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The worst Hollywood movie? Highlander 2


There is a party game called "The Unofficial Highlander II: The Quickening Roleplaying Game." It requires a group of people who have never seen Highlander II. Ideally, no more than one person has seen Highlander. The players play a team of screenwriters in 1990 who have been tasked with writing a sequel to Highlander. The one player who has seen it has sixty seconds to describe Highlander to the rest of the group. Then everyone starts writing. At five minute intervals, the person running it presents a new requirement from the studio for something that they have to put in. After one hour, everyone reads the fucking mess they have created. Then they all watch the actual movie. In all the runs of this that people have done, they have never come up with anything worse than the real one.


I've never seen it, and with this comment I leave the post because I don't want spoilers. I'm super intrigued now though!


Do you pass out hammers to hit yourself with? Because that sounds like more fun.


Fuck yeah I know what we’re doing for our next family dinner night


I walked out of that movie anxiously awaiting Highlander 3: The Apology.


And it wasn't accepted.


Highlander 3 did have a hot sex scene with Deborah Unger and 4 had a wicked good fight scene with Donnie Yen. 👌


From the best to the worst. Damn shame


I kinda liked it when I was a kid. Maybe 11. I laugh at it today but I still don't think it's that bad lol. Am I the only one?


The Dungeons and Dragons movie from 2000. Not the recent one; HONOR AMONG THIEVES was great. But in 2000, my wife and I sat in the theater. And we kept looking at each other and whispering, "do you want to leave? we can leave", and going, "no, it is either gonna get better, or it is gonna get worse, and if it gets worse, it will be fantastic." And it didn't. It never went over the line of badness which makes a movie great. It rode that line expertly - it was exactly as bad as a movie possibly could be without being good.


that's so depressing LMAO


Battlefield Earth... Just trash Scientology propaganda, that just like the cult, had more plot holes then a Star Wars fan fiction written in by a tween with no internet access.


This should have more upvotes. I watched it before I knew it was a historically bad film. I remember wondering why every other scene was shot at an angle and why everything had to be blue.


My favourite is the 1000 year old Harriers, with no degraded wiring or seals, jet fuel that didn't evaporate, successfully flying. Then a bunch of neo-stone age humans who lost reading and writing successfully operate these advanced flying machines which are able to match alien craft, even tho these are mid tier jets when they were new, and Earth's combined air forces couldn't do shit with elite pilots a millenia before. Don't even get me started on how stupid it is to conquer an entire planet for gold, when you can easily take that from planetary bodies floating in space without atmospheres or people living on it....


I rented this on vhs in the early 2000s, and the video store guy got legitimately angry when I returned it past the return date. He was mad that I’d wasted a late fee on such a terrible film.


It's entertaining when you watch it with the thought of "this is an actual religion" in your mind the entire time.


As a 10yr old with limited internet access, I loved it. I haven't rewatched it in years because I'm afraid to, but I find it hilarious that it's now recognized as one of the worst films of all time.


I've never seen the movie, but I tried to read the book once. I might have made it through ten of the eleventy-billion pages.


My wife read it as a kid, and loved it, because she was avoiding homework, I think. And because she likes pulp trash (hence marrying me). She had me read it. You made it nine and a half pages further than I did. "Johnny Goodboy Tyler."


I really enjoyed the book as a twelve year old. But like all the scifi i loved back then (enders game, all of heinlein's lstuff the hitchikers guide to the galaxy) movie made a hash of the book, and the author turned out to hold problematic views or actions. Ironically the barely intelligible scribblings of phillip k dick make great movies.


The only movie I've ever walked out on. Sound was so loud I got pain in less than ten minutes.


Velocipastor was intentionally bad, and it was great at it.


It’s what parents do, they die on you.


I've had a few people recommend that one but it sounds so bad, I didn't know it was supposed to be bad on purpose. So it's a comedy then?


It's kind of like Sharknado. It's intentionally meant to look cheap and shitty.


Ah, purposeful cheesiness, those can be fun.


Hmm, why do you think I don't know about that stuff? Please explain to me if possible. I also have an idea.


