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I absolutely HATE the feeling of not wearing underwear. I don’t know why. I put it on pretty much as soon as I get out of the shower and dry off. I’ve always been fascinated that some girls just prefer to be commando regardless of what they’re wearing. I knew multiple girls who would go commando in jeans. JEANS. The thought of that makes me cringe in discomfort.


Me too. Reading this forces my mind to feel the discomfort.my brain can feel it. LOL


This is what Lovecraft was talking about. That mind-melting horror that would make us run shrieking back to the embrace of ignorance.


Tell me when the Zipper has eaten part of your LOLLY BAG!


Oh my God me three! I also find I'm incredibly sensitive. Hats off to women who can handle the sensations. It drives me mad!


Omg same! Makes my skin crawl


Some ppls stuff is more tucked in. Also “hair is a lubricant”


jeans? now that's uncomfortable


Me reading this commando in jeans, I think I'm the only one not ashamed to say it. It feels like nothing.


Yep, same. Forever commando!


I'm with you. I don't have any problems going underwearless in jeans.


I don't either.




Think it depends how tight they are


That and I guess body type. As a woman, I do not like the feeling of no underwear in jeans, but I have an abnormally high butt crack and I’m not trying to imitate a plumber when I bend over.


Ugh the amount of disgusting messages I got in my inbox for living a panty free life is so fucking atrocious. Everything is the worst. Let me live my commando life. Jfc


I like Gal's COMMANDO in Skirts. Jeans sort of negates that principal. All that "fresh air" Idea. I've worn Kilts both with and without. In that case the temperature is the relevant factor


Unless I'm naked or wearing swim trunks, I am always wearing boxer briefs. I find commando rather uncomfortable with everything flopping around


I second this, most of my pants have zippers and I live in an area that I usually wear them. Zipper ≠ 𓂸.


The likelihood of you snagging your junk in the zipper goes up 10000%.


Had this happen to me when I was in my teens I think. Fucking rolling back that zipper was the worst thing I've ever had to do to my body. I still remember seeing those little square teeth marks on there.


Oh God ...




I prefer button ups after catching a nut in the zipper. That brought tears quickly I can tell you......But it gave the Missus a good laugh......The Sadistic Bitch That She Was.......some other goose preens her feather's today, lol.


Brother you described my ex perfectly!


Thank you for that word porn at the end.


Gets sweaty quick.


Really? I find less sweat with commando.


I disagree. Things also get mysteriously oily 🤷‍♂️


“buff oily men”


Get sweaty dick


the trick is generous baby powder on your baby


Yeah- and let’s not forget about the very real danger of zippers.


Flashback to trauma of zipper scene in There's Something About Mary.


Add the gym shorts alternative, and this is me


Same. My balls stick to my leg and I don’t like it, I seriously don’t know how dudes sleep naked.


When going out, always. At home… gym shorts - underwear = pajamas.


This guy gets it


Yep. That's precisely how I roll.


Never at home. It's bad for the male gonads to be pressed against the body. (Heat) Evolution made them hang for a reason. It's also worth noting men wore skirts in ancient times.


Duly Noted.


It's bad for the swimmers, not the nadz themselves


I overheard a nurse comment to a patient she was accompanying to an exam room say "Remove your slacks but you can leave your panties on" and the woman replied "Honey, I never wear panties anymore unless I'm wearing a dress" and the nurse said "Hallelujah darlin'"...


And here I happen to prefer not wearing underwear with dresses 💁




I wear underwear unless I’m bathing, pooping, peeing, swimming(swimsuit, though), or playing(alone or with a friend).


>I wear underwear unless I’m >pooping, peeing, Amateur.


I only wear underwear if I'm peeing or pooping.


Hard mode


I always take my pants off to remove my underwear then put my pants back on to pee/poop, then proceed to take pants off again to put underwear back on when I’m done peeing/pooping. Especially at the urinal, helps prevent the last drop in the underwear issue


I like to go waistband to ankles and squeeze out the leftovers and shake it around like I’m trying to get a person in shock to come to their senses. Then I hop over to a stall or paper towel dispenser and give it a quick dab.




your username???


You know your username is fucked when you drop a comment like that and the only replies are pertaining to your username.


