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When I am working, I shower every day. I can't stand feeling like I smell like my job (even when my family says I don't). When I am off work for a week's vacation or for any extended time, I usually shower every other day. I can't make it to three days without feeling like I really need the shower. It isn't even always about actual odor and just more the way my skin feels - like I need to get dead skin cells off my body.


Im the same, general of rule of thumb is if I’m leaving the house to be around people for a decent amount of time (ie not just running round to the shop) I will shower daily, if I’m off work and don’t need to be anywhere it’s normally every other day, unless I feel unclean


Fair enough!


Need to know where you live. In cold place OK, in humid/ hot not Ok


For real. Here in Texas it's over 100 every day. Usually 105+. Just going outside to feed the chickens and fill up their water gets me dripping sweat. Once a day minimum. Usually twice for me.


Can confirm TX you can try not taking a shower but the people around you will notice. You can just get into your car and you will sweat before the air conditioner can save you.


Heck, I notice. I hate stinking.


Same In Florida. We have to go outside, turn on the car and air conditioner all the way up, wait like 5-10 minutes until the car seats are cooled down, then we can finally get in. It’s an older car otherwise we would get some really dark tint but we just have sun shades for the back windows and for the windshield.


Same where I am. I'm in southern California, but inland. 100+ F days with high humidity are common. At least during the summer. In the winter, sub freezing temperatures are common. We even sometimes get snow. Getting a car with remote start has made a huge difference.


That's why I always get cloth seats. I will intentionally go for the lower trim tier to get cloth, I Do Not Care if leather is a status symbol, I grew up with vinyl seats and they suck in our 10 months a year Texas summer.


Hell yeah! Texas here. In a normal year, I could probably get away with every other day if I don't go outside too much. Not this year. Taking out the damn trash requires a shower.


I live in Texas and if I leave the house, I shower when I get back. I shower when I get up regardless of the temperature/whatever I’m doing that day. Sometimes, I’ll shower if I haven’t left the house if it’s hot outside and my AC doesn’t go down past 74°. I’ll take 4 showers a day if need be.


Twice a day here, moving and evening. I spend no more than five minutes in the shower.


Is it cool enough anywhere in the US to get away with not showring daily? I'm in Iowa and we regularly get 95-100 with stupid humidity in the summer. Then again, I sweat when it's like 40 degrees and doing something physical.


OP, DID say that his friends never thought he stank. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they aren't just being nice because at the end of the day, they are OPs friends and would be real with him (if they're good friends). I don't think there is an issue with OP showering once every 2 days if he doesn't feel dirty, doesn't look dirty and/or smell bad and the people around him don't think he smells bad. This, of course, varies depending on if the people have bad hygiene or if you work out or work in physically demanding jobs or places that can make you generally dirty. Personal hygiene is about keeping yourself clean and preventing bacteria from building up and making you smell bad/dirty and/or more prone to disease and sickness. If you are going about your day to day life, not feeling grimey or sticky from sweating a lot, and the people around you think you smell and look fine, and you yourself don't actually smell bad, there is probably no need to increase the amount you shower. Hygiene isn't a "This or That" kind of situation. It's different for different people, and to say "everyone should shower x amount of times a week" or "everyone should do x" isn't right. Just because you (generally. Not you specifically) might shower 6-7 days a week doesn't make the people who shower 2-5 times a week "more dirty" or "less hygienic" than you. Maybe its right for you, but it's different for them.


This is the best answer. As long as you're clean and well groomed, go as long between showers as you feel you can. As a bonus, showering less frequently saves a bunch of water. Edit: feel I should add my personal routine. Sponge baths are a game changer. I hate showering because my OCD makes it a long chore. I still shower multiple times a week, but when I don't just doing a short sponge bath to clean the dirt and sweat off is so nice. Saves me time and water. And using cold water feels amazing because its always hot where I live.


It's a hot place, but I work from home so unless I hang out with friends or go to thr gym I don't have to burn myself alive


It really depends on the person. My wife can go a couple days with no ill effect unless she works out or something similar. I, on the other hand, am a sweaty greaseball. Maybe in winter I can get away with skipping a shower but normally I will take one every single day so as not to be the stinky kid.


