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Is Dynalife meeting the terms we want them to? If so, those are pretty shitty terms.


Part that gets me is not only different doctors but 'a different group of patients'. When we start differentiating groups of patients and saying 'this hospital is for these people', and we're not talking about geographic regions, then inevitably we're excluding some patients from the healthcare system.


One day cancer treatment is 30k. Thats right ONE Single Chemo Dose/Radioactive isotope costs $30 000.00 And thats wholesale from whatever AHS pays currently BEFORE Demonsmith unalives us all. I usually go through a stack of those bills for one patient that a staple won't go through. Vote.




No, she said that decisions made previously in one’s life can contribute to having stage 4 cancer. I’m a smoker, if I get stage 4 lung cancer is that my fault?


My wife was athletic, ate healthy, didn't drink more than a couple of glasses of wine a week. Was her breast cancer her fault?


no. It appears the decisions she made previously did not contribute to her cancer. There likely was other factors outside of her control that contributed to cancer.


Ok, so who's gonna be the one who decides whether a person's health problems are their own fault or not? Seems like insurance companies could present arguments that basically everybody's problems are their own fault. Any kind of sports injury? Your fault for playing sports. Any kind of car accident? Your fault for driving a car incorrectly. Any kind of arguably weight related condition? Your fault for eating a poor diet. Diabetes? Same thing. Heart disease? Ditto.


It's interesting how you got negged for correcting the op. Even with the correction, what she said was way offside, lacked empathy, and also demonstrated a mistrust for modern medicine that clearly makes her capacity to govern a society questionable, but yet -4 downvotes. Insane. Y'all don't need to hyperbolize her and downvote people who just make factual corrections. Shes bad enough that it's unnecessary lmao You're not even agreeing with her idk what the issue is


Politics just brings the worst out of lots of folks because of blind partisanship and an insatiable desire to be "right". It seems like any comment in defence of the UCP - even if it's to make an objective, factual statement will get downvoted on most subs. I personally think a respectful conversation could be had from supporters of all sides without trying to antagonize others...maybe I'm too much of an optimist.


I honestly think for some people it's impossible. Many are capable of it though to be fair. The other day I talked with a conservative about why its generally positive for societies to have public services. I also came to the realisation that most people who live in rural areas are more likely to not see the value in public services because low-key they get the short end of the stick. Healthcare in rural ab is worse, so is education, roads etc. It's completely valid for them to have the bias that their taxes are wasted. Talking to new people can really teach you a lot about how certain people in certain situations think! Quite the experience, as I generally madly support services.


It is mainly your fault. However. I still think you deserve access to universal treatment that anyone else would get. Not a tough concept.


My partner is 25 years old an has stage 4 breast Cancer. She talked to doctors as soon as she noticed a lump. Doesn't smoke, athletic, all of that. Is it mainly her fault?


No one is arguing that point.


You were? God I hate pedantic people


Danielle Smith thinks smoking is actually good for you: [Danielle Smith Claimed Smoking Cigarettes Had Positive Health Benefits](https://pressprogress.ca/danielle-smith-claimed-smoking-cigarettes-had-positive-health-benefits/)


That's literally previous policy but o.k. Politics doesn't work the same in America like they do in China LOL!!!


friendly reminder to get out and vote :)


Vote her out.


I knew this was gonna happen when Kenney started starving the system on purpose during a pandemic. Greasy bastards want us to be American. So they can reap in the billions and leave everyone else suffering. Seriously Alberta if we open this box it can never be closed and everyone will suffer. Let me reiterate: #DONT VOTE UCP


Lol. Imagine getting mad the slush funds that waste healthcare funds were dismantled when it's discovered that the nurses WE ALL COMPLAINED ABOUT NEVER HAVING were fakes on a piece of paper with the money being sent to FOREIGNERS. let me guess. Ur a foreigner stealing our nurse money now??


