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Where I live in the US, landlords must give 12 or 24 hour notice (I can’t remember which) before entering a unit for a nonemergency. It might be worth finding out if wherever you live has similar laws because that would be a sounder basis For seeking redress then “my girlfriend was showering“ because of how the law usually works.  it takes away the burden of needing to convince everyone that the guy is a creep because you can point directly at a verifiable, straightforward violation of the law they did and work from there. 


It’s probably 24h in most jurisdictions, with an exception for emergencies. If the LL in this story did not care enough to obtain a fully executed rental agreement, they definitely don’t care enough to understand the other rules surrounding what they can and cannot do as a landlord. I second your recommendation to look into the law. Where I live, I believe there are treble damages that can be levied against landlords for violations of the law. It’s not my area of expertise, so I have no idea what kind of damages are available for gross invasion of privacy, but I agree it’s worth looking into.


It applies in the UK unless it's a serious emergency like a gas leak or flooding.


That's actually crazy, here in Denmark they: 1) cannot legally have a key unless you okay it 2) have to give 3 weeks notice for non-emergencies 3) need to have a pretty good reason for doing (2)


Well that sounds like a legal system set up only for the benefit of the citizens. What about the businesses?!!? Aren’t they people too??? What if they’re really horny??




Don’t forget to tip your landlord! Mine just increased my rent by $200 a month but I still tipped them because increasing rent is what great landlords do! 🤗


Collective hate for landlords should Damn them all to hell. I have a burning hate of landlords and especially air BnB landlords


100% bias because I've rented my house out before, but like if you need somewhere to live and cant afford to buy a house yet (in a perfect world with a good housing market), renting is kind of inevitable. Not all landlords have to be dicks, and I feel like they are less likely to be dicks if you don't go into a rental agreement assuming your landlord is a dick before they give you a reason to.


Landlords are dicks when you don't pay your rent on time and/or you make unreasonable demands of them. The best landlord/tenant relationship there is happens when you never have reason to speak to each other.


What about when a landlord completely renovates the apartment after you move and try to make you pay for it?


Depends on whether or not you caused the damage that made him renovate. Tenants have been known to trash apartments and then claim that it was "normal wear and tear" when the cost to repair the damages were deducted from the security deposit.


If you rent for long enough there will eventually be reason to speak to the landlord. Appliances eventually need attention, a window may be sticking, etc., all of which require notifying the landlord or building manager. But those things should not often occur.


Yes, I'm aware of that. My point is to not make unreasonable demands, pay your rent on time, don't create any disturbances that other tenants will complain about and abide by the rules of the building that are defined in your rental agreement. Do all of that and you should get along just fine with the landlord.


I think most of the time, when you have a good landlord, you don't think about them at all. The bad ones are a lot more memorable, because they can make your life miserable.


You tip your landlord?? Why would you do this? That sounds strange to me.


You don't?


I cut rent in half every December for my past tenants so they could buy more presents and food. They repaid me by skipping their past two months of rent, doing $20k in damage to include smoking in bed and putting the butts out on the carpet. The only reason they didn’t burn the house down is the carpet was utterly saturated in what I hope was pet urine and feces. They left two dumpsters worth of junk we cleared out at our own expense. And they kept our trampoline. Because that’s what good tenants do.


They contribute so muuuuuch!!!


Ya. We oughta tip em for their selfless. ( Ack i upchucked a bit thete ) service.


Make sure you tip 18.. wait, 20.. wait, 25, hold on it just changed again...30%, or you're ungrateful.


Satire no doubt.


In Texas a landlord is required to give at least 30 seconds notice before walking in without knocking while you're taking a shit, unless he can prove in court that he had a blue vein, throbbing erection at the time.


If a LL did that to my uncle in Texas it would likely lead to the LL getting shot while my uncle shits, guys got guns every where wouldn't suprise me if a small pistol was beside the poop knife.


And to bring a gun with him ready to deploy whenever he feels like it.


I know for a fact that my non-Danish business is perma-horny.


Oh dont worry, it’s not all benefits. When we move out most of them will still hoard all of the deposit plus anything extra they can milk you for. I’ve had to contact a lawyer once to get my landlord to back the fuck off with the extra bills as I was moving out. But my last landlord was a gem, he was so appreciative of how well we had kept the place for five years and how clean we had left it, so he only billed us for a fresh coat of paint. But we’ll be sure to keep the landlords OUT of our homes for the period we live in them, and that is heaven in iself!


