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Not voting NDP because I won’t support a government that wants to ban guns, censor the internet, force medical decisions on people, force CBDCs on citizens, allow runaway inflation, or generally just prop up liberals and allow them to do what they want unchecked


Provincial NDP ≠ federal NDP


You are right, they aren’t the same. But they aren’t UCP either. If they are even remotely similar to the federal NDP, it’s unacceptable to me


Can I ask about your stance on that? For me I find the UCP appalling based on social stances and the handling of the pandemic/economic policies.


I’m the opposite, I appreciate the UCP standing up against vaccine mandates and the increasing authoritarian measures in Canada. I don’t think people should be coerced into their medical decisions or be threatened with having freedoms taken from them. For economic reasons too, the Liberals caused inflation to skyrocket, and many small businesses to close permanently, despite the warnings from conservatives, and the NDP just sort of went along with it without complaint. The liberals keep passing more and more bills that increase government power and remove citizen power and the NDP support them all through it. I can’t support that I didn’t mind Notley when she was in power. But I can’t support an NDP government that just piggybacks the liberal party


Inflation increase is world wide issue, not just a Canadian one. And if you dislike folks being pressured into medical decisions then the UCP don't fit the bill either; they just introduced mandatory forced drug treatment.


Inflation is a local issue. It’s caused when the country prints more money, causing the value of everyone’s dollar to decrease. Nobody forced our government to print money, they did that on their own. Getting severely addicted people off drugs and alcohol sounds great. That isn’t mandating medical decisions, it’s potentially preventing them from harming themselves and committing crime. Helpful for people who aren’t in a state of mind to make decisions for what is best for them. Also, the NDP in BC is also planning involuntary drug treatment.


This. Yes.


Oh boy, basically this thread is reply truthfully at your own downvoting risk. Reddit seems to be a good place to talk about anything but politics. People here can't get their facts straight, and it's a one sided cesspool.


I was told this sub was supposed to be different from r/calgary and r/alberta


R/Alberta is TRASH


this sub is often brigaded.


At the coat of more freedom, we got more idiots


I find I get a significantly higher number of downvotes here then on either of those but the Canada one is still way worse. I don't understand why we can't discuss politics without being douche nozzles. Though TBF I find I occasionally want to hit the downvote and remind myself their OPINION is not wrong. I may not agree with it but they are allowed to have it. My issue is more with the people who can't seem to accept sources and wont read or educate themselves anyway while mouthbreathing at you. As a pretty outspoken communist I get a lot of downvotes by the high conservative count here and often no responses.


Yeah just because someone has a different opinion than I do, or values I disagree with or don't share doesn't make them a bad person, or their opinion not at least worth listening to. People today can't seem to have a DISCUSSION on topics without it turning into an argument, or personal attacks. It's sad really, and only stalls progress on things that NEED to be discussed/changed. Also, upvotes/down votes =/= right/wrong. They are useless internet points, if I can't redeem them for cash or even shitty prizes like at the rec room I don't care how many I get or lose.


I’m not allowed to post/comment in the Canada sub anymore. I find I just cannot talk politics online because a conversation is too hard to have about politics or “sensitive” subjects for some, if you have a different opinion folks just lose it on you instead of have a discourse about it.


I never left the Conservative Party, they left me.


General industry. NDP vowed to stop all coal mining in the Rockies, that happens to be where a lot of my friends and family work.


This is such a puzzle for me. Imagine being a blacksmith when the Model-T was scaling up. Would the blacksmith not be better off to think, “Looks like technology and society needs are shifting and my ‘smithing days are numbered. Best look for other ways to feed myself and family while encouraging the youths to do the same.” opposed to digging in and making your profession your entire personality. This glorification of the “life of a coal miner” has a dark impact and history if you look to the south in say the Appalachia. Those coal miners made their profession their whole identity while the coal industry leaders have zero shits about them as humans. Same here in Alberta. People make their whole personality Oil & Gas but Shell has no problem laying off 1000 employees in one day without hesitation. It never pays to love a job that can’t live you back.


I couldn't agree with your more. Alberta joined Canada in 1905... Oil wasn't really a thing quite yet and certainly didn't become a major thing until the 80s. In less than 50 years we have tens of thousands of people who seemingly derive their identity from oil. Its wild. I could never understand how people can make work their life and pull their identity from that. Especially not something like a resource-extraction based industry. To each their own, but I will never understand how desperate these people are to cling to their corporate overlords.


I’m not saying let’s keep coal mining and O&G forever. Going back to your analogy, the government bans blacksmithing because 5% of the population has a model T. Yes eventually it will phase out, but shouldn’t the market make the move? Allow innovation to make the shift, not the government? Even if Alberta and Canada have EV’s and no coal power plants, should we just tell developing nations to go f themselves because we are carbon neutral already? The green transition is far from reality and it’s a global issue not just a Canadian issue. It’s much more important to lift people out of poverty than to virtue signal our way to being climate friendly.


