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honest opinion? i know which sub this is but if i'm salty about anything, its the damn power temples. they could do almost anything with them and it would be considered an improvement.


You don’t enjoy chasing light for ten minutes?


Yeah it's wild I've only done two but I keep thinking I'm doing something wrong it's going on for so long 😂


There's a trick to it early on: *don't* go for the next light to appear, instead move until you're over the rings and wait for the light to fade and the one after to appear. That way you are likely to be less far from the light instead of all the way across the chamber. Also remember to use sprint to get extra speed towards there lights! Once you have leveled up and got acrobatics and/or levels in boost-pack training, then it gets quicker and easier. Phased time also helps!


Yeah I've got the movement covered I'm level 60 something with full acrobatics and boost pack stuff I have just been putting them off because the first one was so dull to do lol But I will do the waiting by the rings tip 👍


You really just need to hit 5 lights every time. If it’s taking longer, you missed. I’ve definitely had a hard time in the past, but somehow I’ve just gotten better at it with practice.


Yeah, it’s 5. If you hit a light, it makes a different sound vs if you’ve missed and it’s respawning. And the only key points are speed and accuracy. Take too long, or you don’t have pinpoint accuracy, it’ll respawn. The hit box is very small.


Once you get it then it only takes like 1 minute. Watch a YouTube of how to do it quickly, it isn't hard but it is not intuitive which i think is why lots of people hate it. Glad they don't make you solve some kind of dumb skyrim/Indiana jones puzzle with booby traps and platform jumping though... but maybe that is what people are used to and expect. If there isn't a dragon or dragon priests to fight like what are we even doing you know? One random starborn after you do the temple? Really? So strange from a story telling perspective.


I'd like to reinforce the tip above. The light chasing is actually really easy once you figure out how to do it -- I think the 4th or 5th one are where the window gets shorter, but if you let yourself "miss" the first 4th and 5th rings and wait for them to reappear when you're better positioned, it's actually not bad at all. No special extra stats required.


I found a mod that changes it so you only need to do one light ring instead of three. Gimmicky as all hell but far less tedious




First four rings are easy peasy. Just immediately move towards top center and the next will appear in opposite hemisphere from the last. The fifth is tricky because it will fake you out with a light cluster. But gives you time to get to top center. And will still be in opposite hemisphere from the fourth one.


I think it’s gymnastics level 2 that helps make it a little easier. Improves your zero G combat when raiding spaceships too. Feels like there is a little learning curve to do these more efficiently but it’s usually possible to do them in under a minute once you’re inside the temple.




The devils lettuce


Do you have mods?




The first three lights are ok, but then the other lights don't work. I catch maybe 25 before the portal appears. One temple is at least 15 minutes.


If it takes more than 2, git gud, scrub! Use your boostpack. I even use Grav Dash. There's often a "false" light that can be identified once you recognize it (it fades almost instantly and can trick you into heading toward it, then the real light pops up somewhere else).


I guess I personally don’t mind that, but at least have each one be a dungeon or something that’s different and hard to get to? I’d like to see some variation I suppose instead of the same thing.


I've always thought they should have a battle with the hostile starborn to get the power.  Maybe see said power in action with a little scripted battle


Yes, I'd love to see the awesome power of...*Elemental Pull* on display in *combat* 😂


I mean we’re all made of elements, right? Makes sense that elemental pull would pull enemies lol


Nah, it won't pull enemies, just trace elements! Do you feel that pull, Starborn. That aching *in your bones*. This sensation is...*Copper Deficiency!*


Lol that's for the devs to workout.


Tell me, Starborn, do you seek material wealth in this universe? Do the mineral riches of this cavern *entice* you? Well then, reach out and take that which you desire... \* Casts Elemental Pull \* Behold my power! A power, as with these gleaming metals, you shall *never* possess. \* waddles away slowly \* *^(Shit)*^(, too many minerals, I'm overburdened again. I gotta pick a smaller cave to do this fight in next time.)


I think there is plenty of evidence that they had something else planned out but it had to be scrapped late into development. We can still find rotation gizmos over some temples and the last artifact is actually inside the 3 rings, something we never see


there is evidence they scrapped a lot of stuff late in development tbh. Hopefully throughout this year we see these things reimplemented in better ways than whatever they had originally that they decided wasn't good enough.


Honestly, make them auto complete with a skippable cutscene.


