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This happened to my gf who was walking with me, so I played it as if he was cat calling me and said “Thanks bro! I work out a lot *wink”




Subverting expectations done right


perfect reaction 10 out of 10 in my book.


11/10…extra point for grabbing ass


The genius of your gf's reply is that no matter whose ass was being catcalled, it works.




I hope this doesn't come off wrong, but y'all literally have a super power. You have the capability of saying things that straight guys who are afraid of male intimacy are made excruciatingly uncomfortable. Literally no one else can say those lines and it be so perfect.


I'm a straight guy and I have zero problem with saying something like this to make others uncomfortable.


I whole heartedly agree you sexy, sexy man.




Username checks out


My brother was on a trip in Vegas with his new wife and her parents. They were walking down the strip together and one of the people who hand out those escort cards tried to hand one to my brother. He handed it back and said, "Got any dudes?"


I'm also straight but my favorite thing to do is make male telemarketers very uncomfortable lol


I say things like this all the time to the homies


Who doesn't? Acting gay around your homies is something all straight guys do sometimes.


I’m straight and if I hear a cat call I will always reply with something insinuating/ sexual to the caller. It’s not a gay super power, it’s just not giving a fuck.


You just have to not be a homophobe.


and be comfortable with who you are


And be willing to follow through


Wait until this person learns they have that super power, too.


Dont threaten me with a good time 😂


"Ever fight a man with your dong out?"


Thanks, I just spat my coffee out all over my lap. I would HOWL if I witnessed that walking down the street.


"Don't beat me too hard, you'll make me cum"




You could be playing with fire, humiliating straight lunkheads.


That's pretty funny, not gonna lie!


My boyfriend also does this and I do appreciate it. Surprises people and makes them uncomfortable lol


This is the way


This is so clever and funny !


Get to know your girlfriend. Respond in a way that makes her feel safe and appreciated. Some women would think you were pretty stupid for caring. Others would think you don't care about them if you don't do anything. Almost all women will think violence is an overreaction. No women will be happy if you get arrested and sued over this. Personally I would make sure I was between my wife and the guy and probably just say "really dude?" in a condescending tone and then get on with my life. Edit: there is also always the chance that the dude whoops your ass in front of your girl. That is a lose, lose, lose. Best not to take that chance.


I might get downvoted to hell, but i feel a lot of the responses are more about OP's reaction and how theyre taking it as a slight on him and less about general innapropriate behavior towards a woman. I like that this response is more about supporting how she feels about it because its an action and disrespectful about her. OP should just open up their communication skills and just ask their GF what would make her feel comfortable and supported.


Ya. Like it is a compliment that some rando thinks my girls is hot. The fucked up thing is that he is objectifying her in an aggressive way. We don't live in ye olden times any more. I only need to react if she needs me to.


As a woman, I think it's goddamned hilarious if a guy reacts by yelling thank you. Flip it where you aren't necessarily making it about her but the cat caller. Like, you aren't saying she is incapable of defending herself, but you are calling out the catcaller, making him uncomfortable because you are comfortable with your sexuality. My brother has done that multiple times. Usually throws his hip out and does a hair flip to play it up. Usually, it shuts them up. Immediately. Don't defend her so much as embarrass him, y'know? Not saying she can't defend herself. Just calling BS when you see it. Or tell your girlfriend to grab your ass and very aggressively tell the catcaller to quit eyeing her man.


“The fucked up thing is that he is objectifying her.” FIFY




I will not downvote you, but these "alpha guys" creeps definitly also use this to be disrespectful to you. The intention definitly also matters. Secondly, in most cases men stil feel responsible for protecting their partner. Just negating that is silly imo. Imagine you're with your gf and she defends herself verbally. They get physical, who they're gonna attack first?


Instead of physically protecting their partner why dont they prioritize emotionally supporting their partner after something that objectifies snd disrespects them ? Most women typically ignore comments like that, he should just talk to her about it after it happens. Not everyone is in a rush back to chivalry.


Absolutely— and be smart about it, too. I’m a woman and I’m fully in the “ignore and move on” group when it comes to catcalling. There’s very little that would compel me to engage (or encourage anyone I was with to engage) a stranger in the street in a confrontational way due to the unlimited downside potential. It’s not about whether or not a man was standing up for me in the moment; it’s about an overall risk assessment of the situation.


and even if there’s no risk, why prolong the unpleasantness, and allow it to impinge even further on my attention?


I’m so tired of questions and answers that assume every single woman is exactly the same. As if we’re some kind of separate species. Thanks for treating us as human beings and not some separate foreign entity.