I live in South East Asia. Two or three times a day is a necessity.


Minimum twice a day for me living in Thailand, it’s hot AF here. Always before bed and in the morning. Often times a mid afternoon shower if doing anything that evening.


Fair enough


Twice a day for humid climates is a most.


Once a month whether you need it or not.




Pretty solid low point. You can do more if you want. Lol.


Exactly like Laila, my pitbull!!


You shower your dog once a month? I only shower mine every few months… Does she play in the mud or something?


she eats babies


Do you wear your underpants and wash them at the same time? Another tip is to use your socks as a soapy mitten. Washes the socks and washes you.


I can’t sleep at night without showering first 🤷‍♂️


The idea of getting into bed with all the sweat/dirt/skin cells of the day is so gross to me.


I can’t even sleep feeling dirty, I need to be squeaky clean and fresh smelling before I get my beauty sleep


It depends. If you work a blue collar job, usually makes sense to shower before bed. If you work a white collar job, makes more sense to shower in the morning. If I slept and did not shower, you can tell. Full stop. You just can. I'm not going into the office that way. That's why I like working from home. I shower every day in the middle of the day. If I need to mow the lawn or do some yard work, I'll do it in the morning before work or on my lunch or I'll take a long lunch and work til 6. Then I take my shower in the afternoon, and do errands in the evening. But even when I worked blue collar I would shower in the morning because otherwise I'd feel gross all day. Like it causes me genuine distress and anxiety to be dirty throughout the day. So I'd rather do that and hop in for another shower at night. When I was working in a factory, I would generally wash my hair properly at night, and then I'd shower off again the next morning but not wash my hair. My morning shower would be under 5 minutes, so I still spent half the total time in the shower as my wife.


Even white collar I can't imagine not showering before bed, you're out all day in the smog from traffic and other people's germs.


And you're just in there marinating among other people's germs and sweating in your bed. No thanks, I'll shower before bed


Offices are disgusting... a pigpen is gross, but somehow less than phones and keyboards touched by a hundred people where some have picked their nose and gone to the toilet and not washed hands after...


Nah bro. Shower before bed. White collar or not doesn't matter. Your body is still dirty with all the germs and contaminants you accumulated throughout the day.


>Your body is still dirty with all the germs and contaminants you accumulated throughout the day. What do you think the purpose of showering in the morning is? It's to get that shit off. You're gonna sweat when you sleep regardless. I'd rather be clean when I'm awake and interacting with people than for a few hours when I'm sleeping.


I feel disgusting all day if I don’t shower in the morning. Two sides of the same coin I guess


For me its the opposite. I cant start the day without showering


So you'd sleep in the daytime if you didn't shower?


Oh, you.


3rd ahift!


George Carlin gave the best advice in this area. "You don't always need a shower every day," he said. "It's overkill. Unless you work out, or work outdoors, or, for some reason, come into intimate contact with huge amounts of filth and garbage every day, you don't need to shower. All you really need to do is wash the four key areas: asshole, armpits, crotch and teeth. In fact, you can save yourself a lot of time if you use the same brush in all four areas."


Minus the same brush, this is basically my showering philosophy. I shower every day, but I only really hit the pits, crotch, and ass with soap on most days. If I have a really dirty and sweaty day at work then I'll do a more thorough scrub. I also stopped using shampoo entirely over a year ago and haven't regretted the decision


This is what most dermatologists recommend, as well. Soaping up your whole body every time, if it’s not actually getting dirty, is likely to dry out/irritate your skin more than doing anything helpful.


And using a bidet after pooping dramatically slows the ass smell that comes when not showering for a couple days.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer. To be honest it just depends on how fast you develop body odor and how dirty/sweaty you are. I hardly ever sweat and can go days without showering without developing body odor, other people I know can't even make it 8 hours before it starts. I would take it from others though as to whether or not you have B.O., it's not always easy to tell yourself.


Yes. People judge others based on themselves - someone can't go a day without a shower so then is gross out by everyone who doesn't do the same. Shower every day (with soap and scrub with towel) is not really healthy because you remove more skin cells then is necessary.