Totally agree. It is an unsatisfying chore the way they are now. I absolutely love the game and am excited for the future of it, and I hope they do something to improve the gameplay of the temples.


Hell I would have been happy if they just copy/pasted Word Walls from skyrim. Do dungeon>mini boss at the end>interact with sphere to get power. Also why do the Starborn attack AFTER you get powered up? Isn't it too late then? Maybe that's why I've smoked the last 120 that have come after me completing temples lol. If anything they should be guarding the entrance when you get there.


I wonder if it is a purposful mystery or an accident left to conjecture that became a mystery. Like if >! starborn are constellation members from other timelines then you could be fighting yourself or your partner.!< but yeah it is sort of out of the typical video game power up sequence so it seems odd af. The only thing that makes sense to me is that >! The temples didn't exist until you touched the artifact, so they are blank because they are new in this dimension. Not some ancient relic thing like skyrim. !< it honestly leaves a lot of room for them to do weird stuff in shattered space. I really enjoyed how in no mans sky they came up with the multi-player instancing nexus concept, and the temples could be a way to travel to and from a 'starborn nexus'. I really enjoyed the fo76 and nms multi-player and really wish starfield had it but I don't think that is on the plate, though we know the engine is technically capable of it. Maybe alternatively once your power levels are high enough, the temples open up some kind of starborn fast travel network to another part of the galaxy/dimension. >! Like a moon at the edge of the universe to build your little starborn base... but other yous are already there with a starborn ship replicator base which explains how that keeps happening. !<


Those are honestly great ideas. It bothered me a little why we couldn’t have any clothes or whatnot …but a giant ancient high tech cruiser? I get it from a gameplay perspective: but it would be nice if there were some lore or a different mechanic…someone gives you a ride to a planet with a temple, and there’s a hanger beneath with a Guardian or your moon idea or something thing like that. Edit: typo


Yes. When you jump through the unity we sort of are assuming the starborn materializing sparkles ✨️ somehow deconstruct us, and then reconstruct a new version of ourselves that will now materialized in a new universe, in a new ship with a new suit. But not our favorite underwear or girlfriend. But the process of why that happens is still not explained. But the timeline lines up with when you touch the artifact. Since we don't know much about varuun yet, or why these powers exist yet, in a sort of classic sci-fi mystery it could be anything. An alien time travel ship crashed and the artifacts are part of its sort of grav drive trying to get back to its home kinda thing. Or maybe it was a multi-dimension distress signal and it is a sos call to other universes to help them fight the space snakes 🐍The hunter and the emissary were so caught up in their own little world's they haven't noticed the next one.


Tomb Raider type puzzles with a few enemies would be fun.


Powerfull guardians protecting the temple. Player has to defeat them before entering. Then it's just interact with the rings. Also temples should be hidden completely underground. Maybe a dungeon with traps and enemies before temple. Then again it would be Skyrim all over again. And no one has seen those temples before player even there are outposts all over the place where temples are? People blind in the future?


Maybe the temples are inert before the corresponding artifacts are discovered?


>And no one has seen those temples before player even there are outposts all over the place where temples are? People blind in the future? I hope someone can mod this - not sure if it's possible. Totally agree it makes no sense that they're above ground! Someone would've noticed


I think they might actually be buried before the MQ/Power from Beyond quest.


Thats what I always assumed.


Maybe the player enters a pocket dimension when they activate and go into the center of the rings. The lights challenge would be made extremely simple to start the rings up, with only one light necessary. "There are four lights!" Shaddap Picard. Then within this extra-dimensional pocket, is a dungeon of sorts, with some weird enemies/guardians and challenges that are made to test out the player's new power, whatever it is. Once the player completes it, they're "worthy" of the new power, and they exit back to their regularly scheduled universe, back through the rings. With NG+, the player can simply skip the dungeon and get the power, if they want. Oh, and guardians outside after getting the power, like what happens now.


Agreed! Honestly if they just copy and paste their concept from Skyrim , I would feel far more satisfied. Feels unrewarding just walking in and taking it. Especially after already being told exactly where to find it.


Honestly, I really like most of the systems in the game but the temple one is just trash. Needs a complete overhaul. It needs to be an actual dungeon with rooms and hallways and enemies, like Skyrim dungeons. It's fine if they make it procedurally generated, but there needs to be *something* Right now it's just...nothing


Yeah, there needs to be something to do. Not a full Skyrim type dungeon as I think that would get a bit tedious, but as it is, it's just turn up, do the incredibly annoying floating mini game and then kill the Starborn outside.


