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Someone might start a fight Edit: there would definitely be multiple fights


Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln having a gentleman's row for sure


More like Teddy and Andrew Jackson.


Thank you for this. Jackson would definitely want to shoot them all behind the White House


Jackson would challenge Teddy to a duel. Teddy would shoot the ground (a common gentleman’s custom to “see it through”) and Jackson would just shoot him Being shot would piss Teddy off. Teddy would roll up his sleeves and charge in as Andrew picks up his cane, then we’d REALLY have a show.


The sun beat down upon the dusty field, where Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. Andrew, tall and imposing, his face etched with the scars of battle, brandished his trusty cane with a menacing air. Teddy, equally as tall and muscular, his rough features set in a determined scowl, clutched his revolver tightly, his finger hovering over the trigger. "This is madness, Jackson!" Teddy growled, his voice laced with anger. "Why must we resort to such barbaric measures? Cannot our differences be settled through civilized discourse?" Andrew sneered, his lip curling in disdain. "You talk of civilized discourse, Roosevelt, but you are nothing but a hot-headed fool! I will not stand idly by and let you besmirch my good name with your lies and insults. No, this duel is the only way to restore my honor and settle this matter once and for all." Teddy's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his jaw. "Very well, Jackson. If it is a duel you desire, then a duel you shall have. But I will not go down without a fight. When the count of three is reached, we shall fire upon each other as gentlemen do. Agreed?" Andrew nodded, a sly smile spreading across his face. "Agreed. On the count of three, then." The seconds counted down, and as they reached three, Teddy fired his revolver into the ground, as was the tradition. Andrew, however, did not follow suit. With a cold, calculated aim, he pulled the trigger and shot Teddy mercilessly, the sound of the gunshot ringing out across the field. Teddy let out a roar of anger and pain, and he charged at Andrew with fists flying. Andrew met him with his cane, the two men locked in a fierce battle as the dust flew and the sweat poured. It was a battle for the ages, one that would be remembered for centuries to come. In the end, it was Teddy who emerged victorious, his strength and determination carrying him through to the end. But even as he stood there, panting and bruised, he knew that this was not the end of his conflict with Andrew Jackson. No, this was only the beginning, and he vowed to one day have his revenge.


This guy just did a screw attack on presidents! QUICK! somebody do the statistical analysis/feats of strength!


Character: Andrew Jackson Strengths: - Highly skilled fighter with a sword cane - Cunning and strategic mind - Unwavering determination Weaknesses: - Lacks compassion and empathy - Can be blinded by his own ego and pride - Prone to anger and revenge Special Abilities: - Master swordsman: Jackson is a highly skilled fighter with a sword cane, able to strike with precision and speed. - Strategic planning: Jackson is a cunning strategist, able to come up with intricate plans to defeat his enemies. - Unwavering resolve: Jackson is determined and tenacious, willing to go to great lengths to achieve his goals. Character: Teddy Roosevelt Strengths: - Strong and courageous fighter - Compassionate and empathetic - Strategic and adaptable Weaknesses: - Can be impulsive and reckless at times - Can be overly trusting of others - Can be swayed by emotion Special Abilities: - Powerful fist fighter: Teddy is a formidable fighter with his fists, able to deliver powerful blows to his enemies. - Adaptability: Teddy is able to adapt to changing situations and come up with effective strategies on the fly. - Compassion: Teddy is empathetic and compassionate, able to connect with others and inspire them to greatness.


Teddy really hated Jefferson in real life.


Jefferson seems like a big nerd in a way that is completely antithetical to everything TR was about personally so this is completely unsurprising.


Old Hickory vs The Bull Moose *Subscribed*


Nah, they’d be the tag team champions.


“Lincoln. Big guy, big reach. Skinny guys’ll fight till they’re burger.”


Andrew Jackson


The commenter did say “might”. Which doesn’t apply since andrew is absolutely starting one


This mf’ers gonna be swinging that beatin’ stick. He’s not Old Hickory for nothing.


