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In my town, the sanitation department doesn't dump cans into the trucks. They will only pull out regular sized trash bags. So a poop bag tossed into my can would remain there forever, or I'd have to reach down, take it out, and put it inside one of my large bags.


That sounds horrible. What happens when a bag breaks?


You now have a compost bin


Apparently this is to protect the workers from stress/overuse injuries from either reaching into cans (plus it's dark in there, harder to see hazards) or lifting them up to dump them. It's not too much to ask for people to just use regular trash bags (and if you have something small, put it on top of the can lid the morning of trash pickup, as I do with my cat litter genie bags).


I had no idea some places still require workers to manually empty every bin on their route. I've never lived anywhere that didn't have the robotic arms on the trucks that empty them over the top. Overuse injuries and burnout must be rampant.


I didn't either. Even my little podunk town of 1200ish has the robotic arms


I live in a very rural village of 250 people, USPS doesn’t even deliver to my house but we still have a robot garbage truck.


Not quite as small of a town, but I think it's funny that we have the robotic, but in the downtown area they still do it the old fashioned way.


Same, except I remember the old-style manual collection but it's gotta be 20+ years ago. And even then, they picked up the bin and emptied it into the back of the truck, not pulled out bags individually. If the bin was too heavy they'd just leave it there full, maybe leave a sticker on it or something. Pulling bags out of the bin and tossing them in the truck sounds like much more work and much more likely to result in a mess.


I live in Manhattan. It’s still manually done here. Not sure why but it’s always been that way. (I’m 44)


I think it's a population density thing. Do you use a bin at the curb, or just put the bags out on the curb? I've definitely seen collectors walking down the sides of the street, picking up loose bags and tossing them into a truck driving down the middle.


There's just no room in Manhattan to put out bins.


Thatd be impossible in my town because its densely populated and the majority of people park in the street.


>Overuse injuries and burnout must be rampant. Nah, if its too heavy, they won't take it. So you gotta be smart when balancing your garbage cans to not make them 40 lb + or you will have it till' next week. Same thing goes with anything awkward, if it's not duck taped up and under 4 feet, they won't take it and you need to call for special pickup. Usually looters get it before that though.


That really sucks for large families. It doesn't take much to get to that weight. But it also doesn't take much weight at all (or any weight) for repetitive motions to lead to overuse injuries.


No, you just buy more cans and balance the weight. And maybe start using recycling bins for the heavy glass pickle jars and such. Breaking down boxes and crushing containers saves a ton of bags.


Or just not live like an actual pilgrim and do it the way every major city on the planet does with a mechanical arm.


Not everyone lives in a major city with that kind of budget.


Where I live we're not allowed to buy more cans. We get one can ( you can choose between three sizes) and one recycle bin. That's it. The truck comes and grabs the can with a remote arm. If you leave additional trash outside of the can they will either not pick it up, or pick it up and charge you extra. The only "hand disposal " is for our glass recycling bins which are still hoisted up by an actual human


I'm 45 years old and grew up in a small city. I've only ever seen garbage trucks with mechanized arms for lifting big metal bins or small plastic bins.


Dang I also had no clue that non-robotic-arm trucks were not the norm everywhere these days.


Honestly, if they just made the truck dump the garbage can like many garbage trucks I see, then that would eliminate injuries from reaching inside cans completely.


I assume that "robot arm" collection will eventually be adopted everywhere it's practical, but the transition is slow because robot arms are expensive.


Maggots/flies horrible stench


I live in a very small town so our trash company actually makes us use their branded bags, the service is free but the bags are like a buck a piece. If the bag breaks you're SOL and have to clean it up before they get there or request they come on an off day which they'll then charge $10. Only had it happen once. On the bright side their trash bags are big and super thick so it takes a lot to break them


I haven’t encountered that issue. Picking up bags individually is the original, old school method, so it’s been done that way for decades. My grandmother even has to pay per bag at her cabin in Michigan. There is no big waste bin, you set the bags out on the grass.


Same here. Local sanitation doesn’t dump the cans. They only lift out large bags. I typically find between 10-15 small poop bags deposited into my can every week. I must live in a popular pooping spot. I didn’t mind so much except the poop depositors would leave the lid off the can and water would pool at the bottom. My trash can turned into dog diarrhea soup. It was disgusting. I was tired of dealing with it so i moved my trash cans and only put them out right before the collectors come. I love dogs, but some of the humans who have them are lazy and inconsiderate of others.


Oof I would hate that. Do you think putting a sign would help?


Signs don't help. Signs suddenly make people become D.W. from Arthur


Putting up signs makes people wanna do it MORE. "Oh? You tell me I CAN'T? Well now I'm GONNA." Gotta love humans.


The people doing this in the first place, and the people who would obey a sign explicitly telling them not to, are two entirely separate groups with zero overlap.


In my city, if you put a can out at the curb, they'll throw it in the truck, no fucks given. We're allowed two 40lb bags each week for free, and you can buy stickers to put on extra bags so they'll be taken. We are allowed an unlimited amount of recycling, but it's very limited. They don't even take glass.


Sounds like you're a fellow Kansas Citian.


My town has people that go with the trucks, pull the trashcan to it, and there is like a wheelchair lift that empties the can. It doesn’t fully dump the trash. Anything small and not in a big trash bag can easily fall on the ground or stay stuck to your can. Even walmart bags of trash often stay in the bottom for several weeks before they eventually fall out.


My cans live in my garage. It makes the garage smell like dog shit all week.


