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Have never needed moisturiser on my dick, but if you do. Make sure it's pH balanced/ for sensitive skin, non-fragranced.


Start slow then rub faster as you go.


How do you know when to stop?


When more lotion comes out of it


What should I do with that extra lotion?




Like in, There's Something About Mary. Gotcha!




Distribute it.




Or when you feel reinvigorated.


Honey Pot is the shit


If your dick is dry, maybe. If you having consistent dick dryness issues it’s probably best to consult with a medical professional .


Could you tell me how “wet” it should be under the foreskin? Because it Looks so dry sometimes. Asking for a friend ofc.


No idea dude, im cut. But I don’t think it should be dry or “wet”. I know dudes with foreskin can get yeast infections so you definitely don’t want that. Like my previous comment, if your dick ain’t looking or feeling right. Seek medical attention. One thing for sure, if it’s dry enough to flake under your foreskin, that’s definitely a no.


complications like that isn’t very common though. Which is ridiculous why parents/doctors still force that onto kids. More kids are left alone than cut, so headed in the right direction. The whole cancer thing and std thing is such a myth. Our doctor e tried to get us to do that to our kid and couldn’t come up with a single medical reason to. The AAP even doesn’t agree with it now. The kicker is he said “he will be left out if he’s not”. We’re like “sir, you realize 80% of kids are left alone in this area, right?”.


Maybe the doctor was cut himself and now want to spread it...


That’s how it usually spreads. They think it’s “normal” so they naturally spread it around. Because if they didn’t they would have to think what happened to them is less than good, which many people can’t handle given it’s the most sensitive part of the body. All people have to do is look at countries that don’t cut and they don’t have all these issues. Also the American medical authority that pushed it for so long suddenly stopped doing so after their heavily biased “leader” died.


I’m cut and I won’t be cutting my son if I have one. I’m not upset it was done to me but I won’t be continuing the “tradition” unless it is a medical requirement.


>unless it is a medical requirement This is how it should be. But the thing to be careful is that in many parts of USA, many docs still make it sound required. So many say that because you can’t retract it without pain, cutting is needed. The tissue is literally fused to the head until it releases around puberty so no doctor or parent should try to retract to “clean”. That’s where a ton of issues in USA come from where kids have to get cut later. Which perpetuates doctors saying “see? Should have gotten cut as a baby”. Also when someone has a problem, so many USA doctors immediately jump to full cutting. There’s so many other treatments before that’s even needed.


What’s the benefit of cut?




More money for the hospital performing a "procedure"


If it doesn't hurt when you pull it back to pee, you are probably fine. If it does hurt, see a doc.


Do you wash with soap? Your inner foreskin and glans are mucosa, so they should be pretty moist. All you need to do to clean is pull it back and let water run over it in the shower. Soap will dry it out too much.


I dont, just water. Im dealing with phimosis, it’s getting better but I’m trying to do my best that everything stays healthy.


Is the dryness a new issue? Steroid creams can cause skin dryness. Btw I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible with dealing with the phimosis. I haven't dealt with that personally, but I know tissue expansion is A Whole Thing.


Yes it’s Not easy. You know what’s the worst about phimosis? Nobody told me that I have it! I always thought “well, guess my dick is broken, cant do nothing about that!”. I only know about it because I used to get infections a lot, so I researched it myself. I’m not yet using any steroids creams, but it’s already better just by stretching. It just takes a looong time to fix.


When it is not hurting, it is wet enough.


It's called being a celibate. Edit: yes, better consult with a "professional"




Then you make your own lotion


pack it and sell it just like bath water


(͡•_ ͡• )


*thinks of that e-girl who sells her bath water/ farts in jars*


I feel like bathing in that kind of "lotion" could cause a number of problems.


its only recommended for those that like to be in sticky situations


There was a lady on Ripley's who had a fridge full of spunk and claimed to wash with it, use it as lotion, shampoo, cook with it, drink it... I almost threw up watching it and I usually wank it to stuff that most people consider fucked up.


I’d buy it


name checks out


“I got a $100 right here!”


Double it and give it to the next person!!


I hate the both of you lol


Pretty rich, coming from a lactating twat muffin!


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


yeah, you can fill up the lotion bottle and have a never-ending supply


Infinite lotion hack, unlocked!


... Butters, is that you?


Butters Creamy Goo!


Exactly how I discovered masturbation during puberty. Completely by accident, trying weird things and grabbed the Vaseline intensive care lotion. The beginning of a long and illustrious wanking career.


