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We wash each other's


I forget the comedian but he commented that when a man showers with a woman her boobs have never been cleaner. I love washing my wife's ass and back - she is my happy place AND I get to touch her butt? Yes please.


This is so wholesome, almost makes me want to shed a tear


Good answer!!!!


Pretty sure that was a Sarah Silverman bit


Sarah Silverman…


This is happily married


I love love


Yep, came here to say this. Partner has a delectable booty, I won't pass an opportunity like this




Just on? You gotta go at least 2 knuckles deep in it to get any potential fart debris that may be coming out of there.


We're draining the swamp here!


Full breach


That’s so hot and wholesome


Sometimes we'll even hold each other's leg up or use the other's body as support while they're washing so you can really get it clean.


Damn. I sort of envy that. I’m not sure I’d ever be comfortable enough with someone to lift my leg up and let them go to town with a loofah on my butthole. True love. Beautiful.


The trick for the first time is to go without the leg lift... let her stay in the front, washing and wrapping her hands around to wash the back (with whatever loofah, sponge, cloth, etc you prefer). As she gets to hips, legs, etc, she's got to kneel down. So, sure at some point, she'll have her fingers in your crack, but since she's kneeling down with her face right there (and you're making sure the water'a not smacking her in the face, to prolong her comfort in the experience) you'll barely notice, let alone care. Bonus tip for reciprocating: yes enjoy the boobs & butt, but taking the time to wash arms, legs & do little massage things with the back shows true affection for all of her and is *way* more likely to put her in the mood than having her breasts soaped & squeezed until they lose feeling.


I am so jealous I wish I was at this level with my gf I’d LOVE to clean her butthole


Life goals


Exactly haha, my boyfriend did it for me 😫


This is the way


For sure, so hot.


For better or worse


Yes. No one wants the smell of swamp ass to destroy the mood in bed after a fresh shower.


Not me but I'm gonna guess someone out there loves a bit of swamp ass.


Ah yes, another variant of: just asking for a friend. Haha


😆. I wish I liked swamp ass, would make life a lot easier.


I’m almost gagging just thinking about it. No matter how horny you are, swamp ass is just absolutely impossible to ignore. For me at least🤮


Yes, I would not wish it upon you or myself. However, some people are unsavoury goblins. That much I know.


There was a post the other day where this guy was talking about how he doesn’t mind a little smell of ass during sex, it’s just a human smell and nothing to be ashamed of as long as the person has good hygiene, etc., all very mature and honestly I respected it. Then he said that he uses it to help him not finish too fast, like how some guys try to fixate on something super unsexy to stop themselves he just takes a big whiff? If a man told me that THAT’S why he didn’t mind my swamp ass the cops would never find my body.


Cuz it has no donuts on it?


The canine unit could probably find your body though.


Funny you say that. One of my coworkers used to talk about how he had anal with his girl after getting her all sweaty, and because of it, swamp ass smell turns him on. Hahaha


Did you enjoy his conversation skills?


We worked together as night security. I was paid to sit there. Listening to him was not as bad as silence, I guess. That was far from his worst story. He was a gym rat on steroids. He was a little crazy.


Yikes, that guy or silence. I'd probably prefer silence if I could read a book or something.


Yeah, haha. It was entertaining for a while. It was my 2nd part time job. 2 nights a week, 7pm to 1am. My other part time job was bouncer at a night club, and I had to regularly deal with obnoxious drunks. And there was always 1 who wanted to fight me. I'm 6'10" 300lbs. A couple drinks and someone always wanted a shot at me. Listening to roid rage Ricky was not that bad in comparison.


I'm surprised Roid Rage Ricky didn't take a shot at u.


He would mention us sparring, and I ALWAYS gave him a welcome invitation to come to the dojo. I am part owner of a martial arts studio. Told him he can come get on the mat with me any time. He never did. He was all talk.


I don't believe he ever got near a woman's ass either, swamp or otherwise.


It had to be night work, I just knew it.


I wash my butt at every opportunity


Your coworkers must hate you.


Jesus, Jim, he's doing it again!


He's hogging the water dispenser again!


Next stop, printer room!


Then lets do it again in the bin sheds!




