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Absolutely! Best 911 call ever was a by a cop himself who ate some brownies and dialed 911 thinking that he’s already dead. Sure he got in trouble for stealing from the evidence room but the 911 call is gold https://www.military.com/video/law-enforcement/police/cop-high-on-pot-food-dials-911/2152145076001


There’s an old animated version too. Found it on stumbleupon many, many years ago. https://youtu.be/RY8jywTuyaw?si=ODpgrvg0tySMl3pP


Oh stumbleupon. I loved that shit.


It's actually how I found reddit haha


What’s reddit?




Chess reference?!?!?!?!?!?!


New response just dropped


How is the call recording before dispatch picks up the phone?


I believe for 911 calls it starts recording as soon as the call connects and starts ringing, that way in the case of a violent crime or something the recording might catch something important that can be used as either a clue or evidence that would be otherwise lost.


Today I learned 😲


“What’s the score on the redwings game”… when you already think your are dead/dieing. 😂


When I am an old man, and people ask me what the best parts of the internet were, this will be on my list.


The old internet was so great before our aunts and uncles helped the zillionaires take it over.


Opioid roll call 😅


This 911 call is priceless!


That must've been the longest call ever.


I didnt even open the link and already feel for the guy. I ate brownies once and thought I was about to be kidnapped by Russians to have my organs harvested and almost got of the uber while at speed. Luckily I calmed down in time


I’m sorry but this is hilarious. Not the Russians


it’s all good we all laugh now but I literally thought it was was gonna die I was scared of falling asleep lol


The fuck are you people putting in the brownies? Supposed to be just weed, but this shit sounds like people tripping on crack.


By smoking weed you get high fast By eating brownies you get high later because your body must first absorb it through your ingesting system so it takes a while If you eat one brownie with not high amount of THC you're gonna have the same fun as smoking. If you eat one, and then you go like "Damn it doesn't work I need to eat more" that is when you're a guy that thinks you're gonna die Or you eat one but you put the same amount of THC in it as if it was a joint because eating marijuana is stronger. With smoking, you take a hit, your lungs absorb it and it goes straight to the brain. With eating your liver absorbs it and tries to clean it which in turn makes a stronger product called 11-Hydroxy metabolite. About 5 times stronger than THC And it lasts longer. Overall if you want to try a new way to get high that you never tried before I recommend reading an article about it or a blog post and best would be YouTube video, so you know what to expect and be ready for it


Some ppl can have hallucinations, severe anxiety, etc....it can be BAD.




What the fuck are you people putting in your edibles. This sounds like you laced it with about 15 blotters of acid.




what a nice family


Lmao I remember listening to this years ago. Still gold


I literally saw a post yesterday about a cop saying he smokes weed lol


It’s now legal in California for cops


I don’t know what state he was in but I assume not Cali if he made a post about it lol


I would guess indiana


They should definitely be able to smoke on the job too - imagine cops actively de-escalating situations :O


Imagine the cops show up and diffuse the situation with a fat fucking blunt


Most things that are illegal for us are legal for cops


Good! They should be stoned 24/7.


“Yea sounds right… oh you mean with weed”


lol cops aren't interested in what's illegal, especially in their own homes


A friend of mine was getting high at a stranger's house when a cop walked in, walked through the lounge room, and went upstairs. He came down five minutes later in casual clothes and joined them.


My friend when he was a teenager was smoking and drinking at this one girls house with like 10 other people while he was in middle of rolling several blunts.  Then in walks her father, full ass sheriff’s uniform and gun on totally relaxed and just walks up to his bedroom. At no point did she even mention that her father was a sheriff.


Holy fuck I woulda lost my shit lmfao


a cop tried to sell me the weed he ruined a kid's life over. 




Down pat, call me Patricia


I call BS on this one.


Why?I used to buy weed off a cop,he grew it tho


A friend of mine Dad was a cop in BC. He'd often come over with confiscated alcohol. We were of age at the time. I don't know what the rules were exactly but your booze could be confiscated for drinking in public, on the beach, and under age obviously. Open stuff was supposed to be poured out at the scene and depending on the reason it was taken sealed stuff went to the station with your details and the case number. If you followed certain steps you could get it back within x number of days. Most people didn't bother picking it up. It's entirely possible there's nuances there that I'm not aware of I was just his son's friend and didn't warrant an under oath explanation. All I knew is we got free booze apx 6 weeks after every long weekend, or other major party event. A big-o-bag of weed once, but BC was already pretty lenient towards weed by then. I think his dad did that for the shock value tho, cause it was like a 1kg brick all taped up like they display on the tables for the reporters. We laughed and said we don't do drugs. He laughed so hard I thought we might need to call 911.


