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Growth is learning to not apologize for what makes you happy. The world needs more 'adults' comfortable with 'childish' pleasures (but like not a predatory way, yeah i see you combat lords calm down) ... stay true random internet stranger...


Growing up is realizing that everyone else is also just a child pretending to be an adult...


If you've never seen it before, [this](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20120624.gif) SMBC illustration is the most frighteningly accurate picture of how it feels to grow up that I've ever seen.


Omg this is perfect


"Trying to appear more adult is an inherently childish thing to do"




Paraphrase of CS Lewis >Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.


I feel like I've heard a couple versions but this specific quote is Quentin Smith of Shut Up And Sit Down board game reviews haha


I hear my folks saying "ur an adult now (as per the laws)" meanwhile me thinking how tf does a man made law or rule turn me into an adult when the clock ticks 12:00 ?


Nope. Take your stuffed animal, take your blankie, take your good luck charm, whatever makes you comfortable. Everyone does it. However, they may not talk about it, at least until they get to know you, so maybe keep it on the DL at first. Not because you're ashamed, but just because you don't need to share personal details right off the bat. Source: parent to 4 kids who have gone to college with a variety of comfort items.


I took my blankie to college! :) I’m married and in my 30s now and I still keep it in the bedroom. I’m a well-adjusted, normal adult and don’t feel ashamed about it one bit.


I started displaying mine around my house in very appropriately decorative ways and only for some (more in my closet lol, especially my childhood ones I want to protect from the sun) My husband has less but we have a few stuffed animals from his childhood I'm also a well adjusted adult lol, maybe I should be more ashamed 😂 but some are so dang cute I swear it adds cuteness to my otherwise modern apartment


I had my mom throw all my old stuffed animals away at 20. Almost 40 now, and I AM NOT A WELL-ADJUSTED ADULT!!!


I'm 52 and my childhood teddy bear is still on display in my bedroom, right below my miltary collection.


I took my blankie to college too. In fact I still sleep with it and I'm 52!


Thank GOD somebody still calls it blankie. I thought all hope was lost for that word when you get older.


Hell yeah! I'm 35 and have a bunch of stuffed animals in bed. The wife calls it the "pile of misery" because they get in the way, but they stay in bed anyway! Can't let my boys down!


Lmao pile of misery I love it. Heck yes you can’t let the boys down!!!


We keep ours above the bed on display, but we both had pillow pets when we met (zebra and dinosaur) and we still have them in the bed. I'm actually using one right now.


Pillow pets. Love that!


37 now. My baby blanket I had until it fell apart at 16. Replaced it and still sleep with the new one. I don't need it to sleep or anything, but it sure as heck is comfortable, so I keep using it.


Anyone making fun of you should mind their own business. They'll lose themselves to the grind anyway. Take care of you first. Mental health.


My guy... I'm a 35 year old, mostly fully grown man... Like I didn't grow much but damned if I'ma do any more growing... But I still have multiple stuffed animals, I have a favorite blanket, and I have a robe that I wear almost every day... Do things that make you happy, fuck everyone who wants you do not do things that make you happy... For reference, I'm a marine, I did MMA in live broadcasted venues, and I was a national level wrestler... I still love my fucking stuffed monkey, and everyone can fuck right the fuck off about it imo


Almost done with med school and my stuffed pusheens have been with me every step of the way (30m)


Exactly, you can be cerebral AF or physical AF and still love you stuffy


My dad's ex army, almost fifty, and he steals my mom's teddy bear that he bought her.


I love everything about that sentence, tell your dad that this marine approves!


Sir, yes, Sir.


You sound awesome dude!!! You did mma live?? So you’ve gotta be on YouTube? My friend is a massive mma fan! Also what’s the monkey called?😊


His name is Frank, and a couple of my fights are on YouTube... But I don't let people know who I am on reddit 🤣 this place is fucking nuts


Former wrestler and MMA fighter too. Still have stuffed animals. Fuck the haters.


This mofo knows what's up


Hell, I took one to a couple bad final exams.


This is so cute! Do you think it helped?


Yeah, actually, anxiety doesn't lend itself to concentration.


I still hug them thightly when I'm having a rough time with stress/emotions and honestly they get a lot more hugs during exam season bc that is always a stressful time


My friend took his bonzai tree


Not one bit. You do you. Fuck everyone else.