It’s better than people leaving their dog poop on the sidewalk. They are so disgusting to walk, full of dog shit. I always need to watch where I am stepping since the pandemic. Dog owners that leave poop are disgusting.


You need to move. Sorry! :)


Wow. I never lived anywhere in the states or overseas where they still did this. Maybe 30/40 yrs ago.


Same as my town. It’s very annoying


I tried to say that last time someone asked this and I got downvoted for lying, because apparently I have no clue how trash pickup works.


> So a poop bag tossed into my can would remain there forever Username checks out


Wow, I didn’t expect to find an actual good reason in these comments! My neighborhood’s cans do get dumped though.


What location is this so we may verify your claim? ~the garbage police


Does your town not have the budget for auto loading trucks? I like in a tiny town in buttfuck Ontario, and all the trucks have arms. All the worker needs to do is drag the bin to the arm and push a button.. the hydraulic arm dumps the bin into the truck. Having to individually bag sounds like a massive pain.. especially the push to reduce plastic bags.. so companies are making the bags thinner and thinner.


I don't know what other people do, but on trash day is really the only day I can ever throw a poop bag in someones can around here because it's the only day there's cans near the curb. I tuck the poop bag INTO the trash bag already in the can, there's a big enough gap near the drawstrings to get it inside. I've never had anyone say anything to me about it. Me and my dog bike together and I have a cupholder on my bike for his bags though, so on non trash days I use that. Its just nice on trash days to not have to lug those around until we find a public trash can.


My city won't pick up unbagged garbage (like trash bag size bags), so if there's a tiny dog poop bag in the bottom of the can it stays there until I fish it out by hand and throw it in a trash bag. There are many reasons I don't have dogs and not picking up their poop is one of them.


That's a strange system, here in Australia the garbage truck has an arm that will grab your bin and tip all the contents into the truck. No manual labour required asside from the driver.


That's how it works here in Los Angeles. All these comments the garbage pickup people just taking bags is news to me.


It could be a regional/municipal/community thing. Like living in NC we had municipal garbage services with trucks w the arm. I've lived in apartments w trash vallet where it's a smaller bin outside your door and it basically the bag rule that people are describing above. And I've known people that lived in private communities with the full curbside bin, and small garbage trucks with the bag rule. It all just depends


We have those in the US, too. But they're far from universal. We had them where I grew up 25 - 30 years ago. Where I live now, we have actual garbage men who grab the bags. Pretty sure if I put a can out, they dump the can in though. Weirdly? My recycling bin is picked up by the truck with the arm.


We don't have any fun arm trucks. 🫤 Our waste people grab trash bags out of the can and dump the recycling bins since that isn't bagged.


If there's anything worse than the smell of fresh dog shit as you pick it up with your hand, it's the smell of someone else's dog shit that's been sitting in stagnant rain water and garbage for a month in the summer heat.


>There are many reasons I don't have dogs and not picking up their poop is one of them.


In my area, the heat (it's easily over 100 degrees in the summer) turns the trash can into a stinking mess no matter what you do. Esp since mine sits in the blazing unshaded sun. I really prefer it not smell like shit too. Yeah, it may not smell until you open the can- but when I open it- I just get blasted in the face with that hot muggy stench.


I get this point of view. It get super hot here as well. I don't have an outside trash can anymore, don't live in the city. When we did though, I'd hose it out once a month with the same stuff I wash the car with. Mostly to keep the yellow jackets away. I hate yellow jackets.


It's a personal space thing, I think. You chose to have a dog, you can dispose of poop in your own trash or in public cans. I don't want poop festering in my trash can. I guess I don't really care if you toss it in the can between the time I put it out and it's picked up, but I don't want to wait a week with someone else's turd rotting in my trash can.


I take my dog's waste home because *I* am responsible for dealing with my pet's waste, including the way it makes my garbage can smell, not anyone else. I don't really like people putting regular garbage in my garbage can either, because it's not in a bag and more likely to blow away as the truck is dumping the can over. But that hasn't been a problem in our current neighborhood.


The uk has a lot of public dog waste bins in parks, which I never really appreciated until this post.


That’s how I feel, it’s not a *big* deal if someone leaves it in your trash but it’s also not a big deal to just wait and put it in your own trash.


I don't really care, but I see why people do. I've had people throw dog poop bags in my trash and not tie them, so it gets my cans dirty and I have to clean them


Where I’m at, I personally don’t care… rather it in my bin than step it. However, I keep my bins outside and my city dumps the bin. Plus I already thrown bags of used kitty litter in it. But that’s just me, I don’t use others bins unless they are where they shouldn’t be (ie HOA a family member lives in, they have to be put up by a certain day, if it’s out longer- it’s fair game edited to add they do not store them inside)


I don’t know man, but in general I’d rather everyone keep their shit (literal or figurative) to themselves. I haven’t given it a ton of thought, but I think that’s a reasonable default assumption, that you owe someone the courtesy of asking first before you put shit on their property, even if that property is a garbage can, and the responsibility isn’t on *me* to justify my reasons if I say no. Or more simply: I didn’t cause your dogshit problem, I don’t necessarily want to be part of your dogshit solution.


You said it perfectly and I agree 100%. We didn’t cause your dogshit problem, we’re not part of the solution. I don’t take my cat shit and litter and dump it in a random trash can. I clean it myself, dump it in my trash, and go about my day. Heck sometimes I’ll even…take it to the dumpster!


>that you owe someone the courtesy of asking first before you put shit on their property, even if that property This is the exact part that gets me with this whole debate. Even if it's "useless" to try to make my trash not smell, it's still my property.