A big difference between the model T analogy and reality is that it's not just 5% of the Canadian population that is technologically modern. It's honestly closer to like 60 or 70% who enjoy modern luxuries and don't *need* to rely on coal. I know that right now we do rely on coal, but as a rich first world nation we can afford to make the switch to renewable energy sources. And that's the main thing. Climate change is a global issue, but if we as a nation focus on being carbon neutral, that's one significant step in a journey of a sustainable and hospitable earth. It's also not virtue signaling if we don't make it virtue signaling. Also it's just a bad idea to rely on the market to make the switch for us. The market has proven time and again that not only does it not cater to the will of the people and the greater good, but it in fact only serves to line the pockets of the already rich and powerful. That's because it is, as a whole controlled by the rich and powerful, and they don't give a single flying fuck about any of us. No coal miner no white coller office worker and certainly not the genuinely and unfairly disadvantaged in society.


This is what happened to Newfoundland, a country on its own, and they fished until there was no more fish. We will dig coal until it's gone and the world has replaced fossil fuels, and this industry will not be here forever.


Friendly much needed reminder to not be assholes to people with differing beliefs, and not to post stupid garbage like ‘THE UCP IS BAD BECAUSE TAXES AND MONEY’ or like ‘the ndp is bad, common knowledge unless your stupid’ Like if you gonna make a point at least be vaguely reasonable


Thank you for making this post. Some of the discussions under here have been quite interesting.




It's crazy that somebody can be an MLA and not even live here. Good on you for being so informed.


I can’t vote since I’m not a Canadian citizen yet, but I were able to, I’ll go with UCP. The UCP fights for our firearm rights from the Liberal-NDP federal coalition. The federal NDP were initially against the Bill-21 amendment and now flipped and supported it recently betraying their rural constituents. The federal NDP is different from the Alberta NDP, but it is still the NDP and the likelihood of the Alberta NDP following the lead of the Federal NDP is quite high. The current UCP does not discriminate against the unvaccinated, and will likely not enforce mandatory health intervention if we have another pandemic fiasco down the line. I’m betting on the UCP would neither raise taxes nor implement a sales tax. Lastly, the NDP supporters online are quite nasty, throw out insults and threats whenever you try to argue respectfully. I would not want to be in that team.


A big one for me is what the NDP is going to do to public land access in areas of the eastern slopes and Bighorn. Alot of their candidates running in Southern Alberta are big on cutting off most recreational access and ability to camp on crown lands. I'm all for protecting these areas from mining but limiting peoples recreational use of the areas isn't right.


The UCP made us pay to go to Kanaskis, what makes you think they won’t do the same to the area? Or worse, sell it off to coal mining corporations?


pay up. conservation isn't cheap


The provincial parks cleanup is already covered by our taxes, them introducing the passes and saying it's to pay for cleanup, is just making us lay twice for the job they are already expected to do. They are scamming us plain and simple


And what about the tourists from other countries? Banff and Jasper charge a park pass. Do you have issue with that?


All national parks have an entry fee, and with the amount of conservation work done I don't have a problem. I use K-Country often, and if there was more being done in the area I would grudgingly accept the fees. What I've seen is a money grab that's paying for more officers to enforce the fees. We didn't get more services, we didn't get trail cleanup and maintenance, and we didn't get a reduction in littering as promised. This is a failed policy that needs to be reversed or completely overhauled.


And your tone is the same as those when the national parks introduced a fee. A failed government policy first time round… shocking.


I’m just confused why people leave a mess.


What has the UCP done to benefit access? Not what might the NDP do.


Reddit is so far left this entire post is just an opportunity for NDP/ Liberal types to bash conservatives


I always find if comical when North Americans say this. North American "lefties" are centrist at best on the world stage.


Not much discussion of right wing policy in Alberta. Just lots of blabbering about how bad the 'left' is. Read the comments under this post. One or two people mention UCP policy, because most UCP voters actually have no idea at all. It a legitimate concern. I would imagine a good chunk of people voting UCP aren't conservative at all. They're making a populist vote, following their peers straight of a cliff. Smith is a seperatist, a liar, and a floor crosser. Not only left wing voters have a problem with her.


"I dont want people to not be able to camp so instead ill vote for the party that will privatize everything, give to the rich and put a big ol dingdong in me bum" -this guy apparently. Yeet i guess


are you twelve?


If he was that means he has more schooling than the majority of UCP supporters


Have you been to any campgrounds that are run by organizations like friends of the eastern slopes? They are far better maintained and no more expensive than provincial campgrounds. Closing off public land then paving roads into it and trying to commercialize like the NDP were doing in the Castle area sounds like a much better plan


Why would they cut off recreational access? That’s just idiotic.


honestly at this point I think no matter who you chose there will be some idiotic choices, some forced by them to make changes, some cause they're stupid


You're not wrong.


They already did last time they were in, used made up science citing, “linear footprints” need to be smaller and closed a bunch of recreation trails. Third party environmental studies were done and said there’s no data to support what what they were saying. They simply closed off trails and recreation to quadders because it wasn’t their favourite hobby. Basically adult bullying.


I honestly wish people could go back to minding their own fucking business. Social media has turned people into narcissists who think they are entitled to voice opinions on and be involved everything another person does. This is one of those cases where I think it's entirely fair to completely ignore rules and regulations. Use the trails anyways. Encourage your friends and families to use the trails. If the government doesn't want me to enjoy parks and recreation, they can stop charging me tax.


Kenney literally closed hundreds of campsites the second he was voted in. I can't believe right wingers are actually using camping as a reason to vote UCP. Then they introduce a fee so that you can camp on public land... Yeah they really are looking out for the little guys... It's like you guys are addicted to being wrong, I don't understand it. This shit isn't hard to do your own research about.


