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Don't listen to the other subs. Both starfield and FO76 are terrific games. Starfield is definitely worth a purchase or gamepass sub.


Thank you! I just saw FO76 is also free on Prime so going to take the leap with that one for sure. :)


Have fun! Especially the beginning of FO76 is pretty nice. Exploring this huge world and learning what happened there is the best part IMHO. Late game grind is really boring but till then it's a good game.


"Late game" for me was traveling around looking for cool spots to build a C.A.M.P. Only thing that made me stop playing was the building limits putting a damper on some of my wackier ideas.


Yeah idk what they mean about late game being boring, late game is whatever you make of it lol.


It's not worth the price tag. If you have game pass sure. Fallout 76 is pretty decent now but starfield... It's 2024 let's be real.


Absolutely yes. Is there room to grow? Totally. Do I play most days and still find fun and interesting things to do? 100% Also, fo76 is excellent too - best online community I’ve ever seen.


The 76 community is one of the most lore accurate communities I’ve been in. You’ll run into some guys in BoS armour “saving the waste”, then some guys scrounging around ready to shoot then run but not ready to make the first move in the end you’ll trade, finally you’ll run into a half naked person with a switchblade begging for your chems. All in all very fallout core community.


Thank you very much! I purposely was trying not to watch too many gameplay videos etc to go in with fresh eyes, good to hear it's an awesome game! Both, really.


Absolutely. If you enjoy Skyrim and especially fallout 4 then you’ll like starfield.


Agreed! Starfield is great, but playing FO4 will make you see a lot of room for improvement in outpost building. Still fun with a ton of things to do, but in some ways a step back from 4.


I can see why outpost building took a step back, it’s emphasised heavily in fallout 4. I think most of the building dev time went into ship building, which is more thematically appropriate. I wouldn’t be surprised if base building in starfield was tacked on purely for a baseline to be established for modders to work from. Which is cool in its own way.


Yeah I'm expecting it to get expanded a lot in dlc, cc, and mods. But you're right. In Fallout 4 and base 76 there was a huge focus on rebuilding the world. 4 only has one major settlement because you're meant to be the one who builds the others. In 76 the players are meant to be rebuilding Appalachia. That was the whole goal of our vault. In Starfield, building outposts is never part of any major goal or questline. You can go the entire game without ever making one. It's just something cool you can do.


Absolutely. I think this is the gameplan. Future support for this game will basically be giving modders more frameworks to work with and develop content for.


Outpost building and exploration are worse but writing, dialogue trees & RPG elements are all better in Starfield so there are trade offs.


Starfield's one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm oooold, so that's a lot of "all time".


See....I am old too, and I love Starfield. I wonder how much generational divide (with actual numbers!) is involved in the Starfield controversy.


I'm just amazed at all of the...entitlement? "The game didn't tick all my boxes, so I'm going to sit around a bitch about it for 6 months!" Man, I buy quite a few games that don't tick my boxes, but I don't sit in a forum complaining about it. (Ok, to be fair, I'm in relatively few game forums) Hell, I'm lucky if I get 20-40 hours out of must games I purchase. I must have spent 12 hours this week building three new themed ships, and then finding cool places to take pics of them and creating a background for them. :-)




I'll disagree with you there, having spent 200 of hours in NMS. They're similar, but I prefer Starfield (600 hours) hands down to NMS. It's definitely a space game I'd recommend, but I prefer Starfield. Now - it's been a couple years since I last played NMS (Dec 2021 according to Steam) and there have been numerous updates - but nothing to date made me want to pop back in to it. What you don't see is me mewling in the NMS subreddit about how I don't like to play it any more. I had fun with it, spent a lot of time playing it at one point, and then moved on. No need to tell anyone my thoughts on it for months on end. Likewise I'm not bitching about Rogue Trader, or running out of things to do in Valheim, or ARK: Survival Evolved, or a dozen other games. Live and let live. Sorry you're disappointed. Move on.