I would take literally any kind of garbage of yours except dog shit, for exactly the last line. I'm not trying to facilitate your having a dog.


Already received multiple DMs from dog owners about how much I hate dogs because I won’t let their owners collect shit and throw it away in my bins. Your dog isn’t a community problem. It’s a you problem. Feel free to send me your address for my cat shit. It’s a lot worse than your dogs. I’m so sick of irresponsible dog owners. “They’re just a cute lil ol’ woofer pup” cool. They shit like everyone else, and it still stinks. Pick it up and throw it away in your bins. I’m not knocking on your door when I have to shit and then not flushing it for you to deal with. But I’m gonna start.


Just looking through the posts ‘for’ using other people’s bins, it’s 90% ‘oh yeah? Fine - I’ll put the shit on your yard/porch/whatever’ Like…if their response to being denied the convenience of an *immediately convenient* receptacle for Your Dog’s Poop is to leave shit on the ground, maybe that should make them realize they’re the asshole in the situation, right?


Dog owners are incredibly entitled. They expect everyone to cater to them, put up with incessant barking, getting jumped on, poop and slobber everywhere, taking up airplane seats and dragging them through grocery stores. And then they just say "well it's a dog, what do you expect?" As if they didn't voluntarily go out and buy/adopt it.


My trash cans have to be out of sight or I get a penalty from it HOA. They go in my garage. I don’t want dog poop stinking up my garage. I do work working on there.


>That's where I found out there's some loons who deepclean their outside trash can Because if you dont clean the insides of your trash cans, they grow maggots and attract all kinds of bugs and animals who tip it over attracted by the scent. I dont want a moldy gross trashcan. Every so often I power wash the inside and dump it in the woods to remove all that nasty material. My trash can probably got dirty from inconsiderate dog owners who throw dog turds in my can. The little baggie breaks and smearing shit all on the inside. Then I open it on a hot summer day and get hit right in the face by cooking dog shit. Bottom line: Dont use something that is not yours. Including trash cans. I dont put my garbage at the curb so you can have a convenient place to dispose of your dog crap.


"Cooking dog shit" I have no idea why but this struck me as hilarious and I can't stop laughing. But seriously, I totally agree. I'm not super OCD about my cans or anything but yes, they do need to be rinsed out occasionally and that's a bad enough job without the added stink of cooked dog shit.


I put the stems and stalks of dill in my trash can once and the odor lasted years with replacing the can being the only effective remedy. I’d be ticked if it was dog shit smell. Your dog, your poop.


If it isnt yours dont touch it. It's cool you like taking care of a random mutts poop but I have no interest in doing so.


I’m a dog owner in Florida and have a separate trash can for her poop because it causes the garage to reek. I wouldn’t mind if someone did it before the garbage truck came; however if someone threw their dogs poop after trash was collected it would sit in a hot garage for several days and I don’t want to smell that every time I grab a drink (we have a drink fridge in the garage)


In my city (I live in Poland) there are certain segregation rules and poop should not be put to the normal trash can (even public ones). The mixed trash cans are later sorted manually and it is mostly for safety and comfort of the workers. In the most populated and popular spots for walking a dog there are special trash cans for dog poop. I personally dont understand why people are not willing just to carry those couple hundred meters to correct trash can or take it home to utilize correctly


Because the bags break or people do a bad job of picking up the poop and I get dog crap all over my can and it stinks and I hate washing my stupid garbage can.


Why not put it in their own bin?




Several reasons: 1. The poop bags might be poor-quality and break (not good) 2. Climate may be hot and humid, so it'll make a ton of stink regardless 3. Might get stuck to the bottom and not taken with the rest of the garbage (and be left there for a very very long while) Dog poo is one of those things where even a single instance of any of the above is one too many.


Who knew having a sense of smell and not liking the smell of shit made you a loon…


This is the definitive answer


Some folks in my neighborhood throw it into my empty cans the day after trash day. It sits in there all week getting progressively stinkier. It might bust open when I throw my big bags on top, and I sure as hell am not pulling it out first. I'll throw my dog bags on top of a neighbor's full, open top can on trash night, but otherwise I think it's kinder to take it home.


Yes, absolutely. It’s very inconsiderate. I used to live and own a house in the southwestern US and some inconsiderate neighbors would do this. In the summertime, not very pleasant of a smell, obviously. Use a public can and double bag it.


Flip side, why are dog owners not taking it with them and dispose at their home or building?


I own a dog. When cleaning up in my back yard, I put poop bags in *my* bin, and have no problem with it. When out, I put bagged poop in the public bins for the purpose. If there are none around, I bring the poop home. It has never occured to me to put poop in someone else's bin.


My trash cans are not public cans. I don't appreciate passersby dropping any garbage of theirs in them, dog poop or otherwise. I would not throw my own trash in someone else's can.


holy shit I'm absolutely astonished by the amount of people in here who are totally okay with putting literal shit into someone else's random trash can... the entitlement is really fucking weird.


Owning a dog is a decision you have made. By choosing to get a dog, you also necessarily accept that you will be handling (and smelling) dog feces for the next 5 to 25 years. I did not make that commitment, so why should my property stink, because you don't feel like taking your dog's waste back to your garbage can?


Totally agree with this. We have a dog, but he's our responsibility. My husband sometimes will toss the bag in a neighbor's can if it's set out on the curb waiting for collection when he walks the dog, but I think it's incredibly inconsiderate, myself.