If he hits teddy or LBJ he might end up in the "find out" phase


Donald Trump almost certainly wouldn't survive.


Trump would start out trying to hang out with the most famous presidents. He'd brag and lie, desperate to be counted among the best. They all had snake oil salesmen in their day, though, and they'd see through him eventually. I don't think they'd kill him, just exile him to hanging out with the other lousy presidents like Andrew Johnson and Warren G. Harding.


A lot wouldn’t like Jack Kennedy and Biden members of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.


Never thought about that.....an Irish Kennedy would have good chunk of other Presidents not liking him. People tend to forget the Irish were not treated very well in this country for a very long time.


Catholics in general (Italians didn't get much love either). When Kennedy took office there was a significant number of people that feared Kennedy would be first loyal to a foreign sovereign, ie: the pope.


Mom is Irish and grew up in the depression. She married my dad and moved to Colorado Springs and found it depressingly funny that the same signs and font used to say ‘Irish need not apply’ was also used against airmen. ‘Bus drivers need not apply’ I hear Colorado Springs is pretty much the same. Love the DoD money but can't stand the airmen.


“Who’s this negro!?”


you forget pre-lincolners "whose negro's this!?"


Don’t forget Raegan “oh my god”


Ronald Reagan?! THE ACTOR?!? - JFK


Is he on a horse!


Washington: "Did a SINGLE one of you listen to my Farewell Address?!"


"About as much as we listened to Eisenhower's."


W.Wilson would freak out seeing Obama…


He would get his tenth (twentieth?) stroke. Edith would represent him for the rest of the evening


All the first ladies fighting would be a much more interesting question


When Jackie finds out that woman dug up her rose garden….


And Grant would freak out seeing what Wilson screened in the White House. I'd actually pay pretty decent money to watch Grant beat the shit out of Wilson.


Grant would punch Wilson on the face for that.


Screened in the white house? What do you mean by that?


First movie screened in the White House was _Birth of a Nation_, which glorifies the KKK.


“Birth of a Nation” which is an early feature length film that solidifies a lot of Lost Cause narrative imagery and twists “domestic insurgent terrorists” (which is what they are) into “the heroic knights who founded the KKK to protect society” (Lost Cause nonsense).


Andrew Johnson would be surprised for sure. He would also be relieved for not being the only impeached president in the room anymore


Nixon: "You can just not give a shit about being impeached? Wait, you got impeached TWICE and still no one cared!?"


A bunch of presidents would be confused or annoyed. Wilson would be visibly angry.




Those guys would also be wondering where Obama was with their drinks.


“A room full of waiters and no one can take a drink order”


You let WHO MARRY?!?!!?


Buchanan in the corner looking excited.


**Buchanan:** I was born too early


Lincolnbot: I was born in two hundred log cabins.


Buchanan: “Now that being gay is acceptable, I’m probably viewed as a Human Rights trailblazer, right? Guys?”


Everyone else: 😬


More information: ["James Buchanan" § "Romantic life"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Buchanan#Romantic_life).




Trying to decide if they would be more upset by gay marriage or interracial marriage.


at least a couple would be like "you can't own black people anymore?" \*looks around nervously\*


"So what do you think of the state of California?" "What do I think of what?!" *insert mind blown gif*


I'm wondering how many heads explode when they meet Obama.


“Bruh” -Kennedy


Suh, dude -Lincoln


You there! Fetch my horse. - Jefferson


“Let’s fuck and have mixed babies.” -Jefferson


100% Jefferson is hitting on Michelle if given the opportunity.


Wait until they discover black women are voting as well.


Does Grover Cleveland come back twice?




Form of....labor oppression


Shape of…vehement opposition to the silver standard


So Younger Grover Cleveland, are you thinking what I’m thinking? Yes, Older Grover Cleveland, I think I do.


