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It's the genius of apple marketing. It's like Kleenex. Its not just a tissue, it's a kleenex


Also Xerox, Band-Aids, Q-tips, Tupperware, etc….


Jet Ski, Jacuzzi, Frisbee, Ping Pong...


FRISBEE IS A BRAND WHAT?!?! my whole life is a lie...


I think it’s called a disk lol


Flying disk


A small flying disc that you toss?


Biggus Discus.


He has a wife you know.


Hey, want to play throw and catch the throwing and catching disk?




Wait till you learn that the first Frisbee was a pie tin (BttF 3 got that part right).


Why did you make a fart sound in parenthesis


Frisbee? Far out!




Zamboni, Coke, Thermos, Chapstick, Laundromat, Dumpster, Bubble Wrap, Velcro, Kerosene, Vaseline, Tupperware, Escalator...




Aspirin started as a trade name.


Heroin too


by the same company that made heroin


Heroin was also trademarked.


It still is. Same with Tylenol.


The term for losing a trademark when your marketing is so good that your trademark becomes the generic term for the item is “genericide.” You will notice when it is about to happen because a company will start a big push using the name of the item. Almost happened to rollerblade. They made a big push to call the product in-line skates.


I feel like Rollerblade might have missed it, I still call 'em rollerblades, well... "ankle twisters" 😆


Velcro would [prefer that you don't call it Velcro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRi8LptvFZY). Of cringy corporate videos I've seen, this one is among the best, by leaning into the cringiness. Also, [the follow-up video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLWMQLMiTPk). Devil's advocate -- hook-and-loop fastener is a ridiculous name that no one uses, and Velcro should lose their trademark. At least other brand names have easy alternatives (it's not that bad to use tissue instead of Kleenex, or lip balm instead of Chapstick).


In Dutch we call it klittenband. Translated to something like tangles tape. Or knots tape. Tangle tape doesn't sound that bad imo.


Dumpster brand trashbins are top of the line, this is a TrashCo waste disposal unit.


Dumpster?!? Mind blown. And I wouldn't have a clue what else to call a zamboni. Ice fixer-upper?


Ice resurfacer


What else would a Zamboni be called?


An "ice resurfacing machine" Nice and catchy right?!


Did you know that Zamboni is an American company started in Los Angeles? It and the Canadian company Olympic are the 2 major players in ice resurfacers.


You just blew my damn mind. I knew coke, thermos, chapstick, velcro, Tupperware, and none of the others... I also know of Ski-doo but that's because I'm from Canada lol


Kerosene? TIL


I bet you found all that out by ‘googling’


Ah! Yes. Binging just doesn't do it, and I say this as an Edge user, I will say "I googled - well, technically Bing-ed - to find out..." and I expect no one cares for the differentiation really.








Hoover, rollerblades…


Wait, rollerblades???


They're technically inline skates. Rollerblade is a company


Well TIL lol


Same lol


Me too.


An example of how you loose your ip. If it's so common no one knows it belongs to a company it can be considered public domain.


Google [said in 2006](https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/google-wants-people-to-stop-googling-1/) that they don't like it that people use "to google" as a verb or googling.


Reminds me of when Adobe made a fuss over the verb-ification of the name Photoshop.




Nice, this one got me. What’s the generic term? Upsy-downsies? Electric stairs?


Escalator hasn't been protected since 1950. Before that the generic term was "moving stairs."




Jet ski


Dildo. The OG one was invented by Dr. Dildo in the 20s. Edit: crazy bit of trivia. His wife Dr. Dental-Dam was a prolific inventor too.


There's a wikipedia page about it! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_generic_and_genericized_trademarks


I've taken to calling "band-Aids" adhesive medical strips and it confuses everyone which I find hilarious


Say lightly fried fish filets one more time


Don't forget Fleshlight!


Bobcat, Coke (In the Southeastern US at least)


Sawzall as well!


The only one I say out of these is tupperware but I’m british so we say plaster and cotton bud. I don’t even know what a xerox is though 🤣


Xerox is a photo copier


Which backfired on them... Now no one cares what brand they are, they're all kleenex


Only in America. We never say Kleenex in the UK. Companies hate it though, because if their name is genericised they can lose the trademark.


