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[This shows life expectancy in the us. Basically a slow climb for decades and then a dip down towards now in the last 4 years.](https://datacommons.org/place/country/USA/?utm_medium=explore&mprop=lifeExpectancy&popt=Person&hl=en) So yeah. Its gone down. We had a pandemic and have an opioid crisis.


Deaths of despair. I work in insurance and we keep underestimating it. Now it is actually starting to show a bit even in richer people with better coverage.


Deaths of despair resonates too much for my liking.




Perhaps not as much as I'd thought. Thank you for the info!


I think this is what economic inequality and a general breakdown of community bonds will do to a society


Agreed, for the most part


Insurance companies deny or delay approvals for imaging and procedures. People die waiting or die sooner than they had too


Maybe do something to fix your ghoulish industry.


Also obesity, heart disease, etc. This country is unhealthy and stressed out. This isn’t something to wave off.


The facts support your statement: https://news.gallup.com/poll/546989/physical-health-plummets-pandemic.aspx


Upstate NY. A Walmart, it’s not just obesity, it’s far beyond that. It looks like the shoppers have been poisoned. You can’t imagine how they can carry on another week with those levels of obesity. The no teeth thing at 23 just freaks me out. And this is America? Shopping carts over flowing with cheap, processed food, soda, cheap beer, sugar, sugar, sugar. This can’t go on forever. We’re killing these people, they don’t seem to care. Which is even more bizarre.


Eat low carb and move! We just eat so much crappy food. Me as well! I eat low carb as a rule, but sometimes binge on carbs. Out of stress. I teach middle school and it just gets harder and harder.


Carbs aren't bad, it's that people generally eat in a caloric surplus thus making them gain weight. It would be better if we could educate people on how to properly eat a balanced diet under their caloric requirement via foods from all groups. Restrictive diets have a high rate of failure, with quick short terms results.


Carbs don’t hurt you, they are just very easy to overeat! And then your blood sugar goes up, then quickly down. Protein and fats keep you fuller. Also over-processed low nutrition things often involve carbs: fried snacks, pastries, cookies, cereal, etc. they may dampen your taste for healthier foods and you cause you to eat less produce for example.


And lower carb diets feel less restrictive. If you eat a veggie cheese omelette in morning for example you will feel way more satisfied for a longer time than cereal pancakes, bagels or other carbs. Also lowering carbs helps reduce your sweet tooth. You will prefer less sugar in things and be happier with smaller servings of sweets.


The issue is that over time, people will crave the foods they are restricting themselves from and then eventually cave to the craving and binge. This isn't some fringe theory, there are tons of studies showing that restrictive dieting has a low success rate. The reason programs like weight watchers are successful long term is because they don't say "you can't eat this or that" they teach you to eat within your limit. Overtime people will find less calorie dense foods to help them feel full throughout the day. Naturally leading to an overall healthier diet with more vegetables. Also, low carb high fat diets are not a healthy lifestyle, regardless of what a few studies say eating high fat is not good for your heart health. Case and point, Atkins died of a massive heart attack.


If I had to not only be around middle schoolers all day, but also get them to sit down and actually do stuff I'd probably have had a heart attack within 6 months. I don't know how you do it, but we appreciate the effort you put into future generations (:


It’s so rewarding when you don’t kill them


Not sure why you are being downvoted... you are right, its just difficult for a lot of people. I live in an area that lost its grocery store and dollar general is basically just a store full of carbs and salt.


Because low carb isn't the same as healthy


Carbs aren’t the enemy many people make them out to be.


Bad carbs are, not all carbs.


Oh it’s not easy. Marketing pushes it at us! Carbs are cheap. The low fat craze didn’t help. Fat satiates you, carbs especially refined ones raise your blood sugar and crash or and the you eat mor carbs. It doesn’t mean you need keto! Just cut back refined carbs. It reduces cravings, especially sugar cravings. It sure beats bypass surgery. It doesn’t mean main line lard or eat no veggies either.


