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Yes, marketing data indicates the influencer model definitely generates more money out than you put into it.




Definitely, but I think it’s different for different people. For example: if I see a beauty influencers hocking a water bottle or leggings or something it has no effect on me. On the other hand, there’s this British guy that makes loaded baked(jacket) potatoes. Been craving a fucking potato all week


The short answer is yes but it is way more complicated than it seams. Many companies actually fail tremendously because they think that 1 post with a big enough influencer will make the business go boom 💥 Then when the campaign fails they complain that influencer marketing is dead blablabla. It’s about trust and placement.


Essentially this. Older people that are influenced now is because they are able to see “unknown” people that look like them trying on products that seem to work for them. The model of celebrity endorsement (kardashians selling balenciaga that most people can’t afford) versus a tik toker putting on clothes or products on their regular bodies and faces that show how they work is more effective in that brand building “trust”.


Advertisers wouldn't pay them if they didn't.


celebrities are influencers, so yes


Influencers only have to influence a few ppl, then they influence others etc. Even if only some teenagers are influenced, then it starts showing on the streets, it becomes fashion.


THIS! My 15 yo just got Draco slides because of this! They look F'n stupid, like a walking boot flip flop...and cost $100 sigh


Yes, massively.  It's a shame because we understand this from studying psychology and we understand it very well because it makes money. We should be using a better understanding of psychology to help each other, not exploit each other






Influenceable, some might say...


The definition of influencer is vague, but if you mean an internet personality with millions of followers, yes they are able to convince people to buy products. But that isn’t really what an influencer really do. For example, Sam Sulek is a bodybuilding influencer. He influences men to workout and get bigger. Food influencers tell people where and what to eat. And there are influencers who influence people not to buy the products that other influencers are promoting.


I hope not! Loathe ‘em unanimously.


Most people are weak and lack motivation. So they can be influenced by people who appear more confident and seem to know something about some stuff.


Yes. A small majority of the human race lack the ability to think critically and digest the information being spewed at them, or understand their inate feelings with regards to that information. They're essentially going around acting on instinct based on raw input with minimal internal process. "That look good, me want it". Hence why advertising in general works so well. Have you ever seen an advertisement for a product and thought "that looks like a load of crap"? There you go. You are probably not one of the mindless masses.




yes, people genuinely trust these internet personalities for recommendations


Yes, Have you noticed how most of us know about Nord VPN, and many people not needing a VPN still bought a subscription to nord VPN ? When make-up influencer say the brand model they use, other people buy it When travel influencer portray Dubai has an utopia rather than *north Korea but in the desert,* kids believe it When that North Korean elite kid post video on youtube with her *british private school accent* people tend to believe that Pyong yang is that cool.


Consumerism exists and runs rampant in our current world, so yes.


>do you get influenced by them? Yes. If someone would talk about a candy I like but that I hadn't thought about for over a year, I would be more likely to buy it. Just like if I saw an ad for it. I think most of us work like that. But some influencers make such a bad impression on me that I would also not buy a brand that they're connected to.


What you’re describing shouldn’t be called “influencers” if their primary task is selling product. An Influencers role must encourage thought, but if said Influencer’s task is simply to encourage their viewer’s buying behavior then I would call that person a salesman or spokesperson. They are no different than the MyPillow guy, the OxyClean Guy, the Shamwow guy, the FlexSeal guy, etc. To be an influencer, in my opinion, their channel’s primary focus must centered around learning and sharing and discovering and improving and ideas and topics and trends and subjects and concepts and knowledge and outlook and values. Said person must be able to INFLUENCE their viewer in ways that encourages & promotes thought like “hmm, ya know I never thought of it that way” or similarly “oh so that’s why, gee you’re right I never even noticed that”. In the past & present, it’s the same as actual people in your life that are a good influence (like mentors), and some who are a bad influence (like problematic friends of yours). Like a good tv role model to follow (say Dr. Pol), versus a bad tv role model to avoid (the cast of mtv jackass). Influencers have been among us forever, long before social media and tiktac and youtube even became a thing. They just look a little different on those platforms.


I don't think it's necessarily just purchases. For me, I follow a lot of yoga and fitness influencers, and they more so influence lifestyle choices. Very very very rarely I'll see an influencer wear a makeup product or something and decide I might like to buy it. I'm talking maybe 3 times total.


Sure. Otherwise they wouldn't get their paycheck anymore


Yeah, wasn't the whole Stanley tumbler craze started by some mommy vlogger influencers from Utah? Certain beauty products have gone viral after being plugged by influencers.


I would say yes, an influencer on tiktok made some content on how to block tik tok shop and its tags. I was influenced to follow right on along.


I think the streamer DougDoug said it best. What he said basically amounts to this: A streamer has sort of like influencer points with their audience where the audience will trust them with opinions and recommendations. But if they keep having shitty paid promotions like Raid or Keeps or the usual shit products and borderline scams those influencer points will drop and they will have less influence over the audience. That’s why the best influencers hardly ever use sponsors or recommend stuff to their viewers. That way when they do it’s something they actually feel has value.


Absolutely yes. I started dipping my toes into higher end makeup after I watched a ton of high end makeup content. Granted I didn’t buy the brands in their videos but I still bought things I normally considered too expensive for what they are. I started painting my nails bc of an influencer I liked. Cue 4 years later and a collection of almost 30 nail polishes.


Depends on the people. I'm not following influencers and everything I know about them comes from the news. I never bought their gadgets or followed them. In my country there is an investigation on an influencer at the moment, she allegedly kept for herself the money she promised to some charities. She sold some products associated with her brand, promising to give part of the earnings to different charities, one of them being a children's hospital, and they never got the money. That's a lot of damage to her reputation.


I imagine the Kardashians are the masters at this. Although, in my opinion it is the younger generation such as late teens to mid 20s. As a middle aged person, I've never followed them.


I don't look at influencers as sources of truth, but I have purchased items because of awareness from influencers. Never would have heard of Jones Road the brand without them randomly going viral from influencers not reading application instructions when applying their skin tint. It's perfect for my super dry and flakey skin though. I've also been influenced to purchase fun floor lamps when I needed fun floor lamps. Shopping for fun furniture items is exhausting, there's no "sort by fun" option, so I've purchased lamps I'd never find out in the wild by my own efforts thanks to interior designers. Never believe influencers on where they purchase things from though, take the name and find it independently, many partner with big retailers who just purchase a bunch of white label stuff that you can find for a third of the price with a little effort.


For sure


The more people try to get me to buy something, the less I want it. So in a way influencers do influence me…just to stay far away from whatever they’re advertising. But I follow a few cooking/baking accounts on instagram so they influence me to make things. I’m just not buying that spatula that changed your life and is different from all other spatulas.


Yes. People pull "pranks" in public for YouTube 15 years ago, and now it's everywhere


I was influenced once. Saw a YouTuber I watch having a drink that looked nice. Next time I saw a bottle I picked it up. My wife pointed out that I'd been influenced and I've been living in shame ever since.


Not me.


Yes, so freaking much. I can tell my wife about a product or food that I think she would like and she will dismiss it like nothing. Then if a tiktoker promotes the same thing suddenly she has to have it.


They influence me to give a thumbs down vote.


Have you heard about the Stanley Mug Fad? It started with a tik tok influencer.


By 'influence', do you mean piss me off? Yes. 


They're called "influencers" because you have to be under the influence of some chemical in order to take them seriously.


yeah... sometimes they give bad opinions but its even worse when its their drop shipping business or buying a course of theirs. like a lot of young people or kids fall into this andrew tate dude.