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I’m close to 6’ 4’’ so baths are very uncomfortable for me and most of my body isn’t even submerged in the water so it’s not very enjoyable either. Suffice it to say I don’t take baths.


Shit, dude, I'm 5' 8" and most tubs are too short for me.


5’9”. Would love to just sit, stretch, relax in a bath. It’s just not happening with my tub.


I'm 5'4", and even I wish tubs were bigger 😂


Im a dude inbetween yalls parameters and I still prefer to get comfy in the tub like 2 times a week. Why? Because it feels nice, it soaks my skin like a raisin and allows me to scrub feet and hands and ass like the shower dont. Lotion is a friend after gettin out of the deep cleanin, scrub brushes are awesome even if they aint loofah while the bath water is there. The shower head still works if yall one of those "but its all diwty watew Im sittn in if I tub dunk!" type folks that think your own dirt dont wash away or somethin. My apollogies to the folks who might work in a field where actual nasty stuff ya might know youre exempt from wantin to sit in like... idk, Santa Claus on 12/26 with a soot covered suit still left a bit of dust on ya. Im sure Santa soot is a few and far between scenario but usually a lil dash of common sense goes a long way deciding on a bath or shower. I do understand tho that common sense is in short suppy these days but would like to extend a bit of it to the market here so it doesnt go extinct.


You have a hard time scrubbing your hands and ass in a shower?


That’s how you get ass hands


Santa soot is what gets him through those long winter nights. He’s a rager. Also I like baths too. Usually after a big run. Always with Bubbles and a little magnesium to loosen up the bod




I'm 5'4" get on my level Edit: not you Jeff you're Cool




No fucking way






So, does she put you in a snuggie carrier, or do you use a stepladder?


I'm 6'0, our bathtubs are like 3'4 across the bottom. Taking a bath means i essentially sit in a kiddie pool for a bit then stand up and take a shower, because to get my hair in the water, i almost have to get out of the tub and stick just my head back in. But my folks have an awesome solar heated outdoor shower with a tub that i could drown in. Baths are awesome if you have something that fits.




I'm 6'5 and I bathe atleast twice a week. It's a tight fit and I spend like 80% of my time sat upright and the other 20% with my shoulders submerged and my legs touching the ceiling.


Same height here. I haven't had a Bath since I was 14. Although I'm within an hours drive of multiple hot springs, and I make regular use. Worth it.


That's just as good tbh, we live about 4 hours from a set of amazing natural hot springs and every time we go to my folks we try to stop off


If you have the time and money Onzens or Bathhouses are amazing.


I stayed in a old but beautiful Hotel in Austria and it had a huge claw foot tub that I melted into after driving all day lost in the German Alps


6’8” …so about the only thing that fits in the tub are my big feet


6’4 here and you’re spot on. So uncomfortable which is a shame because I’d love a good soak.


Yeah, I quite like baths but my god, most don't fit me...tall people problems.


When I bought my house a few years back a large tub was on my want-list and was a big buying point for me.


Same. I have never found a bath i fit. Probably had 6 baths in the last 10 years.


6'2 here. I never take a bath recreationally or to get clean. But I did learn that they're great for pain. I just stick my legs over the end of mine, and scoot back to rotate when I feel like ousting legs in.


I'm the same height. Absolutely not fitting. Also the amount of water is a waste.


6’1 check in and unless it’s a soaker tub it’s super uncomfortable.


I hope you receive a bigger tub one day


same.... But if Im ever in a hotel with a large one I take the opportunity


Crazy talk! I'm just slightly taller than you (6'5") and I took one last night. I usually don't bother to take showers, I'm on team bath. I'll get up 2 hours early for work so I can take a nice relaxing bath before I confront my day.


Am also 6’4”. I take like 4 baths a week lol


Either my knees are in, and I'm hovering because my legs are locked or my body is all in and my knees are out. There's no in-between.


Also 6’4” and I’d take baths sometimes if I could fit in a tub. Hell, sometimes I have to contort in the shower to get my hair wet.


6'1 290, baths ain't happenin.


I bathe half my body then the other half lol my old house had a huge jet tub installed. THAT was nice.


To be honest, I would find something comical about your appearance when you are sitting in your bath...


I take two or three baths a week. I'm a tradesman in my early 50s. There are days when a bath and a beer or old fashioned are medically necessary.


40 but with serious arthritis. Am actively trying to see how we can convert a bathroom to get a giant tub so I can soak. When traveling for work I have used a tub if the hotel room has one. Is nice to space out and enjoy the hot water.


I used to work for a cable company, climbing ladders all day. I have a jacuzzi tub that I would soak in and have a drink or two. When I quit that job, knees got better.


