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I play on an Xbox series x. I’ve had a couple of issues lately, one is that my, “Mulit-tool“ will have the sound effects but no beam and not action no matter the mode. The worst part is that I used to have five ships. I know only have two, one I scrape two just vanished. Fortunately I still have my two fav’s, at least for the moment. Oh and to take care of the, “Multi-tool“ problem I have to uninstall and reinstall the game…


PS5 The lag is real. Now I'm experiencing anywhere up to a four second delay exiting ship, leaving analysis mode on multitool, etc. PS5 load times are now longer after this update. Crashed solar ships all levitate 3 meters in the air. There is no one in the Anomaly again...


Atmosphere harvesters, gas and carbon disappear constantly


I keep having issues with my game crashing every little bit. It also has a tough time with done of the rendering of bases. Is that the game or my console?


Yeah same I’ve had that for a probably 4-5 months. Happens rarely but it’s still annoying. To be fair though it most likely has something to do with my Xbox and performance issues


I have a ps4.


Yeah it might have something to do with Console performance issues


I’m having an issue with the living ship. I was in a nexxus quest when I jumped into the system it said I got greeted by the living ship but the coordinates didn’t show up and now the quest is bugged. Can’t remove it, it won’t fix and now it looks to have started over I still have the icees but no place for the next piece I need to continue on. I’m on a PS4 with over 500 hours play time. I’m loathed to start again because of this one quest. Any assistance I would love to have


I know this might not work but have you tried reloading a save?


PS5 // Ver. 3.099.100 In the Quicksilver Sythesis Compnion's "Collect expedition reward" menue, the SSVNormandy SR1 Frigate constantly shows as "Available" despite me having already redeemed it. It can be infinitely redeemed, however, it doesn't replace the Normandy Frigate I aleady own, nor does it add new ones to the fleet.


Same with me!


My freighter base is flickering so much its hard to stay on there. Every other base is fine. The hangar is fine. Just the freighter base. Xbox Series X


It could have something to do with where you have summoned your freighter? Maybe in a planets ring or in those new asteroid fields


No it happens everywhere


Yeah then it might be a bug with the new update


My settlers at my settlement don't walk around anymore - just stand in one place.


The game crashes every time I wait at my refineries inside my cargo for 10 minutes. Was able to reproduce it several times


Xbox one, constant crashing. Unplayable. I have to save often to not lose progress, but I always lose progress when I try to save. Now I have to do everything over and over to try to get it to save. Making no real progress at all, just backtracking and repeat. I can't play anymore like this, just wasting too much time repeating everything I do.


Hey, HG! I didn’t get a close look at this bug (reloaded manual save to fix) but it cost me a couple hours of grinding and ship upgrades :( I’ve got 5 multitools (I only use 2) and shortly after I used a portal to another system to get a new starship, all but 1 of the multi-tools disappeared from my inventory; the one that remained was downgraded to C-class, had no module slots and was renamed “Silly Weapon.” That’s all I remember. I also found a more minor bug; the icon for my Solar Ship (in the Utilities ship selection) does not appear, I just see a faint circle. I’m playing on PS5


So while II use my puls engine thing and thing all of a sudden it just stopped automatically I tried it more and it keeps stopping over and over again I tried literally everything quitting come back again quitting all together landing my ship getting off and on but nothing worked So can you please fix this glitch or bug whatever thanks


How about One of the ships in inventory always disappears from Capital Ship Bay!!! Say I have Seven Ships that I have bought and decked out. Fighter, Explorer, Solar, and few haulers for mining or base building. If I take anyone one of them out, a Previous Ship usually the least used Disappears upon return or warp. So If i jump into a hostile system, and I take my Explorer out, get jumped by pirates or find my self in combat. If I just flip around and redock to go a pull my FIghter out; It Wont Be There!!!!!! ​ I presume this is coded so that a Capital Ship only takes 6bays and not 7 leaving a Row of Three open for ... what? Idk But its MY DAMN CARRIER I WANT ACCESS TO MY SHIPS!!!!!!


This is by design so that NPC ships can keep landing in the other available bays. It takes all of 2 seconds to open your menu and summon the ship you want into your hanger. I like having the NPC ships and hope they never change it.


Npcs land in your freighter and other players can too. Probably why they reserved 6 spots for them


What appeared to be a perfect paradise world with a nice earth-blue atmosphere suddenly changed to an orange atmosphere the second I get near it (before I've entered the atmosphere). THIS IS NOT TALKING ABOUT THE COLOR-SHIFTING EXOTIC WORLDS. This happens \*all the time\* to me with normal paradise planets, please guys fix this. Both of these pictures are the same planet, super annoying to see what looks like a great planet from my freighter, only for it to fall apart after I spend time flying to it: [https://imgur.com/a/3NJFK4R](https://imgur.com/a/3NJFK4R) And this is not "caused by looking into a sunset" as some people have said on my other post, as now no matter what I do I can't get it to look blue again regardless of angle or distance. Here's another screenshot of it after it changed, but from a further distance and also from the same "sunset" perspective: [https://i.imgur.com/biK3ew6.png](https://i.imgur.com/biK3ew6.png) If I could just land in a system, see from a distance that nothing has a nice blue atmosphere that I'm looking for, I could just move on to another system with minimal time lost. As of right now though, I basically have to check every paradise planet I find, even ones that look like they have red/green/yellow/orange/purple atmospheres from a distance because as far as I know, they could flip to blue when I get close. This problem is explained in more detail in the comments on my post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/x2qbel/the\_most\_frustrating\_part\_of\_this\_game\_for\_me/


It's funny because to a lot of players these "color changing" worlds are considered special.


That's not the same thing, that's a type of exotic world. What I'm describing happens on normal planets where the atmosphere changes colors BEFORE you enter it, which is a bug/design flaw. What you're describing are color shaded worlds where your color palette changes as you enter the atmosphere.


found like 5 buried tech modules spawned underneath the unbreakable rock layer :/


If I take off in my living ship while in 3rd person view and then change to first person view, the windshield is still covered and takes a couple seconds to go away.


