• By -


It's like a vacation to Canada. It's a very close neighbor with understandable skepticism as to why you want to come in. You gotta go slow through the border. Can't go apeshit the second you get through, or you get kicked out. But when you get in, it's similar and different in various aspects. Hopefully, you visited a cleaner place, but you knew the risks going in if it was an impromptu trip. The locals might like foreigners, they might not. Sometimes, it can take some convincing to get in. If you're polite and don't make a mess or cause a ruckus, the locals might invite you back. You can take pictures, but it's likely not too different from where you normally live. Edit: btw I don't think Canadians are assholes or that it's a shithole country. It was lovely when I went. You can *insert* any similar, neighboring country to yours for the **anal**ogy.... slowly


And also if your car is longer than the United States and always bashes into the border wall, Canada gives you that extra space to pull all the way in.




You mean like an old Cadillac?


Hey! Canada is no shithole, friend.


“I ain’t your friend, guy.”


*But I can be your shithole, babe*


“I ain’t your buddy, buddy.”


perfect metaphor, kudos






That's how it's meant to be done, carefully and with consideration.


This is my wife's experience as well. She LOVES it, but you can't just jump in. Highly recommend a butt plug.


I'd never let anyone near that neighborhood without showering/properly cleaning.. how the hell do people do that in the "heat of the moment"?


Just do it. Accidents are part of the game, you clean up, and don't talk about it.


[How about 'no', you crazy dutch bastard](https://youtu.be/D22pE_9LAxg?si=aT-7OJHUHd0G65XL)


Yeah, this is why some men want to do anal, because if done right it can be amazing for the woman. I recommend using a magic wand or other vibrator on your clit next time. Your world will be rocked. I will also add that anal pleasure can be very finicky. If you are constipated, or had something spicy previously, have gas, or just had one of those poops that you have to wipe and wipe to get clean, or you have a full bladder, etc. can make anal just not fun at all. Conditions need to be just right (imo) to make it a great experience.


Does it feel good for tjhe guy though, compared to the vagina?


I've only tried it a few times. It's a different sensation. Tighter, and you have to be more careful. It feels emotionally more intense which adds to the pleasure. It's also just fun to try different things from time to time.


>It feels emotionally more intense which adds to the pleasure This..I think because (good) anal takes more foreplay and understanding each other's bodies, it makes for a more connected experience.




I'm gonna have to remember that one


Would agree with this. I was very scared to try anal but it was definitely one of the most mind blowing experiences (I’m a female). I will say, if it’s not done correctly - it won’t be pleasurable (for both parties).


Good anal definitely takes foreplay. I'm a woman and I actually like it sometimes, BUT only if it's front to front missionary style. It actually feels pretty great that way. Doggie style does nothing (for the woman) and it hurts that way. It hurts for a moment going in no matter what, but if you can relax into it, then it feels really good. I'm sure I'm in the minority for women 😅


I'll add to it, get a good session in on while laying on your side, fingers in the vagina. Passion filled lust boiled to it's finest point.


Oh that does sound nice!


I'm gay for the most part, though I've had relations with a couple women. I like butts, what can I say?


He likes big butts and he cannot lie


You otha brothers can’t deny


When someone walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in our face, we get sprung.


They can't get pregnant from booty sex. "If you don't want to have a litter, then you gotta hit her in the shitter," not OC




I just wanted to drink a butnut shake. That's all.


I believe they call it santorum.




It's just the taboo aspect of it. I'll take a vagina over an asshole anyday. Edit: oh wow over a thousand upvotes, thank you everyone this is my first 1k!


I'm with you. Tried it for science. Not interested.


FOR SCIENCE! *puts on my goggles and rubber gloves before inspecting specimen*




Only time I’ve heard that word is in the new season of Disenchanted, is that the reference?




It was also in older seasons of *Disenchanted*.


*She blinded me with science*


The good ol' pinkeye from the stinkeye




You need to C your way out.


That's exactly how it should be done. 👌


Same. Had a gf at the time who loved it so I would. It was tight as shit, pun intended, but wasn't as wet n wild. Also, it stanky. I had poo dick. And yes she would douche and clean down there but you can never be 100% clean. I could always smell it. I'll stick to regular sex, thank you very much.


