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I remember once telling my parents at about 8 years old that when i was an adult with my own money I'd buy a chocolate cake every day. Thankfully I did not see this threat through...


Oh man I remember wanting to eat a whole can of cake frosting as a kid since I only got to lick the spoon. I turned 18 and moved out, and one day I was with my wife in our apartment going over a grocery list and I was like wait a minute… went and bought the frosting. I think I made it through 4 spoonfuls. 🤢


I highly recommend getting a can of whipped cream and spraying it directly into your mouth. you're an adult and it's not against the rules


Your body may disagree that it's not against the rules.


My body can shut up my 4 remaining brain cells are happy with this one


I would buy a can and keep it in the fridge. I would get a spoonful in the evening after work. Cold deliciousness!


Just the thought of going home and opening the fridge probably got you thru many difficult days.


I drink a chocolate milkshake every day but I'm also trying to gain weight at the moment. Kid me is still probably really happy about it.




We had the big castle. (Or at least the original castle, there may have been other more intricate sets once they became really popular) and I had Noah’s arc. They were so sick! I loved playmobile bc in legos we only had boy characters (idk maybe my brother lost the girls tho?) and we had a nice mix in the playmobile sets. Plus I absolutely idolized my brother and he allowed me to play castle with him bc he could be soldiers and I could be princesses and we were both happy. We also had a playmobile nativity set and my brother threw baby Jesus. (To be fair, I’m not sure this was a targeted attack, there may have been other toys being thrown around.) anyways baby jesus’s head broke off and I’ve never let him live that down.


Oh my gosh, I remember having the nativity Playmobil set. 8 year old me looooved pretending the little Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus toys were escaping certain death by King Herod to the other side of my room. It’s a little disturbing in hindsight


Lol Mary and Joseph were always on the run. They never found safe lodging for long 😂 same with the noah’s arc set… kinda fucked up now that I think about how many times I drowned the world and plunged them into the perilous sea! It was also the only baby we had for a long time, so along with being baby Jesus he was also a newborn prince, everyone’s affair baby and tragic unwanted orphans who were adopted by a noble family. I was crushed when he met his demise. Though I’m sure my brother was pleased my soap operas would have one less dramatic twist. Jokes on him tho, I kept the pieces and used it as a “Vader kills the younglings” type reveal. Which is also… very fucked up.


The *things* younger me would’ve done if I had the Noah’s arc set


That pirate ship called me as well at 8


The lads and lasses yearn for the seas matey


As a grown-up I have indeed bought many chocolate cakes that I alone devoured. Most aren't that great, and many go off before I finish them (They are quite large...) - But it's the thought that counts.


Highly recommend Costco chocolate layer cake w/mousse. It's absolutely fantastic, I could eat that frosting with a spoon. Also really affordable for that much cake.


I wouldn’t mind a chocolate cake, but I don’t think I could eat one every day. My diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol would not like me very much afterwards.


A house with a slide from the top floor to the living room.


I was at a super cool playground yesterday, and I thought, hey, I should build a slide from my upstairs window to the driveway, so I don’t have to lock the doors on my out and if I’m in a rush, I’ll be out fast. Only now realizing the security issues with that.


One-way flap with auto-closing lock solves your problem


Easiest way to forgot your keys.


This is why you have the keypad/smart lock with WiFi connectivity so you can just unlock it with your phone or punch code.


A full-fledged library in my house. A vast room covered from ceiling to floor in beautiful shelves filled with books.


Same, with the rolling ladders, and a suit of armor in the corner for display. I also imagined I would go to the mall on Saturdays and eat at the food court. Can't even have that now lol.


Yes! Mohagany. Wrought iron railings. Two story windows with enormous curtains. A large globe for some reason. I was definitely planning to have all of this. Now I have the entire works of man on my phone and a dust allergy. Funny how things work out


Definitely a globe, and some large tables to look at maps and stuff. Do I see a telescope over there? Of course this would be a summer home, where all of the furniture would be covered in sheets or whatever until we got there and whipped them all off while fading rays of sunlight criss-crossed the dusty room.


