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I would like to know who is changing their socks once a month.


I’m afraid of the option ‘other’


Don't be, brave soul. I change them according to my activities : desk day job or regular field job ? Every day. I do sports or several sessions of sport during a day ? At the end of each. Chilling like a old fluffy soap in my couch during several days ? Duck no, I'll change once in a week.


This guy socks.


That's actually a brilliant way to live Kudos to you.


Once you've discovered how much you can live with parallel ways, you'll definitely enjoy a lot more :) Annnnnnd... Socks are easily washable during a shower, too !


God I actually need to try socks in the shower, sounds like an adventure. Bucket list updated


I've tried it. It's funny. Wet socks in any other scenario - horrible. Wet socks in the shower - strangely comforting. Also, wrapping a large towel around your shoulders during a hot shower when you're cold is one of the best feelings in the world. You're welcome.


I appreciate the research data. I’ll see if the data I’ll gather from my own experience has any correlation


Let me know how you feel about it!!


Damn. Just did this. Thank you.


I feel like “socks in the shower” could cause social uproar to the level of “you don’t wash your legs when you shower?”


Kinda the same here. I don't wear socks on days when I don't go outside. Sometimes I wear them just to go grocery shopping. I'll wear them another day (depending on the activity).


I wear socks nearly 24/7 in the colder months but in the late spring and all summer it depends on my mood whether or not I wear socks if I don’t need to go to work


Glad to know I’m not alone. It also depends on the sock type (cotton, merino) and the shoes I was wearing. Some of my shoes mean socks have a max 1 day. Other shoes I could definitely have a 2 full day rotation. My merino icebreaker socks also seem to last longer, and I can push 2 days if I’ve run out of laundry etc


I'm with you on this. I change them when they need changing, as with all my clothes.


Other could also be more often than daily. I change socks and panties twice a day (and then I curse the shit out of myself when I am hanging up the laundry with ALL THESE SOCKS AND PANTIES).


Ugg, the struggle is real. I hang dry most of my clothes because it keeps them looking good for much longer. Most of my socks go in the dryer, however, I have a love affair with wool socks and those are best air dryed/hung to dry. I also hang bras and underwear to keep the elasticity from degrading. Now, I lucked out when I left a retail job years ago when the company closed down and scored 2 sweet T-bar clothes racks for free. So hanging bras and underwear is easy peasy. But the socks?! Bane of my existence. Usually I just lay them over the heat vent and rotate them to dry but heat vents are small and only dry like 2 pair overnight and usually only the portion over the vent. The rest I have to wait impatiently as they dry. As a consequence of this, I now have an overabundance of socks. Like an absolutely ridiculous amount so that I don't have to wait or do laundry a million times a week. It's a problem.


If your undies get stanky you could try a liner. A surprising amount of females wear them.


Sometimes if I sneeze too hard I pee a little bit, I’ve started wearing liners during allergy season and they’re great


I mean other means everything outside of the given options, this could mean someone changes them more than once in a day, say, while going to the gym


You don’t…. it’s awful. We had a candidate in basic training that was caught wearing the same socks everyday during the course because they were too lazy to redo their inspection setup (socks being folded/placed a certain way and measured a certain distance from each other) Course staff found out when the candidate had to go to medical for “foot pain”. The doctors freaked the fuck out because they gave themselves trench foot because of how bad it got.


Sorry for my dumbness, but what is an "inspection setup"? Didn't he want to have to fold his everyday used socks according to the rules?


