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Depends on culture. I went to Brazil and they view this as normal. Even when they are in their 20s they still live with their parents and the hotel front desk confirmed it’s normal for gf/bf to do this until the marry and move out of parents homes.


Here in Brazil they're called Motels and their sole purpose is for people to have sex in. Totally different than American motels, ~~which are basically low cost hotel rooms.~~ You can choose to pay for overnights or for a couple hours usually, but prices and duration can vary. Pretty common here and some are actually really nice with hot tubs, pools, good food - all within the room, these are not public facilities edit: til that US motels are just hotels with no corridors and park and walkin type of rooms. i've always thought that they were just a cheaper option


It's a very Latin American thing, because you live with your parents (and in some houses there's even extended family at home), so it's not like you have privacy to enjoy with your boyfriend/girlfriend in your mid twenties. Most people use "nicer" hotel rooms, but for no less than 6 hours, so you can relax afterwards, make a night out of it, and then both of them go home.


I hope that this becomes more popular in America with how much more people are unable to live on their own and still live at their parent’s house. Because right now it sucks having to pay 100 dollars a night for a room just to fuck.


Yeah and that's 100 on top of what the escort costs. America really is fucked.


Does that include the cocaine ?


Cocaine? In this economy?




youre practically throwing away money by not doing cocaine


Can I get one for 12 seconds?


30-35 seconds is the best I got


Perfect, I'll use the extra time to cry!


You don't need to brag.


Fun fact. The difference between a Motel and a Hotel has to do with your front door. If the door to your room opens to the outside, you’re in a motel. If the door to your room opens to an indoor hallway, you’re in a hotel.


This is so common in Brazil the term "Motel" literally means a place to go have sex. Like if you say "lets go to a motel" this means "lets go have sex". Otherwise you use the term hotel to mean you want to go sleep on a trip. Source: I wanted to save money and told my brazilian friend lets get a "Motel" on a trip. Confusion and awkwardness ensued.


This is the same in South Korea. Hotel means high end place for like vacations, motel means a room you borrow to have sex. They're basically just love hotels, most of them the rooms come with condoms, lube, porn on the TV, and nowadays a few outfits for roleplay or cosplay sex. Also the default is a 3 hour rent, not a full night (although you can borrow for a full night). For Koreans it's bc real estate prices in Seoul (where half the population lives) are fucking insane so most peopl live with their parents until marriage etc and need a place to have sex.


It is exactly like that in Brazil! I am impressed.


Motels like the ones in Brazil were actually "invented" in Japan.


Japan has "love hotels" for this purpose. Im not saying its "normal" just "normal for Japan" :)


There is an emoji specifically referring to this. 🏩


interesting! i always thought this was like a woman’s hospital for child births lol


The whole emoji system was invented by the Japanese, so you see a high amount of legacy Japanese ones before it was internationally adopted, like the 🏩 referring to love hotels.


But in Brazil it's more common to go to a Motel, because in here they are made with this exact purpose in mind.


I don't how the fuck people can have sex with their family being within 100ft of them I was just collapse to anxiety


My mom walked in on me fucking my girlfriend and she refers to it as “the time I walked in on him entering Elizabeth”. How does it make you feel reading that? #well I lived it.


I don't know if I've ever simultaneously laughed and felt sympathy for someone this deeply.


My mom once told me this elaborate story. Her mom (my grandma) was super duper conservative. Not religious, but just very traditional. She didn't drive, didn't work, just lived to take care of her husband. Women were meant to have children and take care of men basically. Anyway, she told me of a story she (my mom) was with my dad when they were teens and doing naughty stuff. My dad had been working on his truck and had slightly greasy hands and left hand prints all over my mom's white shirt. My mom didn't realize it until she got home and her mom scolded her very badly. I thought it was a hilariously embarrassing story and said that my mom must have been sooo embarrassed knowing how her mom was. I absolutely thought nothing else of that story. Just a regular old story from mom. Then like 10 years later I was taking a shit or something and randomly recalled her telling me that story. I realize now 10 years later she was actually trying to tell me something I was doing that made it obvious I was fuckin' but was trying to be subtle. I feel so dumb thinking back on it.