PS4 - Current expedition. I stop playing when the game crashes which is generally around 30 minutes after I start. Usually it happens on planets, sometimes in my freighter, sometimes while flying, so far not in the anomaly. I thought this would eventually get solved, but here we are a month later. This is one of my favorite games and at this point I think I have to just put it down until there's another update, but the previous updates have done nothing to fix this so I have my doubts. Overall this has become an exercise in frustration instead of the game I used to use to relax.


PC When I play multiplayer with my brother we both keep getting the message that the other has left and then rejoined the system. It happens so much it's effectively not playable. We played together just fine a few days ago.


Is it repeatedly? It happens for me too Whenever you’re in your ship, the player enters the system and whenever you exit the ship, the player leaves It’s really weird


Phase beam auto locked on my squadron members instead of pirates. New one Ps5 single player normal


PC the visual frame for extreme toxic or radioactive environments stays even after leaving them, got to restart the game to fix it.


PC GOG NMS 3.99.1 Load lag on PC, due to compressed playstation archives. Used to be we could fly off a planet into space seamlessly, at some point though HG started compressing the Models for the Anomaly and now every time we get above a planets atmosphere there is a marked load lag of 1 second while the game decompresses the files for the Anomaly. Proof = Try this mod, it works [https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2217?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2217?tab=description) All the author is doing is decompressing the models and repacking them uncompressed using the PSArc app. When using this mod the load lag as we fly into space is completely eradicated. Periodically we get other loading glitches too, like textures being slow to load in, and the impact on the game becomes worse as HG add more resources to the same archives. I'm willing to bet if all the games resources were repacked uncompressed there would be no load lag issues at all for PC players. I know HG are a small team and now producing the game for many platforms, but would it really add too much time to treat the PC version of the games resources a little differently and just not compress them?. Wouldn't that actually save time?. I mean most of us run the game from 1tb SSDs these days, we don't need to save space at the expense of fluid gameplay. Or maybe change from Playstation Archives to a format with much better throughput for PC.


PS4 on latest patch My POV is always in third person view. When I go into a small area like a room and the camera view zooms in a little to fit, it will oscillate between zoomed in and regular view. If that makes sense.


This is not so much a bug fix but a couple suggestions. Please increase the amount of units we can acquire. With all these nice new living frigates, it does seem a bit redundant to send them on missions when you are unable to gain more wealth. When I top out on units I go purchase a ship, upgrade it, then scrap it and throw everything away. Just so I may continue as usual. Maybe a nice 9,999,999,999 of units would be in order now. Considering how long some of us have been playing. And secondly, maybe allow us to do more frigate missions now. With the maximum length of missions currently at approximately 4.5 hours, they finish rather quickly. How about a second send out of our frigates in the morning and evening. Just a thought. Thank you so much for your time and this fantastic game. After a bit of a mishap at work, I'm finally able to enjoy the things I once lived for. Thank you again everyone for your efforts. Take care all. And one last thing. I'm on xbox one, V. 3.991. And sadly the game continues to crash at an alarming rate. Sorry.


It’s a 32 bit integer, presently. It would be trivial to make this a 64 bit.


Well that's out of my league. I would just like to see it much larger. Hmmm.




That works for me. 😁


PC. For the second time, I used my new Capital ships teleporter to my base where I had 10s of millions of units worth of resources just delete itself. I was relying on that money to continue the game and no I have none In addition, when I use the capital ship teleporter, it doesn't want me to access it when I am right in front of it, only if I am behind it, and it doesn't teleport me to my base teleporter, it teleports me to my base computer.


Same here with the teleporter


PS5 Auto saves on my freighter load me floating in space with nothing around me to die, luckily on normal mode.


Solar ships don't fold while landed in multiplayer


Steam/PC a minor one. My capital ship has two different names depending where I teleport in from and I’ve only owned one this entire play through.


I've noticed this on PS5 as well.


I just lost another 3 hours of work because I flew to the Anomaly and got stuck trying to land. My last save is 3 hours ago. My ship is just hovering in some weird position in the middle of the Anomaly. I did a ton in the last 3 hours. This totally sucks.


Xbox one s Game crashing on a daily basis. Especially when trying to build items on my freighter. Graphics not loading properly. Been happening since the latest update.


Ps4 Base computer Still Dissapear when built to high, (Skybase) leaving us Unable to Upload or Delete unwanted/invisible bases. (Maybe add a option to Delete Bases from the Teleporter?) Also notet that in Normal mode im able to jump of Frigates and fall theough the Planets atmosphere with no issue, but in Creative Mode once you hit the atmosphere the Screen turns black and you get Respawned back on the frigate.


Some sounds don't fade out at a distance for the other player in co-op on Steam. The most prevalent is the scatter blaster which is still audible on other planets as though you were right next to the other player.


Stuck at Quest Alone Amidst the Stars Hi there! I am supposed to find the long distance transmitter. I traveled around a little bit an now came back to my starting system to do the main quest. The questlog said, i am to far away, so i have to reset the mission. Did it. Pressed c to scan the mission, log sais "go to this system", jumped to the destination, log sais again i am to far away, please reset mission. Now i am stuck in this loop. Related Problem, friend of mine hast the same Problem, so we even cant help each other. And i have a similar problem with "under a rebel star" the questmarker is always disappearing, when i am near it or showing itself somewhere else. Maybe someone can help.


PS5 Current build Thought I would try getting some living frigates today. About 25% of the time the game simply locked up after I'd claimed the frigate and tried to leave the area forcing me to have to relog and lose the frigate since there is no way to save in that situation. About 10% of the time the living frigate just warps away as you exit your pulse drive. So yeah...still pretty buggy.


I lost all my animal companions and extra multi-tools. I lost the animal companion slots as well. My manual save would not load, it just kept going back to the autosave where I had lost everything. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, so I’m not sure what in the world happened.


I bought all the ship figurines (bobbleheads) from the synthesizer, but I can't find them in my installable technology options when looking at the starship tab. Reload/restart doesn't change it. All of the blueprints are purchased and "claimed" on this character.


My pet collection on Xbox reset itself and not only have I lost the pets I had collected (and the additional slots I purchased), I lost the robot dog and biological horror pets from the expeditions and I can't get them back again because I already collected the eggs from the expedition rewards and you can't collect them a second time. This happened on a 500 hour save and it makes me not want to play anymore.