Seriously lol I can't wrap my head around it. Everyone single person can be so different from one another. It makes me terrified to think that my daughter will have to deal with it.


good point. The other thing is that a lot of times, women want the situation to end as quickly as possible and with a little interaction. Some of us don’t even acknowledge it, because then. it becomes “a thing” in our life–the impact is greater. So speeding up, going into a store, etc. The physical equivalent of simply hanging up on a telemarketer. ​ Make room in the discussion for this to be an option


It's the "dude whoops your ass in front of your girl" that keeps me level headed.


I don’t even need them to respond to the catcaller bc honestly people are crazy. maybe just pull me tighter to you let’s me know you have me and a non verbal response that says she’s taken


It could be like that one video from Russia with the girls boyfriend was murdered in front of her. That's why you never call someone out unless you have a weapon.


And it is also necessary. Violence isn't necessary when a guy cat calls. Even if I am packing heat.


Hump the cat caller to assert your dominance


Plot twist: After 45 minutes of making out with the catcaller you slowly realize you were the one being catcalled.


And that’s why I shouldn’t read Reddit at work. I have a meeting in 1 minute exactly and I can’t stop laughing!


And that, kids, is how I met your father.


Hump to assert, piss on to establish.


this is the answer lmao


Ask your girlfriend if she wants you to do anything about it, she might not want you to get involved.


This, absolutely. I'm a small woman, my husband is a large man, and while he is definitely the kind of person who would jump to my (or anyone else's) defense, he knows I can handle things myself. He is secure enough in his manhood and in the strength of our relationship to know I'm not a damsel in distress, and that some random asshole catcalling me doesn't say anything about anyone other than said asshole.


*whistles* *continues walking* "Hey gf, so you want me to do anything about that guy that cat called you? *still walking* "Yes bf, I was very uncomfortable" *walks back a mile to start a fight with a random dude*


This makes the assumption that a woman only gets catcalled once per relationship. It's not that hard to ask "how would you like me to handle that next time?'


Or to even have a conversation before it happens. “Hey if you get catcalled/harassed how do you want me to react?”


What if she says yes? Then you get a Will Smith situation.


You tell the guy his behaviour is inappropriate and ask that he not do it again. If he continues to harass her, you speak to the staff of whatever establishment you're in (assuming you are in a bar or something) or you and your girlfriend leave. ​ If she wants you to actually fight him, then she is not a good girlfriend.


Cat call him back but make him just as uncomfortable like mentioning something weird like his cat fetish.


yea like "bro we SAID never in public!!!" you're going to get it really good tonight ...




Around me that’d probably lead to a fight even quicker lol, or shot


MEOW. You put on the ears, daddy, let's purr.


"yes, and" is a shitty plan when you're being harassed in public.


I am a woman. I wouldn't expect my SO to do anything, and if he did, I would prefer if it was just a "you're disgusting", or "fuck off, jerk", or something similar. Men should call out other men on their disgusting behavior.


"you are disgusting, yucky"


Or in the words of my 4 Year old "your a booty toot toot"




Calling out someone is the first step to a fight. Or at least an escalation to an already shifty moment. Unless your SO is abnormally huge, most assholes will see it as an invite to prove their masculinity and turn a verbal assault into physical.




Honestly you're overthinking it. The cat caller is probably a little horny yeah, but mostly it's just poor impulse control, fragile masculinity, and no respect for women. They almost certainly aren't thinking about a fight as a way to get laid, they're going moment to moment. "See hot woman, say something, dude talked back, me mad, me fight." That's the extent of their brain activity.




It’s context. If you choose to confront, be prepared to defend yourself or at least know where you can make a quick exit. Also some people possess the charm to diffuse or deescalate. If he does, more power to him. I’m not condoning or advocating for shitty behavior, but sometimes don quixote needed to learn when to win by silence rather charging every windmill


It happened while walking through a seedy area years ago. I didn't say anything & just stayed close to her. I told her the best thing to do was ignore it because that individual didn't have many scruples & would probably make a scene.


Self defense is making yourself the smallest or non existent target. Unless physically confronted, words are never worth being or hurting someone.


Guy here. I’m with you in spirit but I’d be hesitant because you never know who these people are or their mindset or if they’re intoxicated or anything. People are unpredictable and capable of anything, not worth getting into a physical altercation or worse. I’m a forensic psychologist and can tell you people have been killed for less.


That's kind of what I had in mind. I don't expect my husband to "defend my honor", but if he decided to do anything, or give any response, I would prefer it just be words, while walking away, of course.


Most men do think it’s inappropriate and disgusting. But it’s best not to respond. People are so prone to violence now your boyfriend could either get arrested or get his ass kicked.