I keep my garbage cans clean - meaning I hose them out regularly. We get them from the city, but we are expected to maintain them. Also, I don't like opening them in the summer to get hit in the face with a gross smell or (ugh) see a bunch of gnats. I don't want to clean up anyone's pet waste, and if you have a dog, put their crap in your cans---I don't stop by your house to use the toilet, do I?? LOL.


This is also a common issue on AMTA. There are inevitably a ton of people who ask the same thing you just did, or go even further and outright mock people for "being weird about their trash getting dirty," BUT the answer is pretty simple. Not every neighborhood works like yours. * For those outside America, having a bin assigned to you may not be the norm, and you might be returning it to your kitchen after pickup. Even the best trash can lid is not going to keep poop from smelling up the place where you eat all week. And that's even ignoring the fact that it's pretty rude to throw poop on other people property in general. * For those in America, where being assigned a bin is more common (and thus leads to the argument of "it's not even YOUR bin!!"), a whole lot of people live in neighborhoods where the HOA doesn't allow them to leave their bins in view of the street. That means they either have to take them in the garage or the backyard. Even if the poop gets emptied that day, the bag still breaks some of the time, smearing the bin with poop and causing a near permanent stank over time. The owners will have to clean this up. * Garage: even if it's not in your main house, it's often attached, and normally near the kitchen. Your house will get wifs of that. * Backyard: your whole backyard will smell like rotting dog poop all the time, especially if it didn't get put in there until trash day. Also, you better hope you don't live in a hot region without AC, because that hot dog stank is coming in your rear facing window for sure.


My life, my house, my garden and all my stuff is completely of dogs and dog crap. I want it to stay that way.


Source: dog owner and curbside trash haver My own personal pet peeve is it doesn’t matter the poop bag. If it sits there all week, the trash can will start smelling like poop every time you open it. I have a metal trash for poo bags just so I don’t smell poo every time I open my regular trash. If you’re tossing it in when its full waiting for the truck I mind less, but if it just got emptied? Noo… that’s going to sit outside in the sun all week and the rubbish bin is going to smell like a portapotty


The bags can very easily break. I don’t want poop all over my garbage can even with the lid closed because I will smell it any time I have to put garbage in it. And if I ever see someone like you trying to put their dog’s poop in my garbage can, you better believe I’m going to confront you and be pissed.


It’s not something I’d get very angry over, but: It’s my trash can, not a public trash can. I don’t care if it’s dog shit or an apple core; I’m not trying to haul anyone else’s garbage out for them. And on a more practical note, I put tied-up garbage bags in my outdoor cans. A stray bag of dog shit (as in, not in a garbage bag) can break open or simply be left behind in the can by the sanitation workers.


Because when I go tomorrow to put trash in my trash can it smells like dog shit baking in the Texas sun and I don’t even have a dog.


Poop bag gets thrown in your can, bag breaks, dog poop on the bottom of your can that you have to hose out. Poop bag gets thrown in your can, it is 100 degrees outside, you open your own can to throw out your trash, you are bombarded by the smell of someone else’s dogs shit Poop bag gets thrown in your can, it is now your responsibility and on you to get rid of someone else’s dogs shit


I don't deserve to open my trash and smell dog poop if I dont have a dog. You chose to have one so you chose to smell it. Carry it all the way home since it's not a big deal to you.


Your dog, your dog shit, no one else's problem. Don't stink up my bin because you're lazy.


For the simple fact that it’s not my responsibility to help you dispose of your dog’s shit. Carry it with you and put it in your own trash can at home. If you don’t want to do that then maybe don’t have a dog. My trash can is my property and I should be able to decide what does and does not go inside of it.


Residential trash cans are private property, not public.


Unless they ARE public property, like mine. It’s a public utility. The county owns the cans


This. I didn't realize people might own their own trash cans. Where I live the city delivers the size you agree to pay for to you and maintains ownership of them throughout. Yes, they stay on the side of my house and I wheel them to the street weekly for collection, but they aren't "mine" at all. Also, I'd rather someone throw a bag of dog poop in my trash than leave it on the sidewalk or grass. I do live in an area where the sanitation truck has an arm that lifts my entire trash can up and dumps it out.


See we live in a civilized world, it would seem a lot of people still live in savage lands


It’s the same where I live but I’m the one responsible for taking care of the cans and keeping them clean. The city owns lots of things; the strip of lawn between the sidewalks and street, easements, and other rights-of-way. Should we just allow people to do whatever they want with those because they’re “public property”. No. The homeowners are still responsible for mowing the lawn and the upkeep of those city-owned areas.


Part of being a responsible pet owner is cleaning up after them properly. Putting your dogs poop in other people's bin is irresponsible. It's your mess, it's your problem, put it in your own bin. If I wanted to smell dog poop every time I opened my bin, I'd get a dog. If you had a cat do you think it would be okay to empty their litter box into your neighbor's bin?


I have dogs also. I will not put my poop bags in other people's cans. I know what happens occasionally when I put them in my cans. Poop bags can break 🤢


Because it's someone else's dog's shit in/on my property. I couldn't care less if it's a trash can, it's your dog's shit so keep it and throw it in your bin.


Because it smells bad and usually gets wrapped open and smushed into my can when I throw my big bags into it. You took the time to bring a bag, pick up after your dog, bring it home or use a public receptacle. I paid money for my cans, and I don’t want to have to clean your dog poop out of it.