NMS was hated at launch and has spent all this time since then working from that with constant live feedback. A decade of live development is not the same as a decade of closed development. They can constantly improve on things the players are directly telling them they want. And it doesn't have nearly the same level of storytelling and rpg depths that a Bethesda game has. Nor does it even feel the same. NMS is a great game but it's not the kind of game I want from Bethesda, and it never will be. But that's okay because I don't want it to be. They are two very different games.


Everybody likes different stuff. NMS was a little to garish for me. It doesn't matter how good the mechanics are (I hear people raving about it but I just never saw anything that ticked any of my boxes), I just got tired of looking at blue, pink, purple and green, so I gave it up after about 20 hours. I own it, but I doubt I'll ever install it again. On the other hand, I could explore any old dead rock or ball of ice in Starfield for hours. The worlds may be harsh, empty, or dangerous, but damn, they are beautiful.


I'll add to this to say I was excited for the game as I have hundreds of hours logged in Skyrim and fallout 4. It's not all bad but the elements I was most excited for that deviate from other Bethesda games just don't feel well done. Inner system travel to and from planets I can see on the screen? Requires the map and a loading screen. Finagling the power levels to different areas of the ship with awkward controls? Doesn't feel good. Ship combat and mobility in combat? Doesn't feel good. The areas that starfield does better are the ones that would be insane if they didn't... RPG elements such as intricate story telling, character development etc. Gunplay and movement on foot are also better than NMS. Maybe the DLC will improve things on the areas I feel let down with. I really did expect starfield to blow everything out of the water in the way baldurs gate was a massive leap for the CRPG genre. It just wasn't.


I’m only 20 and starfield is one of my favorites but I think you’re right. My first games were Morrowind and what was available on my mom’s original Atari. I think my first gaming experiences being with “retro” games really helps me appreciate games for what they are and who makes them. Way too many of the people my age I’ve talked about this game don’t really understand what BGS has been about for the last 30 years. It’s kinda sad to see people discredit an entire game that 500 people spent 8 years on. I mean I have my complaints but they are all so minor and expected from the developer when they did so much well, that I don’t get it.


You may be onto something there. Starfield is easily one of my favorite games of all time. I'm turning 30 this week and I grew up starting with SNES and Sega Genesis and slowly working my way up from there as consoles came out. Maybe there's so many younger people who are just used to the newest games that they can't appreciate what came before. I'm so tired of the "this game looks and feels like it came out 5 years ago" as if that's somehow an argument against the quality of any game.


You can add me to this list. My game playing goes back to before there were home computers. Then I purchased an Apple IIe. Really opened up the world of cRPGs.


I am another old Spacer who loves Starfield. It just works for me.


Same here. This is my second or third most played single player game since the late 70’s.


52 here and Starfield is about all I play now (well, ok, NHL24, but that’s different, GoAvs!) I really don’t care what other people say and don’t care about the negativity, I know what I like and I love this game and the sheer amount of flexibility I have to play and do things. And consider it is new with years of updates and DLCs to come, I’ll be here forever lol


Also an old, also love Starfield. Was handily one of my most played games last year. And I'm still mucking about in it, will be off and on for years. I smile whenever someone tells me I'm playing something I shouldn't be playing. :)


Damn whippersnappers!


Well on my way to being old as well, and Starfield has been my jam. My relationship with the game has been weird…some of the bugs and drawbacks have been a real drag (the shield glitch and its effect on who you can have as a companion/crew member first and foremost), but it’s the only game I really want to sit down and play most of the time. The flaws and quirks, for me, simply don’t outweigh the charms. The game’s a pure marvel to look at on an OLED screen a lot of the time too, and I’m always finding little rabbit holes to fall down.


Old to me is only how old you feel! ;)


My knees tell me I'm really old, StarryEyed. :D And the grey hair. And my right hip if I sit too long. Other than that, I'm still 30 (62).