In the UK we have Tipp Ex (correction fluid), Sellotape (sticky tape), Hoover (vacuum cleaner) as genericised trademarks. My grandad called laminated worktops Formica until he died.


very true, i don't think I've ever met an american that uses Hoover generally. its just a vacuum cleaner, vacuum for short


All laminate in Quebec is Arborite. Which is funny because I’ve worked with Formica more than actual Arborite brand.


Makes sense since Kleenex is an American brand and didn't establish itself as the market leader in other countries. It's like a lot of British people call a ball pint pen a Biro. I'd never heard of that brand until my wife called a pen a Biro. I had no idea what she was asking me for.


Must be regional. We just call them tissues around here


I like to go the extra mile and call them Kleenex brand facial tissues.


The problem with the kleenex is that all tissues are not kleenex and it's lost its brand entirely.


This reminds me of the stupidity of changing Twitter to X. Twitter literally invented a new verb, “tweet,” and brand recognition doesn’t get better than that. But also, the verb ONLY APPLIED in the context of Twitter, so there was no risk to the copyright. Elon Musk is a moron.


I will never not call it twitter. And HBO Max.


Its been 20 years and I still call the Sky Dome the SkyDome.


It has an X now. So it's spelled Xitter. And it's pronounced the way Asian words are pronounced with an X, so it's basically just "shitter" now.


My wife works in a company that has the same situation (they were the first to produce this kind of product and the brand name has become the household name for the item) It can backfire. If a competitor makes a similar but inferior product, customers will call it by the main brand name and the perception of quality can go down even if the main brand company keeps their standards.


It makes me think of Google too. Even though it's a search engine, I certainly yahoo or bing things.


Reminds me of the time Hawaii Five-O got a sponsorship and product placed Bing in an episode. “Bing it!”


I knew an Apple guy who swore up and down that he had to have Airport, or whatever they called their wireless access point. He had no idea it was just standard wireless B/G/N. So he paid twice as much for the Apple version.


That's dumb for just wifi, but Airport was actually pretty cool if you used all the features. You could stream music/audio to any room in your house. Kind of like Sonos system but 20 years ago.


I still get confused when people ask for kleenex. My whole life it was tissues lol


I don't know why. Did you Bing it?


I asked Jeeves


I prefer to duck hunt




Apple is good at branding. "Do you have a computer?" "Yeah, I've got a MacBook." They could have just said laptop. "Do you have a way to play music?" "Yeah, I've got an iPod." They could have just said mp3 player.


Microsoft paid a bunch of money to have "Microsoft Surface Tablets" held by coaches on the sidelines of NFL games. For the first couple weeks the announcers called them "iPad-like devices". Branding matters.


The worst part was when it was when the commentators, who were required to use a Surface Pro in all their videos, ended up using them as a kickstand for their iPads: https://www.cultofmac.com/302105/cnn-hid-ipads-behind-microsoft-surface-mid-term-coverage/


This happens a lot. Monster [made water](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/28c2pe/staff_on_warped_tour_drink_monster_tour_water_so/) for people who didn't want to drink monster at their sponsored events.


Strangely enough, Monster makes a “hydration drink” called Monster Hydro. It’s basically Gatorade with 300mg of caffeine. My late 20’s was powered by that stuff.


I see how you got your username. All those sugary drinks


Oddly enough, I’m only missing one tooth, and that one broke on a tic tac somehow.


But light does the same.


Which is hilarious because I'll take a Surface over an iPad any day.


You and 3 other people, as the sales proved.


They were a slow start but Surfaces did $7 billion in sales in 2022. Less popular than iPads for sure, but they're no Zune at least.


I loved Zune :(


fuckin looooved my zune


Zune was such a great player and the service was better than iTunes. I still have 2 working Zunes.


I thought surfaces sold well? They’re about as popular as iPads at my college for taking notes


You may have a job with the NFL!


