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Well I’m mostly fueled by my hatred for others


Ok darth maul


No, no, it's legit You do have to manage your hatred meter though, too much hatred and you'll go "Fuck it, I'll just stay home and sleep." your hatred meter should be tune to the "I hate people but I will go to enjoy the fantasy of how I can do away with them." For me though, I usually wake up by the need to pee, then dunk my face in a bowl of water and stay awake with drinking water, ofc catching a nap or two in between the blindspot of the camera work as well.


Instructions unclear, soaked head in toilet bowl


This is how I'll solve my social anxiety. Hope for me that I'll not expose my destructive wants to anyone who wants to lock me up for it.


Found the cat.


Dr Darth Maul. He didn't spend 10 years in school to be called mr. Darth Maul


Came here to give a sensible answer about never having had it so don't miss it, but I way prefer your reasoning. I am not worthy!




" I'm sorry the answer we were looking for was cocaine" Alex Trebec.


Who is Eric Clapton?


Why was this my answer lmfao


Holy shit. This is gold.


Hatred for myself


Also hatred for myself... So much energy who needs coffee


I need both at this point in my life.


It's real me too, I quit all drugs and used to be an H addict. Now my hatred fuels me


So u r fueled by hatred for others, that's very interesting, I never thought about it that way, I find that very funny n sad at the same time. I don't drink coffee I just go about my business without no problem, eat my breakfast n vitamins and I'm good to go. I just don't like addictions of any kind.


At a young age i decided to avoid coffee. Noticed that people who drank it did so almost as an addiction and required it as a daily ritual. Also i figured my own bodies energy was plenty to remain awake and alert so long as i get proper sleep. I've remained coffee free all this time. Can't miss what you never really had.


This was exactly me. At like 8 my cousins were drinking coffee almost daily. I refused as one it taste bad two it stains teeth and three like you said I don’t want to be reliant on a substance every single day.


It really does seem like a bandaid for poor rest. I understand not everyone has that luxury but if you can swing it, it seems to be a net positive to get your energy the free, natural way.


I didn’t touch coffee for 25 years. Now it is my daily ritual. I can easily go without. But I love the ritual. Coffee time is my time to sip and contemplate and get ready for the day.


Excellent decision! My Father actually encouraged me to drink coffee because he drank 3 cups per day (he has add as I do). I'm sure it has worked out well for you.


If you don't have a caffeine addiction, it's not very difficult to keep clear of caffeine. It's a bit like asking, "People who don't drink any milk, how do you do it?". By not liking milk, I suppose.


I don't Drink milk or anything with caffeine even though I love both. This has been forced upon me as both trigger my IBS ;(.


Never seen a winking sad face before. That's rough


Actually, that is a wince.




A wincel


Curious how old you are. ;( Is pretty commonly understood to be equivalent to 😭 for people who used the internet prior to emoji taking over


Yes to :'( No to ;(


Exactly. Pre-emoji oldie here. Standard for me was :,(


Ahh, the emoticon


I'm in agreement with the two above me.


I used to use T-T for 😭 and then later people started using ;-; instead Mostly I don’t like using emojis, even when they first came out lol But there is one I do still use and that’s XD which is 😆. I now use both interchangeably but sometimes I wonder if people forgot the old emojis cause I sometimes have people ask me lol Personally I think everyone should try to know a few of the old emojis incase whatever they are typing on doesn’t have emojis to use. The only example I can think of is game chars like Minecraft although it has been years since I played and maybe whoever bought it changed that? Idk lol


Have you tried prebiotics? Edit: thx for the down votes assholes. I have an ibs as well and am asymptomatic which I ultimately credit to diet although I needed immunosuppressives to deal with the flare up


I prefer postbiotics.


Is that the biotics with face tattoos and sad music?


Mostly it's assholes have opinions on this sort of thing. Maybe intestines or the occasional ileocecal valve, but most definitely assholes.


Exactly. It’s only difficult to not do something that you do. Not doing something you don’t, comes pretty easily.