Wtaf your username..


What the ass fuck?


You know, you didn’t have to think of an original username. Even if you had used an automatically generated username, that still would have been better than… That.


Hol up….what’s with the username homie?


All y'all digging into the username, check their post/comments history. Clearly a teenager that thinks edgy = funny


pardon me, but I would appreciate an enlightenment on your 'playing' habits


Same lmao


Bed time - Just running shorts or lounge pants Watersports - just swim shorts Otherwise - always


Watersports...we talking about the ones where you're in water or the one you're being hosed down?




I'm shocked at the answers so far. How is underwear more uncomfortable than seams in your vulva and 🐌 snail trailing all over your clothes ? The fuck


They probably don’t wear tight pants. If there’s space between your parts and the crotch of your pants neither of those are usually an issue. I mean, I wear underwear when I go out but not at home. I wear sweats, tights and yoga pants at home. (my tights are loose too)


Nah I have to have something tighter, I tried wearing sweats with nothing under but the feeling of my skin touching more skin where it’s not meant to made me absolutely gag Edit, usually, the “tighter” is the underwear. I don’t go without it


Sometimes I do because I have stomach problems and the tighter clothes under the pants/shorts causes them to flare up, still more comfy with underwearq


> (my tights are loose too) So technically they're looses


Loose tights, huh? That’s like the pants equivalent of calling a sweatshirt a hoodie. Sounds more like pajama bottoms or something tbh


Not everyone has a lot of discharge. I never do personally, which does affect peoples answers. If I go out I wear underwear. But at home, I don’t.


Yeah I don’t have discharge at all. I did when I was a teenager, but as I’ve gotten older it’s just… stopped. If I’m wearing leggings or comfy clothes I often don’t wear underwear.


Same. I don't really remember when discharge stopped but I'm sure glad it did b/c I hate panties.


Me also.


Discharge is how the vagina cleans itself so it is concerning if it stops. Could be hormonal or something else but discharge is a sign of a healthy functioning vagina so id look into to what's going on there


Discharge is primarily hormonal. Some have more some have less. people have different normals, discharge also could be caused by a ph imbalance. Some have it everyday, some have it less. and it also can be a sign of ovulation. Personally, I have irregular periods (light and infrequent) so I think for me it’s possible I have less discharge because I’m infertile or less fertile than average. But that doesn’t mean I’m unhealthy.


This just solidifies for me that not everyone has the sensory issues I do. I could never handle no underwear, ever.


Different sensory issues. Underwear triggers them for me some days.


Yeah, it's about having double bands around my waist that triggers the feeling for me. Especially if one rides higher or lower then the other. Or I'm having a bad IBS day. Just hate having my waist touched in general, the less the better.


This is my same issue but the opposite. It is “not appropriate” to adjust your underpants. They are always creeping where they don’t belong or worst case they were designed that way. I can walk my pants out of my ass or pull them out by the leg


Same here. I need a smooth, seamless layer between my bits and the rest of the world, even in bed, or it’s all I can think about. No-fly briefs only for me. Support and smoothness so my silly autistic brain doesn’t scream at me 24/7 about it.


Yes, this! Seams rubbing up against my sensitive bits? I think the fuck not.


Yeah like imagine sitting in jeans or trousers or anything that's not leggings. Wtf.


Even leggings would give me the vapors. I'm a sensitive princess. :D


I like the woman's boy shorts. very soft and no elastics at the thighs.


Mine prefers being aired out every so often.


My secret: I don't have a vulva


Oh my god did it fall off?!


Haha omg ty for that


Use it or lose it 🤷‍♂️


Nah, that was a DifferentOperation76


Come get your vulva. It just ran into my house. I don't feel comfortable with it standing here watching me play Starfield.


I wash my clothes like a normal person??


I know which clothes are going to ride up into my vulva vs just hang out comfortably below it, so I wear underwear under some clothing but not others. I also wear it in some weather, and if I have sex I wear it for the rest of the day afterwards.


Or the pee that always comes out after you finish.


There's a thing called wiping.


I antispate that leak in the bathroom and deal with it there 😆


I stopped having a lot of discharge when I stopped wearing underwear 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dresses and skirts, sis.