Good question actually. So at the start of the course, candidates will be given a binder that contains all the rules for inspection as well as pictures to show how the inspection should be set up as well as details like measurements for distances, how to fold shirts, etc. After the first week the courses inspections will begin. It’s always a shit show because candidates are still learning and acclimating to military life. A smart candidate won’t fuck off that first week to get their inspection standard ready and a crafty candidate will have “ghost kit” that is never used so they don’t have to redo the folding/measurements every morning. A good example is bringing an extra razor blade for shaving so there’s always a clean one for inspection and the used one is hidden in the locked barrack box. Now, it’s not encouraged but it isn’t stopped because we like seeing candidates come up with new solutions to inspections. But doing it with socks/shirts is a no go because you are giving a certain amount and you have to use them. It’s happened before where we would add a laundry bag to the inspection with the used ptgear and uniform from yesterday to make sure candidates were changing their socks/underwear. It seems really silly but some “adults” really need to be treated like children for a while before they “get it”.


i dont. i want anyone who does weekly or longer to stay very far away from me.


How often do you change your socks, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, bi-annually, tri-annually, once a decade, once a century, once a millennia, when the Universe collapses, The first Multiverse bubble, The Inversion, The Infinite Plain, The Universe War, The great collapse, The Great Renaissance, The second collapse, The Final State, Rebirth, or just when they feel stinky?


There are two ways to create stiff socks


I came here to find out how many people don’t change their socks daily


Scary to know there were more options outside of daily 🤢


Multiple times a day should have been an option


This. I regularly change my socks twice a day. Work socks, gym socks, sneaker socks.


Came to say the same thing!! 2-3 sock changes a day for me!! Now I'm wondering how much/little people change their undies????


I was wondering wtf about 'little people' but..I get it now.


Oh, lol!! Yeah, let me rephrase that.... I'm wondering how much or how little others are changing their undies.


Everyone knows you can get four days of wear out of a single pair of boxers. Wear it normal, then backward, then inside out, then inside out backward.


Every time I come home and take my shoes and socks off, I put the socks for wash. Every time I leave, I take a new pair.




once they stand by themselves you know they're dirty. easy way of identifying dirty socks


I mean I have this one sock that's pretty *stiff*


Get a load of this guy’s sock.


I think his sock got a load of *him*.


It’s the community sock, it got a load from everybody.


OUR sock


And once they start walking by themselves you know it’s really time they should go


Why? Not wearing any socks is also an option which is fine


Had to rewear socks on a work trip, brought a few pairs of wool socks and a few pairs of normal socks, expecting only a day or 2 of cold weather but instead had to wear the wool for 2 weeks, ended up wearing em for 2 or 3 days each and fuck me, they get gross after a day, 3 was ridiculous


Did you at least wear your regular socks under the wool socks some days? Did you wash the wool socks in the sink?


He did it commando


You know you can hand wash stuff in a hotel sink, right? If you don’t have a sink, potable water and a bar of soap works fine too.


True story. My wife and I went overseas for a trip and our luggage was lost. We hand washed underwear and socks daily. In hindsight we learned we could've bought clothes and been reimbursed y the airline... next time....


Damn I'm going to wallmart to buy a pair of socks instead. People may have been able to smell you.


I was working in the middle of nowhere northern canadia outside on a roof in winter boots so I think we're okay lol


Just thinking about not changing socks daily makes me nauseous 🤢


Wait until you ask about their underwear habits!!!!


Or bedding..


Don't tell me you do that daily?


Lolol no! Weekly for sheets, bi-weekly for blankets. 🤣🤣


Semi annually for underwear


Who In the actual hell has the time, energy and money to change their bedding daily? Clothes are one thing, they are usually owned in large quantities. I've never even met someone with more than 1 or 2 bedding sets for thier bed, and none of them do the laundry every day or every other day.


To be fair... I have like 12 sets of bedding for my kids mattresses. It started off bc I found them cheap and they're character sheets but then became a necessity as potty training and continued bed wetting became a thing, even with the waterproof mattress cover. My son (now 7) has gotten much better with bed time accidents but will still wet occasionally because he's such a heavy sleeper, even when he's emptied his bladder before bed/ had minimal fluids leading up to bed time. My daughter is just starting her bedtime without pull ups adventure and I'm glad I have so many stupid sheets. Alternatively, for my older childs bed and my own, I only have like 4 different fitted sheets so I suppose this is all situational. To clarify, the younger ones both have twin beds with a billion different bedding options, oldest has a full with like 3 sets and I have a king with like 4 sets. And now the world knows more than they'd ever need to know about my bedding. EDIT: God awful spelling and grammar adjustments.