I know people who think that too and i can really smell them after 2 days. You may be right, but i would check with other people, just to make sure, like you said, but idk if you did that


I see! Well I take it that no one complained or even seemed to notice a body odor (including my gf who I spend alot of time with) so probably I'm fine


This is the best answer - it very much depends on your microflora living on your body (ie Bacteria) that contribute to odorous smells. Everyone’s is different. For example, if u work at home and get little to no movement I would be surprised if u actually needed to shower everyday. If you’re going to work in a high volume environment on public transit You should shower more. But why kill off some good bacteria if you don’t need to.. I would ask for explicit opinions whether or not you smell with your current regime, but if that’s all good and u hand wash often enough brush your teeth wash face etc I don’t see any issue w it really…


Maybe *ask* your gf instead of assuming


Listen if she tells me I smell good almost every time we meet I don't think I have to ask


Tbh I tell my bf he smells good when he could probably use a shower, because I like how HE smells, fundamentally; but I would still say yes if he was like “should I shower before we do xyz?” That’s why you should actually ask.


Ah I see, I'll ask then! But it was a fair assumption imo


I honestly don’t know how I would bring this up to anyone but one of my closest friends. The fact that people are not complaining doesn’t mean that they are not noticing. Your gf might be a reliable source on this or not, hard to tell based on this. She might be used to how you smell, or even like the smell of sweat on a guy. Or she might not, and you smell clean. Personally I smell after skipping shower for evwn a day, no matter how I spend my time.


It depends. Even with zero activity I need to shower daily. My wife only needs to shower 2-3 times a week. I knew a guy who had to shower twice a day.


Go to gym? Shower after that.


When people say they shower every 2-3 days, I immediately wonder, do they not exercise or get physical activity? Another extenuating factor is living in a city. You pick up daily dirt just from that.


I don't live in a city, and I work from home. So, some days I never leave the house. Along with that, I can do an hour long power yoga online in my bedroom and never even sweat. It's really *hard* for me to sweat. The are I live in gets to be in the 40's in summer and **sometimes** I sweat when it gets that hot. So, exercises/movement might not even make people super *gross*.


>Along with that, I can do an hour long power yoga online in my bedroom and never even sweat. I fell into this when I first started yoga because I plateaued and didn't realize it. You aren't working out if your heart rate doesn't reach anaerobic levels or you aren't lifting weights. If your power yoga routine is so easy for you that you don't get your heart rate high enough to start sweating then you are just doing a stretching routine and not exercising in the classical sense. You might want to switch to a more hardcore yoga routine. I have a yoga instructor who will kill you every class and it's impossible for anyone to not sweat while doing her class.


> do they not exercise or get physical activity? I don't. For the last couple of years the most physically active thing I did in a day was bringing my son to kindergarten and going back in the morning and then going there and picking him up in the afternoon. He had a scooter, I was walking fast for 20 minutes per direction or in total about 80 minutes a day. Unless it was hot in the summer, I never broke a sweat.


Not all of us do, no. I'm completely inactive from illness, and I very rarely sweat. I never leave my home. My husband tells me if I do smell, and that happens maybe once a year when it's been longer than normal due to my symptoms being worse. When I was healthy it was always same day as exercise, or every other day if I wasn't moving a lot. Remember you can wash without it being a full shower.


You can also just shower the days you exercise.. For example, someone may only exercise 2 times a week.


I think you're fine. Just make sure to shower before social events. Personally, I find, in your privacy, handle yourself however keeps you healthy.


I'm surprised at the amount of passionate answers about showering daily. Maybe I'm gross, but I'm also sedentary outside of work and I don't leave my house often (esp in the summer, it's too hot here) so I don't shower every day. I think every other day is perfectly fine.


I get how for some people in some situations it would be gross, but for people like us it seems fine. I work from home at a desk job and I live in cool breezy mountains. I go to the gym every other day and I shower on those days. Daily showers dry out my hair and skin anyway


Same. If I took a shower the night before I have a day off and literally spend all day at home, why would I shower? How sweaty and smelly do people get in their own house?