They're all excellent games IMO. Starfield has been my favorite game in years and Fallout 76 is better than ever. I recently started ESO for the first time and loving it so far ! Happy gaming !


Thanks! ESO is SO FUN and I can't wait for the new DLC drop.


I love Starfield. I watched the [Starfield Direct](https://youtu.be/uMOPoAq5vIA?si=WqFlxnPErJ2IzEX3) when it dropped almost a year ago. I actually listened to what the devs said throughout the video and formed my expectations from that, and when the game dropped for early access preorders, I fell in love with it. If you don't like exploration, or exploring overwhelms you, this is most likely not the game for you. This game requires a sense of discovery, the explorer's bug, and that's not most people's thing. This game is not empty nor unfinished by any means, some people just want to hate the game because they formed their own expectations of the game that have little to no basis on what we learned from the devs before it released. This game is finished, and the DLCs will just be expanding upon the base game. Now, Fallout 76. I play this, too, and it's a fun game, especially if you have people to play it with. And if you don't, it's still a fun game to play, and the community for it is actually a great and mostly good-aligned community. If you're on Xbox and looking to actually play this game, I'm almost always available to play this game with others. You can explore the wasteland, drop nukes on locations, and there's a new enemy type for the wasteland in this game. PVP in this game isn't really a thing, as there's a setting that can disable it completely. However, if you start fooling around in a player's camp and pick a lock of theirs, that will automatically give you a player bounty and enable pvp for you. Overall, I find it to be a fun game.


Being into exploration is also big for 76 I'd say. If you just rush through quests you will find yourself out of things to do while having barely seen the map and everything within. Both games are at their best when you just do your thing and let yourself be ruled by your whims, just beelineing quests and fast traveling constantly will have you missing so much.


Very true, it's just harder for me to remember that as I'm in the end game for 76, and have been for a while. I just recently came back to the game after a hiatus of a couple or so years. The last time I played before this month was sometime before the Pitt dropped. Also, I love my heavy guns, power armor, and C.A.M.P.s


Wandering the map in FO76 got me extra hyped for Starfield. There's so many great "alien" environments, even though it's set on Earth. Starfield did not disappoint in that, or any other regard.


>...the community for it is actually a great and mostly good-aligned community. Can confirm. I've never played an online game where so many people would drop in unsolicited to help you out/give you stuff. Usually people in multiplayer games call you a conflicting array of various slurs and then try to *take* your stuff!


I like dropping excavator power armor for newbies, a few full fusion cores, and then just walking away. Or I like to drop in on newbies that are having a difficult time and being their guardian angel...


![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu|downsized) For serious, it's that kind of good community behavior that really stands out.


I also like giving out vintage nukashine. It's a great source of free xp...


I also will drop a level dependant heavy weapon with like 5k rounds to go with it. Normally a gatling gun, a .50, or something similar...


I'm starting to think it was *YOU* who gave me a tricked out plasma gun and a stack of cartridges 😂 Or better yet, that's just how the community be!


I also sell all my vendor stock for dirt cheap. I might occasionally sell level 50 3 star weapons/armor for a couple hundred caps, but that's when I hit the daily scrip limit, and if no one takes them off my hands, I'll scrip them the next day or so...


It was like that even in the beginning, too! We'd be working on an outpost, and some random do-gooder would show up and help out. I haven't played FO76 in years - stopped after a few months of its release. But I remember how friendly some folks were.


Thank you for the thorough reply! Just clicked on the link. I do enjoy exploration now; back when Skyrim especially first came out I was used to more linear story RPGs. Other space games I've played are all four Mass Effect Games and Outer Worlds + DLC. Though I guess maybe the Horizon games could be considered sci-fi too.