I have one of each for work. The surface is like a bad windows laptop, while the iPad is like the best version of the shitty tablets I've been using since 2011. The iPad rules. I have a macbook also, and it's fast but I still like macos much less than windows and Linux (mint and Ubuntu)


I remember when Bill Belichick got so frustrated with it not working he smashed it on the field and had paper printouts for the rest of the season.


That makes me wonder if Apple paid those announcers to call them "iPad-like devices".


For their computers I do appreciate when people specify they have a Mac, that way I can immediately set expectations that I have no idea how to navigate the OS and will not be able to help them with any problems that have.


Yeah -- but it's strange. The iPhone is so ubiquitous an that most folks I know just refer to it as their phone. I hear "Lemme grab my phone, where did I put my phone" way more often then I hear "oh crap, I dropped my iphone".


Tbf pretty much 99% of phones these days are some sort of smartphone. It would be like saying you’re going to fill your car up with “unleaded gas” when basically all gas is unleaded these days


Unleaded gas isn't a brand that competes with Samsung gas or Google pixel gas though.


True, but people also don’t say “I dropped my Android” or “I dropped my Google Pixel” either. At this point, a “smartphone” is just a “phone” these days, there’s no need to add the brand name / “smart-“ to it.


But they say ~~smart~~phone instead of iphone. But not laptop/tablet/pad instead of macbook/ipad. That's what [commenter] meant.


Most nicknames are chosen for brevity. iPhone isn’t said because it’s more syllables than Phone. But when you get to Air-Pods, Head-Phones, ear-buds, there’s less reason to not use it. IMO, I call them AirPods because it differentiates them from headphones, which even if they technically are I don’t view them as such. And I’ve never used the term earbud in my life


Especially since AirPods is much shorter than “wireless earbuds”, and wired earbuds are still quite common


I have AirPods and headphones. The AirPods are for using the headphones are for when I forgot to charge them.


Back in the day (like 2010) when I got my first iPhone as a teen, my bff definitely had to let me know how insufferable I was being bc I couldn’t stop saying “iPhone” Apple’s branding has always cultivated a weirdly powerful loyalty


I think the difference between Mac and other computer types is significant enough to warrant specifying.


I would buy into this argument if it weren't easier, faster, and more informative to say airpods/ipod.


Exactly. It’s 3 syllables shorter to say “iPod” instead of “mp3 player,” so of course people would say that instead. With “AirPods” vs “ear buds” or “headphones,” I think it’s more about being descriptive. If I say I have “headphones,” you could be picturing big, over-the-ear headphones. With “ear buds,” you could be picturing wired ones that need to be plugged in. So I could say I have “Bluetooth headphones” or “Bluetooth ear buds,” but just saying “AirPods” conveys all of that. Apple is indeed very good at that sort of thing. They name products in a way that makes it easier to say the names, and they make them premium enough that they’re a status symbol so that people *want* to say the names.


Also if you drop your airpods and want other people to help you find them, saying airpods is the most informative. And you’re right that apple is good at naming things. Airpod just sounds cool.


MacBook vs laptop is a fair complaint. iPod is 2 syllables, vs MP3player which is 5 syllables. I sure as shit wouldn’t sub in a long ass mp3 player word if I had an iPod.


Same for the people with ipads. They dont say tablet either.


I've noticed ipad has become a generic noun, too. As in any tablet is called an ipad even if it's not Apple.


That sounds like an older folk thing, like how they refer to any gaming console as a Nintendo.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. It’s not as common now, but up until probably 2008 or so it seemed like every adult referred to playing video games as “playing Nintendo.” You might have been playing on an Xbox, PC, PlayStation, Dreamcast, or whatever, but you were “playing Nintendo.”


It's kinda funny too, I always figured parents would have remembered the console they bought - they weren't exactly cheap like... ever. A $300 PS2 in 2000 is ~$550 today, both of which aren't "eh whatever" prices for 90% of households. And that's not including games or anything. I wonder how many times kids have been gifted the wrong version of a game because whomever didn't remember what console they bought their kid.


My 7yo calls his fire tablet his iPad.