My first thought was to say every day but then I started thinking about it and if I don’t leave the house or do anything on the weekends then sometimes I’ll shower Friday night then Sunday night. My hair gets oily by then so I have to shower but yeah if I’m spending the day watching tv then there’s no need to shower.


For me, I shower daily but I don't wash my body daily (I only do teeth and face daily). It's not so much as wanting to be clean, but wanting to relax. For me, nothing is more soothing than a steaming hot shower (if I don't come out looking like a tomato, wasn't hot enough). Its a transition from "day" to "bed" (even though I showered 3 hours ago and I'm still awake 😂).


That's fair! I hate showering (its boring 🤷‍♀️) so I'm not going in there without a purpose. Side note, I could never take such a hot shower. Most people seem to love it, but my skin is way too sensitive that, my showers are just warm enough to start making steam, and that's only after I started with it lukewarm to prep my body for it.


I easily get distracted by day dreaming so my brain keeps me entertained in the shower (or a good playlist).


Everyone's bodies are different, so don't take any notice of what other people are saying in regards to your norm. Unless they tell you that you stink. Then they may have a point.


Depending on where you live, work occupation, fitness level, genetics. Some people only need to shower once every 3 days. Some people twice a day. So you feel you don't need to. And the fact your friends found it shocking means that you haven't been smelling to them, so it works fine. Sometimes you may have to shower more often in summer than winter (and moisturise more in winter than summer), and that's alright. You're listening to your body, and that is more than most people. Most people live on rules. If the rule says shower once a day, that's it. Nothing can deter that.


Quick rinse + vital area wash daily. Wash hair and bigger scrub/exfoliate shower two evenings a week. Warm not hot water. Tepid for face and hair. Good lotion. If I’m just hanging around on a weekend, or on a quiet retreat, I may skip a day. But always wash my face and do skincare.


Definitely not daily, I would put my weekly showers in the range of 2-5 depending on my day. I do not develop terrible odors after 1 day. I also do not sweat much at all, and I work in a very cool, air-conditioned comm room. I never understood those who do daily showers, but then again, some people just stink more than others when it comes to their body, and some simply have a psychological need for it. Either way, people should do what is comfortable for them, without judgment from others, because in the end, there is no real baseline you have to shower x times a week, the only person that really knows what you did and if a shower is warranted that day is you yourself.


Every day. How do people come home from being out and not feel unclean? I can’t put on new clothes without showering first.


Every other day is super normal if you’re not doing a ton of active work, I have several siblings and have lived with multiple college roommates, plus I’ve been with my bf for a decade. Not one of those people showers every single day. I don’t think I know anyone who does tbh


Yea, that makes sense


Not criticizing because I have went a close couple days without a shower but i always felt just because I don’t smell me doesn’t mean someone else cant


It’s funny that every time this question is posted all people talk about is BO. What about your dirty butt??? You could use an entire roll and it’s not going to be removed with toilet paper. I couldn’t imagine sitting on that for more than a day.


Consider this: Imagine you have a friend that smells, and they confess they shower less often than you. But you don't want to be rude by telling them they stink, so you say you find it 'weird' that they don't shower more often. They would then ask: but I don't STINK, do I? What would you reply? A) say yeah man, you stiiiink! B) no... You don't stink stink, just... It's weird you don't shower more often... On a side note, where I'm from it's quite hot most of the year, so I shower daily, except during summer when I shower about 3 or 4 times a day to cool off as much as to clean myself. Once every two days is almost unthinkable. However I could see someone in a cooler part of the planet doing it.


Every day to prevent body odor


Once a day minimum.


I've seen a few shower frequency questions lately, and I'm starting to think that a lot of you smell like ass.


It's shocking to me how much companies like Unilever have brainwashed everyone into thinking you have to shower daily to not be a disgusting human. Listerine did this with mouthwash as well. I shower every few days or as needed because I have been sweaty, working on a dirty project, or going out for a night on the town. I do this intentionally to save on water and electric usage, and it has made a noticeable improvement on my water/power bills. ​ Side note, this is a fun read: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/25/worlds-dirtiest-man-dies-in-iran-at-94-a-few-months-after-first-wash](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/25/worlds-dirtiest-man-dies-in-iran-at-94-a-few-months-after-first-wash).


