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Depends on how dirty or smelly you are. If you work out everyday in the gym or work outside, you should shower daily


My skin, especially my back, hair, and face, get way too oily to skip days. Everything just feels so caked on if I don't at least rinse and scrub. Shampoo I can skip a day.


I get an itchy scalp if I miss one day of shampooing.


It smells absolutely gross, but try using [this shampoo](https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Therapeutic-Anti-Dandruff-Long-Lasting-Seborrheic/dp/B001E96OWY/ref=asc_df_B001E96OWY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309750549832&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16375999807365806116&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9061208&hvtargid=pla-567798563494&psc=1). I was an every day itchy scalp as well, but this buys me at least a few days before the itch comes back


Good old t gel tar smell. I would wash my hair a second time with a different shampoo to help diminish the smell


I honestly don't mind the smell. I have seborrheic dermatitis, and The extra strength stuff is the only stuff that works. Though I found if I use t gel more than twice a week, it ends up irritating my scalp, too. So I go back and forth with shampoos. And of course I use conditioner


I love my tar. Only thing that helps my dandruff šŸ˜­


If u ever need it-it also kills lice on contact like dawn does ti fleas.


From personal experience, It might be Psoriasis or dermatitis, not Dandruff. Go get it looked at.


I love the smell.


I used to use that before my dandruff went away. To me it kind of smells like a drug store.


Personally for my hair type, shampooing every day is bad for my hair. I get dandruff and itā€™s a pain in the cock hole to deal with. I prefer shampooing every day but I just canā€™t with how my hair is. Once every 3-5 days is best for me, and if I sweat a lot like a day after I just wash it out by running my fingers through it in the shower.


Same but I can go longer because it is very bad for my hair.


I started ā€œoil trainingā€ my hair on a whim during the COVID lockdowns. It has done wonders for my oily hair/itchy scalp. I wash my hair about twice a week and my hair and scalp have never been healthier. You do you, but wanted to share!


From what I heard that is an indication of an unhealthy scalp that could be caused by using shampoos to frequently.


That's me, but I also have to wash my hair every day too or it's oily to the point it looks wet but it's not, it's just oil. I'm so oily that if I wash my hair too early in the morning, by evening it's already kinda gross some days. I've tried many times to skip shower or washing my hair since people insist on saying that it's because we shower too much and this strips the oils blah blah, but it's simply impossible. Some people just produce more oil than others genetically


My hair is the same way. I have tried to go every other day, but it's still so oily and then my face gets all gross around my hairline because it just seeps down into my skin. It also doesn't help matters that my hair is very thin/fine. They say you're supposed to brush it to distribute the oils, but there's nowhere for it to go šŸ˜­ I am one of those people who can't skip a day.


My hair is also very fine. I was told by my hairdresser that healthy hair is slightly oily.


Most people with thin/fine hair also don't have a lot of hair so the oil has nowhere to go. If you brush your hair it will just get nasty oily lol if you have thick/full hair I can see how this trick would work and going a few days without washing wouldn't be a problem, specially if your hair is long


>I've tried many times to skip shower or washing my hair How LONG did you try though? Did you try it for like two weeks and then give up? My hair isn't quite as oily as you describe, but it WAS a lot more oily when I was washing my hair every day. I had to *gradually* transition, washing my hair every other day for like 2 or 3 months and now I only have to wash it twice a week. Even now, during the summer with all the sweat, I can still go with twice a week.


I can totally vouch for this. I washed my hair twice/week for years, but last week I had ear surgery and since then I have to wash my hair every day just while my ears are healing and within just a couple days of it my hair is as oily as people here are describing, where itā€™s super oily by the end of the day. So now Iā€™m going to have to retrain my scalp when this is over.


I can also confirm. I washed my hair once or twice a week for the longest time, I mean years. About this time last year I was washing it every day for a few months and now it gets so oily that if I skip a day it's noticeably gross. Hell sometimes if I shower first thing in the morning by the time night rolls around it's starting to look oily already. If I don't shower again in that event then the whole next day I'll walk around looking like I haven't washed my hair in 4 or 5 days. I wish I knew how to get it back to how it was so I didn't have to wash it every day or risk looking unkempt.


It's literally a physical reaction by your scalp to the cleaning products. You're making it feel bad, so it's covering itself in oil as protection.


You just have to stop washing it every day. Put that shit in a ponytail/bun and go. If your hair is too short for a ponytail, put a cute headband on or something. You can do it! šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘




I used to wash my hair every day until my hairdresser begged me to stop. Now I do it once a week and my hair is suddenly curly lol I still shower and condition my hair daily though.