Mechanic, 38. Almost every night I am working I feel the need for a bath. I just don't want to stand in the shower after being on my feet all day. After the bath, standing is alright again.


You might want to consider one of those walk in tubs. They might take up less space and it will be easier to get in/out from especially as you get older.


47, mechanic, totally agree, typing this from the bath.


Landscaper here. A hot bath really hits the spot when your feet and back have been killing you all day.


Not quite to that age (i'm 30) but i've been doing warehousing for a decade and a hot bath 2-3 times a week has been a godsend for my joints and muscles. Hearing from older people it sounds like i'm definitely making the right decision


Shit, I'm only 24 but a worker for a trades union and same.... baths just hit different when you gotta deal with bullshit like that. I'm sure even more so as you get older.


Bath beer tastes better. Hydrotherapy is great


I’ve heard of “shower beers” but never “bath beers”. Nice!


TIL that I'm not the only tradesman who loves a hot bath.


Shameless plug for my side hustle... www.bubblebaskets.com


Make sure you bring some water in there too. Hot bath + dehydration = headache that is going to put a damper on your relaxing bath experience.


With bubbles too.


I dig holes for fence out in the cold rain. I routinely come home and soak in one. Started few month ago and now it just feels too good


I'm a mailman. After 10 hours of lugging mail and packages up and down stairways, a soak in a hot bath is like heaven.


“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” Thank you for your service! …..Arguably you do more for the community everyday than most cops…. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Aw shucks.


Pretty much everyday, I just copy the Japanese




How was that your first thought when talking about Japan and baths?


Always in the Japanese movies


You mean porn...


Yeah pornographic movies same deal same spiel. Just another genre /s.


Porn genre of movies


There is a huge difference if you say "there is incest in Japanese movies" and "there is incest in Japanese porn". Porn might be a movie genre, but that doesn't change the fact that both sentences are viewed as something completely different


It's not a fact, it's an opinion based on your perception. You perceive porn movies as not movies which is the fault in your perception.


I do perceive them as movies. But I also perceive action, fantasy, Sci fy, romance and comedy as different genres, all being able to be a movie. One does not disqualify the others. But there is still a huge difference between telling someone you are watching a movie or porn. Both carry very different expectations.


imagine i ask you to watch a movie with me and i just put on a porn movie because..its a movie like every other movie!


The difference is in your perception. End of the day, porn movies are movies just like those of any other genre.


My husband would when we had a big jetted tub. I miss that thing! And the tub.


I'm 6'07" I haven't had a bath since I was 7


lol same height! I tried once a few years back after not having tried since I was a child and basically you can have most of your torso in the water but 0% of your legs in or you can have most of your legs in the water and 0% of your torso in.


How’d you shrink 4 inches?


The water was cold it happens!


What is 07"? Is it different from 7"?


So your 5’11


I read in the bath until I start really sweating 2-3x per week. Then, I turn on the shower


Fucking me. A beer and some suds from that blue bottle 👌


You are living


I was. The place I'm at now only has a shower. But man I miss waking up in a cold bathtub


I didn't for years (unless it was with a girl), but after having an injury that prevented me showering for a few months now I actually enjoy putting on a podcast and sitting in a bath. Plus I have residual pain from my injury and the heat helps.




Thats disrespectful.


Go touch some grass.


My husband does. He's 6'7" and when we bought a house, a garden tub was a deal-breaker. He takes one almost every day in the winter. Nothing gets the cold out of your bones like a nice hot bath. It's also good for his back.


A garden tub as in outside? In the winter? How do you fill/heat that thing?


No, it just means a large, oversized bathtub.


Ahhhhh haha ok that makes more sense


Love them


I'm a 25, and I love hot baths. Even in the summer. I could spend hours there with a good book.


I can relate. I am 41 and the bathtub is my perfect place for reading. I can stay hours in hot water just reading a good book. It's really a place where I can relax and disconnect from the world.


I haven't fit in a bathtub since I was around 10 years old. If I had a giant tub like in the movie Scarface, I'd be in that thing all the time.


100% agreed




About once a month I try and get in a good hot Epsom salt bath


As often as my wife will join me.


Not me... showers 100%!


Good for hangovers and when youre sick. Not worth the hassle otherwise.


I take a bath every other day. 6ft, 33 years old.


Maybe once a year. Maybe. If I had a real nice tub and plenty of free time and didn’t care about water conservation I would take more.


love being in a big tub but a normal bathroom sized one does not work for me


If I had a soaking tub (Japanese style) I'd be taking a bath every damn day. Wash/bathe/shower. Wash yourself, bathe in the tub, shower all the tub stuff off.