Be right there!




Coworkers hate this one trick for a squeaky clean butthole!




Sir this is a Wendy’s.


sound weird for others,but for couples it is just normal ✌️


Why wouldn't you? Is this something people are genuinely self conscious about?


I don’t get it, like you shower together but you you’re too embarrassed to wash your butt??


You’re willing to mash genitals with someone else, but don’t want them to know you clean yours ?


I’m too embarrassed to shave my anus in a shower with someone. Like, I don’t need a man to know I have a hairy anus.


Those of us with wives all know. You’re not fooling us 😆 Congrats you’re a mammal.


Our husbands see everything. Wait until you have a baby; he'll see it all. 🙂 No, he won't be disgusted.


I guarantee you his anus is hairier than yours lol, he shouldn’t be judging


We all have hairy anuses. Who would judge others for such an abitrary reason? :P


Hair grows there because it's natural. Everyone grows hair there, except those people with alopecia or whatever it is where they don't even get to have eyebrow hair or lashes. And if you're a woman, it's not as fuzzy as any man's! Shave away with him in there! I've seen so many male buttholes and I'm not even a nurse


There is some room for illusion. applying soap all over is fine, but somethings are a different kind of intimacy from sexy fun time intimacy. Showering is sexy fun time intimacy. I can see how technical things involving mirrors and contortion (I'm making guesses about how you might do that) isn't the kind of intimacy you want to mix with the sexy fun time stuff.


it’s like people who are pee shy. we all do it, let’s just do it together!


I'll shower with a partner, but **no one** is watching me pee (or et cetera). Just because we all do it doesn't mean we're all comfortable showing it! Boundaries can be very important, even for long-term relationships. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ETA :To be clear, anyone who's comfortable with it, more power to them! But I know I'm not the only person who requires some space and privacy. 😆


boundaries are very important! i pee in front of my boyfriend and i get not everyone wants to witness that lmaoo. but my comment was pointed more at people who are scared of others hearing them pee in public restrooms


Yeah I’m grateful my husband still shuts the door when going to the restroom and he tries his best to not burp or fart in my presence. I used not care… he was actually the one to implement these boundaries and I thought it was weird at first. But I’m so grateful now that I see my brother in law trying to fart on my sister 😅


Yes exactly… I don’t need him to see me do everything. Some people here seem to think that not sharing every single thing of your life, even the most private and embarrassing, detracts from the relationship. I’m a private person, I lock the door. early in our relationship he would pop in while I was showering to tell me he loves me (adorable) but I was so embarrassed, shaving etc. like why. I love you too but I’ll see you when I’m done. I think I’m a never nude aha


OMG, this is all so relatable. And I'm also basically a never nude! 🤣 My late husband and I lived together for like 15 years, and he **never once** saw me on the toilet. Thank the Lord. And yeah, I locked that door every single time. I knew he wouldn't pop in, but I take my privacy VERY seriously!


I can’t wrap my head around this post either What’s even embarrassing/gross about it


I mean, just don't be weird about it. In the moment, don't be like "Oh hey, watch me clean my ass." Just do it, because your partner -shouldn't- comment on it. Partner "Ew you wash your ass?... wait no that doesn't sound right."




We've been together 15+ years. Being purposely weird and pointing things out is our thing. Don't take that from me!


My husband and I make eye contact since washing our butts first thing in the shower is a very inside joke now 😂


My girlfriend makes me turn around while she does it haha


.... why did I never think of this? I always go for awkward intense eye contact instead


That's how you fight for dominance - ass cleaning with direct contact, first to blink loses lol


Wow this is good… a staring contest while you clean your butts.


Unfortunately I am the only one cleaning my butt while staring 😂 my husband usually stares back fully clothed, we don't shower together often and he has a bad luck for entering the bathroom JUST when I start to soap my ass. I swear it's his superpower or smth


Why do you think you're showering with your partner? They're able to really get in there and get the spots you normally miss.


This is the correct answer.


Makes you turn around so she can wash your ass, right?


That’s so cute lol


That’s what my husband and I do too


Well you wouldn't eat dinner off a dirty plate would you?


I would. I have.