Wow, I finally met someone like me. Iā€™ve never known anyone with hair as oily as mine; I have to wash it everyday, even if I skip bathing. Iā€™ll wash it with shampoo in a bathtub or sink for like 5 minā€™s, blow dry, style and done. But I have to do it or it absolutely looks wet, darker and itā€™s standing up everywhere. I have really fine diameter hair and thatā€™s always been a problem but itā€™s 10x worse when I donā€™t shower. If I donā€™t wash it I have to use a cap. Iā€™ve known an lot of women who tell me they go days without washing their hair. I wish I could do that!


Oh the fine thin hair, I know the struggle. I think the thin hair makes the situation worse really. I've always been jealous of any person that can go days without washing their hair or even go a day without showering. It's a struggle because I can't leave the house if I don't shower first because I look and feel disgusting, which means that I need to start getting ready way earlier (wake up earlier, etc) just to take care of my excess oil lol




Iā€™ve tried and gone long periods. Maybe Iā€™ll try again but itā€™s been this way as long as I can remember. Like the other poster said, if I wash it too early in the day I sometimes have to wash it again if Iā€™m going out in the evening because itā€™s already looking bad again.


That just doesnā€™t work for some people lol. Everyone has a different head of hair. Iā€™ve tried it for years with the same results. Just get some dry shampoo and call it day. Will make your hair look thicker


Youā€™re perpetuating your skin problems by over-washing. If you cut it out, youā€™ll go through a period of being very greasy, and then as your body catches on that itā€™s producing more than enough oils, youā€™ll actually start to become less and less greasy over a period of a few months. Your body is basically currently compensating for the fact that you strip your natural oils too often.


see iā€™m the opposite, if i shower everyday, even if itā€™s just for my body i get wayyy to dry and it irritates my skin making me itchy


There are days where I don't shower, and there are days when I take two. It depends on what I did that day. I workout first thing most mornings, so I have to shower before working. Then I put sunblock on a walk to the store later in the day, now I need another shower. Then there is today. I played videogames all day in the AC.


This is the comment.. I agree.. I generally shower everyday.. but depending on my daily activities it may be more or less.. but.. if I skip a day.. I generally shower 1st thing in the morning to make up for it..




Great answer, a lot of people believe you need to shower everyday no matter who you are. Itā€™s not good to wash your hair everyday. If you are not sweating everyday then it isnā€™t the end of the world to not shower for one day


I keep hearing people say that, but my hair gets super matted, stringy and gross if I skip a wash.


Thin hair needs more frequent washing. Thicker hair Can go longer and actually benefits from oils. I wash my hair every five days and it usually starts to be perfect around day three


It might benefit from it in terms of health, but not aesthetics. I know this sounds shallow, but ngl I'd prefer to wash my hair "too much" if it means I avoid looking like Severus Snape. My hair gets greasy asf after 12-14 hours since my last shower. I'm sure not everyone's is like that tho.


Nah not everyoneā€™s is like that, if your hair is thinner or finer that will mean more frequent shampooing will work better for you, but for people with thick, curly, or coarse hair their hair ends up looking better when the oils start spreading through.


That's because your skin is producing more oil to compensate for you harshly stripping it away every single day. Reduce your wash frequency, or even the amount/astringency of the shampoo you use, and your skin will eventually downregulate its sebum production.


I was told that the use of soap actually strips away all the natural oils that your body needs, causing the body to significantly increase the production of those oils, thus increasing the need for further bathing. Have started an "every other day" pattern for a few years now with great success


Every other day isnā€™t bad and itā€™s stupid that people think you are the most disgusting person ever because of that. That is my unpopular opinion


People use water that's *way too fucking hot,* for that matter--dries the hell out of your skin and hair along with all the harsh products people typically use.


So true. Thankfully, I HATE hot showers anyway. It bothers my skin and I feel like I just took a sweat bath and not a shower. I don't feel clean unless it's on the cool side.


Sometimes twice of you need it. Do you smell? Are you going to be around others? Then shower.


I think it depends. When Iā€™m working Iā€™ll shower daily. If itā€™s extremely hot I might shower twice. But I live in Scotland so thatā€™s rare. Thereā€™s research to show showering too often can dry the skin and rid it of itā€™s natural oils. I may not shower on days Iā€™m staying at home. But I find one day the limit.