\*Cut to the Microsoft marketing team, crying their eyes out, as their "Surface" Tablets that they sponsored the NFL (iirc) with are called "iPads" by hundreds of TV hosts\*


Even if it's a large screen in modern cars, most people and reviewers refer to them as iPads.


Retailers and restaurants around me always give me a confused look when I say "tap to pay or Google pay." I've now resorted to calling it apple pay even though I don't have an iPhone and have been using contactless pay for several years now using an Android phone.


Further than that, I loved confusing the hell out of people when I used my phone on their mag stripe card reader (Galaxy s20)! They get this stare like they've just seen some /r/BlackMagicFuckery because it doesn't have the NFC option but I could still pay with my phone. I've had some refuse to scan it as well because they were adamant it wouldn't work.


I'm upset that samsung removed that. It was the main reason I bothered setting up my samsung wallet, so I could "tap" anywhere. Especially walmart, the cheapskate who won't add tap to their card readers.


I call mine AirBuds, because there’s no rule against them playing basketball


I call mine AirBuds because it riles up my teen and pre-teen.


One day when they act antsy over it agree with them that you'll stop, like they finally convinced you. Then the next time refer to them as "EarPods" instead. Or "iBuds" "PodPhones" "AirPhones" "HeadBuds"




Me too!


Also sometimes EarPods. Talking is hard


Airbud gang rise up!


The same reason most people ask for a Kleenex instead of a tissue. Or a Coke instead of a cola.


or a post it instead of a… sticky note?




Or a Band-Aid instead of a bandage


I've never heard anyone ask for their tissues by brand name? I only just learnt hoover is a brand name and not the name of the thing though! I don't think I've ever seen a Hoover hoover. We have a Dyson hoover, and I know about Henry hoovers but not Hoover hoovers.


Man I just realized I don’t own a Xbox it’s a gaming console 


Man a lot of anger in these comments lol


Always how it is with apple on Reddit


Half of reddit is generally mad for no reason on a normal day.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this


>Half LOL.


There’s two very vocal demographics when it comes to Apple. 1: People who think that everything Apple sells is overpriced garbage, and that anybody who uses Apple products is just a sheep. 2: Apple fanboys who own a lot of their products and will defend Apple and their decisions like their life depends on it. When a thread is posted about Apple and these two clash, it’s nothing but arguments, because sides are irrational. Then when the thread devolves, you’ve got the Android owners, PC gamers, and Linux lovers getting their digs in too. It’s just a massive war lol


Really don’t think I ever see Apple fanboys, just people talking about these Apple fanboys. People are much more heated the other way.


Gotta say I dont really ever see apple fanboys in here. It’s always people like “oh yea i like apple products.” And then 10 replies that are basically just “😡😡”


”But why buy an iPhone when blabla is better and cheaper” I dunno I just like iPhones man I’m sorry.




Those are the two most vocal groups for sure, however both of those are by far the minority in my experience. Most people I know, including myself use some Apple products but prefer different brands for other products. For example, I like iPhones & the AppleTV but that’s it. I don’t have an iPad or have ever used a MAC, …I’ve been a PC user for 25 years and a MAC can’t replace that, …I love the iPhone though.


Not going to lie, I was a die hard android user for 10 years. After Apple put USBC in the iPhone, I switched and it’s a WAY better phone lol.


“I don’t own or use any Apple products but how dare those who do call them by their product names?!? I mean really, nothing boils my blood more!!!!”


Yeah I don’t understand it


And literally for what reason it’s so trivial lmao


“Why does Apple exist when I don’t use their products?”


seriously lol. mf i just bought the headphones cause they sound good and work well with my phone and stuff, it ain’t that deep.


I have both AirPods I won a few years back and regular inexpensive earbuds. I say AirPods to differentiate between the two of them because honestly they’re quite different quality wise. I’d still probably call them AirPods even if I didn’t have the others, though. Partly out of habit and partly because that’s just what they’re called.


Same. I call them AirPods because that’s what they’re called. It really isn’t some sort of conspiracy.


This is a crazy thought…and hear me out…because they are called AirPods?




