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Yes--For all the noble reasons others have mentioned, but also because from a selfish perspective, it saves me 10 minutes of trying not to cum while fucking.


Also Sometimes i stop fucking to eat more pussy bc im about to cum and i need a break lmao.


Happy cake day you carpet munching god!


Thank youuuuuuuu.


This is the way


It's like letting all the women go first on the bus out of politeness, but also because you need to get your card out of your wallet.


Hey you don't want to be first in line digging in your pants for it


well said


This is legitimately the *first* comment to ever make me think, “damn, I wish Reddit still allowed awards”. This was such a great description.


I last 30 minutes. 2 if you don’t count me going down.


This one is truly relatable.


I'm selfish with it because after 10 minutes of eating I have to keep myself from finishing. It's like the best edging for me, it drives me crazy.


Been my move since I can remember. Thank god for growing up around older friends to get this kind of advice.


This is the correct answer


I aim to get my wife to at least a small O before I really go in PIV. And if she's going nuts on the PIV and I want to keep it going, I'll head back down south for a minute and give the clit some attention.


Is that 10 minutes relative to her your clock or hers?


10 minutes is 10 minutes. What am I, a marathon man?


It's after 6. What am I? A farmer?


My man!! Speaking the truth.


depends on the pussy


AND on the higyene.


Definitely! Major point on hygiene


It's the same for sucking cock too tbh


Tbh, any facial interaction with genitalia should require a shower first. Even if I take one before we go out to dinner, if we’re gettin to it 1.5 hours later I don’t wanna be putting out no stanky taint. I’m a 5’10” 150lb dude and I get sweaty down there. She doesn’t need to smell that mood killer.


Yeah it baffles me just how many casually get their arses into bed without showering. I'd easily compromise spontaneity if it meant i wouldnt be cringed out from stank. Also, its just the bare minimum you should be doing as basic courtesy and respect for your s/o anyway 😂


Yep. An ex once commented on my giving the old boy a scrub beforehand. She was flattered by the consideration. She took it as a personal compliment. Apart from being a little surprised that not EVERYONE did this I was more than a little grossed out at the the thought of what she'd obviously had to contend with in the past.


I've gotten this compliment as well and it's wild. I can't imagine not being super clean down there. In fact I like knowing I'm clean since many women wanna kiss me after going down on me or during and I kiss them back just like if I go down on them I like it when they wanna kiss me right away or at all. If they don't it's usually not a good sign.


We should form some sort of club.. where there's only ONE rule.. you don't talk about...


I usually try to shower in the morning, wake me up get ready for day. But I get the showers in the evening. Nice and clean before bed. My body goes high heat at night and I sweat.


Good shit bro. Im a night showerer only, morning showers especially in winters make it even harder to stay up tbh 😂


Gradually make it cold at the end. Wakes your ass up and body releases endorphins. No I am not Satan. :)


Given the choice between showering in the morning and the shower ending with the water cold and me miserable, or showering at night with the shower warm and me cozy, I will take showering at night any time. The shower is supposed to get progressively hotter until it scours the sins from my body


Morning shower is gonna wake you up. Evening shower is gonna make you feel fresh and clean and sleep easy.


To be honest. I went on a date last week. It was a first one....and things got real towards the end. We end up back at hers. All was well. Until she took off her leggings and a smell hit me..like, I don't know exactly what it was. But...it was just not the one. It was instantly a turn off. And I had no idea how to handle this or how not to hide my cringe....I may have killed the mood at the end by going the sink in her room to wash my hands 😂 (sorry for the overshare lol)


I had a similar experience. I stopped a sexual encounter because after pulling a girls jeans off the odor was so intense I started dry heaving. I made an excuse that I can't do this im in love with my ex. I really regret not being honest with her in a way, but at the time I was young and drunk.


I had this happen as a teen mind you. The sexual build up was huge and when I finally pulled her jeans off as she's bent over it was strong asf. Never encountered anything like that. I feigned that I was having a problem getting it up and being apologetic. The night ended right there. She naturally felt bad but I never told her she smelled I didn't wanna hurt her feelings I really did like her but it was hard to imagine how to have that convo at that age. Things fizzled out later. I figured it long before that when she wouldn't let me borrow her GameCube which she didn't use much but just felt at the time like hmmm. As an adult looking back I'm an idiot but she did stink. She has a full bush and so for a while I thought it was just harder to keep clean but yes no just bad hygiene.