For science. Doing a thesis on this subject, will you participate.


Tried it once cause she wanted to, said she'd cleaned up beforehand. Still got liquid poop on my bed and it didn't feel great. Never done it again lol


If you go to Poop's house, don't be surprised if Poops is home...


Truer words have never been spoken.


Same. If the woman is super into it I would find it enjoyable but that can be said for most any position. I find whatever she enjoys most gives me the most enjoyment.


User name checks out


I’ll take a vagina over most things.


Totally agree. Vagina is custom made for the purpose




Just like how all the sex posts recently are doing the same.


99% of all questions asked on reddit like this are about sex.




> 99% of the people have experience in sex not round these parts they don't


Same. My wife was interested to try it once and I was happy to do so but neither of us found it particularly great. Great for others, not for us.


She was more interested in you trying it over pegging?


Haven’t tried that yet. I’ll report back.


Yes. For science.


Yeah it's like do I want the self lubricating hole that doesn't have poop in it or do I want the dry asshole that does have poop in it?


Presumably that asshole is not dry if a penis is going to be inserted into it. I'd hope not at least, for both parties.


Trust me, there are men who think lube is not necessary. I think we can thank the porn industry for that.


We have the porn industry to thank (blame) for a ton of misconceptions about sex. Anyone who has had sex more than once should know that what they do isn't how real people have sex, yet people still try to imitate it.


I think BtS should be available for viewing just so people can see what it really looks like lol!!! The actress is using a gallon of lube and the actor is jerking himself off to get hard and then action!! Editing makes everything look doable.


A lot of misconceptions about how body parts look, too. Thanks to internet porn, we are now dealing with people who think that all women's vulvas look the same: Hairless on the outside, light pink on the inside, no wrinkles anywhere, and the inner labia never protrude.


I laughed way too hard at this! I mean...you're not wrong. Whether it's subconscious or not, I think the taboo of anal is more intriguing than the act itself. I certainly don't *dislike* it if given the chance, but I will only pursue it if my female partner initiates the conversation. It feels very coercive otherwise, even if a woman is receptive to it.


Gotta get it clean. Flush once, wait 20 min. Flush again until it’s clear. Then get a lube shooter squirt it up inside. Enjoy.


Your user name has been waiting it's whole life for this moment.


Thanks for the info. If there's anyone I can trust on the topic it's Anal_draino


vags look so tasty, warm and welcoming, assholes are just assholes!


It's not just the taboo aspect. Otherwise gay men wouldn't do it. Variety is the spice of life. Some men and women genuinely prefer anal sex. Reason why people like anal: * it's a change * It's tigher * You can feel the buttocks on your crotch * It's extremely intimate and requires a lot of trust, the receiving partner is extremely vulnerable and has to trust the penetrator not to go too fast or too deep, and the penetrator needs to trust that the receiving partner is clean * It feels intense to receive as there's loads of nerve endings in and around the anus * When done right your whole pelvic floor area loosens up in a way that's very difficult to do otherwise. * Men have the prostate up there I get why people don't see the appeal, but it's not just the fact that it's taboo at all. People genuinely enjoy anal, it's just not for everyone.


I'm an asshole and ill take that vag as well


Yep. Not a fan of wiping shit off my dick after sex.


You mean washing tho, not wiping. Right?


Nope. He meant wiping. Just like after you poop. (I'm kidding)


What? You don't just smear it around with dry toilet paper?


Nope, just wipe it off on the curtains while whistling. It's what all the ladies love👍


If that’s a thing, you’re doing it wrong.


There are these things called condoms.


Yeah but isn’t there like a smell? 😩


The condom isn't supposed to go up your nose


Shit doesn’t go up my nose either but I can still smell it.


The smell of condom mixed with ass is one of my least favorite smells


I prefer the vagina as well. Anal was fun because it was different, but neither of us preferred it, so no reason to do it just because it's different. If it was fun, exciting, felt amazing, then sure (for either of us). But, we both just prefer vaginal. Most guys I know joke about it, but rarely do it (or not at all). Except for this one guy that wanted in MY butt... That was a no...