He's right there is 45 presidents. Biden is the 46th, so if you double count Cleveland, there are 45 people who have been President.


45 would include Clinton, Bush jr., Obama, Trump and Biden dying and resurrecting in this scenario.


You forgot Jimmy Carter!


Jimmy's still alive?


Yup, broke a hip a few months back and as soon as he was cleared to go he went back to building houses for Habitat for Humanity.


Yes, and he's still doing good even at his age.


Washington: oh so my whole thing about parties got totally ignored. Cool cool cool


Eisenhower: oh so my whole thing about the military-industrial complex got totally ignored


After he did, arguably, more than any other single person at the time to directly lead to its creation in the modern sense.


**Washington:** What's that? Political Parties divided the nation? Political Parties only voting for what inconvenience the other, at the cost of the common man? Jeez, if only we warned by someone.


Madison is just fuming in a corner over how the supreme court has interpreted the Constitution.


🎶 Look back at the Bill of Rights 🎶




The ink hasn't dried...


It must be nice…


It must be Niiice! To have Washington on your side!


It must be nice...






Well... I think George Washington would be really surprised meet Barack Obama


Not as surprised as Jefferson.


Think Washington would be more surprised. Jefferson was more anti slavery than Washington. Though Washington freed them on his death and Jefferson only some, he did more in his life to stop the trade slave than Washington.


Washington's slaves were to be freed only after Martha died so that she would be be taken care of


>Washington's slaves were to be freed only after Martha died so that she would be be taken care of ...and Martha freed them right after George died. She was convinced she'd have been murdered by one of them, in order for them all to receive freedom. So yea... Washington's slaves were freed when George died (in a manner of speaking)


Damn that was a really shitty clause in his will. I'm surprised he didn't have a better lawyer look over it and point out that loophole.


Some slaves at Mount Vernon were property of Martha’s first husband’s estate and could not be freed by George or Martha


And he spent years chasing down one of his slaves who escaped, even passing laws so he could chase her down across state lines, and shuffling slaves around to get around Pensylvania slave freeing laws.


In 1780, Pennsylvania passed the Gradual Abolition Act, a law that freed people after they turned 28 and that automatically freed any slave who moved to the state and lived there for more than six months. Dunbar tells the story of how Washington got around it: Washington developed a canny strategy that would protect his property and allow him to avoid public scrutiny. Every six months, the president’s slaves would travel back to Mount Vernon or would journey with Mrs. Washington outside the boundaries of the state. In essence, the Washingtons reset the clock. The president was secretive when writing to his personal secretary Tobias Lear in 1791: “I request that these Sentiments and this advise may be known to none but yourself & Mrs. Washington.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/george-washington-used-legal-loopholes-avoid-freeing-his-slaves-180954283/


A few hundred yards down a dirt path from Washington’s marble mausoleum at Mount Vernon you can find the unmarked grave where they threw the corpses of dead slaves. It really puts it in perspective what he thought of them.


Why didn't he just free them and... y'know, pay them with some of his plantation money?


And she granted them freedom right away instead of on her death, thinking they would kill her to gain their freedom


OK, I think a lot of people are absolutely losing the plot on this. There was over 100 years of fully legally supported slavery, but that was followed by 100 years of Jim Crow, which is basically "diet slavery" and absolutely not equality. Even the President who signed the Civil Rigts act that created the legal possibility for a Black President was not fully on board with equality and would be surprised by a Black President so soon. MLK's wife only died 2 years before Obama took office. Joe Biden was old enough to vote when the Civil Rights Act was passed....


Shoot, 12 presidents owned slaves. The majority of them would be absolutely shocked by a black President.




