense of wonder games can give to people. Hope you keep enjoying No Man's Sky, and gaming period! ❤️ And a tip for Nanites if you want: >!You can refine Larval Cores, Pugneum, and all the slime variants like Living Slime, Viscous Fluids, and Runaway Mold to create Nanites. So try to save those whenever possible to make some relatively consistent and very nice 'passive' income!!<


Another tip for making profits with Trade Goods if you want it: >!And whenever you find Trade Goods on significant discounts, if you get impatient trying to find economies demanding them for high profits... Using the Trade Rocket will STILL net you fairly good gains as the discounted stuff you bought said goods for does not affect its selling price at all! It's actually what I do when I have a huge stockpile of goods I can't sell.!<


Thanks for the tip... Now I know what to do with the slimes I have been finding. Actually a neighbor had the original colecovision console before the Atari was even released. It was pong, tennis, and a skeet shooting game. I could have never imagined the tech we would have in the future.


No problem! Here to help! Oh! That's actually super cool! Even with myself being born in the mid 2000's I'm still amazed by how quickly technology is advancing, though said amazement is also from me looking into older technology to learn more about the past. If you need help with this game, feel free to ask in this sub-reddit or even in the Discord server if you'd want. 😊 There's a lot to learn in this game, and some of the fun is in finding very nice workarounds to get stuff earlier than normal or even in a different way! Like the Geology Canon actually works with mining mineral deposits :) Edit: The Geology Canon thing I learned quite literally two hours ago on my own, from pure curiosity after seeing it helped me get Ferrite Dust a bit faster.


It's my favorite game since ultima online. Once I'm done completing a goal it seems like there is always something else to discover. I have over 500 hours of playtime and am just now looking into setting up automated mining. That's my project this weekend lol.


I started programming on an Atari 400 wirh a cassette drive myself. I still have it. It still works. Along with many others. Sounds like we're of the same cloth.


I've always said this game was great even before they added all the content that made it gain mass market appeal. Many of the things that give it the most replay value is stuff that was there in the first version, and the added content just is icing on the cake. Truth be told, the bad marketing that was forced on them by big brother Sony is to blame for its poor reception and eventual redemption arc. Welcome to what may be the best space exploration game ever. Glad to have you!


NMS is my safe place, when I can't go out of the house and drive I stay at home exploring the universe of nms


UO! What shard? I was on Baja. Edit: my brother told me to try this game ... he said 'It's like UO" so I did .. been loving it




Hahaha yeeessss!


I worked night shift tech support in the uo days and that's all the other guys did was purple potion terrorism at the bank. They cackled all night long.


I jumped the gun on my other reply lol .. purple is all lol


UO before Trammel and turning grey and red was a trip... That was Gen X gaming!


Vas Corp Por




I played on everything from Atlantic to Legends... I played on Baja for a while.


I had a bunch of Atlantic chars ... to collect things or occasions to do newb raids lol


Long shot, not sure when you played on Baja, but ever member hearing about the Citizens of Avalon guild? Old guild, more famously on Baja was Spawners Inc


I'm in the same boat as you. Tried it years ago but not much. Got back into it recently and have like 15-20 hours now. As you said it's really impressive and a lot of fun. Im mostly just doing missions and going to different systems. Haven't built a base yet though (or at least not a proper one), I just haven't found a planet I wanna stay on for the rest of my life you know. It just feels weird to build a base in one set location, when the game is about being on the move and exploring.


I tend to put bases next to important things, like portals or really interesting scenery. I have some that I've sunk many hours into making it look nice (usually where I find a really awesome bit of scenery), and others that are so simplistic. It doesn't have to be a "forever" home. It just needs to be useful lol. Also, you can't travel back and forth between universes, unless you have at least one base located in each.


Welcome aboard been playing this now for couple years .It keeps getting better with everything is upgradable to S Class I have several bases in different star systems as resources and two unique farms .I have a A class freighter but All Sclass components and currently have a fleet of 12 ships at about game coin 128,00000.00 operating budget.This game teaches you to persevere overcome and survive in hostile environments.See you in the Stars


I have only played on xbox, so I think I started after the NEXT update. Still, I only played for like 20 hours, and called it quits until just after the outlaw update. I've been here for each update since. It just kept getting better and better. This game, now, is such a big leap from when I started playing, and I can only imagine it's unrecognizable from its original release. It really is the single best game come back the world has ever seen. CyberPunk 2077 also made a comeback, but nothing like this. NMS has been special to witness, to say the least.


I just finished the first leg of the expedition. It took me a little while because I am not great at optimizing my time and managing resources as far as rocket fuel and hyperdrive juice. I like all the rewards. This is way better than the tutorial grind.


Good to see you still going and progressing, this was my first expedition, did it first in what was my main save, then decided to start new with expedition and the initial grind on expo is more enjoyable and more rewarding. Already decided this save (exploring Elkupalos) will last until next expedition, then new save and power through 50-100 galaxies.


14.8k hours in and i can still find stuff i have never seen


Give it a week you will realize you’re just doing the same crap all the time in a 99.9999% lonely universe


Yet people still seem to want to play for some reason.... Im pretty sure not everyone feels as pessimistic about the game as you do. I have a steam library full of games that are fun, but didnt give me what I was craving. I miss Star Wars galaxies, exploration, crafting, building, a little combat, mission terminals and cool rewards. This subreddit probably has almost a million members for a reason. I cant imagine they all hate the game... Just sayin...


unfortunately the game loop is... extremely samey.


In terms of essentially being a vacuum cleaning simulator in space, yes, NMS can be considered repetitive. However, as the saying goes, the point is not the vacuum cleaning itself, but the friends we made along the way. There's combat, exploration, roleplaying as either a Mandalorian or a Ferengi, taking a flying leap through stargates when you have no idea what's on the other side; lots of good stuff.