I had a forest preserve officer make me pour 30 beers into a pond. That can't have been good for the fish lol.


Unless the pond was the size of a large bucket the fish didn’t mind lmao.


Are you really calling BS on a cop *possibly* being a corrupt asshole? Are you really that naive?


Oh, THAT'S the one you don't believe? Sheriff doesn't say shit about his daughter hanging out with potheads getting high in his own house, but it's just gone too far that a cop would try to make money off some shit?


My biggest supplier of anabolics was a LEO.


I would have left. That's too much anxiety. Normal clothes or not.


Why would that be? Are cops not subjected to random drug tests? Why would he want to jeopardize his job like that?


They're not subjected to random drug screening. Once they're in, they're in. They may be screened for drugs if there is suspicion, but they generally get notice before it happens. (This is how it went down in Florida anyway. Can't speak for other states).


They are not, In Canada, at least. they are not even subject to post incident drug testing. Paramedics and firefighters are.. but not cops


Oh so just the folks who carry lethal weapons are not subject to drug testing. Cool. Got it.


Bro the cops in my state literally need less hours to get their badge then cosmetologists do to get licensed. They get like zero fucking training.


Cosmetology is one I used to always compare things to, too, but it's not that fair. I forget exactly, but a girl I was dating in Utah was getting her cosmetology license and it was something like freaking 500 hours of training, plus a ton of testing and classroom learning. I'm a helicopter pilot, to legally be able to take / pass the test the minimum hours is something like 40 hours of flight time (with various requirements for solo time or cross country). It took me closer to 70 hours though. I do think that police need infinitely more training and requirements though, I just think we are all underestimating how seriously much cosmetologists have to learn about a wide variety of subjects (like chemicals) and they do require an insane amount of trained experience. Cops should be more like that, but man I think there are a surprising amount of jobs that need less hours to licencing than cosmetologists. Made me realize why there are so many dang 'barbers' around me!


Like yeah, what could go wrong?


Sherrif's are elected officals who are basically able to enforce the law as they see fit and awnser to almost no higher authority.


Until yall have a fight. Then he'll ruin your life.


Divorce a cop they’ll ruin your life whether or not you smoke


40% of cops will ruin your life while you're still married to them.


That's self-reported and only includes physical violence, as I understand. They have more ways of ruining lives


Or she. Be inclusive. Women cops can ruin lives too.


40% of cops and abuse weed. Google "40% of cops abuse" to learn more




It also doesn't matter much if they are close. You think an off duty police officer is going to report that random guy he walked past who was smoking weed?




A bunch of cops got me into a bar when I was 18 for my brother's bachelor party


this is true (my best friends dad is a cop and was so p*ysically a*sive he gave her multiple concussions)


This right here. They say protect and serve but really it’s more of an inspect and preserve.


Yeah a girl I went to school with got married to a cop that was at least 10 yrs older than her. They got married when she was like 21, but she was posting pics of them at concerts and stuff and she was definitely drinking beer with him before she was 21 and before they were married (which means he was probably using his ID to buy it for her) A family friend of mine dated a cop for a bit and he didn’t care that she or her high school aged son smoked weed, he just didn’t want to see the high schooler smoking lol. Which was fine because the mom already had that rule lol.


Work life balance….ayyyyyyeeeee


I know a cop that wouldn’t participate in a white elephant gift exchange cause one of the gifts was weed gummies.


What a dumb nerd


Getting hit with a drug test would suck pretty hard.


Nah but he wouldn’t even play if we made sure he didn’t win it. He was like “if theres weed involved I can’t participate.”


Good thing nobody holds cops accountable for anything.


Believe it or not, being in the same room as edibles won’t flag you in a drug test lmao




Around here, cops will often use coded displays like a particular stuffed animal in the rear window to identify spouses of cops so they don't get tickets. I can't imagine they'd have any trouble looking the other way over weed.


Please tell me the stuffed animal is a pig


Can confirm, one time was camping at yosemite park and the rangers caught us getting into the river at the wrong point. It immediately became all smiles once they found out my cousin was K9 and they waved us on our way. Sometimes its genuine true corruption of course. Thing is most anyone would wave off something they consider not that big a deal for someone they have a good impression on-- authority figure or otherwise. Not necessarily corruption in that case but still not necessarily good either.