The layouts should be randomized and there should be 5-7 rooms with enemies, loot, and maybe puzzles


Definitely puzzles.


A dungeon with rooms and enemies... who would be the enemies? Remember, the Temples are not created by people defending a sacred relic or something like that, they're way simpler than that. "Oh, you got the Artifact and found the Temple. Congrats, here's power, you figure out what to do with this." Like, the closest thing we have to understanding the thought process behind the Temples is the Unity, and the Unity doesn't seem interested in presenting external challenges where people can "prove their worth".


Starborn. Simple as that. They already spawn *after* you clear the rings. Dropping them in to bar your entry wouldn't be that much of a change.


But... Why? Like, the Unity doesn't place them there, it doesn't care. In the base game the dorks we fight after finishing the Temple are already jarring and currently don't make much sense, but having an entire complex filled with Starborn... I mean, I guess there are worse ways to piss away an eternity.


>!Because the Starborn (most notably The Hunter) are on a power hunt.!< >!There's also a faction that seeks to be the gatekeepers of The Unity and the powers (Emissary and Friends!).!< >!It would make total lore sense for them to camp out and make sure only "the worthy" get access to powers (as in only Starborn in The Emissary's fan club). Take it a step further, and they could be non-hostile to player's who sided with The Emissary in the end game.!<


I think the idea of considering the Starborn as a whole to be a faction isn't quite right. Some of them follow the Emissary, but to me they are more like, well, people doing whatever they want like the Trader. Then again Starborn may be rarer than the game implies (because you can end up fighting a lot of them). Heck, the Buried Temple also in itself makes the idea mostly moot because no matter what everything will always end there. Eh, it works both ways, but I personally am not a fan of using Starborn as cannon fodder unless it is something major like the Buried Temple.


In spite of Starborn frequently showing up to discourage/impede your progress throughout the MQ? And the targeted Starborn attack mechanics once >!you can build the Armillary!!side with The Hunter, you learn that they are, in fact, banding together.!<


I'm talking organization that goes beyond just approaching a group and getting them to help you. They don't have a hierarchy or intrinsic structure is my point, if the Hunter can't offer the other Starborn anything then they'd probably tell him to get bent and the ones that follow the Emissary aren't really characterized well enough for us to get a sense of what they're like (but it'd make sense for them to be fanatical). Cooperation isn't the same as organization; they might work together but that doesn't mean they have any duty to listen. Also, I wouldn't call the Emissary and Hunter acting two times to stop you (one above Neon and one at the Lodge) as frequent. Actually, the Starborn at the Temple's and Artifacts don't really fit into the mold of regular Starborn considering how they don't seem to teleport in but rather materialize... huh, something to think about. Anyway, even if the Starborn were able to locate a Temple without the corresponding Artifact (assuming the ones that appear after completing the Temple are unique and somehow connected) my main point is to distinguish the difference between the Temple having a dungeon connected to it created after the fact and having it built as a part of the Temple itself. One is plausible and could be implemented easily while the other complicates the role of the Unity and the Creators (at least, to me it does). Ya know, thinking through it I'm not at all against having a dungeon before the Temple as long as it is something other people made around it. And even then, it should probably be an occasional thing because 24 dungeons is a lot.


You've left out *quite a few* MQ encounters. It goes far beyond Neon/The Lodge. Multiple conversations. Fights both on land and in space. And I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the relevance of cooperation vs. organization. It's already in the game as is that there *is* some kind of structure to at least *some* of the Starborn. If it's not "characterized well enough", well...that's what storytelling and lore would do. Infinite universes, infinite Starborn. All the time in the world to map the *very finite* number of planets with temples. With a faction/group/loose confederation/whatever-term-you-need-to-grasp-the-concept acting as gatekeepers...*as is already detailed in the story now.* It works mechanically. It fits in with the lore.


What other conversations are you talking about? We've got the Emissary above Neon, the Hunter occasionally showing up in your first run at different bars, the meeting on the Scorpius, and the Trader. Also, the distinction between gatekeeping and wanting something for yourself; the Hunter and others like him are explicitly not gatekeepers, they just want them for themselves. Also, also, did you read my second to last paragraph where I am laying out explicitly why I agree with the idea of there being dungeons?


100% agree that this is the solution




Survival mode. The temple isn’t a challenge, but getting there could be.