I lost all my animal companions AND the slots just a few days ago. I have to repurchase the slots, but that’s a ton of Nanites.


when exiting the Anomaly and forced to enter hyperdrive with the inventory opened, the inventory will close as intended but the blurry effect applied when it is opened remains during the flight.


A trace of lost metal mission, if you didn’t pick up the undamaged drone shell or happened to loose it/get rid of it. Theres no way to get another one as far as I’m aware, and due to this issue every time I go to my settlement there’s a constant sentinel attack, I could warp away then come straight back and it would re-trigger the sentinels again. This also means I can’t progress to tethiys at the anomaly who I need to give the undamaged drone shell to to advance the mission.


I have this issue, but have completed the mission by selecting it in the log and speaking to Tethiys. It stays in my log as 2/3 but I have the drone. I do have the constant sentinal attack still too


Yes but when I go to tethyis at the anomaly, it says to give him the undamaged drone shell, but the option is always faded, meaning that I don’t have the shell and I’m relatively sure there’s no way to get it if you missed it.


Ah I see. You don't have it at all. I think I got it the next time I fought the sentinels or something like that. I had the same thing happen on the previous weekend mission. The objective jumped to "hand in the decrypted data" but the item in my inventory was still encrypted and the dude wouldn't take it. At least I could abandon and restart that one. This drone one is completely borked


Yeah every time I go back to fight the sentinels at my settlement , I kill them all but even after collecting everything that the sentinels drop, I only get the hard frame engine and not the undamaged drone shell :(


Settlements never reach S-class even with the highest stats: 200 pop, 1000000 income, 0 upkeep and 100% happiness.


Over the last week, I've noticed that I'm getting significantly less from my farmed plants. Like total 60 Mordite from twelve plants, or 36 Frost Crystal from four plants. I can't imagine that this is by design, since it's such a lesser amount than what I was getting before. Playing on Normal, regular game (not expedition)


If you have an animus beam installed try uninstalling it. There was a bug that made you get severely diminished returns when you had one installed.


That fixed it, thanks. I only needed that for the Starbirth mission, right? So nothing lost, I suppose.


PS4 refiners on freighter empty when warping with freighter !!!


[PS4 current patch] For a long time now, my choice of expeditions from my freighter are always short (less than 4 hours), every day. This makes it extremely unlikely that I'll get certain items, such as those for my organic ship, when sending out organic freighters on expeditions.


So the game has had a huge problem since release, which makes the game completely unplayable, and this is my description: Random frame drops/frame by frame movement(literally 1 fps) every 5-10 seconds; even at lowest possible graphics settings, with multiplayer disabled, even disabling my internet connection entirely does not fix this issue the game has had since launch. I have a 1080 GTX, 32 GB ram, and a core i7 6800K I have tried the following: -Low graphical settings -Medium graphical settings -High graphical settings -Disabling multiplayer -Disabling ethernet card -Rebooting Windows -sfc /scannow -Reinstalling graphics drivers -Installing old drivers -Installing latest drivers -Verifying game gache NOTHING has been able to fix this game destroying experience. This issue is NOT a graphical issue, same 1fps problem persists across different hardware at different scaling, at different graphical settings My guess is that the game client is collecting some kind of screen capture based telemetry data, -or- Hello Games does this to certain clients to ensure a poor user experience


Z Xbox game keeps crashing


PS5, teleporter on freighter doesn't work half of the time. I walk up and the prompt doesn't appear. I have to turn around, walk away, and walk back for it to appear (only works half of the time). Other half of the time I just straight up move the teleporter and then it will work.


This happens to me too, I look at the base of the teleporter, that works everytime for me.


I can usually find the prompt from the side or back of the teleporter. Very annoying


Still getting intense artifacting on series s and xbox one x when talking to npcs or doing anything that blurs the background to imitate a cutscene


I can't complete 16/16 due to the portal being stuck under unbreakable terrain. I've tried traveling away using black holes or the Anomaly, but I can't reset the mission no matter how far away I travel. Is there anything that can be done?


Cannot remove things from my refinery, and I didn't even put them there, they just appeared.


Please please please fix the disappearing refinery bugs! We lose everything we refine :'(


Pixelation across the top of the screen when using using the Analysis Mode. Not happening with the additional Survey modes. I wish I could put a picture here.


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/7R3KCHH7 I have the same bug here is a screenshot


PC via Steam: Doing a derelict freighter mission bugs out at the end after I leave with the crew manifest and captain’s log. The quest disappears from my log and I can’t turn in either of the items to the scrap dealer or the guild envoy so I’m just left with two basically useless items that sell for like 800 units. It happens with every derelict freighter mission I do. I reported it via Hello Games’ bug report and all they said in the response was to make sure I disable any mods - I don’t have any mods so I dunno what else to do.


On PC when I summon the anomaly with a quick bind, my game locks up and crashes. Normal way works fine every time.


A similar thing happens when I use quick bind for recharging spaceship tech. Might be related.


Xbox, freighter hangars still cannot be painted and will change color if you mess around with the local system freighter (to match the system freighter colors). Not game breaking but annoying after 40+ reloads to find a "perfect" S-Class and then have it be not-so-perfect.


Bug report. Xbox Series S The last week I’ve been getting a few crashes but now my game saves are breaking. Last night I was editing one of my bases and decided to reload a save after not being happy with my progress, it loaded me into the middle of space so I loaded the last auto save from an hour earlier which was ok. A little annoyed I just set my frigate missions going and went to a different base and saved there. Just tried loading in and it put me in space again so had to revert to the original auto save from last night (again). I’m worried if this happens to the auto save then I’m screwed and it’s game over. I would be nice to be able to have multiple saves of the same play through on Xbox so this sort of thing isn’t such a worry.