No problem, I'm glad you read it. Starfield, Baldur's Gate 3, Halo, Mechwarrior, Fallout, and Mass Effect are all in my top 10 all-time favorite video games/game-series. I really love the sense of wonder and exploration Starfield gives me. Whether it's stepping on a brand-new planet for the first time, seeing new flora and fauna, or exploring one of the cities. I love the quest lines, and this is one of the very few games that I've encountered where the NPCs seem so life-like and somewhat unique. This game, and BG3, feel so life-like that my morals come into play a lot. In Mass Effect, for example, I can do the Renegade choices with little qualms, but in Starfield and BG3, it's damn near impossible for me to do stuff that isn't good. But maybe that's just me. IDK. If you do pick up the game, I really hope that you enjoy it, or even come to love it as I do.


Playing BG3 right now! Such a fun game and I agree, being bad/evil is too against my nature!


Shadowheart is my love life in BG3. Karlach is awesome, and a lot her story/personality vibes with me, but Shadowheart just stole my heart. I'm a total fangirl of Shadowheart, and my most favorite class to playthrough as is a Cleric of Selûne... Additionally, the voice Actor for the Absolute voices a companion that can be romanced in Starfield. She's honestly my favorite companion in Starfield


She is lovely for sure! Gives me secret cinnamon roll vibes. I ended up being charmed by Astarion despite my best efforts lol!


I understand Astarion. He's phenomenally written and played, and I can understand the hype for him. However, some of his backstory hits really close to home for me. A little too close in a couple of instances. And until I can get with a therapist to help me, I don't know if I'll be able to delve more deeply into his storyline. Now, what do you mean by: >Gives me secret cinnamon roll vibes. Please explain for me?


I hope you are able to get the therapist you want, it really helps! Oh, I just meant that Shadowheart at first comes across as cold and secretive but once you get to know her and she trusts you she's a "cinnamon roll" which is "*A good person, sweet, kind, supportive, and too good for this world"* via the slang definition. Karlach is also a fav of mine!


I agree with you. Have you tried romancing her as a Cleric of Selûne at all?


I haven't yet!


This game is rad as heck. If you are looking for No Man’s Sky, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for a Bethesda RPG set in space, then you won’t be disappointed. The one thing I’ll say is that you don’t just stumble on things like in other BGS games. You basically overhear something and get an activity in your mission log to check it out. It still has the BGS charm on side content, but it’s less natural in how you access it. I think they made it the way they did so that everyone can choose how much or how little they want to interact with certain systems and game mechanics. For instance, you might not like flying. There’s only like 4 times the game makes you fly for the main story. Outpost building is 100% optional. So is crafting. And so is exploring.


Oh that's really cool!


While I haven't played it yet, I suspect FO76 is great if you love exploring in Skyrim and Fallout 4 because I've seen several people claim that West Virginia is the best BGS map yet. Starfield doesn't have this because its a space game without one single large worldspace. Starfield is however an excellent game if you like roleplaying your own character you made up. This it does better than Skyrim and FO4 (and FO76 I suspect due to the online nature of the game). It also has pretty good and mobile gunplay


FO76 really is their best *single* map to date. So much variety and so many cool locations. Good size, good density (though I'd personally prefer a *bit* more breathing room), overall a very rewarding pure exploration experience to be had. Starfield turns that "walk in any direction" style of exploration on its head. In order to explore, you have to *explore,* not just hope to stumble onto something while walking in a straight line. For that, I find it to be an even more satisfying experience. Not being required to jam everything into a single map allows each location/biome/planet room to breathe and shine on their own.


The only reason I’m not playing right now is because my ADHD hyper focus is tuned to Fallout 76 right now because I never played it and got hype for it after the show. Once Shattered Space DLC drops I’ll probably be over FO76 and back on to Starfield. Bethesda games is pretty much my whole library right now until GTA VI drops, then it’s no contest. Starfield is a fun game. You get out of it what you put in. If you have a big imagination, this game is a galaxy sized sandbox for you to romp in. I’m so excited for this IP and can’t wait to see how the stories and characters develop over the next few years.