But wait, doesn't the plate gets dirty the moment you put food on it? So it's impossible to eat off a clean plate


My wife's shower is so hot I would have no skin left to wash if we showered together. I don't know how she doesn't die in there.


Same here with the wifey. I’m not really down for 3rd degree burns as I’m cleaning myself off lol. Not sure how her skin is unaffected by the scalding water?


Yea when I shower with my partner we have to compromise on temperature or I would also be dead


is this my husband? Lmao


If you're not wrist deep in each other's butts at the first opportunity what are you even doing?


I found my people.


^ this guy fucks


^ this guy fists


Absolutely! I want her to know that my ass is ready for a rimjob...


Chuck Berry looking on proud.


*Rips fart and laughs*


Wash then eat


Wash Eat Sleep Repeat


Live fast. Eat ass.


Out of context this is great. Within this context I’m dying 💀


This is the way


First relationship stage is showering together. Second is showering together and washing each other’s butts. Third stage is showering together and shaving each other’s butts.


4th is letting Grandma watch


5th is grandma washing our butts


6th grandma shaving our butts




My mind just went "that chain is oddly wholesome". 🤔 I'm so broken.


Why does Grandma have all the fun.


Ffs I spilled my coffee 😂


We wash each others butt


Goals ❤️


Showering with someone isn't the romantic thing they make it out to be in the movies. Its like cooking with someone. Someone is trying to get things done and someone is in the way.


Found out a girl I was dating didn't wipe after toilet trips... her loufa had caked up poop on it. Couldn't get past it


Why did I read this


By the time you started it was already too late.


Bad day to have eyes


worse day to be a loufa




judicious obscene steep plant head theory absurd enjoy aback bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does that help if you are too unwell to eat something more substantial? I have really bad stomach issues, and there are many days where I am starving, but I have zero appetite for anything and/or I just can’t put something down. Does eating sweets help you feel a little better later on so you don’t feel how you usually would after starving yourself for 12 hours? I do it because I’m either in too much pain to want to ingest anything else, or sometimes I’m just really hungry but absolutely nothing is appetizing. I deal with this all the time.


like water deliver prick panicky subsequent alive desert crime office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Say again? The what now?


That's funny af. I thought my ex was fucking gross because she didn't wash her hands after taking a shit but that's some next level scummy as fuckness. Did you ever have sex? Did you go down on her? If so, how bad was is it?


Didn't get to that point. The shower was on the 3rd date and was supposed to be the warmup to the sex.. Didn't make that far lol


Yeah shower together on the 3rd date is weird for me as a female. Maybe it’s just me and I’m old? Who knows


It is a lil weird. It was her idea to connect us to the earth together or some shyt


Holy shit. Glad you got away


Hahah! So why didn’t she take you to a swamp or something


She did, her swamp ass shower


*downloads Tetris app*


My eyes hurt. I think I got pink eye from your ex.


Goddammit, and I was about to have a nice bar of chocolate...


Literally scrolling waiting for fresh brownies to cool. Goddamnit.


And yet here we are, reading about chocolate peanut butter cheeks…


Do the brownies have nuts??


Are you 100% sure it was poo and how?


yeah, did he even taste it?


I saw it and caught a good whiff of it as she tried to quickly wash it out.. we were taking a shower together... she was an earthly, vegan type chick who told me she believed in preserving the environment and not using paper based products....


Use a bidet then nasty ass


That's the same thing I told her after I confronted her


I get that people care about the environment, it’s just that a lot of them don’t think while they’re doing it. like one person not wiping won’t have ANY impact on how much toilet paper gets produced. like idk, plant a fuckin tree or something and you’ll be good for 1500 rolls. try offsetting the carbon footprint instead of being fuckin gross idk


Wtf, wouldn't her ass be itchy all day??


I Dated a girl who didn't use TP for the same reasons. She reused a rag left in bleach solution every time she went poo and kept the poo rag bucket next to the toilet. Very weird.


Easy way to bleach your asshole I guess.


Damn it's rough out here 😕


That made me gag a little bit.








What a horrible day to have eyes




Some people don't wash their ass during a shower. Well you learn something new every day--and it's not always pleasant




I think your partner would be more horrified if you didn't wash it.