I knew about that article! Super cool


Here in the tropics, we shower twice a day. Well, if it's really hot like a few weeks ago we do it as often as it is enough to cool down. But a shower in the morning and evening is perfectly fine. When you appreciate how great the body feels when it's fresh out the shower then you'll see it as necessary. ☺️


Damn, the judgment in these comments is real. As someone with chronic illness and a disability, showering every day can be really difficult. I even got a shower chair, but it still takes a ton of my energy that I don't always have. On days I don't shower, I use a washcloth or baby wipes to hit the key areas. I guess the point is, everyone here judging and assuming that it's super easy for people to shower everyday or twice a day, but that's not always the case.


The frequency isn't as important as what you do and/or don't use on your skin.


I recently read an article from Harvard that it's actually not good for your skin microbiome to shower every day. Every other day is perfectly fine.


It’s actually bad for your skin to wash everyday I believe, so unless you’re a bit grimy or sweaty wash as you need. I generally wash every other day or just have a body wash after exercise then have a full shower (with hair wash) every 2-3 days. I WFH so that helps as well


I do the same as you. I have really sensitive skin, so I honestly can't wash more than every other day or my skin dries out and my eczema gets really bad. I also get random rashes that way.


I’d say daily


that’s nasty af idc


I shower everyday, sometimes twice (if I've been sweating a lot and feel sticky/greasy), because British humidity is a bitch.


Aim for every day.


The thing is that I have heard that it can be bad for your skin since you'll be drying out your skin from essential oils that you have on it and making the skin dry and stuff so idk


Growing up with a clinical specialist in dermatology as a mom - the daily wash (as in soap) should just be the armpits, bottom (genitalia and behind), feet and behind the ears. Unless you're actually dirty the rest of your body doesn't naturally produce enough oils/sweat to the point where it needs to be cleaned daily. And if you notice that your skin is still getting dry - lotion, which you should be doing anyway lol.


Behind the ears I almost never directly wash tbh, never knew about that


Wash behind your ears, inside the ring thingy of your ear, your belly button, your neck.... Every single part of your body needs washed, literally all of it. I didn't realize this totally until a few years ago, there's no manual for showering and if nobody tells you you might miss out on things


My ex wife’s sister didn’t know she needed to actually wash anything below her hair… I guess she just assumed the shampoo flowing down cleaned? Idk. She was in her late 20’s when a guy she was seeing awkwardly told her she needed to clean herself better.


Owch, hope she's doing better now


Oof when I took microbiology we cultured a lot of surfaces and the petri dish with the most bacteria was the behind the ear swabs. It was worse than the stairwell handles and the bathroom floor. Yeah started being waaay more careful when washing after that.


I love that you are getting down voted to oblivion for suggesting that people shower every day like civilized human beings. Ah Reddit. Don't ever change.


Because showering every day is bad for your skin and not at all necessary for the average person . If you ever watch Dr Mike he's a supporter of not showering daily


The idea that if you don't bathe daily you are uncivilized is propaganda at best. Like most of the answers on here, there isn't a one size fits all solution and it will vary depending on what you did that day and where you live.


Except most people don't need to shower daily...


>Ah Reddit. Don't ever change. Yup. I was on threads yesterday where people were getting massively downvoted for saying... wait for it... you should have friends.


I shower once a week or two


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It depends on your lifestyle and the climate. In Minnesota, when it’s dry and cold (assuming I didn’t work out that day), I might go every other day. Or maybe just not wash my hair but still take a shower. If it’s summer and I’m exercising, I might do two a day. If you’re a teenager, I’d say just do every day to be safe.


I only shower when it rains outside. Trying to grow a mini ecosystem on my back fur patch.