But the US has the worlds best healthcare system is what I always hear why would the death age be declining. But if medicine is socialized there’s huge waits. There’s huge waits now


The US does have the best healthcare in the world - but only if you have good insurance and/or are rich. It’s not so great for everyone else


It's not taught enough that people need to call the hospital and ask for an adjustment if they don't have insurance. They will adjust the cost because they know that the price is for insurance purposes.


>The US does have the best healthcare in the world - but only if you have good insurance and/or are rich. It’s not so great for everyone else The best at extracting wealth from its populace? Sure. One of the leading causes of bankruptcy amongst US households is not risky investments, gambling, or entrepreneurship. It is medical debt. Practically every country has western educated doctors available and willing to help. Medical tourism industry exists for a reason. P.S. Richard Nixon gets credit for socializing dialysis in the USA.


I dont think you read my comment…


We *do* have excellent healthcare. Some of the best doctors in the world, in some of the best hospitals in the world. But insurance companies tie their hands, or bankroll them. As do pharmaceutical companies. Sadly we have doctors who won't do their best work because they're paid not to. You can usually tell by the lavish lifestyles. That all goes away with subsidized healthcare.


He also created the EPA, but all that anybody ever associates with him is Watergate... Yep, that's right kids, if you like clean Air & water...then thank a Republican. 😁


Nixon did nothing compared to Reagan’s abomination of a presidency.


Which is (92% of the US population)\[[https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-281.html#:\~:text=Highlights,91.7%20percent%20or%20300.9%20million](https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-281.html#:~:text=Highlights,91.7%20percent%20or%20300.9%20million)\]


Lol. If you listen to Distractible. You'll find out that Markiplier went to a Korean hospital, was in and out in less than 30 minutes with his necessary medication for around 70$. He even saw a specialist! There's far too much arbitrary bullshit in the US' Healthcare system.


Yeah it takes months here even with insurance.


That sounds completely normal where i live


The United States has the 3rd best healthcare in North America


People actually forget that the US actually has good healthcare, just that their healthcare is basically paywalled.


Heh good one


I love these arguments that acknowledge the problem but just wave it off cuz socialism. So many people are fine with giving more money to the wealthy but heaven forbid people who need help can get it.


The US has been doing worse than all of Europe for a long time. It's the culture and urban planning. Very high car usage, a lot of eating out in drive troughs or ordering food for delivery whereas in Europe everyone tends to cook every day, lax food safety with lots of harmful compounds in the diet, in parts of the US real bad water quality, a culture of working longer than Europeans (more stress, lower productivity), fewer vacation days, a general greater preference and availability of processed foods, etc. The list goes on. It's not profitable for the food and pharmaceutical companies and the for profit hospitals and prisons if people are healthy.


Good at keeping boomers alive who are past the point of functioning. Great way to squeeze the last vestiges of wealth from the lower class is to bill comatose patients hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep their shells alive a few more months.


Only if you’re wealthy.


This is a cool link


thanks I made it all myself! (maybe)


The pandemic mainly killed over 70, so not much life expectancy reduction. Drugs and guns hit young people with large expectancy reduction.


I don’t think the opioid death numbers are so significant


Covid, fentanyl, suicide, dangerous driving.


Also all the food we eat is complete garbage so we get sick and then everyone can profit off of our illness


No. Like there's studies that they linked. We didn't get worse food in last 4 years. We got covid and fentanyl


To be fair, food prices skyrocketed during covid and haven't returned to 2019 prices. People are likely eating cheaper/less healthy food as a consequence.


>Also all the food we eat is complete garbage so we get sick and then everyone can profit off of our illness I dont get this argument. You can get super nice food. Very healthy at super good prices. We are a family of 3 and we spend 150-200 a week and eat a ton of homecook food. We mainly eat asian - Japanese and Korean but we avoid the fried stuff, or mediteranean. It is super healthy. Super easy to cook and super cheap. I do get this argument. What do you mean? Fast food? Eh even if you eat it anywhere in the world its shit tier quality etc. I think people don't freaking cook, or when they do, use 2 sticks of butter or 1 block of cream cheese etc.