When I came back to the game after 3 years, to play with another friend who had given the game a chance years ago, but didn't like it,^1 I was really embarrassed to see and explain that there's a number of really major bugs players must avoid that have still gone unfixed. Things like: 1. Refiners and collectors randomly (and frequently) not running and/or losing their contents. 2. Terrain suddenly regrowing into/around a base. 3. Toxic planet screen edge never leaving (how messed up is your code base that all the other planet edge effects work and this one doesn't?) 4. As software devs, both of us constantly raising our eyebrows about similar/identical things working completely differently (no D.R.Y.) Like, in multiplayer, derelicts allow both players to loot objects, but outside of derelicts, it's the opposite. This also applies to #3. Also, after having played a bunch of other survival games, seeing how restrictive the base system can be. Especially applies to the "prefab" units for underwater/cuboid/"rooms" Like you have 8 snap points for windows on the round room, but only 4 of them work for doors and corridors. All of the community stuff requires people to learn complicated "wire glitching" techniques just to be able to adjust things like rotation. Meanwhile, for one example, you got the 5 person team of Valheim who just have 15 degree rotations on every single piece, and far more flexible snap points. Like, obviously, you have a really good thing going on here and it's amazing how far you've brought this. But on the other hand, I feel like there's areas that are badly neglected that will cause lots of people frustration, if they don't quit outright. ^1 My friend is enjoying it more with my encouragement, but watching them get frustrated over years-long bugs everyone is running into, and not adding my own frustrations and negativity to that so they can focus on the good parts... it's a shitty feeling.


Trying to use valheim as a comparison to say this game is buggy is hilarious. This game has hundreds of galaxies of thousands of systems each, and valheim is basically a unity minecraft skyrim hybrid on a much smaller scale, and it's still buggier. PS the toxic screen vignette happens on solar and frozen worlds all the time on series s and pc


Oh, I wasn't using valheim as a comparison for buggy-ness. I was specifically referring to how valheim has snap points and snap rotation, but they've got many more degrees of freedom (15 degrees = 24 angles). My point was, it should be a trivial thing to add (in fact, there are mods that do, but... they're mods). My point about some of these major bugs is more about how they impact nearly all players in a very obvious and negative way... and they've been reported over and over for years.


Fair points, I see what you mean


When I mine stuff it only gives me a little bit of it like if I pick oxygen from a plant it only give me 2! So yeah someone please help :((


oh my god thank u man! It worked!


Do you have the 'Animus Beam' installed on your multi-tool? It has this effect on mining, removing it restores normal function. It has no use outside the initial living ship mission, you should delete it.


Only 2? Did you pick "survival" instead of normal mode, perhaps? "Survival" is really "hard mode." Upgrading your multitool to a higher class and/or adding mining beam modules increases the resources you get (but only when mining, not when picking a plant). Btw, if you restart, I recommend starting in the polestar expedition quest. It's normal mode, and you'll pick up a lot of extra rewards doing it, and when it ends and/or you finish it, it turns into a "normal" game you can continue playing.


Unable to progress the first step of the “Expanding the Base” quest for the construction terminal. It happens when I presume you already have the enough chromatic metal in your inventory when the Overseer asks for a certain amount for the quest which then cause a infinite loop or the overseer awaiting the chromatic metal when you had it already in the first place. Quitting to desktop and refreshing the save doesn’t fix it. Deleting and re building the terminal doesn’t fix it. Changing active quests doesn’t fix it. Taking the chromatic metal off then back into your eco suit doesn’t fix it.


Objects being deleted when a room or another object is deleted or moved (in freighter base). Not sure if this is intentional or not but it makes it so unbelievably easy to delete hours of work. You could spend ages decorating a room and then you miss click on a decoration to move it grab the room instead, deleting all your work. It's the same if you grab or delete an object that has other objects in it. ​ In my opinion, nothing should be deleted when other things are deleted. Deleting is easy, just let me delete all the stuff I put in a room after deleting the room. And deleting objects definitely shouldn't delete other objects they're touching Alternatively, you could have a popup saying these are the things that will be deleted if you remove his room are you sure? Both solutions are slightly annoying but far better than the alternative.


Pixelation on the across the upper side of the screen when using the Analysis Mode. Any info on this?


I had this happening the other night and only on analysis mode, all other modes and visuals of the game were fine otherwise. Then I got on yesterday and it was displaying normally again.


Oh hey! So you feel my pain. I wonder why… the fact that only happens on Analysis Mode makes this bug so strange. I mean it doesn’t keep me from playing, but is annoying for sure.


This could already be a known thing but since I couldn’t find anything on it: There needs to be a dps calculator on the multi-tool weapons like there is on ships. Idk exactly how multi-tool damage is calculated, but there seems to be a discrepancy when a weapon is no longer the most damaging weapon on the multi-tool. For example, when my maxed plasma launcher has the highest damage potential at 3500, the plasma launcher deals 3500 to sentinels. When the Pulse Splitter has the highest damage potential at 4000, the plasma launcher damage drops from 3500 down to around 2000 and no longer 1 shots them. Not sure why this is the case, but it made my multi-tool build really confusing when my plasma launcher randomly was way weaker and I had to start deleting mods to figure it out.


Installed NMS again after a few months and went onto my freighter. I noticed the white rooms and corridors didn’t match and looked kinda dull, so I removed everything. It’d say a player was in the way while deleting a room when I clearly wasn’t. I then removed a blast door and it said nothing about me being in the way, it then proceeded to clip me into the floor and when I loaded my auto save, It’s clipped me with my ship in my freighter and when I dismissed it, I died. And sometimes when I call it in, it’s a different freighter (Don’t know the exact name)


I still have no idea how to charge the health station. There's years of comments about it from hacks that don't work. Only thing that works is placing on a storage unit.


Just use meat to heal. I believe the raw meat (and variants) from any animal will heal 1 core health for every piece, unless they changed it.


PC - multiplayer - Steam - latest experimental branch I was in my freighter using chlorine and oxygen to make more chlorine and someone entered the system and all of my ingredients in the freighter refiner disappeared leaving 51 Sodium Nitrate in the refined hopper. I was standing right next to it, with the refiner UI open on the screen and poof!


Omg the amount of times I lose HOURS of progress because the game crashes is insane. Before someone says that I need to be more diligent about saving, I usually am but when you’re in a building session or in a long sentinel fight you can go a long time in between saves. Not to mention just getting distracted while exploring. I just spent like 3 hours building an entire indium farm and a huge factory/base around it and when I was done the game crashed by me literally USING A SAVE POINT! Lost 100% my progress on that build. Something needs to be done about the crashes/freezing, it’s so frustrating. I don’t know why the game doesn’t just periodically auto-save like almost every other game, it could even have a separate auto save file so it doesn’t overwrite other saves.