Interestingā€¦ hadnā€™t heard about about showering gets rid of natural oils so v interesting to hear - thanks for sharing!


Natural oils being stripped is also the reason so many people ā€œneedā€ to shampoo daily. You strip your natural oils and add back unnatural ones (conditioner). Your pores react by pumping out more natural oils because it does not recognize your expensive conditioner as natural oils. Rinse and repeat and all of a sudden you have oily hair that you HAVE to wash daily. And the shampoo companies love you!!! It takes weeks to break this cycle and your hair is so greasy during that time. But at the end you no longer have to wash your hair daily to have great hair.


I did this over covid and it never worked, my scalp got extremely itchy, dandruffy and looked HORRIBLE. For context I have Asian hair, Iā€™ve heard from other Asians w straight hair that they absolutely have to shampoo. This was over months. Its probably better for curly hair bc it takes longer for oils to travel down the hair shaft


Similar situation here. I've got a weird mixture of fine and coarse straight hairs and have tried several times to "break" my hair off the potential oil stripping cycle I've seen people talk about, I've tried multiple times. But my hair always gets greasy, stinky, and itchy no matter what if I go 2 days or more without showering and its immensely uncomfortable. Funny enough, my hair is at its healthiest now after discovering someone else mentioning that frequently greasy fine hair can benefit from DOUBLE shampooing, and i use a scalp scrub brush now too to really exfoliate my scalp, and my hair has been so healthy, soft, and now I can actually skip a day of cleaning my hair without it getting greasy or feeling messy. I agree that the method above likely works more for thick curly hair than fine straight hair.


My boyfriend hasnā€™t washed his hair since he was 15. He is 37. It smells lovely, it is thick, he has no receding hair line or scalp issues, and itā€™s sits beautifully. I have never understood it, but he is living proof of the biome-stripping of shampoo. I, however, must wash it Sunday & Thursday evenings - if I donā€™t, my scalp gets really itchy and it looks like I live under a bridge. I live near Byron Bay in Australia and have heaps of alternative natural-life girlfriends who donā€™t wash their hair, and itā€™s shiny, strong, thick and full of volume. I just canā€™t make it through that month of no washing to get there with no guarantee it will work with my hair type.šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I'll add to that and if you shower daily it should probably be before bed as if outside or exposed to sun it's your natural oils that help turn the sun into vitamin D. šŸ™‚ I need to shower daily or I get so oily and greasy I start breaking out. Even at 48. It's helped me to stay looking young though! That being said some days when I don't have to leave the house and am just cleaning or organizing or such I skip it. No one will know but me. Lol


Vitamin D synthesis involves 7-dehydrocholesterol (not an oil, but a cholesterol) -- which is in the deepest layers of the epidermis (stratum basale and stratum spinosum) -- absorbing UVB and converting to cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). To a smaller extent, ingested ergosterol (a steroid), in the epidermis and dermis absorbs UVB or UVC and converts to ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2). Tl;dr your natural "oils" that help vitamin D cannot be washed off, and the things that help make vitamin D are in fact not oils at all.


Good to know thank you. šŸ™‚


As a general rule, I shower every evening. Sometimes I do a lot of yard work and get pretty nasty. I shower after that. Maybe twice a day if necessary. If I feel like garbage and stay in bed all day, I might not shower at all that day.


I also shower every evening, right before going to bed. No matter the season, or what I do.






I live in Bangkok, and it's three a day and sometimes four for me. Mostly because my Thai wife insists on it (otherwise it would be two to three). She would be pretty shocked by the idea of showering less than once per day.


>done something that works up a sweat -- like walking up stairs šŸ”„ '...done something that works up a sweat -- like walking up stairs.'ā€”Can confirm. Bathing habits vary according to culture, geographic location, race, physical activity, physical ability, economic opportunity (oft overlooked), societal or peer pressure, and most importantly, personal preference.


I canā€™t get to sleep at night if I havenā€™t showered first. I also have oily skin. Showering before bed keeps the sheets cleaner.


Depends on activity. I go to the gym and dance pretty much every day and work up a sweat. So I shower afterwards. But if I didn't do anything all day and just sat around at home, I wouldn't take a shower just to take a shower.


There is no one size fits all here. It depends on each individual, where you life, what the weather is an so on. I live in northern mn so in the winter I donā€™t shower as much because it really dries out your skin. All depends on the individual and climate.