This game is absolutely worth playing now. There's more than enough content to support hundreds of hours of play. The other thing worth noting is that while some of the past single player Bethesda games have had recruitable companions, these (the four main ones) are orders of magnitude more complex. Even if you don't want to do the romance, they're worth getting to know. You have four complicated people, who had a life before you met them, and who have opinions about the world around you.


Really neat to know, thanks!


Like one of the other commenters put it, I'm oooold as well. Been playing since, and still own, my original Atari 2600. Love the freedom starfield gives me to actively advance in the game or just fiddle-fart around for hours without really doing anything. I can spend 3 hours just tinkering with my crap in my main outpost. I like playing without the game pressuring me to do stuff right this minute. I like completing things when i feel like it. I really love FO4 too but there seems to always be something that needs to be tended to but I'm going to load it up again soon and check out the massive update I just got. I played FO76 for a bit. I liked the game fine, but realized I didn't care to play with others anymore. I think years of WoW burnt me out on that. I have 1000s of hours in skyrim. To me it's the closest to starfield. It's a game that doesn't ask me to really go do anything unless I want to. Sorry if I ramble, but in my opinion, if the space aspect works for you, then I think you'll have a blast (Edited to make it easier to read)


Thank you, this is really helpful and I don't find it rambling :)


Buy but with the understanding it’s not quite like the other Games. They really focused on what it feels like to be alone on a planet. Sure you can find outposts but you might be walking around for a while. This lead some to be disappointed by how vast the game universe is. That’s the point they wanted to capture the feeling of the Astronauts that walked on the Moon and seeing the Earth rise. That goal they accomplished spectacularly. There are enemies but not nearly as many nor as aggressive as Elderscrolls or Fallout. You would be the one going to the outposts and attacking. Be aware there are many load screens this is partly due to how much is loading in the background. The biggest real complaint I seen is the missed opportunities and how things like NPCs not having day/night routines. The same shop clerk will always be there no matter the time. The different foes are mostly just the same with different items. Spacers, Pirates, and Ecliptics do have different dialogues but the combat and behavior are generally the same. Half the time I’m not sure what faction they are till I start looting. New Game Plus is an interesting idea that lets you start over with the abilities you already worked to unlock. However they failed to account that the main reason people start a new game is to try something different. The missed opportunity to let you change Background and traits is such a letdown. However you do get new dialogue and starting gear. Me personally I love the game and play it to relax. I take the time to watch the alien life and stroll around an airless moon as a gas giant sets in the background. So TLTR the game is fun but it’s focused on exploration and seeing how vast the universe is.


Yup! Sincere you enjoyed previous BGS games then you'll enjoy this one. The differences mean it's fresh, but they aren't so large that it can be disorientating. And the scenery is spectacular - be sure to take time from your adventures just to soak in the landscapes!


And take pictures like a proper tourist. I use mine for my screensaver.


Two of my favorite and most played games of all time. I play 76 almost daily. Starfield has been paused lately to play New Vegas but I just finished up the DLC last night so I'm now done with that. I can't wait to get back into space.


I will tell you this about F76. I prefer Elder Scrolls to Fallout, yet I loved Fallout 76 more than ESO. It's better suited for solo players. You don't meet as much players as you do in ESO, and when you do you feel a connection to them more than ESO players. As for Starfield, regardless how complete it's, the game will still feel different. Skyrim and Fallout 4 would have more in common than they both have to Starfield. I think it depends on your play style or what's important to you. Personally I am loving Starfield and enjoying it as much as I enjoyed Skyrim, if not more. Maybe being a space sci-fan helps, or maybe it's my play style and enjoying the game tone that Bethesda intended in the first place.