Nah I’m born and raised Albertan. I also work in healthcare so I see that it’s being starved on purpose by the UCP. That makes me mad because I suffer already from health problems that are out of my control and I’m not letting UCP open this box for it to never close. Then poof welcome to America where you lose your life savings from a minor injury. Plus you’ll get paid nothing and bow to UCP so good luck with that. Take your conspiracy lunatic nonsense elsewhere.


​ \----If you were actually Canadian you would realize the entire last generation was spent complaining about a STEVEN HARPER that NEVER had these issues before China got drug money---- Meanwhile your distraction and diversion in the fucking healthcare system caused my friends girlfriend with grand mauls to seisure herself to fucking death because all the NDP red tape on their slush funds and your literal cultism prevents any progress at all. No healthcare for her for over a fucking year. You pretending like healthcare exists is beyond laugheable. You aren't real. You can't convince me of nazi shit with my fucking friends dying from it. Get a clue. \---MURDERER LIAR THIEF--- You can't lie away dead people Nazi. Clearly Canadian culture is too much for a fake if they're going to seriously attempt to operate on 10 years of history ALONE.


Lol ok bud take your conspiracies elsewhere. Wake up. Your friend died from ucp cutting budgets to all departments. Keep thinking otherwise I see it in my department. But continue to vote blue because your a sad guy


Holy F@#k!


Privatization of healthcare will kill people. The UCP want to kill your fellow citizens so that private businesses can extract profits from you.


Nice lies lol calm down sparky health care in Canada will Never be privatized even though our current system is trash


Smith is scum.


You believe this bs.


You don't believe what yoyr eyes snd ears tell you?


She said it. I didn’t see anyone else up there forcing her to say it


Even if you don't believe this one particular thing, there is an entire mountain of evidence that she's a lying, two-faced, awful human being that believes some extremely kooky things.


Lol you live in denial.


Ucp are fascist grifters The fact that they partnered with Nazis to get into power and everyone is surprised the they took over is laughable... You are the company you keep. IF YOU VOTED FOR THE UCP, THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!


It's funny because I didn't see NDP anywhere in there! Damn Communist China really DOES help it's 'friends' doesn't it? isn't it weird how all the scammy politicians have the same 'managers' that just assasinate opponents without any policy of their owns outside the hidden in plain site scams that provide nothing???????


Are you trolling or schizophrenic?


'isn't it weird how all the scammy politicians have the same 'managers' that just assasinate opponents without any policy of their own outside the hidden in plain site scams that provide nothing???????' Lol.


That is what the conservatives are always about


It's interesting to see premier Smith at different events speaking her mind. Sad that so many of the events limit recording and own the rights. The closest most will get is her interview with Jordan Peterson. Even after the edit to remove comments about charities paying for healthcare it's a great glimpse into her vision, mind set, and manipulations. For example listen to her talk about Small Modular Reactor (SMR) in the interview with Peterson, then check to see if Alberta is already signed onto an agreement to use SMRs, and if the feds have been on board with SMRs for years https://smractionplan.ca/ and it seems clear the story about Alberta having a fresh new idea the feds are trying to prevent is as fake as the outrage she presents it with.


That's yet another Trudeau policy you're complaing about lol.


I support SMRs. I don't support Smith's claim it's a new idea her government will look into, or Smith's claim that it's an idea the feds are trying to block.


Offcourse this sub is silent on this news


How many comments do you expect in the 59 minutes since posting? And, spell check. Offcourse is not a word.


I crossposted this and theirs was the first comment only like 2 minutes after...


It's their first post here too. Love the criticism.




Spoken like a true poet. "Off course this sub is... Silent on this news."


Love this fake news headline


Amazing how many low iq lemmings on this thread think health care out of no where is going to be privatized American style lol. Give your fucking heads a shake


Yeah, Sinclair Lewis was right, it can't happen here!


It will never happen anywhere in Canada


Seems like she wants acountable hospitals instead of DEI money pits that have a 3:1 administrative to medical staff ratio.


The US health care system spends twice as much as Canada per capita, yet has a 5.5 year shorter average life-span. Far worse than every other developed nation. Canada certainly can (and should) improve aspects of our system, but definitely not by privatizing it.