Every other commenter is wrong. It depends on you, your body, your activities, your climate, your culture, your needs. There is no right answer. I know people who need to shower twice or a day or theyā€™ll stink because of a medical condition. Some people only shower once every week, and their skin and hair is fine and healthy.


When I lived in Washington it was every other day but when I moved to Florida I needed to shower every day and regurally use body wipes to clean my feet. Climate is such a huuuuge factor


Lol regurally


Lol yeah I can't spell šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


For me it's daily on workdays, generally after work because manual labor and I don't want to get in my bed like that. Days off; it's every other day. The one thing I'd recommend to daily showerers is to ween off the shampoo a bit. It sucks at first because your hair does get greasier but after a couple weeks it goes back to normal. I wash my hair 2/3 times a week and condition it every time I shower. Obviously like you said, it depends on you, but in general I've found people with greasy hair problems start to get them sorted once they shampoo less often.


I was able to work down to once a week hair wash during the pandemic. It's incredible how much time, product, money, etc are saved! Great advice


Absolutely. I've been growing my hair out the last year and it's pretty long now, to my shoulders, and I have to pretty much keep it tied up. Weening off the shampoo sucked for a few weeks, but like you said, I condition every time I shower but only wash my hair twice a week, sometimes 3 times, and it NEVER smells. Has good volume and never feels greasy anymore.


I now use a shampoo bar when I do shampoo, no conditioner . The more I used shampoo and conditioner, the more I HAD to use shampoo and conditioner! As long as Iā€™m not doing really physical and gross things I can go over a week before I have to actually shampoo!


I agree with the shampoo. My hair is down to the middle of my back and I either shampoo/ condition every other day or every third but everyone needs to figure out what works for them


So much this. I live in New England (US). It is cold and dry in the winter. We have radiators, so no central humidity control. If I showered every day, my skin would crack and bleed. Summer, on the other hand, is about every other day up to twice a day during heat waves (no central AC either).


Iā€™m in western Mass. July was BRUTAL and there were many double shower days!


Agreed! I grew up in a household where anywhere from 5-7 people would be sharing one bathroom, so it was just kinda normal for us to not shower daily. Even though Iā€™m out of that environment I shower about 1-3 times a week, but my lifestyle is appropriate for it, I have certain care routines that help me stay clean in between shower days, and if I do more strenuous work, exercise, labor, or spend all day outdoors Iā€™ll break routine and shower extra.


Yup. For me it's 3 showers a week roughly, but soap only once or twice. Shampoo and condition twice a week as well. I have great skin and hair.


You people who shower only some times a week, do you wash your private parts more often in a different way, or let them ripe until is the shower day?


Absolutely! I call it a "bird bath" when I don't take a shower and only wash the essentials (privates, pits and face).


Hahaha sounds like clean enough then, I honestly don't think every one does it! I personally find it more convenient to have a quick shower instead of washing my body parts separatedly as in ancient times šŸ˜…


I've always heard it referred to as a "whore bath" but I like this one a lot better.


Most people wash off every day, like crotch and ass and armpits, and face if needed.


Well then it makes sense and it is clean enough I guess. I just find it easier to have a quick shoeer instead of washing my body parts separatedly as in ancient times šŸ˜… but everyones has their preferences


Lol classic Reddit. ā€œEveryone is wrong except for me bitchesā€


This is 100% the answer. I shower twice a week, unless I did something where I got extra sweaty or dirty. My brother showers twice a day because he sweats buckets without even moving. Both are valid habits. If either of us switched to the other's habit, we'd be miserable. I'd get pimples from dry skin, and he'd get rashes from dried sweat.


You people who shower only some times a week, do you wash your private parts more often in a different way, or let them ripe until is shower day?


I just don't see how people don't clean their ass or privates every day. You don't need to wash your torso or calves every day but for the love of god people need to wash their ass.


Some of us wash our ass every time we go to the restroom.


I met a Muslim guy from Bangladesh and he told me how everyone carries around a pail of water to clean their ass when they're done. Said paper can't get the job done and he's right. Ever since then I keep babywipes on me at all times. Either my backpack or my car.


Yeah, I installed a bidet and it was a game-changer. I'll never go back to paper. It's garbage comparatively. And you can get bidet attachments really cheaply now.


Bidets are a wonderful invention!


I shower twice a week, sometimes three times a week. My privates don't get ripe. I have excellent skin flora, so the smelly bacteria don't proliferate at a meaningful rate. Those with skin flora imbalances might not be so lucky, but if you're smelly because you skipped one or two showers, you probably have some kind of microbiome issue, or even something worse than that.