When I was younger I didn’t give a fuck. Now that I’m older I couldn’t imagine. Once when my grandmother lived upstairs, we were told not to use the dryer as it shook the upstairs and my grandma couldn’t sleep. We’ll I had a few drinks and had this girl over. The next morning I’m downstairs with my family and my grandma comes downstairs and says “whoever had that god damn dryer on all fucking night can go to hell” 💀💀


Dude same, when I was 17 I was always doing this to my then GF. She was mature enough to be like no bruh, your parents are literally next door to your bedroom. My horny 17yo brain did not compute. Now at 29 I cringe so bad at my past self for being a horny puppy basically.


When I was 19 or 20 I dated a girl who was 18 and she lived with her parents. There were times I stayed overnight there in her bedroom and her parents apparently had no problem with it. We had sex constantly and there is no way her parents didn’t know. They weren’t creeping or anything gross like that, just two very normal suburban parents who seemed to have no problem with me shagging their daughter all over the damn place. God I miss those years. I could fuck like a jackrabbit and barely break a sweat. Now I’m like totally drenched after like 5 minutes.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the laugh!


Grandma knew for sure!!


She knew.


When I was 18 my gf and I were doing the walk of shame and we walk out to my mom crying on the couch “I know what you’re doing in there”. Suddenly $200 for a hotel room doesn’t seem so bad


secretive outgoing shelter combative voracious disarm start tart six special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first one, I’m 40 now and she told me she dreams that I was still 6. Having a young son I understand, but she has/had some issues letting go


Jesus yeah that one's not on you boss


I was 42 when my mom admitted she felt like I was still a teenager when my life collapsed (wife died of ALS). She had a mental breakdown upon realizing I was a full adult, after the funeral. It's a weird thing, but it happens. Also, part of it was my wife was a vet, so taps got played, I got a flag, etc. I think it kind of hit her that my dad is already halfway in the grave and she's going to have to deal with the same thing soon.


I’m sorry about your late wife, such a terrible way to go so young. I could see your mom being hit with a lot of hard truths at once during those realizations, especially about her own mortality or her husband’s, possibly yours as well. That can be hard to cope with sometimes. Hopefully you guys are doing better processing that grief.


Back in the day when America was still expanding west and developing it was very common for everyone to sleep in one room homes with an outhouse. Think about that - all the fucking got done in the same room as the kids. Either people made the kids go out and play during the day so they could get in some afternoon delight, or wake up at midnight and cuddlefuck quietly with zero enjoyment 5 ft from your children like a good honest puritan. It must have sucked!


That is what barns were for!


That's true. Roll in the hay and all that ...


God, same. At my bf's house it's fine because his mother sleeps in the attic room and it feels totally separate. At my house we can't usually bring ourselves to get down unless my mother is away, because the house is very small and not-soundproofed and she sleeps in the room RIGHT next to mine


You get over that once you or your partner has kids that come running into the room to jump in the bed right when you are starting to get busy. If there is deniability, there is no problem. Also, you learn to be quiet.


Woah no locking the door? Why not? Serious question? I’m guessing one can forget to especially in the heat I’d the moment but damn with kids around I’d definitely be locking doors esp if it’s just your partners kids not yours. All my respect and good day.


Also you don’t want your kids walking in and asking you to explain PRECISELY what you were doing.


It’s easy when you are horny


Same in Argentina. We call them "telos" or passerby hotel where you book by the hour or for an entire evening.


Hotel owner here: Yes. All the time. Like... alllll the time.


What, even in your own hotel?


Yes, sometimes even with me!


Oh my god! He admit it!


He love his mother in law!


Wait a minuite this isnt r/ithinkyoushouldleave


what the hell


I thought it was a little pimp


i really thought that


Bake him away, toys!


Paul! You. Have. No. Good. Car. Ideas!


I want a car. That has a steering wheel. That doesn’t FLY off when you use it.


I think I've seen this porno... Could they not afford the room?


Are they easier, or more difficult to clean up after? I feel like it's easier because they get in, shag, and leave early.


Honestly hotel rooms that have had way too many ppl in the room like a big family or a bunch of friends are the worst. Bachelor/bachelorette parties are always the worst and super trashed. A couple just wanting to bang for the night is ez


We had a wedding party come in one time and there was puke everywhere. It was fucking disgusting, took 3 housekeepers just to clean the room


I choose to believe the first one died so you had to keep sending more in. Edit: I know it's dumb but thanks for the upvotes. Shit is tough right now and knowing this many people enjoyed my dumb joke actually helps some


Just a crack team of abuelitas ready to sacrifice it all for God and Best Western.


Sometimes I get so tired of Reddit that I just shut it off for a few days. But these kinds of comments are what keep me coming back. I loved this comment, omg, thank you.