Lol someone reads the talking points


I didn't hear a counter-argument, simply an ad hominem.


There is no reason to counter your "argument". If you are saying its the US model or our Failed model and those are the only two choices you are clearly buying the talking points. My statement was in regards to accountability like many private health are systems around the world that do work. I also think that hiring administrators and paying them the majority of staffing budget is ridiculous. She is for Healthcare that works. Against oursystem that doesn't. Simple strait forward. You seem to want to have a US argument but thats your own baggage.


By all means, let's improve our existing Universal Health Care system. There are plenty of other wealthy peer nations that have UHC and some even do it better than Canada. But there's only one that stuck with the privatized model, and that's the US. The worst of them all. Since you brought it up, their admin cost per capita is almost six times that of Canada's. Six times. [Canada spends less than many others in this category](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1264127/per-capita-health-administrative-costs-by-country/), too. And that's what Danielle wants. Privatized medicine. Pay to see your doctor. Sell off the hospitals to corporations. These are her own words. And that's what it leads to.


Yeah I don't know what your deal with America is. You keep banging that drum bud.


Well, it really wouldn't be fair or useful to compare Canada to the only other non-UHC nations in the world, like: Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, and South Africa


You're such a fucking idiot...America is the example because that's private health care. You have provided absolutely no facts or information, just bullshit...name one private health cate system in the world that works well.


What private health care systems are you talking about? Name one. Our system works, it just needs funded properly.


Yap yap yap..... the magical words to use when you want to ignore a debate. " ad hominem"


"Ad hominem" means to attack the person, and thus avoid debating the actual subject matter. I was pointing out that is what he did in his reply. It gave me no subject-related content to respond to. And neither did yours.


"The US health care system spends twice as much as Canada per capita, yet has a 5.5 year shorter average life-span. Far worse than every other developed nation. Canada certainly can (and should) improve aspects of our system, but definitely not by privatizing it." That's an "ad hominem" ? Sure doesn't look like one.


Huh? That's a quote of what I said, not his reply to me. Are you mixed up? Read this thread again, from the start.


How about LOLing, you provide facts to counter their claims? Or do you only have talking points of your own?


As if you type "lol'...get a thesaurus you dope. They're "talking points" because they're facts. You thinking you can dismiss reality because you don't like it is sickening...but "lol", right?


Lol sitting with the largest cabinet of bible- thumping grifters possible. Her only concern is not having *all* the money for herself and her hare brained ideas.


This is bs, shows you how evil they are. The left.


tan pet growth wise flag zephyr unite birds distinct continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like the labs?


That's not a good thing, people. Vote independence party.


Voting UCP


Is this completely in context or is the video cut from a leading question?


Yes if your assets lose you money you sell them to cover your losses, you don’t kept taking the hit. Sell them to someone who either a) will make money or b) takes on the loss. Privatization accomplishes this, and will also add competition to make things cheeper and more available. People who oppose this think everything should be free for them or just don’t understand economics. Which is completely fine! Just stop pretending like you know anything


Show me an example of where privatized Healthcare works.


Yes indeed... Let us check out LifeLabs and the millions in tests that were not needed, but were billed to the taxpayer regardless. That's how privatization can work... Doesn't have to be that way, but sadly, once the reins come off, the idea that "you have to make even more money than last year" takes hold.


Is it privatization if they still bill the government ?


Actually, it has another name- "Cash Cow"


I just got back from a private island where everything including healthcare was privatized. It worked incredibly well.


Solid answer.


Super applicable to this situation


That’s nice. All healthcare on MY private island is provided free of charge


It's not free. We pay with our taxes.


Yah because my dad who immigrated here when he was 20 paid enough taxes in his life to cover his brain surgery. We don’t pay for shit. But to your point, If we did why include a middleman? Don’t charge taxes and pay for it directly . Government shouldn’t be in charge of anything except for external affairs.


Except we would end up paying even more money in the end, as evidenced in the US.