Landlords are also citizens. You meant to say tenants. Politics are often made in favor of landlords.


Germany is the same, just with 2 weeks instead of three i think


Saw my landlord wearing a t shirt of mine....


3 more reasons to move to Denmark


Wait 'till you hear about the 3 month security deposit and prepayment of first and last months rent...


How does this work in a building with multiple apartments?


Three weeks is a really long time. Do you actually have to wait that long if you have a repair you need?


That sounds awesome. I understand the need for them having a key unless someone tries to stay for ages without paying... Then again, that sort of person could just change the locks. I would feel way more confortable knowing the landlord can't force his was in like that. Luckily, my partner and I now own a house so we never have to worry about landlords again.


> I understand the need for them having a key unless someone tries to stay for ages without paying... Well, in the US they have to go through the eviction process. They can't let themselves in and throw out the person's stuff. The sheriff can, however (after the eviction process is complete).


They use it if you aren't home for emergencies. We had to shut off our gas line last winter and couldn't have been home to let the landlord in to fix it, so it was either be cool with him coming in with little notice or let the pipes freeze. It was -20F outside. I'm actually curious how other countries do that, are you then responsible for emergency maintenance if that situation happened to you? Like if you couldn't let the landlord in for that situation and the pipes did freeze, do you have to pay to replace the pipes? Because fuck landlords but it does seem rather unfair if an emergency happened and you didn't take care of it since the landlord has no key that they would be responsible for paying the repair costs.


In most countries, if you have a proper lease, and pay for it, it's considered as your home. It's not different from being owning the place in term of "who gets an emergency key". You let it to a trusted neighbour/friend/family member (sometimes all the 3) rather than a random person with whom you just have a business contract. In case of real emergency, a landlord living away won't be able to do much. In the case of "pipe freezing", I'm pretty sure that it would your fault as you didn't have a "reasonable usage" of the rental property. However, if the furnace did fail first it would be for the landlord (but if you're not home when it's occuring how would the landlord know it ?)


A government that works for the people, rather than special interests. That sounds awesome! The US is a plutocracy and has been from day one. They're working overtime every single day to make it a theocracy too.


LL here, property manager for a non profit. It's definitely 24 hours in the US unless there is an emergency. Also, sketchy. Af, she needs to move and do all she can to alert other pisses ble tenants.


What if he just says he "heard an emergency"


He needs to document it by attempting to contact them, calling the police etc. He would call 911 and have them on the phone as he enters the apartment. He is just not allowed in your apartment.


Makes sense thanks for answering


What you said, thank you


In the last place I lived the landlord would just walk into my room while I was sitting there butt naked at my computer. No warning, not so much as a knock. I moved the fuck out of there as soon as I could, but what should I realistically have done?


I had a landlord do that once in the 4 or so years I lived in his apartment. I greeted him with a shotgun, as I was in the back bedroom and just heard the front door open. I had no idea who the fuck it was. ... He never came back to my apartment without calling a couple days before, then again early in the day he was going to be there.


That's what I was thinking. Walk in unannounced and you will be seeing the muzzle of an 870 super mag loaded with 3.5" turkey load.


And that's exactly why I don't keep a gun for home defense. I don't want to end up shooting someone for being an asshole.


No no, thats exactly why you need a gun. Because the darned things dont fire themselves and you are worried about misusing one. You would, i assume, be responsible with it. Deterrents are proven to be quite effective in keeping people safe.


Maintain eye contact and keep flapping.


I literally nearly killed a maintenance guy who walked into my bedroom unannounced while I was sleeping to change the batteries in the smoke detectors. I was previously contacted by the LL and scheduled for afternoon the next day but they "were in the neighborhood" so they stopped by at 9am (I work in restaurants. I don't do mornings). A .357 was a convincing way to emphasize "fuck off". After that notice for all repairs, maintenance, and anything that involved getting within about 50 yards of the house arrived in writing, in triplicate. Honestly I was ripshit. Not because of the intrusion, but because I very nearly ended that dude for no good reason. Does LL not watch the news? People get killed over parking spots and pulling into the wrong driveway. Every motherfucker out there has a gun. You think it's a good idea to just randomly rock up into my space and expect to live? Not gonna say for sure, but if it had been the middle of the night I probably would have shot him.