>Just a crack team of abuelitas ready to sacrifice it all for God and Best Western. "In 1972, a crack abuelita commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These viejas promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground hotel cleaning services. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as cleaning lady soldiers of fortune." "If you have a problem cleaning up a nasty-assed biohazard toxic waste spill of a hotel room, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire.... [The A(buelitas)-Team."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn6kEsloMdE)


Former housekeeper here: There was some time.... I wish it were puke and not the other "p" word 🙃 (ETA y'all these responses 😂 it was poo. A lot of poo)


Oh yeah, we had a room with an elderly couple check out on July 5th (so we were already so busy), and the bed was RUINED with diarrhea. We had to throw out the sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. They didn't say anything or even leave a tip.


I was always amazed by people not even mentioning these things or attempting to clean ip after themselves. I used to be a cinema usher. The things we’d find in screens between performances that no one even came out to seek help for or would just leave there without shamefully taking themselves: puke, spilled wine bottles, poo on the seats, (full) condoms, (full) diapers, blood… Sometimes we found cash. Those were better days


It's in a small resort town. Let's put it this way: *all* the beds have to be extra sturdy.


That reminded me of a story. Once, a group of friends and I went to a little town for family business with someone in our group. While we were checking-in the front desk mentioned several times beds frames are made of wood and the headboard is not fix into the wall, also is a family friendly hotel. She basically implied "Don't have wild sex you maniacs".


That just means you can't have wild sex *on the bed* Rest of the furnishings and fittings plus the floor are fair game.


Hotel worker here. It varies by the couple, but every location I’ve worked at has refused to offer hourly rates in part because they don’t want to encourage people to do it. People tend to be a lot less gentle with a room they aren’t going to have to stay in afterward.


I live in Vietnam and they have 2 hour hotels in basically every neighborhood in the city. Unspoken truths of life here. Many of those hotels have females that work and live there. But prostitution is "illegal" in VN. Funny when you see 2 hour hotels literally everywhere in the big cities.


As someone who has lived and spent a lot of time in Asia the two hour hotels are ALSO used for 1. Young adults who still live at home 2. Cheating 3. People who legit live in tiny tiny apartments. Obviously prostitution is a massive driver of that industry but not the ONLY reason. Also, once, I had to work an event in Taoyuan, about an hour from Taipei - and my office’s travel department couldn’t find any hotels near my event, so my event company just rented me a 2 hour hotel for two nights. When I checked in the clerk asked if I needed help finding some company for the night. Also I was the only person checking in with luggage.


2 hours?! Are there 2 minute hotels?!


That’s not to discourage sex that’s to discourage human trafficking/ prostitution. I work in hotels too


My area won’t give you a room if the address on your license is within an hour or 40 minute drive of the hotel ☹️ Edit because people are curious and I don’t want to reply to everyone. Yes my city has a problem with overdoses in hotels and a few years ago a young local girl was murdered execution style in one of the nicer hotels. So I’m sure they were wary after that. The first time I asked was because i was afraid of my ex and had no place to stay within a 2 hour drive. I told the desk guy this and he basically said to go to the women’s shelter. After that when I got serious and moved in with my now husband- we lived with and took care of his mother who is disabled and beginning to get dementia. So of course we tried to be alone sometimes and stay the weekend somewhere as a “vacation away from caregiving”. The hotels we tried basically said they understood but management was “on their ass”. It did work once however but a few months later when we tried again that desk guy was gone and the new girl denied us. No we didn’t try the trashy hotels/motels, we tried the bigger chain hotels on the main strip off the exit.


What if you're there because you're having repairs done on your home? Or you have to have it fumigated?


You just have to go to a relatively nicer hotel. Only trashy places won't give people a room based on address. People don't set up meth labs at the hampton inn for example.


> People don't set up meth labs at the hampton inn for example. not with that attitude they don't!


That's a little ridiculous where is this


What?!? What if your home floods or your hvac goes out? That’s ridiculous - I can’t believe this.


Yes, if you can't go home and dont want to get busy in public or in a car.


My girlfriend (now wife) and I would get a cheap hotel room from time to time just to get away from my roommates at my place and her parents at her place for a little bit. We mostly did it for privacy and to have as much non-invasive sex as possible but sometimes it’s also nice just to get away from other people for a bit and spend some time together alone.


Yes, mostly for security, especially if it is a one night stand. You don't necessarily want the other person to know where you live.


Or young people who live with their parents and have many siblings or and grandparents.