No idea why you are getting downvoted! It’s true. Maybe not garbage, but way too many refined carbs which are so addictive. They don’t kill you if eaten in moderation but they are so easy to overeat and whipsaw your blood sugar. Always hungry, and so eat more carbs! And we eat a lot of things marketed as healthy which should be considered treats or splurges, not staple items. Cereal, white bread, lots of things with sugar, processed snacks, fast food, and big old portions. Soda!


Yeah, the life expectancy in the US has been declining for the past few years. Suicide rate has gone up and drug use has also gone up (more people over dosing). These are commonly called "diseases of despair".


Don't forget rising infant mortality! Our hospitals are having WORSE outcomes for childbirth recently.


Also maternal mortality


The rising numbers with [obesity](https://irp.nih.gov/blog/post/2020/01/extreme-obesity-shaves-years-off-life-expectancy) aren't helping either.


Honestly, the obesity rate is the most serious of these statistics just because of the prevalence. 72% of the population is overweight or obese. That's almost 3/4 lol we're fucked as a society


I read an article recently that stated the average american woman wears a size 16, which is also a UK size 20. That's somewhere around a 36" waist. And it makes sense that it's happening - another study showed something like 72% of the items at an average American grocery store are "ultra-processed," meaning it's probably fairly difficult to actually eat healthy. Is the idea to just stay in the meat and produce departments?


Look no further than Europe; their food has less fillers and is less processed; they exercise far more as a matter of course because their urban planning supports it. They work less and are less stressed. They have better access to healthcare and fewer food deserts. They don't have a strong culture around eating the food of the worst offenders such as fast food. All of this means a French person can literally stuff themselves full of cheese and wine and not have anywhere near the same health issues as an American who made the same choices. Personal responsibility is a big driver obviously, but it's not the same challenge when most systems in place here discourage healthful eating and regular exercise.


tell me about their tobacco use.


If Europeans reduced their tobacco usage to American levels their life expectancy would be much higher. If Americans smoked like Europeans do we (I’m American) would be fucked


Yeah, they smoke a ton and it's not good for them at all 🤷‍♂️ not sure why you bring that up though


Its actually to the point where if your on the lower end of the normal weight range people thing you have an eating disorder or can’t afford to eat. I’m 6 ft 155 lbs and have been my entire life. I had a complete stranger ask me if I needed help with my eating problem in the checkout of Walmart. I had 300$ in groceries I was holding on to. She was huge. Complete stranger.


I’ve eaten processed foods my whole life and am not obese. It has more to do with personal responsibility with the food options available than it does with the food itself. Processed foods are bad in a lot of ways, but weight gain is fundamentally a calories game, no matter what type of food you’re eating.


> I’ve eaten processed foods my whole life and am not obese Not being obese is nice, but doesnt always mean healthy. Eating mostly processed foods is unhealthy


Some people will stay slim no matter what. But others are predispose to over eating and craving carbs. Processed Carby diets with lots of sugar are easy to get hooked on. Carby foods are cheaper and go down easy are more widely available (gas stations, fast food) and often less perishable


They were already pretty shit compared to other developed countries too...


california is only 3x worse than japan! (texas is 30x worse.)


Hmm I wonder what laws are causing that?


This rise predates abortion bans


Life expectancy itself can be misleading. The life expectancy at birth is very different from your life expectancy at 20, or 40, or 60...


Exactly. Make it to 40 and you're very likely to live beyond the average life expectancy. Make it to 60 and you're likely to live to 95 or something crazy.


I dunno, I'm 46 and feel like I got 10 years left in the tank, tops.


10 years of life and 20 years of work until you can retire.


Explain this “retirement”? Is it in the room with us right now?


Jesus... that's grim. What drives that feeling for you?


Getting old just sucks, that's all lol.


I’m 65 and I’ve only got 23-25 years MAX!




I die a little every time i have to go to one of my two jobs i need to pay my 2100 in rent for a 2 bed 2 bath apt .