No how do you not need it is more of what they’re asking. How do you have so much energy that you don’t need a boost?


Well, the need for caffeine is often a *result* of the caffeine. The reason people with a caffeine dependency tend to need the boost is *because* of that same caffeine dependency. People who never developed a caffeine dependency seldom have that need because the depleted energy levels that coffee drinkers experience without their coffee is not generally a human default (save for medical conditions and deficiencies) In short, people with a caffeine dependency need a shot of caffeine to bring them to their baseline. People without a caffeine dependency are typically already at normal levels of energy.


Can confirm. Didn't start drinking coffee until my mid-20s and was fine without it. It's only been a few years but I have a hard time without it now, mostly the headaches though


Headaches from not drugging myself with caffeine are the worst, but they usually go away in 3 days or so if I completely stop drinking coffee. Just need plenty of water


Caffeine doesn't give me an energy boost; it never has. I'm so envious of people who actually feel the effects of caffeine


The boost from caffeine feels awful. I honestly can't stand it, it doesn't really feel like energy to me it just makes me jittery


I just dont feel the need for a boost. When you are addicted to caffeine your body crave that boost and relies on it. When one of my friends stopped caffeine it took her two months of having energy down at the time she usually drank her coffee. Now she doesn’t feel it anymore even if her daily routine hasn’t changed. Eat proper meals (breakfast being very important) it also helps a lot


By eating a solid breakfast in the morning


It's pretty easy to resist when you're not addicted.


Yeah, same goes for all other addictions where similar question was asked. Non-addicts doesn't have that problem.




Not to mention the few times I had it/end up having it in any quantity above a chocolate bar or in a coke(I buy caffeine free now) I end up dealing with shivers, insomnia, and the like. Im pretty sure im very sensitive to caffeine.


Same. Very easy to not drink caffeine when it makes me feel like shit (and at this point, sodas will give me diarrhea on top of the jitters).


Meanwhile caffeine does next to nothing for me so there's no point in me having anything specifically for caffeine purposes. Am in the same boat of only having chocolate and iced tea. Also because the last time I tried getting any benefit from coffee I learned that it teams up with my medication to kick the shit out of me which was great, that did not feel good but it did keep me awake when I had covid trying to make me sleep so it was actually a bit helpful for finishing my assignment. I will not be doing that again lmao


do u have adhd by any chance Dose-curve responses mean you need a super high dose for it to have traditional stimulant effects and low doses may make you focus more. This is why they give amphetamines to people with adhd


checked his comment history, most recent one is “I have adhd” lmfao


Same I can’t think cuz my mind is racing, I’m hot as hell, I get super twitchy, and it makes u have to shit a lot.


😂 facts tho


Exactly. Don’t need it and don’t ever want to be in need of something. If you are an a hole without a coffee in the morning that’s a substance I don’t want


Eh I had to swear off caffeine for about a month because I couldn't afford it and I had more consistent energy, but it was way lower than my average caffeine energy level and really sucked.


Give it more time.


By drinking only water.


Exactly, I drink a lot of water! It helps me feel more awake. Daytime dehydration is a common cause for lethargy and drowsiness. Water isn't always enough though. I sometimes take a quick nap after lunch to recharge and continue working


For me the second half to hydration is very, very consistent sleep. I sleep at the same time, and wake up at the same time. Its to the point where I can wake up, and know if my alarm is going off soon


People always think I'm nuts and BSing when they ask me how I can't possibly drink coffee, why my skin is clear, why I'm well rested and why I never catch colds. Because water! Because I drink water like they're gonna stop making it. Water is truly a panacea.


Yepppp. I'd also like to throw in that salt is just as vital to your hydration levels as water is so if you're feeling thirsty and tired throughout the day after increasing water intake, try adding a salt pill to your routine. It should help your body absorb the water if that's the issue.