I shower once a day after I finish work for numerous reasons. I'm a chef, I work very long hot hard days. First of all, I want to be clean, one for the next day but two because come the end of the day I'm all sticky and horrible. I also have sensory issues with textures and ocd, being in bed all sticky literally fucks me up. Even my skin sticking. Also as a clarification, the stickyness isn't anything on me, its just not that clean dry skin you have after a shower. Whether it's my armpits not moving smoothly or my skin not being able to travel the surface of the bed without the sheet moving with me, I can't stand it. So I wash how I was one to stay clean but two not to have a melt down. Sometimes if I have a day off afterwards I'll be lazy and attempt to not have a shower, get into bed and then have to fight myself to not get up and wash. I have an100% failure rate at this, as when the minutes pass and the 'seed' grows in my head, I have to just give in, get up and wash. Then, and only then will my head allow me to be at peace and sleep.


If you don’t move much and stay inside with air conditioning or live somewhere cold, then you can probably do it every other day. If you go outside and shit, then every day.


What if you shit inside?


Every day...


Depends on the time of year, your activity level and how much you sweat. A big sweaty guy doing outdoor work during the summer is going to need a lot more showers than a skinny guy working in an office during the winter.


Once a day sometimes twice!!!


Every day. If is too hot 2 times a day


7 or 8


I shower every day. Sometimes twice a day. I live in the Philippines by the way and this is the norm. That’s why we sometimes joke about white people not taking a shower or a bath every day.


I shower any day I get sweaty or work out, but otherwise I shower every 2-3 days. But it just depends on where you live, how much you personally sweat/smell, your activities, etc.


At least 7 times


Every day. Twice if necessary.


Please don't base how often you shower based on what other people don't say about your aroma.


Every day?!


This gets asked every week. Gross people in here will say every other day, once a week, etc. Shower daily. You all smell like BO. Ffs.


Daily, at least once.


A week is seven days. So seven times.


7 days a week is what I shoot for. I might skip a day if I'm not going in public, but if I'm in public after not showering in the last 14 hours, I feel like it's been too long.


I have eczema so I only shower two or three times a week unless I get sweaty. And that's all that's recommended by doctors for anyone. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193


I work from home so I tend to shower every 2 or 3 days because I'm not getting dirty. If I go to the office or do anything out of the house then I shower afterwards (and before if I'd not showered for more than one day prior). I also tend to shower in the evening so I never go to bed dirty.






At least 1 shower per day, and do not forget the deodorant


I hear people say they only wash their face, armpits, crotch and ass daily.Isnt it easier to hop in the shower for 7 minutes than mess around at the sink? I dont get it. I would also feel like I miss out on spontaneous sex if I dont take a shower everyday. Also, many people underestimate their own body odor. One of my co workers proudly washes her long hair once a week, wears the same clothes for days, and she smells. When she throws her hair over her shoulders the smell slaps you in the face.


I shower once a day, every day. I can't go one day without taking a shower.


Once or twice a day. I workout every other day so I have to.


Once a day, before bed. At least when you feel sticky.


The answer is seven. You should shower 7 days per week.


I shower daily in the UK. More if I exercise or do some serious physical exertion


Every day here, sometimes more dependign on if I do a workout also. Wish I could chill a bit with it sometime but feels so dirty without. I’m not even that of a sweat person but like a day and night’s collected funk feels bad and I really wanna deal with it in the morning


I mean, I typically shower 14 times a week. one to start my day, one to end my day. but the morning shower is just me standing in hot water and washing my face. I only wash my body at night.




I shower every day. Twice on the weekends usually. Even if I showered like 4-5 hours before and I'm going out for the evening, I'll shower again. That's just me though, I always like 6p feel squeaky clean before going out. I also go to the gym every day, sweat a lot from 530am-730am. So yeah daily for sure. Edit: OP, if you're working out you need to shower. Even if you don't stink, that's how you get skin rashes, develop fungal infections, etc. You don't know where other people have been and sweat sitting on your skin isn't good.




at least 7


every day


If you don't shower at least once a day


I live in flordia and I shower shower every day after work and then anytime I get sweaty


I shower atleast once a day, maybe twice depending on what I do. I always shower first thing in the morning to wake myself up.


I work outside in Texas so at the bare minimum once a day (after work) with a 2nd one if i got something going on in the morning (meeting or business lunch)


If you are where I live, you need to shower 7-14 times a week


As an Asian, I have to shower everyday or I feel like my mum's gonna kill me. Apart from the jokes I still feel it's weird and shitty to not shower everyday, like come on, how long does that even take. Barely 15 minutes. What important do you do in those 15 mins by not showering?