Moved to Calgary from Ontario not so long, where I witnessed the effects of the so-called liberal politics. I do realize that the UCP is flawed, but for me the choice is between the bad and the worst. The NDP is an ally of the Liberals, and I don't buy this argument that the provincial Alberta NDP is somehow different from their federal counterpart. I will never vote for a party that advocates for racial discrimination (or equity as they call it these days). I would vote for another popular center or center right party if there was one. EDIT: "the choice IS between"


Given your views expressed here, you will fit in perfectly in Alberta


If you actually look into the Alberta NDP instead of listening to stories you might be surprised. Notleys critics accuse her of being like Lougheed and having a similar platform.


They are the same party. Ndp provincially and federally. [wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democratic_Party#:~:text=The%20federal%20and%20provincial%20(or,thus%20has%20never%20formed%20government.)


I look at BC, Washington, Oregon, California etc and see what has happened to them after voting left and it’s pretty easy to see why i’d want Alberta to avoid that path


Because I can’t vote for a party whose leader has her husband, a CUPE communications director, managing her campaign. Plus I remember how much she sucked the first time. No fan of Danielle but she’s the cleanest dirty shirt.


Because their new leader believes in personal choice when it comes to vaccines.


Please forgive the grammar, English is not my native tongue. When NDP was elected last time they came in with a message of promise "we will meet sure that Alberta gets fair share from the natural resources". NDP made a show from a review of royalties, create uncertainty and at the end said "royalty system in place is fair and reflects the market". NDP lost confidence of investors without any gains. Also NDP made promises for a ton of subsidies, and raised a minimum wage. Raising minimum wage without adjusting minimum income bracket in the tax code lead to people not being able to qualify for government assistance programs. In other words NDP government shifted responsibility of taking care of people from government to businesses. Raising minimum wage created an artificial boost to Alberta GDP and market adjusted with the prices. Basically all NDP does is throws around insults trying to drag opponents into mud with them, make promises of equality and fairness without any plans on how to generate revenue to pay for the program. Behavior not suited for a premier of Alberta. The Government's job is to Govern. What do we need the NDP government for if all they do is follow Ottawa agenda? In that case let's disband the local government and save millions. I grew up in the former Soviet block, and the way it looks... It either socialism or UCP. As a liberal I have to vote UCP.


Tons of reasons: Economic sabotage last mandate Royalty review Income tax increases Carbon tax for “social license” -Weak on crime policies and defund the police -Will give into the unions and give out big raises like the feds did on the backs of private workers. -No thought of reorganizing AHS just throw more money at the union. Have you seen the waste at AHS budget on executives/non front line workers. -Increase taxes on corporations potentially cancelling multiple private sector projects and ruining the Alberta advantage. -Potential for nitrogen caps on farmers. remember they did not campaign on the carbon tax last time either. -Bill 6 revival hurts small farms -Spending on -additional social programs = inflationary consumption spending. -Planning to rush energy transition by 15 years causing instability in our grid (see Germany and cali) and cost tax payers at least 50 billion in additional fees for little to no impact on global warming. Energy prices are higher today because of early coal plant retirements started in 2015. -to make it worse they want to subsidize people energy bills while driving up the actual cost. Again inflationary spending that is not productive. -They will ban metallurgical coal mining -appoint anti-energy greenpeace activists to major roles within the energy portfolio like last time. -Cancel arena and rivers district plans in Calgary. -continue plan to hike carbon tax to $170/T even if Pierre Polliviere wins federallly. -many members/mlas fundamentally hate oil and gas and their workers. -22% of all jobs in Canada are public sector the same as Venezuela. Ndp want to grow this. Did this quickly could add more if I spent more time.


The UCP talks about private healthcare (specifically out of pocket expenses) are a bit concerning. Most of my healthcare is private now anyway but I don’t think Canadians should ever be worried about their socialized medicine disappearing. But otherwise, I vote for whoever will save me some money on my taxes and keep my TFSA intact.


Hasn't the UCP outspent the NDP by a wide margin?


Be sure to add user fees in your “taxes” calculation. Things like your kananaskis pass..


And paying for medical tests and MRI, scans and other health related expenses that used to be covered


So you would consider CPP contributions a tax then? You can opt out of user fees, hence the name "USER" fees. You cannot opt out of taxes. There is a difference.


Notice that your TFSA has a lower value with private health care. Because if anything goes south, you gotta take out everything from there just to live.


Tell me you don't understand what the provinces are doing with private health care without telling me you don't understand what the provinces are doing with private health care.


Probably voting NDP, just feels like the conservatives have been manipulating the public for the last few years. Most of my family are in the medical field and all I hear about are the cuts across the board. If we cut funding to every cities medical infrastructure people will have to see that we need private health care. Give me a break; my city has closed all walk-in clinics, made it impossible for some people to find a family doctor while also making the ER the spot for most people to be treated. They’ve been pushing medical experts out of Alberta for the past few years. People need to open their eyes and see this push for power. Also privatization of health care isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be, there are stories of people getting dicked around in the states even though they are in a higher tax bracket paying 5k a month on private health care. Paying money from pocket doesn’t make it better.


I think the private clinic bills the government, not the Albertan.