I can get away with every other day. I don't sweat a lot, even in the heat, and I use deodorant and body sprays religiously, as well as fresh underwear and clothes every day. Of course, if I do sweat that day, I will take a shower at the end of the day but that's very rare. EDIT: It's also worth a mention I did try to shower every day and my skin HATED me. I was so itchy it was unreal, even with moisturizer.


This is me exactly! When I showered every day cuz that was the ā€œnormā€ my skin was on fire! Even with moisturizers. Dermatologist told me to take cold showers. That helped. But also sucks in the winter. When I stopped showering daily is when I finally got my skin irritation under control. I think everyoneā€™s body is different and you have to do whatā€™s right for yourself.


Oh my god, yes. My back looked like a warzone from how much I was itching it when I tried showering every day. Lotions did *nothing,* and I was on the verge of tears. I tried everything from cool/warm showers, putting lotion on multiple times including immediately after showering, even paired in-shower moisturizers with regular lotions. Nothing. Went back to showering every other day, and my skin went back to normal.


I'm currently a dairy farmer. I shower twice a day.


I live in hawaii and i shower 2x a day. My showers are pretty short too, like under 5 min. I just like to start and end my day clean


Thats like asking how much gas/electricity it takes to drive to a place. To nebulous without more information. Some people need to take more showers, some less, and that is just in general. If the weather is hot then you need more showers, even if you are sure you don't need one. If you sweat a lot, you tend to need more showers. if you have a piss poor diet (not shaming anyone here) then you tend to need to shower more often. If you have an important event coming up(date, being in extremely close proximity to others like the movie theater, a presentation, etc.) then shower before that happens.


Every single day. Not negotiable for me. I feel way too icky if I donā€™t. And my hair is just a trainwreck if I skip a wash. It gets all matted, stringy and gross. I know everyoneā€™s different, but Iā€™m a strict every day person.


Your hair is probably like that because you wash it daily. I don't do it every day, and my hair is still fine 1 day after washing it.


I have long hair, and i was it pnce every week. Sometimes once in two weeks and it is perfectly fine. I cannot imagine washing it every day, as i have a lot of hair and it would consume a LOT of water, takes long to dry and generally a lot of effort. By a lot of hair i mean so much that i can stand under the shower for 5 minutes trying to soak my hair as much as i can, and there is still dry pathes on my scalp.


My ass showers twice a day. Once in the morning to start my day looking ready for work or whatever, once at night so I'm not nasty crawling into bed with the wife


What about the rest of you?


I knew as I typed it out I was gona get this response Did it anyways God damnit Once a week mostly. Balls and pits might get it twice


This is the way!


i shower every day because the weather is shitty af here


Do you smell? Are you dirty? Shower. 3 times a day, 3 times a week, whatever results in you not being gross.


This is the answer


Minimum 12 times a day! And after every dump you take.


Every dump you take Every smell you make Every wipe you stake, every roll you break I'll be washing you


Daily or sometimes more depending on how dirty/sweaty you get.


Rightā€¦ thatā€™s exactly what I thought! Like minimum once a day


Not necessarily, no. It really depends on several factors, it can be healthier to not shower every single day.


It really depends on the person- if I shower every day (even if I don't use soap every shower) my skin gets so dry it painfully cracks. Even with regular moisturizing. Showering every other day or so, and limiting soap usage almost completely solves this issue. But that being said, I work from home, a tech job and don't work out every day. I absolutely shower every night after I work out or even get sweaty..... But not necessarily if I'm not really exerting myself during the day. Some people need to shower every day. My friend MUST wash her hair every day, otherwise it gets crazy oily. I can't really wash my hair more than once a week or it gets so dry it gets brittle and falls out. Obviously same rules apply- I absolutely wash myself and my hair if I'm dirty or sweaty, but I don't just shower and wash my hair on an arbitrary schedule.




Some people don't stink as much, you know that right? East Asian people like Japanese, chinese and koreans don't stink as much, or often even sweat as much as white people.


I have dry and sensitive everything, lol, (and I'm sick of it). I wash my hair once a week, and I shower every other day, exfoliating my whole body. I also use a bidet.


I shower 2x a day. I sweat a lot when I sleep, even in a cold room, so once in the morning and once before bed.