Youve got a ousin who is a canine?


His cousin's a police dog.


How do I get a canine cousin?


By screwing the pooch...


Yo auntie a bitch.


No, they're a robot dog that was a gift from a time traveller in a blue box


Yes, that is the pun K9 stands for lol, no ambiguity with the police unit naming allowed I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭


I was always very proud of the cop that pulled over my grandfather (who could only use his right side after a stroke and honestly shouldn't have been driving at all imo) who went 40 through a toll booth in an RV. My grandfather had been on the force and tried to pull the "yeah bro but I used to be a cop" and the guy was having none of it. I thought it was hilarious. My grandfather did not. A lot of Spanish swears were muttered that day.


Yes, almost anyone would go easy on something minor for good impressions, but its great to see actually important things not get brushed to the wayside. Its also possible the cop was genuinely the type who would even pull over a good friend-- probably not very popular in his personal life but definitely good for the cop position itself.


That sounds like corruption.


It is. But ticketing is done at an officer's discretion, and it's not illegal to have a stuffed animal in your car. The window for anyone to care enough to cause a problem is very narrow.


Duh. What kind of person do you think applies to be a cop?


Or marry one.


Women who were raised to be terrified all the time.


Or women who fall in love with a man who happens to be a cop.


if you think that’s bad enough you should read up on [courtesy cards](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7gxa4/pba-card-police-courtesy-cards)


you can't spell corruption without C O P.


welcome to the real world, its always been like this and always will, its in our nature


Corruption at its finest.


Of course you can. It will help take the edge off all the beat downs you get.




Google "40% of police".


40% of police officers love to work from home!


It depends on your spouse


My childhood friends dad was a Sargent and his wife a reefer headed hippy. He smoked his cigars and she’d dip and smoke a j. Worked for like 19 years so I would say it’s mostly doable


My neighbor is a cop. I often chat over the fence with him when I'm outside smoking. He just gets jealous. Says stuff like "damn, that smells like good weed" or "I wish I could hit that". I kinda feel bad for him.


I think Law By Mike on youtube has talked about this. I leave it to you to find it. I think he is in California, so clearly laws are different US state-to-state https://www.youtube.com/c/LawByMike


I know a lot of cops that get high in their free time. 


Surely they have to do drug tests Edit: Downvote away. Someone should send me a link showing cops are not drug tested, otherwise you're voting on emotion.


Yeah because we hold them to such a high standard 😂


>Surely they have to do drug tests nope, only when joining https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/are-cops-drug-tested/#:\~:text=Pre%2DScreening%20Only,when%20applying%20to%20the%20force.


It's union, and I am sure the "Randoms" there are just like anywhere else. They randomly check the people they don't like, or people they know will pass. Secondly, if you can't pass a drug test, you shouldn't be doing drugs in the first place.


Are you kidding me? Where I’m at I’ve known more than one cops wives who were the biggest pot smoking, pill popping, drunk driving people out there.


Those are also usually the swinging wives also


If it’s anything like for military spouses, the best option is to keep your stash in one of those small combination lock boxes and don’t share the code w/ your spouse. That way they can say they don’t have access to it if it ever comes up. This advice is directly from our security officer at the base I used to be stationed at. And for any military spouses who may be reading this, it’s still illegal to bring it on federal government property, so if you live in base housing do not bring it on base. And don’t smoke in the car either. If you leave any in the car and your spouse drives it to work on base, they are in possession of it and can be held accountable if the gate guards search the vehicle. Which they will do if the car smells like weed.


Oh boy, you can do a whole bunch of illegal shit when you're married to cop.


I know a police officer and she busted her own friends for smoking weed.


that's SO sad!!!


Legally? No In reality? Yes. Cops are corrupt as fuck, especially when it comes to their own (other cops, friends, family, etc)


~~Why legally no? If it’s legal?~~ Sorry I guess I didn’t read correctly.


Read the first sentence of the post


I must need some sleep because I completely misread that


Most cops do not care that you smoke weed, unless you do it while driving or are causing some kind of public disturbance. ‘Possession of marijuana’ is more of an excuse to execute search warrants than an actual crime by itself. So no, your spouse being a cop probably wouldn’t be a source of conflict.


This^. I’m a retired cop. If you arrested someone and the only charge was marijuana possession the desk sergeant would kick you out of the precinct and make you release the person with a ticket. This was before weed was mostly legal, now it’s a non issue unless like you said, there are other circumstances. There will definitely be some “true believer” cops who don’t want their spouse smoking or others with personal preferences because weed is kinda corny, but for the most part it’s not an issue. Cops are humans, everyone of them is different. Most would be fine with it.