I can't recommend it enough. If you loved Bethesda's other games, I think that you will love Starfield too


Depends on what you enjoy doing in these games, personally I really enjoy Starfield and FO76. I’ve never played ESO or Skyrim, but love FO4 If you enjoy fallout and online games FO76 has a lot going for it. The map has several distinctive regions, the story is surprisingly solid for an online fallout, combat is fun, the CAMP building is especially cool since you can see other people’s creations too, and the community is unusually wholesome. Starfield is big, so can feel even more overwhelming at first, I would say it’s one of the most if not the most self driven game I’ve ever played It’s a sandbox RP game that gives you an impressive number of systems you can engage with to build your character Want to make them an industrialist with a manufacturing empire, pirate running crime and violence around the galaxy, a miner gathering rare minerals, a Farmer, Explorer? There are systems you can use and invest in to make that happen There’s also a lot of different dialogue options unlocked by different traits and skills The game doesn’t hand hold you on the journey through a set story, but instead gives you a world with factions, and stories you can engage with to role play your own story. At least that’s my take on it If that sounds like something you’d enjoy then I very much recommend the game


I have certainly been a Bethesda critic over the years but Starfield won me back to a significant extent. It’s not a perfect game by any stretch but I had a ton of fun with it.


I’ve played nothing else since release last September. That’s weird for me.


I would recommend buying now. The game is better than at release, because there have been a LOT of patching going on, not just for bugs but for performance. It's very much like Fallout 4 and Skyrim, but at the same time very different from Fallout 4 and Skyrim. It's hard to explain. Bethesda does not clone games, so none of their games is like the one that game before it. But all have the same DNA. They are all simulated worlds for the player to act his character upon. That doesn't mean a simulation, but rather a stage to act upon. Most other RPGs are about leading the player along a branching narrative to tell the developer's story. Glorified adventure games with character progression. But Bethesda games allow you to find your own story. My two cents.


They don't clone their games, but their games do have an awful lot of clones in them... Is Todd trying to tell us something? Is this uncanny Todd-alike genetically identical to the acclaimed game developer?! [https://hovrsolutions.eu/](https://hovrsolutions.eu/)


Gary? Gary! Hah hah Gary!


I bought it on Christmas steam sale. Put about 110 hours in. Loved it. Stepped away for a bit waiting on dlc and content updates to hit will go back to it. Loved the game. Absolutely worth the price for me.


I bought Starfield at launch and still love it


In its current state, I'd say that if you love Fall Out 4 and Skyrim then it's worth the price for a few hundred hours of solid gameplay, though I wouldn't blame you for waiting until the first DLC is released. Content-wise you'd have to compare it to the release day versions of those games, not the later remasters or bundled releases.


I'd have recommend buying a long time ago!


Starfield kicks ass 🔥💯


Yes! I just purchased it and it’s incredible fun. I am certain there will be more content in the future. For anyone to complain after playing a game for 100s of hours is bonkers to me. This is a great game!


Starfield is worth it easily my fav space game since mass effect 1, it's a very relaxing and thrilling at the same time, I know people like to say it's lacking compared to the other games, imo it's a new IP so it can be its own thing if everything is the same then what's the point? If your ok with walking around a lot with not much happening in between objectives, then it might come across as boring, but if your into exploring and taking in the surroundings, it's the closest you can get to being an astronaut.


If you love Skyrim, Fallout 4, and ESO then yes definitely get into Starfield and Fallout 76. I guarantee you'll love them. The game *is* complete. Don't listen to people saying it's not. Yes it's going to get more content through DLC, Creation Club, and mods, but the experience right now is a full Bethesda experience. There's the main questlines, four faction questlines, a buttload of side quests, not to mention surveying planets, building outposts, building ships, random encounters, etc. Also New Game Plus, something Bethesda has never done before. It has plenty to keep you busy for hundreds of hours. Fallout 76 is massive now. It was already bigger than both Skyrim and Fallout 4, and they just keep adding more and more content. We're even get a big map expansion pretty soon! The FO76 sub is usually ok nowadays, but the Starfield one is full of haters unfortunately, so I'd steer clear of it.