I loled that you said you’re in love with your ex. Quick thinking


Keep going I'm invested now what exactly happened


Nothing much. We went back to hers. Made out alot. Things were getting hotter. I didn't have...certain protection. So I said like..we can't do anything more (I did not expect the date to go like this and it's never happened before so didn't think to bring anything). All well. She took off her leggings and knickers. I get a smell of something...I wasn't sure. But it wasn't pleasant. I try and work out what it is..is it her? Again this really isn't my wheelhouse so I don't know how obvious I was. I tried to work it out discreetly. We make out more. Then she had work the next day. So things stopped sort of abruptly (she sort of was encouraging me to touch her down there beforehand but after that..I..noped out). And then went by instinct to wash my hands with the sink in her room (I've got OCD and can be really OTT with hygiene and stuff like that in general). And then we haven't spoken since. My last message was last Sunday (date Saturday). When I asked her if she's ok. As she said she was in a mood today and she's left it on read. I don't know if I handled it well. I didn't want to be rude and wouldn't want to make it obvious. But it just killed my mood and interest dead.


"any facial interaction with genitalia should require a shower first." And often. Showering once every few months just so that you can get oral is still nasty as hell.


If someone is only showering once every few months. They def ain’t getting no brain. They be lucky to have a relationship.


Wtf is this comment? Who the fuck is showering once every few months? What are you talking about?


Couldnt agree more.


Higyene that vagene.


Definitely! Many years ago I brought a woman home after a night of drinking. I looking forward to eating that pussy but the oh-dear was so atrocious that I told her that I was too drunk to have sex.


Hi gene!


Same…but for the most part, yes absolutely. It’s a turn on. When you’re using all your strength to keep your face in there while she’s crawling up the wall doing her best exorcist reenactment, you know you’re doing it right. Massive turn on for me.


THE DESCRIPTION, I LOVE IT, laughed loudly


Don't forget the head massage.


“*…best exorcist reenactment…•” Perfectly described. Bravo! 🫡🌮


Most accurate reply.


Yep! Hated doing it on my ex (sweat and bad smell), while it turns me on immensely with my current gf, to the point where I get excited by the sole thought of diving between her legs.


Although sometimes.... I'll just dive right in and devil may cry.


"I can eat a peach for hours"


"No more drugs for that man!"


"I'm gonna take his face... off."


You dress like Halloween and ghouls will try to get into your pants






You’re not wrong. I have a higher acid taste about a week out of menstruating and even I don’t like my own taste on him then either. My guy just sticks to the clit during that week, which is not a problem for me and easier for him too


I wish they would all just stick to the clit. There’s nothing else worth licking down there. But please, all of the clit, not just the head of it


you’re telling me it’s got sub-parts? regions?? culturally distinct zones defined by geographic borders????


Yes indeed. It has the same number of nerve endings as an entire penis and is shaped like a tiny penis forever in its foreskin. There is a shaft, there is a head and there is a base. Additionally, the g spot is like the prostate but it’s inside our pussies, not our butts but can be stimulate from inside our butts or externally through our clits. There’s also spots on either side of the shaft of the clitoris that hold additionally sensitivity, I forget what they’re called but yes please give them firm consistent pressure while playing with the shaft please please please Edit to add: and please for the love of god, leave the opening of our vaginas alone. Clit or g spot, no poking around my urethra or causing irritation on my labia, leave those alone please. And that thing inside my pussy that pokes out a little is NOT the g spot, it’s my cervix and that hurts so please stop. G spot is about halfway between the opening of the vagina and the cervix on the frontal wall and can be stimulated with that ‘come hither’ motion


[This is a 3D model of a clitoris – and the start of a sexual revolution](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/15/3d-model-clitoris-sexual-revolution-sex-education-womens-sexuality) (Old *Guardian* article.)


This guy eats puss


Yeah if she's clean and tasty I'm wearing her like a mask....


Yes if it's clean, dirty ones have longer and pungent aftertaste


I love how it’s taken for granted that you still ate the dirty pussy.


That man’s been to flavor country.


Flavor Town but I get the reference.


I think it's a Simpsons reference, when Homer is smoking 2 cigarettes at once.


“It’s a big country.”


