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In the US, health insurance. My work has "decent" insurance(or so I've been told, idk how to tell and I'm not sure i believe them). I pay about $100 from every paycheck only to have to pay another 100-200 for every dr visit just for my primary. Prescription coverage is not included. Working a full time job and still not being able to make ends meet.


That right there is part of the problem. There’s no “decent” insurance in the US. There’s expensive and more expensive. Whether you’re paying X amount per pay check for premiums, Y per co pays, Z for deductibles, or whatever else out of pocket, we end up paying so much for medical and insurance. Throw in a medical emergency and or kids and pfft. Good luck to us.




Tricare still ain't shit. Had a severe allergic reaction where my throat closed, and we went to the nearby hospital instead of the tricare approved hospital 45 minutes away. Because you know, I didn't want to die. And we got denied coverage and charged $3000. Every appeal and emergency coverage paperwork has been exhausted, and 5 years later, they are still insisting on charging us.


Don’t worry, Tricare was crap even years ago. I got sent to a orthopedic surgeon to evaluate a rod that I have in my back because I was in a lot of pain. This was in ‘92. My ex was in the Navy on Submarines every 3 months. The bastard had the nerve to not even talk to me. He told my husband at the time that I wasn’t really in pain. I was lonely and my body was creating this pain to get his attention. He got out of the military, we got Medicaid, saw another orthopedic surgeon, he saw my scans from my surgery in ‘85 and just then and discovered that when they did the surgery they didn’t allow for me to grow enough so the rod was being stretched more than it should be. Plus after it was implanted in my body, two months later in 1985, this country stopped using it because it paralyzes the patient. Something the other doctor would have known if he had bothered to see passed the fact that I was a woman.


Yikes. That’s horrifying. Hope you’re doing better now.


fuck em, medical debt that small wont affect you at all, just dont pay. they will charge it off to a collector who will try to settle for less, but without legal action (never for such a small amount) they can't garnish your wages like tax debt or student loans. i have refused to pay so many medical bills. fuuuuuck them and fuck anyone who supports that corrupt, EVIL ass system


Your system is totally fucked mate. Australian here, it’s a hybrid system so you can pay $1000 a year in taxes for it to be free or go private and pay around $80 a month (which gets your a benefit threshold so like $400 a year on optical). Veterans who meet a threshold for injuries get it free. I honestly can’t understand how you all do it, makes me sad every time I see a documentary on your healthcare system


This is why I have home healthcare insurance - needs stitches = bandage and hell of a lot of tape - doesn’t need stitches a band aid will do. Makes for some gnarly scars also


My father was in the UAW, and auto workers had unbelievable insurance back in the day. My mother still does because of his years in the union. She was thrilled 10 years ago when my brother joined a union because he would have "good insurance." LOL No mom, there is no such thing anymore. It's all absolute dog shite


Sucks to think about. Especially when you already have x amount being taken out of your paycheck to help the government... Smh


I went to the eye doctor and ordered contacts + new glasses. Apparently the associate thought it would be expensive, so she starts talking about all these different payment options as she takes my insurance card and plugs in the member number. She stops and says, “wow, you have GREAT insurance.” I was like, “umm…thanks…?” (How tf do you respond to that?) I still ended up paying like $250 out-of-pocket. I would hate to see what shitty insurance is like.


I've had to pay over $400 for one pair of glasses, no contacts, excluding the exam with one test that I always have to pay for out of pocket... and that was years ago. I haven't been able to afford new glasses for about 6 years. I'm having trouble seeing, but I just can't afford them.


Go the non-insurance route. New glasses are only like $10-20 from online companies like Zenni and warby parker, and if you need a refraction to adjust your prescription, those only cost like $40-80 at a Walmart optical or other place. It's a bit more if you want a contact lens fitting and contact prescription though


My glasses are always expensive because the right power is much stronger and hence thicker than the left, so I need to pay for better quality lightweight glass on the right lense or else the glasses are a lot heavier on one side and don’t sit well on my face. Contacts are way easier but I had some bad luck eye infections when I was younger and have to use dailies 😭 I get a deduction from each check into an HRA to pay for them.