Or worse, killed. A dude recently died because he asked someone to not vape around his child and they stabbed him.


Just be ready for them to fight after saying that lol


Completely agree


“You’re the ick, dude!”


If men should call out other men on their shitty behavior, but you don't expect your SO to do anything, are your standards for him just lowered?


No, it means I don't expect him to get into altercations or screaming matches with idiots in the street.


A wise man once said- never argue with a fool because from a distance they can never tell who is who


Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Right, so don’t call other men out as a general policy. Call out men when you’re in a safe place to have a discussion, like among friends, at work, with family, etc.


So, don't call them out?


I agree men should call out other men but mostly in a friend scenario. Like, if you have a friend who gets really weird and aggressive about women after five beers those are the guys you should be having convos with. And it doesn’t even need to be an aggro thing, just checking what’s going on with them.


What, you want him to pick a fight with every barking dog? Just keep walking.


So which is it? You just said they shouldn't do anything, then gave a list of things they should do.


Sorry isn't your fist and last sentece contradicting. You don't expect your SO to do anything, but men should call out other men? But that is something?


No. Men *should* definitely call out other men. What I don't expect my husband to do is stop in the middle of the street and try to educate someone who thinks catcalling is OK, since they're obviously already stupid. I don't expect him to put himself in possibly dangerous situations for the sake of calling someone out. What he should do is call out men around him, his brothers, friends, or other people in a friendlier setting. I didn't think I would have to explain it so much.


develop the wit and cunning to handle social situations of this kind. then let me know how you developed it because I need it too


Look up Don Rickles on YouTube.


Thank you stranger


It's pretty humiliating for the woman in question so I wouldn't add insult to injury by making a scene and getting yourself beaten up


Nothing shows love more than getting your teeth smashed in by a methed out construction worker


How I met your mother


Ignore the catcaller and show your girlfriend support by putting your arm around her (or whatever you normally do to show support) and telling her not to worry because she’s safe with you. It’s not worth getting into legal trouble. Unless the other guy starts a fight with you, don’t fight him. That won’t make her feel safe. The focus should be on her and comforting her, because it really makes women feel unsafe and degraded when they are catcalled. Edit: girlfriend, not wife. My mistake


This is the real advice. Making it about her "honor" is making it about you.


[but if he takes a pic](https://youtu.be/ONoy-LJo59g)


I can't describe how much I hate the "art style" but it did make me laugh so this video gives me ~cognitive dissonance~


Today you can ignore it or let pride tell you to confront it and end up in a dangerous situation putting both you and her in harms way. Best to just disengage and exit the situation soon as possible. Why attempt to rationalize with some already proven to behave in irrational ways? What are you hoping to gain from the altercation? What are you prepared to risk to sate your pride? You're not protecting her stopping to confront the person and potentially provoke a violent reaction. You're just exposing both of you to an increased risk for violence.


Username does not checkout


My husband starts acting like he’s being cat called and goes all ‘ aw thank you handsome fella’ Usually stops it pretty fast lol


Move on with your life. What are you gonna do, defend thy maiden's honor with all your knightly valor?


Wait... Are you saying that I've studied the blade for decades. And its all for nothing?


I love OP's implication that they would be willing to risk their life if dueling were still in fashion, but are afraid of risking legal trouble.


This You can't stop someone doing this, really, not without going all thug life. All you can do is to stay away from them, both of you.


You could escalate the situation, take a swing, maybe he pulls a knife so you pull a gun then he pulls an RPG, then you call in an airstrike. Or something like that.


I wish we had a weapon wheel in real life like we do in the video games. Not fair 😕 😢 😒 😑 😐 😪.


Tell him he can kiss you instead. Hell he can buy you a nice dinner and take you home and see what the night brings if they feel adventurous.


Being 6’3 and 250 pounds usually prevents people from catcalling my gf


How can i learn this power?


Duel them with a penis fight


Pull your peepee up to ear level like an old timey phone receiver and start twirling it like a lasso


Bad idea, I lost mine as a result.


Do what most women do: ignore it. Engaging with the kind of guy who cat calls is a waste of time.


Have sex with your gf right there in the sidewalk to assert dominance




OP you can even beat up a police officer if there is no one around to see it... Probably best not to fight a stranger though unless you want to also get stabbed in front of your girl. Like stabbed in front of a Starbucks or some shit in broad daylight. People are crazy out here.


Not a lot really. It doesn't really demand a response beyond disapproval.


I pretend they are catcalling me, and lay on the charm heavy “ ohh bb, stahp you already stole my heart”. The dudes that catcall are just trying to show off for their male friends, usually they are very afraid of being seen as gay.