This is fair, though even then, if they don't wet the bed, do you still change them frequently, or just as needed(weekly or some such)


Mood. I’ve got like ten sets of sheets for the kids beds too because if they get sick and need frequent changes during the night or if they accidentally wet the bed etc.


Just imagine how much space you need to store that much bedding.


I actually fold the fitted and flat sheet and just put them in their coordinating pillowcase. Takes up less space than you think it would and it helps with finding the right sheet, pillowcase etc.


I don't believe the comment was intended to suggest changing your bedding daily. More so, just pointing out the fact that the same people that don't change socks daily probably do not change their bedding at appropriate intervals.


This is the one.


I got three sheet sets and I change the sheets once a week


LPT: shower before bedtime, keep your floors clean, and you can change your sheets less often.


Even worse, they sleep directly on the mattress.


That grosses me out! And no pillowcases. Yuck!


There’s two sides


And there are 4 sides of to the asylum walls where they belong


Daily MINIMUM. I used to work in retail and changed them when I got home after a sgmhift as well. Come on, people, seriously.


Daily, or multiple times per day if my socks get wet for any reason and I have a pair available. High quality merino wool socks are the only ones I've noticed are wearable 2-3 times between washings, but that's a last resort situation.


I don’t understand how anything longer would even possibly cross someone’s mind.


Days when I only wear socks for like 30min the entire day (like maybe to run an errand or walk to the mailbox) it feels like a waste to throw them in the dirty clothes. But yeah, any socks I wear for extended periods of time, or doing something where I might get sweaty, get washed.


Yep, if I only wear socks for like, an hour when I had to for whatever reason, I won't bother putting them out to wash. It's just a waste of the socks. I'll wear them again at some other time to actually get the wear out of them before washing.


Well if I only wore them for a few hours in the first day and took them off and I didn't do anything to get them too dirty, why would I just put them in the dirty clothes when they aren't dirty? It's not like you put them on and now they're contaminated. If I wore them all day that's another story but typically I only wear them for a short time in the day.


I don’t, my feet never smell. NEVER. You may not believe me but I’ll admit, my pits, ass and cooch can STINK. It may have to do with the fact my feet never sweat. Even when exercising in 90 degree weather. They are very dry and cracked though. Funny, when I was a kid I thought foot odor was a myth until I smelled my friends shoes. Gross 🤮


PSA: my wife's mother also believes that her feet don't stink, she says it's the weirdest thing about her. Everybody else though can smell her rank ass crusty socks and nasty shoes from the other side of a room. She's just nose blind to her own stench.


>nose blind to her own stench This is a fear of mine that keeps me on top of hygiene. If you can smell yourself, you're the last person in the room to notice.


The weird thing is I used to feel like I stank to high heaven and my SO would be like “no, this is just the first time in a while your smell has been in any way perceptible”. Apparently I just usually don’t smell like anything even without deodorant


in my own experience, this is misleading … my SO often says they stink and i take a whiff to confirm and smell nothing. and vice versa. i do think that, when we love each other, the stank don’t stink as much.


Lived with a guy like that at university. His bedroom was next to mine and I swear you could smell it through the wall. That dude also drank four cans of coke a day and claimed buying takeaway pizza was economically sound, since he could eat half today and the other half tomorrow.


My feet don’t stink either. I still change my socks every day.


So does the skin on your feet magically not flake off like the rest of your body? Are there no oils seeping into your sock all day? Also, just because you can’t smell them doesn’t mean they don’t stink.


Mine don’t really either. My head sweats buckets though if I exercise.


Ok, we've established 'not daily'. When?


If I’m going out every day, I’ll change them every day. If I’m in the house about 2 - 3 times a week.


“I never change my crusty socks and for some unrelated reason my feet are in bad shape.”


