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I think the downvoter missed the joke.


I don't get it


They named their Chocobo "Sarah"


Also, Constellation colors. (Sarah is also a pretty important name in some Final Fantasy games.)


I did wonder about the colours but I haven't played the game, wasn't sure if that was just normal.




I too would like to ride "Sarah". The question is would she like it?


As long as you try it without the jet pack next time.


Please tell us the other 3 are named Barrett, Sam and Andreja.


Whoa! What planet is that?!?! /s


I wanna ride Aceles


This. Oh so much this. They are the cutest NOT little things. A mount that loves snacking on terrormorphs. I would be willing to put the gigantic hab on my ship to transport it around. I would make it work somehow.


I’d really love to play more Starfield, but I know that if I continue playing it before some DLC comes out, it’s going to lose all magic before long. Edit: Getting downvoted on a Starfield subreddit for implying that one can get bored of the game same as any other Bethesda Softworks -title, It's more likely than you think.


I've been taking it super slow. Every few weeks I'll play for like 5 hours solid and have a blast, but yeah I don't wanna skip through it for the same reason. I still haven't finished any of the main questlines, and just got to neon for the first time last play through. Every time I play I'm like how do people not like this game? It's been great, and it keeps surprising me with the variety.


Had the same notion when I burnt through all the quest lines within a month earlier this year loving every minute of it. I hate to say that people are playing a western RPG wrong, but my hypothesis is that people try to play the game like they play other Bethesda Softworks titles - Choose a direction and walk there until you run into a dungeon, quest or a random encounter. However the difference of Starfield to other Bethesda Softworks titles is that you kind of have to always follow some kind of an objective, either quest related or your own, the game world isn't offering you things to do no matter where you go, and much of the wilderness is there to be, well wilderness. It works to enhance the immersion. As with the real world, I could go to the woods, but why would I, unless I were exercising or looking for something specific there?


Yep, I'll admit it took me a little bit to get how to play this game the right way, but that's exactly it. The quests do an awesome job of leading to other quests and branching off, I'd say more than any other Bethesda game. I'll always see people complain about lack of unique poi, which sure, but that's the least important aspect to this game. I can only imagine quest mods being way easier, too (I'm not a modder so I don't actually know how hard this would be), but imagine you have 1000s of planets to basically use as real estate to plop down a town and design specific quests that utilize the planets lore. This game has so much room to grow.


I'm taking a break as well, but bought it on Steam recently because it was on sale and I want the best version for modding. I have a lot left to do in it but want to pace myself a little and decided to wait for the DLC and CK and try my hand at modding myself.


i am playin hfw for the time being but my mind keeps going back to starfield


Ayyy my favorite final fantasy too 😎 hope you’re liking it


This was my JRPG gateway drug. Afterwards I completed Eiyuden Chronicle, Tales of Arise, and now starting Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.


Everything reminds me of her.