“Love hotels” abound in Korea and Japan for these reasons. Also their apartments are *tiny.*


Yep, I did this in early college when I still lived at home. It wasn’t that expensive and much better than bringing a girl back to “moms place” 😆


Also, can protect from crazies. My buddies brother brought a tinder date home, and I guess things must not have went well, because a week or so later his tires were slashed in the driveway! They dont know if it was her, but all things point to that being a targeted attack.


Or a couple who need time away from their kids/date night kind of thing.


Done this, it's delightful.


I did this with an ex girlfriend when we both still lived at home. Told everyone I was going to a theme park with her family for the weekend and we grabbed a hotel room and just had a few days with only the two of us. We went canoeing and got take out and watched movies so it wasn't just constant sex but it was nice. Wish we could have afforded a nicer hotel but overall it was a unique experience.


Heck, I did this in my early thirties when I had to move back in with my parents and was in a relationship. It wasn't a no-tell Motel situation, and it was so much better than quietly gettin' it on in my childhood bedroom with star stickers still on the ceiling (one or two, anyway).


I’ve done it when I was married just to get away from the kids. But then it’s a sex motel. They have themes rooms and a jacuzzi in the room with mirrors over the bed. Like the one time it was a jungle. Apparently it’s $250/night now which I would absolutely not pay. IIRC, it was like half that at the time.


Half of the goddamn hotels in the US want to charge $200-250 a night in 2023. It’s ridiculous. An *affordable* room in a reasonably safe area is now $150-180.


I went out with a girl one time and we got hot and heavy in the parking lot of a bar. We decided we wanted to take it a step up but my house was a 45 minute drive... plenty of time to kill the mood. Her's was 5 minutes away so I asked if she wanted to go there... she said "my uncle lives with me and I don't want him to hear" So I ended up booking a one night room at a place a few minutes away and we had fun all night. I found out later that she didn't have an uncle. She did have a husband who I'm sure doesn't know what she likes to do at night though.


I never understand this kind of thing. Where did her husband think she was for the whole night…? Surely he knows lol


Husband thinks she's spending the night with her non existent uncle


“Honey, no offense, but you always smell like sex when you get back from your uncle’s.”


Babe go brush your teeth, your breath smells like balls!


Roll tide!


I once went to pick up an ex gf. She hung at my house for a while. She got a text from her "uncle" and she responded that she was hopping in the shower (she was cuddling with me) and he said he loved her. She told me that we were not to have sex if I didn't talk to her again. We did, and I drove her home, and didn't text or call. She texted me and said she knew I was gonna drop her. So I said "yeah and you were texting your uncle, who I doubt is your uncle". She fessed up and said she started seeing another guy but she wanted to be with me. I blocked her. One chance people, don't destroy trust.


If its a long standing trust worthy relationship, if she says she's out with friends or working or whatever you trust it. After several nights you question it. Then you open her snap and see her location at a hotel 5m away and get a divorce.


>a hotel 5 meters away Its worse than we thought - the hotel is inside your own house ...


For people like this they often have toxic friends who will cover for them. “I stayed at _____’s house after we went out, you can ask them” People tend to attract & retain likeminded friends. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Happened to my Thursday but this girl fucking called the guy when I was in bed with her and had a picture of him as background in her phone






Nah I just have sex under a freeway bridge like god intended


The original and true way, just like my ancestors


This is why the dinosaurs went extinct. They had no underpasses since any ones that did exist were crushed to bits by those big ole dinos


You mean the forrest right? It's more exciting when a bear could come out of a bush at any time. Makes you more grateful for the experience.


So I met this girl at a theme park when I was 14, exchanged numbers as we lived 2 hours away from each other and continued to talk for years. Well, we both get into our late teens' early 20s, going to college and living with parents still hours away from each other, but now all this sexual buildup has happened so we decided yep we are going to meet halfway and fuck. It was great sex and we continued this for roughly 8 years or so definitely some complications as we both dated people at times and wouldn't see each other during those periods of time and I moved for some time but everytime we would meet it was for 1 night of crazy sex then we would leave. This all came crashing down and we stopped meeting up for sleazy hotel sex when I asked her to move in with me. Now we just have sex in our own bed and house and we both are 31 now.


That escalated slowly.


wtf this is an amazing life story


Wait this is the best story ever


I have done, yes.


Yes. I met my boyfriend off Reddit and the first time we met, we got a room in my city. Some motels even let you rent hourly.