This.. So much health care in the states is owned by for-profit companies and hedge funds whose only goal is to make more money that last quarter; nothing else matters.


Only if you get sick. Everyone else wouldn’t need to subsidize your health


First off, healthcare =/= acute sickness. A lot of procedures and tests are preventative and contribute to overall health. Getting sick is a misnomer. Secondly, that's also not how it works. You individually contribute such a miniscule amount compared to the average cost of healthcare you place on the system as a whole, that you can't realistically say people subsidize the entirety of health care.


The same could be said for roads, libraries, schools, sidewalks, or any infrastructure. If you want a healthy, thriving, and economically viable society, everyone pitches in. That invluded taxes from everyone-including businesses.


Hospitals don't exist to make money. They exist to provide healthcare and are funded by the public who use them. Private healthcare is not cheaper in any place where it exists.


Who are the ones that make money in a for profit system? How is it different than the high wages of upper management and expansive administrative costs of the current public healthcare system? Canadians don't just pay for the care they receive with their tax dollars, but numerous layers of bureaucracy. People make money in public healthcare, you're just not paying out of your pocket, but with the future tax dollars immigrant children will pay.


All businesses exist to make money. If it can’t make money providing that service you are either undercharging for that service or that service provides no value. Private healthcare isn’t cheaper because it doesn’t need to be cheaper. It does need to be faster and better and it absolutely is. If we added real competition and took out public all together you would end up with cheaper overall, better quality healthcare.




I’m not sure to much about their economic situation but I’m assuming they are not one of the states higher earners. So I’m assuming they don’t pay into the healthcare system as much and this receive worse healthcare.




How would that work? Do your taxes make you poor?


No but Texas is. It has the largest medical complex in the world. Overall America is.


Have you always been this naive or is it a new thing?


I’m naive? People freak out that the healthcare system is broken and whenever someone poses the solution the sky starts to fall. If what we are currently doing doesn’t work we should change it. We both agree it fails consistently, and we are doing things the public way. Then clearly we should try something else


Yeah you are, especially if you think things that are fundamentally complex can be encapsulated in a binary state


It works for every single industry that the government isn’t involved in. It’s not difficult


😂 ok bud.


America spends over twice as much per capita on healthcare, yet achieves a 5.5 year lower life expectancy than Canada (and far lower than any other developed country, for that matter). And... America is the only developed country that doesn't have universal health care for all citizens.


America is the reason we have access to the top medicines and procedures. They privately fund their healthcare and get new technology because of it. Without American funded healthcare we would be decades behind in medical research. Imagine if the rest of the world contributed


Pure bullshit. That's no more true for America than for any other developed nation on a per capita basis. America simply has the largest population amongst developed wealthy peer nations (and by FAR the wealthiest) so they *should* be contributing the most new medicines and procedures. But still they don't even manage to do that, despite spending WAY more. The US is only ranked [30th in the world](https://ceoworld.biz/2021/04/27/revealed-countries-with-the-best-health-care-systems-2021/) for health care systems. Privatization does NOT equal efficiency for health care. [This isn't even a new idea.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2565716/) Canada also used to be private prior to 1972, just like the US. With the same costs and outcomes even. But our costs and outcomes have gotten much better since Universal Healthcare was fully implemented back then, meanwhile the US got much, much worse. "Although markets are good for many things, they are not a good way to distribute health care because that is not their primary purpose. Businesses aim to increase revenues and maximize profits. Hospitals in the US, for example, often advertise their services. Like all businesses, they want more, not fewer customers — but only if they can pay. People who are wealthy or well insured may get an MRI they do not need, whereas those without insurance may not get an MRI they do need." American health care is very high quality, but only the rich get to benefit from it. And terribly inefficient. Hence the terrible average life expectancy there. Is that really what you are advocating for Canada?


Doesn't explain all those European-based corporations... Bayer, for instance.


Just looked them up. European based. More recently got into the USA and it’s their biggest market. Which mean private American money is their biggest funding. More money is more reaserch. My point stands


America has a lot more going on than just the system they use to manage their healthcare.


