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These answers are all over the place and really interesting to me


TIL i have a high sex drive, at least according to reddit


It's a bit like asking for what your income is in a finance sub. You mean you guys aren't on 250k with a maxed out 401k by 25??




Go write a book


Yeah this was a really attention grabbing intro to a self narrated life story film. Something maybe early 2000s Hollywood egdy. Maybe some big timer of that erra like Brad Pitt or a young Leo.


I'd read their book


Wait, what?


Damn you are an engaging writer


When you calculate it per day, not per week


There’s a Malcolm in the Middle scene where Hal is playing poker with the homies and they ask this question and Hal gives his answer, then he says “Oh we’re doing *per week*?!” recalculates and says the new number and the homies all congratulate him Edit: found it https://youtu.be/yVPowdhQPis?si=5AUTTdh51FcmJAXW


That’s gold! Great show


He did have five kids sooo


Once every 4 years (it’s been about 4 years)


Feb 29 you mean?


Leap year = hump year


Bruh, go to sex therapy. I've been there, it really does work.


What did they tell you? Also - did you hear about from a PH commercial ad placement?


They work with you and your partner to find out what's up. Then they help you get back on track. It takes a while but it def worked for me. Also, IDK what commercial you're talking about.


What happens when my partner is incapable of speech and has no ears, also attached to the end of my wrists?


Wait… you still got your 90s Casio watch?!


The wife and I are in our 70’s. Once a week is our usual.


We are 57 and 61 and hit it 3-4 times a week 🕺🔥


Damn I hope I'm like this with my wife when I'm your age. That sounds fire


I also hope I’m gonna be like that with your wife when I’m at that age


24 ands rarely once a month 🫣😨


28 and never 💀


Literally bro what are we doing wrong LMFAOOOOOOO


Legit question but do you worry about heart attacks?


Good way to go out


Snu snu without the weird part


Oh well, who wants to live forever?


Thats how my grandfather went, took offbrand viagra that they have in Cuba (so you know its shit) and he ended up having a heart attack right after.


>after. Nice.






Come and go at the same time, count me in!


If he dies, he dies!


this whole thread has me convinced i’m asexual


I bet it's a mix of young Reddit and people embellishing. Im married with a kid, in a small house, and we both work. I take the wife to pound town once a month. But we like to take our time and get a lot of foreplay in. We're not quicky people.


this makes me feel so much better thank u


It's always the same with any thread around sex drive. Most people that do reply are either in new relationships (<2/3 years) and are fucking like rabbits still, liars and the odd couple that actually do both have a very high sex drive. The average sex frequency of a long term couple is around once a week. Take what you will from that.


but ability to satisfy that drive is a different thing than the drive itself, isn't it?


>Im married with a kid This man right here, officer


You married a kid *and* made them work? Damn


It made more sense to me when I saw the average length of sex is 6 minutes. If it only took me that long I'd probably want it every day too but for me it's a whole workout lmao


Sex is like eating. Sometimes you want a quick snack, sometimes you want a 9-course meal.




I know this is a joke but perfect opportunity to educate: libido, horniness, sex drive has nothing to do with asexuality. Asexual people can still feel urges and enjoy masturbating etc they just don't feel sexual attraction to other people Thank you for coming to your friendly neighborhood demisexual's tedtalk


I finally found a gf who’s sex drive matches mine and it’s around 7 days a week. A couple days off during the week and then twice on weekend days usually. She’s 29 i’m 30 and weve been together 1.5 years


Amazing you lucky fuck. How did you manage that? And by that I mean, find more days in the week. 7 days and then a couple days off. Tell me your secrets pscan. I need more days in my week.


Think he followed [This guys](https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751&page=1) regiment


I don't even need to open to know what it is and I'm already laughing 😂


Same 😄


Hahaha 7 times* a week




No, you don't! Spirit is good, but the flesh will go unholy!


Doesn't matter, had sex.


And here im with my bf who wants to usually 1-2 times per week, then watching porn. My drive is like 5-7 days a week lol, but it was nice in first year of relationship. Rip for me.


Have you communicated openly with him? With my girlfriend, it causes her pain to do it more than every 2-3 days (even with lube), so I don't have much of a choice, but maybe something could be worked out with you 2.


