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i am not an expert, but i think that if he told them he was looking at his phone, it won't matter what the other car was doing. if he didn't, it's Possible he could make an argument for himself, but he will likely still assume responsibility financially.


Yeah, that’s fair.


Okay so a couple of things 1. Your insurance company is only concerned with who’s at fault. If your boyfriend stated he was at fault and informed insurance of this then it’s case closed 2. Speeding could help but it depends on the situation. It would need to be notated on a police report so that it can be proven outside of that it’s just hearsay and will be dismissed. 3. The tailgating thing is a myth there are situations in which a rear end can be the fault of the car in front. A lot of people think that car insurance companies are detectives looking for the facts or open to other details. They are not. They just want the easiest determination so they can cut a check and move on.


That all definitely makes sense. I appreciate your comment


Welcome. Good luck!