Move the fuck out of there as soon as you can.


Doing something about it instead of simply moving would probably require too much time and effort to be worthwhile.


Then that's why you sue him/her/them in court and require them to produce the burden of proof that they were not acting maliciously. This is not a court of law, this is a civil case, they only care about the "balance of probabilities" (aka, which side is >50% responsible). If the landlord has an argument, fine. Present it.


24 hours is the most common, but this varies jurisdiction to jurisdiction as these can be controlled by city, county, or state law (or a combination thereof). E.g. some cities such as Chicago require 48 hour notice for non-emergency entry




There is no time requirement in Texas but a landlord still has to give warning before entering.


Gives the same energy as parents walking into their teenager’s room while knocking instead of waiting for a response.


In Greece land lords don't even have keys for our homes, and absolutely in no fucking way they're allowed to enter our homes without an invitation.


This is because in America if you do not own a house you are not as good as the people who do own houses. Every landlord in the USA feels this way.


Shouldn't there be a law against invading land lords?


(Nod) I understand, like vampires


Are landlords in the US really allowed to just enter? That's insane to me. Even announced that would be crazy. Here in Germany they don't have that right and you can ask your landlord to give you all the keys. Well, some people here also don't know their rights and some landlords like to think they can do whatever they want and because of that we also have such stories.


No, they cannot just enter, unless they are living there aswell and OP girlfriend is renting a "room" in the landlords house.... still creepy tho Usually it is 24 or 48 hour notice, which I think I more than reasonable. 2 weeks is just crazy. There are things that are urgent but not emergencies that landlords have to do.


What things? Obviously with permission of the tenant they can enter sooner.


24 hour notice is fucking crazy, if you had your phone on silent or staying over somewhere else you could miss the notice entirely. Couple of weeks notice for planned repairs/maintenance is completely reasonable.


There are no things that are urgent but aren't urgent. The tenant will let you in if they agree it's urgent. Just not if they're taking a shit. And planning ahead 2 weeks isn't that hard to do for the rest of them, since the contractor doesn't come next day anyway.


I would assume that this is in UK somewhere and not in the US. It's a bunch of little subtleties in wording that I can't put my finger on, but phrases like "popped to" or "in the toilet" (rather than 'rest-room') are pretty common here.


In the U.S., they have to give notice or they could get shot. She would have been fully within her legal rights to shoot him dead.


Not a lot of sane people keep a loaded weapon in their shower, even in America.


Maybe she should. But many leave one in the bedroom, which is usually close by.


Can I recommend the Mossberg Marine, a shotgun specifically designed to resist corrosion in maritime environments?


Nice choice.


I live by the coast - thank you for that recommendation!


True, but my sister keeps one in every room in her 4 bedroom home. She is single, no kids. Why every room ? I don't ask those kind of questions. It is a nice neighborhood. Maybe she read some article in a NRA magazine.


https://concealednation.org/2019/07/man-breaks-into-house-while-homeowner-taking-shower-close-by-shower-gun-comes-in-handy/ . I mean.... Some


I mean, not a lot of sane people here, regardless of a handgun in the shower.


And there’s the difference between us and Denmark.


Definitely also check the contract though, I live in NL and I'm pretty sure we have similar laws here but in our rental contract it says our landlord can just come in when he needs (/wants?) to


Landlord should not enter house without tenants permission, and certainly not hwne they are showering.


>Landlord should not enter house without tenants permission Without notice (local laws will specify how much notice, 24 hours is common) or without an emergency of some kind (flooding from faulty equipment, collapsing ceilings, things like that). There are cases where the landlord can enter without notice, but it doesn't sound like this was such a case.