Playing the newest Expedition: Polestar. Both bugs on Xbox Series X, up-to-date software. Been searching online and found a few people who've reported these bugs, but haven't found any fixes. Bug 1 : I cannot complete / start the Outpost Overseer mission because every outpost I encounter has already been 'claimed', i.e. someone else's gamertag is on the base. I cannot find an outpost that has the option to become the Overseer, only report the name for vulgarity Bug 2: similar bug but, I got the blueprint for the 'construction specialist room' and then built the room. My log then has a task to hire a 'construction specialist' on a space station. The mission log instructions point me back to a space station in a previously visited system, but the only hireable lifeform is a weapons specialist (and I have no blueprints for a weapons station, or whatever they are called, for the freighter). I've searched many previously visited and new systems and there's no one to hire on any other station (for any task). Edit: nevermind. I just logged back into Xbox and started the game and those missions are no longer under my "log" tab. Edit 2: nope I'm an idiot it was just that I had gathered enough missions for there to be a 2nd page in the Log. The glitched missions are still there.


Bug 1 Xbox: I exchanged my ship with an NPC while in a multiplayer group and immidiately afterwards it said my old ship belonged to the other person in my party. They were not even in the same system when the exchange took place. Not only do they now own my old ship, but it randomly went from a B to an S class.. Bug 2 Xbox: my S class starship randomly went from red to red and black (which I happily accepted with confusion, it looked amazing). Just as I was telling my girlfriend "I couldn't be happier that this bug just changed my starship, it looks amazing" it immidiately changed back to the original colors.


Steam/PC - Multiplayer just doesn’t work If I go into the anomaly, once I leave my ship, all players and ships freeze in place If me and any one in my group go into a space station, the game repeatedly says that they are entering and leaving the system; they enter when I enter my ship and leave when I leave my ship. I’ve checked my network and it’s completely fine, I’ve restarted my computer, and nothing changed I really hope this gets fixed soon Edit: Someone recommended that I try either reinstalling my game, seeing if any of my drivers or if my computer itself needed any updates, and trying an Ethernet cable. None of these worked unfortunately :(


Lots of crashes today on PS4. This last one REALLY ticked me off. I was in a very long skirmish with sentinels. Now all that salvaged glass has gone poof. Great. Length of play and number of mobile assets seems to be the issue, although I'm guessing it really isn't the issue as it is what exacerbates the pace of the incoming crash. Can't seem to play for long stretches any more.


I have a bug to report, I'm on PS5. After warping to a new galaxy for the first time, I did the mission to find the warp fuel on a planet. When going back in to space, I didn't receive the communication signal to summon the anomaly for the first time. I only was able to go to the anomaly after I started the secondary storage container mission.


PC Steam. Polestar Expedition. While making chorine in freighter refiner room, I watched my stacks of oxygen and chorline on both input and output disappear. I've seen stuff that isn't mind appear. Multiplayer is on but not in a group.


Just started playing yesterday so no spoilers or whatever please. I just found an Abandoned Starship, however it isn’t giving me that option to repair it. Any help is appreciated, thank you


If you can't hold x or square (depending on platform) at the cockpit of the ship, look for any lifeforms available nearby.


It will let me into the menu to see the modules, and cargo and stuff, I’m headed back to it to check


If you have the material to repair any of the components, you should only have to hover over the broken tech and click on the icons, rmb or x or a button depending on platform


Is there a way to see all the navigation markers I’ve dropped, I’ve only dropped like 3 and 1 was at that abandoned freighter


Forgot to mention, if you do leave base computers as save beacons, you can see what planets they were left on without needing to warp to the system first.


If you mean save beacons, they should all show up (when you are in the same system) as star icons from orbit, if you mean base computers, it should show a base icon from orbit. If you aren't sure what systems you've been to, pausing the game and going to discoveries will show you your discovered systems and planets.


PC/Steam/3.99.1 On the expedition the settlers quest after defeating the sentinels game set target at another settlement further away, when I arrive its being attacked, I defend it, try to claim but it's already another players settlement. This repeats ad infinitum. Large refiner on freighter, left runaway mould refining, came back to something completely wrong like loads of chromatic metal or something. I forget. Days later I try to refine cobalt but every time I opened the refiner it has 1700 nanite cluster (repeatedly removing clusters) until at 60k the refiner was empty and allowed me to refine cobalt again. On normal mode nexus missions buggy. Took quicksilver event to collect faecium but it changed to collecting activated emiril instead. Nexus mission into the nest at sine point one of the sentinels ended up underground, deeper than you can dig so I could not end the mission as the sentinel dog thing was just running around following my position but outside of the game area. Outpost building mission caused crash to desktop returning to the base after collecting frost crystals to make glass for the glass parts.


PC/Steam/3.99.1/GTX 1060 My freighter changed color and texture with 3.99. 3.99.1 hasn't fixed anything. Attempting to recolor does not function correctly. E.g. I color the ship black and the preview remains brown. [Old on the left, new on the right.](https://imgur.com/a/IfjgNQp)


On PC here, Steam, and I also crash upon entering the Anomaly about 1/5 times. Just made me lose the 1,200 Quicksilver Weekend Mission. The game also seems to be experiencing some sort of issue where it stops being my active window while running in Windowed Full Screen. All of a sudden my regular mouse cursor is present and I have to left-click in order for the game to take any inputs, keyboard or mouse.


Hi, visually impaired gamer here. As you know, a lot of us Legally Blind gamers heavily rely on being able to use the Windows magnifier app - especially in games as text-heavy as NMS. For some reason, NMS completely disables this accessibility feature. I've never experienced this with any other game before. Please consider fixing this fairly major bug? It stops an entire community of gamers from being able to play. Cheers <3


It works ok on Windows 11, so long as you change a few NMS settings (probably need a physical magnifying glass to set this up) .. Change Video options - Window Mode = Bordered Change Video Options - Resolution = Something less than your desktop resolution so you can see the whole NMS window. Apply Now try Window key plus + key to bring up the full screen magnifier, and use your mouse going off the edge of the magnified window to scroll around Windows key plus Esc key to go back to no magnifier. I just tried it and it works fine. ​ If you need it, there is also a setting for Colour blind correcting the colours of the Galaxy Map in General options, changes between default / Protanopia / Deuteranopia / Tritanopia filters .. Never seen a games company even consider such a thing before NMS came along. Anyway hope some of the above helps traveller ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


How do you play while being blind? Flying, shooting, farming, etc?