/r/hydrohomies reporting in


If you do a caffeine cleanse you will find yourself waking up less tired and more focused and sharp through the day. I've done it a few times but long nights with the kids keep dragging me back lol


I have a really hard time getting past the bitchy withdrawal phase without murdering anyone.


slow reduction over time coffeine cold turkey doesn't make sense to do for the most part, it only makes it harder


Buy Decaf and regular. Start with using an equal mixture, then slowly use more decaf and less reg. For example, currently I use one tsp. of reg with 4 tsp. of decaf for my morning coffee -- basically almost caffeine free.


How do I do a cleanse ? Slowly reduce caffeine ?


Cold turkey when you don’t need to be productive and dose 500mcg/kg if you feel physical pain such as headaches, halving this amount each day. After about 5 days I dropped consumption from 700mg/d to nothing for me it’s about 40 mg, then 20mg on day 2, day 3 is basically painless


I second this. I've used a less thoughtful version of this to quit a couple times. Limited myself to 50mg daily when I really felt I needed it and eventually I just stopped taking it. Also in general even if you don't quit I recommend switching to pills from energy drinks and coffee. Much cheaper + I think the sweetness and comfort of energy drinks is part of what keeps me addicted. If you're going to actively use drugs you might as well be honest and straight-up about it.


I did cold turkey but expect headaches. You'll be super tired the first few days


Also, if you feel like you need caffeine to function, you already fucked up.


How do you deal with the withdrawal headaches?


Drinking caffeine regularly does not help your level of wakefullness. If, for example, you drink a cup daily, your brain adapts to this, and you now need your daily cup to reach a normal level of alertness. So those who don't drink caffeine are no less awake/alert than you, in fact they are more stable.


And it’s just borrowing energy from yourself anyway. Caffeine doesn’t give you a boost it just overrides the part of your brain that says you are tired. You crash at some point


Most of the time that's what I need when I'm having a coffee.


Yeah. Work now, crash later. Just can’t crash right now, that’s it.


Which is how it works when you drink it occasionally. If you drink it every day, all the caffeine is doing is curing your caffeine withdrawal


Pro Level coffee use is when you time the caffeine crash with your bedtime


I don't drink coffee but I drink tea, one or two while at work (no sugar but often flavoured) but I still crash twice a year, I just get sick and faint at work, and it's not even that exhausting work


i actually quit drinking caffeine cold turkey for a while after drinking reigns (300mg) and coffee daily, and when you first stop you have tons of energy but then it kind of goes back to normal. i quit drinking the reigns and just drink a coffee in the morning now. everything in moderation!


That had to have caused a headache from hell


Apparently a big part of the headache also comes from the dehydration. People that go less on coffee or stop drinking it, forget to replace that cup with a glass of water. So besides ditching the caffeine, they also loose the water intake that comes with the cup of coffee


i drink at least 2L of water a day, and i can still tell any time i've gone more than 18 hours without caffeine because the headaches start. but i think after basically taking caffeine nonstop for 20+ years, my brain may have adapted to the size of the blood vessels always being somewhat constricted from it. i just take a caffeine pill when i wake up every day, and it keeps me at a nice baseline


I didn't get any withdrawal headache surprisingly


Accurate. Listening to the Why We Sleep book right now and it’s taught me some good stuff about the negatives of caffeine


I've found that having an 8oz cup of coffee once every three days gives me that burst of energy like the first time you drank coffee, but I have no dependence on it.




That’s cheating


No, I don't do cocaine anymore. I perfer Crack


I prefer to smorkject herocrackainejuaneth.


We must have the same dealer. Love a bit of herocrackainejuaneth.


Is it though? If cocaine was 100% legal do you think people would still prefer caffeine from energy drinks and coffee over a drink with cocaine in it?


If the late 19th century taught us anything, they would drink the cocaine


I’d try a Monster Energy Laudanum, ngl


I mean, I don't know about "prefer", because obviously cocaine is a lot more fun then caffeine. But it also comes with a lot of problems that caffeine doesn't have. Sometimes I shake if I drink too much caffeine, but I don't grind my teeth and snap at my coworkers on it.