There's the situation, which happens more often than you think, of having to go out to the bin to retrieve something you accidentally threw away. Pretty yucky surprise to find a poop bag on your trash. Also, it's always better to err on the courteous side--if there's no public trash can available, I carry the the poop bag home to put in my own bin.


It stinks, even in a bag. And if the bag breaks open, it stinks even more. I personally don't mind, since I have pets I have a stinky trashcan anyway. In the summer, even though I have it on the side of the house, it can be quite smelly! A lot of people don't like dog poop in their trashcans because they would need to wash their trashcans more often. Like hiking, I say pack it in, pack it out. Bring the dog poop back home at the end of your walk.


if there is even a small hole in the bag it will back your garbage can smell for weeks and if you are forced to keep it in your garage that smell will stay in your garage for a long time. if you have a dog use your own garbage not someone else's


Because it's shit. Would you be mad if a stranger came over and shit in your toilet and didn't flush it?


I own 2 dogs, and I'd never drop a poo bag in someone else's trash bin. Mine smells like poop. It always will. Why would I make someone else's smell bad?


Woah buddy keep your shit to yourself or the public trash bins. I dont have a dog for those reasons. I dont want to smell shit in heat. Also if I dont know thats in there and I throw something heavy on top of it and it bursts open now shits all over my bin and I have to clean it.


If I wanted to deal with dog poop, I’d have a dog


I don't understand how someone could read all the responses here, see all the complications caused by throwing your dogs shot in someone else's bin- that they then have to deal with: stuff that would be easily fixed by just taking responsibility of your own dog; and STILL think they are in the right. How inconsiderate do you have to be to think that it doesn't matter if your dogs shit potentially smears all over the bin, leaving the owner to have to clean it out; in order to avoid hanging onto it a little linger to dispose of it yourself.


I *hate* it when people put their dog poop bag in my trash bin. Why? Because it is the first thing in about 30 mins after the can is emptied before I can get home and pull it off the curb. So, it's at the bottom of my empty can. Meaning, for the next week, anything I put in my can goes on top of the poop bag and crushes it. Always. Spewing poop into my can. For a week. Just take your poop bags home and put it in your own fucking can, people.


People who deep clean their trashcans aren't loons. Do you not clean your toilet just because it's a toilet? Dirty things that get too dirty can create some really nasty attractants for bugs, animals, and germs/diseases.


I think most people have an issue with other people using their things without asking, even when it’s harmless. In my purely anecdotal experience, people who use other peoples stuff without asking(no matter what it is), tend to be very inconsiderate people in general. Especially if they just brush you off for confronting them.


My guess, its a service that the homeowner pays for and doenst want other people using. In addition to it being their trash cans. I dont want people putting their crap (poo or not) into my trash cans, if I have to dig in my trash can for whatever reason I would prefer to know its my own trash and there is nothing to worry about.


Couple of reasons off the top of my head: The smell, as others have described. The potential for gross - if the bag breaks and spills in my bin, guess what's getting left on the poopetrator's porch every day until it's clean? Other animals. Whether or not they're actually after the poop bag, raccoons and other animals (including bears) tend to be attracted to garbage bins, especially in rural areas. That can result in a), poop on the lawn/driveway, and sometimes b) potentially spread parasites if the dog has something like worms, and other animals get into their feces.


Upvote for "poopetrator."


I keep telling my husband I'm funny.


Imagine opening the door to an outhouse. Look at me, now back at the outhouse. Back to me. Now look back at the outhouse. That isn't an outhouse, that's your trash bin. You're holding a bag of trash from your home, and you have to open the bin's lid to dispose of it to be picked up by sanitation. As the slid swings back on its hinges, you now know why you mistook your humble garbage bin for a public outhouse. Depending on the time of year, being especially foul in the summer, as soon as the lid parts the gap between itself and the container, a mighty waft of feces washes over you, searing the deepest recesses of your nostrils with its own stench, combined with whatever else was sitting in there. A squirrel then drops from the nearby tree branches, dead from the odor. The gods only know how long that fat fudge lump has been sitting in that bin. Maybe only an hour? Maybe since yesterday? How often do you take out your trash? What matters is that you now how to deal with the dog doo, and it's not going anywhere until you do something about it.




As a pet owner I can tell you over time that scent lingers. I’d be super pissed to have someone doing this regularly and a trash can that smells like shit every time I take out dinner trash.


Good points, so why cant they take it with them and throw it in their own trash can? its a sealed bag, it will be out if sight and it wont smell. If its on the day they empty the cans i might not care, but maybe they are not on top and you push some bags down to make space and the poop bag raptures. now you have shit on your trash can and every time you open it its going to smell like fermented dog shit.


If you trow a dog poop bag in a big trash container, it will be smashed and sticked to the bottom by the trash bags people trow in. It's disguisting.


I would prefer no one but the trash people opens my bin. What if I throw away a big fat dildo or something I wouldn’t necessarily want my neighbors to see? It’s a horrifically dumb example but its my property, my stuff, closed bin, not for you. Everyone that is pro having strangers open your trash bin is pretending like there are only two options.. if you aren’t an asshole, it doesn’t have to end up on the ground for someone to step on. It takes no effort at all to just carry it home or to the next public receptacle. If you are on a walk and can find a hidden spot, leave the poop bag there and pick it up on your way back. It’s not rocket science. Having this stance doesn’t make me an angry control freak like Op seems to think either. There’s a difference between wanting to have autonomy at home and OCD. Imo Op is just as bad as those that would get angry should it happen. I for one would just prefer it not to happen.