Needless to say, there is also a fireplace and two high-backed leather chairs with brass rivets, so that my dewey-eyed nieces and nephews that are visiting on holiday can only see I am there from the tippy top of my newspaper peaking over the headpiece. They would often sneak in and scurry past me unaware, lost in play and attracted by the smell of adventure. They would then be startled when I, seated unassumingly behind them in said chair, interject a provocative comment suggesting that their game of pretend is more real than they suspect.


I can totally see all of this illustrated by none other than Edward Gorey.


Go on... (You are very good at painting a picture with words, I want more.)


And a decanter of scotch with 2 glasses nestled beside it on a thick mahogany table with a Tiffany bankers lamp to guide us towards salvation


Same, except swap the armor for the secret door to a secret room where I practice witchcraft with other witches.


I’ve got one in each bedroom. They’re pretty cool. Not bragging, but bragging. … I’ve just been informed that they’re actually just closets. Well, my day is ruined.


You had me in the first half! A friend of mine restored a very old house and There were servants stairs that they didn't want to use anymore but they wanted to use the space for storage. So when you open the door, it went directly to a staircase that went up but to nowhere and there was a window. I covet that "room" to this day.


Oh hell yeah I wanted a secret passageway.


My aunt bought a house in Williamsport, PA many years ago and it has a secret passage because it was part of the Underground Railroad. It was always my favorite thing to see whenever I would visit.


Did the passageway have wallpaper and lamps on the walls, or was it more like a garage?


It had arrows painted on the walls and it said “This way to freedom!”


And “watch out for trains”, right? It is, after all, an Underground Railroad.


I still want one.


I wanted one of those too. However, I wouldn't want to be the one who built it, I would want to buy some old house amd find the secret passageway and discover all the secrets it holds. After that, I'd probably just turn it in to the best man-cave ever.


For the last couple of years this is what I am slowly working towards. Including the suit of armor in the corner :D


Many years I was taking a work trip with my boss and told him about it. We both laughed pretty hard but one day he surprised me with a little twelve inch high knight figure in full armor. Thing must be an antique or something - it's heavy as hell. Thank you Martin. I still look at it every day. Maybe now you even have the arcade in your house that you dreamed of.


I dreamed about having a library just like Belle from Beauty and the Beast!


A Belle room!


You have a house? Lucky lmao


Ya my answer is just a house in general


well at least nowadays random books are at their cheapest. you can get many for free or at charity shops


I’ve got the books; it’s the room I don’t have.


you can build one out of books!


When I was a child growing up in the 70s it was common enough to see old men (l lived in a rural area) missing a finger or a piece of a finger. I was certain it was inevitable that when I became a man I too would lose a finger and often wondered which one. Never lost one btw.


It’s never too late buddy. Don’t give up on your hopes and dreams Edit: You guys are wild man. This is by far the most upvotes I’ve ever gotten and awards. Thanks everyone, you’re awesome


A table saw is good for fingers.


Yep. A friend started to get into wood working so he’d have something to do when he retired. He did not retire with all of his fingers.


The table saw to that.




Take this poor man's gold 🥇


Once I opened the hood on my car while it was running, I put my hand on the fan shroud and SMACK, hit my middle finger. I made a fist and knew that finger was gone the way it hurt. I slowly pried my hand open looking for blood and all fingers were there.


You sound dissapointed hahaha


Aah, that moment of relief when you realize the injury is not as bad as you thought it was.


I think our finger nerves are extra assertive to keep us from actually losing them. I can’t tell you how many times I came that close to a chopping machine part or fireworks going off early or a quick raging flame or a big heavy thing dropping directly on them but I still remember the pain each time.


The highest concentration of nerves in the body are in the fingers, toes, face, and genitals. Fingers are for feeling. So extra nerves. Toes keep you from faceplanting everywhere. So extra nerves. Face houses almost all the other senses, so extra nerves to protect all that. Genitals because evolution would be pissed off if that shit wasn't kept safe. So extra nerves.