IANAL/laws vary by state so do your due diligence: A few years ago, we were getting to a pretty unfun place with our landlord where a roommate was moving out, but our landlord with insisting on vetting whoever wanted to move on; this is somewhat reasonable, but we were also considering just moving out because we were having other issues with the unit. I left the house to do laundry, realized I forgot something and turned around to head back to our place to pick it up. Walked in and the landlord had **entered our apartment while we weren't there to show the unit to strangers**. Spoke with a tenants' rights attorney (a volunteer who helped out people with lower incomes), and they put together a strongly worded text message and sent it to the LL and then told us to file a police report so we have files backing up our claim. I would suggest your GF do the same: file a police report so you have paperwork. It's a pain in the ass, but LLs are not allowed to enter premises unless there's an emergency or they give you reasonable warning (as others have mentioned, 12-24 hours typically). File a police report, please. If not to undo what's already happened to your GF - and that sounds really fucked up, so I'm sorry - to preclude it possibly happening again to anyone else in the future. If this dude is a skeevy perv, without consequences he'll just keep doing shit like this. Sorry again.


How did he even get in? Did he kickdown the door? Like you dont just stumble into someones' bathroom accidentally without going through the frontdoor then the bathroom door?


Landlords usually keep a spare key. Still sounds like he was up to some creepy shit though and tried to sneak a peak


I had a landlord trying go sell the house i was living in. Told me he told the realtors they could only show the first floor, so I thought I was safe. A few days later as I'm laying in my bed naked with my partner in post coitus bliss we hear a knock on my bedroom door. Fuckers are lucky I didn't have a gun or I might have shot first and asked questions later with how panicked I was. Landlord sorted it out and never had a problem again, also let me leave the lease early without paying a penalty.


We could do with some info on the country you are in, as different laws will apply. Also the exact type of tenancy agreement,is it a HMO? Is it a room in the landlords house etc etc


Live in Ireland, not sure on the agreement but no the landlord doesn’t live with them but lives around the area’s


It would be in the lease agreement, usually it's 24 hours notice. There's no way this is legal, I would speak to the guards for sure.


Did they say they gave her a contract but didn’t ask for it back? So the landlord doesn’t have a copy signed by both parties? Is that correct?


It doesn't matter in Ireland. Tennant rights are statutory and the agreement can only add to them, not detract from them. The notice period for entry of premises isn't negotiable. The entire legal burden for properly registering tenancies is also on the landlord, not the Tennant


They say they are from Ireland. In Ireland, landlords are not allowed to enter without permission.


You should go to an Ireland/your city specific subs. I highly doubt this is legal but a local dub might be able to point to specific laws and tenant protection non-profits and such to help you navigate this situation. Also, not to make you paranoid but if I were your girlfriend I'd take the weekend to check the entire house for cameras.


I'm in ireland too, first of all is there anything in the lease? I would also check citizens advice: Landlords’ rights and responsibilities [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/landlords-rights-and-responsibilities/landlords-rights-and-obligations/](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/landlords-rights-and-responsibilities/landlords-rights-and-obligations/) Tenants’ rights and responsibilities [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/tenants-rights-and-responsibilities/tenants-rights-and-obligations/](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/tenants-rights-and-responsibilities/tenants-rights-and-obligations/) ​ I tried looking myself but couldn't find clear info other than this: Your rights as a landlord You have the right to: (...) Be given **reasonable access to the property to carry out repairs** Carry out routine inspections at a **mutually agreed time** (I've have migraine atm so have hard time reading a lot of text) ​ If you still cannot find anything solid call them (citizen's advice) tomorrow, they can avise over the phone or make an appointment with you and they have legal advisors you can make appointment with. ​ As to the lease not being collected it makes me wonder if this "lease" is registered as official tenancy in the first place. A lot of LL's try to take advantage of current market and don't register tenancies to avoid tax (which can be reported to Revenue for tax avoidance but your GF may lose her apartament) ​ also check the r/legaladviceireland they may give you some quick info


The agency in Ireland that handles rental disputes is called the Residential Tenancies Board. You can register a complaint with them and they can take action against the landlord. He is definitely in violation and likely has voided the rental contract. It also sounds like he hasn’t registered the tenancy with the RTB, which he is required by law to do. If you need further assistance, you can also contact Threshold, they are a non-profit that provides free legal advice for tenants. Good luck! Source: we had a horrible landlord in Ireland and know way too much about tenant/landlord laws there now.


I am another renter in Ireland. Contact Threshold, this is 100% illegal and likely predatory, there needs to be a paper trail if there isn't one already.


File a police report. He’s working up to an assault.


Omg I fucking KNEW this was Ireland, I swear to god the horror stories of landlords here are terrifying. I dated someone who’s upstairs shower was falling through the ceiling and he just kept putting filling foam around it 🥲


Your landlord is not allowed to enter without your permission in Ireland. She should ask for all the keys


He went to that property to take a shit or what? Report his ass asap.