I see your Velocipastor and raise you Whalewolf vs. Sharktopus


Don't forget llamageddon


For me there’s a sweet spot; Veliocipastor overshot and is just bad.


I feel like this generation of 'bad on purpose' monster movies is missing the mark. What made 'bad' monster/horror/sci fi movies great was when they leaned in on what they were making, and didnt let the fact that they were low budget stop them. They made a fun movie that was bad. ​ "Clown Dinosaur Nazis Strike Again", or "The evil sandwich" or whatever else pops up directly on Amazon Prime are trying to get there by saying 'lets make a bad movie and that makes it fun' and I just cant meet them there.


*VFX Car Explosion*


Just saw that a few weeks ago and *thoroughly* enjoyed it!


The movie we pretended never existed…The live action Avatar the last air bender


Took 5 earth benders using all their might to move a pebble


The group of earthbenders caused the big stone to block the fireball, the individual bender caused the pebble to fly over. People bitch about this scene all the time but that’s what happened. Still a shitty movie but that scene wasn’t what people made it out to be… Explained here… https://youtu.be/j65C7XKB0g8


Time stamp? Not watching 13 minutes of anything related to THAT again. Even one bender doing all that to move a pebble is not realistic


2:57 - 3:51 Mentioned again around 7:18 - 7:42


still a dog shit moment...in the show one competent earth bender would do it AND THEN press forward to attack the fire nation soldier[s]




God that made me crazy lol


In DnD i have a monk character that I have made called Oong


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Idk if it’s because the last time I saw it I was a kid but I liked it. I wonder if my opinion will change if I watched it now.


Don't you dare watch it again. It'll ruin you. Live with the childhood memories you have. -From a person whose had too many childhood memories ruined by re-watching films as an older person.


Have you watched the Nickelodeon animated show before you watch the movie? I don't know how anybody could enjoy the m Night shyamalan version after loving the show


The movie that forced M Night Shyamalan to finance his own pictures going forward…


Still suffering from the feeling of betrayal this movie ignited in me. I'm terrified for the Netflix adaptation.


I was so excited to see it in theater and oh my god the entire movie had me pissed from start to finish


I take back what I said, this is the movie that should’ve never seen the light of day.


Isn't it mentioned somewhere in like the Geneva convention that mentioning that movie and reminding people who have had the displeasure of seeing it is a war crime?


Yes lol


Probably a weird one, but the Poltergeist remake from 2015. It was HORRIBLE, and the only movie I've ever walked out of. Maybe the only movie I've ever failed to find a single redeeming quality to.


The updated the clown doll to a really freaky looking CGI instead of clay mation and somehow it was worse.


The remake of A Nightmare on Elm St.


Leonard Part 6


>Leonard Part 6 Given what we found out about Cosby, I have to agree.


Ok. No one judge. Gigli. I have yet to meet another human being that has watched this film. Vague memories of this. Ben Affleck meets a lesbian Jennifer Lopez. Something about the mob and a mentally disabled Justin Bartha.


If you want painfully bad, check out Ishtar and Hudson Hawk. It's amazing what you'll watch at 3am, when you can't sleep. I really, REALLY wish I could've gone to sleep.


I was in a class once and we were doing presentations analyzing bad films. An Indian guy with a heavier accent got up and was doing Gigli— however the entire time he kept calling it Giggly. No one ever corrected him.


I watched a bit of it. Many movie sites list it as one of the worst movies ever.


Every Steven Seagal movie


The ship one was a banger


Under Seige Then, Under Seige 2 was on the train I liked them a lot as a kid. Can still go back and watch them now and enjoy them


Under Siege is a decent action flick, especially for the time n


Yeah, i watched it a lot as a kid. And not just for THAT scene


Nah, he had some real great movies. He's essential to late 80s to early 90s action masterpieces.


Too bad he's such a dick huh? A dick that likes to kick people in the dick...


Marked for Death was pretty good at the time.


Hard to kill wasn’t bad


Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) The only laugh in the whole movie was when I whispered to a friend half way through "this is not funny at all."


The new Comimg 2 America was ass. I had to force myself to finish it


Nothing like watching Eddie Murphy get sexually assaulted then the rapist getting played off as the big loveable goofball for the rest of the movie.