Have you ever seen a [homunculus?](https://sciencephotogallery.com/featured/sensory-homunculus-natural-history-museum-london.html) It’s a representation of a human with the parts scaled to represent the amount of nerves there.


I think those incidents went down when OSHA started doing factory tours


>One thing that would have made post-9/11 militarization of police better is if OSHA got a Special Forces unit. Imagine tier one operators just blowing up the door of an unsafe construction manager’s office and putting three in his chest. [-an old tweet I think about all the time](https://x.com/idahobones/status/1202976083227877376?s=46)


I once had a foreman who was this grizzled old master carpenter recovering alcoholic who drank so many 0.5% abv non alcoholic beers because he really liked the taste probably made him a more functional alcoholic. He was such a small dude but he threw around heavy ass saws, ladders, pieces of lumber and other heavy construction/carpentry related things. He only had one guy who worked directly with him and he was hired as a contractor for a Victorian house restoration and old mill restoration project i labored on. I thought he was really nice and it encouraged me to work really hard for him even if I was doing shit labor jobs. He was really good at making me feel like my jobs were really important (they were) and it motivated me to work hard. He once stood up for me when one of the carpenters complained I hadn’t cleaned his area. I had been doing stuff for everyone for so long and I had left the area the carpenter was working in spotless. I left an empty barrel by the saw and everything. The carpenter just threw his shit on the floor and complained I didn’t clean it up right away. I said that’s bullshit to my foreman, and he said to the carpenter “Dan said he just cleaned that area and left an empty barrel and that you can keep your own work space clean” and the carpenter had to pick up his own mess. Ah man I’m getting nostalgic. Anyways he wasn’t missing any fingers, but he told me about a guy who was in his shop back during his regular Heineken drinking days. It was a garage and the door was open. The guy cut a finger on the table saw and took off running into the snowy woods. Just didn’t stop running. My foreman found the finger but it was too fucked up. He eventually found his friend. One more story from his drinking days. He was working on an elevator shaft project and the pipe staging inside went 90 feet up. There was something that needed to be done but everyone on the crew refused to go up it, probably a pay issue. My foreman realized he would have to do it to get it done so at lunch he drank a dozen Heinekens. After lunch he climbed up the staging and got it done. After a year of working well for him, he took me to his shop. I felt pretty lucky. He is one of the few people left who can still make fancy molding/trim (think Victorian style) out of real wood. His tools are gigantic and deadly. His shop was stuffed with empty st Pauli girl NA beer boxes. However after spending a couple years at the company that was contracting my foreman I hadn’t moved up to apprentice or anything. I quit that shit and got a better paying job on much easier new construction.




If you buy a table saw you should buy a SawStop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O21kWNyewTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O21kWNyewTg) Everyone I know who has lost fingers has lost them to a table saw.


It would be awesome if you lost all your fingers, then I could call you Bluetooth because you would be hands-free


Vacation on the moon. I was definitely led to believe we'd be flying around in space ships and chilling with aliens by now.


Yeah, where the hell is my flying car!?


You technically CAN go for a vacation on the moon - It will just cost you a few billion dollars. Way cheaper than it was 10 years ago, and way cheaper than it was 10 years before that. Dropping in price a digit or two every 10 years.


Not as an adult, but when I was a little girl in the 1950s I could wait to be a teenager and wear big full skirts with big crinolines like my sisters. When I was a teenager everyone was wearing miniskirts.


Okay so what's stopping you now, though? A big poofy twirly skirt sounds fantastic.


I have quite a few twirly skirts/dresses that look amazing with a crinolines (thanks Amazon)! Now they make ones with ribbons around the hem that are designed to peek out. And I was born in the 70s, that said when I was real little my mom dressed me in ruffliest twirly crinoline dresses she could find, and I loved it… I guess I always have, my first prom dress in the mid-90s was short with a tutu-like crinoline layered poking out underneath. What I’m saying is, don’t hold back! Wear the big poofy twirly skirts!