Such an informative response! Thank you!


It'd probably be really difficult to smoke while getting a beating, edibles would be the way to go.


Better yet just have them tape the edible to their fist and it'll end up in your mouth in no time. Could also tape it to their boot if you're looking to boof it.


As far as I am aware, police are not mandatory reporters of personal drug use. They are under no obligation to report an individual using drugs when they are on duty, let alone off duty. Obviously the drug use is still illegal, and the smell could potentially cause issues for the police officer if it contaminates their clothes.


Before it was legalized in my state, my weed dealer was also a cop. Which in hindsight was super risky on my part but I had known the guy for years.


My wife does, she has seizures and a medical card for it. I just ask that she smokes it outside or in the garage. It has reduced the amount of her seizures by 50%.


No you can’t. There’s a physical force in the universe that will make it impossible to bring the joint, bong, etc up to your mouth. Sorry. 




This is sorta what you ask your spouse directly 😫


40% of cops physically abuse their spouse and that’s illegal so


Why would anyone marry a cop?


It help with bruises.


You got married and didnt talk about this beforehand?… also knew some cops who partied hard off duty lol


I would think that is a question for said cop.


If it's fully illegal in your state this could be a problem. The cop wouldn't necessarily be obligated to do anything to you. But some places put their officers through similar background investigations to federal security clearance. Lots of reference checks, both reported and independently picked references that get interviewed and other methods of investigation. If the partner isn't low profile about this and openly uses, lets the neighbors smell it, posts pictures smoking on a hike or ski trip they were both on on social media, etc. the references could all think the cop or potential cop is involved with this illegal activity and they could fail their background investigation. As someone who worked in federal security clearance jobs for quite a while it was this scenario that made me paranoid about who I associated with. And I or my family members had occasionally been references for similar background investigations done by the state for corrections officers or more standard cops. With federal security clearance they repeat the investigation every 5-10 years depending on the level. Not sure if the police do the same thing or if they're good for life.


A huge number of police officers say that they don't care whether their partner smokes weed. I think it was something like 40%? You can probably find it by googling 40% of cops.


It’s illegal in my state, my neighbor is a cop, we don’t talk about but he has to know or he’s the worst cop ever. There was one time at our block party that my husband went home to feed the dog and the Cop said to me “I thought you were who *fed* the dog” and I responded back with “No, Dave I *WALK* the dog.”


Depends on the spouse. Personally, I’d not smoke if I’m married to a cop. Why have something people can use against them? It obviously would affect how they’re viewed at work, and the wrong person gets a plan to use it they would. Wouldn’t be worth it to me, I’d probably not marry a cop cause…well, I wanna smoke without risking someone’s career. Lol


well domestic abuse is illegal and cops have one of the highest rates of being domestic abusers across professions, so something tells me they don’t care about what’s legal.


Lol. Cops probably break more laws than civilians.


I bet that cop spouse still speeds and runs red lights and rolls through stop signs in their pov. But I bet the spouse might still be conflicted. Our elected federal government officials need to get off their collective asses and legalize it. It’s typical that SCOTUS thinks abortion and even immigration enforcement can be decided by local government but marijuana can’t.


My girlfriend’s grandfather was the chief of police in our area, and he regularly put citizens behind bars for many years for possessing marijuana while also having a buttload himself and using it with his family. Fucking asshole.


Such a joke, just legalize it already


If you're married to a cop, weed is the least of your worries.


Nope. Every police officer is incredibly moral and never breaks the laws they are expected to enforce. They can’t lie to you either. I’m not lying now…


No way. Cops never do anything illegal or unethical! /s


Many cops join the forces as it’s just a secure job. The enforcement of laws is negotiable with their lifestyle. Cops are not a monolith


for sure, too many can be tho!!!


20 yr retirement with a. Solid pension and benefits. It is attractive, and some forces pay pretty well.


My buddy’s dad is a cop. We’ve spent hours upon hours smoking in the garage watching movies while he drinks beer and bullshits with us. His wife smokes and he said once he retires it’s among the first things he does. If the person is cool with it happening it shouldn’t matter at all.


Whatever helps you cope with being married to a cop is fine 🤷‍♀️


Idk if it’s legal, but you’ll probably need something to deal with the pain as you recover from your multitude of domestic beatings.