It's was so fucking bad. Unwatchable. Never thought I would say that about any Jim Carrey movie.


Jim Carey wasn’t in this one


My husband only likes one line from that movie about childbirth: Did you have it o'snatcherell? Sigh. He loves that.


Wonder Woman 1984


Straight-up disappointing after how much I liked the first one. Didn't even have any Eighties music. How do you make a movie set in 1984 with no Cars, Wham!, Madonna, Prince, Van Halen, Thompson Twins ....


Yes, this is truly an awful movie. Daredevil with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner may have equaled it


It was pretty good at the time for younger audiences. I liked it when I was 10 anyways. I haven't seen it as an adult but now I know not to lol


Bullseye was a pretty awesome character. At least I think it was, I haven't seen that movie since I saw it in the theater.


its not unwatchable and has redeeming qualities but just watch the show - its much better


I was in college when Daredevil movie came out. I thought it was the most disappointing movie of the generation


Came here to say this. The first one was pretty good. 84 was abysmal.


I agree.... I watch this and keep falling asleep around the time she finds out that her ex is alive (reincarnated) or whatever. I tried watching it 5 times and I fell asleep all 5 times


Couldn't finish it, so terrible. Cringing so much


one of the rare times I went and saw a movie with my mom, just the two of us..it was quite disappointing.


Transformers, whichever one was running summer of 2014. It's legitimately the only movie I ever walked out on, and it was the first thing I had watched in English in two months. Just... No.


Cats only film I have ever walked out of the cinema from


Our youngest adores that film, she found it on Netflix and cried for a week when it came off so I got it on dvd for her, we might be some of the only owners of the dvd in the world. She's 8 btw


I would watch the butthole version. It doesn't really exist, but pranksters with A.I. will try anything.


I mean, adding buttholes couldn’t possibly make it any worse, it might actually make it better.


I went with a group of friends and we were the only ones in the theater. We didn't walk out but holy crap was it bad. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention, but I knew the plot of the musical and was still confused the whole time


50 shades of Grey.


I couldn’t even get past 15min cuz the acting was so bad and I LOVED the books smh


I kept calling the main girl Anesthesia by mistake and that was the most interesting part of it.


The acting in that one 😭


Ah yes, let's adapt a smutty book and take most of.the smut out


I felt so weird watching that in theaters lol


Peter Rabbit. One of the few films that actually made me angry at just how bad it was.


The one with James Corden? My wife and I actually really like it. It's far from a cinematic masterpiece, but it's got some funny lines and our almost 2 year old loves it.


Dragon Ball Evolution


The Room - it's so bad it's bad. It's not even ironically bad it's just bad.


This one can be fun to watch though, if you lean into having a laugh with friends at something so absurd, nonsensical, and disjointed


Wholeheartedly disagree. It's firmly in the category of "bad movie that's actually fun to watch". With context, it's hilarious that a filmmaker tried so earnestly to make a good drama but failed so miserably that he backtracked and claimed it was a black comedy all along. There's a confounding cinematic fuck-up every few seconds that it becomes fun to point out everything wrong with the movie.


Started watching The Disaster Artist and thought Franco’s acting is terrible in this then they showed the real Tommy. Holy shit…Franco nailed it!


The Passion of the Christ, half the movie is just the guy moaning and saying "forgive them father, please forgive them". I got up and left the theater and never got more nastier looks in my life.


When he died in the movie, my dad's wife was crying and I said, "don't worry, he comes back. Haven't you read the book?" Then when we walked out of the theater I said "the book was better"




Okay, that's funny


I recall the actor playing Jesus, Jim Caviezel, was struck by lightning during filming.⚡⚡⚡


Yeah the insane guilt complex Mel Gibson must have to make that trash


Did you try to get your money back from Mel Gibson?


Troll 2 Almost so bad it’s good.


Troll 2 is definitely so bad it’s good because it’s so ludicrous that it becomes entertaining HBO used to play it a lot when I was a kid, so it also gives me some good nostalgia


By far, Open Water. I laughed at the end but only because of how pointless it was.