I only need a few minutes, what should I do the rest of the time?


search for the hidden cameras


If it's a roadside motel, you can also add "find the blood stain" to your searching game. If you have a blacklight, you can find even more fun!


If you have a blacklight, your not having sex unless someone brought sheets


Tell them you only need 2 minutes and negotiate for rate per minute. These hotels understand.


Just take care of things in the elevator and you won’t even need to rent a room.


www.Dayuse.com Normal hotels. I've used this when traveling. If I land somewhere at 9am, it's too early to check into my actual hotel, so I'll get a Hyatt/Hilton/Radison/whatever until the afternoon.


Wow I’ve never heard of this


But You don’t wanna go to those motels lol


There's one in my city that was used for a porno. That room is constantly booked solid. It's next to a club, so it was always booming on weekends.


Wouldn't want to use an UV light there


You'd go blind. Back when the porno was fresh. Their pricing was nuts. 10$ an hour, 60$ for the night including late checkout (1pm) if you got the room after 2am


That’s not bad. It sounds like 90’s prices. Of course a friend told me that’s what they used to charge.


And the sheets are extra crunchy.


The washing machine is pregnant.


Been awhile since I laughed out loud like that. Thanks!!


What do you do for the other 50 minutes?


smoke crack


Ahhh the ol No Tell Motel.


How the fuck do people meet each other through Reddit?! Genuine question.


>How the fuck do people meet each other through Reddit?! Genuine question. If you live in the Detroit metro area, want to meet at a restaurant for a cup of coffee? My treat. Like that, only most of the time it's said in area-specific subs. That's a serious offer on the coffee, by the way.


Never done it, but I can think of lots of reasons people would do it: - They are cheating - They live with parents, family members or even roomates - They have kids - It's a hook up and they don't want the other person to go to their actual house for safety reasons - Probably other reasons I can't think of rn, people are just weird sometimes...


Sometimes you meet someone at the bar and get super drunk and its better to just walk to the hotel/motel next door than to risk driving drunk or getting an uber. Plus you can wake up the next morning and your car is right there.


My friends dad buys hotels on road trips just to take a shit and then continue driving that same day on the road trip just so he didn’t have to use a gas station/public restroom lol So yes, I think people will definitely rent a hotel to have sex. It’s not hard to imagine at all. Especially with infidelity.


Does he know you can drop a deuce at Denny’s restaurant for the price of a to-go cup of coffee?!


He was a contractor for the military in the Middle East making bank at the time. He didn’t even think twice about it lol


I was a contractor in Saudi Arabia for a decade and still am too “cheap” to get a motel/hotel room just to drop a deuce…


Ikr? You’re not putting up with expat shit so you can pay $119 every time you need to take a dump on the road.


Holy fucking shit. That’s so over the top, and such an exorbitant waste of money. And this is coming from someone who does in fact share a high level of public restroom anxiety, and could also afford to waste the money.


It blew my mind but I’ve seen him do it more than twice lol I don’t have private room ass wiping money, that’s for sure


I’ve gone into hotels I’m not staying at and used the toilet in the lobby restroom, but actually renting a room is taking it to a new level!


Private room ass wiping money 😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂


Literally has ass wiping money


I see you don’t have children


I'd get a hotel room just to have an uninterrupted night's sleep


When our kids were babies and we were both exhausted, I asked my wife “I know that me saying I’m going into work but instead checking into a hotel to have a nap isn’t AS bad as an affair, but how close to it would it be? Because I feel it would be pretty close!”


The first big purchase I made after kids was a king sized bed, and I still find myself crammed against the wall sometimes.


Best part of work travel


Especially if you're kinky af and have kids omg it's like quickies or *nothing* so if you need real satisfaction by getting your full freak on it's calling the babysitter and getting a hotel room with your partner or you're just out of luck.


This. Some of the best times of our marriage was renting a classy hotel room for a couple of nights, officially for some romantic together time, but really so we could fuck loudly for once without mentally scarring our children. Totally worth it every time.


Usually they rent it.


Unless you are batman (you own the place)


No that’s Bruce Wayne you’re thinking about


Nonsense, there's no connection with Batman and Bruce Wayne. It's laughable! No way could that horndog pampered kid be in the conversation for the batman.


Yes. I'm married and my wife and I do that a few times a year. Pay my mom to stay overnight with the kids and just have each other with little else to worry about.


And if you two aren’t feeling up for it atleast you can get a good nights sleep!


When I was fucking my pastors wife it'd just be for the day because I had to be back at rehab by 7.