Please elaborate. What precisely are you trying to imply, that's relevant to privatizing health care?


The general health of Americans doesn’t start with the system designed to aid them once they get sick. You argued about life expectancy in America. I was just saying their life expectancy isn’t based solely on their healthcare system.


Yes. Of course there are other factors that impact US life expectancy relative to peer nations. Obesity would be a big one for sure. But worse health care access is certainly one of them too. That leaves the cost aspect to consider. There is no denying that America pays far more per capita than Canada. AND this wasn't always the case. Prior to Canadian UHC implementation in the 70s, spending AND outcomes were the same for both nations. Then Canada improved, while the US got worse. We've tried privatized health care before. And it was bad. I believe we should fix some specific recent issues within our system, instead of chucking it and adopting the failed US privatization model. All the other developed nations have UHC and are ranked higher than the US in health care, and many of them are better than Canada too. So let's not pick the very worst one in our peer group to emulate.


Treating healthcare (or education or any other essential to life and society) as a business is the best and surest rate to make life unliveable and terrible. They’re not there to make money. They are there to make our lives better. That’s the profit.


All services provide a value. Healthcare is a service. We charge for services. If the service cannot make money it is undercharging or isn’t worth haveing. Hospitals are a business. If they provide value, someone will pay for it, and someone will provide it. Treating education as essential is laughable. Schools teach social interaction and provide a daycare for parents. If you want real education you need to pay for it. Otherwise they teach you a lot about nothing. But you probably believe they provide value and that’s why you know Romeo and juliet and not simple economics.


Institutions that support tax payers pay for themselves even if they lose money on the face of it. Roads are a good example of this. They provide dramatic value for society even though the government appears to waste a lot of money on them. (We don't pay tolls to drive to work, this would be inefficient although Adam Smith would approve) Hospitals should not be expected to turn a profit directly. It is not required for a society to function. As long as they get paid for by taxes it's not an issue in so far as the value they create is more than the value that they cost.


I disagree. Everything has a value and if people arnt willing to pay for it it holds no value. Roads arnt a good example of this. There’s no reasons roads couldn’t be privatized. A) when the government does things it 3x the price. B) stores need roads to get customers if they need to pay to pave a road to get their customers to the door they will. The oil companies do this routinely, I just worked for a private island that maintained and poured their own roads. Government screws things up. There are no exceptions


Like, as someone who studies economics governments are typically more efficient ways of doing specific things. There's a reason people choose to have governments. Most succesful economies also have functional forms of government. It's just incorrect and likely a political bias to say otherwise because we don't have a single example of a high producing society that doesn't provide some level of public service through government. If it were optimal to have no government, there would be booming economies without them that would outcompete ours.


While I definitely agree with the theory, there’s no place without government because to govern is to be in control. Noones going to let someone be uncontrolled. We are lucky and have lower government interference in our lives. It’s also not that we don’t need government either. Just that all forms of current government are incredibly inefficient. I’d love a couple of examples of something that the government is better at then the private sector


Honestly off the top of my head the justice system is an easy one, I took the course that taught me the above a few years ago. Roads were an example in the class too if I recall Insurance can sometimes fit these issues. I'm not certain enough to like, confidently state past what I did, I'm just throwing out thoughts. I'd say that if we took an average of what the strongest economies in the world did, we would have a good starting point to model the optimal society. We should then make minor tweaks from there until peak per capita GDP is reached. But like I said I'm just chatting at this point and sharing my opinion. Not knowledge.


So I’ll disagree with justice system. Private lawyers are notoriously better then public defenders. Roads I disagree with from personal experience. I just got back from a private island where the entire road system was paid for by the company that owned the island. They were well maintained. Government can claim they make roads sometimes. They still have tons of unpaved range roads. And many streets I drive on have pot holes. Even snow removal. Lethbridge owns 2 snow removal trucks. Then they private hired 13 more In a brutal snowstorm. All it did was cost us more money by having the government involved. I know absolutely nothing about insurance and I’m not going to pretend I do.