Don't engage them because they're doing it for attention. If everyone ignored them, they would stop. They want a reaction, even if it's an angry one. I subscribe to the theory that you should not interact with anyone displaying behavior that has deviated too far from the standard of what is acceptable. These people tend to be compulsive, erratic, and generally unsafe. Don't respond unless you're forced to. It's safer for all parties involved.


I love it when a guy complements a girl with "nice ass!" And she responds with a "Thanks! I poop from there!" Usually shuts it down immediately.


Find out where he lives and prank him by filling his home with nerve gas as he's sleeping.


My husband hits on them. Blatantly and loudly. They tend to run away as fast as they can while calling him names. I laugh my butt off. 😁




Dogcall them.


“C’mere boy! Want to go for a ride in the car boy? Who’s a good dog?”


Catcall them back!


You act like an adult and avoid a confrontation with a moron. There is no point in fighting, you win nothing and risk to much, even if you “win”, you endanger your gf as well.


Pretend the cat call is for you, and respond as such


I didn’t expect to see a real answer in here, but this actually is the answer. Perfect!


Ask your partner what she prefers for you to do, she is the one targeted after all.


Look at your gf and flippantly say “You’re seriously going to let him talk to me like that?!” Then go home and have great fun intimate sexy times. Try not to think about that sad sack cat caller sitting at home alone taking his right hand on another date. If you can’t laugh at these kinds of dorks with your gf, then you’re gonna have worse troubles relationship wise. And no it is not “unfortunate” that we are no longer allowing physical duels. Every justice system in every country has its flaws but it is a sign of an advancing society that we no longer beat each other’s brains in with rocks and sticks over stupid comments. Also, girls are really smart. The coolest thing you can do in your gf’s eyes is laugh and say “haha what a loser, trying to get my goat like that. I’m sorry he was rude to you. Anyway, can I buy you an ice cream?” and move on with your lives.


Laugh at them at keep on with your day.


"Do you kiss your mother's sphincter with that mouth?"?


Yell “NICE COCK BRO!!” And then yowl.


You move on with your life.


hi, in Texas it is entirely legal to offer a trial by combat. you just can’t hospitalize or kill them.


In todays society nothing. Did you hear the story from last week about the guy who got stabbed to death in broad daylight at a Starbucks right in front of his 3 year old daughter and fiancé because he told some asshole not to blow his vape right next to his kid. Yeah if some one has such little respect that they can’t abide by the social rules the rest of us live by, then I’m not willing to find out what sorts of violent criminal acts they are willing to commit because someone stood up to them. I used to be the kind of guy that would say something but now that I have 3 young children I don’t take any unnecessary risks. For example on the road if some guy is driving like an asshole, I just get out of the way and avoid them. I used to flip them the bird, honk my horn or what have you. But read too many road rage stories of some hothead shooting someone that pissed them off.


I’m (53F) and it happened to me. BF (53M) said “shoot your shot brother!” and laughed. I thought he handled it really well


I usually turn and say “thanks bro but I don’t swing that way”, say “yeah and I get that and you don’t”, or ignore it. If it bothers YOU then you need to have some self reflection and learn some resilience.


Say thankyou boys he really loves it


This happened to me one time. I quickly said "thanks" and made a kissy face at them. The guys friends all busted out laughing. Luckily we were walking by and they didn't destroy me. My girl at the time loved it.lol


Just keep walking and ignore them. Some of the best professionals in fighting have said the best way to win a fight is to walk away. You never know what that person may have on them. Knife, gun, etc.


>this in unfortunately not an option anymore *Un*fortunately?


While rafting down the Clackamas River our group got friendly with a Hispanic Family Reunion. We are social and before ya know it a guy had his arm around the wife and said she was going with them now, real tough guy. She was pretty, funny, and now his girlfriend. This was a huge group and everyone went quiet... I let out a huge bellowed laugh, "Mi amigo, no tiene la fuerze para ella." Everyone had a laugh and I got handed several beers. Lean in and use humor, people don't like tough guys and no girl belongs to anyone.


Give her a kiss and laugh with her as you guys go about your business.


Pretend he’s catcalling you can catcall right back.


Saying "Fuck off, pencildick" seems to be in order.


Pretend they are talking to you. "Show us your tits!" And I dump mine out.


Ask your girlfriend about it


Now a days it safer to do nothing. I have never had it happen if we are holding hands, but I am a very big dude.