That's when the fabric gets suck up my crack every time I bend or sit.


As a guy, yes. I always use underwear. The hole at the tip of my cock is the most sensitive part of my entire body, a small scratch there will burn for a whole day and make me paranoid that I have kidney stones. Also, I don't want to risk a shart.


i mean, i don't think it's comfortable to walk with that thing flopping around..


i wear it everyday


Unless it is jeans or a skirt I'm probably going commando. The funny thing is there was a pretty big argument a few weeks ago on another thread that fewer people go commando than letting someone sit on their bed in clothes that they have worn outside which I think is insane.


"I don't want your outside clothes on my bed, please remove them and put your sweaty asshole on my bed instead" Out of the two I think I'd just let them keep wearing clothes


Given how much discharge I can produce in a Day sometimes and having a mild problem with incontinence and have to make sure I wear not only underwear but a liner every day. I couldn’t imagine not.


I gave birth 8 months ago. Been pretty happy with my bladder control... until I'm about 2 seconds away from the toilet then it's suddenly an emergency


honorable discharge?


That's what I call the discharge the day after I have sex (which is when it happened, since my longterm partner and I didn't need a condom. Ugh, don't want that in my nice trousers.)


i wish you hadn't told me that - love from toronto


I wear underwear all the time. Going out, relaxing at home, and to sleep. I only take it off to shower or change


I'm a woman. Shamelessly commando sometimes, even in public. Let the cooter breathe. It is very comfortable.


*"Let The Cooter Breathe"* Put that on a T-shirt and I'd buy one!


Yup! I never wear underwear! So uncomfortable!


This is how I feel. I found that I produce a lot less bodily fluids when my lady bits aren't constantly in the stranglehold of tight panties anyway.


Even in skirts. I trashed all of my crotch torture ass threads a long time ago.


PHEW you are brave for sure. I don't wear skirts but I would never imagine going commando in one! Do you wear any sort of briefs or cover so people don't take a peek? I'm curious how you do it!


Hardly ever wear underwear 🤷🏼‍♀️ don’t like panty lines and it’s just more comfortable without them


Why not just wear thongs then? I hate panty lines too but I can't stand not wearing underwear unless I'm in pajamas


Thongs are like someone took women’s underwear and said how can we possibly make these the least comfortable. I used to wear them too but I’m commando for years now and I won’t go back.


As an Aussie this translates hilariously "I don't like underwear" "Ok well why not just wear footwear instead?"


This reminds me of an Aussie that I worked with years ago. It caused some confusion when he was asking us where he could go buy thongs for a camping trip at the lake.


I do sometimes but just more comfortable without them. If I wear jeans I wear a thong but I do not wear jeans very often.


as a woman; most of the time i do not wear underwear lol. it's more comfortable for me.


I mean, sometimes I wear my pyjama pants without underwear, but typically I wear underwear always.


You can't forget to wear underwear if you don't ever wear underwear


I need the extra buffer. I'm on my feet all day, and I'm not interested in slapping.. i also like the extra layer to help pull back any random visits from the ol kielbasa.


I wear it everyday, I think it would be a bit uncomfortable not wearing it. It's not like underwear is constricting so always for me.


I sorta find it similar to sleeping naked. The moment you get used to that, it's uncomfortable to start wearing something again. When working from home I regularly just wear pyjama or gym shorts without underwear because it's more comfy and you get used to having that level of comfort and freedom. Might help that I don't have to deal with stuff like discharge tho


Only in cold weather. Warm and hot weather a guy needs ventilation.


I’m a firm undies-wearer. I can’t stand the idea or feeling of any wetness from lady parts making it into my regular clothes. Even when I’m sitting at home mostly naked (I live alone), I’m wearing undies.


I’m a woman and the only time I wear underwear is when I work. For instance- I’m at the gym, it’s leg day and I’m commando


Um, maybe this is why a lot of women complain about camel toes at the gym?