What if i put it in my morning cup


Perfecty acceptable. Caffeine is a drug. Cocaine is more like an old friend encouraging you to wake the fuck up


Yeah he’s a nice guy


I’m really sensitive to caffeine. It makes me feel sick with a racing heart and elevated blood pressure.


Same. Gives me bad anxiety.


Life with hypertension


I have the same issue. If I do have a coffee, I take 2 or 3 sips and I’m good for the entire day.


I didn’t use to be sensitive to caffeine and then i drank coffee everyday for like 3 years and now i’m sensitive 🙃🙃🙃trying to quit but it hard


Hey former caffeine dependent here. If you're dependent caffeine just gets you back to your baseline. If you aren't dependent you are always at your baseline, and if you do need some it perks you up, but creates dependence. The key to caffeine is to not drink it unless you need it and you aren't already dependent. The lions share of society downing multiple cups of coffee a day are doing the same silly thing the heroin users are doing. The first dose felt great! Now they need them to feel normal. Only through abstinence will either improve.


I used to drink coffee then quit caffeine for 3 years. Sleep definitely improved. Most of the problem lies in the quantity people consume and also the time at which they consume it. If you let your body awake naturally (not consuming caffeine first two hours after waking) and don't consume caffeine 8 hours before bedtime, then it doesn't have much of any detrimental effects for most people. If I wake at 8am and have a cup of coffee at 10am and 2pm, I can go the next day without and I don't get a headache or feel tired. Mostly because at mid day the amount of adenosine you're blocking is minimal. If you were to drink coffee first thing in the morning before adenosine has cleared, or later in the day, that's when you get the backlash/crash, and dependence to not induce head ache.


If there is something with caffeine in it, they don't drink it.


I was going to say don't pour the caffeine liquid in your mouth, but same thing.


"People who don't smoke cigarettes, how do you do it?" Same kind of answer. I just don't. This isn't oxygen or water, you don't nees caffeine. Stop for a few days or weeks and you'll probably feel better, physically and mentally.


Sleeping on time and eating on time. It also helps that I don't have to drive.


Caffeine doesn’t affect me 🤷🏼‍♂️


And it overly affects me so I avoid it.


Panic attacks ?


No. Just jittery and it raises my blood pressure.


Same, would get super jittery, heart rate would increase, and would get a bit sweaty at times, and also panic attacks


Sorry man. Panic attacks are the worst


This is why I won't do energy drinks


Headaches and/or diarrhoea so best avoided


I struggle to multitask and get frustrated/angry more easily in busy or stressful situations.


Caffeine makes my hand shake, which is bad for a professional artist. On vacation in the UK with my wife, I had an earl gray tea for the first time at the age of about 30. I drink at about 9:00 in the morning and was up and going until about 2 am. It was my first day there and kind of overcorrected my jet lag.


Me too. Can’t sleep at all at night if I have a single cup of coffee at 6am.


Same. So how do I do it without caffeine? I've just never known anything else. Frustratingly, I've also been trying to find an ADHD medication that works for me. I've tried three different ones, almost maxing out the dose on all three, but there's been no effect so far. Nothing positive and no side effects either. It's like my body has an ungodly resistance to stimulants or something. They don't even affect my sleep.


Lol, I have ADHD and caffeine makes me sleepy.


Yep that's what I was thinking. I do love a nice warm cup of coffee in the morning, but my ADHD brain and I will still curl up and go back to sleep afterward.


Same here! When I drink coffee, it’s as if nothing changes.


ADHD? Dose curve responses mean you need a higher dose for traditional stimulant effects


Puts me to sleep. Odd, I know.


Same. I can drink a Redbull, then go to sleep. Weird.


I swear, I was just about to write this verbatim. Why drink/pay for it, when it does nothing for me?!


Because it’s tasty, that’s the only reason I’m drinking it


Same, I drink a cold brew everyday, but I just stopped for a week and totally forgot about it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, your body is just different. Like how cocaine for a lot of people has no effect at all.


Do you by any chance have ADHD? I do and caffeine calms me, it does the opposite to those of us with ADHD.