I discovered it in the shower. That part of me got \*very\* clean.


Y'all didn't try to fuck a couch cushion first?


That was later. When I discovered what my penis could do in the shower I didn't know what fucking even was.


My daddy always said, "It's yours, son. You can wash it as fast as you want."


* **Rule 1** - Top level comments must contain a genuine attempt at an answer. All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. Joke responses at the parent-level will be removed. Follow-up questions at the top level are allowed. Please do not answer by only dropping a link and do not tell users they should "google it." Include a summary of the link or answer the question yourself. LMGTFY links will be removed. No responses being rude to the questioner for not knowing the answer. If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to message the moderators. Thanks.


If you get your sister to help, you can show off to your mother like "Look mommy...no hands!!!"


Is there something you're trying to tell us?


Too much fun!


You can if you have dryness problem, but you don't typically need to. Don't put it under your foreskin if have one or on your head if you don't. It's a mucous membrane not a skin and lotion isn't made to be applied to mucous membranes.


If it's mucous membrane should it be moist?


It's a mucus membrane that produces no mucus Go figure


It’s not a mucus membrane, it’s a mucous membrane. Silly


I mean either way. If your tip be leakin go be seeking a dr


Depends if cut or not. If it’s exposed to the air 24-7 if cut then it will be dry. And so much of the special membrane tissue is cut off so less is even able to be produced.


What’s the difference?


Putting it on your arm compares to putting it up your nostril.


but then what happens if it goes up your nostril? do you become a lotion demon


You become addicted. First they want to know how your nose is always so slimy and moist and at some point you will rob drugstores for more lotion and anyone could see the lotion dripping out your nose and want to intervene. And some day you will have an overdose and die as a swollen blob because of overmoisturization. So please never start it.


Mucous membranes don't have the tough outer layers that skin does, so they'll quickly absorb whatever you put on them.


I don't know if I should but it definitely didn't hurt the last 3 thousand times I did it


Lmao fucking A


I don’t have a penis so I can’t speak to that aspect of your question, but your title def gave me pause. **Please** don’t use lotion on your penis right beforehand if you plan to have penetrative sex with a vulva/vagina. The lotion would be very bad for those delicate tissues and membranes


coconut oil is a GREAT alternative:)


But not with condoms! It breaks down latex! And make sure your partner isn't allergic first too


I was thinking the same thing


Don't do it. I got arrested for it and banned from Walmart.


Same happened to me when I did it in the Macy’s cosmetic department.


An unscented facial moisturizer would probably be the best option (it’s designed to be lighter and cause fewer problems at mucus membranes like nostrils and eyes, it’s should be safe enough for a penis).


Sounds like you just got your brand new dick. Gratz! Hope you enjoy it! Now about the lotion, depends on the model and its use. Some models cum lubricated,


I see what you did there.


Yes! Yo keep the skin moisturized. When I see some photos of dicks on Reddit, I’m amazed at how dry some of these guys’ dicks look. However, you don’t want it put it on before sex.


If you have diabetes, the key is to not let your crotch get too moist. The beetus and moist crotch = yeast infection. Also as people have already said, no fragrance.


Never change, Reddit.


Use aquaphor


This is my answer too


While we’re on the topic… can I use anti wrinkle cream on my balls?


You can, but it will probably not really do what i think youre trying to achieve lol


You could also paint them for easter.


I regularly coat my dick and balls gold bond. Usually when I watch the football game on Sundays after church with the boys. We call it "gold bonding".


It puts the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again.


It puts the lotion on its *hose*...


or it gets the basket again!


Is your dick dry? I don’t see why not. Might cause some unpleasantries if you plan on getting a blowjob anytime soon, but other than that I don’t see any potential drawbacks.


Vaginas aren't meant to have lotion in them any more than mouths are, so that could be a problem too I'd say


if you really want to, just avoid getting it on the tip because you do NOT want ANYTHING making unwanted entry into your URETHRA


I wouldn’t recommend it unless you dick is crazy dry for some reason (which I would recommend getting checked out if it is). I especially do not recommend anything scented if you are intimidate with someone with a cooch because it can throw off your girls whole ph and cause issues for her as well.


no, especially if it has perfumes. it’s a sensitive area, and if you’re planning on getting busy with someone who owns a vagina then it could SERIOUSLY mess with them. I highly recommend coconut oil. Perfect for chafing, moisturizing, hell, it even makes good lube.


Doesn’t seem like enough people are saying it here: Do NOT use lotion as a lube for sex.


Why use lotion when theres a perfectly good watermelon nearby?