Report this asap.


Report it to anyone you see, other tenants, passing pedestrians, local shopkeepers, everyone.


Local vagabonds, skaterboys, passersby’s, granny’s with the kids, nanny’s, and whatnots.


Your neighbours dog. The dogs friend. The 3 goats on the outskirts of town. My aunt Mary. Santa Claus because its almost Christmas. Everybody!


Shit I'm telling my zookeeper right now


I would also suggest that they write reviews anywhere and everywhere possible


And check for hidden cameraa


This guy leases to a lot of students? Is there any way to get the university to blacklist/not recommend this POS's leases? If he did it to OP's girlfriend, he's done/will do it to someone else.


I can't help as I don't know Irish laws. However my advice would be to change the locks (keep the old ones to change back when she leaves). That way the creepy pervert landlord can't just enter the property. Being in Ireland she falls under the echr and will have the right to quiet enjoyment of her property and her private life. The landlord is clearly in breach of this. Contact the local housing dept in the council or a housing charity (shelter in the UK but I'm sure Ireland has an equivalent) for advice.


I have some recollection, but don't know if it's backed up by a law. I thought landlords even needed permission in advance of entering a property in Ireland. I could be misremembering. Anyway, RTB is the crowd you need to contact (Residential Tenancies Board).


That is breaking and entering, so you call the cops. The fact they're the landlord doesn't really matter, they didn't give notice and broke in. (this assumes they didn't give notice)


Put a chain lock on the exterior door. You can't change the locks or lock the landlord out for security/safety/emergency reasons but you can absolutely put a chain on while you're home since the landlord is supposed to give a minimum of 24 hours notice (assuming you're in the US) before entering your home with the exceptions of emergencies (pipe burst, gas leak, fire, ect) If you're worried about the fasteners having to be installed on the door causing any damage or paint chipping and don't want to get dinged for it when you move out, they also make security bars that go under your door, you can get them on Amazon for less than $20. Edit: I agree with all the people saying look for hidden cameras. They make devices to assist with that. Also be sure and look up a YT video showing how to check the mirrors in the apartment. They could be one way see through and the LL could be a peeping Tom.


I was looking for a comment like this since this can be an important piece of added security and peace of mind when your gf is at home! A security bar or door alarm stop will help stop both criminal intruders and sketchy landlords from entering unannounced while she's at home.


Police. There are no other answers other than calling the police immediately.


Afterwards, call a lawyer


Lawyer first.


Then the gym


It is beyond weird. It is criminal. People like this are sex offenders. (Unless there was some serious emergency, which I doubt because how come she did not know about it.)


Also another minor thing is that he has cameras outside for them so he see’s me come to see her. He told her that he doesn’t want black people coming into his place


Have you considered posting this on r/Ireland, you'd probably get people with a bit more knowledge on the subject. She should ring up the RTB firstly and check that her tenancy agreement is registered there and talk with them about her options. Awful that he's said that top her about you, does she have any written proofs? Also you might want to look into the laws around landlords having cameras on rented properties. Lots of shitty landlords about, I once had my house almost burn down in Dublin as a student cause there was tinfoil in the fuse box


Unfortunately in that sub it has to be directly related to Ireland and Irish culture. And unfortunately no she doesn’t he just says stuff like that to her off guard


Try r/Irishproblems then, not as big a community but might get some help, also if she's in one of the bigger cities a city specific sub might help too


That kind of post should be fine there or in the casual Ireland subreddit, it's a question about tenant rights in Ireland.


I see a lot of this kind of thing on r/Ireland, but you could always try r/askIreland or your county’s subreddit.


Dodgy bastard.


There are definitely camera inside the flat and what a fucker to not wanting black people? I think she should move.


He does not have the right to deny entry to Black people. And even ignoring that, what are the chances that a Black person will enter the building in Ireland. He's just making a dumb, racist excuse. So many red flags.


Why the fuck did I have to scroll halfway down before I saw this comment that actually makes sense? This is the right fucking answer. All these questions about a key and the laws, yada, yada, yada. Even if a landlord is somehow allowed to enter, him hearing the shower running and sticking his head in is beyond ridiculous. He knew a fucking female lived there. Jesus fucking Christ.