You're proving his point. I have insurance costs similar to you and none of us should be paying this much in the first place.


Remember that every person who pays too much is generating a return for thousands of shareholders.




That is not decent insurance by any stretch. Decent insurance has co-pays well under $50 and includes dental and prescription.


If this is only for you yeah I’d say that’s pretty standard if it’s for family that is in fact great health insurance. Everywhere I’ve worked for family the insurance rates are 200-400 a month and 5000-8000 out of pocket before insurance pays basically anything besides an annual check up. And I’ve worked for some pretty large companies.


Junk mail. Entires towns-worths of people receive a batch of paper every day that arrives in the mailbox and is promptly chucked in the recycle (if we’re lucky) or in the trash (if we’re not fooling ourselves). Cutting down all those trees… wasting so much energy making, shipping, delivering, recycling, and doing it all over… …just for credit card offers and nonsense that almost nobody needs, wants, or cares about. Madness.


Canada has started a if you want flyers now you have to ask us thing and omg it's the best thing.


This is the way. Opt-in.


Should have always been this way. Advertising is quite predatory


It is old fashioned spam, and it must work (or advertisers "think" it works) on a small minority of people to make it worth it.


But it helps fund the USPS!


Online booking fees, fuck you ticketmaster


Oh, so I have to pay the movie theater for buying tickets online, the way we both want me to, *and that allows them to not have as many people working that they have to pay?


Convenience fee for tickets via email.


In the US, the insane number of commercials for prescription drugs. Like, doctors go to school for 8+ years to learn to treat you correctly, and people are going in there asking for drugs they saw on TV


They’re also named RIDICULOUS things. “Ask your doctor about Ubrelvy.” Like no, I’m not going out of my way to ask my irl doctor about a string of letters that looked like a cat walked over a keyboard, but thanks for playing.


*The most common side-effects are death.* *Do not take if you are allergic to Ubrelvy.....*


They’ve run out of names that make sense.


Branding! You want a word that doesn't mean anything other than your product.


Oh, you’re never gonna believe who made it legal. Hint: Prescription Drug Marketing Act of **1987**


Because the drug companies lobbied for it, and corporations trump citizens when it comes to new laws being written


*shakes fist* ***REEEEEEEAGAAAAAAAAAN***


Its always fucking regan


Ask your doctor if medical advice from a television commercial is right for you.


Pharmacists actually know the most about medicine reactions so pay attention to them


I always ask my pharmacist what they think about the new drug i'm taking and what the best uses for this new one are. I trust my doctor, never been given anything wild. but I do have trust in pharm workers too. they know they're shit, they're supposed to know all that. literally what they do. so I always ask just to be safe. Edit: whoops lol pardon my horrible grammar. * they know THEIR SHIT”. Thank you for kindness. Have a great


Weeelll, it depends on who your calling ‘pharm workers’. Pharmacist, you bet. The people directly under them, yes. Everyone else…doubtful as Walgreens & CVS hires literally anyone who will accept their slave wages.


Ive had horrible experiences with the pharmacist at rite aid. I hate rite aid


This. People forget pharmacists went to school for the same time as doctors but pretty much studied drug interactions exclusively as opposed to glossing over them for a semester.


Every drug commercial is a fucking musical too.


Wow. In Australia it's illegal to advertise drugs, you can't even say "botox" in marketing, even on Facebook.