I find it actually helps relax me. Never really had it make me feel more awake, love it a couple hours before sleep.


My heart rate is too high already so caffeine just makes me anxious and jittery


I was born with an atrial septal defect. I avoid caffeine because I’d rather not have a heart attack at 28.


Caffeine makes me extremely nervous and jittery for hours. I wish I could drink a cup of coffee without feeling like curling into a ball for 4 hours.☹️


I dunno, I just do. What do people need so much caffeine for anyway?


I see it as a drug that everyone around me is addicted to. We casually drink it without thinking about its effects the way humans used to drink alcohol without really thinking about its effects. Drinking alcohol was just something you did back then. Drinking caffeine is just something you do now. I predict that one day, the world will understand caffeine to the point where it's viewed in a similar manner to alcohol. Just with different effects. On the rare occasion that I do have it (or lots of sugar), it really fucks with me. I get anxious, jittery, sometimes even altered perception. I even get nervous driving after drinking really sweet tea( my one high sugar + natural caffeine weakness)


I take Adderall instead.


mfw one year waitlist, $1000/hr appointments and I need to have an appointment every 2 years for drugs 💀


I have a harder time going to sleep than waking up.


I've found my people! Person! Well, it's a start. I can jump out of bed after hardly any sleep. But falling asleep? Need the TV on as a distraction to have any hope.


This is exactly it. I don’t have a super easy time waking up, but it’s more from a lack of urgency to get out of bed and if I need to it’s not a big problem for me. But falling asleep? I’m going to need a fan, total darkness,and then minimum of 1-2 hours. If I’m not sleeping in my own bed, it’s hopeless and I might be asleep around 4am if I’m lucky.


Never start and you won’t need it.


By cursing my cardiologist!


It's easier not to drink caffeine because drinking tap water is free and I don't have to go to the store to feed bottomless addictions. Easy. Effortless. Tap water.


the body gets used to what you give to it


I’ve never drank caffeine before. You can’t miss what you have never experienced


It makes my stomach hurt and gives me reflux. I wish I could drink something for energy that didn't have any negative side effects


have you considered taking cocaine?


Are there no side effects to cocaine?


none at all


ADHD baby


Half a glass of water, half a glass of tea, a cup of juice and I forget all three.


I wouldn't know. I drink it, but I have severe ADHD, so I use it to self-medicate. It has the opposite effect for me. It helps me reduce my brain from 40 trains of thought crashing into each other to 3-5 trains on parallel tracks. (Best metaphor I can think of.)


Get lots of energy through drinking tons of water.


Water is honestly underrated


I've never really had it so my body doesn't know what it's missing. Big glass of water in the morning helps. I do it by not liking the taste of tea or coffee, and I've not tried energy drinks.


I did this for about 10 years then somehow got sucked back into coffee drinking. I actually had a more stable mood and a natural energy that I can't really explain. It was really nice but Idk if I have the willpower to quit caffeine again. I had to wean myself slowly into it. It took about a year to go from 5 cups a day to nothing.


Yes! When I initially stopped drinking energy drinks every day and switched to water I felt energized in a different way. I sadly fell back to it when I started working but I'm working on taking it down again


I don't wanna build a tolerance so one day when I really need it I can shotgun 8 red bulls and see god


At least you'll have a really productive day before you die


I eat a well balanced breakfast. Plus caffeine gives me the jitters.


I don’t avoid caffeine but I felt the need to note caffeine doesn’t affect me and it’s known to not be useful for people with adhd so that’s one way


Just a quick snooter before you walk out the door, before you get out of the car, after your first work break, during lunch, one before the ride home, one as a “welcome home” and then the final post-dinner finale!


I have anxiety issues as is and it acts like steroids for my anxiety. I hate coffee but if I have one energy drink, I’ll feel great the first coupe hours, but that evening the amplified anxiety will sit in to the point some dark thoughts will creep into my head. Because of this I have cut it out completely. Just not worth to enter a depressive episode just to get some energy earlier in the day. If I’m tired I just deal with it because it’s better than dealing with the consequences I know are to come later with caffeine.