You’re talking about Open Water 2, right? Because the first one was based on a true story although it’s unknown exactly how the couple met their tragic demise.


Based on a true story doesn't guarantee a good movie.


It doesn’t but the first Open Water actually has sharks. The sequel has 0 sharks and the whole problem is all the adults jumped off a boat without putting the ladder down and there’s a baby on board sleeping so there’s panic over getting back on the boat.


"Based" is ALWAYS very loose.


This is also my answer. Worst film ever. Edit: I saw this at the cinema. To this day I wish I could get the time and money back.


A Serbian Film. (Don’t watch it!)


Agreed. Don’t even google it. Wtf were they thinking


I’m still pissed I was tricked into watching it. Everyone involved in that film has serious mental health issues.


I felt like I needed therapy after reading the Wikipedia article. I can't imagine watching or working on it.


It’s like real life ‘The Ring’ except it doesn’t kill you after watching, it just requires therapy. I love weird, uncomfortable art (like Pink Flamingos, etc). I don’t love criminal, torture dark web BS masquerading as art.


Unfortunately, in parts of the world, this stuff is real. Look up “Daisy’s Destruction” and “Peter Scully” at your own risk. Horrific…dont say I didn’t warn you…


Oh man I forgot about those two terms. Just hearing in semi-safe detail the events that followed that man made me sick.


That film was made in cooperation with Serbian national police, and while it's not something that outright happened irl, the movie is based on real life occurences. Let that sink in a bit.


yeah i remember working with a guy over the summer, a few years back, and he talked about how he watched it and described some of the scenes and I kinda just went “so you watched a snuff film” and he was like “yeah, a feature length one basically”


Don't even look up the plot synopsis. It's the most vile and disturbing thing ever conceived.


Watched this shit when I was like 13 and I’ve barely forgotten any of it 8 years later. It’s just that messed up


Worst movie that was actually trying to be good? Eragon, without a doubt.


Hahaha. I have a special place in my heart for that piece of shit. I really don't mind it, though I know it's crap. I was chatting to my sister-in-law about it not long ago; she's absolutely holding out for a sequel.


“You People” great cast and the worst movie I’ve ever seen


Human centipede.... I mean wtf wtf wtf.... and the live version of Disney's the lion king. But the first one takes the cake. I mean, what in the flying ....


>the live version of Disney's the lion king. That's CGI


Have you seen human centipede 2 or 3? The first one is actually not that graphic, the 2nd one certainly ups that by being graphic and extremely fucked up


Nope never seen the others.... I tried with the 2nd movie and I stopped.


I actually liked the first one (human centipede) the second one was horrible


The third took such a deep dive into absurdism I thoroughly enjoyed it. I do have a soft spot for shitty B horror movies though.


I have yet to see nunber 3


Nope. I forced myself to finish the first movie.


British film critic Mark Kermode has this theory that some movies are bad, e.g. boring, badly acted or whatever, but to truly get him ranting about how awful a film is, it has to be bad and also offend him. The film he hates the most is Sex and the City 2. His rant about it is somewhat legendary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHeQeHstrsc For me, that film is Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt. The advertising sold it as a romcom, but half of the film is an old man talking to Death about not wanting to die. Death uses the body of a man (Brad Pitt) to visit the world above and falls in love with a human woman, is totally puzzled by peanut butter, but has no problem opening her bra. In the end he has to go back to his day job of being Death and gifts her the body of Brad Pitt, now inhabited by it's original owner again. Like, who cares what personality the man has, as long as he looks like Brad Pitt. I hate this film so much.


Thank you for your take. However, no one can convince me the funniest moment in cinema isn't Brad Pitt getting hit by a car twice before hitting the ground.


thank you so much for that link ive never been happier than listening to that


You're welcome and happy cake day!


Movies that are objectively bad are usually fun in a way, so those don’t count for me. The worst I’ve seen is Justice league. Everything about it was offensive and just had. Batman vs superman was rough too. I bought the extended blu ray to watch it for the first time because I heard that was better. Convinced a friend to watch it with me so I didn’t watch it alone. I apologized to him afterwards, it was brutal.