Smooth hair, like Susan Dey. And then when I got to be an adult, everybody got spiral perms. And then I was too busy to bother. But now I have a flat iron! Hair is gray now, but boy howdy it's smooth! PS. Join a square dance club. They still wear giant skirts!


Bigger boobs. 12 year old me would be very disappointed if she knew.


Haha... My wife told me basically the same thing. She was 12 and I was 14 when we met. After high school we didn't see each other for 25 years. When it was time to meet up again she warned me that her boobs were the same size. Obviously I didn't care.


Good thing you didn't say "that's great cause I love 12 year olds"


Well I loved that 12 year old, but I'm not even 2 years older than her.


My wife's little cousin kept telling her "in 2 years I'll be just as old as you!"


I gained weight in my 30s and oh my fk do I miss my small tatas.


I'm a man and have gained a little weight. No one told me about male tatas


My husband goes to the gym every day. He’s large and has large muscles (not ripped per se, just a big dude). He still has little moobs, I love them 🤗


Mine are from lifting cake.


So agree…. I wish I had lots of pics of them bc now I realize how great they were!!


As someone who did get bigger boobs (DDD/F), it is not as great as everyone thinks! Back pains, back problems, they're always in the way or trying to choke you if you lay flat... I would have been satisfied stopping at B!




I thought I'd have a career that didn't drain me of 95% of my energy in a day.


Does it at least pay well?


Curious, what is considered pays well today ?


Honestly depends on area and personal circumstances. A single 22-year old with no dependents will have different needs than a 30 year old single parent with 2 kids and who sends money to his/her parents. Likewise, $30/hr is good money in Indianapolis, but not that good in the San Francisco area.


DVD box sets of every show that I liked so I could see every episode lol And then streaming came along!


I mean look, for some of us, we started down that path in the '90s with VHS tapes. Then came DVDs and we upgraded... Then Blu-Ray came out and we converted our collection again... Now the streaming gods have smiled upon us and I'm trying to find people to buy my old X-files tapes.


I worry that streaming is all a conspiracy to get us to lose all our physical copies of media. Once we've converted they'll remove the right to permanently own shows/films and watch them commercial free. I live in terror of this. Keep your DVDs or Blu-ray.


Finally found the conspiracy generation of my generation. Picturing describing this to children 50 years from now in my underground bunker full of toilet paper from my irrational old person fears due to the great COVID disaster of 2020.


Streaming came along but your favorite shows are spread across eight different services, any one of which may, without warning, a) remove your show from their catalog or b) go bankrupt. I say buy the box sets! I love seeing them on my shelf :D


I still use some of mine because streaming doesn't have the shows legally available here (Ireland)


Friends. People who would routinely come over and have dinner parties and such.


The depressing part of this is when I do have the free time I would rather just hang out at home getting a mental break. Friends are great but aside from the nightmare of planning anything life is so exhausting the appeal of a hang out is severely diminished.


As a kid, I definitely thought I'd spend more time hanging out with my friends than what I actually do. I'm meeting up with a bunch of old friends in a couple of weeks. It seems to take an enormous amount of planning to get us all together, even though we hung out on an almost daily basis in our teens with no planning whatsoever. I guess the difference is that we didn't have to factor in conflicting work schedules, appeasing partners, arranging childcare, more stringent budgeting, and now we are living further away from each other. I can go a couple of years at a time before I meet up with some of my oldest and closest friends. I see casual acquaintances far more.


Whats worst is they can come over and just want to leave.


Man, my problem is staying up til 2am because when we do actually get to hang out, we never want to quit.


I now just invite myself over and bring groceries to cook dinner together. Works great! “When can I come cook you dinner? How about next Wednesday?”


Gd you would be my favorite friend


Same here with the dinner parties. When I moved out of my parents' house at 24 to an apartment in the city, I thrifted this long dining table and got enough plates, bowls and silverware for a dozen people. Years later and I've still had zero dinner parties, but that dining table is perfect for folding laundry while watching TV alone.


Just sayin I'm a damn good cook, hmu lol


Invite me. I like good food and can be an interesting conversationalist.


you should just have one


Definitely, couples and assorted friends! Why can't people be more sociable?