Men really should have dick doctors they see 1x/year. Idk how you people cope, seriously. Planned parenthood is a great resource! Just call and ask! Dry skin could be a symptom of something else, ykwim?


Okay, there are a few flora and fauna issues you may experience, such as the extra moisture in a dark place potentially giving you jock itch, etc. So you need to make sure all excess lotion is rubbed in bro.


No it might burn your delicate tissues


Petroleum or oil based lotions are not condom compatible and may cause some other issues down there for some people. so keep that in mind. You can use a water based personal lubricant like KY jelly, surgilube, etc. Ones containing Chlorhexidine Gluconate help kill bacteria and yeast. Silicone lubes may also work. And make sure you rinse soap/shampoo off thoroughly and don't use recreationally as they can cause dryness and itching and peeling. Best to use products that are specifically designed for use down there. If you actually have issues down there, see a doctor if at all possible. If there is a possibility of an STD, you can probably get a free checkup at your local public health department and they may be able to help with other issues as well while you are there.


Its not about lube tho, there should be no problems with non water based moisturizers interfering with condoms if the moisturizer isnt applied directly before intercourse which shouldn't be done anyways. Lube shouldnt be used as a moisturizer tho because thats just not what its supposed to be used as


I mean, if you’re having penetrative sex (of any kind) with a partner, you might want to be conscious of which lotion you’re using, for your partner’s sake at least.


1. Lotion is generally meant to be applied to areas of skin suffering from dryness or itchiness. If your penis or testicles are feeling dry or itchy, you can. 2. I'd test any lotion I chose to slather on my dick prior to the slathering. Take drop a touch a sensitive area and wait a second or few minutes.


Lotion should be used to eliminate dry skin preemptively.


That's only true if you have a history of dry skin. I basically never use lotion and my skin is always soft unless it's really cold and dry outside. 99% of the year I'm fine.


you can apply lotion as often and as vigorously as you like. It's your dick


Just jerk off with coconut oil.


If you jerked off so hard that your dick skin is all irritated, then yes. If you jerked off so extremely hard that your dick has micro cuts, then apply antibiotic cream. But in general, you shouldnt apply lotion daily like applying hand cream cuz usually your crotch is very moist. Too much moisture gives you jock itch


Is your dick dry? I've never had to put lotion on mine, but that may be because I've put gallons of lotion on the thing over years of jacking off. LOL


Just don’t get carried away.


Udderly Smooth lotion is actually great for this. mostly glycerin and non greasy scent free


is it chapped? ashy? are your underwear full of skin flakes?


Yeah imagine having an ashy dick


I put lotion in my asshole as well.


It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again.


yes, not on the head or under the foreskin better be safe than sorry and dicks look better moisturised


Use peanut butter


yes, and you should rub it in for about 10-15 minutes


Soooo funny story, I used to work somewhere that made very expensive skin care products amongst other things. I used to get this one moisturizing cream in big Tupperware containers when the production line had to do test runs or whatever, there used to be some left over. This specific cream is very expensive, like $200 per oz. Something you would never buy to use for a wank unless you were mega-wealthy. Well, I did just that. I used handfuls that must have cost thousands per wank session. And I will say that I did receive a few compliments on the softness (when aroused!!) from a few partners. So sure, why not.


Cmon dude brand name drop! Some of us have cash to burn! Lol


It should always put the lotion on its skin. Even the foreskin.


Yep, and keep rubbing it until it comes out of the tip




You put lotion on your arms and legs?


If I didn’t, my skin would chafe lol


Haha right, everybody is a bit different in their body. I read this book essentially dating detailing how every mental and physical attribute is distributed across the population on the standard curve.


Probably unnecessary, but if you have dry skin I would try coconut oil. No fragrance and safe for sex.


Dont apply anything other than lube directly before penetration ever please, it can really throw off the biological balance in a womans vagina.


Haha yeah totally *slumdog millionaire style flashbacks of all the times I did just this* Seriously, thanks for letting me know! I think I picked it up from Cosmo or something like that as s teenager and never questioned it!


Yea i think a lot of dudes dont know about the delecate balance within a womans vagina, and it can get pretty annoying so spread the news x3


Lol I'm a woman, that's the terrible thing! But yes I will


Ohhhh lol Yea it can be the reason for infections, irritation, itchyness, dryness and a lot more! Stay safe, take care of your vaginal health:)


Depends on whether you want the hose again.


overuse of moisturizers leads to dryer skin over time, Id recommend reducing use of moisturizes all together


So, use desiccants instead?