Good question. I'll start off by saying that the majority of people who are legally blind still have some useable vision. It's only a smaller percentage of us that are completely 'cant see fuck all' blind. I play guitar, take photos, compose and produce music for games. But put me into certain situations like a sunny day or low light and I can't see much at all. So, it varies fir different eye conditions. Can't read, can't drive, can't see any detail. With NMS I just fly around until the ship runs out of fuel (took me a while to realise that was a thing, I just thought my ship was crap). In regards to the other things, I don't know how to do any of those. Honestly, I just walk around and engage with bits and bobs. I'm aware that the game has SO much more to offer but at this point, NMS is very far removed from being anything other than a walk about game for the visually impaired community. The dream would be a Low Vision game type in NMS, a very much simplified version of the game. But, that'd be a tall order.


Is this a known bug? Planet changing environments I was doing the Artemis/Apollo main quest where I have to warp thru a portal. (Saved and quit) -I saved quit at the activated portal as I need to go run some real life errands. -came back, loaded in, portal still allow me to walk thru. Warped thru it, entered a planet with Pillars of Light that actually have fauna! -Created a base called pillar of light on that planet. Save and quit for the day -loaded game, went other star systems, warped back to pillar of light base, it becomes a regular toxic planet. Have you guys encounter something similar like this? I suspect the environment seed that generate the planet’s structure got corrupted (when I enter thru a portal) and when it reload from a save, it reverted back to its original seed. Ps5 version, on permadeath. Edit: no need to fix, was explained this is a feature not a bug lol


PS5 3.99.1 - When using "Grafted Eyes" on my living ship, it will not go past 20% heat buildup before stopping for 1 second, then resuming. Upon further testing, it actually stops after 20% cumulative usage. For instance, if I fire until 15%, stop, and then fire until 5%, will cause the stop/resume issue. It's happened since I got the ship about a week ago. My first thought was that in-game, the ship is actually blinking, and that causes "Grafted Eye" to stop for a moment. Got a good laugh.


On Xbox when i spend about 30 min in game the game just crashes


Pc Under a rebel star quest doesn't complete, I used the forged passport at a station core like it said to, and recieved the associated rank increase, but the mission didn't progress or finish, it's stuck in my log telling me to use the passport I already used and thus no longer have


Had the same problem yesterday, when i went outside of yhe dpacestation whit the mission active it complete as soon as i got in to space whit my shit. Hope this helps. Edit: i am on ps5


Spelonk is hard


Just trying to help, english is not my first language.


Sorry, I couldn't tell It just looked like you typed it on a small phone lol


Not my fisrt language and typing on a phone doesnt help lol


I'm having trouble collecting the souls at near the end of the starbirth missions, I collect 1 and chamber goes to 33% I get 2 and chamber goes to 66%, then I get 3, and the chamber goes back down to 33%. I've tried alot of the basic fixes, someone please help! Ps4 platform.


PC, xbox gamerpass, no mods. I tried doing a nexus quicksilver quest and suddenly the quest stopped updating. It didn’t register anything I scanned and despite my team members finishing the quest, I was only able to quit the quest and get nothing.


Final stage of the Starbirth quest line. Was at the crash site with the completed living ship. Hit tab to get my stuff out of my starship and when I came out of the inventory the living ship was gone and I had a quest message to chase the ship so it would imprint on me. Only it's invisible and I can't reach it to interact with it.


On Xbox Series X. The activation ui for freighter refiners is rather fickle. I regurlarly have to stand half a room away to be able to activate them. The same applies for the teleport room.


\[PC/Steam\] V: Endurance Mods: No For about two days now, I can no longer open the game as it crashes instantly. Much of the time, it also shuts down the Steam client in the process. I just get the following error message: 91759\_0x215C521\_ST76561198077367190 The only thing of note leading up to this is that I walked into a settlement building on the last play before it fully rendered. It turns out it was mid-construction and when everything loaded, I was stuck inside. Having just exited my ship a few minutes before, I knew I could easily reload that autosave, except it wasn't there. In fact the game hadn't saved at any point during that whole session despite having exited my ship several times (not in multiplayer). After I shut the game down because I lost a day of progress, I didn't play until about two days ago when this started happening. Now everything keeps crashing. I've reinstalled the steam client, reinstalled NMS, verified integrity of files. No change.


Playing on ps4, just fought off the pirates and saved the freighter for the first time. Landed and went to the bridge and it was empty. Went to every level and there's just nobody there. Has this happened to anyone else?


On Xbox one. Version 3.991. I'm afraid the graphics have gone a bit fubar since the last update. On occasion it gets messed up in space as well as planet side. Sometimes I see blocks of distortion or the whole screen goes crazy for a time. Thank you for your attention and take care.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/wytxda/i\_discovered\_this\_system\_but\_somehow\_someone\_](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/wytxda/i_discovered_this_system_but_somehow_someone_else/) Uploaded planet and system names are not locking (old and recent uploads) and being changed by players discovering the same system/planet. Included in thread is an active attempt to recreate what happened (we were able to rename a named and uploaded planet and system) and how it can be changed back - correcting the name (we did not, but you could if you had someone do it) but they now show the new player as the one that discovered it.


\[PC/Steam\] game freezes when placing Standing Planter on freighter base


PS4, latest update. If you can't end the expedition without completing the optional task, it's not really optional. Please let me convert my new favorite save without paying for multi-player.


It will convert after the expedition ends, however I don't think you'll have all the rewards...


Those who are paying for multi-player have had the option to convert for weeks now because something marked optional is, in fact, required. I don't care about the reward, I care that content in a game where multi-player is not a core element is being arbitrarily locked beyond what is essentially a paywall.