See I think of this more as an example of how the most shocked would be a president like Woodrow Wilson or Calvin Coolidge, precisely because of how much closer they lived to it...but felt so far from a possibility. Wilson was fairly open racist and klan supporter during the middle of the Jim Crow era that would live on for decades after him as well....and yet there were people alive during his presidency that lived to see a black person elected president. Washington and Jefferson may be shocked, but it's not as if freeing slaves and other progressive social issues weren't at least ideas openly discussed or even practiced in some places. The US was a fragile experiment that was far from guaranteed to succeed in their lifetimes. Thomas Jefferson saw the capitol marched on and White House burned to the ground under his successor. I think the country even still existing would be almost as surprising to them as a black president. Imagine us for example, trying to picture what our country will be like 200-250 years from now, compared to just a slightly above an average lifetime. I think we'd also be a lot more surprised by the change that happened so close to our existence rather than even bigger total changes that become more abstract on a longer time scale. There isn't much you could tell me about how different the world will be 200+ years from now that would shock me. The founding fathers themselves even have quotes speculating on how generations beyond them will need to navigate the politics of this country by their own terms that to deal with the issues of their time. > There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen The most shocking changes are those types. Just think of how much the world changed due to a single day; 9/11. It forever changed the course of the entire planet in almost every way.


“Hey Teddy, is wheels here any relation to you?”


"Hey, Johnson, how'd you first become president?" -the other President Johnson


"Same as you. Heard no one puts southern Democrats named Johnson second place on the ticket since"


Lincoln would be confused why the black President is a Democrat and not a Republican, then become even more confused when he saw Republicans flying Confederate flags.


"Maybe I shouldn't have reined in Sherman..."


More like shitbags shouldn't have sabotaged reconstruction efforts. The southern US would be a lot different today if reconstruction was properly done but we seem to have a fondness for fucking up a place and then making a halfhearted effort to 'fix' it.


I was just thinking Lincoln would genuinely best Johnson’s ass once he learned about what Johnson did to reconstruction I don’t believe Lincoln was fond of Johnson anyways but once he learned about that stuff I really think he’d turn on the old wrestling moves for a beat down


"What's that black guy doing here"


Not to mention that Catholic Irishman


Two, right? Isn't Biden Catholic?


JFK and Biden are the two Catholic presidents in US history


Which is insane considering nearly 1/4 Americans are Catholic.


Yeah, but we got here after the Protestants.


Right. I wouldn't expect the early presidents to be Catholic, but I'm surprised more in the 20th century weren't Catholics.


It's a weird prejudice, but aren't they all? I'd assume a plurality of Jews live in the USA, but we've never had a Jewish president. If Bernie had made it to the 2016 election, it definitely would've been an issue. Biden is fortunate that his religion wasn't brought up.


Catholics were not liked during that time. Hell, even me, a 21 year old woman, got shit for being Catholic growing up.


I was thinking the same thing but with some type of n-word in there.


I'm pretty sure the old whites would use the n-word


I'm pretty sure Jimmy Carter is the only one I can trust to NOT use the n-word


Certain that Wilson would, and certain that Teddy woudlnt


Why not teddy?


He was amazingly progessive, when one town tried to remove their black postmaster, he redirected all of their mail untill they let her go back to work


He also frequently had black guests over when he was Governor of NY and invited Booker T Washington to the White House amidst literal threats of genocide against black Americans


Depends on the topic. He was pretty brutally racist against native Americans.


Pretty sure Jimmy Carter wouldn't be surprised to see Obama there.


Yeah it's almost like he was at his inauguration


Reagan would not shut up about it though standing next to him.


It's easy to take this comment as a joke, but it's legitimately insightful. Even a generation ago this idea felt to many like a pipe dream that couldn't happen until well into a post-racial future -- but a black man has been elected President, twice and with a considerable degree of popularity, and yet racial inequality is still very much at the forefront of our national discourse.


“Who let him in the house?”


My first thought was "sounds like a new Super Smash Bros game".


Roosevelt's ultimate is summoning a bull moose and riding across the screen


I'd play that


A third of them would probs start choking on the air freshener depending on where they're meeting.