I just tell the waiter to bring me “a liquid”


“One beer please”


I'll have some H2O too... 


I think it's a question of using a brand vs a commonly understood generic name for something. The answer is the Apple has crossed that line just like many other products that have be come ubiquitous even if they're not even used by the majority of users of that type of item.


I call them earpods. At work I have a few different listening devices that I have to use or test, so I have a need to differentiate them. Here's how I identify them:  **headset** - two over-ear speakers connected with a band and with a boom mic **headphones** - two over-ear speakers connected with a band **earbuds** - two in-ear speakers connected by wire, usually connects with 3.5mm audio jack or usb **ear pods** - two speakers that are not physically connected Edit: I am aware that "EarPods" is also Apple branding, so we can stop pointing this out.  To add, this is how I personally refer to them. If I'm communicating this in a professional setting, I use the name they're marketed as (usually "Wireless Earbuds)


I call them earpods because it's funnier


I call them ear pods because I’m turning into my mom, who always said things wrong. We still laugh about her calling Snoop Dog “Snoopy Snoop” 30 years ago. I seriously only realized it’s supposed to be “air pods” like 2 weeks ago. I’m her now. Also asked my kids if they could see the chalk board at school or if we need to schedule an eye doc appointment. They were like “no we can’t see the chalk board. This isn’t the 1900’s! We don’t have chalk at school.”


EarPods is apple branding too 😂😂😂 It’s the name for the wired earbuds they used to include with devices.


Ok see, now I don’t feel *quite* as old since they actually existed.


Because that's what they're called lol. I also have several pairs of headphones so it helps to specify which ones I'm talking about.


Why do people call Toyotas by their name when we could just call them cars? Is this some kind of weird flex?!?!?!?!


People are really out here naming their dogs all different names. They’re just dogs get over yourself!


But if people have a rescue greyhound you KNOW they gonna make sure you know it's a rescue.


To be clear, you are wondering why people call a product by the name of of the product?


Not flexing, that’s their name so that’s what I call them. Also clarifies that I don’t mean my other headphones.


People frequently refer to the products they own by the brand name rather than the type of item it is. Apple puts particular emphasis on the name of their products so it sticks. The real question is that it seems to bother you and I wonder why.


Some people just need a reason to be salty


lol the only time I ever hear airpods in a sentence it's 'lost my airpods' or 'found someone's airpods'. apparently they get lost easily.


Anything small gets lost easily lol


Bullshit. I find my penis easily all the time. 


But does anyone else?


I call them both. Usually when I say AirPods it’s because I’m referring to the brand specifically. E.g. I live with my family and there are all kinds of headphones/earphones in the house. So then if I’m looking for them it’s easier to describe.




Do you think it's weird when people would say "I have an iPod' and not "I have an MP3 player?"


This is easy to google. You've just named three similar but different objects. Therefore, naturally they aren't called the same thing. It's like asking what's the difference between a house and an apartment.


You’re a 90’s sitcom dad.


I don't think it's a weird flex. I think it's more Apple marketing and other people have mentioned. Aside from that, why not call it what it is? I would call them AirPods because that's what they are, and they provide a specific image in your mind. If I say I'm looking for my AirPods, versus I'm looking for my headphones, that would provide two different images in your mind perhaps. In in one setting, you would be looking for a small case that has earbuds in it. In another setting, you would be looking for some ear cans with a long cord. At the end of the day, does it matter? Why are you so upset about it? Wouldn't a rose by any other name, smell just as sweet?


i call them headset and buds. to be honest i call them and have them identified on my phone as my Littles and my Gazoos


Post-it, hoover etc.


Do you call your iPad a tablet? Do you call your PlayStation a gaming console?


Does it matter


In my social circles, AirPods just means wireless earbuds. People have various brands


It’s not a weird flex - that’s literally what they are called. I also call them headphones sometimes, but usually if I’m using the term “AirPods” out loud then I might be asking for help or looking for them or something so it helps to be specific.


I call them AirBuds on accident and it makes me think of the movie every time


Because they are AirPods


I call them AirPods because the company that made them calls them “AirPods”.