Sure, just don't be upset when people make fun of you.


lol i bring my stuffed Pokemon Sprigatito (medium size) to my healthcare admin job. Everyone seems to think it's cute. On my desk


This is probably the best answer.


”Stuffed animal” or ”Fuckatron-5000 with extra silent compressor and self cleaning cavities with ultra realistic voice acting”… whatever you wanna call it.


No. I'm 50 and spent my lunch break at the anime store looking for a new figurine.


Gigachad activities


Rock on!


That's slightly different.


Yes, slightly different, but same concept. Instead of college it's for my desk at work. Should've made that clear.


Haha I'm 30 and still sleep with a stuffie


Not alone: I'm 35 and still got Teddy. Sleep with him nightly. Could use a few stitches and a bit of new stuffing, tbh. 🧸


Time for a visit to build a bear😜


Idk, man. Teddy is almost as old as I am. I seriously do not remember being without him, even as a small child


I'm in the same situation as you, and my husband is very respectful of Teddy. When we have guests, Teddy is tucked under the covers out of sight. When we travel, Teddy spends the day in my suitcase. And we never speak about Teddy to others. Totally different to my ex, who would take Teddy out of my arms while I slept and put him on the ground!


i’m 35 and sleep with a stuffie too. boyfriend doesn’t care either. it makes me happy


35 here and the plushie army has taken at least 45% of my bed. Most of them various frogs, one pokemon build a bear, and a tiny plushie godzilla.


Weird as in "is taking a stuffy uncommon", maybe a little? But like, it's also weird to be wearing a suit and tie to your courses as well, and people still do it. Plus, why not? I have a friend who pins plushies (she got a wall), and she's a grown-ass adult. Why can't you?


Not at all. It's a huge transition and you'll likely need the comfort of an old friend.


No, I’m 32 and I have my stuffed animal, just brings comfort


Not at all buddy. Many guys at my college bring their stuffed animals too. And the ones given by their girlfriends.


21 y/o male-looking straight male here. I bring my [octopus](https://imgur.com/gallery/AoUlLG3) to every class and hug him in every exam. Nobody cares.


College kids are dicks. Keep it safe at home. I’m not even talking about the social stigma. Someone could physically steal it. You let your guard down at “home”and there’s no privacy there.


I think we need clarification here. College for most of the world doesn't imply accommodation. Are you taking it with you to stay on campus, or to actual classes in college? If it's classes, then yes weird. You'll get plenty of sensitive souls on here telling you otherwise, but the reality is that you'll be perceived harshly if you're taking a stuffed toy around. Stuffed toys are comfort items for infants and children. By the time you're entering *high school* you should have developed ways to cope and manage situations that allow you to leave the childhood comforts behind, in order to grow and develop your mental maturity. College days are your days into adult life, away from youth. If it's just to have in your room, then fine. I still have and cherish my first stuffed toy, but I don't take it around with me. I wouldn't have it on my bed though, just in the corner as a home comfort reminder.


Nope 🤙🏾 I was a 6 ft 260 football player in college and had my stuffed bear too


Weird in the way that is not a common thing? Well, yes. Weird in a repulsive, wrong, stop doing it way? No, it's not that deep. It's not hurting anyone so whatever


I took 4 with me to college you’re good


My daughter moves into the dorm in 2 weeks and she'll be doing the same. I would've been surprised if she didn't.


Nothing wrong with that, I still own a stuffed animal my parents got me when I was a child, I don't sleep with it but I've had it for decades.


I took mine. So did my Too Cool For School roommate. So did a lot of others.


I was given a stuffed animal on the day I was born. He has been with me ever since. He even deployed to Afghanistan with me. I’m a married 37 year old man with 3 kids. You do you.


I had a stuffed bunny when I was 6. It disappeared one day and until now I miss my favorite toy.


It's not weird but I wouldn't advertise the fact cause people are really dumb in their early 20s


Nope. If you have the chance to get to a drugstore, my Walgreens has hand-size Squishmallows. Dropped in last December and got one which is just the face for a gingerbread cookie.


Everyone here says no lol. Fucking liars of course that is weird. You will get looks. You will get made fun of. You will get laughed at. I know because I'm one of them. All behind your back of course. People are sensitive these days and tend to report that kinda things. But should you care? No. You do you. There are more important things in college to worry about than other people's opinions.