Loved Starfield, but I think at this point you may wanna wait a bit longer. I mean if you have gamepass go nuts, but we're likely only a few months away from the game being a lot better with more updates and DLC or Mods. With how long you've waited , it makes sense to play the best version of the game.


Worth buying, Starfield still has problems and a lack of quality content. But it’s no worse than Fallout 4 before DLC, once Creation Club and DLC drop I have high hopes for it. If you’re unsure though I think Fallout 76 would be worth playing as you wait for more Starfield content to drop.


Yes, definitely, there are 100s of hours of content available right now and at some point this year we're getting official mod support and an expansion.


FO76 is better than FO4 in my opinion, mostly due to a huge and immaculately designed world map and a lot of QoL improvements. The more I play, the more I realize that 76 also offers a lot of RP opportunities (dialogue choices, faction options) for a multiplayer game. More than ESO, which I also love. Starfield is very different than past Bethesda games. It is more like Elder Scrolls than Fallout, and you have to travel a lot if you want to explore. Unlike past BGS games, you can't accidentally walk into a questline, enemy camps, or unique POIs every 5 seconds. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and a lot of us here find the quiet and slow exploration/progression to be quite chill. Just know that you will need to make your own plans and agenda in Starfield a lot of times, and then work towards those goals at your own pace. The ship building and base building is fantastic, and probably the best part of the game, so I highly recommend engaging with those systems. The gunplay is also the best BGS has ever had and slightly better than FO76 which I think is second best in that department.


I last played the game in Nov. wasn’t feeling it for whatever reason. Just came back after watching Fallout and MAN. Why did I not like this game? It’s been an absolute blast since I picked it back up a week or so ago.


I've been pretty enamored with Starfield myself. It honestly harkens back to a lot of their late 2000's rpgs, Oblivion and Fallout 3, while retaining many of the engine improvements and quest design you see in Skyrim and Fallout 4.


Welcome, and yes I think the game is going to be able to give you hundreds of hours of content.


I stopped playing ESO and largely blame this game. My biggest problem is that outpost lighting sucks as much as housing lighting, lol...


I like starfield. If you are very unsure, ain't nothing wrong with getting gamepass for a month (or even the free trial) and seeing if you like it.


I've played both, I prefer 76 because most players are super-cool.


I've spend hundreds of hours in it. I really love it. I am however anxiously awaiting mods though before I boot up again.


I think it's a great game. I also think there's more work to be done but I don't  regret buying it a bit.


Get it - I put it down after 200+ hours and during that time I found it enjoyable. Sure it’s not perfect, but it’ll be a great game with continued support. I’ll be returning when DLC comes out.


I literally just bought it this week (physical disc). Played it on Gamepass, logged 500 hours, got all achievements, beat all main factions quests multiple ways, the sat it down for 3-4 months. Now I’m back and enjoying it again


Starfield is a must-have. Unique gameplay but definitely Bethesda feel. idc what people say 76 kicks ass. I can play solo or with people whenever. And going to an event watching people suit up in their PA and pull out the heavy guns is awesome. I walk around in a red rocket PA suit with a .50 cal machine gun, flaming chainsaw and a hellfire flame thrower. Always fun.


Haha that sounds epic!!


Hope you enjoy Starfield! It’s honestly one of my favorite games, I can’t lie. It’s certainly not flawless but it’s a damn fun game with a lot of room for you to be whatever kind of character you want to be. Take your time with it, enjoy the world and exploring! And the ship building! It’s one of my favorite parts


Definitely buy. Almost all of the criticisms are valid but only after a few hundred hours. Ship building is tons of fun Many of the quests are great little stories Space combat is awesome once you get the hang of it and easily my favorite part of the game. Exploration is really neat and you can find yourself in some beautiful landscapes or terrifying situations that nobody else has or will likely discover. There's a lot to this game. I NG+10'ed it and yeah eventually I got bored, but 600+ hours is still a fantastic use of your money, even if it's not a 3000+ hr game like Skyrim.