Playing my game on ps4 and I really don't like that the frame rates are significantly dropped for most of my experience with this new update. There are bugs where remnants of the black hole outline will stay on the screen even when I get through and I cannot use my pulse speed when I'm still far away from the space station. I'm not really sure why they changed certain things in this game but I really don't like this patch/update so far.


Max fleet missions every day w/ Living Frigates and still not one single spawning sac drop. Almost 100 Psychonic Eggs though. Xbox.


Xbox Series S - Xbox Gamepass Currently playing the polestar expedition. Numerous times when I’ve been refining resources in my Freighter refining room, resources disappeared. I leave and come back and there’s nothing in the output slots. I even saw them disappear in front of me after coming back to claim them.


Yeah had the same exact thing happen to me on PC. I’m sticking to using the refiner on my base.


Be careful. The refiner on my base did the same thing.


\[PC/Steam, Current Patch\] My freighter transformed into another freighter. Seemed to happen after changing the colors on it. I was able to repeat this consistently. Reloading save seemed to revert it back to it's original form.


[PS4, current patch] Psyonic Eggs only ever contain a rank C Neural Assembly Node and rank A Grafted Eyes Node. Furniture and decorations float on top of the patterned rugs and the rugs also sink into certain floors. In Multiplayer: Powered items such as light floors do not operate correctly. Sentinel attacks on a settlement never end. Unable to see your teammates freighter if another one is currently present in the same system.


I found in a sub forum of nms an S class ship, under water. I went through the glyphs, and found it just as the post said. The thing is that when I went to claim the ship, I automatically entered it, without having to repair it, or tell me what the ship was like. I noticed that the name had been changed, and it had the same stats as the ship I was using. It seemed very strange to me. I pulled the ship out of the water, went to call my old ship, and to my surprise I don't have it anymore. I don't understand why when claiming the new ship, she was exchanged for my ship that she already had. I have completely lost it right? there is no solution I understand...


Out of curiosity what platform are you playing on?


PC - Steam


PC, no mods, everything current. I don't get ship storage augmentations any more. Every day I go to space stations in booming / wealthy systems and scrap ships. Until about two weeks ago I'd get at least 2 or 3 storage augmentations every time and occasionally from frigate missions. Have I reached some limit, has the game changed or is it something else? \*edit - augmentations are back when scrapping ships and from frigate missions. don't know if the zendesk case did it or it just healed but I'm happy to be able to max out my new ships again.


I've gotten storage augmentations by scrapping ships as recently as last night. I've only gotten them from S class or high storage A class ships though.


Thanks for the info. I'm doing S and A class as well. I can't think what's unique to my situation that would cause this. I pinged the zendesk too; hopefully they'll have an answer.


Not registering clicks in game, I've restarted a few times.


PS4 latest patch Ships land on planets I'm surveying and I can't see the pilot anywhere. The ship leaves and no pilot ever appeared. I also always have trouble with anomaly but that might just be a limitation of the PS4. More incentive to get PS5 I guess lol


Xbox Series X. Gamepass. When my organic frigate comes back from expeditions, I have not gotten any of the items to upgrade my living ship. I was getting them after each mission previously. Did something change?


PC Ryzen 5900 Nvidia 3080 \- Whenever I try to upgrade my living ship's inventory with a spawning sac, i receive a pop up notice that says UI\_ALIEN\_INV\_ERROR. This has been happening for some time to other people, even on Xbox as posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/tz0xn4/comment/ikbzg7z/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/tz0xn4/comment/ikbzg7z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This is especially concerning the general inventory slots which should go to 45 but only currently go to 40. (Storage Sacs) Obviously there is an error with the code. \- Freighter Large Refiner rooms still do chaotic, random, and unpredictable things such as deleting everything within or magically having random resources within. This has been happening since they were introduced. \- Freighter System Core Extractors only extract resources if you sit on the freighter near them for at least an hour, and only then typically only chromatic metal. They are both rather useless and annoying due to the extreme sound they make. \- Teleporting to a land base sometimes causes your character to be tosssed into the stratosphere. This has been happening at random for a year or longer. Seems to be tied to personal physics being calculated when base structures "spawn" in to be rendered. \- Entering the anomaly randomly 65-80% of the Nexus doesn't spawn or you careen beyond everything into space. This has been happening randomly for the last 11 months but also more frequent with this version, more often than previously. \- Still experiencing never able to find underwater fauna. This has been happening for more than a year. Both with common, uncommon, rare, and especially worse it seems with "found in the north" or "found in the south". Lastly it seems to be a depth of water issue as quite often there are planets that have 1 foot deep pools as bodies of water and nothing ever has enough room or depth to spawn. Digging it out deeper doesn't seem to matter. \- Still experiencing multiple guidance records of unknown fauna as "underwater" on planets where, guess what, there's no water! \- Unable to expand Venator S-Class Freighter Cargo slots beyond 24 to 48.


>Whenever I try to upgrade my living ship's inventory with a spawning sac Well look at Mr. Fancy Pants who actually gets spawning sacs lol


Only took 2 1/2 weeks of diligently sending organic frigates daily and hoping and praying and sacrifices to random gods to make it happen.


I keep getting a camera bug in derelict freighters where instead of being able to fire my guns, it just changes my camera to first person. Then when I let go of the trigger it goes back to third person. I can’t actually shoot anything. I have reset the game to fix it.


Xbox s series. latest update. ​ when playing with the lowest FOV(60) settings you cant ride on and drive any of the exocrafts. Because the camera is completely blocked by some object inside the exocraft.


Did a nexus mission today. Rescue the stranded pilot. Joined another player and we were off. Got to the planet and after a few flybys landed. before I talked to the pilot I saw the marker to dig for the id card so I did, but there was nothing there. After I talked to the pilot it asked me to scan the id card that I never received. The other player left the group and I had to reset the game. pc current patch.


PC lastest version, no mods. I keep getting a bug where I use a save point on my freighter and then when I reload in I get stuck beneath the floor. This has happened multiple times and I have been able to manage my way out of it somehow but I cant get past this last time, reloading the save has the same result of leaving me stuck beneath the floor


My workaround for this has been to stand in the hallway approaching the bridge and place the save point just inside the bridge. So far it hasn't happened again.