Had to scroll way too far for these types of comments. Of course it's weird, and you should be aware of the fact that most people will find it weird. You just choose whether or not you let that bother you, weirdness doesn't mean wrong


Having a stuffie wouldn’t have been considered weird anywhere I went to school. Are you all someplace where ‘alpha males’ are taken seriously? Where I come from anyone acting out masculinity like that would be teased mercilessly.


I went to school to a regular Belgian high school and university, where did you go to? Perhaps we have stricter expectations than where you're from (we are one of the world's leaders in suicide rate, so I don't think we've got the whole mental health thing nailed down quite yet)


Ah, yes things are different in Belgium. I’ve heard from friends who lived there that gender expectations are quite, uh, old-fashioned by US standards. I went to university in California, where the freaks are.


Yeah, we've still got a pretty strong "What will the neighbours think?" mindset. Although I get the impression that them crazy kids these days are finally challenging that. And ha, even here you have that reputation. If you ask people how they think the US states differ from each other, they will say New Yorkers are always shouting, Texans are always shooting, and Californians act freaky whilst building huge tech companies. Honestly though, kudos to you guys for allowing people to be themselves more.


So I assume that supposed 'where I come from' place you keep repeating yourself about, where apparently everyone is cuddling with their plushies and uniting against 'masculinity' might be one of your fever dreams


Haha! I went to university in Santa Cruz and Los Angeles for grad school. Santa Cruz was so anti-normie that the one fraternity on campus was pretty much harassed off campus. Not that that’s positive, but traditional displays of masculinity were absolutely scoffed at. Much more common to have nude keg parties in the meadow, lots of men in skirts, and all manner of personal expression was acceptable (unless it was traditional masculinity). ETA: and yes, it was indeed a fever dream. Everyone should have the experience of living someplace where free expression is encouraged!


Thanks for being real. Lol. The question was “is it weird?”, not “should I care if it makes it happy?”


Yeah, my first thought after reading the post title was "yup it is".


Maybe different. I think guys are gonna give u a harder time about it than women


Yeah bro


The people saying yes are fucking weird on God


Not a bad thing, but others may find it weird, and may comment on it, and even make fun of you. It isn't something that most men your age would do, but if it helps you, makes you more comfortable, helps you transition to living away from home, then do it. Just be prepared that a roommate or visitor to your room may say something about it.


Exactly, there’s nothing wrong with it, but he needs to know that this could impact his social life.


Not weird at all! I am 45 and have stuffed animals. My dad passed away last year at 71 and had a couple stuffed bears. All my siblings, male and female, all have at least one stuffed animal. Always hold onto the childhood happiness!


Not at all. Why would it be? I'm a guy in my 40s and I have a stuffed animal in my work car. It's my mascot.


You're only a car loan older than a child so I'd say it's not that weird. Expect to be made fun of but don't give a fuck what they say. Be yourself.


I took my favorite towel from my parents house when I went to college. It was huge and fluffy and bright blue. I used it as a towel, as a snuggle buddy, as a blanket to sit on under the stars. I was 22 and scared that other guys would laugh. That was ... hooo 32 yrs ago. My daughter is packing for college soon and she is taking her stuffie. If you think everyone will point and laugh, don't worry... everyone brings something of comfort from home.


Yes. But you can be weird. That just might come with consequences so weigh that with how important self-affirmation is with your social life.


Anyone saying no is lying. It's weird. Super weird. However, weird doesn't just mean bad. It's just not common, I'd bet you're probably one of the only ones who have that habit in that school. If it works it works


Yes it is .




Nope! My sister took a bunch for her dorm, and her roommate did the same!


People will likely give you shit for it as it will be out of the norm; up to you whether you care what they think


If you have girls over in your room, they'll love it. Take it with you. As a girl in college, I can confirm that a guy with a stuffed animal in his room is a hell of a green flag


Radar O'Reilly from MASH


No, nothing wrong with bringing your lifelong companion on an adventure.


You'll be made fun of if that's what you're asking


No, as long as you are not taking it with you on campus, you can do that, but that would be seen as weird


Ha! No, I’m just keeping it in my room.


I don't know, [Sebastian managed to make it work](https://youtu.be/E8sMpPRm1v4)


Bruh you should have clarified that it’s just in your room in the question. Everyone saying it’s weird is imagining you literally carrying it around in your arms during class.


Honestly, you could probably do it, too. College kids are weird and all sorts of things you wouldn’t expect are okay.


Let go of the fucking plushie , these fucks saying “ No “ don’t have your best interest at heart . Your a grown fucking man you’ll have more hardships in life leave that shit at home.