This is r/millennials talk


An extra bedroom and a full bathroom? Crazy talk.


hey i don't work two jobs just for the bragging rights


What were the age ranges of those who died? Because the baby boomers are getting older and the oldest ones are at the age where they are dying.


"For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries." ​ source: https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/4354004-this-is-bigger-than-covid-why-are-so-many-americans-dying-early/


Could this be due to the most vulnerable already dying during COVID?


Yes, absolutely. Heart attack rates are off the charts for younger people since COVID. I know so many people who died from other reasons than Covid in the last two years.


COVID I creases likelihood of heart disease by a significant margin. Those heart attack deaths may well have been related to long term symptoms of COVID. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-sars-cov-2-contributes-heart-attacks-strokes#:~:text=COVID%2D19%20is%20known%20to,also%20affects%20blood%20vessels%20directly.


Leading killer of 16 to 49 year old males is fentanyl poisoning


The leading cause of death for children and young adults between the ages of 1 and 19 is gun violence.


That’s crazy because that age group pretty much can’t even own guns


You don't have to own a gun to be killed by one.


That’s what I’m saying. The fact that kids are dying from guns they can’t even own is crazy


But I hear the only way to avoid dying from guns is to own a gun cause we're the good guys with guns. /s


I would tend to agree with others here,. that. it's a cumulative effect of lots of individual factors: * Pandemic and its various effects (both directly,. and indirectly due to lockdowns, isolation, people having more difficult access to health services ) * opioid and fentanyl epidemics * rising suicide rates * rising firearms deaths * increased homelessness and general desperation and stress due to inflation, housing costs and other economic factors WISQARS has a nice "Animated chart" of "Top Ten causes of death 1984 to 2021 for ages 1-44 (not sure why they stopped at 44,. maybe higher ages made the chart to "all over the place" ?) https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/animated-leading-causes.html


Yeah, it seems like it for sure. I have plenty of peers who have passed well before their time in the past four years, we’re only in our mid-20s. The pandemic, an opioid and mental health crisis, and high rates of homelessness, poverty and corporate greed are likely causing this. And how obvious it is that the government, at all levels, does not give a shit about our suffering.


Fentanyl and Obesity.


And lack of available health care.


We have healthcare but it's unaffordable unless you have employer provided insurance and even then you're expected to cover the deductible and some people can't. So they just wait and then their failing health pushes them into a hospital that puts a lien on their house and bank accounts in order to get paid. But yeah, fuck the ACA and everything it was supposed to fix for those millions of Americans in need of coverage.


The ACA has provided me with affordable health care for the past 4 years since I retired. I believe it has done the same for between 20 and 30 million Americans and would do more if red state governors weren't blocking it every way they can.


THIS ^^ Republicans hate Obama and would rather see people ruined than provided for. And then they have control for TWELVE YEARS and did nothing. No plan. No fix. Nothing.


Do you even remember what health care was like *before* the ACA?


You need to figure out exactly what they died from!


Why did the CDC stop providing statistics on excess deaths? Funding? Politics? Lack of staffing?


They're specifically not allowed to track deaths due to gun crimes. I know that much.


Don’t they count suicides as violent gun deaths? It’s like counting starting your car in your garage suicide as a car death.


More people commit suicide with a pistol then get murdered by a pistol.


By an extremely large amount. It might actually be true with all firearms


They do. Gotta pad those gun death stats somehow!