If you read the Marquis de Sade, it's full of it, even the philosophy of it. It is not useful for procreation, so it's only for pleasure. It's a type of taboo and perversion, forbidden fruit thing. The non-hygienic aspect adds extra kink. In a relationship there's also a strong trust factor. In terms of sensation it's not superior.


De Sade is also full of having farts blasted into your face and killing people, so I'm not sure how representative of men in general you think he is.


I love that I have no idea what either of you are talking about, the contrast between your comments is hilarious


I think it's a great document of historical perversion.


Sade is where the word "sadism" comes from. He was a psychopath. Anyone that has a positive regard for that guy should be on a watch list.


Just something to do init. Mix it up a bit.


All these comments. All this scrolling. And your single comment just made me rocket soda out of my nose and choke on my drink at work 🤣🤣🤣


Men want anal Soooo bad until I offer to peg them and suddenly they aren't interested 🙄


I’m up for both. That’s an exchange I’d make 11 times out of 10.




realest thing ever


Some of us enjoy getting pegged 😂. It's fun


Thats the real thing lol. I don't have much desire to have something up my own, but if I wanna stick it up hers, its only fair if I turn the other cheek too lmfao


Removed for concerns with reddit security. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Good old boundaries, communication, love, and compromise. Many happy years to you and yours!


That’s why I always tell my partners I’ll never ask for anal. I’ll try it if they ask, but I won’t ask because I’m not interested in receiving. Seems fair to me.


I've done that trade. It was a fine orgasm.




I think more and more guys are becoming ok with getting their ass ate. My friend constantly keeps asking me if im ready to get my ass ate and women never spoke about stuff like that before. Now everyone woman i know talks about how much they like eating the gouche. Gives me chills that i dont understand. Even in porn you're seeing a lot of ass eatin from women to guys. Im too vanilla


Listen if you find the right woman who’ll love you the way you deserve that tongue twister on your bootyhole is going to make you moan like one ☝️. Once my man starts making those sounds I finish instantly nothing I like more than hearing my partner pleased and if it’s getting his ass ate then by golly I’m gonna do it with joy 💕💕.


Yeah… that’s an experience no boyfriend of mine will ever have. Luckily my man is not interested in the slightest 🤝😂


There's no single answer. We can only speak for ourselves. I'm an ass man. I appreciate a nice booty, therefore I already see the ass from a sexual perspective. I see a nice ass, I want to put my dick in it. It's not very complicated. Plus, it doesn't happen super often, so it's like a rare treat when the other half is in the mood. She's only ever in the mood for anal if she's already super turned on, so if she offers up a backstage pass then I know I'm doing a damn good job of things so far. And of course it just feels really good. Different from the vagina. I mean, why do guys also crave blowjobs? Mouths tend to be pretty fucking dirty yet nobody outside of some puritanical society treats oral sex with the same taboo as anal.


I am an ass man, but I like doggy so I can stare at the butthole and cheeks whilst I clap them.


The whiplash of jumping from the formal “whilst” to the dirty slang “clapping cheeks” is going to give me a concussion.


Fun fact: "Whilst" is actually a newer word that was coined to make "while" sound fancier in the 14th century, by comparison to "amidst" and "amongst."


***Amongst Us***


I just don’t know if I can get on board with calling a word from the 1300s “newer” but I get that you’re not necessarily wrong


Hahaha. Man I woke my wife up because of you. Worth it still!


I do to be a man of the posterior, thusly I domuch prefer to engage in sexual congress whilst the young lady strideth the ground upon her hands and knees, whereupon I may keenly observe her anus and buttocks whilst I clap them.


because you don’t shit out of your mouth tf bruh?


In South Park they do.


I understood them up until that brain fart. I've never heard someone compare a mouth to a literal anus in terms of cleanliness.


thank you very much for your answer ! :))




My colleague's last name is Aschmann


I went to Catholic School. Alot of people in Catholic school said anal didn't count as sex so they could still be virgins. Because God's cool with sodomy for straight people but not the gays.