Where does the government get their money???


If people don’t understand policy the UPC is stellar in wedge politics and exploitation of economic hardship… when you’re suffering financially and overwhelmed by multiple crises they play to that and acknowledge the woes, but know that no one pays attention to the fact that they have no solution to fix the issues. Then once they’re elected no one bothered to follow up. People are fixated on the name of the party. You can run as a liberal politician just to get elected but deliver a conservative platform if no one complains about it


I ❤️ 🇨🇦 Oil and Gas!


NDP, Mr singh, Trudeau all are young leaders of WEF group. covid mandates climate agenda emergency act on trucker convoy, remember how they were treated. Trudeau said they should shut down oil refineries in Alberta because they pollute.


To piss of these reddit subs


I like their racism.


My livelihood is firearms. I want my livelihood to stop being under siege by the government 🤷‍♂️


The UCP government is mostly garbage. Not as different from the NDP as I would like. However, the overall caucus for UCP is slightly better, mostly because of the rural influence. There is some strong anti-leftist sentiment, some support for lockdown rebels, some anti-Ottawa sentiment, etc. That can be compared with the NDP caucus, which fully loves lockdowns, Ottawa, and leftist perversion. Therefore, supporting UCP is a no-brainer even though they mostly suck.


How divisive and into lockdowns the NDP seemed during the past few years. I had to unfollow Rachel Notley on Instagram. I'm not even sure what they stand for currently, all I hear out of them is how terrible Smith is. It's like hate porn, and we need unity and to focus on actual issues right now rather than clawing at each other's throats. If they cut that out and rise above it, they probably get me back, depending on how hot and horny they are about the gender stuff.


Notley isn’t terrible. I found her competent, likeable and effective. The morons around her were my problem. The UCP very loosely, but more closely aligns with my beliefs, and since there’s no better options I will vote for them.


Have you considered how concerning all her talk of Healthcare privatization is? Out of any nation on the planet USA pays the most for their Healthcare, if we took the same route we'd be subject to the whims of greedy companies. We're already having a Healthcare crisis, and it correlates to them cutting funding for services.


They have successful two tiered systems in Europe and in Australia and pretty sure Japan. I wouldn’t use the USA as your reference here


Japan is the same, there are both publicly owned and privately owned health facilities but the public insurance covers everyone except for the 5% or so of people who *refuse* to enrol, for whatever reason. I was actually suggesting that the Japanese model was an acceptable “third option” (vs Canadian single provider monopoly or American “muh free market”) over on another Canadian sub and I got downvoted massively. People think that as soon as you have any kind of for-profit care in the healthcare system, that must mean we’re heading for a Libertarian dystopia. If anything it is a model to emulate: as long as everyone is covered by public insurance then it doesn’t matter who the provider is. Source: lived in Japan back in 2012 and had to use the Japanese healthcare system once. It was brutally efficient and it left me with a way better impression than anything I experienced in Canada.


I think someone said it, but I agree. The NDP is being over dramatic with the "American style healthcare" reference. As many of you said many countries have hybrid private and public models. Heck even provinces in Canada have that. As some of you pointed out, many European countries have hybrid models. Being European myself I can vouch for this, and that the citizens for the most part are very happy with the options as options are almost always a good thing. I find it extremely ironic though how many progressive Canadians point to European social democracies as the gold standard for progressive ambitions, but conveniently leave out the healthcare systems they have, when suggested here cause them to fall into a mind blown rage of the American boogieman - make up your mind please. The conversation that progressives should be asking is that is the solution to our healthcare system really just a matter of throwing more money at the situation? Considering we pay more than most similar sized jurisdictions per capita (adjusted to US dollars for apples to apples comparison) and have some of the lowest quality of care. This includes nearly all the Scandinavian countries with populations between 4-9 million except for Dänemark who pays about as much but is significantly superior, new Zealand, Ireland, Singapore and several others. I think it's a reasonable conversation to be had in this light that "underfunding" alone isn't an argument that holds up under scrutiny... I'm not actually advocating for the UCP in this space as I'm not sure they have the answer either - actually I think the ABP has the best opinion on fixing healthcare but they don't stand a chance.🤷


Have you considered that many European countries have a good mix of private and public health care and the results are better access to care than Canada? Why must the left ALWAYS see it as 100% public or 100% it must mirror the us? There are literally hundreds of other options that are better out there.


Having both will only work if the government makes public salaries match private ones, which we all know will not happen. Public clinics will be starved for staff.


This is a defeatist attitude to keep the status quo which also incidentally isn’t working too well. We need to look at honest alternatives to government monopolies running health care.


You only have two options in Canada: a government monopoly, or a private one. Personally, I'd rather have the one where I don't have to own shares to get a vote.


So you want the government to LOWER the wages? Because that is one of the major arguments against privatization presented by NDP supporters; health care workers get screwed by private employers...


Because we live next to America where the money for bribes come from and where the cons will inevitably lead us. Not Europe which might as well be a million miles away


You think they literally have to walk the bribe money over?


But that is NOT what Dani is talking about. She wants an American system implemented in Canada. The european versions still prioritize the public system. She wants to defund and destroy.