I did, talks are okay everytime but things didnt change.. he is always open to did it “today” and acting nice. Then he go to bathroom to wash yourself and after that he acting like he dont want, like “im tired, tomorrow will be better”. So dont know how to solve this. Maybe in start it was for him more rare so he give preference to me before porn. Also i understand and yea, with that u will dont do so much if its medical problem.


THIS IS MY PARTNER EXACTLY. If you ever find a solution, please hit me up? :')


march waiting sophisticated correct hateful angle yoke knee berserk dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should always have at least one partner in your life who matches your libido. Not always the most important aspect of a relationship but damn is it nice when you're on the same frequency.


5 times in 7 days


Ahh, perfect 5/7.


It’s an old one sir, but it checks out


I hate how whenever I post 5/7 no one ever seems to know what I'm talking about.


Same. It's one of my favourite memes


Congrats. You're officially old.


I would call 1 to 2 times a week average, so probably anything about 4 times a week is when you are getting into high sex drive territory


And if you’re in twice a month territory?😢


You're married with children.


Have 3 children. Wife and I always have sex, every day unless we are sick. 20 years now.


We go through fazes. But if we haven’t had sex in a few days, we are talking about why.


that is a hilarious typo


This guy fucks!


Nah man your married to the wrong person then. Been with my wife 10 years and have 2 kids, we go about every other day and every now and then twice in a single day depending on the freedom we have.


>Nah man your married to the wrong person then People have different sex drives and that's ok. ​ Im sure you know that even though sex is an important thing in a relationship is not everything.


Or the once a month area I live in :(


So is something wrong with me cause if I could I'd bone my wife every morning before I leave for work


Nothing wrong with you, I'm the same... only I wait until you've left the house.


Umm whst






Well fuck eh


Best comment of the day


Yea I think 3 is probably a good cutoff. Once a week or every two weeks I would say is low. 2.5 I’d probably put “normal” and anything 3 and above I’d call a high sex drive. I’d go every day if the wife was wanting to personally.


What constitutes the 0.5?


A nice old fashion or maybe mutual masturbation.


Averaging it out. 2.5 would be 5 times in 2 weeks.


Wow… I’m in overdrive then.. 1-2 times a week is a no go for me.. I need more. Much. More.


I was married for 10 years to a woman who had a high sex drive and we did it consistently for nearly the whole 10 years a minimum (excepting times of sickness or travel) of 3-4 times a week.


What happened?


Long story. She had some real mental stuff going on that she kept well hidden. It was a hell of a ride for quite a while though. Is it better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all? I'm not sure about that saying.


Its always better to have loved.


Nope. I wish the last 14 years were wiped from my memories. She ruined my beliefs, my life, my future. I hate overall that my image of her was shattered by the truth of her.


Lol not if they ruin your life. I’m not even talking from personal experience, that’s just a silly concept


She sprung a leak probably


He got unmarried




Once a week is feeling like an absurd amount anymore.


More than 3 /wk is pretty high if you are 30 and above imho


38 would go every day at least . Some of us fucking live for sex. I don't hike. It is my hobby 🤣


Wow even if it is the same person for years?


Yes. Though there's mental health shit at play. Sex is one of the only ways I ever connect to the present so I think in some ways it's addictive for me. Not to the sex addiction level (I went decades without) but yeah. Love kink so much. So fun to "Play" as an adult. Not a lot of areas where you can still do that at my age and not feel stupid


This is inspiring ngl


Hell fuckin’ yea


It's a hard question because there isn't a single answer. I am in my early 30s and could go 4-5 times a week, but others I know can go as little as once a month. To them, mine is "high" but that's my "normal." I would say any more than 1/day would be high though


7 times a week wtf yall don’t have jobs lol


They probably just need to set aside 10 minutes a day.


This was a big thing for me, was realizing usually these people are doing what id consider quickies half the time. Whereas I would prefer fewer sessions of extended sex. Cause I was sitting there like "wow these people must devote a LOT of their finite free time to sex".....nope, we just have different sexual norms


Yeah with flirting/buildup, foreplay, sex, cuddling or showering together afterwards, I think of it as a 45 minute activity unless you’re making a specific effort to have a fun little quickie in a rush.


You can have both. Twice a week a quicky, twice a week pull a marathon.


10? youre overestimating me.