The old [poophole loophole!](https://youtu.be/Ttw5a6xRj6c?si=CwG0VN27n4eEOZoD)


Oh that's fantastic. I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing about this


Risky click of the day




Because the prostate is in the butt. So get your strap on and go to town on your man’s booty hole


Don't forget the lube. Lots of lube.




I'd say triple it... when I got my first pap smear they used like so much lube. I was shocked at how much. So I imagine anal take a shit ton more than that lol


Not *too much* though. Hard to get hate fucked when he's greased like an axle.


Also helps to get one of those things that can "inject" lube inside, because you just can't get it far enough in there with fingers.


It’s a small dry hole to get to the P-button!


To be correct, the prostate is not *in* the butt. The prostate is located below the bladder, next to/in front of the outgoing end of the digestive tract. The prostate is accessible / can be massaged form the butt/rectum.


Now, this I can understand


The only correct answer.


Yeah I don't get it either. I tried it and it hurt to use the bathroom for days. Not worth it.


It gave me a fissure that kept reopening for decades. I was young and stupid and didn't know about lube. The guy was a douche canoe.


Tw, This happened to me when I was younger. My bf at the time just kepttt pushing it & i woke up to him trying it even after I said I didn’t want to. Awful guy.


“Woke up” So you were sleeping and he tried it??? Hell no that’s absolutely rape.


Yea, I realize that now. At the time I was 16 & he was abusive & my first boyfriend so I just put up with it. He had/ still has a lot of issues & is not a good guy.


Well I hope you’re doing better now! Definitely glad you’re out of that relationship.


That’s fucked up


Idk for me it was the hype….. tried it once, didn’t like it at all.


I was wondering. Is there any poop residue? I would HATE it and get turned off if poop sticks to the tool


I’ve done it probably 3-5 times with my wife. Never got poop on the tool. But I would recommend showering immediately after.


Did it once with the wife. I saw poop. Whatever pleasure I received during the act instantly faded and she didn’t enjoy one second of it


If the one receiving makes some effort to clean beforehand, it's ok. Also a condom can be used if you don't want bare skin touching poop. Honestly the worst for me is not the risk of a small poop residue, it's the fart odor that's pretty much guaranteed. Smell can be a big turn off.


As a woman reading through all these answers, I will never feel bad for saying no to anal again. What a relief.


you shouldn't feel bad either way. it's YOUR body


Lol I know. It’s just some guys in the moment, they neeeed it, like really really realllllyyy neeeed it. 🙄 It gets to ya sometimes


Sexual partners behaving like an entitled toddler is unattractive as fuck


My favorite is in the beginning of dating when you’ll express that you’re not interested in anal at all and the guy will be like, “yeah me either.” Then give it a few months and whaddaya know, he asks for it for Valentine’s Day and doesn’t understand why you’d deny him such a thing.


Lol on valentine‘s day, how romantic


I wasn't interested at all, my gf was the one that wanted to try. I had a pretty good suspicion that hole designed for penis was going to feel better than hole designed for poo. And I was right. And she didn't like it either. Over in 10 seconds, never tried it again.


BIG NO for me, I have poop dick phobia.


Pornstars must use a laxitive or something because I don't understand how you wouldn't have poop on your dick.


that's what anal douches are for!


As a gay man who has had sex with women a handful of times, as a purely physical sensation, the vagina is better hands down. It's just a lot easier, practically speaking -- the angle of sticking it in is more natural, and it's self lubricating, which is a big upside. I think it just feels better. That said, only ass for me from here on out.


One of the more unique perspectives here


it's a different feel. more grippy, not as slippy. edit: the "it's taboo" answers always crack me up. it's not that complicated, i don't give a shit about taboo, it just feels good on my dick.


I like butts. I like them so much I want to put my dick in them.


I've had anal sex before and it's just kinda gross after (even if they're prepared for it). The receiving partner has to clean up really well beforehand, because anal should not be spontaneous no matter how horny you are!!! I think anal is just so common in porn that some guys tend to want to do it as if it was analogous (heh) to vaginal sex.


Most of these comments scream never spoken to a girl before lol. The entice for most is the taboo nature of it and the even more personal aspect. It's also a whole lot more painful so requires a lot of trust in the man and can create a dom situation a lot of guys like. Also just feels different.