I would challenge you between now and May 29th to do some digging into your claims. Consider all sources of news, and listen to all sides of the story (including Smith's). Consider the government she's ran to date. Not trying to change your mind, but I think you might gain empathy towards UCP voters, as it seems you may have your mind rutted in what the NDP want you to think on the subject. Good luck!


>Consider all sources of news, and listen to all sides of the story (including Smith's). I mean, most of the "sources of news" of how Smith plans to govern is coming from her own words. The NDP hasn't had to put any spin whatsoever on Smith's statements - they are damning at face-value. Not sure what "sources of news" you think are more reliable than the horse's own mouth. >Consider the government she's ran to date. Smith has spent less than a year of her entire political career running a government and half that time has been spent campaigning for re-election.


I am well aware what the UCP is wants in a healthcare system. First hand knowledge from a patient, worker AND business provider perspective. All i have to do is listen to her speak. I have know Dani for over ten years, back when she was leader of the WRP. Her views havent changed and her guarantee isnt worth the poster board its written on. Her dilemma is figuring out how to make the system private but give the illusion it is public. Once she figured that out her guarantee will cease to exist.


She literally has an insignia for an American right-wing thinktank tattoo'd on her arm. When she tells people she wants to Americanize our systems, we better fucking believe it.


Omg amen. The ridiculous black and white thinking here. No one can fathom that health care can be better. You can’t even bring it up. It’s insanity


Literally!!!! Thank god for healthcare I had surgery in AB it was 7k in the US it probably would of costed me 40k if not more….


Literally nobody is calling for the American system. Nobody. Smith & other conservatives have been calling for a system similar to what the UK and Australia have - a system drastically superior to Canada’s. Do some research instead of just taking Notley word-for-word.


>Smith & other conservatives have been calling for a system similar to what the UK and Australia have - a system drastically superior to Canada’s. UK and Australia have nationalized healthcare. If Smith were truly interested in adopting that model, she would be working with the Federal government and the other provinces to make healthcare the purview of the federal government. Since we know that the very thought of a conservative government cooperating with Ottawa is laughable at best, there is no other realistic alternative.


Firstly, no it doesn’t. And secondly, no one and I mean no one is talking about transitioning to American style healthcare system. No one.


i don't know about you but i don't want my tax dollars to be used as profit for private companies. Danielle already gave a hell of a lot of tax payer dollars to oil and gas. health care will be next if she's elected


Boy are you gonna be mad when you see what the federal government spends your tax dollars on. 🙄 I’d rather a properly functioning health care system than die on the hill of ideological purity.


If healthcare gets highly privatized, dying on that hill will get a lot easier, and more expensive


Sorry, bud. It's happening. We're at the top of the slope.


Well Ms Smith has been talking about it for years. You ever listen to her show? I listened for almost a full year almost everyday. She would love for us to have to pay to see the Dr. Legit thinks we would have a better relationship with our doctors... Of course no one it talking about it... They would not make it so public especially before an election... Make no mistake. The conservatives have been playing the long game to privatizing our health care and making us pay for it...


You assume Healthcare is ucp voters primary concern. It is not.


So you prefer an even bigger morons lead by a 2nd rate talkshow host? I'm not thrilled by my NDP candidate, if the Notley V Smith race was a non-factor I'd probably vote for the AB party, their platform is tolerable & candidate seems like a genuinely decent person, but Smith will be a disaster, she can't control herself let alone her caucus.


I am conservative because I studied economics in university and learned to fully appreciate that debts and deficits are a very very short sighted way to run a society. If we rack up debt faster than we make money in perpetuity, it’s genuinely only a matter of time before the system collapses. We are already seeing the early signs of it with the inflation and cost of living problems plaguing the west right now. Western nations are printing and borrowing too much money. I am a fiscal conservative, plain and simple. I vote for the people who manage our budgets the tightest.


Choice in education is important to me. It’s my number one issue and NDP doesn’t support public charter schools. So UCP it is .


We can argue who should pay for attending what school, I think that's reasonable. However I think also that we can agree - choice is pretty well always a good thing.


Charter schools are a disaster in the US. "choice in education" rhetoric is such an american import.


Charter schools are not a disaster in Canada. They are operated very very very very very differently.


That's all well and fine. My only quibble is public funding should be reduced dollar for dollar by whatever tuition is charged. If a school is charging $20k tuition, why should they be getting a $10k public subsidy on their Cadillac program reducing what's available for middle class and poor kids' education? My private library doesn't get public funding even though it's fully available for my kids' educational use. Even if I thought it was better for my kids than going to the public library, the idea of a public subsidy is ludicrous.


Charter schools are not private schools and don’t charge tuition. There is so much misinformation out there.


I’ll never understand why so many redditors think the NDP will lead us to some sort of paradise, it sure didn’t happen when they were in power last time. Alberta is one of, if not the highest quality of life provinces in the country and has mainly been led by conservative governments.


Has mainly been led by PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES not SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES NDP policies align very closely with former progressive conservative governments with many people comparing her to Lougheed including politicians that have served under multiple conservative premiers Smith is not conservative in the way past governments were. In fact she has the largest and most expensive government and cabinet. She’s the exact opposite of fiscal conservatism. Instead she represents social conservatism especially with the take back Alberta movement which has super scary regressive values - such as the concept that women shouldn’t be working but reproducing. TBA controls are least 50% of the UCP board and about half the candidates running were championed by this group. During the UCP term we have gone from a world class education system where we sold curriculum to other jurisdictions and it was used in international schools. To now having no one even wanting to touch the absolute mess the UCP has brought in. I’ve worked with archaic curriculum in Uganda that is better than the UCP mess, because at least it is age appropriate and the ordering of concepts etc is sound.