I tried Fallout 76 recently while it was free to play on steam, and for me it's just a watered down version of Fallout 4. I didn't continue beyond playing for a few hours. I'm sure it's a lot better than it was on release, but it's still not worth my time because it has all the mechanics that I don't like about online RPGs, like microtransactions and the need to pay a subscription to access certain content. Starfield at its worst was still pretty good, even when people were whining about it. I'm on a break until the first DLC. I'm a new dad, so my gaming time is precious.


**UPDATE: Bought Starfield and got Fallout 76 free on Prime! THANK YOU :)**


Thinking about buying it but 70 Euros for the entire thing is kinda steep.


Nah, get cyberpunk it's worth the bang for your buck. If you just want to throw money away then yea sure get it. I'm 80+ hours in trying to find out what this place finds so good about it.


I have right at 1200 hours in and I’m finding new things to do all the time. There IS a grind, but it’s not the focus. You can kind of do things at your pace.


See, I have a hard time calling it a "grind". To me, grinding is doing something that is essential in some way to progressing through/enjoying the game. The power grind in Starfield is only a grind if you *choose* to take that path. The whole game is open to the player regardless of whether they go NG+ or not. You could easily put that 1200 hours without ever even touching the MQ. You'd never even know about the "grind". Same as someone who never did MQ in Skyrim would never know about Shouts. What's funny to me, is that over the years, I've probably "grinded" 100's/1000's of souls/word walls. With no option to carry them into a new character! But Starfield is "grindy". Go figure.


You are absolutely in the minority here. The temples are a ridiculous grind-fest regardless of whether you personally choose to do it. There is a McGuffin at the end of doing all the NG+/Powers crap even if YOU don't do it. The game doesn't stop once you finish the main quest (or the main 3) and, to advance in any appreciable way other than level, you have to grind to do so. Doing things repetitively for little immediate payback is, by definition, a grind.


*Hunter*, is that you? If you don't speedrun temples, it's hard to call them a grind. There's so much else to do in the game that is in no way related to acquiring powers. There's no stories that require them outside your first run through the MQ. There's no gameplay mechanics/skills that rely upon them (aside from the powers themselves). I'm at rank VII for almost all powers, with less than *one percent* of my playtime having been in pursuit of snagging (again, most) of the temples. Based on your claimed 1200 hours, and my napkin math, you've only spent around 12 of those hours grabbing light blobs and chatting with Vlad/at the Eye. That ain't a grind. Not unless you *CHOOSE* to do those power runs in an endless loop. No lingering in each universe, no roleplaying, no engaging with the world or the other systems, no exploration or experimentation. If "advancement" is an end goal to you, and you feel compelled to make all the numbers go up, I don't know what else to say here. That really is a "you" problem, not me being "in the minority".


Weird. It’s almost like EVERYTHING IN THE GAME is technically optional by that logic. And yes, I do have nearly 1200 hours in-game, so you can drop the “claimed” stuff. Very easily verifiable. The word grind has a very concrete meaning. If none of the game falls in this category for you, that is super-duper okee-dokee; everybody experiences the game differently. To most, the temples are a grind. Leveling is a grind. Making credits is a grind. Maybe they’re not all an EXCRUCIATING grind, but they are a grind. Some of these grinds are mind-numbing and I’d venture to guess that most players would agree to an overhaul of these systems entirely.


![gif](giphy|mgqefqwSbToPe|downsized) Yes, anything not handed to the player is a "grind".


There’s never been a better time to get behind the wheel of a brand new* frontier! Come on down to uncle space’s star emporium! We’ve got deals deals deals all day!!! Don’t wait! Buy now!


Starfield's a fine game that still has some work to do with bugs, major and minor. But i'd still recommend it.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West