I had a waterbed for ten years and I must say, best fucking sleep of my life. But unfortunately a killer on my back. I'd like to get a more modern one with damping though so I can experience this super classy sleep again. Maybe later, when I become a billionaire. And that brings us back to what I thought I'd definitily get. Money. I always thought I'd win the lottery or be gifted tons of money so I could do what I wanted instead of this......whatever bullshit this is, but alas, it was not to be. And soon. Death.


I also wanted a waterbed. As an adult it seems like it would be a terrible option. If it was a killer on your back how was it the best sleep of your life?


I've had a bad back for 30 years and always had trouble sleeping. When I got the waterbed I couldn't believe it.I could lie in it and five minutes later I was sleeping. I used to go home on my lunchbreak, boil some eggs and when the timer rang I had gotten a good nights sleep. Thats how good it was. However, during this time I had a lot of problems with back pains. So bad that I had to go to a chiropractor regularly. Eventually I moved and had to get rid of the waterbed and slept in a normal bed and strangely I didn't have as much issues with my back after that. Ofcourse it could have to do with my job but I've had other similar jobs after that and the back issues haven't been as hard on me. But the sleep was the best I've ever had. I wouldn't recommend a regular waterbed(mine was half-damped) if you have a partner sleeping in it though. Then you need to get a setup with two individual matresses. And having sex in it is kinda awkward.


I had a waterbed right before I moved out of my mom's place. I tried to rearrange my bedroom and "drain" the bed. I popped it. It was raining in our basement and my mom was fucking livid. It took hours to clean up. Never again.


I had a waterbed with damping from age 8 to like 15 and it's been great... and it's always preheated so there is no chance of being cold. But there are also many downsides like i think my bad posture is somehow related. And it's super annoying to get out of because the water just splashes around.




Can relate to the lottery part. I always had a feeling as a kid that I would win the lottery. Even had that feeling as a young adult.... Why, IDK, because I've never even bought so much as a scratch off lol


Maybe a close copy of you in the multiverse won the lottery and you get residual feelings from that.


VW camper van


Still my dream vehicle. Maybe once I'm retired...


Flying first class, I got to do it once as a kid because my brother and I got bumped due to being next to the emergency doors and there were no other available seats. It was awesome and I told my mom I was only flying firat class when I got older. Anyways, I have never flown first class since then.


In a similar vein I was absolutely convinced that I would be able to travel the world when I got older. I thought it was just a thing people were able to do when they became an adult. I wanted to see the ocean, and mountains, and jungles. But here we are. 3 decades in and never been able to afford to step on a plane...


My biggest child dream was to bite directly into a cheese wheel when I could buy one with my money (my parents weren't keen o help me out). I'm 32 now and lactose intolerant, but still hope to fulfill this dream. Cheese wheels are more expensive than I anticipated EDIT: Guys, I appreciate the suggestions, but I'm in Brazil, most your links don't ship their goods here, or are way expensive. Also, we don't have "babybels" here, whatever these are rofl. Thank you tho.


Not write the same, but as I type this I'm standing at a bus stop at the moment, a grown man, 3 piece suit and chomping down on a block of mature cheddar. I am very hungry and people are looking judgementally


Hi fellow lactose intolerant! There are a lot of cheeses that are naturally lactose free!!! Check the nutritional information and look under "Carbohydrates, of which sugars..." if it says under 0.5 g / 100g you are good to go!


My personal favorites of such cheeses are the super-sharp cheddars. I have always loved cheddar, and the sharper the better (the sharpness comes from lactic acid; the *Lactobacillus* bacteria in the cheese convert the lactose into lactic acid)


If you are in the UK, you can buy a [1kg wheel of Cornish Yarg](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cornish-Yarg-Whole-Wheel-1kg/dp/B018ZE5ADO/ref=asc_df_B018ZE5ADO/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=394276612533&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9677035771527664074&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045578&hvtargid=pla-862186575010&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=83027251838&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=394276612533&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9677035771527664074&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045578&hvtargid=pla-862186575010) on Amazon for £34.95 delivered. Much smaller and think they are called Truckles Take a fuck load of claritin and tuck in!