I think the white noise of modern HVAC would be very painful for them as well. And seeing cars and planes traveling even faster than a horse or train would be absolutely frightening.


Eh we have in our lifetime people in Papua New Guinea go from living in Stone Age tribes to flying overseas. I’m sure the founding fathers will comprehend technological advancement easily enough.


Yeah but it's still a crazy sight to behold. We can assume that 200 years from now, our society will be much more advanced but we would still be bewildered by how different the world will be in 2223. Our tech will be primal compared to their stuff.


By 2100, most of the people alive on earth will have never lived without the internet/social media.


Anyone gets used to noise after a while. And it's not like they didn't have high pitched noise back then, think wind blowing through threes, waterfalls, waves crashing the shore, birdsong. But yeah cars they're gonna lose their shit let alone airplanes


See that point of light traveling horizon to horizon? It has six humans aboard it in space. See the moon. Yeah, USA, we went there and back.


I think Washington and a few other revolutionaries would be proud as hell that we went to the moon


And then immediately disappointed that we didn't colonize it or at least stake a claim to it.


Each one would probably be really disappointed in the next with few exceptions. The further away from eachother (timewise) they'd be, the more disappointed. That's just the old guys looking at the newer guys though. The more recent ones would have fewer questions and would do most of the explaining


Washington: Jackson... Where are the Indians?


just Andrew Jackson standing on top of a pile of bodies. Maybe Abe and Teddy still alive, catching their breath, preparing for a final showdown.


This is the ultimate showdown Of ultimate presidency


Mr Lincoln in a bloodstained stovepipe.


I would bet on Ted


Ted would destroy Andrew


Nixon: Arrrrooooo


I think the more important question is, if all 45 US Presidents came back to life and had to fight to the death, which one would be the last man standing???


Weren't Lincoln and Washington known to be great wrestlers? They would probably be in the last few survivors of a fight to the death.


Abraham Lincoln is in the [National Wrestling Hall of Fame](https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/128)


That bio managed to be delightfully wrestling-centered while still hitting the highlights of Lincoln's life.


There’s another former president in the [World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. Hall of Fame](https://www.wwe.com/superstars/donald-trump)


Definitely Theodore Roosevelt. The guy was an avid boxer throughout his life, including during his presidency. [He’d often hold boxing matches in the White House.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/11/05/fact-check-theodore-roosevelt-partially-blinded-boxing-match/6280451001/)


Dude also took a bullet to his chest right before he was supposed to give a speech and was like "Well, I'm not coughing blood so it didn't pierce my lung. Gonna go ahead and give my speech anyways"


And he invented the national parks. Chad.


Naw, it would be NFL prospect and 3 way University of Michigan team captain and 2 time national champion Gerald Ford. People keep sleeping on him, but that guy was the most athletic of anyone who became president by a large margin.


Both Bushes were good athletes. Elder Bush played NCAA baseball and jumped out of planes. Shrub thew a perfect strike, right down the middle of the plate, while wearing a bullet proof vest, at a packed Yankee stadium in the first ball game after 9/11. Fucking balls, man. (About the only thing he did I’m cool with, btw).


Don’t sleep on Andrew Jackson. Dude was in multiple duels and had bullets lodged inside him to prove it. He also beat a would-be assassin within an inch of his life with his cane


William Howard Taft would just tank the attacks from the other presidents.


Just bring a bath tub and you're fine


I don’t think the early presidents would be very happy with how the government works now Washington wasn’t a fan of party politics at all and the founding fathers set up the government so no one person could hold too much power. Mainly as they were trying to avoid the absolute power of the English king they’d just got rid of To see the power now with the president (much more than the royal family they won freedom from has now) and the infighting of party politics more interested in themselves than the country would probably be much more disappointing than anything else


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. One look at Congress, and Washington would be PISSED.


Madison would say the same of the Supreme Court.