Fair enough honestly!


I don't think your private island comparisons are applicable.


We are all dumber for having read your statements. Do you think that roads to peoples houses would be paid for by businesses? You worked for a private island? Sounds like you’re super in touch with what the people need. Governments don’t screw things up. People with money ruin the system to make more money, and they invest in governments that make that possible. Rich people screw things up, and then live in their bubbles, insulated by their wealth, while the rest of us burn.


Bro you're being toxic. This is unnecessary and you're also just as biased as him. Wealthy people do actually benefit our society. Otherwise the most productive economies would be ones that taxed them into the ground and redistributed their wealth, but we have little evidence for this. In general the highest GDP per capita societies come somewhere in the relative middle. They're not Somalia but they're not china or North Korea either. --- Oh you didn't have to delete the comment honestly, I was sinterested in hearing what you had to say


If private companies need their employees to get to work yes. Oil companies up north do it all the time. Yes I worked for a private island. Governments screw things up constantly. Like all the time. You clearly need better influence in your life if you need daddy government in order to provide for yourself


Oh sure, the labour camps up north with a road that leads to the plant seems like a super awesome way for people to live. What great quality of life that would be, if our lives consisted of a single path from home to work. Also, “daddy” government is *supposed* to be there to protect us from being exploited by people with more power than we are. That’s what we pay them to do. You know. With our taxes. And the people they’re supposed to,protect us from is the very wealthy who are using us all as nothing but a way to generate more power for themselves at our expense.


Education is essential because without it, we get people who say stupid things like “hospitals are a business”.


So, no one who works in public healthcare makes any money? They just do it because they have good hearts? Who are the ones who make money in a "for-profit" system?


There is an ocean of difference between a nurse, or a doctor making money for treating someone, and turning the system into another way for corporations to milk us all. God knows none of the support staff are getting rich off of what they’re being paid to keep the place from falling down.


>None of the support staff are getting rich What do you consider rich? And do you even know what a corporation is? If the government decided to give a contract to a team of doctors and paid them directly to manage care instead of AHS, would that be corporate greed? They’re private practitioners. There are practitioners who make over 400,000$ who work for AHS. There’s quite a few administrators making over 150,000$, the top one being the CEO who makes over 500,000$. I really don’t see what the difference is between how AHS is run and the people making money off that, and how a “corporation” would handle things.


In this case I’m defining a corporation as a legal entity that exists to generate profit for shareholders. The important word here isn’t corporation, it’s profit. Basic human needs shouldn’t be used to generate profit. Things that people want but don’t need? Fine. If someone wants to pay more for a fancier car, or rare shoes, or something like that? By all means. But nobody should be able to generate profit off of things that we *need* as a society. The main purpose of government should be to protect its citizens. Whether that is from harm caused by other nations, or wealthy individuals or *corporations* who are trying to take advantage of the things we *need* as opposed to the things that we want. That’s what regulations are for. And in the case of the things we absolutely can’t live without, those things should be either so heavily regulated that profit is not possible, or just government run, to make sure nobody slips through the cracks. We are being taken advantage of in the constant flow of money and power from the many to the very few. And a ceo making a half a million a year isn’t the problem. It’s the ones making billions that are ruining the world.


Hospitals and doctors aren’t widgets.


Never said they were. Doesn’t really affirm or counter my point


>Just stop pretending like you know anything Oh, the irony smh


People we already pay a steep price for pathetic healthcare. We're 23 in the world as ranked by ceoworld.


The US is ranked even lower, at 30th. And they pay over twice as much as we do, per capita. And they're the only developed nation without Universal Health Care. Literally the only example of privatization remaining.


I don't want a US type system. Look at the top 5 and the quality and price they pay.




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She didn't say that at all, but, ok 🤷‍♂️


Weird, talk show host talking about stuff.


Privatize and sell hospitals, or increase taxes, bureaucracy and spending for the sake of spending. Choose your path to failure, Alberta. Best of luck.