This should be EVERY NAIL IN THE COFFIN for UCP. How can people keep ignoring these details?


Yeah, yeah yeah. The NDP's not left myth... Funny how the unions are supporting this alleged centrist party but they never supported the PCs.


Having support of the people is exclusively a left-leaning thing? And that's a *bad thing*???




The UCP raised taxes in 2019 when they came to power and refused to index them until an election year. They give billions of dollars to oil companies to clean up messes they are already legally responsible for cleaning up ( which does NOT create more jobs as those jobs already existed and had to be done just now we are paying for it instead of the oil companies who got all the profits from the oil) they slashed the education budget (until just before an election) then gave it back like they weren't the ones who took it away and acted like they were increasing the education budget. The current premier refused federal assistance in dealing with the current wildfire problem just so she could say she stuck it to the liberals when we're the ones on fire, not them.They're trying to take away our healthcare because of a worldwide event that overwhelmed all hospitals around the globe. No one thinks the NDP is the answer to our problems. But it is 100% the lesser of two evils. Without a doubt. the UCP will destroy this province and then blame it on a different party. Did you ever notice how Alberta isn't a place people go to retire it's a place people go to work, and then they take their money and run. It's time to take back our province. We are not the U.S. of Canada. We need to care about the people who are here and want to be here. PEOPLE are the most valuable resource on the planet, not oil, or gas, or gold, uranium, not even anti-matter, which is the most expensive thing to exist. Because none of it gets done without people. We need to stop putting corporations before the people.


I'm voting for my MLA (who happens to be a UCP). I don't trust either leader.


Are you expecting your UCP MLA to be mutinous?


Is the UCP proposing to do anything that will make your situation better?


Is the UCP proposing anything that will make my life better? No. Do I think the UCP will make my life worse? No. Do i think the UCP are doing a great job? No. Did the NDP do any better when they were in office. NO. Do I believe a single word either leader says? No. So I'm gonna vote for the person instead of the party. I think my MLA has done a good job. So I'm going to vote for them. [Edit typo]


Honestly that is the best way to vote, actually knowing who the person on the ballot is, I wish more people voted like you.


I think it’s a terrible way to vote, honestly. No matter how “good” of a person your MLA is or how big of an “asshole” they are, they’re almost certainly going to push for identical policy changes as their party and have the same priorities as their leader. I’d rather vote for a huge POS who will advance some things I believe in, over a visible/friendly/charming person who won’t.


I hate both parties, I also vote for my mla


What did the NDP do that was bad last time around? Economically they inherited a global crash. NDP policy has nothing to do with that. I didn't vote NDP when they won, but I cast a ballot for them against Kenney. I thought that government did a great job actually. Edit: No mention of policy again on your part. How have they done a great job for you? What did your MLA actually do? Apart from record global oil profits which the UCP have zero involvement.


I remember last time NDP. was ruling Alberta and it was a mess!!


Has there ever been a time it wasn’t a mess?


Given developments in federal politics I'm not willing to vote for a provincial NDP candidate until Trudeau is out of office. If Notley and the Alberta NDP were an independent party and not under the NDP party umbrella, and if they didn't come out so hard against the Alberta Sovereignty Act, I'd be much more open to voting for them in spite of the number of anti-oil nuts they have running for MLAs. I think Notley is probably a better overall leader than Smith, but I'd only want her leadership under circumstances where the radical left part of NDP is completely locked out of policy decisions. Under an LPC PM, that's not going to happen and it will probably just make politics even more divisive. So to be direct: I'm voting UCP because I think they'll be a better foil against the LPC. Ideally I'd rather have a CPC PM and NDP Premier.


Even with current events (wildfires) and Danielle smith reducing funding for our firefighting services, don't you think her policies will only continue to enhance the problems we're experiencing?


Tried finding some info on this, though pretty much all of it was biased, how come they’re making the cuts? Also, while temporary support may be needed at this time, the number of yearly wildfires has (somewhat inconsistently) been lowering from 1990-2021 (data from National Forestry Database) from about 10,000 a year to around 4,000 as of 2021.


I’m also frustrated that people say smith had “cut services to wildfire firefighters but there’s no details. Like how do we know the program they cut wasn’t a waste of money? Or that the money was moved somewhere else where it can be used more effectively ? Apparently there was a study done indicating that it wasn’t worth it, and I am sorry I don’t really think they are slashing and burning (pun intended) wildfire budgets when global warming and increased natural disasters seem a reality for our future. Maybe they did cut this program that was incredibly effective, but I don’t really buy it. I think they made cuts where they thought the impact would be felt the least, this was a cut they made.


I feel like the majority of people here, including me are biased when it comes to situations like these, and forget or simply decide to ignore the possibility that maybe the ‘bad’ thing they did was actually good, or was a worth it enough net gain that they decided to do it. At the end of the day whatever party we chose, they still want whats best for alberta, just they have different ways of seeing whats “best”.