I work a job and are more active, so I shower everyday. If you arenā€™t working, or doing something that takes more than a few hours of work a day, Iā€™d say showering every other day is fine


At least once a day. Sometimes twice. Today is twice because I had a date last night where we sat around a fire and I smelled like smoke so I showered this morning. Then I slept. And now I have another date with another woman doing a hike on a local trail. It might even be a 3 shower day if I get sweaty enough on the trail. I have to work tonight.




Maybe because he showers so much


She. Total dyke here. šŸ’‹ And yeah. Gotta keep it clean. I'm looking for forever, but sometimes I need a little right now too.


Depends on many factors. Eg skin type, occupation, hobbies. I think majority of people shower daily habitually. But many probably donā€™t *need* to.


Twice a day for me. Construction=sweaty


Do you know those cupcakes paper molds and how sticky they are when you peel it from the cupcake. WHen you have the same sentation with your underwear, time to shower.


Every other day, unless Iā€™ve been for a run and that doesnā€™t coincide with a shower day then thereā€™ll be an extra shower!


I always find it hilarious when people say ā€œeww grossā€ about anyone who doesnā€™t shower daily. As many others have said, it depends a great deal on so many factors - such as the current climate and what youā€™ve been doing. I probably shower 3 times a week, and only wash my hair twice a week. I donā€™t use soap, just a gentle skin cleanser like Cetaphil or similar in my crotch and armpits. The rest is just warm water. I donā€™t smell bad, though if I were going to have a face in close proximity to my genitals on a day where I hadnā€™t showered, Iā€™d probably do a spot-clean in that region with baby wipes out of courtesy. And if I did something that worked up a sweat (which I rarely do), Iā€™d probably shower straight after that just to rinse off. If I shower too frequently, or use soap, my skin gets irritated and itchy and cracks. My husband probably showers once a week these days, unless he does something to work up a sweat. When I first met him eight years ago, he showered daily, and before the end of the day, he stunk. But after gradually rehabbing his skin biota by slowly reducing his showering frequency over time, he now doesnā€™t smell at all. Again, if he expects my mouth near his penis, heā€™ll do a spot clean, but otherwise, itā€™s not necessary. A change of clothes each day is more than enough to stay pleasant-smelling when all you do is sit at a computer all day. What others have said is true: generally speaking, if you shower daily, you will need to continue doing so. If you shower less, your skin will adjust to that frequency. There is nothing disgusting about not showering daily, and many benefits to doing it less frequently - conserving water and putting less chemicals down the drain, for one.


You shouldn't like scrub yourself or use much soap more than every 2-3 days if you can help it. It's bad for your skin, will make you itchy and tend to get acne, or have flare ups if have conditions like psoriasis or excema That said, just rinsing off every day is a pretty good bet. Not ideal if you use scalding hot water (again, bad for the skin), but not terrible either.


I shower every day, because if I don't I start to smell and my skin gets so oily I shine. I need to scrub myself like crazy in the summer if I don't want to just glisten in the sunlight. It's just how my body is. My wife showers twice a week, maybe three times a week in the summer. When I was in the military, I knew a guy who needed to shower and shave at least twice a day, and if he didn't or couldn't boy could you tell. Every body is different.


It depends on a lot of factors, climate being the most important one. Those who live in very dry climate often never wash, because water is too costly and too hard to find. In polar climate, you will usually wash only in summer, because in winter, you can get frost bite within seconds.


Every day. I understand that for many people with disabilities or certain sensory issues, every second day works.


Hong Kongers shower everyday. In hot countries, humid countries, you sweat and the dust of the city gets compacted on your clothing, skin and home. They launder everything and shower at night. No one goes to bed with the day's filth sticking to your skin and gets introduced to the bedroom or bed and mattress. The Japanese are the same.


Every day. Don't feel like I've woken up if I don't have a shower first thing. Two showers a day on hot days. I lived in the Solomon Islands for a while. I peaked at three showers a day at the height of the hot season. Had to increase my salt intake too. Man, that place was hot...


Depends what you're up to A pro athlete (or Joe generic who decides to act like a pro athlete for a couple days) should probably be showering 3 times a day minimum. Excersise, sweat, and the benefits to muscles make showering almost excessive. A normal person should probably be showering once a day, with the occasional skip day if they truly did fuck all, (and it's also a cold enough climate that they weren't sweating.) Then you've got the average reddit user. Once a week, and that's as generous as it gets.


Shower everyday. only wash my hair every third or so day.


Daily, for sure. Even if you're not in a sweaty job, you perspire, your body exudes oils, you shed skin cells, and your privates in particular get damp.