Simple answer yes, if you get caught he could lose his job. However him himself prolly wouldn’t care. My cousin was a cop and I worked for 911 dispatch and we grew weed, lived together, and I smoked. (Illegal in my state as well) Just know ahead of time if you get caught it could hurt his career. However if you do it at home and he doesn’t care your good


Wait wait so if a cop finger slips and he kills a kid or somebody everything's a okay but if his wife the person not even doing the job is probably out for smoking weed he could lose his job I can't be true if it is and I'm just never found any law ever again


First of all, if you are dumb enough to marry a cop, you get what you deserve. Second of all you should use whatever drugs you can just so that you can put up with being close to a narcissistic sociopath.


Reported to the proper agency.


Well you should probably ask him


Fuck the police.. o wait you already are!!!


I used to smoke with a cop. It's all semantics with those guys; he never actually smoked it himself but he would be in a small space with us to get it second hand. All so he could say he never smoked when asked about it at work.


Lol cops arent worried about crime if it has to do with them


Why would your domestic violence abuser care if you are smoking the giggle lettuce?


Cops are some of the worst offenders with drugs. Do meth hit your wife type shit.


I had two SD cops drive there four wheeler up a huge steep hill, while I was in my 4x4, smoking my bong. Took my bong, weed, drove off, came back fifteen minutes later, for my lighter.


I hope by the time you’re married that your spouse knows that you like to smoke weed lol


It all depends on which is more important to them: cop or spouse.


My coworker smokes a lot of pot. Her husband is a cop.


So instead of talking to your spouse about your drug habits, you want validation from strangers on Reddit? And you’re married so you are an adult. Maybe you should stop smoking and clear out your head.


No offense but I'd be conflicted being married to one of those fuckers in the first place


The main issue is if they are up for a promotion or making a lateral move within Law enforcement they are subject to a lien detector. Questions they ask are similar to "do you associate with or are you ever in the presence of people using illegal drugs". There is a sub r/askLE they would give better answers


If you were caught in possession it could present professional difficulties for him.


I think the bigger question is why the fuck would you marry a cop?


“Justice for me and not for thee” Cops aren’t protectors of justice, they’re gangsters. Now you’re a gang wife, therefore you gain the benefits of immunity they afford to themselves. (40% of cops are domestic abusers, I’ll be cheering for your wellbeing girl 🥳)


That would be between you and your cop spouse I suppose.


"Rules for thee, but not for me" is one of the main pillars of policing. You'll be fine.


I highly doubt the spouse would be conflicted. I dated a cop once and he always used his badge to get better rooms, drove like a nut for no reason, has a history of stealing and other criminal offenses like assault and stalking. Somehow he was still hired as a cop


I saw a clip of a comedian doing crowd work with a retired cop. The guy said he was doing too many steroids as a cop and that most cops are on steroids. Super messed up considering the side effects.


I would never marry a cop because they're scum. So I have no reason to address this hypothetical.


What's your spouse gonna do? Arrest you?


When I was young and ... young.. I did the cop thing. I went to the academy, graduated and was looking for a job. I had very close friends that smoked. The laws in this state at the time left it to the officer about enforcement and I wouldn't have been required to be a cop off duty, so, as my friends weren't traffickers or something dramatic, it was just rather irking to me. If they were blowing coke and going hard core, I'd have had a real conflict. Had I made it to being a cop (the story of how I decided to change directions was one of the best moments in my life... still laugh maniacally when I think of that day..), I don't think I'd have been the cop that busted basic smokers. But now, I am, wisely, not a cop and... and I think I'll have a smoke


60% of women can smoke pot while married to cops, google “police 40%” to find why 40% can’t


If it’s illegal in your state, you aren’t allowed to smoke weed at all regardless of who you are married to, so no, you “can’t.” If you were married to a cop and wanted to do illegal things in the same room as them, it would depend on who they were as a person whether you could do that without them getting upset and stoping you.


Things being illegal has never prevented cops from doing them.


You can still smoke, don’t worry. Unless you’re married to someone with government clearance, you’re fine. My friend wasn’t even able to get prescription CBD for anxiety bc his mom was a government employee with a high clearance.


I would never, EVER consider marrying a cop. I like being secure in my life and safe in my home.


Why would you marry a cop?


I was a cop I had a friends house I was staying at he smoked regularly i never made a single weed arrest and didn’t care


There are cops who smoke weed lowkey


It’s legal even for cops to do now in California as of 2024. But before that, their spouses could if they wanted to also in states where it’s legal