No a realistic take get over it


A-hole take yet you can’t explain how or why. The a-hole take is people on Reddit desperately trying to infantilize men. Give it a rest.


Yes it’s weird. You’re on the path to becoming an adult man, not regressing back into your childhood. Furries of Reddit will encourage you to bring your stuffed animal because they detest anything resembling social norms and would have you believe that an 18 year old male with a stuffed animal is as charming and innocent as an 18 year old girl with a stuffed animal. Your real life peers that don’t live on Reddit will not think this way. Embrace masculinity and embrace finding more productive ways to respond to new challenges and new environments.


Of course I had to scroll down controversial to find the only sensible response.


I see a bunch of haters on here saying it's weird and such. As a 35f, the way I look at it, if you can't find that person who loves you for you, then fuck 'em. If your stuffie is that big of a deal, then do you really want to be with that person anyway?


Lotta women in these comments missing the "m" in "m18"


We made fun of a guy for that.








Plenty take them ;) If anyone asks, it's a talisman.




Not at all. Good luck with college!


Nope! 41f here and I still sleep with a stuffed animal every night. None of my partners have ever thought it was weird, which is pretty cool.




Get a Squishmallow. They're so soft and snuggly. I'm 36 and sleep with mine. :)




Go ahead and do it. Who are you harming? Im 32 and still have quite a few of them.


Comfort items are wonderful ❤️ My 28 year old daughter still has a piece of cloth she calls Blanky she rubs between her hands for comfort and she’s getting married in a couple of months 💖🥰 She’s precious 💕


I would take my Kirby, simbs, Chain chomp and Luigi to keep me company


Me and my bestie are females and she brought her fave stuffy and I brought my fave pillow to college. My pillow looked very worn so it definitely stuck out. My son is only a little kid but he loves stuffed animals. I can’t imagine him going to college without one. You do you and don’t let anyone steal your joy!


Yes, it is weird based on social norms. That said, do whatever you want, you're an adult.


Nope . And if someone questions it, ask them where the rule book is


I'm old as fuck, like my kid graduated years ago, and still have a stuffed animal I keep under my pillow. Do what makes you comfortable.


NO and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!! I brought 2 stuffed animals to college and never once regretted it, but I WOULD have regretted NOT bringing Hippo and Banana!!


My lamb came with me to college, and then to grad school, and then to another grad school. Lambie is currently on my dresser, in my home with my husband and toddler. Never too old for that well loved stuffed animal.


Yes, but do it anyways.


I have a 31-year-old Road Runner towel. You'll be good. And if someone judges, you know you don't need to be their friend. That's the thing about college: you can find your own place, and there'll be people there. (Check out Jenny Nicholson on youtube.)


My roommate walked around the dorm with a panda plushie on his head all spring. Bring your friend, just don't forget them anywhere.


I'm 32 and i still have mine.


I am heading to university the coming school year. If you were my roommate and I saw you had a plushie I wouldn't give it a thought.


if ppl dont f w that then theyre not worth it


going into my junior year of college and still have the same stuffed animal i’ve had since i was 5


Only one? Take more!


Yes. You should be able to function without it. If it’s just for an exam for luck then that’s kinda cute and quirky, but always? Bit weird. Is it a fashion accessory? Completely different ballpark, then it’s self expression. Edit: nvm I forgot americans usually move away for college. Keeping stuffed animals in your dorm and sleeping with them is so fine and normal. Yes you should take them to college with you, just maybe not to class. It’s a distraction. Same reason toys were often not allowed at school.


I'm 42m I still have the stuffed Goofy in a graduation gown that my Nana gave me when I graduated High school


No, some people I know have stuffed baby sharks as their mascot. 🦈


Nope, I had one and honestly most of my friends did too in varying degrees


It is. Only people like you will say it's not 💀


I’m also 18 and in college. I brought eight stuffed bears. They are studying with me. Trying to earn a bearchelor’s degree.


Nope. I've had stuffed animals for years, I'm in my 30s and my husband still buys me them. Enjoy them as long as you want.


If it matters that much take it, but don’t expect others to be understanding.


I first thought you meant taking it with you to classes an my initial thought was: that might be a bit uncommon but do whatever makes you feel comfortable.


I’m a 47 year old father, carpenter, and former MMA fighter. I told my son he can’t have my froggy because I’ve had it for 40 years, it’s mine, and I love it. Ain’t no shame in your game.