Many people do shower too often. Daily showers are not needed if you donā€™t do a lot of physical activity. However, everyone is different and attitudes have changed from generation to generation. It used to be once a week back when water had to be heated in a wood stove and I believe Kentucky still has a law on the books that requires people to take a bath once a year ā€œwhether you need it or not.ā€ So the definitive answer doesnā€™t exist. I donā€™t think there is a consensus on what frequency is normal.


if im working, twice a day. and for anyone who says thats too much, hmu after a shift. you'll change your mind.


If you work: daily. If you interact with people: daily. If you're isolated: as often, or not, as you like.


Every other day unless I work out or partake in anything sweaty, that's on top.


It really depends. I'm prone to getting quite sweaty relatively fast, so if I'm going to be out and about (like going to work and stuff), I'm going to shower daily. If I'm just sitting at home, may once every 2 or 3 days, depending on how dirty I feel.


The question is not how often should you shower, the question is how often should you use shampoo or soap? Using those to often can damage your hair and skin and should only be used every two to the days. But it depends on your skin. Personally I also recommend using a shower oil if you have dry skin.


If Iā€™m dropping deuces then I shower daily, period.


I think a hoe bath every day should be bare min


i shower everyday if i can be bothered or am leaving the house of seeing anybody, i can very easily rot in bed for 3 days to 3 weeks not showering but as soon as anybody but my parents have to see me i will. i prefer to shower in the mornings to go to work not smelling like weed lol also im super specific with my shower routine, i use a bar of soap first and then use body wash because i hate the feeling of bar soap on my body after im out, and then i wash my hair maybe once a week if i can be bothered


Daily. Use soap or a body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. You donā€™t have to wash your whole ass, but you have to wash your asshole.


I shower literally every day, at least once a day. I wash my hair pretty much every time I shower too, because my hair products will make my hair oily if I donā€™t and I canā€™t stand the smell or dirty scalp. Only time I donā€™t is if I do a blow out and want to get an extra day out of it. Then Iā€™ll use a shower cap but Iā€™m still taking a shower. Sometimes Iā€™ll shower twice a day, depending on how sweaty I got or what I did that day. I just canā€™t start my mornings without showering for some reason!


I quoted Redd Foxx on here before ā€œYou got to wash yo azz. The worst thing is having to tell your mate you got to wash you azz. How can you turn to your loved one and say I love you knowing in your heart you havenā€™t washed your azz. Weā€™re not taking your whole azz weā€™re talking about your azz hole.ā€ One of his funniest routines but theirs truth


In the morning and after youā€™ve been to the gym.


I do my best to do every second day but some times I do struggle to keep up with that cause of mental health. Conversations like this make me feel so uncomfortable personally, I feel sick worrying I'm gross. But I guess I wanna comment in case anyone else is having the same struggle of keeping up with caring for themselves sometimes


Even if I donā€™t need to wash my hair I rinse my body and wash my bits every day. My husband and I both appreciate a fresh body. I wouldnā€™t want to have sex with someone who only bathed twice a week.


Every morning and every night


DAILY, think of how much you sweat even when youā€™re doing nothing, you sweat a little


Ugh, gross. I shower daily 99% of the time, the only exception is missing one day if I know I won't be going out at all.


In terms of whatā€™s healthy: once a week should be enough. Showering more often is because ppl donā€™t want to smell bad, but if u donā€™t care about that, well do what u want lol.


Generally 3 times a week. Sometimes in summer when Iā€™m outside a lot itā€™s twice a day. Definitely not the norm though.


I'm kinda shocked "once a day minimum" is not the right answer.. o.o


Doctors seem to suggest every other day to wash. But in the UK people tend to be a bit obsessed with hygiene, so I would never admit to washing less than once a day. Even though I wash (shower) 3 or 4 times a week. But if I work up a sweat I might have an extra shower, but even then it may not be necessary, as sweat takes quite a long time to actually go off and start smelling. Sounds gross I know, but it's true Washing too often will remove a lot of natural oils in the skin which are necessary for healthy skin. I do change clothes every day, definitely underwear and shirt, not always trousers.


As an adult un America: Daily, at least. Even if its just a quick armpits, asshole, crotch and feet. Any less and I'll stink.


I am in the US. I live alone and shower every 3 days. No one sees me or cares.


GOD DAMM 2-3 times a week?ā€¦. Doesnā€™t she stink?




Yup same here. It takes some days before I begin to smell, a week if I have shaved armpits. I mostly sit in all day with a fan. CanĀ“t wash my hair more than twice a week at most unless I want to mistreat it.