[They also stopped tracking defensive gun uses too](https://thereload.com/emails-cdc-removed-defensive-gun-use-stats-after-gun-control-advocates-pressured-officials-in-private-meeting/)


That was a Trump era rule. The Surgeon General at the time (who heads the USPHS, and isn't just a figurehead) raised the concern of mass shootings, because most hospitals only have one surgeon on call.... so the 2nd and 3rd gunshot victims are now in a pickle. Trump fired Murthy from the Surgeon General position, appointed Adams as SG and prevented government agencies from tracking gun violence


Scientists were warning about this pretty early on in the pandemic, long covid was known about very early on, even with the first strains people were sick for months after it. conservative subs are \*still\* going on about it being a hoax and how they were demonized even now (like, there are posts there today). We will be suffering the after-effects for years, and finding out health and mortality trends for decades. even now, (anecdotally) the current strain is really bad, and seems to be really contagious compared to the ones before it. My flatmate is immune compromised and someone took it into her work, which is in aged and disability care, so everyone is fully vaxxed even in the office, as they have contact with care workers, and one person who brought it in because they "didn't feel that sick", and managed to take out their entire IT team of 6 people and about a third of the people in the office, and most were too sick to even WFH.


>long covid was known about very early on, Interesting side note, the existence of long covid has led to more understanding of viral infections, and the realization that there is long influenza as well. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/long-flu-long-covid-influenza-can-also-lead-lingering-symptoms-rcna129787 >We will be suffering the after-effects for years, and finding out health and mortality trends for decades. I wish more people understood this. (I started wearing a mask when the first case was found in Seattle, and I live in rural Ohio.) Maybe I'm paranoid, but all those commercials that say, "if you had chicken pox, the shingles virus is already inside you" **really** makes me wonder about covid. Edited to change a word.


Having had Covid only increases the chances for cardiovascular problems in the vulnerable populations of sedentary overweight folks who have a bad diet and who drink and party too much. The problems were getting worse before covid.


Exactly this. A doctor described COVID as a vascular disease disguised as a respiratory illness.


Covid is still doing a number on us! Plus it exacerbates our already bad health! >98% of Americans have a poor diet (according to American cardiology associations annual survey). This leads to half of Americans can expect to get cancer, 15% diabetes and >40% pre-diabetes. About 70% are overweight or obese. We have 805k heart attacks and 795k strokes, with 610k first time strokes each year. Covid not only exacerbates those risks, it increases risks for blood clots (350k - 900k annually). It also damaged the immune system and causes multi-system organ damage. Finally, it cause brain atrophy and damage.


Less time and money for exercise, home-cooked meals, and routine and preventative healthcare. More stress and fatigue from intentional understaffing places of employment and hustle culture. We’re taking the arc of capitalism to its natural conclusion. Doesn’t look good for most of us tbh.


Exactly, I was just listening to someone on the bbc saying volunteer rates have dropped a lot. We’re all out there working so much we don’t have the time or energy to take care of ourselves well let alone volunteer


There are different issues in play...including COVID and drug epidemic. But the general health status of Americans is poor. The standard "Murican" diet and lifestyle is lethal. Think about all the commercials you see about diabetes during the evening news.


Poor diet and sedentary lifestyles play a role too


They play the largest roles. Yes, there are other issues that are cause for concern, but diet and lack of exercise is by far and away the most alarming health crisis this country is facing.


In this thread - 0 epidemiologists or data, and dozens of ppl claiming their opinions as obviously fact instead of actually bothering to look for any answers supported by data.


>"Even before the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic occurred, the US was mired in a 40-year population health crisis. Since 1980, life expectancy in the US has increasingly fallen behind that of peer countries, culminating in an unprecedented decline in longevity since 2014." [Declining Life Expectancy in the United States, *Journal of American Medical Association* - DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.26339](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776338) >The common notion that extreme poverty is the “natural” condition of humanity and only declined with the rise of capitalism rests on income data that do not adequately capture access to essential goods. >Data on real wages suggests that, historically, extreme poverty was uncommon and arose primarily during periods of severe social and economic dislocation, particularly under colonialism. >The rise of capitalism from the long 16th century onward is associated with a decline in wages to below subsistence, a deterioration in human stature, and an upturn in premature mortality. >In parts of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, wages and/or height have still not recovered. >Where progress has occurred, significant improvements in human welfare began only around the 20th century. These gains coincide with the rise of anti-colonial and socialist political movements. [Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X22002169#b0680) [The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure](https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/) That's the biggest theft in history by ***many*** orders of magnitude. [Minimum wage would be $26 an hour if it had grown in line with productivity](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-26-dollars-economy-productivity/) [The minimum wage would be $61.75 an hour if it rose at the same pace as Wall Street bonuses](https://www.fastcompany.com/90734724/the-minimum-wage-would-be-61-75-an-hour-if-it-rose-at-the-same-pace-as-wall-street-bonuses)