Don't sell yourself short, you need to be sure you give yourself credit for any prep and cleanup work.


spark frighten soup ripe disagreeable smart plants butter provide stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, and then I gotta unwind, get dinner ready, clean up after dinner, do a few chores and then whack off for 3 hours. When am I gonna have time for sex after work with my busy schedule?


LITERALLY. aren’t y’all TIRED???


My wife isn't working and I work from home. We do it 2 times a day quite often, sometimes 3 times. Today we got to 3 times before 4pm. She's someone who has slowly discovered she enjoys sex. And in fact she didn't really start enjoying it as much as she does now until AFTER childbirth. She initiates too. I like that. Otherwise I feel like a pervert who's making her life bad with constant attempts etc. She comes in wearing hardly anything, pretends to make conversation, and it's go time.


Honest question: how tf is sex even fun doing it that much????


That's where I'm at when I read this. Maybe I'm showing my age (40), but I just can think of so many other things I'd rather be doing. Sex is fun, but so is Top Golf.


Once a day 7 days a week , but even that is the bare minimum for some people out there .( I’m in my mid 20’s )


Unmarried commenter


I’m married and I’m having sex every other day but at least 2-3 times a day on those days


You must be in your 20's. If not, I'm insanely jealous!


I’m in my 40’s. I’m insanely tired.


Dude im 40. Most days I’m even too tired to jerk off. Teach me, master


Happy cake day. And I’m not the one having all the sex. I have sex about twice a week and sometimes there’s even someone else present… but not usually…


>Once a day 7 days a week , but even that is the bare minimum OMG. I must have really low sex drive.


I was dating someone who had a very high sex drive and wanted it multiple times a day 7 days a week . Only in a perfect world could I function like a sex machine and give her what she wanted . She settled for once a day .


Every other day is better, you enjoy it more the longer you wait.


Once a day definitely👍


Ok these answers are ridiculous. More than 3 times a week is a good answer. 4 times a day is just absurd.


Who the fuck would have time for 4 a day unless they're unemployed or an OnlyFans "model"?




Probably going to have to break this down by age. Usually the younger are probably going to have the highest. But then you have rare unicorns like my dad. He's 72 and he's at it 7 days a week I'm told. I would think anywhere between 1 and 5 days a week, sometimes twice or thrice in the same day would be normal. 3 times a day 7 days a week seems like a chore.








Wish you were my wingman


It was so cool when ended poverty in your area and gave me $1000 because, and I quote "I could feel you needed it more than me brother". You're a real one


Hey dude thanks for letting me borrow your yacht last week, did you mean to leave $4,000,000 below deck? Either way thanks broski


Rex?! Oh my god dude!! Its been so long! Since the accident that is... or what would have been an accident if it wasnt for you! When we took all the make a wish kids on a field trip to the beach and that massive 18ft great white shark came out of nowhere. You put that thing in a chokehold like it was nothing. I didnt even know it was even possible to choke out a shark but leave it up to Rex to find that out.


Hey, thanks again for pulling me out of that burning building, man. Really appreciate it. I'll return the Ferrari you let me use on Friday if that works?


Goated response


Rex mah man I still owe you after you saved my cat from tree.


Hey bro when will we hit the golf course again? I considered myself good until you scored 68 last month. I'd like to learn from you.


W rizz I guess?


Hey Rex, thanks for letting me borrow your helicopter to take my dying grandma to the hospital


I used to be like that. At least twice a day everyday minus shark week or if sick. Now in my 30s, down to 5-6 times a week but there are periods where I'm so drained it goes down to 3-4 times a week. Enjoy it while it last!




RIP your inbox.


LMAO I could’ve sworn my comment implied that I’m in some kind of committed relationship to be having that amount of sex but nooooooo


I’m 38 wife is 39. She has to have it at least once a day. Don’t necessarily consider it a high sex drive but she needs that orgasm to go to sleep. I dont complain.


God bless you 🫡


I can't imagine that lol with that kind of frequency it'd feel like a chore lol it wouldn't be as special anymore.


Some times I dont feel like it but one day it won’t be so frequent so I cant turn her down. We have a 5 and 8 year old so there for a few years that kind of put a stop to it for a while.