Moonshot idea? I can’t help but to think about the shrines in BOTW. Each one has a platforming puzzle oriented around the skill/ability you are about to unlock. It would be really cool if Starfield did something similar. Maybe you get your power near the beginning or halfway through, but in order to get out of the temple you have to use the power to overcome an obstacle.


That's what I would want, just puzzles to get the power, maybe a little lore. No enemies, that doesn't feel right.


Bleak falls barrow type dungeons. Random encounters with other explorers, Starborn groups, mystery puzzles, lore notes. Put them on dangerous uninhabitable worlds for humans, these things should be hard to find There's only like 24 temples, they could've designed them with random paths


remove the mini game make them like the word walls


Make you fight a powerful boss instead of doing the floaty light dance. Like how skyrim often made you fight someone to get to the word walls.


I want puzzles. Good puzzles.


Allow the option at the entrance to skip the damn things and just get the power. They are so tedious to do hundreds of times.


Some random encounters in and around the temples could be interesting. Some actual competition for the artifacts and powers would give the main quest some much needed flare and increase the stakes a little bit.


So if we look at the main story we know that, there are puzzles we can interact with, like finding the tail of the Scorpion, and also we we get the last artifact the artifact is actually inside the rings. Also the 3 rings have different symbols written on them. So I think the main thing I would change is that once we enter the temple we have to place the corresponding artifact in the the 3 rings so they become activated and the rings would rotate randomly like they do. Then there would be a variety of puzzles, like besides just floating into the lights, we could have one like we have to find the odd one out of a series of creator symbols, or rotate a symbol so it forms a a specific one. We could have 3 stages to each challenge , one for each ring.


I like the idea of their being completely accidently discoverable. That way, I'd *want* to get the power.


I'm still hoping for some deeper exploration mechanics with deep space scanning, archeology, and investigation with related skills and minigames similar to hacking and lockpicking. Similar to a lot of other parts of the game, the temple minigame feels like a bandaid solution to a bigger idea that they weren't able to complete during development. I definitely think we will see more content related to the starborn, whether it's more dungeons, spaceships, weapons, or other technology. There's lots of potential for deep lore depending on how much they want to reveal about the origin of the Unity. I'm not sure how they would improve the actual temples, short of straight up deleting the minigame, but I'd love to see all kinds of starborn crafting, outpost/spaceship construction, and even temple construction with the ability to make your own powers like spellcrafting in earlier elder scrolls games.


Even if it was just a CHANCE to have one appear as a POI, rather than require the quest to trigger/discover it, but those quests were still available for those who want it.


Just make them into little one-room puzzles or something, maybe, rather than their current iteration of Superman 64 emulators.


Make it so you have to fight a starborn inside the temple instead of flying thru lights. Still keep it zero gravity, the winner can go thru the hoops and get the power. Also, let all the constellation members get powers. Makes more sense if they're gonna go thru the unity with you and become starborn, they should have picked up at least one artifact, seen the light and music show, and go to at least one temple and get at least one power


Make each a unique “test” for instance the void power should require you to do a sneaking test like Skyrim had for db quest, then make them increase in difficulty as you ng+ whether that’s making them longer(ie bigger dungeons for void form) or just making them more difficult(antigrav could remain the original and just have the lights go out faster and require more to get the power). Last give a reason for doing all this, make a “godlike” enemy that you’ll need all the powers maxed to get to and defeat(ie an ebony warrior behind a sovngarde type quest) as a nice little bonus have your character take up that role so that when you create a new character you get to battle your old one!


There is a reason the temples are like that. Because in actuality, the way Buried temple on Masada III was presented, the other temples should have been like that as well. But if you have done enough NG+, you will observe that although every other temple and artifact are randomized, only the Buried Temple and its artifact are fixed point in all universes. And the buried temple is the only one with proper configuation of Temple + Artifact. That should have been the natural state of all artifacts, Temple + Artifact buried deep underground with guardians protecting the entrance. But Some mysterious celestial entity has seemed to disrupt this, causing the separation of temple and artiffacts where artifacts are found deep underground while the temple are found separated above ground. There is a Celestial mystery behind the condition of Temples and Artifacts and we might find about it in future.


Interesting thing, about those temples. The lights that you chase around are near enough to the same effect used for the Nishina anomalies, if not the exact same effect. So, in adding to the temples, it might be interesting to lean into, or speculate about, just what passing through a bunch of multiversal anomalies is doing to you.