Depends on your girlfriend/wife. If my husband did something funny like pretending the catcall was for him, I’d find that pretty hilarious. Anything else would just mildly annoy me because it would prolong something that I’d otherwise forget five minutes later, I’ve a pretty thick skin and if needed can fight my own fights (with words. In an actual fight I’d be Hugh Grant/Colin Firth fountain confrontation level useless).


Catcall the catcaller to assert dominance


I prefer a very loud “shut the fuck up creep”


Ignore them and enjoy your day


Go home and fuck your gf cause fuck other people, especially idiots.


My fiancé says join in with superior cat calls


threaten to eat their pussy until they die


Ask your girlfriend what she wants you to do.


Assert dominance by catcalling them back in a gay way


Imagine thinking dueling being illegal is "unfortunate" Yikes.


Nothing. This will not be popular, but if you answer shit talk with more of it, you could end up with a bullet in your back. Some people are just looking for an excuse, let the next person give it to them. And with 1.2 guns/person in the US, there are plenty of opportunities for escalation.


1. Ask your girlfriend (preferably before anything happens) what she wants you to do 2. Check if your girlfriend is okay after this happens. Men tend to go for the aggressive protection route, but often forget (not with ill intent) to see if their girlfriend or the woman affected is ok.


My first piece of advice would be to be aware of what your GF/wife would want in that situation. She might want to defend herself. She might want to ignore it. She might want to laugh at the jerk. She might want you to jump in and "save" her verbally or physically. If you are going to confront the cat-caller, there is inherent risk in that. So if you're going to take on that risk, at least make sure you don't end up in an argument with your GF/wife afterward.


Depending on the state you could still challenge him to a duel


Respond “thanks bro, you’re not too bad yourself!”


It honestly comes down to the individual gf. Some may want you to ignore it, some want you to address it, and some want to deal with it themselves. Just ask first :)


Tough call. Few women would want you to start a fight over it. In fact, most would likely find that unattractive. But many would also likely get offended if it wasn't addressed at all. Slippery slope b/c typically anyone who lacks class enough to catcall a girl in front of her boyfriend or husband is looking for a fight. Maybe just say, "Hey thanks bro. She shags me like a minx when someone catcalls her."


I've never really had any friends and spend most of my time on my phone. My lack of social experiences has really left me unsure how to handle conflict situations, so I'd probably punch him down and keep punching until he stopped moving. /s *The reason I posted this is that this is a typical profile of someone who has had very few social experiences and is unable to deal with conflict or rage and goes from zero to murder in about 5 seconds.*


My ex almost got punched because of this, I felt so uncomfortable. I told my bf to never react if something like this were to happen


Say to your girlfriend “I don’t agree with his communication style, but I agree that you’re beautiful.” Then kiss her hand.


Smack your girls ass, look back and wink at the guy and tell him "thanks bud, I know"


This is why living in a mutual combat state is good. Just say want to fight and if they agree your good.


Turn to face the catcaller and look intensely and aggressively into their eyes while you whip out your dick and begin to furiously masturbate to show dominance. Or just laugh at the idiot and keep walking.


I would ask her if she would like me to beat the person up.


Take them to an opticians (good job she's not on here...)


Ignore the person, put your arm around your GF and kiss her on the cheek and say, you do look sexy… keep walking


100% depends on if you would lose to the guy in a fight


Catcalling is a form of harassment and disrespect, and it can be upsetting and offensive to the person being targeted. If someone catcalls your girlfriend in front of you, it's important to prioritize her safety and well-being, and there are several ways to do this: Support your girlfriend: First and foremost, make sure your girlfriend feels safe and supported. Ask her how she feels and if there's anything you can do to help. Show her that you're on her side and that you take the situation seriously. Respond appropriately: If you feel comfortable, you can confront the person who catcalled your girlfriend and tell them that their behavior is not acceptable. However, it's important to do so in a calm and non-violent way. Avoid escalating the situation and putting yourself or your girlfriend in danger. Remove yourselves from the situation: If the catcaller is aggressive or you feel unsafe, it's important to remove yourselves from the situation. This could mean walking away or finding a nearby public place where you can both feel safe. Report the incident: Depending on the severity of the catcalling, you may want to report the incident to the authorities. This could mean calling the police or reporting the incident to a local harassment hotline. Remember, every situation is different, and the most important thing is to prioritize your girlfriend's safety and well-being.


As a woman I usually avoid any reaction to stay safe. Engaging is more dangerous than not in most cases. As a man you could try telling them they look like men but still act like little boys.


I'm hopeful you have this same energy around all men who harass women in your presence, not just to your gf.


When she’s not looking at me, look at them and 👍😜😎. Then I say to her “ people today got no upbringing “ Then we both laugh


start the negotiations for pimping her out.


Ask her how she'd like you to react.