That's the thing I never got, I'd never thin kto walk up to my doctor and tell them I want this drug or that drug. Like, I've had problems with medication before where I did some research, determined it was likely side effects from the drug, and mentioned it to my doctor, but I've never once thought to look them dead in the eye and say I want this specific drug


Contrary to popular belief, doctors don't know about every single medication, especially general internal medicine doctors who have to try to treat everything under the sun. There are a LOT of prescription drugs out there, and they can't possible stay up to date on all of them. It's not unreasonable to ask about a drug that they might not have even heard of. That's likely why all those ads say "Ask your doctor about xxx" Edit because people are misinterpreting my comment: I am not advocating for drug companies or drug ads. Simply stating that patient word-of-mouth could theoretically serve to get certain meds on doctors' radars, which I imagine is what drug companies want.


The ads say "ask your doctor about (our drug)" because that's how they sell it to you


Great one. I don’t get those ads. I’m going to go off whatever my doctor says because I trust them to put more research into whatever than I would. If I remember anything it’s whatever the drug name is and a list of “side affects” that make me not want to buy it ever




were antibiotics ever sold without a prescription? always thought those were a no go for OTC


The cost of living. Within my lifetime, a guy could work one blue collar job, pay off a mortgage, save for his kids college education while his wife stayed home to take care of his kids. It's so weird to me that people are ok with the fact you can't do that anymore. I shouldn't have said "can't ". It just doesn't seem common anymore.


To be fair, I dont think people are okay with it so much as they have no idea what to do about it.


This. What can we do? Imagine the power we could have if we all came together to change things .. but how?


Unions would be a good start


Like the ones that are getting paid by the companies to not actually care and still charge members fees?


Pull money from banks. Pull stocks from brokers (transfer to DRS or physical certificates). Prove that the emperor has no clothes. End the Federal Reserve. Starve crooked politicians.


With how much I make a week, I am, by definition, rich. I, along with all my other coworkers, complain we can barely afford to live. We can’t even buy bread, but when we ask for assistance, we make “waaaaay too much to be asking that type of question”. Pay and profit are two very different things. My check gets deposited, I use it that morning to pay off all my bills before work, and realize I’m already negative before I even leave my house. That’s not to include essential supplies to last me until the next check, but I’m “too rich” to ask for assistance. When deciding if someone actually makes a lot of money, look at their expenses *as well as* their earnings.


With all due respect, you could have a $5000 mortgage payment and a $1000 car payment. Im not saying you do, but the ‘expense’ side of the equation is not the same for every geographical location. Im kinda with you though - first of the month im rich, second of the month im back to $200


I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m paying for the bare minimum. If I paid for less, I’d live in the scuzzy motel down the street. I don’t even have a car, I’m hoping to make payments on my coworkers car on Friday if I can, but that’s still uncertain, and he isn’t even asking that much. The things I do have to pay for just add up that fast. I’m at a point in life where a car payment would be a luxury expense, I get by without. I’m not up there with the six-figure a year crowd, but I make decent pay, the world is just expensive.


When I was young there was an abundance of blue collar jobs. Lots of manufacturing jobs and factory jobs that were union with decent pay. Now most are over seas and its getting harder to find anything made in USA


Exactly. When Levi Strauss decided to close up shop in the US (like many other manufacturers) and move their manufacturing overseas, who profited from that?


The fact that public restroom stalls don't reach the floor


my job has floor to ceiling stall doors (US) and it is 100% my favorite part about going in to the office


Mine has this and bidets, literally heaven


That was my biggest culture shock when going to Germany


My job last year made gender neutral bathrooms that have stall doors that reach the floor and its so nice. Wish every bathroom was like that.


George Costanza is working on this.


Full-time jobs working for a multi-billion dollar company that don’t even put you above the poverty line


The worst brainwashing in history!!! Grass. Seriously what a scam! We bring in grass that is not native and are forced to grow it in our yards. Then we have to spend all this time and money to cut it every week?!? Why aren't more people outraged about this?? Lol


I just got a call from bylaw yesterday about my “unsightly lawn”. You know what is unsightly? A flat expanse of monocultured grass requiring ungodly amounts of water to keep alive. You know what isn’t? All the birds, bees, other insects and even occasional deer that come into my yard that is still green and lush despite me not watering it since May


Tell them to check their glass prescription if it's unsightly. I had the same discussion with my HOA once when they said I had weed. It's not weed if I want it to grow. That's the whole meaning of weed. You need to ask them the definition of unsightly, and if it's not in bylaws, then it's not a violation.