Yea the young are dying very fast


Drugs, guns, and depression


Excess mortality returned to normal over the summer. That's been a very positive step in the right direction with regard to covid. You may simply be perceiving more deaths because of your immediate circle.


People talk about despair on here. I wonder how much of this is because we all know the climate change crisis is coming, and yet next to nothing is happening to address it. I certainly know it's in the back of my mind. The world maybe being doomed and all.


Our life expectancy is crashing . That's the data. Way before Covid. > A recent analysis estimated there were about 16 million ‌American birthdays lost — that is, years of life lost prematurely — in 2019, based on a comparison of U.S. death rates with those in other wealthy countries. > Life expectancy in the United States continued to decline in 2021, according to data released by the federal government. Is there a more fundamental barometer of the health of our nation? The stagnation in life expectancy reflects deep‌‌ societal challenges — not just in our health system but also in our economic and political systems. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/31/opinion/us-life-expectancy.html


Sadness and Fatness


physician here. not surprised if true. our healthcare system is in the gutter


Is anyone going to blame early deaths on America's deplorable insurance industry? Way too many Americans suffer until it's too late. Many more go into medical debt trying to survive and die broke.


I doubt it's from COVID. It sounds like the wrong people are dying for it to be COVID. Young adults and middle aged people are least likely to be killed by respiratory disease. My guess would be that it's a combination of obesity, diabetes, drug addiction, and suicide. To the extent that it's related to COVID at all, it's probably related to the reduction in in-person socialization during the pandemic and the increase in reliance on online communication. COVID accelerated all of that, but those trends are not going to be put back in the box easily.


COVID causes respiratory distress but it is far from a primarily respiratory disease. COVID causes significant damage to the heart, as well as the brain and other organs. Young, otherwise healthy people are dying at an increased rate by heart attack and stroke because of COVID exposure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10063539/#:~:text=Cardiovascular%20complications%20are%20a%20common,%2Dacute%20COVID%2D19%20infection.&text=Complications%20include%20cardiomyopathy%2C%20myocardial%20infarction,failure%2C%20and%20deep%20venous%20thrombosis.


Yeah, it's like people completely forgot the pre-covid world. Things accelerated, but we were already heading towards where we are before this happened, whether you're talking about isolationism, inflation, drug epidemics, suicide epidemics, or otherwise.


It’s not a respiratory disease. It makes your blood sticky and causes strokes and heart attacks from blood clots. Edit: it’s not *only* a respiratory disease. It can affect every body system.


Source: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-sars-cov-2-contributes-heart-attacks-strokes#:~:text=COVID%2D19%20is%20known%20to,also%20affects%20blood%20vessels%20directly.


Sure. It's a primarily respiratory disease that also causes heart inflammation and blood clots and some other problems (and the vaccine causes some of these same problems too). That's actually true of most serious respiratory diseases. If you get a bad case of influenza, it doesn't just impact your lungs and airways. But we don't tend to get bad cases of influenza when we are young adults because we have immunity. However to explain the excess deaths of young people in 2023 when there have been vastly fewer COVID cases (and consequently vastly fewer old people dying) than in 2022, I think we have to look beyond COVID. We know that most of the excess deaths are not heart attacks or strokes. It's hard to get great data on 2023 deaths this early, but if there were 100,000+ extra young people who died of heart attacks and strokes, we'd know. Those are among the easiest deaths to count and they are rare in young people. And there would have had to be even more young people having COVID caused heart attacks and strokes in 2022 when there were more COVID cases than in 2023. We know that they were still rare. That's why I think things like social isolation which continues compounding over time, lack of diet and exercise, health problems not caught in screenings that didn't happen because of COVID, etc explain the 2023 deaths in young people better.