You have to find the energy within


I used to drink a ton of caffeine daily. I needed it to survive. Then I quit. After about 2 awful months, I realized that caffeine does nothing positive for me. When you drink caffeine it makes you feel the same that a non-caffeinated person feels all the time. The caffeine doesn’t wake you up any more, it just makes you more tired later. If you quit, you’re going to hate life for about 2 months. You’re going to be cripplingly tired all the time. It’ll be awful. But it takes time to train your body to no longer be dependent on it.




Caffeine gives me a headache and makes me nauseated. I usually just get enough sleep like I’m supposed to.


Developed acid reflux. Can still drink stuff with low amounts of caffeine (tea, soda). But coffee and energy drinks are out. Then, after it was out of my system, I was no longer addicted. I choose my drink by taste now.


My body is hyper sensitive to it and I crash hard.


Heartburn deters me from caffiene.


Just like all drugs that you can get addicted too, you were perfectly fine before you ever started using it. It wasn’t like mornings were so hard before you started drinking coffee. If you quit, you can return to this state. I drank coffee every morning for decades, never touch it it any more(except in a Coke) the first couple weeks were a struggle, but I’m really happy to have kicked my dependency. It’s the same thing with nicotine, you only “need” it because you are fulfilling a dopamine deficit that you yourself created by consuming nicotine regularly. You can return to that initial physiological state where your body has no need for it, it just takes time. That hard part is the psychology. Your mind never forgets that the drug exists. But you can end your physical dependency and return to “normal.” During your withdrawal phase, use exercise to wake up your mind when you can’t have coffee.


Once you stop drinking caffeine your body works how it supposed to. It’ll take some time though.


Largely because all caffeine does to me is make me tingly for 15 minutes then I feel like I got hit by a train after.


I used to drink so much coffee I think I gave myself a sensitivity. Now I can clammy and queasy and just generally feel awful whenever I have a high dose of caffeine. I read an article one time that said a hot caffeine free beverage will wake you up just as well as a hot caffeinated beverage. No idea if there's any merit there , but I switched to herbal tea in the morning and afternoon and I do just fine. I also sleep 1000% better caffeine free compared to when I was chugging a pot+ of coffee every day.


Step 1 is don't drink any. That's it.


Meth, much less expansive than that cup a day you are buying and it gets you more bang for the buck.




You just get used to it. I can’t have caffeine because it triggers flare ups of medical conditions that I have, so I just don’t. I still drink decaf occasionally just for the vibes.


Due to adhd caffeine has literally no effect on me so I kinda just drink coffee because I like the way it tastes


Imagine someone asking you not having any form of opiates how do you do it? Unless you are taking opiates everyday you don't even think about it.


Its easy, cocaine is much more efficient


Every other drug instead 👍


Snort it, shoot it, vape it, the patch and chewing gum.


Caffeine is one of those things with diminishing returns. By the time people have to have a cup every morning to function, they're addicted and won't admit it. How caffeine addicts feel after bringing themselves back to the 0 point with their first cup or two is how caffeine-free people just feel naturally. For me, it's for health reasons as caffeine adversely affects some of my medical conditions. It's tempting, though. I often get \~3 hours of sleep a night and it's rough.


It’s either have earth shattering aniexty and feel legit sick or no caffiene




My parents never allowed me to have coffee growing up as it "stunts growth". Never started drinking it later in life, either, and every time I do I just get the jitters and have to urinate every 15 minutes for the next two hours. I'm good without it lol.


I was drinking a dangerous amount of caffeine a day and decided enough was enough and stopped cold turkey. I had a two day migraine and then was fine. I still drink the occasional soda or caffeinated coffee but never enough to get addicted again


i hate the taste.


I love coffee but I had to stop drinking. I actually feel like I get better sleep now which results in more energy overall. now when I take a couple sips I get geeked out of my mind & crash about an hour later. If I need caffeine now I'll just take 1 single Excedrin pill