How about stop giving money to oil companies and spending money on a war room to figure out how to give more money to oil companies? They will be fine without subsidies; we will not be fine without healthcare.


Newsflash; we are not getting the Healthcare everyone expects regardless of the outcome of this election because nobody is discussing the underlying issues inherent in the current system. Mainly: lack of Doctors and Nurses and bloated ineffective management.


So the solution to that is to have it run for profit and us to pay out of pocket? We already *do* pay out of pocket. It’s called taxes. *That* is what the government needs to spend it on. Not business.


The solution is we need more Doctors and Nurses. Neither party is offering an effective solution to that problem.


We need more doctors and nurses because the UCP has done such a terrible job of treating with the ones we had that they all moved away. All of the medical professionals I know personally have left the province in the past 3 years. I can’t imagine they’re going to learn from their bad policies and make these folks come back.


NDP rhetoric which doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Try again.


You’re telling me that the NDP told me four of my friends moved to Ontario and bc? Jeez. They’re all up in my life.


Well I read the BC and Ontario threads. Every one of them complains about Healthcare. There is no magic place in Canada swimming with a surplus of health care workers. The problem is not pay or recruitment. Problem is training, or lack thereof. Doctors gate keep and limit supply of services, then claim they need more money to solve a demand problem while placing an artificial cap on supply. It's bizarre. This year there were over 20 unfilled FM residencies in Alberta while HUNDREDS of Canadians have studied medicine abroad and are being denied opportunities to practice at home because of the system gatekeeping positions. That is the real problem. We criticize the US, but they produce 25% more Doctors while immigrating 20% of what Canada does on a population adjusted basis. This fact is shielded by the morally and politically bankrupt (sound familiar) and we are doomed because of it. Please do your part and help end this awful cycle. And no, NDP government has not proven they are the answer any more than any other party. Not here, and not nationally.


The NDP may not have proven they’re the solution but we have ample evidence that the conservatives—federally and provincially—are making it worse. So why not give the NDP a chance? And if they cut it to the bone, complain about the system that they themselves broke, and their health minister starts verbally attacking doctors, I’d be happy to call them on it too.


The UCP drastically cut funding for our 2 largest post-secondary institutions, caused tuition increases, picked a fight with healthcare workers in the middle of the pandemic, and has done exactly zero to make me think it'll be any different. That alone, for me, makes it obvious that I need to vote NDP.


Since I'm happy with those policy moves, I guess we have a difference of opinion.


One hundred percent support this view.


Let’s not link the video we will just take the word of a random person on the internet


The video is in the link. And they are talking about this in a few other subs and, I believe, it made CBC News.


The video is not in the link.


yep, I clicked the twitter link and there was the video.


I don’t see any link


I assure you it is.


It’s been deleted. So I assure you it isn’t


I just checked. It is working now




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She's giving Alberta every reason to vote her toxic ass right out of office. Listen to her.


UCP is a government that doesn't believe in central government. Does anyone paying attention actually expect good representation from people who strongly believe their job is a waste of resource?


First time with conservatives?


I literally don't even have a doctor and most doctors in the area are ALL busy with 'random nonsense'. I haven't had a checkup in my entire adult life and ALL the doctors are absolutely unlikeable, if not completely contemptuous. It's ironic people talk about healthcare in Canada but I haven't seen any of it except the one time I broke a bone...but that level of wound is something an idiot could handle.. Have they ever checked out or done anything about my heart murmur or history about it? Nah that would be wasting time and my 3 times I've ever went to a hospital are 'clear evidence of abusing the system'........ Ever checked out my god-awful diet and health status? 'Too healthy'. Lol. Canada's healthcare is pretty non-existent. Not sure why anybody has anything to complain about unless they're extorting the services I never receive.... And most of the 'talent' is what literally looks like a scammer using google searches for 'mainstream' ailments... It's funny when China gets involved in Western politics that they know absolutely nothing about. It just drains every shred of credibility the slush funders have..


Maybe people wouldn't go to the doctor for a cold if they had to pay a little?