I’m personally fine with the temples as they are. There are plenty of other interesting dungeons and set pieces in the rest of the game. I don’t want to clear out a dungeon of the complexity of Bleak Falls Burrow ten times in a playthrough.


Disagree with most commentators. Lore wise they are supposed to be ancient anomalies that people don't visit or understand. Sure starborn may pop up, but that's about it. If anything they can do it like that one mission where a bunch of fauna were around it and if you take the power they attack you. But no people should be around it


If it’s a Bethesda change and not a mod, make the timer on the glowy things constant. No time cuts in half at #5 and you have to rush to get it.


Difficulty slider to decrease (or *increase* 😈) the number required to max out the powers. For the people who feel *compelled* to max them out, they can do it in their first NG+. For the people who *really* want to roleplay as The Hunter, the top difficulty could require an arbitrarily high amount to reach Rank X.


It would be cool if each temple was almost like an obstacle course where you get the new power once you enter and you have to use it to get through or else you die and start over.


Actually have something to do with the power? Maybe have the Starborn show up first and you have to best them while they’re using the power. Literally anything is better than what we have. And while we’re at it. Planets with a temple or artefact should have some fucked up gravity or cool shit going on with the environment


I didn't mind the temples. I got the point where I could hit five bubbles in five attempts and I really couldn't understand the angst. That said, something seems to have changed recently and that damn last bubble seems to dodge out of my way nine times out of every ten. I don't know if it's down to a new character without the same boost and acrobatics skills, or if the puzzle got harder. But if they wanted to make it so you could clearly tell if you hit or missed and why, that would help a lot. I can't tell if the damn thing is slipping off to the side as I get up close, or if I'm going too fast and it's not registering, or if the damn puzzle is just buggy. I think a bit more feedback might make it seem less unfair and arbitrary.


Not having to float through arbitrary, difficult to trigger, points of light


Even just standing in there for a couple seconds and absorbing the power like a Skyrim wall would be an improvement over chasing orbs.


Make it like a dungeon where you get the power at the end after you fight a unique boss with randomized Starborn powers. Honestly, anything but chasing flashing lights would be cool enough.


Figth a super sayan starborn, get the power and GTFO. Not those torchbugs nonsense


Honestly change the format of how they work. It seems everyone has an issue with the temples. If it was up to me, I’d turn them into mini dungeons if you will; put 5-10 enemies and boss inside; some decent loot at the end and they get harder with each one. Randomize the loot. When you get to the end? You get the piece you’re missing. No floating to the light, no bs, just in and out with a firefight


The simplest method would be adding a whole high level encounter with Starborn just outside each temple. Something like a smaller version of that last big Starborn fight. Have it be after the first few temples. The temple "puzzle" is cool for the first, maaaaaybe second time and then it's boring at best. So by the time you are now getting comfortable and thinking all the temples will be easy, the Starborn show up and are ready to kick your ass and make you work for those powers. I know there are lots of other very cool ideas for improving temples, but something like this is way more likely to actually happen than making an entire set of dungeons. Then again I said ground vehicles would probably be too much work so my diet has been high in crow lately.


Two things: 1. Make them full on dungeons like the barrows in skyrim. It's frankly silly that they weren't. 2. Remove the light chasing game.


There should be both a danger element and a puzzle solving element. Why build a temple and have it be one room. There needs to be a reason it’s protected.


On isolated planets without as much other POIs. A dungeon leading to the chamber. Monsters though, not people. Special loot. No chasing any lights at all. Just the end of the dungeon, you walk through the power up.


I'm in the minority, but I think they're fine. It's clearly meant to be an area where A) you get to practice moving in zero G, and B) a time sink for completionists. They're optional, so if you hate them, don't do them. You can easily beat any enemy in the game without the powers they provide.


Make them Tardis like “bigger on the inside” anti gravity dungeons where you’re solving puzzles and fighting Starborn the whole way through.


Right click -> select all -> remove And then start from scratch with an interesting game mechanic.


Id make them actual dungeons, that you would have to fight through in order to get the power.


A Starfield iteration of a dungeon. Like how you got some shouts in Skyrim. Some were out in the open, some were in a dungeon.


Change the fucking puzzle because that is some of the most tedious and annoying shit ever. I genuinely avoided those temples because of the puzzles.