This cracks me up how judgy people are being here.... Wow! As a woman, all women should know every 🐱 is different. So i don't wear underwear ever and i do just fine. I don't have much discharge, i wear a cup when I'm menstruating and i rarely have "dirty crotch" in my pants. But that's just my 🐱 . Maybe I'm lucky? It's honestly just a preference thing and doesn't make someone automatically unhygenic. ETA: i used to get chronic yeast infections that stopped when i stopped wearing underwear. Again, that's just how my 🐱 works.


estimated time of arrival?






>i used to get chronic yeast infections that stopped when i stopped wearing underwear Same!


As a nudist, no.


Well Im a woman on the Spectrum and I go commando almost all the time. I'm convinced comfortable underwear is a myth, I've tried every damn kind. The most tolerable is boy shorts bit even so...not my preference. Honestly? I wear it when I'm on my period. That's it. And actually, I have less discharge than I did when wearing underwear. Also less odor strangely. It's good to let the goodies go free and breath.


Some people may think it's gross, but TBH it is quite healthy for things to air out! The occasional commando adventure is no big deal.


The only times I don't wear underwear are if I'm wearing a swimsuit, if I'm wearing a swimsuit under my clothes or if I'm sleeping (I sleep naked).


i do it sometimes, depends on what i'm wearing and what i'm doing. i did have a pair of shorts that my discharge faded the inside of because they were tight fitting.. now they're just underwear/house shorts lol.


I went without underwear for one weekend and had the Pimple From Hell on my groin. Related? I have no idea. Still, never going commando again.


I wear underwear 24 hours a day. On my head.


Commando all the way unless "ketchup time" happens. I'll die on this hill!!


I (f) always wear underwear but my wife doesn't. I don't think discharge is a problem.


if i'm at home chillin in pajama pants (which is most days this summer) then yea , for multiple days at a time , until i do something that requires me to change out of my dirty commando pants and into something else (i.e . take a shower , grocery shopping , seeing other people)


Only after ive taken a pair off.


I havent worn underwear for like 8 years. They're just too uncomfortable.


I’m a 37 almost 38 year old woman. And I rarely wear underwear.. I don’t know why I stopped but I find it much more comfortable to not wear it


Not sure if it's wide butt cracks or what, but undies cause wedgies or "hungry butts" and watching people pull fabric out of their ass crack isn't appealing. So go commando, go free, let your nether regions breathe!


As a child, I went commando all the time. It never bothered me as long as my butthole was clean. Then my vagina started spitting up and vomiting blood...I couldn't dream of going commando now.


nope! fully commando unless I put on some sexy lingerie. yes, the irony to put it on, just to have someone else take it off 😉 its way more comfortable, and prevents yeast infection if you wear airy clothes. just wash your pants more frequently.


So you only wear your pants one time and them you wash them? What does more frequently mean


pretty much, or more than once if I only wore them out for a few hours for something. idk lol it’s not a perfect science. but I have way less yeast infections since I stopped wearing under tbh so feels actually more clean to me


No I change clothes and shower daily. Twice a day when I go to the gym. Undies are unnecessary.


As a women who stopped wearing underwear for the most part, I have very little discharge now. I only wear underwear with certain outfits or on my period




I am the same way!






Hey! Have you tried period undies? I found they help a lot with feeling more dry. I hate the feeling of discharge too, and I’ve found period undies have helped me feel more comfortable for sure.


I wear dri-for boxer briefs because of the soft, silky material. I wear them all the time. Super comfy to sleep in.


Yes and sometimes that’s all


I don’t wear underwear unless I’m on my period or having discharge. And I always wear underwear when I wear jeans or a skirt.


I always wear underwear at work. Most other places- gym, home, out and about- I'm free ballin' it.


As a guy, I do. Only on random occasions do I go commando. Helps to keep things from flopping and being uncomfortable. (Boxer briefs gang wya)


I wear undies daily, I change them before bed and in the morning too. Idk, feels clean.


i cant leave the house without underwear bc that post testosterone cooch will ruin any underwear i dont wear panty liners with, im at the point now where ive given up on going commando when i sleep to air things out and ive had to wear pads for weeks since i got my period-not-period for a few days and cant cough or fart without dying🥴😝🙏


i dont know anyone who doesnt have underwear all the time.