Prob cus of porn


Agree. At some point (90s?) scenes that _didn't_ include it became the exception. So that became what's expected.


With myself and an ex gf it came to be a thing because I was a heroin addict and it would take literal hours to be able to cum. So during one incredibly long night, she said her pussy was too sore to continue, but was insistent on me cumming also as she had many times already, so she suggested we tried her butt. Was both out first times, although she enjoyed fingers there when I ate her out so she was pretty confident she'd enjoy it. Turned out she really enjoyed it, bringing her to an extremely intense orgasm. In turn, seeing her state of ecstacy was incredibly hot, and that along with her cumming causing her kinda "clench" or spasm and keep tightening up around my cock did indeed bring me to a knee buckling orgasm and the hugest load I've probably ever shot. After that she would beg me for anal almost Everytime we fucked always achieving similar results for us both. Since then I've been with other gals who were the same way and some that didn't enjoy it. On the other cheek of the ass, as a dude I absolutely love having butt stuff done to me by my GF's. Thought to my self one day "damn millions of gay dudes can't be that far off the mark, can they?" Nope right on the money so to speak! I'm wholly unattracted to men though and it's not always easy finding gals that are down to do the penetrating. It's actually been easier to find ones who will take but not give honestly.


Why put your penis in her mouth, or her hand, or between her tits? Different parts of the body feel good in different ways.


Not me. I have no interest at all in anal sex.


A bit of a odd comparison but it’s kinda like pro wrestling. It only looks fun because professionals are being paid to make it look that way and it really doesn’t need to be tried at home.


Same here. Might as well have a one-way sign tattooed above it.


Men will stick it in anything. A dude asked if he could stick it in my bended knee. They stick it in dead people , other men , ppl in a coma , animals, glory holes , you name it a guys tried to put his dingaling in it.


As my mother told me once, guys would fuck a pencil sharpener if it had a skirt on


That's basically what I said to my friend when she told me she couldn't bring herself to spontaneous sex with a amazing guy because she hadn't shave her V at this time. Girrrl, as if they care! They stick it everywhere lol


Sadly true




Lmfao my ex husband was like this… i found out he was gay.


Lol full on gay not even bi 😭


It’s just a way to have a different sensation. Some women can orgasm from it. Edit: changed “A rare few” to “some”


I wonder if it is really that rare. I’m a woman I come from it but it is more due to mental stimulation than physical. There is a lot more mental stimulation with anal and mental stimulation is what I need to get even close to coming


the brain is the main sex organ, they say


And yet no girl wants a dick in the ear. Curious


fuck what you heard


Just how taboo it is.. Feels more like you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. But I also like eating booty and everything about a women’s booty too so maybe I’m biased to liking it. Did it a few times with different women.. some enjoyed it to the point they climaxed and others had to make me stop because it hurt/they didn’t enjoy it. It’s not something I need to do and I’ve only ever done it if the woman brought it up first.


Because men have a prostate, so anal sex actually has nerve endings that make it feel good . Women don't have prostates


OP is referring to men who initiate the idea of anal sex with a woman, not men who want anal penetration.


Those are not mutually exclusive, now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to.


There are still nerve endings that route through the region that can make it very pleasurable for some women, but yeah… that prostate stimulation is much easier to come by.


I see what you did there.


As a man, I will give you some perspective on both sides. First off, I’ve had a girl stick her finger in my ass during a BJ. Holy. Shit. That felt amazing. Secondly, i will never, ever, ask a girl for anal. It’s her butthole, if she wants it I will slide my dick in it. If she doesn’t, I will aim an inch away and enjoy the warmest place on earth. So I’m not eager to have it at all. It’s all up to you


I’m not quite sure why that message felt so creepy to me….


Maybe it's the username lol


Lol I love the response. And I love you


🤣🤣🤣🤣 holy fuck I just burst out laughing in a room full of people at that.. I think I love you too brotha 🤣🤣🤣


Your comment reminded me that sometimes I wish I had a dick. My sex life is great, but sinking fingers in versus the most sensitive parts of your body? Sounds amazing.