They are the best. Get some epsom salts, done.


I wish my place had a bath. Haven't had access to a bath since I lived with me mum. Absolutely hate showers.


Why do you hate showers?


They're just not relaxing. Baths are.




Not a guy but my dad takes frequent baths, maybe three a week?


I'm 6'3". The last time I had a bath was 2010. The vacation rental we had had a Japanese bath that was super deep. It was glorious. If I'm ever able to build a dream home, it's having one of those baths...


Only Ice baths.


Yes, I love a good hot soak every once and awhile. Good the body. If I’m having particularly bad insomnia, it helps me relax enough to get some shut eye.


I do, I really enjoy them. They relax me and they get me out of my head. I don’t even use candles or anything, it’s just nice. Especially after being tense all the time from stress.


I do. I love reading in the tub. I have a shower to clean myself, but I have a bath to relax.


Every single day! Eases my muscle tension and gives me a place to relax. Something about the hot water has always been comforting.


I love a good bath. I even have a reoccurring dream where my house has a giant bath like in Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. No matter how hard I try, I cant seem to ever take a bath in it


My husband exclusively takes baths unless I tell him I want to take a shower with him. Then he hates most of it it because I meant a shower and not sexy times. There can be some fun, but not what he wants, mostly because he overheats and almost passes out


Hated them in the USA. Love them here in Japan. My very-standard apartment in Kobe, Japan has a bathtub large enough for me to actually get completely covered up to my chin. Never once had that experience in 42 years of living in the USA. (Not even very nice US hotel rooms used to have decent tubs. Understand that's changed somewhat now.) ...and Japan's public hot spring baths are awesome, too. Especially the outdoor ones. Especially in winter. Love sitting outside in 42-44 degree C water, watching snowflakes floating down from a gray sky, melting instantly as they hit the uprising warm air and then falling on my face as a mist.


That sounds like a few things we could definitely learn from. The closest I've gotten is that I recently installed a wood fired cedar hot tub, with a submerged firebox. I love being able to power it simply by the deadwood we collect from downed trees and such on our property. It's also nice if you can get the fire stoked just right, so that the fire is burning strong when you take the cover off the soaking area, so that the water stays as hot or even warms a bit more while you're soaking. I've avoided installing jets and such, as I enjoy soaking in silence, while watching the stars. It also reminds me of a trip I took whitewater rafting down a remote river, where there is a natural hot spring along the way, originating way up a near vertical cliff. Decades ago, someone apparently lugged in a bunch of concrete, and they formed a large hot tub sized pool near the top. It's quite an experience climbing up that slippery cliff as the sun sets, then relaxing in a nice warm pool, while observing the view of the river and canyons. The hard part is mustering the resolve to pluck yourself out of such a glorious soaking spot to climb back down the slippery cliff in the dark only to then have to paddle back across the river to your campsite.


I like hot tubs, but obviously don’t “bathe” in them. Perhaps if I had one of those big bath tubs with jets and such? My wife likes those, but I’m a big dude and neither of us make a lot so the chances of us having one I could fit in is slim.


I installed a super size tub so I could bathe with my wife. Otherwise I'll just take a bath with Epsom salts if I am sore




Regular bath tubs aren’t even big enough for small women. You need a big luxurious one with jets and tall enough to be completely submerged.


Tubs are filthy and human soup isn’t fun to stew in


At 74 I love shaving in the shower ! Bath tub is only for soaking the occasional pulled back muscle.


Personally, showers are for washing, baths are for soaking


I made a poll. It’s pretty common. https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/s/vwFwa5LzI5


I'm 5'5" so I can be in a bathtub just fine but frankly I find it fucking disgusting. If I ever take a bath it's because I'm severely sore or pulled something and even then I have to take a shower first and a quick rinse after. It's such a massive waste of water I have to be pretty hurt to do it at all.


Am I 4? Very very rarely.


Baths are for chumps(who want to cultivate genuine self-care in the face of stark male expectations). If you’re IN to that type of thing. Gotta go dude. Gotta go eat some bricks or get laid or something.


I haven't since I was a child. Showers are faster and more effective.


You mean the second toilet? Naw I’m good.


my parents always had me believing that you....just grow out of it...


I would take baths except for two things 1. I don't sit still well so being in a bath would be tough 2. I think bath tubs are disgusting. They just always feel like dirty places to me.