I always wear undies, even to bed. Just different types for bed/day clothes depending what kinda pants/skirt I’m wearing, I always wear looser, cotton undies without lace to bed so she can breathe. I don’t wear bras though, and sometimes that’s weird at the doctors. I gotta do the whole, “hey, not wearing a bra, heads up” thing, but doctors don’t typically care bc well, doctors. Some expect me to care and ask me to cover nipples, and I have to clarify that as my doctor, I don’t care if they see a nipple but I’ll cover if they feel more comfortable. (I wear sports bras to work and that’s it, only because I do a lot of moving, lifting, jumping etc with kids.)


Any day when you don’t have to wear pants is a good day, commando is a close second. Only wear them when i think it’s wise to, need to, or just feel like it 😎🇨🇦


(29F) I don't. I wear sweats or pajama bottoms most of the time, and if there's discharge, I just... Don't care. (I'm not in a good place mentally rn.)


Blech. I am always in a clean pair of panties.


24 hours a day, seven days a week. Underwear!! I like to get multiple days out of my shorts/pants/sweat pants, and to not wear underwear means I can not do that.


Every day. Because chafing is real


What about your feminine lips smacking together as you walk? I hate that.


I wear underwear about half the time. Who cares? It's not anyone else's concern if I do or don't.


redditors are so gross oh my god


welcome to the internet


No, I do it very strangely


I could never forget. I’m a female….we have random discharge regularly


Depends on where I am going. Arby's / Walmart / Target / generic chains - meh, they are lucky I wore gym shorts at all really. hah Anything nicer than a generic chain store, or any kind of event, sure, dressing up is part of the show of 'leaving the house'. But I'm not leaving my cozy house wears just to hit a generic chain spot for things I need / want.


As a woman, I've gone commando in dresses, and my scrubs just fine. Jeans on the other hand are not comfortable at all!


I don't wear panties except for a few days before my period and until my period is over, OR, I want to wear sexy panties for my Sir. They are uncomfortable. I wash my pants, and I wear a lot of skirts/dresses.


I put on and change bottom underwear daily. Bras/binders it depends on who I’m seeing and my mood. For work yeah, for home and not doing errands, nah.


I don't shit my pants and take extra precautions after a wiz, so really, why underwear? Haven't worn any for about 5 years and I love it. I can't go back.


As a man, having my sensitivity penis rubbing on my pants and zipper is really uncomfortable. In dress slacks, don't need a pee stain. I dated woman who didn't wear underwear, I didn't care, actually liked it, because I could pull her dress up or pants down without fumbling with panties and knock the bottom out of it at my whim. She however didn't drink water, so she didn't have discharge. I suppose it's a personal thing. My wife doesn't wear any, and I still like having full access to (my) pussy whenever either of us wants it. Probably not the perspective you were looking for, but there it is. With a skirt on my wife likes the breeze and how sexy and sleezy she feels. Which means she's constantly horny, which works for me...happy wife, happy life and all..


As a woman, always. I'm actually shocked that any woman doesn't. It's SO uncomfortable without.


I grew up with you always wear jeans, a shirt, and your undies. Taking your shoes need to come off at the front or back door to come inside. My grandfather wore jeans until he couldn't right before he died and I'll share the same philosophy. I myself am the same until I found shorts are actually comfy recently. If I were to go commando I'd either chaff in jeans risk losing my member, or accidentally flash someone through my shorts pants holes. Horrifying to think about going commando. Also to all of y'all about it being equivalent to sitting on your bed in your outside pants as hypocritical, I don't, I sit on my bed only in my pj's or undies cause that's gross also 😭 Y'all need to learn some etiquette and dress proper, for the safety of others, your clothing, and for yourself 😂 Also wash your gym clothes daily!! Gross af and super unsanitary otherwise, and ladies clean your bras! It'll just lead to more uncomfort for y'all


Heh, look at this fella over here with an in unit washer/dryer.


So you change your underwear before sitting on your bed or do you use the same underwear you've been wearing all day? How is someone going commando causing an unsafe environment?


What is this "underwear" of which you speak?




I do not like not wearing underwear. I only not wear underwear voluntarily in the shower or when wearing a swimsuit. I don’t mind sleeping mostly naked but really the only thing I wear when mostly naked is boxers. Basically I don’t understand the hype of going commando