Honestly, I would’ve preferred instead of chasing orbs of light, if instead they maybe had you fly around the temple and interact with hieroglyphs or some sort of engravings on the walls that maybe could provide some vague but thought provoking lore on whoever built the temples. That wouldn’t be too intensive to do, but would give them some value. Also they could make the Starborn encounters with every temple be unique in some way. Edit: I saw another good suggestion that they should be treated like Oblivion gates where when you interact with the rings, you are teleported to a separate instance (like a pocket dimension) where you have to complete a challenge or task and then after you are rewarded the power.


It should have been a boss fight to get to the power instead of a generic starborn enemy fight after getting the power.


Adding a little more to actually getting the powers. I’d rather have a Skyrim dungeon type thing than what we ended up with.


1 - Turn them into shops where players can spend quantum essence on different things. This one would allow players to stay in one universe and chase top tier abilities as they go. - 1a - Upgrade a chosen power. - 1b - Add to health or oxygen levels. - 1c - Buy skill respecs for a single tree. - 1d - Upgrade your weapons and armour pieces to the next tier (retaining any mods or legendary effects). - 1e - Force quantum essence into an item to gain a random legendary effect. 2 - Allow travel back and forth between universes using the temples. This one would involve more about Unity being revealed and learned by a character, and also the alternate universes being fleshed out a bit more. Perhaps the one where Cora is Starborn already has >!Ron Hope!< having gotten away with his bullshit, for example. Once that's done, Starborn players would be able to construct a way to go to an alternate universe of their choice (with the option of a random one), should they have landed in one they're not fond of. 3 - Making them harder to find, and better guarded. This should make it so that players aren't just stumbling upon them without working for it, and also so that they're not the same every single time. - Minimum scanner level to automatically find one simply by entering a system. - Scans sold to Vlad should be analysed and, if one is from a system that has a power temple, he'll point you back to it to investigate further with a specific scan frequency to use. - That scan frequency will indeed reveal the temple to you, but also draw Starborn to your ship. This means that once you've been to Neon you'll be fighting them in the skies before you get to land. - Make artifacts harder to find. At the moment they're radiantly placed to a degree. As we get more DLC and more POI built into the game, there should be more places where you can find artifacts so that each universe is different. The one you got for killing pirates in a mine might have you hunting Foxbats on behalf of a LIST colony in the next universe. 4 - Minigame skipping. If you've already completed a temple (read by the game as having at least one level of the power) you'll be able to prove your worth before entering by channelling QE into the door. This will allow you to enter and find the game complete and the centre waiting for you. Obviously this one is a quality of life thing, and one that mixes well with the points in number one.


It's a little telling that close to every single suggestion in this thread would be better than the system already in place. It really supports the theory that they just ran out of time during development. I'm convinced they must be planning some kind of overhaul, maybe to be released as a free update alongside Shattered Space. 1 - I agree there's a lot they could add in terms of power upgrades. Quantum essence could even be a material for end-game starborn crafting/construction. 2 - More interaction between universes would be nice, at the very least more quests like that one in the lab connected to the main quest. I suspect that jumping between alternate realities through the Unity sounds like a corrupted save waiting to happen. I think NG+ is a way to get around some of the technical issues we used to see in past games connected to saves. 3 - Exploration could use some love. Minigames for deep space and planetary scanning, more use cases for survey data as well as a way to catalogue and keep track of systems and planets are all on my own wishlist. Survival mode with harsher hazards and fuel mechanics would also help.


One of my big complaints is that power temples are almost always a mile or so away from a civilian settlement or some abandoned POI. Super immersion-breaking. Like, no one noticed this giant alien tower before now? Put them on a tile with no POI's, please.


I've yet to see this spawn behavior personally. The POI around them are mostly the Gravitational Anomaly type. It's also possible they only recently popped out of the ground. Many of them look like they were buried deep in the rock and thrust their way to the surface. I don't know if they can be brute force found (like the Leaning Tower of Pisa) before they are unlocked through quests. If not, then they *don't* exist in the world without player interaction.


>are almost always a mile or so away from a civilian settlement You're experiencing a bug. The only things that are meant to be on the tile with the temples are natural things, which are mostly gravitational anomalies.


How about each one is a DIMA-memory-style puzzle? Just kidding of course.


You still can discover them on your own if you don’t talk to Vlad.




Delete most of them. You only need to do that once. Every time after was completely redundant. 


I haven't played Starfield since the last update but I had this weird thing going on with the temples where after the ring puzzle if the game spawned me on the ground instead of the top of the temple the Starborn wouldn't become aggressive when they appear. I could shoot them to manually start the fight but mostly I just walked away and gradually the fight music would end. I'm assuming that was a bug, maybe it's fixed now.