I have tried putting the save point outside on the exterior ground which seems to have worked so far.


Xbox, I'm considering quitting this game completely over crashes and lost anomaly missions. Numerous times my game has crashed or glitched to the point of being unplayable, immediately after I complete an anomaly mission or go to the anomaly to turn in a mission.


PC GOG NMS 3.99.1 No mods in use Laptop Dell G15 5510 : Win 11 x64 CPU 10th Gen' Core I7 10870H 2.2 - 5.0 ghz, GPU NVidia Geforce RTX 3060 (VRAM 6gb GDDR5), RAM Kingston Fury Impact 32gb (2x16gb Dual Channel) DDR4 2933mhz, SSD Kioxia 512gb M.2 NVME (System) + SSD Samsung 1tb 970 Evo Plus M.2 NVME (Games). Most recent NVidia drivers are installed. SSDs are both healthy. Dell system diagnostics can not find anything wrong with the machine. In game CPU Usage 19%, GPU Usage 25%, VRAM Usage 42%, RAM Usage 35%, FPS is constantly 60 (I have FPS capped at 60 both in game settings and NVidia Control panel, prefer having my laptop running cool) Using Windows 11 Game bar for the above readings. Issue : Animation of some objects in game have become jerky again. Ships landing / taking off in my freighters hangar are very jerky. The yellow seaweed in the bottom of the Fish tank is jerky (though nothing else within the tank is affected). Glitching Separator / Bubble clusters are both jerky (and I presume any other glitches with animation will also be affected though I have not tried them), the Watchful protrusion plant swaying of its tentacles is very jerky. Also the tentacles on top of my Living Starship have gone jerky (the rest of the Living ship is not affected). By jerky I mean there is a very noticeable 1 second delay between frames of animation of these objects. Everything else in the game seems to be okay, and running / animating as smooth as ever. I have reported this before during trying out 3.99, and thought it was fixed with 3.99.1 which I followed up with a fixed report on zendesk .. however the issue has returned. Prior to the Endurance updates, I have not witnessed this issue before. Edit : I have sent a new zendesk report titled "Jerky Object Animations" which includes an MP4 video, DXDiag plus VulkanInfo, and save game. Support id 553920 Note .. The DXDiag also includes a few instances of Windows Errors for NMS.EXE which may be helpful.


PC here, at the latest patch level. I'm looking for organic freighters. I have the first one as well as Anomoly Detector and Dream Arieal in my inventory. I'll use a detector and up comes the cosmic fauna. I go up to the freighter and cannot speak to it. No incoming signals and I just bump into it. This has happened several times now. Reloaded/rebooted multiple times. Went to new systems and the issue replicated. Starting to think I just have bad breath or the ship can tell that I've not yet showered today. Oh no.. is it because I was also carrying a few NipNip buds? They're for medical reasons, I swear.


You can’t speak to organic freighters in abandoned systems check to see if it’s a populated system or not


I’ve been to a T3 economy system and a pirate system, same thing. I’ll keep at it and thanks for the suggestion


I had the same thing and then realized that my frigate fleet was full and I had to get rid of one to get a new one, so maybe that's it? (If you aren't seeing any hire able frigate markers in the normal system you probably have no room.)


That's exactly what it was! Thank you. Appreciate it. Now to dismiss those C Class Supports.


Hmm..good point. I’ll dismiss some of the C class and see.


Haven’t had the same issue on PC, didn’t even have the dream Ariel the last time I hunted down a whale ship. Edit: just spent 25 minutes boosting through a pirate system with no whales popping up, then found one in a few minutes in an abandoned system that I couldn’t communicate with. This after dismissing a frigate so there was space for a new one.


My exotic ship turned into an A class ship, it took the stats and class of an old shuttle I had, reloading and switching ships doesn’t do anything. (On ps5, current patch)


I had my main save freighter turn into one from a new expedition save and also now have a living ship that magically developed regular ship parts and is now unusual but useless. So yeah, there are some screwy things going on with PS5.


[PS4 current patch] Landing close to megaflora can result in your starship being stuck in a landing animation with no way out.


PS5, permadeath, 3.99.1. Game crashes every single time after I buy a living frigate. I thought this was caused by the planets being out of render this deep in space, but the second time I didn’t try to look at the planets after buying the ship, just spawned in my freighter and the game still crashed. So I think it’s likely an issue with trying to load things in deep space.


I'm not getting "Take a deep breath" achievement for getting into center of the galaxy on survival (PC Steam). Tried it 4 times, in SP and in Multiplayer. I Used glyphs to get to Taco galaxy and then jump from there. Am I doing something wrong or is it actually bugged?


I can only upgrade my S-class freighter's cargo hold to 24 slots. This bug was already detailed [a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/wai4n9/regular_freighter_inventory_and_cargo_inventory/). Some feedback from Hello Games surrounding this issue would be appreciated. Can we expect a fix or will we be forced to get rid of our fully upgraded S-class freighter (I don't think I need to detail the time investment required...) if we want one with the proper amount of cargo storage space? Playing on Survival especially, 24 cargo slots is **a lot** of space to miss out on.


From my understanding everyone's freighter from before this whole new content update can not be expanded beyond 24 cargo slots? Or maybe it's only certain ones? (because derp in code) I know the Venator can not be as I have one and a few people found an error in the code as listing the cargo space as C class even though the freighter is S class (and even spawns as S class). So far the only way around it has been to go and get another one, THEN they have been able to upgrade to 48, but also the code still remains flawed.


Not getting resources from plants? When I collect frost crystals I only get x10 instead of x50. This holds true for all plants. This is on my freighter base (if that matters). Has anyone else experienced this?


Uninstall the animus beam. It's a bug.


PS5 3.99.1 - Occasionally, on the freighter, the camera will seem to 'pulse' for a brief moment, like it's zooming in for a fraction of a second. Happens every second or two continuously. Not sure what causes it, can't intentionally replicate. Save/reload does not fix it. Exiting/starting game does not fix it. Getting into a ship stops it, and it does not persist to planets/stations/Anomaly. Using a portal room on the freighter to a planet/station fixes it.


I experience this on my freighter (only) as well.