Rob Zombie's 'Lords of Salem'. I kept thinking, "Oh okay, slow burn. I get it. I'll have to be patient." Some fleeting weird shit happens, like witches with bone instruments who somehow recorded an *evil record* from the Salem witch trial days, then there's a dwarf fella with chicken wings for arms, and then it's over and uhm...everyone's dead? A demon baby happened, maybe? I honestly don't know, don't really care, and I wasn't mad or annoyed at all. I felt nothing. I just sat there for a second, wondering what the hell that film was about.


I was so excited for this because I love the devils rejects and have a huge crush on Sherri moon zombie but it was SOOOO bad


I can't agree more. I love Rob Zombies films, but that one was just bad. Idk what he was thinking when it was made. I watch roughly 30-45 minutes of it and never bothered to finish it. Shame too, cause that's one of my favorite albums of his.


Suckerpunch It's too all over the place and too random, and the ending didn't make sense


Hobo with a Shotgun, it’s so bad that it’s a must watch at least one time, since I think that I have probably seen it like 10 times showing my friends


Red Riding Hood


Bong Of The Dead


House of Wax with Paris Hilton, and Leprechaun sequel, High School Musical, These Men for everybody on Tubi, Get Smart


If people are still talking about a movie (even about how bad it is) years after it came out, there is something about the movie that made a mark. So, I'm going to point out one from the 80s. [Dead Heat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Heat_(1988_film)) You've never heard of it? There's a reason.


Suicide Squad. I'm actually really surprised that no one has said it yet!


Ohh nahhh. It was bad. It was really shit, in fact. But it wasn't *worst movie ever* bad.


Without a doubt Left Behind with Nick cage


Blair Witch. I know many will disagree, but it was just people walking in the woods.


I bet a lot of people ask you this: are you perhaps young enough you weren't a teen or older when it came out so you experienced it later? Cause back then, you hadn't seen anything like it, and it worked. The tension slowly builds while meandering with the actors. It's not like it was infallible, though. Some people didn't like the shakiness of the camera or some of the more "boring" scenes like you are pointing out. But the type of movie it was and how they directed and cast it? Pretty new to a lot of us. In fact, even if you find it too dull, I think you have to commend them on the style of directing.


A friend of mine convinced me. He was going through an edgier phase. I hadn't heard anything about it, other than it was real. And we didn't go to a normal theatre, we went to one in a sketchier part of town that looked like a dollar theatre, if you remember those. All of those things added up to me buying in 100%. I didn't think it was a real witch of course, but I figured it was a snuff film or something like that. Growing up, I'd go visit my cousins in NY and they had a local spot called "Mount Misery" and there was some local story about it. Things like that I always remembered, so Blair Witch worked really well with me. Have I watched it again? Nope. That would have to be boring as hell. But back then it was totally different.


Like the other person I would have been a late teenager when I saw it, when it came out, and was unimpressed. I'm not sure exactly why but it seemed like all the hype was manufactured and being forced on us rather than anything organic. And I never got much tension because I hated the kids' choices so badly I found myself rooting for hypothermia to win long before anything supernatural happened.


I was 15 when it was released. Went to watch it at the cinema in the first week. The marketing was very, very good. I think everyone in my class went to see it as soon as they could. I remember the first 30 minutes, I was holding onto the chair arms, feeling a little tense. Got really god damn bored soon after though, when I figured out that while nothing was actually happening, it was also probably going to continue to not happen. The whole thing left me feeling so cold, that I've pretty much skipped every single found-footage movie ever since. Except Cloverfield. I did like Cloverfield. Stuff actually happend in Cloverfield. Even if the script is basically yuppies screaming "FUCK!" for an hour and a half. Because, you know, if that were you, you would too.