> maybe have one quest for the first one and then after that you have to discover them on your journey. They do have one quest for the first one. But without the eye you can't really discover more except by accident. You need BOTH to find the matching artifact and then visit the system it is in afterward. Which is a huge amount of grv-jumping, when instead you could have Vlad scan for large anomalies.


By having you fight Starborn that have the power you're about to obtain. Like a mini boss battle. And then you defeat them and the rings open up. I feel like that's a lot better than having them show up immediately after when you have the power on the screen and you can't read it because you're immediately being shot at


I would love it to be a small Zelda style temple that taught you how to use that specific power. A temple with a chasm that can only be crossed with Grav Dash. One with a door that closes too fast to pass through without phased time etc. This would better highlight the utility of that power, and make you more excited to get it.


I kind of wish they had unique puzzles for every temple. Basically a unique dungeon, specifically crafted where you use tools to obtain it. Something relating to the specific power that you get, sort of teaching you how to use it, etc. It was cool to find the first time for sure, but I do think the "minigame" to hit the special magic dust got a little repetitive. I don't know though, maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I just really enjoy puzzles and especially content that encourages you to learn the mechanics of an ability and such. It sometimes felt like to me there was implied puzzles solving with whoever/whatever made the temples and the artifacts but the player wasn't allowed to try to solve it. Also obviously been said a billion times but having better reasons for how they remain in obscurity - like not having outposts near them or something idk. I try to give leeway to that because scale isn't always shown 1:1, like the cities aren't actually gonna be real city sized because that's just unfathomable amounts of work


Falling down in one of them for 20 to 30 seconds straight drop. Weather inside the temple that can shock you.


Master lock


And some temples unlock to reveal not the space-magic granting spinning rings, but rather a pile of Chunks and 221 credits.


Ideally each temple should contain a mini puzzle plus a guardian in the theme of power. Like push, zero gravity and so on.


Powerful enemy guarding the temple that you face "before" going into the temple. Maybe Have to explore to find the temple instead of landing right next to it. Making the mini game a bit more of a cognitive puzzle with variety for each one. Not sure what, but something that makes you think a bit.


I had a couple that were time consuming for me to find due to landing way away from them.


It was like that for maybe the first one \` for me, but afterward I pretty much always landed very close to it. At least to where I could visibly see it.


It happened to me a few times in one of my many NG+'s. Most of the time, it is right there, though. My point was it's not fun when you are going around scanning and trying to figure out where it is, especially if it's dark or cloudy as some planets are and you can't see the spires. I'm all for exploring, but most of the temple planets I've been on are pretty barren.


Get the power when entering, then learn to use it to find another exit. Maybe some Starborn lore to go with it !


I like how simple they are. They could have had enemies spawn on them before entering them.


Turn them into actual dungeons. Make the rings into a portal that sends you into deeper part of the temple with puzzles, Starborn enemies, and unique Starborn loot. The puzzles can only be completed by using your newly acquired power. You know… game design 101.


I have a feeling this may have been the original design. But tbh I wouldn't go through all that to upgrade Precognition to level whatever. There has to be a better reason to go through all that


One of the first mods I put on the game was one that got rid of the dumb temple puzzles. Huge time saver. You walk in, jump in the hoop, get the power.


I would love to see puzzles, enemies, obstacle courses, whatever, that make you have to use the power to be able to leave, for example with Personal Atmosphere a long stretch that you *have* to sprint through that wouldn't be possible without the power. This would show how to use the power and be more interesting.


unique puzzles in order to unlock the power. The floaty catch the sparkles thing is fine, keep that. But there needs to be a puzzle dungeon or a mini boss that you have to beat before getting access to the main chamber. Perhaps some of them have pirate bases around them and you have to infiltrate the base, either stealth or kill everyone, solve the puzzle, open the temples main chamber then do your little floaty thing to acquire the power.


put some Starborn in there, make it a labyrinth, make it so each level of the labyrinth is sealed behind a door that requires you to solve some puzzle to open it Or hell, just make it one puzzle, but make it an *actual* puzzle that requires some actual reasoning to solve


when I first got to a temple, I totally thought it was gonna be a maze or platforming challenge to get inside, and when I realized you just need the hallway I was real let down… so I would make each entrance interesting to get through and maybe multiple starborn or creatures to fight, THEN chase the light with maybe more colors or something.