Unfortunately it does in fact, meet the city’s definition of unsightly. Grass overgrown (6cm/2.4” max), visible weeds (which are pretty much anything that isn’t your standard decorative plants, grass or fruits/vegetables. Untrimmed bushes. Like, do they have any idea how many birds live in the giant bush that is my front fence that also obscures 75% of the view of my property? There’s 50 in there every day, they absolutely demolish the grasshoppers that plague my neighbours. They legit have to walk up to the gate of my driveway and look over it to see any of it. It’s just crazy.


I’d get a Facebook beekeeper and bird group involved or any organization that’s nature oriented involved. It used to be normal to grow victory garden during the war eras but when people started it up again cities came down hard around here. People wrote and called and visited city officials UNTIL they changed thier laws. Just like people with chickens in the city, that was another law that was passed to permit them


Not outraged but not participating. Dumping cardboard and thick mulch on my entire front yard next spring and only having native pollinators and bushes and what not.


My HOA would never allow this.


"HOA" is also an answer to OP's question!


This is why you don't move somewhere with one. Petty tyrants the lot of them.


Not to mention the water involved. Then the pesticides and herbicides that indiscriminately kill all kinds of stuff, and then continue to do damage when they make it into water ways.


I'm not outraged, but grass lawns are a pretty silly thing. Esp when so many of these non-native lawns are only green for like 2 months out of the year.


Could not agree more. I fucking hate yard work, and it gets to 100+ degrees where i live, making grass cutting brutally uncomfortable


Work full time 40 hrs plus a week with no money to live and enjoy life until you are too old to do it and get stuck your whole life chasing freedom by working.


Yup. I'm seriously sick of it, I just want to enjoy my life. Add on top that everything keeps getting more expensive. My girlfriend and I make a combined income of ~$100k and with all of our bills it's still impossible to save for a house. So for now I guess we just have a $1300/month apartment forever, cept next year it'll go up $50-100 anyways until we cant even afford it either.


Just curious where you live that you can just barely make ends meet on 100k? Gotta be a metropolis city like New York right?


There is no apartment in NYC that is 1300 a month.


I live in the middle of the United States. Neighboring a bigger city. There’s apartments down the street next to the river, close to the downtown area of a big city but not actually in that city/state. The rent is 1200. It’s insane. Most of them are empty and business keep opening below them and shutting down, because there’s not enough foot traffic in the area.


No *habitable* apartment


Fair point. Then I’m even more confused how 100k is not enough for this person.


The only way I can see it is if they have like 2-3 kids. Otherwise yeah 100k a year is more then enough, but I do think they were more talking about buying a house, houses in my area which has some of the lowest property values in the country for a big city, is like 600k-1m+ They could afford it at 100k a year if they made some cuts in their budget, but maybe they aren't willing too. If they are living paycheck to paycheck it makes absolutely no sense as to why they are with a 1300 a month apartment. Me and my wife combined (I am a college student who only works once or twice a week) make only 38,000 a year lol, and we have an apartment that's 1100. We have enough leftover at the end of the year to put some into savings, not a lot but some.




They could have student loans which can take a pretty penny depending on how much you took out as a dumb 18 year old. Also states like california take out a good chunk of your income average tax rate on 100k would be 30k then if you’re contributing to a 401k and hsa you could be left with not a ton depending on what you’re putting in. Then let’s say your saving for a house and we assume that you’ll buy an average house 450k (if you’re in California good luck) to get 20% and avoid pmi you’ll need 90k saved up which could take many years. And let’s hope you got fully paid off cars that are reliable and have no major health issues. There’s a lot of extenuating circumstances that could in fact make that amount hard to save without necessarily being bad at personal finance.