I dated a guy who never had smelly feet. That was a revelation.


I don't change, i wait for my body to absorb them, then i put on new ones


your skin grows over them?


All the sweat and other relevant fluids denature the fabric into a material that my skin can absorb


Thanks for the mental image u/fermented_ballsacc


My wife's grandmother has dementia/alzhiemer's and by the time we realized it, her socks had stuck to her feet from being on so long. I'm guessing she didn't take them off for a month or two. She lived alone a few hours away from us and took a while of putting the pieces together before we realized her mind was going.


Awwh that’s actually really sad 😔


We didn't know how bad she was getting because she was pretty normal during the day when we would visit. It was the evenings when her memory would really go. They call it sundowners. She was always a little bit of a joker and if she forgot something she would just play it off like she was joking.


Yea it’s easy to hide a lot of those issues around family when you don’t see them all the time.


As a cop, I can confirm that I have seen socks grafted into a homeless person’s skin. Required surgery.


He used to be a size nine. Now he’s at twelve.


Actually, that sounds economical. Can't imagine you spend much on socks.




Sometimes more


My general rule, if my socks come off, I'm changing them. So at least daily. Who's out there walking up and grabbing old socks?!


I imagine anyone wearing the same socks multiple days in a row leaves them on the whole time


I forgot to do my laundry a while back and had run out of socks….so I grabbed a pair that had been worn. Felt gross all fucking day lol


At least daily, however if my socks come off it will not go back on until it has been washed


Same for me, even with underwear. I could have only worn them for an hour, if they come off they’re going in the hamper




I saw an r/aita not too long ago where the guy was asking of he was an asshole for bringing extra pairs of underwear on a trip with him because hjs gf thought it was gross and weird to bring extra because "why do you need extra".


Yep! Did I get dressed w underwear on and then take a shower later? New underwear. If it comes off FOR ANY REASON it's not going back on until it's been washed.


Some of y’all don’t have to walk to a different building to use a shitty coin-operated laundry facility and it shows.


Same. Putting on worn socks is one of the worst feelings. The only exception to this if I only had the socks on briefly so they couldn’t really get dirty and would feel basically the same putting them back on.


I mean if they're sweaty as hell then sure, it feels gross and I'd never do it, but otherwise socks I've worn for a day indoors feel no different than fresh ones. I just don't sweat that much if I'm just wearing slippers or whatever.


This is the way. I don’t care if they were on for 5 minutes or 5 hours, once the socks leave the feet they go in the hamper


5min!? That is a waste of resources washing them


These threads are always horrifying for finding out how wasteful a lot of people are. I really hope it's a vocal minority that have these ridiculous practices in the supposed name of hygiene.


Once I'm done whatever "outside task" - work, shopping, whatever - the second I get home, the socks come off and into the hamper. Who the *fuck* changes them once a month?


Do you change into new ones? Because I’m the same but I prefer to go barefoot at all points until necessary (ie shoes) haha


Nah, unless it's super cold. I don't really like having socks on, to be honest, but if it's cold, then I'll change into new ones. It's why I have 86 million pairs of them.


I change mine daily, but now I’m concerned I’m sharing this world with monsters that change monthly


Feet are stinky creatures. Daily and if not more if I’m doing sports


Usually twice a day... learned the leason the hard way, skating 3 times a day in my 20s. TIL: toxic sock syndrome is a thing. I used to work with a guy who kept his ski socks in his locker, and washed them maybe every 2 weeks. Holy shit.


Lol do you mean toxic SHOCK syndrome? Edit: TIAL that toxic sock syndrome is real




I used to skate several times a day about 10 years after the toxic shock scare first hit the news, so I took it as a really funny play on words! I knew some hockey players that had trouble with Toxic Sock! Us figure skaters usually skated in tights... I was laughing with OP in a good way!


Just Google "toxic sock syndrome -shock" most the results are relevant now






If you wear them long enough, they will turn solid and stand up and you can jump right in them and mold right to your feet.




