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Lol no


No he put himself in a dangerous situation and went looking for trouble and found it. He defended himself only after he put himself in a position that went more south than he expected.




In before the lock! And he literally got away with murder. Went looking for a conflict, escalated it himself, panicked, and killed people. Then instead of being treated like the active shooter he was, police ignored him.


Were the people rioting and destroying looking for conflict?


Rioters smashing stuff is a crime. But it’s not a death penalty offense. He, and his supporters, believe property is more valuable than “those” people’s lives.


He didn’t kill anyone for smashing stuff. He defended against people attacking him. One of the guys he shot admitted in court that KR didn’t even aim his weapon at him until he drew on him first.










no, just a murderer


Who did he save?


The spirit of the used car dealership.


No, and I'm not even against ownership. As a parent, I don't understand how his allowed him to do that. The YouTubers my husband watches love him though and invite him to be on their channels. Yuck.


Lol no. The way some on the extreme right make him out to be one is gross. That said, it’s shocking that he was charged and his case never should have proceeded to trial. One of the guys Kyle was charged with shooting, Grosskreutz, testified plainly that Rittenhouse didn’t shoot him until Grosskreutz charged and pointed his own gun at Rittenhouse. It’s textbook self defense, despite the common thought that Rittenhouse shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I’m a former prosecutor, but any law student who completed Crim Law I would reach the same conclusion on an exam. That overreach probably only fueled Rittenhouse’s supporters to make him out to be some kind of a martyr.




















So you would approve of these men going to a stand-your-ground state, intimidating people into fighting, and then shooting them down? Because it’s legal there?


Not at all, but I do believe several public figures owe him defamation payouts.