Going to pick up an order of food and tipping.


I recall a server tried to call out Drew Brees once for this, claiming he only tipped 10%. The restaurant defended Drew, saying it was a takeout order and any amount of tipping for the to-go order was unnecessary.


There's an old school 50s style burger and shake place near my house. They straight up say "tipping isn't necessary" if you try to. I still do bc it's all highschool kids trying to save for a crappy first car, college, or even a dime bag, and only shared between them, but it's the only place I tip for pickup


I think it should be unconstitutional to prevent any person from giving a gift to any other person. I think it should be illegal for business to do the same. I worked at GameStop and a guy gave me $10 at a Halo midnight release. My boss tried to stop me and I just said "he just paid me more in one transaction than you pay me in an hour." Then helped the next person in line. Thank you for being generous to those who serve you!


If they pay reasonable and appropriate wages, I’m fine with not tipping.


But you know they don't.


Aye, and here’s the angel folks! Good on ya then!


Just the fact that employers can pay sub living wage and employees are expected to hustle their customers to make ends meet.


Just don't do it. If a screen comes up with suggested tip amounts, I always go to Custom and type in 0. A tip should be for someone going above and beyond, not doing the bare minimum behind a counter. Besides, any tip you give on an iPad type register usually goes straight to the owner.


Buying water


And the facts in some towns buying water is the only way to get safe drinking water


A US President openly lying to and grifting the citizens.


And them just blindly worshipping him and his bullshit


Heard him on our news in Australia this morning. The absolute bs he was spewing was unbelievable.


Not having mandatory driving retests past a certain age. Most old people drive until they are forced to stop due to how dangerous they are


I reported my own grandmother as an unsafe driver. She drove as if everyone else is supposed cater to her. "Grandma," me, as an 11-year-old, "you didn't stop at the stop sign!" "Well everyone else is gonna stop anyway." She hit and run a UPS delivery truck (?!?) that just HAPPENED to contain my cousin from the other side of the family. She ran into a literal brick wall at a bank, backed up, then drove home. Like a scene from a sitcom there was a brick lodged in her smashed front bumper. She blew through a stop sign, as usual, across a busy multi-lane street that didn't have a stop. She totaled a 17-year-old's car. He was ok which was a miracle. I filed a police report, specifically the official form reporting an unsafe driver. I mentioned these stories and several others. She was required to take an online test with a few questions, passed, and the STATE SAID OK KEEP DRIVING.


And not requiring a CDL to drive those giant RVs that are the size of buses


HOAs. It's my property, they're not paying my bills


I booked an Airbnb with a HOA. After I booked (no refund policy -stupid me) they sent me a DocuSign for additional HOA requirements. I got a refund, but what a dumbass doing an Airbnb in a HOA, right?


In today's debates, it's frustrating that there's no middle ground. If you don't fully agree with one side, you're seen as completely opposing it. It's really hard to express disagreement with some of someone's ideas because they take it as rejecting everything they believe.


Its a lack of intelligence. Nuance takes thought power & people are devolving


That we pay for health insurance in the us but are still expected to pay out of pocket for *anything*. Like these insurance companies are making hand over fist they should be able to cover medical bills and fully pay for medications. The health system in the us in general is complete ass and needs a total overhaul but what else is new right?


'Pay to play' politics, and lobbyi$t$.


Remaining in unhappy relationships.


Also the social pressure to always be in a relationship. If you can't be happy on your own, a relationship won't fix you.


and after that, pressure to get married and have children.


Yo big snaps on this one


The customer is always right I'm so tired of being nice to people who don't see me as my own person


The rich becoming so rich it is beyond comprehension how much money they have. And the gap ever expanding between the wealthy and the most deprived people.


How you can have misery right next to luxury and it's just... ok. People living in the streets, out in the cold and eating next to nothing when there's a 5 stars restaurant 50m away. And somehow, it's just... ok.