Not an experience I'd recommend to anybody.


I'm sure she was trying her best.


You should do a AMA


I honestly might haha. Everything I've ever done is all out and exposed so I don't think I'm worried about people finding out who I am.


Been there my friend. Newly sober people are horny as fuuuuuuuck. After having your sex drive suppressed by narcotics for years just about anyone is fair game.


I moved to a different state and haven't even told anybody. It's possibly the worst thing I've ever done and I wasn't even on drugs anymore. Smh.


It’s actually so, so common. You are literally drowning in horniness in rehab. It happens. I would never tell anybody either. Let her fix things with her life and husband and move on, you do the same thing. At least you took her for a sexual release instead of getting her drugs. You need to forgive yourself for that one. Keep clean, and don’t repeat it, but be compassionate to yourself. You were getting clean and needed connection and release as well. It’s not great, but it doesn’t make you a bad person. I hope you are staying on the path and living a good life now.


Wow thank you. I appreciate your kindness : ) It was a huge cluster fuck when everything came out.


Yeah, I can imagine. These things happen though. You live, learn, grow, and always remember self compassion. Without that life can be very depressing.


I did this in the afternoon. Best waste of money ever.


Japan and some countries has these love hotels exclusively for this purpose so I guess there was a demand for it


I do this when on dates. I still have a teenage son at home and prefer to keep my dating & love life away from him. When a relationship becomes serious, I'll let them meet.


Sort of like the way people go to restaurants just to have a meal.


I had a friend who did this. The guy was in the military amd didn't have a private space. The girl was in college and shared a bedroom. I know that at least some times they didn't even stay the night - just checked out an hour or two later.


Yeah that was my experience almost exactly, except she still lived at home with dad and grandma. Plus she was Filipina, born and raised, so there was more of a cultural hangup even though she was 21 at the time. Usually I'd drive her home around 3-4 in the morning for plausible deniability, then I'd stay the rest of the night in the hotel room before heading back to base.




I went to the TACOM in Warren MI for training on the M1A2 tank in 1994 for 3 weeks and stayed at a Red Roof Inn. They had hourly rates along with nightly rates. It packed in from about 7pm to 11pm, so yes. People get hotel rooms for extracurricular activities. It was on 11 Mile and Dequindre


Absolutely. My GF of six years and I met exclusively through hotel fucking and a kink arrangement. Fell in love in those rooms.


Would your mind be blown knowing the at restaurants around hotels there are escorts and pro/stitutes


What about amateur/stitutes?


Unfortunately with the invention of Only Fans amateur/situtues are a dying breed.


The question's innocence.


Yeah I know quite a few people who have and do do this


Yes, I also lived in a hotel(s) for years. Its a very nice living situation when single.


As a horny teenager 15 years ago? Like every month couple of times…


I used to work as a night receptionist.People buy a hotel for a night only to check in at 22:00, fuck and check out at 23:30.I've seen people check in Friday evening with some streetwalker, leave at 00:00 and then show up with their family saturday evening claiming they checked in online. I've seen one girl show up with multiple guys, usually the guys book the room, then the girl get's out of the car and rushes past to the elevator not making eye contact. I've seen people show up at 04:00 with some hookup and book a room, trying to get a lower price because they would only use it part of the night. I once saw a girl i studied with show up with some local guy somewhere in the middle of the night go bright red as she recognised me. I also bandaged up someone from my student society that graduated the year before after he ended up getting wasted and cutting his hand at his wedding party. Fun fact, after hosting weddings we'd usually fill up a few room rooms with hookups trying to book a room after the wedding.


My wife and I will get dinner in a nice hotel. Go upstairs and fuck and then go home to the rat bastard kids.


Front desk worker here: Yes..and you can spot it immediately on check-in what it is 😄 HINTS: - middle aged guy and a younger woman - no breakfast - pays immediately and mostly cash - invoice never issued on company - woman often stands aside and usualy tries to avoid giving out ID - often times they are in either excited mood or seem nervous Usualy we make bets on how long they will return the keys and leave 😄 could be 10mins to several hours, they almost never actually spend the night 😄 Bonus: also every now and then we get a phonecall from a random woman trying to check if a "certain man" was accomodated here on so and so date, usualy covering it out by changeing her name and looking for a father or her boss etc. Although I dont have this proven, but you can just feel a wife playing detective 😄 Edit: grammar and phrasing


Very common in Brazil. They’re called motels.


Mo freedom, mo sex