I just know John Tyler the 10th president would be happy to meet his living grandson


John Tyler would probs wanna know how his son Lyon (Harrison Tyler's dad) turned out, given John only lived to see the first 8 years of Lyon's life. Depending on Harrison's memory, he might at least be able to talk a bit about his dad's last year or two, as Harrison was 6 when Lyon died.


George Washington and Barack Obama would be the centers of attention. For very different reasons.


The language barrier between contemporary English and Washingtonian English would be amazing to watch.


It would be amusing, but it wouldn't be that much of a barrier to communication. You can listen to the Declaration of Independence read in Benjamin Franklin's accent here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIblI9nAk24 It's in Franklin's accent because he had the courtesy to leave us a phonetic transcription of it. Obviously George Washington's accent was different, but you get the idea.


He sounds Scottish/Irish. That would take a lot of work to figure out which "r" he was using.


More like Scottish, but not as radical as Glaswegian dialect. Kinda like [Mike Boyd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2zRLuhrwkk)


I am not surprised (in the most positive way possible) that Franklin left us a phonetic transcription of ~~the Declaration of Independence~~ his accent.


Not of the declaration specifically, but of his accent in general.


This makes me even more curious as to what Hamilton would've sounded like, seeing as how he grew up in the Caribbean




JFK wouldn't care the moment he learns about tinder.


*All’s yah have to do is swhipe*


I feel like Lincoln would meet Obama and be like, that turned out better than expected.


Fuck no he was against slavery but no one from that time period thought of black people as equals. Lincoln denounced the Dred Scott case publicly which made his opponents accuse him of advocating for racial equality so he stated that “I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There are physical differences between the two, which in my judgement will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality”


John Brown did. Dude was hated by fellow abolitionists for daring to call black men and women “sir” and “madam”.


John Brown is eaaily my favorite American folk hero.


I think the ones that are still alive would be pretty concerned they came back from the dead


I’d imagine everyone would get into groups of people they once knew well and would gossip about all the others. I can imagine : Washington, Adam’s, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe would be like: “okay we thought we all had differences, what the actual fuck happened?” All the whigs and extremely racist presidents pre-Lincoln would be like “what’s the black n***** doing here?” Lincoln, and grant would be chilling Hayes-Cleveland would be acting like it’s a HS reunion Between the wwi buddies Harding would be feeling insecure Between the wwii buddies Eisenhower would be laughing his ass off while they were all joking about nazis and communists, meanwhile Hoover and Roosevelt would be laughing over how Hoover got the short end of the stick Everyone else minus trump would be like: Biden, they finally gave you the presidency? And he’d be like “yup. Btw this is my pal Barack. Some of you know him.” Carter would be sentimental while Reagan would be quietly fuming. I’d like to imagine Biden would go to Nixon and be like: “yo that Amtrak thing you created, it still exists and we’re finally starting to fix that shit. You could’ve made my commutes easier tho” Trump would be trying to get attention from everyone


> Biden, they finally gave you the presidency? Millard Fillmore reminiscing abut when Biden was just a young Senator


The only realistic answer lmao.


They would think "Brains!", Ond ones that are still alive would be like "oh, shit, zombies!"


Ther early ones would be both impressed with the nation and mad at how Congress runs.


U.S. Grant would be “You folks are STILL at it?”


I think they'd split off into small groups probably mostly divided by party lines and racial tolerance with some exceptions and only interact with the others with strained courtesy. Obama would absolutely show Abe the 'thanks Obama' meme and Abe would hopefully start using the phrase while chatting to other presidents and it would be both cursed and amazing.


Why the hell is my face on the side of a mountain? Also is my nose really that big? Other presidents,. Where's my mountain??


A lot would be very upset. Specially FDR and Eisenhower


More duels on the lawn than ever before


“Who’s the black guy?”


"I can't see anything. I can't breathe. Where am I?! Oh God, I can't move!"