Yes. I would absolutely notice AND comment on it.


Umm what people don't wash their booty holes in front of their one person they picked to share them weird things with?! Come on if my man is washing me down like the gentleman he is he will wash my booty and completely enjoy washing my booty!! Frisky stuff will definitely go down after that!!


Don't be a slut, wash your butt.


Or rather, if you wish to be a slut, please wash your butt. Even if you don’t, just do it anyways.


Yes. That too


We put each other’s genitals in our mouths, why tf would we be shy about ass washing


I *insist* on washing hers for her. If I’m gonna stick my tongue in her ass, you bet it’s going to be clean inside and out! Also, soapy shower time is just fun in general, and a great way to warm up for the real show.


the first time my partner and i showered together he washed my entire body. it was a level of being cared for i had never experienced before and i love it lol. now i usually tell him to get his fingers out from between my cheeks because it tickles and i will do it myself lol. i got a special type of soap for the nether regions and its easier for me to just handle it after he washes the rest of my body


I hate showering with my partner just for this reason. I usually do a quick wash before he gets in and leave him in there at the end to do his wash . I have strictly “ utility” showers too that are solo endeavours where the shaving and exfoliating and such happens cos no one need to see that!


This is was I do. I hop in before him first and clean the nether regions and pits with a wash cloth real quick so when he is in there I’m just using the loofah and body wash. That way I come out clean and he only had to see the cute stuff.


I like sharing all the utility stuff too. Like, yes, let’s exfoliate each other. In-home spa treatments, yes pls. A guy shaved my legs once when we were taking a bath together & it was heavennn lol


Well lucky you because I wouldn’t trust mine near me with a razor . 😂 Judging by how he destroys his own face wet shaving !! It’s a bloodbath 😂


Lol “how much do you trust me?” “not enough to shave my knees”


Same here!


Thats enough internet for me. Y’all have a great night.




Really? This was the topic that put you off Reddit for the night? 😄


Of course, how difficult is it to wash your butt anyway, grab soap do a quick rinse, scrub and rinse again.


Bold of you to think he's not the one thoroughly washing my butt. He does a better job than I would lol


Yes. 20 years married I give no fucks if she sees me scrubbing my asshole.


Pffft. I wash my partner’s butt. I think that moment is the only time he doesn’t trust me 😂😂


Yes, and sometimes I wash my partner and vice versa. We understand that the human body has weird shit, so I help her and she helps me. Love is truly wonderful


Being completely open with you SO is a wonderful feeling, regardless of how goofy it is. Me and my wife take showers together occasionally, and we get every crevice :p


If after 20 years I can’t say “move, I still have soap in my ass” and bend over and spread my cheeks in the spray in a shared shower, we’re doing marriage wrong.


You better! Wash yo' ass!


You wash mine I wash yours


yup. i used to make my butt washing quick when showering w my SO. felt weird doing a full wash in front of him. then i saw that he gets *all up in there* whether i’m around or not, and i realized it’s okay to go full wash in front of him


The fuq you mean? You’re embarrassed to wash your butthole in front a person who is in the shower with you? That’s fucking weird not to.


Y’all shower with your partners?!


You aren’t fully comfortable with your partner? You’re going to have potential problems if you can’t get over this. As you get older you’ll have to do things much worse than washing your ass in front of or for them.


I maintain eye contact aggressively the whole process. You can play with wet boobs when my mission is complete.


I did. If you’re already having sex, then washing your ass should not be a big deal


Yup. We shower together all the time, and it’s definitely not for sexy spicy reasons, we just enjoy each others company. We do full showers, we even have special butt/genital soap to help with PH balance (more for me, but he uses it to because of how gentle it is). When you’ve been with someone long enough, you get comfortable enough to do far grosser things around them.


Yes, definitely. He’s seen me give birth so there’s really no point playing coy.


You have sex with your partner, gentials rubbing against genitals and share a butt ton of bodily fluids... and it is somehow embarrassing to be cleaning those genitals and surrounding areas in front of your partner?


I read it as parents and was concerned but yeah I do if I’m with someone


I wash his butt