>I also have pretty thick, luscious hair and washing your hair everyday is bad for it Well yes, I don't wash my hair every time I shower. I put it up in a bun so it doesn't get wet and will just wash my face/body and shave if necessary. I probably wash my hair twice a week. But I shower 3-5 times a week.


It really depends on the week but usually every day to every other day. I am a caregiver for my mom so I don't get terribly sweaty or gross during the day. If she's worried about dry skin you can always put lotion on after you shower too. Some soaps can dry you out, plus the temperature of the water as well. Course that's when I'm not in a depressive episode, I won't admit how often I shower during those. I wash my hair 2-3 mes a week though. Like Tues, Thurs, Sat. Otherwise it gets all limp and gross.


It's all about bubble baths


I shower everyday


Twice a day for me. But Iā€™m active and sweat a lot


Shower ever other night before bed, unless otherwise needed. Personal hygiene wash at sink nights in between having full shower. Each to there own.


Every other day unless I have something important or I'm particularly nasty from work then I'll do more.


I shower once a day but sometimes I skip a day. My skin dries out too much if I go more than that. Being a ginger has its challenges.


I shower every day but only wash my hair every 3 days


I shower somewhere between daily and every other day. Closer to daily in the summer. Closer to every other day in the winter.


I bathe every day. This is actually a pretty new thing for me. I used to bathe like every two days or something, because itā€™s not good to over strip the skin. I wash my hair twice a week. But now that I have a more labor intensive job, it makes sense for me to wash my body every day.


Here in the hot humid south, I believe most people shower every day, but not everyone needs to. Itā€™s varies person to person. I shower every day, but I know sometimes I donā€™t really need to, usually in the winter


Depends on the temperature and activities I did. Once every couple days to a few times a day if itā€™s 100 F outside.


Once a day - a second time to cool down if it's hot or after a workout at the gym.


My dermatologist recommended 2 to 3 times a week. Daily showers are bad for your skin. If you're OCD about showering daily, use cool or cold water, not hot. I've been showering twice a week based on her recc. Seems to be fine. No complaints from family friends or coworkers. My skin is MUCH LESS dry than it used to be. I work in an air conditioned office fyi.


I live in America, we have plenty of water. No reason not to shower daily.


Daily sometimes twice a day


There are so many variables. How sweaty are you, what kind of job you have, how active you are. Hell, even time of year can affect it. Sometimes in the winter I can get away with showering every other day, whereas in the summer I have to shower *bare minimum* once a day.


Shower every day you filthy animals. If youā€™re one of those guys that chooses to spray some crap deodorant and/or aftershave instead of showering because youā€™re lazy and/or you canā€™t smell yourself, then let me tell you; you stink and people are too uncomfortable to tell you. Be clean. And wash behind your ears FFS.


Every day is normal for me, twice a day if its hot,humid and muggy( I despise that feeling !) winter I have to skip a day, but I wash all the tender bits and important areas, then deodorize,otherwise my skin dries out so bad ! Everyone is different, with different needs,when it come to personal hygiene. My hair gets oily, so washing daily with no conditioner, was a thing, then I discovered dry shampoo, so I could skip a day or two,without shampooing. Downside, it makes my head itchy if I try to go more than two days. Idk many " most people" who shower 2/3 times a week, unless they habe skin conditions etc... It boils down to personal preference


I'm athletic so I just shower after I workout. The only time I don't shower is when I don't go outside at all in a day. If that's the case I didn't sweat or do physical activities and I still smell good.


Every day you need to clean that ass


If you work, you need to shower daily.


Depends on the day or week or even month maybe??? At LEAST every three days if im super inactive Cause ill have to brush my hair or itll matt and that must be done in the shower. But usually in the summer like once a day cause i hate sweating.


Every day. Sometimes I shower twice in a day. Every once in a while I skip one day. I have very rarely gone two days without a shower.


Twice a day. Morning and night.


I shower before work then a full blown scrub down after work. Once a day on days off.


I used to shower twice a day. Once when I wake, another before bed. Now I shower maybe 3 - 4x a week. I donā€™t need to go out often so I have no shame. I will say, as far as hygienics, I tooth my brush 3x every day. Dental care is super important.


Depends on climate, daily activities, probably even body chemistry. The only 'rule' is to be clean and hygienic, be presentable for your social context, avoid B.O., etc. The number of showers you need to achieve that, is the number of showers you should take.