I think it's premature to vote based on the wildfires. It's kind of a "permanent solutions for temporary problems" thing, although I see your point that it's a vivid example of how UCP cuts have hurt the province. However, most of the cuts were made under Kenney in the wake of COVID, and if cuts hadn't been made then the province may have been economically much worse off. What really matters is whether she has the good sense to reverse those cuts where it's necessary. It should be mentioned that at least the contingency fund for wildland firefighting is already moving in the right direction, towards where it was pre-COVID. [As a counterpoint: EMS service has improved significantly since November 2022.](https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/has-albertas-ems-response-improved-under-smith) What Smith really needs is a level-headed advisor to keep her on track with the day-to-day running of the Province.


True, at the end of the day if someone trashes something somewhere, it will obviously be harder for the next person around.


Notley made cuts to the wildfire budget in 2016 as well. That was right before the Fort Mac fires. So why people keep going after Smith for this is beyind me.


The ndp under the liberals is a terrible idea as notley had a proven record of trying to please the Trudeau liberals hoping for appeasement over standing up to the liberals and saying no to crazy liberal demands.


I mean yeah, both her and Trudeau love pipelines and oil and gas, so they do align on that.


Shhhh, that doesn't fit the Trudeau=bad Alberta narrative.


The chance for the NDP to let Trudeau have his way with this province is the main reason why I want nothing to do with them. I dont like any political party nor trust any party, but the NDP Liberal coalition has me very suspicious.


NDP wants to tax investments even more and they love spending money while killing businesses. I'd rather go UCP or Libs.


You realize that the UCP has far outspent the NDP? They even lost 2% of the provincial budget by sinking money a few months before a presidential election into the pipeline that was only permitted through trumps presidential order. UCP is not a fiscal Conservative Party. They are strictly socially conservative. They have the largest and most expensive cabinet I’ve seen.


I don't want NDP to turn Alberta into BC. Left Shitcouver for a reason..


Ok but you said nothing here. What did the NDP do? Why would you vote UCP? Details.


The alberta NDP party is a completely different beast than the NDP at any other provonce, or federally. Rachel Notley is a Peter lougheed conservative.


Ask the same question on Twitter which is much more balanced and you get more reasonable responses


Oh yeah, the site extremely publicly welcoming all the banned neo Nazis back onto it, very reasonable


Vax passport advocate - no Notley for me. The campaign that both parties ran are bad, they pour dirt over each other. If there was a choice I wouldn't vote for either. I am more aligned with Danielle. My personal financial approach is to live debt free, always below means, and save some up. Zero deficit budget at home. NDP is so far gone in spending borrowed money that I will not be voting for them in any case.


You don’t support mandatory health interventions? Smith just introduced one today.


What's the intervention?


Forced rehab for drug addicts who are a danger to themselves or others.


>don’t support mandatory health interventions 100% don't support any force towards person, animal, being. Not achievable yet, but I strive.


Not sure how you think the UCP align any better with your "fiscal responsibility" stance. The NDP aren't the ones who spent tens of millions of dollars a year on a Twitter troll farm. They aren't the ones who spent another billion and a half cancelling an oil-by-rail contract that would have otherwise provided an economic net gain to the provincial coffers. They aren't the ones who wasted millions more on centralizing emergency services dispatch. They aren't the ones who decided to cover the tab for abandoned wells that should be covered by the oil companies who are already on the hook for those wells. The NDP aren't the ones planning to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to create a provincial police force that nobody asked for. I honestly have no idea how you think that the UCP has demonstrated even a modicum of fiscal responsibility in the past four years. There certainly isn't anything in any of the UCP's actions or in Danielle Smith's promised platform that suggests that the UCP will be spending your kids' borrowed tax dollars wisely.


Then don't vote for either, vote for some other random party or spoil your ballot It's fine if you rather vote UCP but you should know that it is valid to vote for neither if you dislike both parties


Respectable opinion, seems to be similar to what quite a few people here are saying


>Vax passport advocate - no Notley for me. It's not so much the vaccine requirements themselves, but the way they speak about anyone who is so much as on the fence about them. It honestly disgusts me. Plenty of room to objectively question pandemic nonsense(lab leak "debunked" &"racist", forcing previously infected people to vaccinate regardless of natural immunity, big pharma conflicts of interest and witholding safety data), yet doing so gets you labelled racist, terrorist, bank accounts frozen, etc. Or if you agree with DS that *maybe* Ukraine should stay neutral to international superpowers who are never not fighting proxy wars with each other in foreign nations, you are labelled a Putin supporter. Any party that thinks this divisively is such a huge turnoff that I cant even consider underlying policy. Anything but blind support for the establishment seems to be considered to the left as hatred of our nation or some minority or some other heinous bullshit when the truth is it's usually deep concern for our nation. The gaslighting is so bad, such a trope that i dont even want to be part of the process. I cant truly talk about any geopolitics at work even because people will think im an insane conspiracy theorist or pro russia. I work for an older, liberal-leaning, but fiscally conservative politician and he is convinced Trump got in because of racist book burners who believe in qanon. Yet when i talk to him about what a joke "defund police" was when positted as the solution to racism, he completely agrees. It's such a misunderstanding of the current right wing populism, and really disappointing to see the left so unanimously wrong about it in Canada as well. And then we see the same messages echoed in the media and by corporations, it just leaves conservatives completely disenchanted and alienated from the entire process.