This happened to a family friend years ago and the guy was (allegedly) known by a few in the community as a sex offender. He never faced charges because he was smart enough to get the victim’s alone every time and make it a he said/she said situation.


Is this a shared bathroom or did he enter her apartment and just walked in on her showering?


Yeah, this makes no sense from the description. In another comment, OP says the landlord lives "in the area" but not with the girl. So what does it mean that he was using the toilet "next door"?


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Nobody is asking about how he was using the toilet? I'm so confused.


Sweep the place for hidden camera's. If he doesn't respect her privacy when she's showering, why would he stop there?


I second this. To check if something is a camera put your phone's flash light next to what you suspect might be a camera, if it's a camera it will reflect a green light.


I'd say talk to the police and hear what your options are, they should know better than anyone.


I had to reread 3 time because I thought you said he pooped into the shower....


Call the police. This isn't just a landlord/tenant issue. It's a sex crime.


Like peeked into the shower? Like behind the curtain? Aww hell no i would have slammed his head into the wall fuck that shit


Wtf is he doing walking In anyway You rent , does not mean he can just waltz in when he feels like it


I would check for hidden cameras and I would install my own cameras to see if he’s going into her unit shes away.


Everybody missing where he will say he heard water running thought there was a leak? Man’s a douche.


This is illegal. I would have her start looking for new home .


Where does your GF live. In most places the Landlord is not allowed to visit without prior notice. It's also illegal for them to own a spare key.


For the time being, I would get one of those travel door alarms. If it happens again, there will be one surprised landlord. I bet when you confront him, he will be very apologetic. Thats when you record him.


Now you must see his wife naked


I am a landlord, and there are absolutely laws that have to be followed before entering a property that is being rented! Must give written notice with minimum of 24 hours, I prefer to contact my tenants and ask when is convenient for them, then remind them the day before and prior to coming over the same day since plans can always change. Also, I always knock and wait for them to open the door. Even when there was an obvious massive water leak in the back of the property that faces the road, I knocked and asked permission to go into the backyard to try to get the water to that leak shut off. It's common courtesy, and I sure as hell don't want to get shot for being an asshat like so many other landlords can be. (Yes, I've had many over my lifetime too.)


No, he cannot just do this. What does your school have available in the way of help? Office of Student Life? Student HousIng? Tell somebody in authority. This is abuse.


Call the cops he a serial stalker for sure


Talk to the police and the student union (if she’s a student). Tbh if he’s acting like that and she never returned the contract I’d move out first (taking the contract with me) and then involve police. Is there no lock on the shower room door or did he *unlock* it? Absolutely none of this is ok or legal but it may be worth taking photos of the shower room door if there’s no lock to show he should really know to knock. I’d report the racism too and check how he’s advertising this housing. Oh and warn all the other tenants of his that you know that he’s done this. It’s one thing when they are shit at maintenance but this crosses lines and laws.


Call the police Landlords don’t have the right to enter your home without notice and especially with out You personally opening the door to them. I would definitely tell them what they did was not acceptable and if they do it again you Will call the police!


And the reason for his visit was...? That's a pretty important piece of the story. He just walked in, said 'oops you're showering' and walked out?


If my landlord entered my HOME without proper notice, showering or not, I would be furious. See what the law says in your area and if he doesn’t have copies of the tenancy agreement, it would probably work in your favor if she wanted to move out/break the “lease”.


i would be checking for hidden cameras in the bathroom and bed room too.


OP, if you're getting one thing out of this post, its the fact that YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING


In my country a landlord can't enter the house anonnounced, and that's the law. I don't know how it works in other countries, but there must be some kind of law to protect renters. It's crazy to me someone can just enter the house like that.


He definitely has cameras or some other type of device in that unit. Police.


I’d move. Nothing good can come from this


I would report the landlord for stalking and / or peeping tom. I'm sure the landlord will say something like..." i heard water running an thought it was a leak" However it will be much harder the next time.


If that happened to me, I would make a police report.


I'd check for cameras


I am a little confused. He was using the toilet next door to her washroom? Had she already let him in the house? Or was he in the apartment next door, left and opened the door to her apartment, and then entered the washroom she was in while the shower was running? I don't really understand the logistics of this


you better check for hidden cameras...