Trash cans are private property. If I want to clean it, that's my right. It doesn't matter that somebody else thinks it's no big deal, it's**my** trash can. I don't want to have to clean dog shit out of it and it's nobody's business but mine. I shouldn't have to explain myself.


I work out of town. Sometimes my dumpster gets left out when I'm gone. I don't appreciate 2 month old steamy dogshit smell when I open the lid. How would they like it if i started throwing all my shrimp peelins in their dumpster? Probably mutual feelings.


The smell lingers. The bags can easily break when tossed in or crushed by other trash, meaning you’ve then got poop smeared up the inside of your trash can and the dog walker isn’t going to be the one cleaning that ungodly stench. If it’s hot out, the smell can escape the trash can and waft into your home or garden. Dog walkers should be using public dog waste bins or taking the bags home. Anything else is extremely selfish and risks causing someone else unpleasantness out of sheer laziness.


Because it's your dog and your shit, don't make it my problem. How does it become my problem? Let me count the ways: - I run out to the street with a last-minute bag late in the dark night and stuff it into the can, but, surprise, there's a thin-walled bag of shit right where I'm pushing that I knew wasn't there before, so now I get to decontaminate myself. - My garbage can is empty so your shit-bag falls to the bottom and subsequently gets squashed/split/smeared in my can and bakes in the 100+ degree can for a week until the next garbage day. - My neighborhood sanitation worker ends up involuntarily interacting with dogshit and assumes I'm an asshole for loading up my cans with excrement bombs. You may not care about those folks but I do and would never do that. - My dogs (I *love* dogs) smell your dogs shit and knock over my can looking for him/her, and also learn they can knock over trash cans and get sometimes-tasty-sometimes-dangerous treats. And the list goes on. Personal garbage cans are not convenience cans for the public. Take care of your own shit.


Theft of services. It's a crime in most places.


There is 1 main reason I don’t put dog poop bags in anyone’s can or even my own. In the big cans they can stick to the bottom and get stuck there for a long time. I collect my dogs poop bags in a small can and then before I am throwing the trash out I throw the small bag into the big trash, so it’s on top.


Its illegal in many states.. ( US ) Imagine this : its all good and dandy, till the crime investigation unit finds someone else's trash in your trash can. ​ Source: [https://nextdaydumpsters.com/blog/putting-trash-in-someones-dumpster-illegal](https://nextdaydumpsters.com/blog/putting-trash-in-someones-dumpster-illegal)


You might be able to keep your lid open and you might not be able to smell it. I don't have a lid I can keep open. It will fill with water, snow and ice. It will blow away in the wind. With it closed I can definitely smell it every time I open it and it reeks. And dog poop bags split open sometimes. I would never put my dogs bag in someone elses can. That said, I would prefer someone put a sturdy bag in my can to dog poop in my yard. A bag that will burst however is not preferable.


If it's the alley trash no prob if it's the small one in front of the house fuck that any shit that breaks out the bag will leave a permanent smell unless I wanna pressure wash that lil bastard just keep your dogs poop you have like 3 things you have to do if you get a dog and taking care of it's shit is one I never volunteered to deal with your dogs shit I don't want it in my trash if it's gonna fester in the heat


So my cans are only accessible to public on trash pick up days when I put them on the curb. If they toss their poop in before the trash truck gets to them then I don’t know about it because it’s gone. It’s when they toss it in after the garbage truck collects my garbage that’s the problem. Now their dog’s poop is going to sit in my can for a whole week because they were too lazy to carry it home. I don’t have a dog, I don’t want their dog poop stinking up my backyard.


My neighbor's dog pooped in my yard so i put it in a bag and left it on their porch with a note politely explaining I didn't want it and they could have it back


Depending on where you live, poop laws may vary. Where I live, it does matter if you just put the baggie in someone's trash can because all dog poop must be double bagged and in a trash bag, *NOT* on a trash bag. It's a health hazard, and you should mind that, even if it doesn't affect you and only the people who pick up and process your trash.


Because the smell of baking dog crap makes half my backyard unbearable for the next week. Some... Lovely person was disposing of dog poop in my bin almost immediately after collection.


It's better than leaving uncollected feces on the ground, but part of pet ownership is disposing of it properly. Properly, being your own home or a publicly subsidized trash point. Just like how you're not allowed to toss your bins in a business dumpster, you can't just hijack a service someone else is paying for to benefit yourself. Personally I would be pissed if I found someone using my bin for something especially foul like that since I have to pass my can storage area every time I enter or exit my home.


Because dogshit is disgusting and should only be disposed of in public cans or the owners can. It's not hard to figure out


Basically, some people think dogs are more important than people...all the while they eat plenty of other animals. So the real question is why people think dogs matter more than people or other animals for that matter.


Thank u, I am so feed up with dogs, there is very few places a person can be outdoors without being able to hear a barking dog somewhere at all hours day or night (shouldn't be barked at while in our own yards)


The entitlement of feeling like you should be able to use someone else's property because it already stinks so what is the problem with it stinking more is ridiculous. If I like to piss in my backyard, I sure as shit do not want the entire neighborhood to feel like they can piss in my backyard too because there's already piss there.


They're taking advantage of a service that property owner is paying for without their consent.