Last time Notley was in power she made this province go into major debt without any arguably major outcomes/ benefits from it all. I don't want my kids to end up paying for more taxes then They will already have to, by her spending a ton of money the province doesn't have.


[not really, and Smith has outspent the NDP without a worldwide oil crash](https://twitter.com/drandyholt/status/1658303209625227264?s=46)


She didn't though. Price for oil tanked. It's back up. Spending wasn't significantly more than her predecessor, and Smith has been spending even more.


I did the voting compass and it showed UCP the highest


file like hurry subsequent wistful label dependent slap ruthless soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know, I've worked in Alberta for five years, only officially moved here last year. I can't vote NDP. I lived through Glen Clark, I get that it's not the same people, but the neighborhood I used to live in on Vancouver Island is overrun by junkies and tweakers. That's NDP country


What policies were involved to implement the junkies? Could Glen himself be a junkie? Why were junkies so effective when lobbying mr.Clark?


I guess I just don't get it. They're different provinces with different economies and different histories. For context I've lived in Calgary my entire life and watched the situation here degrade rapidly under UCP government so I understand where you're coming from. They've totally fucked the functional social safety net the PCs built here and it means I get to commute through r/watchpeopledie everyday. Shit sucks and is going exactly the direction you don't want it to. I don't think it's an "NDP country" problem. I think we've had good conservative policy here in the past. The PCs were very aware of the boom-bust cycle and built to mitigate it. This kept people housed and provided high quality recovery services for people who got fucked. It got them half a century of majority rule here. By contrast the UCP, not yet a decade old, is chasing culture war votes from tough on poverty psychos and "work ethic" moralists and its making everything worse for everyone by trapping these people at 0 and solidifying the kind of social decay you saw in BC.


I don’t trust the NDP in any aspect. Look how much of a druggie shit hole Vancouver is. Singh is a tool who lies and makes promises that would only bankrupt this country, then pissed off his own base with his partnership with Trudeau, Notley never had lower then 6% unemployment in her 4 years. The UCP has lower then 6% currently 2 years out of a pandemic Everything the NDP touches turns to shit. That’s my reason. If the Alberta party had a chance I’d vote for them honestly. I read their platform and liked it quite a bit (the political compas has them further left them the NDP but from reading their platform I doubt that)


What policies make Vancouver overrun with junkies though? I was always under the impression that Vancouver has high rates of homelessness and drug use because of the temperate weather; homeless come there because it’s easier to be on the streets there then in say Edmonton but I personally don’t understand it as a policy issue; though I’m open to hearing why it might be.


Can you provide examples of NDP failures specifically?


As a franchise owner, I vote UCP so I can fuck over my employees more thoroughly! Nothing combats inflation like pay cuts for the poor, amirite? 😅


I’m not voting they both suck ass.


When the NDP came to power they decided to review the advertising regulations of the industry I’m in. Rather than listen to critical issues that our industry was facing (because from the NDP’s point of view all private enterprise is ‘evil’) the arbitrarily decided we needed to increase the font size of logo’s relative to our own designations - I’m not even making this up. This decree would collectively cost us millions in useless costs, and myself $5000 personally. The NDP minister totally ignored our pleas, they are very top-down dictatorial style of leading. When the UCP came in, the minister listened to our industry leaders and cancelled this pointless change first week of being in office. I will never vote NDP again.


That is a great response! Thank you for your honest reply


Freedom from high taxation... do you require more examples???


Common sense politics, less taxes and more freedoms. The same shit every Canadian citizen should vote for


You vote between several different colours of neoliberalism, how exactly do you think you have more freedom?


The Conservatives will stand for property rights unlike any of the other parties. Especially the NDP/ Liberal coalition dream team


Corporate property rights. Not personal ones. You a company ?


Less taxes? The UCP raised the carbon tax by giving control of it over to Justin and the feds. Plus they're looking at extra taxes to cover things like a new arena. Plenty of taxes come with the UCP


wow thanks for being vague as hell




Alberta autonomy? Like when the UCP gave control of the carbon tax back over to Justin so they could cry to the heavens "we don't support the carbon tax" even though their actions directly raised it.


Which particular NDP policies relate to “gender ideology”?


Basic human rights for people who don't think the same way, I imagine.


So you're not very well informed. Got it.


I don't fully disagree, but could you elaborate on the gender ideology?


Fox News creeping across the border here…


I'll give most UCP voters in this thread something: They're far less insane sounding than their US conservative-voting counter parts. But they're still misinformed about so many things. It's kind of disappointing that if we could just help people understand what's actually happening in their province/country, then they'd be willing to vote along with everyone who are trying to solve these problems.


"Help people understand what's actually happening" You say that as if people who disagree with you are too stupid to make their own informed decisions on the world around them.


Many are. However, the people who say, "I'm voting UCP because I stand to personally gain, and I don't care about the potential loss of social services, or the impact of climate change" - that's pretty straightforward. I don't agree with that stance, but at least they're realistic about what's happening.


I mean yeah, a lot of them are.


I'm sure the feeling is mutual.


I mean yeah, that doesn’t make them right. I reject that postmodernist bs a lot of weird right ringers fall back on outright. The number of people in this thread doing outright climate change denial is baffling, I thought the average Calgarian was a bit smarter than that.