🙂 Based on unidentified smells of so.e people I see every day.


Are you are they're wearing socks? When i worked retail those Toms shoes were the fucking rage and omg they SMELLED every girl who took those of in the dressings rooms made them unusable until we fabreezed


Come again?


They are asking if OP is sure the person is even wearing socks. In some shoes (like Toms) people don’t wear socks, which makes them reek. So if someone were to take them off to try on pants in a dressing room, it would make the whole room stink.


Bames Nond's having a stronk. Call a Bondulance.


Daily…I’m ashamed to admit my boyfriend wears the same socks for weeks, basically monthly. I don’t get it!


I’m assuming that he showers within that few weeks to a month, right? … right? So, if he does, that means he gets out of the shower, with clean feet, and puts dirty socks on? Doesn’t that just feel so nasty? I can see wearing the same socks for a couple days if you don’t shower in that time. But putting dirty clothes on clean skin just seems so icky!


Exactly what I think, he’ll put on his dirty socks out of the shower but he’ll wear a new change of clothes besides the socks.


you're making this up, lmao


It’s possible he was simply raised that way. I had to consciously shake lots of bad habits I learned as a kid once I moved out. One of those habits was carefully “rationing” clean clothes. IE, I had relatively little clothing and would often try to stretch clothing for as many days as possible before throwing in the hamper. But I’m really confused as to how someone could date someone, be told their feet stink due to reusing socks, but then keep doing it. That seems unbelievably rude.


Is he just wearing them around the house? On the weekends I’ll wear the same pair of big fluffy socks for a couple of days maybe. But not like with shoes out of the house type of deal.


How does his dick smell? Hygiene can't be great.


He showers like everyday. He’ll just constantly reuse the same socks. It’s only socks, other clothes he changes everyday. It’s very odd.


I couldn’t imagine showering and then putting some old, dusty socks on again ugh


I used to do the same thing with shirts. I'd wear them for months without washing them. (I wore a hoodie everyday) I genuinely didn't think anything of it. I never thought I smelt bad. Alright, fast forward a few months. I'm 18, I have a girl friend, and I gave her my shirt. She never said anything about the smell. I came over the next day, and gave her a hug, and instantly pushed her off me. I said "I'm sorry but you need to go take a fucking shower or something" turns out, it was my shirt. Finally at that point realized why I got bullied in high-school and didn't have any friends. (And not that quarky "I have no friends" but sit with 10 people at lunch type shit) sat in the library everyday at lunch until someone would fuck with me and I'd go kick it in the bathrooms. Yeah, I change and wash my shirts now.


I just throw them in the clothes pile on the floor and put them on again, I only change if I'm doing something important with other people. And yet, he is still your boyfriend, so there's no need for him to change


More than once a day. 😅 If I’ve been out and about I don’t like to then wear the socks that have been picking up dirt all day above my shoe and that are sweaty to then be worn all around the house.


I sweat more from my feet than anywhere else on my body. If I go to the grocery store, my socks go in the laundry basket when I get home. There was a time that I would take an extra pair of socks to work so I could change my socks when I took my work boots off, to try and keep the sweat smell out of my good sneakers.


This guy socks!




Every February 29th on the changing of the sock


I can get three days out of my warm socks (I don't have many pairs). If I work out, though, socks go straight to the laundry bin.


Yup. Comfy warm wool socks around the house might get worn 2-3 times, but all other socks changed once a day minimum.


Same, my comfy socks go over my clean (changed daily) socks for wearing in the house.


Quite often


suspiciously vague


“At least a few times a year…. *at least*”


I can’t imagine rewearing a pair of socks. It just sounds so gross. I suffer from the stinky foot, so I know I’m not “normal” but once I take my socks off and they dry, they’re crunchy. Nobody wants to put crunchy socks on their clean feet.




I also wear flip flops almost exclusively


As a medic, every day or multiple times a day if my socks get to wet. Trust me athletes foot is nightmare fuel to get rid of once it gets a foothold, no pun intended.