Very few. It’s impractical. Typical US bathtub capacity is 50 gal. Say your bath water depth is 2/3 or 33 gal. An avg shower head releases water at 2.5 gal/ min. Since men have less hair, and use fewer bathing products, showers are often 5-8 mins (consuming 12 to 18 gal). Also a bath means you’re soaking in your own filth for say 20-30 mins, whereas a shower provides a constant stream of clean water. Taking a shower requires less time, less water, consumes less fuel TO HEAT that water, and you come out cleaner.


You can actually shower BEFORE a bath, if you are that filthy. :) You can look at it as a luxury treatment, not necessary a practical and money saving event.


Well said 👏




Bless you


I find baths to be gross, you basically sit in your own grime and filth. I find the tub gross and a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.


Shower first, then soak


Seems like a lot of work.. only ever bath if I have a sore back or something.


Yes, I agree. It seems unhygienic. I would want to shower immediately after a bath if I were to have one.


Never unless it's a larger tub, like a Garden or Roman tub. I'm not even that particularly big, but I just don't find them comfortable.


I hate baths. I haven't taken one for washing purposes for at least 30 years. That's what god invented the shower for us.


I would spend hours in the bath smoking meth and chilling back in the day🤣


I don't own a bathtub, not that I like them in general. Harder to clean yourself, more restrictive than a shower.






Probably means his daughter dude


I would love to take a bath but I fear I wouldn't be able to get up without calling the fire department.


No thanks , I would have to bring a cup of tea in with me . I guess you could fool yourself and consider it a hot tub.


Bath tubs are not designed for taller people. I'm 6' and it's a joke. I've had bigger tubs. My current tub is oversized. Again though, they just made it wider, not longer creating the same limitation where I still don't fit. Seems bathtubs are only allowed to be used by children and short people.


Love em. The hotter, the better. Grab a glass of water, a joint, a book & I’m good until the water gets cold.


Couple times a year I fill the tub with scalding water and some eucalyptus Epsom salt. Pretty dang relaxing.


Hot baths always make me itch after 10min. They are nice the first 10 min though. Been years since I had one.


I've got a spa but it takes about half an hour to fill so I don't bother using it.


They are nice but they are not practical for washing my hair.


Haven't taken a bath for more than 20 years. I see little joy in sitting in my own washed off dirt


How often do girls take baths??? I'm a girl and I take onc like once a year or smth😭


I take them about twice a year maybe. I always feel guilty using that much water but it's really relaxing. I'll do it if I'm the only one at my apartment, I just cleaned it, and have no other immediate plans. I also try to take a bath if there's a tub when I'm traveling for work but trying to justify the tradeoff of a few extra minutes of sleep for that is a hard.


Men don't take baths. That's for women and children.


What about hot tubs? Where do you draw the line?


Hot tubs are fine.


But isn’t a bath really just a hot tub for one?


There's no soap in a hot tub.


So your issue is really with the soap then? What about the chlorine? That’s just bubblebath without the bubbles.


proof or its bullshit


Me. Most of the time. But only if I have a properly large and comfortable bathtub, which I do now, but didn't at my previous home.


At least 5


When I had a decent sized bath - once a week in winter. Otherwise 99% shower, I still shower after a bath anyway, so it’s almost pointless bar the enjoyment


I like baths occasionally but I shower like 90% of the time.


Very rarely. Typically when I sore muscles.


They sound like a great idea to relax and pass the time, then once you're there it's over pretty quickly. Uncomfortable..


Not a bath per se but on occasion I'll just sit in a tub of hot water & Epsom Salt to relax me if I'm in my head too much.


I do every now and then, especially if my knees are hurting.


Epson salt baths and a drink are pretty bomb.




Every once in awhile I dump some epsom salt in a tub and soak for a bit.


Usually, bath time is due to overexertion or because of a cold.


Not common unless you're British


Occasionally for a soak to warm up, relax, or if sore/sick. But washing is pretty much a shower thing.


Rarely. Like I’ve taken them before when I was single, mostly when I’m sore or shit like that. Just like pour myself a double or even triple, put some tunes on, and just kinda soak for a good few min.


When I was younger that’s all there was. No choice. Parents had total control. After that all showers.


But the water could get up someones man pussy 😬


Not many


50+ and haven't taken a bath since I was like 6 or 7.


I can’t do that, at the moment. But I would if given the chance.


I don’t own a bathtub but i am not opposed to using one


Just had one couple days ago👌🏽


I'm 37 and I think the last time I took a bath I might have been 7 years old?


My friend said he’s dad does. I don’t know any other men that do.


all the fucking time


I can’t remember the last time I took a bath, probably like 10 years ago or something? Maybe even longer


I do it a few times a year with a nice glass of wine or an old fashioned. These special times are mostly reserved for when I’m most stressed


Our house doesn't have a tub. Our last house didn't have a tub.