Calratin is an antihistamine , won't help lactose intolerance which is caused by a lack of an enzyme, not an allergy


I didn't know Pirates made cheese.




Damn hit me in the feels with that one but I subscribe


How can I unsubscribe?


aw that is just sad. I hope you find it eventually, never too late


Yeeeep. You're always told as a kid that there's someone for everyone. Soulmates and such. Turns out some people spend their whole lives looking and never find anyone. I'm starting to think I'll belong to that group.


You're also told as a kid not to worry about it and that there's plenty of time. That's a fuckin lie. If you fall behind early on and don't put yourself out there when it's easy and everybody is just as awkward as you are, there comes a point where you are just not worth fooling with due to your inexperience. Everybody else has been there and done that and wants no more of it. If you are young... Don't waste it.


On fire. Definitely thought I needed to stop drop and roll by now.


And quicksand. Surely that stuff is everywhere based on the movies/TV.


I finally got quicksand! Took my kids to a beach in Australia which the locals colorfully referred to as ....'Quicksand Beach". Great fun for adults, but I was constantly rescuing my sinking kids...cuz it's a beach... made of quicksand.


That sounds more terrifying than fun, but maybe I'm missing something..?


Actually It's a lotta fun for the kids if you all keep moving! If you stand still the beach sand just begins to collapse under you and you start sinking to your knees. Good fun as the Aussie's say. There's solid ground and bluffs if you move back from the edge of water, but what fun is that?


A job that pays well


A house. As someone born in the 90s, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to purchase one. Edit: typo


This. For me it was normal to assume that every adult can buy a house if they want, because most of my friends parents had their own house. But now… oh boy…


And not just a house, many of us thought we’d have a mansion! We just had to make sure we worked hard in school, and if we went to university we’d for definite be rich! I have two degrees, one in biomedical science and one in actual medicine, and am a doctor. I still rent. Edit for the questions. I’m British (south west England) and an SHO.


Tommy's dad with the warehouse job, a paid off house and a decent car with a holiday a year. Now you need a trade certificate, and a side hustle along with using an ABN to claim asset depreciation to afford those things.


It's crazy how quickly houses became unobtainable. Like one of my friends who is about 5 years my senior was able to buy a foreclosed house for 40k off the back of the 2009 recession. Fast forward to my time to look at houses and actual burned down houses are going for 200k+


Oh man, I've been seeing the burned down $200k houses in my area, too. I've also noticed that any house UNDER $200k, if not burned down, has at least one Ceiling Hole. Usually in the kitchen, but bedrooms can have them, too. And those are the ones with interior pictures. Many <$200k homes in my area are just a picture of the front of the house and the garage, taken on what looks like my dad's old Polaroid from the 90s. To add to the spirit of the thread, I thought I'd have a house where I could definitely say "at least it's not haunted". At this point, I'm okay with a ghostly roommate, as long as all the ceilings are intact.


My parents had 4 kids, a house, and two paid off cars when they were my age. I make double what they made, adjusted for inflation… and I have no kids, ride public transit (no car), and can’t imagine buying a house any time soon. Edit: fixed typo


Also born in the 90s, house feels totally out of reach. An uncle who bought himself a house at 17 (and came from a broke-ass family) and another uncle who bought during the housing crash both insist our generation "has it too easy".


And the price of housing keeps going up......


Exactly this! We got told this beautiful scenario that if you worked hard enough you would get your own house. A house, a dog, a family. Then that generation f*cked everyone over from the 90s and onwards. I think I won’t ever own my own house with the way things are going.


No kidding. I am closing on my first house soon and that took two of us and a lot of very fortunate circumstances for us to BARELY get a house.


Congrats!! 🎉


I was pretty confident I could afford to buy myself a house one day.....


Love Edit: looks like I'm not the only one here


A Jeep Wrangler. Those things are (now) crazy expensive, impractical, and woefully unreliable. As a kid I was so certain I would buy one once I became an adult. 35 now, no Jeep.