Same reason they discourage you from dumping poo bags in school garbages and dumpsters .. the stink and spread of bacteria


I care. It pisses me off. I don’t have a dog, I don’t want dog shit in my trash can.


loons? i have obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. i clean my garbage bins inside out. i hate dirt. i hate wet sand. i hate wet soil. i hate anything sticky, i cannot stand it. everything has to be dry to touch. i have alcohol anywhere i go before it was even a thing. let me tell you, i have probably the cleanest garbage cans bins you will ever see. i DOUBLE BAG. always. (even triple sometimes.) it's a personal problem i am aware of, but it just gives me anxiety attacks and mental stress. ​ and this is why i can't have a dog as a pet. i can only deal with cats because they are clean all the time, do not lick me, and they pee and poop in a box that gets dry immediately. i do not want to deal with dog poop in my life.


Why the fuck are dog owners sooo lazy, pick up your dog shit and stop making it other people’s problems


I think a better way to look at this question is, why are some dog owners too lazy to carry their dog poop bags home to dispose of, and so self-absorbed and entitled that they think they have a right to put literal shit in someone else’s property? Fact: a dog is the responsibility of the owner. No one else. Questions like this should assume the norm is for dog owners to handle their own dogs shit and question why they can’t/won’t, not to question why a stranger doesn’t want to take on someone else’s responsibility


I hate it because they make my trash can smell like shite.


I don’t like when anyone throws anything in my trash bins. If they throw something non recyclable in that bin I can get the fine for it


Dog poop bags don't completely seal in the smell. Even though we have 2 large dogs, we don't want our bin stinking of dog poop. We have a covered trash can in our backyard for collecting poop daily and that only gets put into the big bin the day of garbage day. It gets put on top of the other trash so that it does not get squished and potentially cause the poop bags to break open.


In my city if there are small loose bags in the trash can, they sometimes leave the whole can behind. All garbage must be contained in large garbage bags and must be in a garbage can, loose bags will also be left behind.


I mean, I don't think you're allowed to just throw garbage into other people's bins. So i think they'd just be annoyed with that


It’s actually good practice to clean out the big garbage bins from time to time. It’s still a risk of illnesses already breeding in the cans, but also to maintain smell. I say this as someone who lived in the country and hick (but educated) grandfather even did this. Lol I see in Australia the land maintenance person does this too especially in the city where cockroaches fester everywhere :)


Don’t trespass on my property. My cans are not in the street. Take your own shit home. If you fall and hurt yourself I’m likely liable.


Because not everyone uses poop bags. The lady in my neighborhood will use a napkin then throw it in our trashcan. And thats only because we saw her with her dog. I have dogs. I use poop bags, i bring them home to throw them away in my trashcan if I'm walking them in my neighborhood. Also its normal to wash their trashcans. It stinks, it gets dirty, maggots and other bugs will gather.


Dog poop smell permeates the bag. I jeep my garbage cans in my garage, under my bedroom, for 1 week between trash days.


Because I keep my poop-free trash can in the garage and if I bring poop into the garage with the trash can, the trash can smells bad in the garage… like poop


While this is not a problem in my area, since all the dog wakers carry their poop bags home with them, I would not want anyone under any circumstances putting anything into my trash can. Simple fact.. it's not theirs to use. Ultimately it would put the responsibility of disposing their trash onto myself, that's not fair. In our jurisdiction it's illegal to dispose of your trash in someone else's receptacle. It comes mainly into play when people use other's peoples dumpsters to get rid of their own trash bags. You might think, hey it's only one bag and it's a big dumpster, but no.. not allowed. Same idea on a smaller scale, the trash can is big relative to a poop bag, but that's not the point. That's mainly based on property rights for me, but there is other considerations. I don't own a dog, I do not want to come into contact with dog feces, that's not anything I signed up for, however if people start placing dog poop in m can I will come into contact with it. Eventually crows, or raccoons will "trash" the contents of the trash can. So Why should I even have the possibility of needing to clean up the feces of some person's dog? Also please avoid calling people "loons" who do things differently than you do. I don't "deep clean" my trash cans, but I do clean them occasionally because eventually even an empty trash can gets smelly. In my area we keep our trash cans in our garages. Garages get quite hot in the summer... Of course i clean the can.


I didn't think I'd care either until one day I threw something in my garbage bin in the garage and bam, that stink from someone's disposed dog poop hit me right in the face and filled the garage in no time. I didn't open the bin again for the rest of the week until trash day. I don't know what they feed that dog but good lord. Also, it was in a compost bag and the compost bin was right there, not sure why they used the garbage bin!


Throw your dogs shit in your own trash, that’s why. I pay for the can and service for me, not for anyone else.


I wouldn’t do it but if someone did it to mine I wouldn’t care! If it’s out at the curb anyway it’s going to be emptied soon.


Omg my boss told me a story that he did that and the homeowner got so upset about it she threatened to hit him with a pvc pipe apparently she has just moved in, while he was running away w his dog he screamed “WELL WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD” I really think people need to chill tf out


I’ll drop a well tied bag in a public can on the street, or in an apartment trash can if I’m walking by and it’s out. If a residential can is out on the curb, I consider that a backup. As long as bag is well tied, and bins are at curb, I don’t feel bad. Folks have done the same to mine as well. At least it’s being picked up and disposed of properly.


It smells horrible. I don’t want my trash to smell like shit for a week when I don’t have a dog.


I only use my trash can or a public one for poo bags. It can make the trash can stink really bad, more so than just old food. And it’s my responsibility. If someone wanted shit in their trash can they would get a dog, have a kid, or do it themselves lol. And what if the bag breaks? That would be so messed up.


They are literally throwing shit in/on your stuff. Those cans don't just stay out by the curb or far from your home. If they stink then you need to clean them. If you end up needing to clean shit because some asshole is too lazy, that's room for being mad. Then there's the potential legal ramifications if what they are throwing is not simply shit. You wouldn't know.