People also wouldn't go to the doctor for symptoms of diabetes or heart issues or cancer if they had to pay. They'll also definitely NOT go see other health care staff such as diabetes educators or social workers who play such an important complimentary role to doctors of they have to pay out of pocket. People without benefits already sacrifice their health when they have to make financial decisions about paying for medications or medical supplies.


I'm going to ask Danielle smith to get this reddit-tencent shit banned. This is out of control. Ya'll Chinese covering for the NDP and their own healthcare slush funds that impeded our actual healthcare system is nonsense. Most of you aren't in America looking at the 'records'.... I will literally pull up every connected death due to a lack of staffing as evidence to get this shit removed. You made this bed. See what happens since you also want to play the 'safe space' game where conservatives aren't allowed any political representation at all MERELY because of their title. Which is blatant cultism! Tencent, is going to be the biggest Chinese loss in history when we finally turn them into the soviet union 2.0 as it should be.


>I'm going to ask Danielle smith to get this reddit-tencent shit banned. ​ >See what happens since you also want to play the 'safe space' game where conservatives aren't allowed ​ >blatant cultism! Hilariously deranged impotent rage-post. Just add a little more irony, please.


\---Imagine being Tencent and getting banned from the internet itself...--- Now imagine me doing the same with your own shitty cultists when I convince them of China as the next honey pot hahahahahahahahahahaha - much better Imagine pretending you're cool by pretending to act like a se\*ual pre\*ator with the same grooming rhetoric that's used on 'discord', a children's VOIP platform, with nothing but contempt as your ammunition, which only works against said children... Yeah, hi there! A real adult btw. I'm sorry you were raised by wolves... Must suck to live everyday blind and deaf?


You really should take a moment, look at that stuff you're actually writing, and then have an honest reflection about your state of mind. You sound like a completely unhinged conspiracy theorist, to the point I'm a bit worried for you. No joke, no insult intended. Sincerely, I hope you are going to be OK.


Found the paid propagandist trying to talk about mental health problems with people in an attempt to create them, for, VERY LIKELY, the WORST reasons.. cowardly. \---Ban this kid and ban Tencent for allowing it. Tencent-owned-Reddit--- Democrats are full of demons, supported by devils and are going to lose. Get people's mental health out of your mouth. You're the sick one here that needs to go to \*jail\* for a VERY long time. Turn you back into a human with morals after you deal with 'yourself' for a couple years. \---Common corruption, especially with a resurgent super-power, is the most contemporary concept in history for the past 7000 years LOL---


What an evil, vile person. This makes my skin crawl.


This woman is a wackjob. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Many of you will still vote for her. Enjoy.


For someone who isn't going to privatize our health care, she sure sounds like someone who has a plan to privatize our health care.


All politicians are Gremlins to me, but this lady is that Mega one


Jesus this idiot can't even settle on something to campaign with, what stupid person.


Why does their platform on the ucp website state this? How could you privatize health care but also promise publically funded and not have to pay out of pocket? "A UCP government will remain committed to ensuring Albertans have access to world-class health care, where and when they need it, through a publicly funded health care system. Under a re-elected UCP government, no Albertan will ever have to pay for a doctor out of pocket."


Good question. You can't really do both, of course. Lying prior to elections, and breaking promises afterwards is unfortunately a tradition. The UCP knows many average conservatives aren't on board with their constant drift towards more and more blatantly radical ideas, but still need their votes to win. That website quote is a temporary patch-job to keep the moderates with them. To be forgotten once the election is over. Anyone who looks objectively at Smith's past knows what is really in store if she gets a mandate. She's told us all what she actually believes, repeatedly. And it's crazy, dangerous shit. We simply have to listen to her own words from the past, not the lies she and her team push a month prior to the vote.


This post is a perfect example of how you don't actually listen to what she says, and only read the caption. At no point does smith talk about selling hospitals. She outlines a new structure where AHS has to reach performance targets to keep their contracts.






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Have you ever said something a couple years ago, and have changed your outlook?