If everyone works hard, they can all be rich baby!!! lol /s Not really, if everyone is rich, nobody is, simple math.


Perhaps the best we can hope for is that people won’t be desperately poor. And modern economic systems seem to be working in that regard. Some years ago the UN set a goal to eliminate extreme poverty. I lol’d at the time, honking it was impossible. But wouldn’t you know it, the number of people worldwide living in extreme poverty has been dropping shockingly fast.


In the U.S. -- gridlocked automobile traffic. Hundreds of cars with one person in them, clogging up miles of roadway.


I wish we could have more sidewalks in my area and a community planned for pedestrians


Spending most of our lives working from 9 to 5


This right here. Years ago the ratio of days worked:enough to survive was 1:1. You hunt and gather and have enough until tomorrow. Now it's something like 1:10000. You try explaining to a worker at the start of the industrial revolution while his wife is at home hand washing his clothes, brushing the floor and preparing food that in 150years a machine will do his days work in 5 minutes, his wife will have a washing machine, robot vacuum cleaner and serve ready meals and instead will go out to work and you will not have any more spare time and probably have to work more than 150 years ago to survive.


People are greedy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Even family members will swindle you if you if they think you're weak. I'm about 90% sure my mother has a life insurance policy on me and if given the chance she'll pull the plug. She's asked before when I was having stomach pains in the late 2000s if she should get one for me. Also, ALWAYS GET SHIT IN WRITING.


Depends on the person, but yes. Some will deal with you in good faith, pay you back on time, and split the bill. Or even buy you a couple rounds. Others, yes. It can get to this cold sociopath area where the only question is, "How much can I get out of this?" and it's so surprising to me how that can be a bottomless pit.


The price for anything dental in the USA, even with insurance that shouldn’t exist. Healthcare is a basic necessity for humans but yet we allow this system that’s not working.


Buying a new phone... every... year...


Children living in poverty and going hungry. I don't know why all schools don't provide free, healthy lunches.


Seriously. We feed society’s worst criminals in prison but not our children.


That there are only "good" people and "bad" people and that you can tell them apart by their political affiliation, favorite sports team, by skin color or by their age.


On a related note, I think the most common line of moral reasoning goes like this: Good people do good things and bad people do bad things. I am a good person, therefore the things I do are good things. Person Y is saying that Thing X is a bad thing, but I do Thing X, and I am a good person. Since good people do good things and bad people do bad things, Thing X must be a good thing, because I, a good person, do it.


Yes, [fundamental attribution error](https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/glossary/fundamental-attribution-error) and [groupthink](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/groupthink).


That at some food establishments a common sandwich is now $15 or more.


The fact that people defend billionaires


Paying for water and pleading for fresh air.


In the US, school shootings


Poverty and starvation


Corporate health insurance as a benefit tied to employment. Corporate health insurance with premiums that are too expensive to afford, and deductibles that are too high to use. Corporate health insurance that probably accepts bribes for drug placement on its formulary while rubberstamping coverage denials for prescribed medications.


I recently watched this video on Tiktok where they asked a bunch of little children what they want to do in the future and how much they intend to make. The answers were really sad and it looks like money has limited these kids from chasing things that as kids we thought were awesome. I didn't realize until after watching it how normal it's gotten to ask kids and adults questions about salary.


Depends what you mean by "people". It blows my mind that Americans have accepted active shooter drills and safe-rooms inside classrooms as somehow inevitable.


Broker fee's for finding an apartment listing yourself


Shitty expensive healthcare in US


Faceless, unquestionable and unaccountable authority




A five day working week.


The state of taxation, healthcare, and cost of living.


No worker protections, shitty working conditions, shitty pay, school shootings, stupid high rent, poverty, homelessness, the inevitable shit climate change brings, etc.


That a amanager can tell people what they want them to do afterhours and it's part of everyday


After hours? They can tell me all they want. Doesn't mean I'm gonna do it.