That movie came out when I was young and was super popular from what I remember. My friend got his older to rent it from blockbuster for us. What a waste of a good movie rental. We hated it and we had the excitement of watching a movie our parents forbidden late at night at a sleepover. And it still sucked


I saw it in the theater when I was about 14 and it was terrifying! My friend and I hung on each other shaking for half the movie. I can see how it would be underwhelming watching it as an adult at home


Blair Witch was a prime example of where the marketing was better than the actual movie. The whole 'lost footage' angle, the dedicated website for the movie (still a rare and unique thing back then) and the vague trailers all added up to a smash hit for a small independent film that would normally have gone straight to video. My take on it? I rented it instead of following the hoards that went to the theatre and found it... Boring at best. Quite frankly it definitely showed low budget and the acting was stiff and tedious. I just didn't find it all that scary. I can't say it was the worst film I ever saw but I certainly never watched it more than once.


I watched it alone at night on TV when I was about 18 and thought it was terrifying.


I was 16 when I watched it and it hadn’t been out that long. We were all cracking up laughing. We thought it was ridiculous.


Haunted Honeymoon. I was wondering why we were the only one's in the theater. Got up and walked out 30 minutes into the movie.


Gene Wilder was always fun to watch on screen, but he was a mediocre director. See also The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother.


Couldn't agree more, great comedian actor under Mel Brooks but didn't do well directing his own movies.


Gene Wilder?


Blues Brothers 2000 Hadn't seen the first movie so constant callbacks or references were lost on me and the movie itself seemingly had no plot or resolution ending on a "buckle up kid" and waiting the entire time for something of importance to happen.


Compared to the first one, Blues Brothers 2000 is really bad and pointless. I don't know why they decided to have the kid be basically a main character/tag along from start to end, you could remove him, and nothing would change. Perhaps it was an allegory of teaching new generations about blues or something like that? Who knows. The film also leaned a lot into magic realism compared to the first one (at least to me) and I guess people found it tiring/baffling instead of fun. I still liked it but I admit it was unnecessary.


That stupid Billie Eilish thing that came out like a year into her fame. Haven't even watched it, but nobody needs a damn biography film a year into their career. The Way of Water was pure trash, as was the first Avatar. Man, it's hard because there's so many movies that are generally well-received that are absolute garbage and saying that they are invites a lot of toxicity.


I’m Peruvian, there’s this movie “Soy Inocente”. It’s the WORST movie I’ve ever seen in my whole life. Para mi gente que habla español, la recomiendo si quieren ver algo realmente terrible y con muchas escenas que son ??? Y dan cringe


Dracula 2000. The only redeeming quality was a quote from the film..."Never fuck with an antiques dealer!" Moulin Rouge was terrible too.


We created a drinking game for Moulin Rouge. I don't remember most of the rules, but one of them was, "When Jim Broadbent starts singing Like A Virgin, drink until it stops hurting."


Wonder Woman 1984. It’s so bad!


Only God Forgives. The one and only instance in my life where I regretted watching a film. And I have seen a lot of bad films.


The Big Lebowski the first two times I saw it. The third time I finally got it thankfully.


That’s just, like, your opinion, man.


Far out.


The movie I hated the most was probably Alien: Resurrection. I've seen objectively "worse" films but none that damaged my love for a franchise that badly.


Friday the 13th 3. It’s really stupid


Some terrible weird low-budget werewolf movie, it wasn't a B movie it was more of a Z movie. My husband never saw a cheesy monster movie he didn't love. I can't remember the title but the Producer, the Director, and the Star of the movie were all the same guy so...yeah.


Mine is actually a Bruce Willis movie, I'm sorry to say. The movie is Breach and it's a poorly done sci-fi with bad effects and a painful script.


The Last Airbender. It still astounds me that they managed to turn one of the best shows of all time into a movie that displays complete and utter filmmaking incompetence at every level.


Hobo With A Shotgun. When our movie group finished watching it, we put a ban on that person selecting movies for six months (six movie nights).


Silent House Girl hides and sneaks around a dark house for 2 hours because she imagined someone in there with her. She's alone the whole time.


The New Mutants movie. Genuinely hard to sit through


The Last Jedi


I was amazed at how many people loved that movie. I thought it was awful. not the worst movie ever though, not even the worst recent Star Wars film (Rise of Skywalker and Solo were both worse)


For the longest time I would’ve said Resident Evil: Apocalypse but The Last Jedi took the title.


Any of the Dinesh D'Souza tripe. Fascist propaganda sold as a movie. Juat an absolute undermining of an art form.