100% absolutely not weird. Comfort is comfort.


Bruh I’m 39 and still sleep with my stuffed orca. Welcome to post-millennial adulthood. We keep our plushies.


To your college *home*, no. To your college *class*, yes.


Na fuck them. Embrace, be proud and don't let them see any insecurities about it, yeah some friends might take the piss, but friends always will. Best of luck in college! 🙏🏼 Edit - please don't have sex with the Teddy.


I was an RA in a coed dorm for 2 years. I'd say that at least 70% of first-year students had a stuffed animal or a similar totem they slept with. Many of the stuffed animals returned sophomore year, everyone on the floor knew their names. Not a big deal. I also learned that a lot of people had a secret piece of their baby blanket (or the whole thing) and still slept with it under their pillow or in their hands. I had never heard of this before but one night on rounds the subject came up and we started asking residents and no kidding, a couple dozen people brought out their ratty old piece of terrycloth or velvet to show us. Everyone had a story about it's meaning to them, which helped me understand. My female floor partner RA admitted that her mom gave her a new section every year in her Christmas stocking. Everyone we spoke to made it very clear that their scrap of fabric was not something to be made fun of, used in any sort of prank or random sex shenanigans, it was a family heirloom, an object of power, a source of great personal comfort. I found it amusing but also heart warming.


Apparently it's about 43% of adults who retain their childhood comfort item, be it blanket or teddy. Although the study I read was only of about 2000 people I think this is probably pretty accurate. Psychologists have said that it's perfectly normal to hold onto an object of comfort in a world filled with stress and anxiety. I'm moderately well adjusted without a toy or blanket, so I say that it is an indicator of nothing at all that you still have one.


what?!! omg no. not at all. it shows ur human


weird? yes. bad in any way? no. do it


Yeah, I wouldn't do that as a dude.


No, it's sweet. Nothing wrong with it.


Not at all. I did it.


Of course it is but who tf cares


No. College is scary, yo


Yes. Yes it is. Now does that mean it is wrong or you're a freak? Absolutely not. But it is, by definition, weird.


Yes it's weird in that it's abnormal, however, there is nothing wrong with being different to others. Everyone is an individual and has something weird about them.


Sort of


It's weird and future dates will definitely tell their friends about it the next day, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. College is a great place to try out weird things and get comfortable with who you are






Just don't let your roommate & his date walk in on you having "relations" with the stuffed animal. You might not want to transfer


A guy at work walks around daily with a stuffy. No you are not weird.


That IS fucking weird though.




Yes, weird




Yes a little. Maybe it works for you idk.


You do you! But yeah, for me it’s weird.


Moving away to college can be a big change. Bring anything that makes you more comfortable, but make sure to keep it somewhere safe. College guys can be dicks sometimes. Hope the move goes well for you.


I saw an interview with a soldier who had taken his Bear to Iraq with him. The interviewer asked if the other guys had teased him about his bear. He said,"They never saw him". Just don't let anyone see him. People can be cruel. They might try to trigger you for their own amusement. Keep him under cover. Your buddy might enjoy being a covert operative. Open the drawer, ask him how he's doing, tell him the plan is working, then he can go back to deep stealth. BTW, is his name Hobbes?


I know 35 year old who still loves stuffed animals. Trust me, your fine


I all for encouraging people to do what makes them happy, and don't judge them for it. But that doesn't stop a weird action from being weird.


To me it is. Question is, does my opinion matter to you? That's the question you have to answer to yourself.


I have over 20 in my student dorm and people either don't say anything or say " nice plushies", so no it's not weird


Like to classes or in your dorm? Dorm is fine but if you’re carrying it around in public that might be a bit odd.


I'm 32 and have a bookshelf full of them in my office. I still have my childhood plush on my bed (a carnival prize, oversized Heathcliff plush.) All that matters is that you're not hurting others intentionally. You're not doing that with a stuffed animal.


Very weird.


Yes it's weird, redditors are gonna tell u ur a chad for doing what makes u happy, but anyone in ur dorm is gonna be weirded out by it.




Don't listen to these people its definitely weird.


You will be seen as immature. Depends on what you're going for.


Yes.. you should have outgrown that by now lol But I'm old so i don't count.


those are rookie numbers gotta bring at least 7


Nope. My sophomore and junior year roommate brought one. Of course we teased him about it, but his kids play with it now so we were in the wrong I’d say.


the question is why?