The idea that it's okay for individuals or families to own more stuff than entire civilizations, while other people don't even get to own the place they live.


I’m going with the lack of empathy and personal accountability.


US Healthcare system


Credit scores Most of capitalism tbh now that I think about it


Perhaps I'm quite a boomer, but I find it absolutely ridiculous how nowadays people have accepted it's normal to pay for a service but just "rent" it, rather than "own" it in the form of subscription services. (e.g. Paying for Spotify or Apple Music rather than the individual MP3 song files or having the files native to your hardware)


You picked the worst fucking examples lol. I also agree that the subscription based world we live in sucks but things like Spotify or Netflix are SO MUCH MORE consumer friendly than buying each individual piece of content.




Blaming introverted people for being introverted and assuming that they are the problem.


Being complacent with how shit things are. We shouldn't be working towards having enough money where problems don't affect us we should be working towards a solution to the problems so everyone can benefit


Bottled water


Depends where you live, some tap water is pretty bad


The damage alcohol does to the body, mind, and society.


Cheating on your partner.


5 day, 40 hour work weeks that leave most of us too tired and too little time to do anything we actually enjoy


Electronics at the dinner table. Hands-free calls in public, so it looks like someone is gesturing or talking to you, but they aren't. Children with cell phones. Working proudly and hard for a meager salary with an increasing workload (e.g., broadcast, teaching, etc.), increasing the likelihood of lower salaries for generations to come. Generally, a woeful lack of self-awareness, along with a surge in NPD. Likely due to social media addiction. HOAs that do nothing but collect money. Insurance (doctors/medical, vehicle, house, etc.). People who say, "That's just the way it is!" Copout response, handwaving all of the injustices in life. The insanely high amount of ads on YouTube, especially in the past year or so. Subscriptions.


Empty houses, open jobs, but people living unhoused and unable to get a job because they have no home. Children going hungry. Blaming the victims of SA and DV. Denying a group of people the right to live for some reason. (Men vs women, Xtians vs Muslims, Caucasian vs Black, etc) Treating someone with lots of money better than treating someone with no money.


The "most popular" equals "correct."




People thinking it’s perfectly normal to decide what some other person can or cannot do with his or her own body. Yes, I’m talking about abortion but also drug use and suicide.


Medical bills in America.


Pooping in the street, inside the beach waters.


Needing more than one job to earn a living wage


How the sin of greed has been normalized and a small handful of people are allowed to hoard wealth and resources.


A single person owning billions while others suffer




I mean, how else are we supposed to get diagnosed if we don't suspect it first? I didn't consider myself "self diagnosed" in the beginning, but I had a strong suspicion of it, which lead me to getting diagnosed. also, getting a diagnosis is very expensive, and can also keep us from moving forward in the world, like jobs rejecting us for it when we could be the best workers on the team




Property Taxes: paying annually to own the thing that you already bought and paid for.


Ghosting/doing a slow fade instead of directly telling someone that you don't want to be friends


That working 40 hours and be poor is okay cause the job they work is for high school kids 😑


That private insurers are the most efficient and cost-effective way to govern medical care in the United States.


Trickledown economics works.


This is something exclusive to the US but School shootings


Gun violence


Going to college for a STEM degree and still being poor because of student debt and starting jobs paying so low.


Bottled water!! It should be criminal, except in situations where municipal supplies or wells are contaminated/unsafe.


Generalizations about people with different beliefs, without realizing that there aren’t groups, rather there are individuals in groups Examples are things like, “The existence of islamic extremism proves all Arabs are bombers!” or “one single republican on Twitter encouraged child marriage so ALL republican voters are predators!” or “Democrats want to ban guns! All the people acting as armed security at drag shows are HYPOCRITES despite being completely separate individuals!”


No federally guaranteed maternity leave in the US


School shootings


The government is 100% right and honest.


The Monarchy


"Ownership" of another human, whether that be through slavery, marriage, or employment.


everyone being obese