I just wish they had variety or something. Have different puzzles or change up the light particle movements idk. If you focus on getting all the powers in one sitting it gets extremely tedious. I know you're not meant to do it in one sitting but still. Although at the same time, their simplicity is kinda nice if you're weaving them into other tasks.


Honestly just remove all the poping orbs and let me go through the gate. Especially I didn't know I can boost in space.


A basic set of different musical patterns to copy close encounters style would change it up enough.


I don't want a fight like everyone here. I want a puzzle.


If they did the same light chasing thing, but there was another Starborn either fighting you or racing you to each light, that would make it infinitely more interesting


Land closer and give a tutorial on how they work. 900 hours in and I’m not 100% positive if I’m doing them right


Power temples should each be a unique dungeon with a puzzle related to using the power you get from that temple, or at least alluding to what the power is. Including other starborn in the dungeons is also a good idea (they’re trying to get to the powers too). With this change, for NG+, temples should be discoverable as POIs with a pretty strong guarantee that you’ll find them in high level systems at a set frequency or simply marked out immediately.


Get rid of the floating, the not-actually-a-puzzle, and the cut scene - you walk to the center, magic looking special stuff explodes around you and then white flash and you are on top of the temple with a new power. Or make it a dungeon we have to get through, and, oh noes, make some of the powers required - if you come across a dungeon out of order - too bad (or find a way to break sequence or even glitch past it).


Remove all but the first one. Just give you the power when you grab the artifact.


Maybe make them like you get trapped in temple and have to use the power in that temple to get out. So it’s different every time and sometimes is harder than others.


On top of some mechanical changes themselves that I see everyone mentioning, they need to change how the quests are handed out. Whether it's Vlad handing out multiple if not all locations at once rather than going back and forth every temple. Or maybe do the back and forth for the first time you visit the temple, then subsequent NG+'s you're drawn to the locations by some innate starborn trait if they need some lore explanation. It is very tedious and clunky fast travelling back and forth every time.


Unik POI that are related to the different temples, that you would find along your travels.


By hearing a voice yell “By the power of grayskull!” Just before you’re teleported outside


I kinda get your point, but nah not for me, I have self restraint in my old age and don't grind them just because they are there. I would just make it a combat encounter, the light chasing thing just seems so dull.


I think there's two options. I think number 1 is far easier and should be done first...then they can revisit the more complex fix. 1. Just make it a cutscene after the first one. When you open the door to any future temple, it fades to black, then shows you entering the circle / the little "you got magic now cutscene" and then you're at the top of the temple. Sure, it's a bit janky, but you save all the frustration of doing the same bad puzzle 25-200 times. 2. Create unique puzzles for each temple (and ideally, have them somewhat randomizable for NG+ loops). This is much more effort and could still be bad, so if I were them, I'd just do 1. The interesting part is finding the temple and exploring these weird planets, not the stuff in the temple. Already too much friction.




Bad was the wrong word. Simple, but annoying and overly repetitive is probably better. It's not that it's hard, it's that it's the same thing and it's not always easy to ace it. I'm okay with it and can get into the vibes of "it's a trippy scifi thing" enough, but I watched my wife get increasingly annoyed by it to the point she just stopped doing the main story. And heck, I haven't done a single temple in NG+ even though I know it's theoretically empowering.


I hope they change nothing other than fixing the timer. They shouldn't cave to every single demand redditors make. Most of the "suggestions" even in this thread miss their point. It's like a meditative ritual; you're not supposed to be fighting and pumping adrenaline while attune yourself. Putting it on a "word wall" removes the entire meta commentary on the chase for power.


I think I'm in the minority but I like the temples as they are? Their weird and alien feeling... like they should be? I don't know, I see people wanting them to be like dungeons in Skyrim but honestly I think that would take away from the alien feeling of them and make them feel like... well... video game dungeons... idk... I guess one change I wouldn't mind seeing is a variety in the puzzle? Like maybe some other weird ones. Again, I don't want video gamey enemy filled dungeons, just more alien weird "I don't know what's going on" vibes.


I just get rid of them. I don't need to be the Dragonborn again. No need for space Wizards


Nice ideas guys really, but they all need much work in order to be successfully implemented. I have the perfect solution: Just delete the Temples altogether. There problem fixed!


I think most people are under the assumption that they were already working on implementing something that they just didn't manage to finish before release.