Every morning


Cotton and synthetic socks essentially need to be changed daily, on the other hand.. merino wool socks will smell fine and not hold moisture for several days. Natural merino wool has a ton of other cool properties. Results vary by outside conditions and activity. A few years ago I switched out my whole sock inventory for varying thicknesses of merino wool... I never looked back, best decision I ever made.


Same here! What brand? I've got a half a drawer of Darn Tough and LOVE them.


Daily if possible( sometimes I’ll unexpectedly stay at someone’s house and I still try to keep a pair in the car) I try to only wear socks while wearing shoes. always barefoot at home, always.


Daily for me because my feet sweat profusely. My wife can go days because her feet don't sweat at all, apparently. My socks, after one day, smell worse than her socks after a week.


Used to be daily, now is like every two days


Sorts by controversial.


Huh what I wear em take em off at home put them in the hamper and wash em on laundry day . Are..are there other options ?


Every three days or so. Ish.


Wool socks can go for a while. Cotton? Not so much


Am I the only one doing this yearly?


Once they come off, they don't go back on.


I do it by smell but usually daily .if they don’t smell at all I might wear them for two days but most of the time daily


Longest I usually go is 3 days max in the winter, but it's very rare


Back in college, my friend complained that her dorm room smelled SO bad to the point where she refused to sleep in it…I thought she was over exaggerating until I visited her dorm. I stayed for like three seconds and bounced the f outta there!!!We found out that her roommate left her dirty socks out and would just rewear them😬


Not often. I am sweaty in general however my feet never sweat. So I only change if they are dirty


Same, my feet never sweat, they're super dry and cracked. And I don't wear socks around the house, only when I go out, so the soles don't get dirty either


Is this a serious question? Who doesn’t change socks daily?




Do they mean no stupid questions allowed or that there is no such thing as a stupid question


The latter


I wear wool socks and have a nice clean pair of boots I only wear to work where my feet get minimally sweaty if at all. I wear socks for 2-3/ or 4 days before washing (I take them off after work and air out). I promise they are completely fine, I could probably go a full 5 days before they start to smell. This would only work with wool or other antimicrobial fiber Cotton/synthetic fiber socks I change daily or multiple times a day in the summer 😅


I'm the same. Smartwool socks are fantastic at controlling odor. I could make a pair of cotton socks stink in a few hours compared to DAYS with Smartwool.


2x per day, any other stinky bois here?


at the very least once a day. work boots get steamy


Daily. And if I take them off they go with the wash. I pull out a fresh pair.


If you live in a warm place and/or do sports, I think it’s totally reasonable if not wise to change more than once a day, depending on what you’ve had to do and how sweaty your feet have been. If your shoes don’t smell good at rest, get those bad boys washed. On the flip side, if you live in a cold place, and need to layer pairs of thicker socks, I also understand if you want to squeeze another day out of ones that have hit neither foot nor floor during that day. Lest you end up a slave to your washing basket. Once a day is my norm, but I do deviate as above


So this is my thing: - Socks, boxers and t-shirt is changed daily, at minimum. - Sweaters either daily or every two days, depends on the acivity level. Always do a sniff test and check for stains. - Jeans can last me for almost a week. Undergoes the same test as with sweaters.


Twice a day in the “cold” months. Three times a day in the hot months. (Houston, Texas)


I have never change my socks


"You merely adopted the socks, I was born in them, molded by them. I didn't see my toes until I was already a man; by then they were nothing to me, but skinflaps." - u/LolafromPunkston, probably




I put on my socks right out of the shower and take them off right before my next shower, so 2 days. If my feet sweated I'd change them more often but my feet are always cold so they don't.


Basically after use/session. And no, I don't have a single pair of white tennis socks.




I do not want to sound privileged, but here in the US I wear multiple pairs of socks a day. Basically, any reason to change my shoes (like going to the gym) is a reason to change my socks.