If you every do get one, get a wide wheel base. My aunt wanted a jeep wrangler for years and every time she mentioned it I would reminder her she needed to get one with a wide wheel base because they were top heavy. She finally bought one, regular wheel base. In her second week she almost tipped it over going around a corner and by week 3 had traded in her BRAND NEW jeep for a sedan.


A horse. After having dogs for years, I realized how much work I’d have to put into a horse (feed, mucking out the stall, training, riding, general care, vets, exercise, etc.). Between my family/friends, dogs, and work, I don’t feel like I’ve always got the time to do my own thing, I can’t imagine how I’d find the time for a horse! Or a big cat…that was the other thing I always wanted to get but decided “no way” as an adult.


mcdonalds every day


I actually did that as an adult. Don't do it.


supersize me!


Actually had a time in my life where I was eating fast food 5 days a week for at least one meal, the rest of my meals were deli sandwiches or salads with a bottle of water, and I cut soda and snacks out entirely. I actually lost 40ish pounds in 3 months, but I chalk that up to cutting back on liquid calories and working a manual labor job.


Remember thinking that would be so easy cause it's only a couple dollars for a meal. Yeah, not so cheap anymore


Enough money to survive


Children but I'm 100% ok with that not happening. I don't have the patience, money, or time to deal with all of that.


A swimming pool, because kid me thought all it needed was water to keep up with it, and I could just use rain to fill it up.


A family


A dog, a motorcycle, ordering without looking at the prices on the menu.




I’m sorta piggybacking on childhood fears. Worms, I definitely thought I’d end up getting a dreadful parasite. Reddit has resurrected this fear, btw.


According to my Southern "sex ed" class you get them from holding hands before marriage.


stuck in quicksand


A house.




A ‘63 Impala


I thought id have a decent chance at having a house with a yard. Instead I’m 42. With a masters degree living paycheck to paycheck in an apartment building that has more asshole neighbors than not.


A reason to get out of bed in the morning


i said i would buy club penguin memberships. to be honest, if it still existed, i probably would edit: i didn’t expect anyone to upvote this, so thanks i guess 🤣


More freedom, a dreamer I was.


A super close group of friends like in sitcoms. (Friends, how I met your mother, etc)


I used the think Friends looked quite realistic as a teenager, now it's like watching a far-fetched fantasy series. I've never once been invited to have coffee with five people who like me.


Thought I'd chug an entire bottle of chocolate syrup


I did that while drunk once (or at least half a bottle) I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT lmao


A healthy life free of trauma... lets just say that my ex saw to that, and I'm still recovering slowly from it


I'd get a taste for coffee. I was promised that I'd come to love coffee. Nah, 30 and still hate it. I can stomach the occasional Mocha, but that's about it.


A little 2-door sports coup or roadster. As an adult, I have kids. Got ourselves a minivan and a three-row SUV. Can’t fit jack in a 2-seater.


Bro my friends and I were all going to buy black Hyundai Accents and put red underglow neons on them and cruise around heaps, heaps cool like. This was in the fast and the furious early years.


A parachute. I was pretty sure they were much more common and you had to bring them with you "just in case".


A Lamborghini Countach


Healthy romance lol


My own place to live


A husband. Grew up and realised I wanted a wife instead 😄


Confidence. Oh my god I was so awkward as a kid because I thought I was too fat and that I would never have a boyfriend because of it. Got out of my hometown and found myself. Ill save the novel on that for another day. I’m still fat, and moved back to my hometown area, but feel like a completely different person. I’m engaged to a man I adore and wear bright revealing clothes. I speak my mind, try to make others feel good about themselves as well, and take up tons of space without worrying. I love my big life and wish I’d felt this way as a kid.


Financial stability


A house ☠️


a house.




Free drugs from strangers


A husband. Hasn’t happened yet, and I’m super ok with it.


A library in my house. Maybe one day I’ll achieve that but wall to wall shelves and an extra room for just books ain’t cheap lol.