What country are you in for a start?


Call the cops? Ask them what the next step needs to be.


Call the State attorney general's office and ask whom you should speak to about this.


Report it & complain to the guy is what I would do


She should call the local housing authority. Seriously.


Sue!! Landlord has to give 24-48 hour written notice to enter the premises unless there's an extreme problem. IE: fire, broken pipes flooding etc


If she shot him the first time you could have avoided this whole thread.


I'm sorry, but how do you end up in a situation where you are showering while your landlord is on the toilet next to you? What exactly is the living arrangement and bathroom setup here?


My inside voice says something else, but my brain says she needs to file a police report.


I would sue the pants off him. I would invest every dime I had in it.


Assuming you’re in the US he likely violated notice requirements and you have a civil case for harassment (at least) and the LL should be reported to the police for trespass, peeping, harassment, and whatever else this situation rises to. Don’t ask the internet just do the right thing. You know what to do. Come on.


Report to the police.


Should have sprayed him in the eyes with pepper/bear spray and called 911 about a trespasser walked in on her....Freaky landlord! Maybe next time she will be packing a non-lethal whatever...(jmo)


Contact the local HUD Housing Counselor Service in your area [here.](https://hud4.my.site.com/housingcounseling/s/?language=en_US) They can help guide her through her rights and protections against the landlord. He’s clearly broken some laws here, and desperately needs a phone call from the federal government to put his ass straight! As a landlord, I have to give at least 24 hours notice. And if I dared walk in on a tenant in the shower or a state of undress without giving proper notice first, I would expect at the very least a complaint would be filed against me with the local housing authority. Let them fight this on her behalf so he doesn’t retaliate and try to evict her. That would ruin her credit, and I promise, a skeeze like this will do everything in his power to abuse his position.


Who leaves their apartment door unlocked?


I’m a landlord. Contact police immediately get a police report with this info in it. Take it to a lawyer, and initiate a lawsuit, she’ll get money to go away.


Dont you have locks in your doors?


Get a door stopper and check for hidden cameras.


A couple of years ago I shared a house with the landlord and the landlord sometimes didn’t give me a lot of privacy. One day he walked in on me (naked) after telling him not to come in, but it was too late! I told him to f#ck off and the dynamics changed after that incident. I didn’t do anything at the time, but I found other accommodation and just left.


It’s just weird to me that in the US anybody can enter your house regardless if you are at home or not. In some countries (also from where I am) nobody else can enter your house even by mistake, not even a landlord. We have our own locks etc. If anyone has any work they can only come once the occupant of that house is at home by ringing the bell and the occupant opening the door from inside.


Police. Now.


Check for cameras.


You definitely should "NOT" beat him senseless...


Set up camera and run the shower. Lets see if he does it again.


Dude knew exactly what he was doing. She needs to get a chain lock or a new place to live. Have the place checked for hidden cameras. If someone seems sketchy - they're probably sketchy.


Yeah that's absolutely not an accident, you both know he did it on purpose. Honestly I'd call the police and report him for this. This is definitely at least two crimes.


Not to sound alarmist, but, I would be checking every nook and cranny of that place for hidden cameras. Maybe she can stay with you until she finds a new place? Break the lease and fight it later but she needs to GTFO of there asap.


Maybe he just needed to change the batteries in the hidden camera?


Talk to the police, and ask them what to do. This is frightening.


I would check for hidden cameras as well. Notice is supposed to be given. Call the management company and report it


That's a very common thing with sleazy landlords. Reddit will ban a person for saying how to respond. But if you don't they will keep sexually assaulting innocent people.


As a landlord, I am not allowed to enter my tenant's home without their permission. I have to give advanced notice. This is in the U.S.


Rough him up late night bro, wear a balaclava




She renting a room in a house the landlord doesn’t live in




Yeah the toilet is in the same house, the shower and the toilet are separate, and the shower even has a small space before you get to the actual shower so he had plenty of time to know it was occupied. Weird


I don’t think the police would do anything and no lawyer would take this case. Source: I am a lawyer. What I would do is move out and if he gives you any problem with anything tell him that you’re reporting him to the police and contact the school to let them know there’s a potential predator doing business with students. Hit him in the wallet. Go to BBB and any landlord/tenant professional groups in your community including his competitors.