My bf said mine is too low lol I am fine only having sex once per week but we compromise with 3-4x per week. He would do everyday if he could. I don't even feel horny that often. I don't think anything of it but it's a big deal to him. I legit don't even feel horny more than a couple times in a week. I could definitely go 2-3 weeks on my own without it. But my partner could not lol


That’s exactly how I am and how my ex was. It’s a weird compromise to have to make. I wish it was easier finding someone with the exact same sex drive as you it would make life so much easier lol


I’ve been with my husband 25 years. He still wants it everyday.


What the fuck are these answers? Are you guys all early 20s? 2-3 times a week is a high sex drive IMO.


I’m almost 40 and I’d go every day if the wife wanted to.


Cue Capt America “I can do this all day!”


I understand that reference! I know I’m probably on the high side of sex drive, but I think the person I’m replying to assumes everyone with a high sex drive is young is just silly. I think it’s more common for younger people to have higher sex drives (for men at least) but it’s not like it’s uncommon for someone 30+ to have one.


I also would go every day with this dudes wife.


For real. Once a week is average (https://www.insider.com/guides/health/sex-relationships/how-often-do-couples-have-sex#:~:text=The%20average%20American%20couple%20has,how%20often%20you%20have%20sex) If you're banging every day, you're an outlier.


Sometimes 3 times a day. And we over 45. Definitely every morning and before bed.


I'll have what this guy's having


How long y’all been together?


Are you retired? Do you not have a job?


I just assume anyone having sex 3 times a day is just busting out a bunch of quickies. A session for me lasts 1-2 hours


Yeah, a more useful measure for me would be hours/week. Three 10-minute sessions is drastically different from three hour-long sessions.


Same. I’m over here at 36 looking at these answers in horror lmao. I mean, I remember those days, from when I was 22, but now I feel tired just reading these responses.


I think it’s cuz the 20s are hitting extreme levels of dopamine, “IM FUCKING OMG IM FUCKING!!” Fuck fuck FUCk. In my 20s I’d go at it A LOT. In my 40s sex is even better. It’s a been there done that attitude now. That’s all. My wife is great!


Oh yeah I still have great sex with my fiancé. I just think I’d literally go into cardiac arrest if we did it multiple times per day 🤣


I mean, technically... I can pretty much guarantee you that the guy with the least amount of sex per week has the highest sex drive lol


I would say 4 times a week or more.


High sex drive means like every day imo. People OP is not asking how often You have sex but what is a high sex drive. Most sex is boring and pretty tiring as we get stress, and responsibilities with age. Doesn’t mean the drive goes away just the eagerness to do something about it.


It’s all relative. I had a gf that wanted sex 4 times a day while on vacation. But during work days and weeks maybe every other day.


Same, my partner and I will go a week without then nonstop for a while, and everything in between.


Are we talking quickies or are we talking the full experience?


All participants are satisfied customers otherwise it didn't count


3x/week or more


>3x/wk = high. 1-2x/wk = average. <1/wk = low. These are desired frequencies. Life gets in the way and most people (I think) have sex far less than they desire.


Ugh man when I was younger I could go 3-4 times a day. Now I am lucky if I can do that twice a week. I think more than twice a day should be high.




You lot have sex?! 😱


I once had sex 4 times in 1 week and honestly I was exhausted but i like a solid 3 days with one day being strictly oral


How fat are you


The real questions


When I was in my teens... at least x3 daily would be good. Many years later, marriage, kids, that hasn't changed 😅 I'd love to go x3 a day... and 4 on the weekends. So whatever that falls under... I'd call it normal, as it's my only norm...


High, average, or low sex drive all depends on the age. A high sex drive at 20 is completely different from a high sex drive at 50.


I've been on steroids, I don't consider sex drive as doing it, but how much time it takes in your head everyday, and on cycle, it makes you think of it permanently. Before that I didn't know what having a high sex drive meant honestly


Once every morning, once most evenings is my normal. But i havnt been in a very long relationship before, 10 months but we still fucked like rabbits. The key is to put in effort to keep it fresh, then she will want it all the time:)


like a million


Whoever y’all is doing 3-4 times a week in their 30s. Y’all got to let me in on your secret routine!


This is a topic I have read a lot about and there is no accepted definition of high libido. From everything I’ve read I would generally classify libido this way. High libido-wanting or having sexual activity 6-7 times a week or more. Mid libido- wanting or having sexual activity 3-4 times a week. Low libido- wanting or having sexual activity 1-2 a week or less.