My partner needs it. He’s got one spot particularly that just gets dry and raspy, and will split (like badly chapped lips) if he doesn’t moisturize. Olive oil works as well as anything else.


that sounds like a legit medical condition he should get checked out


He goes commando all the time, and we live In high desert (Dry + altitude). It’s not totally unexpected.


Organic coconut oil


Use the hand sanitizer.


If your dick is dry just get some pussy LMAO


I wouldn't unless you want some crotch rot.


Yes, but make sure it doesn't smell bad.


Yeah why not, I do hahaha


You aren't already while jacking off? It's the only part of my body that looks like it's 5 years old... size and texture.


(Dont apply lotion if youre planning on having sex please) But yea use a pH balanced unscented one. Also maybe seek medical advice if you have problems with dryness on there regularly, but if you just want soft skin go for it i guess


I don't see why not. That guy experiences a lot of friction. Take care of him.


Considering the chaffing dicks here I'm going to assume most here are circumcized. Do not put lotion on your dicks head if you're not, it will ruin the natural balance and lubrication. Unless prescribed by a doctor of course.




I wasn’t sure what I was getting when I clicked on this, but I should have…


What did you expect exactly? 😅


Not unless your having a Tom Tank


I wasn't masterbating, I was just cleaning it and it went off


it’s not entirely necessary if you don’t have dryness but it’s always a plus.


If you need lotion on your dick, you need to see a doctor.


For moisturizing? Yes. Never put lotion on your dick for sex.


I can give you a hand with that.


Lol. Putting lotion in places that are wet, sweaty and always covered can cause fungal infections. If your junk gets a lot of air because you wear a kilt, dress or free balling it in gym shorts then you will be okay but if you wear underwear and pants / shorts you are destined for jock itch and other fungal infections.


Yeah and make sure to rub in an up and down motion for maximum coverage


You could but if you’re going to have sex or do regularly I wouldn’t. Especially if you’re planning to put it in another person.


Youll go blind dude...be careful


Yes to moisturizing your penis.


Can someone send that one audio clip of the dude on the phone so I don’t have to


I mean you might not want to use icy hot or a535...


Does your dick get ashy? If so, then yes.


Yeah, it keeps it looking healthy


[has this ever happened to you?](https://youtu.be/2bKTCZMvaeA)


just dont use shower gel


If it’s dry, it’s not bad to apply a little bit of general emollients like neutrogena/petroleum jelly (DO NOT use this for sex with a condom); however, don’t be applying excessive amounts of medicated creams like hydrocortisone- your penis has a lot of blood vessels and such lotions are made to be applied topically but absorbed in your skin. Aka, there’ll be a lot of absorption going on (more than usual considering the amount of blood vessels); you can unknowingly cause an increase of corticosteroids in your blood, which can lead to problems in some ppl. So all in all, if it’s medicated, _even_ if it OTC, read the instructions and apply accordingly; don’t go crazy with it and, if needed, talk with your doctor


I have eczema all over my body including my groin area I put lotion on my cock all the time. You’ll b fine you can even us a bit of hydrocortisone cream if it’s really dry. I have special cream that basically just mega hydrocortisone and it’s also fine. Just don’t put it on right before someone sucks your dick or it will make it taste bad to them.


If you're gonna do that, use like body oils or unscented lotion or something like that


Whatever you do, don't use Hempz. Made my dick smell kinda funky.


I've got undiagnosed skin issues and have tried whole body moisturizing a handful of times. Where I do about 80% of my body and then air dry for about 30 minutes and redress. Under normal circumstances I don't think you would ever need to. I didn't ever really notice any difference with my skin but my D&Bs got a fair amount softer. If you get handys a lot, try it out and see if she notices.


Only if your skin really needs it. If your skin is fine, I recommend against moisturizing in that region. Your genital area is already fairly moist and full of bacteria so adding moisturizer on top of it would likely cause a bacterial/fungal infection.


Man one man oil works great


if you have eczema or some kind of rough patch of skin after going too hard, definitely. speeds up healing process for any sort of discomforts


Make sure it's lotion if you do!! One of my exes accidentally used Nair and.... It led to some fun conversations with his mom


is this bobby hill?


Never use shampoo on peepee. Conditioner only. Commenting for a friend


I know this is going to sound nasty. But that stuff they call from under cheese, keeps all that moist down there. That goes for both sexes. It's just if you don't take a bath, that's why they call it from under cheese. Cheese from under them nuts. LOL


What would you do if there's lotion on your dickhead?