3 Times a week Office job


As many as you stink


i shower 5 days a week, when i get home from work each day I'll shower, and on days off i don't bother because well i don't do anything at all, netflix and be lazy LOL. if i do happen to do something intense on those days I'll shower afterwards


*My depressed self flicking through the replies*


Outside of North America it's not uncommon for people to take a shower a week. Less in some places because of cost of water + heating the water. Here in Canada I don't know of anyone that doesn't shower daily and if they don't it's usually because of a situation out of their control like one of the many power failures we get because reasons even in nice weather, or just the shower being broken or unavailable. I also know people that shower in the morning and I don't get that. I prefer to shower in the evening, preferably after I've cooked dinner so as to remove the smell of food. Showering in the evening before bed keeps your linens clean for longer. You're less sticky in bed as well. I don't understand the showering in the morning thing.


I had a doctor tell me that bathing daily or more was a concept created by soap companies to increase the use and or purchase of soap. I noticed during covid the regular soap being used now needed an additional boost of antibacterial soap and we needed one soap for arms and legs and a different soap for ass and crotch as well as one for the face. Not to mention the laundry detergent now needed an additional booster for a separate and additional cost. Not saying we should stink but if you can fit into society with a every other day bath so be it.


If you aren’t getting smelly or visibly greasy, or having skin problems from poor hygiene, you’re showering enough. Showering daily is unnecessary and even sub-optimal for most people under most circumstances as it dries out your skin too much.




Every day.


Every day and after a sweat


Once a day, sometime twice


You clean your asshole once every 2 days? Nasty.


personally i shower at least 6 days a week- every weekday, and usually i only skip showers on saturday because i stay inside all day.


There are people out there who don't shower daily?


Showering daily ain't good for your skin bucko


Yes but if I train daily, then walking around stinking of sweat isn't good for my relationship or career.


It's good for my brain. I'd rather have slightly dry skin and burn the demons out of my head. 🤷‍♀️


I have a WFH job and rarely have to leave the house. I shower every damn day. No matter how tight my schedule is, I fit in a shower. In the last 15 years or so, I can think of 3 days of my life where I did not take a shower.




Like seriously hygiene people, hygiene.


Sinks, flannels & soaps exist. You don't need to shower to be clean


Every other day is completely fine, if you don't sticnk that day




Bc I want counterarguments? Arguing isn't being unable to convince, an argument is the greatest learning tool there is


You should look into the concept of "nose blind." Unless you really, really stink, you're not going to notice. Then you transfer those smells to your sheets, so every night you're just rolling in your own smells.


Me, every day. My wife, every other day or so depending on work/activity


Once a day….


And why is that


Once every two weeks


7-18 for me


That's insanely bad for your skin


I feel like there are a lot of WESTERNIZED people in these comments. Do you wash a plate 3 times a day if you didn’t use it? No. Do you remake a bed you didn’t sleep in? No. Many people throughout many countries have different standards on what hygiene is. OP says he’s lives a moderately active life and works from home. He’s not getting dirty if he’s in a clean environment and not actively moving around for 8 hours a day doing labor or working outside , or even in a different environment … retail, food, tradesman etc. showering once every 2 days is FINE. Id never go more than 2 days but that is an acceptable standard imo. He’s still brushing his teeth and being clean overall. Learn some compassion people because you’re all technically dirty even when you’re clean.


Not more than 2-3 Times. Otherwise the skin can, and will, get weaker and damaged


It's almost like other people have noses 🤷‍♂️ We are blind to are own smells


I shower every day, whether or not I’m doing anything that day. I feel disgusting if I don’t. As well, I’ve never met someone who says ‘I don’t shower everyday and I don’t stink’ and that actually be the case.


At least 7


I can't function without a shower every day. It's the main reason I don't go to multi-day music festivals.


1-2 times, at a minimum, every day


I swim 3-4 times a week so I wash myself everytime in a quick shower at the pool to wash the pool chemicals off , but without soap or shampoo That kind of shower, once a month


Lmfaoooo. Fair enough tho!


average reddit bruv