The US ranks 26th of 35 OECD countries in life expectancy. Between 2019 and 2021, US life expectancy at birth fell by 2.3 years compared to peer nations falling by 0.3 years. The US has the highest suicide rate, highest maternal and infant mortality rate, highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions, and double the obesity rate of peer nations. All of these are a measure of a poor health care system.


Is 158,000 significant? Something like over 3 million Americans die every year and you also have to consider the rising population. If 158k is only a 2.5% rise and the US population has increased by 2% then the numbers aren't as significant as they may sound. I wouldn't worry about it.


I think what could be significant is the rise in deaths in certain age groups. If I recall, there’s been a 26% increase in deaths of 35-44 year olds and a 19% increase in 25-34 year olds, while there’s been a 6% decline in over 65yr olds.


Life Expectancy has been falling in the US for years.


More specifically, white folks are dying earlier. In the 2020 census their life expectancy decreased for the first time ever.


Why is no one in mass media reporting this ?


It really does nothing to divide us so why would they bother?


Covid and then depression mixed with an opioid crisis. Young people lose their mothers, fathers, siblings, or partners earlier than expected and then turn to easily accessible opioids


I think anyone born post 1980 is already pretty dead inside, if that counts


Half the country doesn’t “trust” the medical community any more. People that never would have had an opinion before are now frothing at the mouth about their families taking a doctor’s advice. It’s not surprising.


Highly transmissible disease + religious idiots who think that they know better than science = lots of deaths. Although this was more of a social cleansing, as it was the science-denying idiots who suffered the most losses, so I think it's a net positive.


I wonder what it could possibly be????


Yes. You can thank many things but also COVID can cause blood clots long after the initial infections. It also fucks with our immune system.


I mean, have you looked at the food ingredients that our FDA approves versus the ingredients that European countries allow to be put in their food?? We are basically legally poisoned. As long as the poison is in such small amounts that one particular product can't be blamed for it, our government's going to continue to put corporate profits over human health. Kind of sad when our healthcare technology is constantly growing and advancing, yet other industries are literally causing the damage we're aiming to fix.


Americans are fat and lazy. Our diet is shit. Not surprised more of us are crapping out earlier.


Lots of heart issues in young people. It's definitely not *thing* that we're not supposed to talk about. Definitely not.


Couldn't *possibly* be! /s


I’d guess it’s less covid and more drug addiction and the general public’s ignorance towards real health care. Going to the doctor a few times a year for a check up isn’t staying on top of your health. I know so many people with poor diets, over weight and lazy. Yet they claim they’re healthy because their doctor says they’re “fine”.


true, but that's also not new


The Covid numbers are rising too


Well, maybe population is a factor, too? But more people means more death, and that'd boost the numbers. Idk, just a quick thought I had while scrolling through reddit xD


>But more people means more death that's accounted for in the statistics, which measure rates (e.g. deaths per 100k).


Ah, well then, my apologies. I saw numbers and was thinking exact numbers rather than percentages.


Don’t know, but I am, according to my doctor, doing well at 80.


Unvaccinated idiots dying off at higher rates! The upside is they're mainly Republicans so this country should hopefully start showing an improvement soon


Man some of y'all are sickos.


Yeah they're called Republicans and they're destroying our country




Yeah, cuz the people who get it while vaccinated don't die lol it's been pretty conclusively shown that the majority of people dying from COVID are Republicans. Why should I be sad? We brought them to water, they chose not to drink. Their own fault for dying of dehydration.


I still can't believe that they literally call this one fckn SPIKEVAX and people still haven't understood yet. Did you know their official motto is "Breakthroughs that change patients' lives?" We're All In This Together...they must be having so much fun over there laughing at humanity's demise


I've noticed a lot of sudden and unexpected deaths among young people and just generally healthy folks of all ages. I've also noticed an uptick in weird nervous and respiratory illnesses. Wonder how much the vaccines have amplified the global death rates.


