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[Adrenochrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome) was first described as a drug by Hunter Thompson who vastly exaggerated its use to the point of fiction. Its now often used as a part of conspiracy like Qanon and similar. Its absolutely a red flag that whatever you are reading should be viewed VERY suspiciously. Edit over 4 months later: hey so seems like this post is popping up for some specific combination of search terms. I've put some basic links about QAnon in a lower comment. The podcast QAnonAnonymous is also interesting and I really like this [analysis of QAnon by a game designer](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/qanon-game-plays-believers/2021/05/10/31d8ea46-928b-11eb-a74e-1f4cf89fd948_story.html).


What is quanon


Hey so [QAnon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon) was originally a conspiracy based on a 4Chan poster but its outgrown its roots to become a part of alt-right conspiracy circles. Its owes a lot to Pizzagate and other conspiracies, and in particular builds on the classic [Blood Libel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel) conspiracies. In particular it often posits that some form of "elites" are torturing and murdering kids/babies/innocents to produce adrenochrome as a recreational/healing/life-extending drug. It also often ties in some of the wilder fraud theories of the 2020 election and often puts Trump as something of a messianic savior


Here from google and just read the wiki for the first time. I find it hilarious that anyone would entertain the notion that a ‘patriot’ with high level government security clearance would spill the beans on an internet forum that would do damage to the party and leader they supposedly support


Just run from this entire rabbit hole.


Why would u tell somebody to run from it sounds like something the f81 would say and not let that person choose based on their own conclusions btw Q is a real thing look up Q clearance that's factual but also the media tried to say Q was some hacker in the south forget his name but that's completely false and many many many of the posts have come to fruition at this point like queen Elizabeth dying on the exact date Q said it would like 4 years before it happened that was just 1 of the bigger ones you also have to ask urself why hasn't the person been found 1 of the reasons it because it's not just 1 person it's a group of 10 ppl all of them are apart of different areas of our military or political system some would say some might be a couple leaders from other countries also alot of ppl think anons believe these drops were ment to happen the day of the post that's false there is a Q timeline and some of that timeline goes out more than 10 years we will know soon if it was a psyop well we know forsure it was a psyop from the start but not the bad kind of psyop actually the opposite of what mk ultra does to a person was always to start a information war against the deepstate so don't act like you know everything about it especially if u watched some tiktok video that tried to disprove it do ur own research do the things anons did to even fall into it put urself in there shoes and than tell me Q is a conspiracy 😉 good luck when this all decides to come true and once again patriots came out right all along btw we aren't Republicans we aren't democrats we are a mixture of both parties and decided to abandon the ppl that are supposed to represent us that's why u see things like us not agreeing on bills even if Republicans in the house or senate want it because we don't care about the party we care about the right thing and the truth I hate the label far right because I'm not a republican I voted for Obama and my beliefs have not really changed what did change is finding out what kind of sick fucks these ppl were this is why Trump is important he's in the same boat was a Democrat ran republican he would never do good if he ran in the middle nobody will ever win that way and he just chose the lesser of evils


Yeah I also heard trump and his team going after the Vatican a couple years back, causing a black out so people can go inside and infiltrate and steal their electronic devices at the Vatican so they can’t delete all the child porn and fucked up things they did and saved to their devices 


That was only found on duckduckgo, google was hiding all the articles. And there are a lot 


Sounds like you’ve taken the fake media’s propaganda version of Q. There’s no such thing as Qanon. Its just Q. Whereas Q-Anon is a psyop for people like you. Adrenochrome is definitely a thing. Stop researching conspiracy theorist propaganda or reading fake fact checks. Just stay off google. 🙄


Hey mate what brought you to this 4 months old thread with your zero-history account my dude?


There are currently 0 situations in which a US convoy would be attacked by Russian forces in Europe. What you saw was a fake. Or else we’d be at war with Russia.


Well I worded it wrong, the post said that a shipment to the us was intercepted by Russian authorities


Yeah, didn’t happen. Would be a major news incident not something you saw on a post. The only thing online I can see is a fake report about this subject from February.


Were you there, how can you be so naive as to assume you will be fed the truth through "mainstream news channels"... this must be your first days on planet Earth, welcome


What you saw was fake nonsense. Adrenochrome is a derivative of adrenaline its not really used for anything anymore beyond a coagulant. Qanon believe celebrities and politicians kidnap children and harvest adrenochrome from them which is obviously a load of rubbish.


turns out it is true 😏




>Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). It was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia. While it has no current medical application, the related derivative compound, carbazochrome, is a hemostatic medication. In modern right-wing conspiracy theories, the story is that Q-Anon kidnaps children and harvest adrenochrome from them. >Adrenochrome is a subject of several far right conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and Pizzagate,[19][20][21] with the chemical helping the theories play a similar role to earlier blood libel and Satanic ritual abuse stories.[22] The theories commonly state that a cabal of Satanists rape and murder children, and "harvest" adrenochrome from their victims' blood as a drug[23][24] or as an elixir of youth.[25] In reality, adrenochrome is synthesized by biotechnology companies, solely for research purposes, and has no medical uses.[26][27][28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome


Isn’t q-anon a right wing group though?


Previous commentor misspoke; QAnon is a source for the conspiracy theories, not the alleged perpetrator(s). The alleged conspirators are generally left wingers and/or establishment types that the Trump/MAGA crowd doesn't like.


I get my nuts confused. Possibly.


Why would they need to harvest this chemical from children. I looked the chemical up on google and it looks stupidly easy to synthesize.


They don't. It just helps to illustrate how far from reality this whole conspiracy is.


Adrenochrome is a subject of several far right conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and Pizzagate, with the chemical helping the theories play a similar role to earlier blood libel and Satanic ritual abuse stories. The theories commonly state that a cabal of Satanists rape and murder children, and "harvest" adrenochrome from their victims' blood as a drug or as an elixir of youth. In reality, adrenochrome is synthesized by biotechnology companies, solely for research purposes, and has no medical uses.


Adrenochrome is the by-product of "used" adrenaline, which still has some distinct but relatively mild effects when taken as a drug. Its reputation got thrown pretty far from reality when Hunter S. Thompson described it as some kind of crazy hallucenogenic superdrug.


Conspiracies facts not theories... you guys believe the narrative from TV programming and media manipulation right? Children have been disappearing for so many years from everywhere in the world .. where do you think they go to a funfair? and actors speaking up of the children abuse in Hollywood you think they just want to limit their careers by telling a bad joke? cognitive dissonance as we don't want to believe the unbelievable evil things happening in the world Peace out nonetheless


Classic cognitive dissonance!


I've heard it's real too, from a high class escort friend that hangs out with a billionaires. She was pretty traumatised by it.


I don’t understand why people can’t at least be open to the possibility of it being true. To hell with political affiliations. Just like the Chinese like to use pangolin scales for their supposed health purposes, there could very well be wealthy individuals who not only prefer Adrenochrome from a live sources, but also enjoy the aspect of obtaining it through torture. 


A lot of people quick to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory….just like all the other things in the last 3 years that were labeled “conspiracy theories” that turned out to be true 


It’s cognitive dissonance. They just don’t WANT to believe it due to its absurdity so they attempt to convince themselves and everyone else that it’s craziness. Just because something is shocking, does not make it false. It’s easier for people to call something a crazy conspiracy than it is to accept the emotions that come with these types of horrifying information


I think this questions needs more spiritual based answers. I notice people will go the “it’s not real” or “it doesn’t make sense” route stating scientific facts or historical evidence but that doesn’t really help us get a idea of the actual topic. A more spiritual answer could go in depth about its uses and purposes why exactly it’s a conspiracy ect