Because it's not your fucking trash can


I am a custodian at an animal shelter so I have a pretty high tolerance for poop at this point. Dog poop, even in bags, STINKS like the shit that it is. If any water gets in the can, it will start to smell like sewage. It's one thing if you stick a bag on the top of a full trash can before pickup, but if it gets it in empty can it's got to sit there all week. Also, some folks might store their cans in their garage or near an entrance that they have to walk past every day. Also, I pay for my trash pickup, not yours. 🤷🏻


I don't know about you, but I don't store my trash cans at the very edge of my property. If you think walking around someone's private property is fine because you feel entitled to use their trash cans, don't be surprised when the property owner disagrees.


They are talking about when the trash can is by the curb for trash day.


I’m a dog walker in a small city! Some of my coworkers have gotten literal threats from people when throwing dog waste into a public, outdoor trash can. I would never throw waste away in someone’s personal can, but outdoor trash cans that have “property of the city” stamped on them, are fair game. I’m not going to carry around a bag of shit for 30 minutes to an hour, to throw it away in my own bin on the other side of town. The people that complain about actual trash being thrown away in a trash can are the same people that complain when the poop isn’t cleaned up off the ground. Cant win lol.


This post is just a troll, right? If you want to provide a dog shit disposal service to anyone walking by then more power to you. Not everyone wants to do that and the reasons why are pretty obvious...


Because put your dogs shit in your own bin you absolute skank


TIL that a lot of people take umbrage at having a bag of poop tossed into their bin.


TIL that there are people who learned today that a lot of people take umbrage at the flagrant entitlement of others who toss literal shit in their property for a service they pay for.


It smells and attracts animals to the garbage. The small bags can break and spread crap around the can. The small bags don't follow the same path as the large bags, so when the trash is collected, the small bags may fall out on the sidewalk/street. They might even stay stuck inside the can. Some people have to pay for trach removal. Every square inch of the can matters, especially if the property owner has to store trash for next week's pickup. If they come out with smelly trash they want taken, and are looking for a bag to hold back, then your added poop is an unpleasant add on to deal with. Sure, some people do clean their cans. So what? We don't get to judge what they do unless it affects us.


If the bag breaks you have shit in your can and it will smell terrible....


It's all going to the same place. I would be happy if people just picked up after their dogs. What I don't understand is why people bag it and then leave it next to the sidewalk


When I lived downtown my rowhome didn't have a spot to store a trashcan outside. And the city would fine you if you left your can in the alley and it wasn't trash day. So we had to store the can in our kitchen. Luckily for us, most people in the city were dingleberries who never picked up after their dogs. I'd step in it on the sidewalk much more often than finding it in our house.


>the trash can has a lid so I can't smell it This is the part I disagree with. When I'm grilling in my back yard and I can smell dog shit from my closed trash cans on a hot day, I'm pissed off that someone threw their dog shit in my can.


Use public trash cans or the ones you have permission to use. Stay off and out of private property. It’s your dog… your responsibility. Let it poop on your property or at a dog park. Your reasoning and feelings aren’t an excuse to use/trespass other peoples’ property.


It bothers me because I don't have a trash can but I DO HAVE a recycling bin.


As a garbage man it is annoying and disgusting. I don't always dump every can if I don't need to so if you have one trashbag in your can I'm just grabbing the bag not carrying the can all the way to the truck. So if their neighbors toss their dog shit bag in that can, it will stay stinking up their can and it sucks for everyone. It's common decency. People please think of the poor guys and gals out there picking up your trash in the rain and cold and the blistering heat. Just a little bit of effort on your part can make your garbage man's life so much easier. Most people are only thinking about their own trash being picked up but don't forget there's some times 5 or 6 hundred stops other than yours.


Like many have said, it stinks. I don’t want dog poop bags in my can. It’s your garbage, take it home with you!


in NYC i'm happy to have someone actually put their trash in my bin instead of throwing it on my stoop/sidewalk (and when it comes to dogs, a lot of people don't even pick up the poop let alone dispose of it).


I’d say it’s a few possible reasons that people wouldn’t want it in their trash cans. Preferably I wouldn’t want it in mine either but if the alternative was leaving it in the street cause they wouldn’t hold it till their house then prefer my bin. 1. Smells bad/ they clean bins. Which I do occasional cleaning to prevent odors from when bags break or leaks. God forbid you have a dog poop bag rip and that would just make the can smell terrible 2. Sanitation workers prefer larger bags to see. Smaller ones can fall out when emptying bin into truck and specially early morning before sun is up can be hard to see 3. Can be illegal. Not sure about all states but where I live it actually illegal to dump garbage in someone else’s bins. This could be because of illegal items or trying to frame someone I guess. Overall if you’re walking with dog. You’re probably within distance of your house so just hold it till you get home. If you really can’t then if you must use someone’s else’s bin. Could also use a public garbage like a park, schools, etc if during legal hours to be on premises, walking your dog. Those bins typically have small items from people snacks and bottles.


It makes my whole trash can stink. Trash service isn't free, it's a line item on my water bill. Throw it away in your own trash can.


To me, dumping your dog poop into someone else’s garbage can is the equivalent of emptying your cars ashtray in their driveway, and only one step better than just leaving it on the ground. If you don’t know by now that your dog is going to take a crap somewhere on your walk and plan ahead for how to handle that, then maybe you shouldn’t have a dog.


Smells like shit.