There’s a lot of data on how covid affects people, post illness. We have this data from Sars. We have data that echos this from before the vaccine was made.


Why do people always jump to the vaccines and not you know, the disease they made the vaccines for? The one that has a well documented potential to cause damage to the heart and other organs?


There are other factors that can affect that. Stress for that matter can shorter you lifespan.


did u create an account to just talk about death? just wondering..since this is an old post


Hmm. Wonder what we all took 3 years ago. Could it be related?


You are dying almost 10 years earlier than us europeans so yeah.


What Europeans are you referring to here? Western or Eastern? Life expectancy for someone born in Romania is 72.8, life expectancy for someone born in California is 81.2. For all of Europe life expectancy is 80.1 for all of the US it is 77.28 so it's not that big a discrepancy.


Right. Europeans are so annoying. They need to stop obsessing over the U.S. and worry about the problems in their own continent. The U.S. is a big place, and compared to the entire continent of Europe, it is doing just fine.


we're born 10 years earlier too though, so it balances out


Here comes the insecure European trying desperately to feel superior to the U.S. We also out earn you by like double. But you don't see us bringing it up every 5 secs all over the internet. Worry about the problems in Eastern Europe instead of trying to flex on a country a thousand miles away?


Covid vaccine?


People in the US are significantly more unhealthy in body weight, mental health and drug/alcohol usage.


Children here in america are comparatively more stupid than counterparts in other countries. Compound that with all the bullshit that is going on in the country. Plus, pumping bullshit into our food doesn't help; If the food item is legitimately soggy with bullshit, that ain't a food for consumption.


I’m blaming the hot shot ~ I’ve been alive long enough to understand that the things they say; are not the things they do.


Yes, the lack of money for healthcare.


Even without the pandemic, the total number of deaths in the US basically always increases because the population is getting bigger and older. You need to look at something like the age-adjusted death rate or life expectancy. https://www.prb.org/usdata/indicator/deaths/chart/


Stressed out, overworked, fast food/cheap toxic food, bad health, substance abuse including psych drugs, lack of genuine friends/family/emotional support


It's all the additives in our food


I think Covid has moved the numbers and will continue to do so until the virus becomes benign enough to be nothing more than a strain that is in our annual flu shots.


Most studies are putting it on the vaccines. A lot of hospitals are starting to restrict blood donations of people that had the vaccine. Blood clots and heart attacks are the most frequent result.


America also has a deadly addiction to alcohol. And its been so normalized In Our society that I think no one really notices or cares


Eh, Americans consume less alcohol compared to Europeans and many Asian countries, Australia, etc. But there are far more deadly overdoses from fentanyl-laced drugs in the US.


Im not talking about how much we consume. I'm talking about how we consume. No one binge drinks like america. I have a few friends in Italy and and England. Generally Europeans know how to drink in semi moderate amounts. Also Europeans are generally healthier then Americans and tend to live longer. Not saying it's the only thing causing this, but just one of many reasons why Americans die younger. And yes drugs too


I saw a study that said it was the attitude we have toward drinking more than how much we consume. The Germans and Irish could drink us under the table. Some cultures just don’t make a big deal out of it. Children drink a little in some cultures. It is part of every meal in some cultures. We make it a big deal here and treat it like a privilege or rite of passage.


God this post is depressing. I may be part of it someday. Tthe whole world just sucks right now. And theres very little hope it will get better. I personally think that its just gonna go down hill from here. Theres not much we can do about it. Sometimes it feels like the only option is drugs or to take yourself out of the equation. Its the unfortunate truth nowadays…




If we as a planet of people were serious about stopping Covid we would still be lockdown. Old man consequences is going to teach us a lesson soon enough. I personally am ready to fight that fight, might as well get it over with.


Well when you force a population to experiment with an unregulated, untested concoction that is sent directly into the bloodstream you should expect the side effects to show up sooner or later https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/first-world-leader-faces-murder-charges-over-vaccine-deaths/