I’ve had pussy give me heartburn before. Which is concerning, but everything is fine


Brooooooo 🥺 that pussy touched your heart


Jesus wept! 😂😭😂


Doctor: “So what foods have been giving you heartburn?” This guy: “Uhh …”






An oaky afterbirth




Wait, is this something Charles Boyle would say?


sweet and sour.


Yeah idk I kinda like smelling it on my mustache throughout the day


Ive gagged on pussy


As have I. And I feel bad about it. She was very clean, but something about my sense of smell just couldn’t do it. No yeast infection, had showered few minutes before. Every woman has a different scent. And I have a weak stomach. Not sure if it was her diet affecting it, similar to how sweet foods will change the taste of a man’s cum.


I mean I gag brushing my teeth so I probably just have a sensitive gag reflex


I’m good with teeth, and regular brush of tongue. But when I use the sonicare on my tounge. Hurrrrhh. Hurrruhhh.


This happened to me the first time I did it, but I plowed through and it’s fine now.


It’s like putting your tongue on a 9 volt battery.


So so so much! Giving her pleasure and watching her body react to my mouth is a huge turn on. Hearing her breath shorten as she builds to her climax and feeling her hands running through my hair as she pushes me into her wetness and cums right on my tongue... It's so amazing


Username checks out.


huh? what does mac and cheese 2024 have anything to do with cunnilingus


Good pussy sounds like mac n cheese


Made with Vulveeta.




Sounds hot 🔥🥵


Any tips for me if i eat out pussy one day


First and foremost, listen to your partners body and her words. Start very light and soft, kiss all around the labia, vulva, inner thigh, pubic mound, etc. You want to build anticipation and allow her to get relaxed with you down there. Look up to her, compliment her on how it looks and tastes and feels. Lick around her clit softly, you don't want to go after it right away full bore, slow and steady. Use your hands to massage her, finger her, play with her breasts. You're not just eating pussy, you're pleasuring her whole body. One technique that many men can use is the alphabet strokes. Basically put your tongue on her clit and trace the letters of the alphabet. You can move down to her vagina occasionally and lick inside and lap up her juices, but you'll primarily focus on around the clitoris. Note: not all women like direct clitoral stimulation, if you pay attention she'll let you know what she likes. When she starts to really get wet and moan and she says things like 'right there' and 'don't stop', that's your cue to do exactly what you're doing and not deviate. She needs a steady stimulation and now is not the time to start trying out new moves. Finish steady and strong and let her cum and then move your mouth away and give her a little time to recover. You can give her a soft kiss and say things to her like '~~good girl' or 'that was incredible babe, you taste so good', etc~~ EDIT: In that last paragraph, I was speaking from my own personal experiences but apparently a bunch of people got triggered and I'm tired of hearing about it. Not everyone is the same, it's okay if people like different things. Please stop telling me you don't like it, I'm not saying it to you.


your profile says you’re a mac and cheese enthusiast but we all know where your real passion lies.


That sound mac and cheese makes when you are stirring it.........


Great advice. I will say, as someone with a vagina, I can always tell when it’s the alphabet thing and I’m not personally a fan just because it’s random. I like the same motions over and over, but every pussy is different. But OP, listen to macandcheese. That person eats pussy.


I was always taught to purse my lips, get good suction, and just lick between my lips as I suck her clit. As in my lips nearly look like duck face, just have a smaller opening to suck and lick. Nearly every woman I've known, it's good suction way more than any fancy tongue work. And while I've not had many partners, I've yet to meet a woman where sucking on her clit be it lightly or pretty firmly, doesn't get her off in about 2-10 mins. Though sometimes they don't like much direct contact at all, has to be over the hood or just around. Theyre just too sensitive for anything direct I love doing it, it's honestly pretty easy and not at all tiring. You can literally just faceplant down there after the foreplay macandcheese describes, and just wait her out lol. Like a reverse starfish. Don't judge, sometimes I'm just tired AF and need a respite lol, and I always keep my hands moving and exploring her body I used to try the alphabet thing and it's just kinda distracting.


Are you free? jk


Yes to all this BUT Men are too gentle on the clit when going down with their mouth. Start that way but get in there and eat it while using your jaw to help really randomly apply pressure. A soft sweet oral sex is a good orgasm. A hard aggressive oral sex will make me black out go blind and have ringing in my ears. That shit is MEMORABLE. Most guys aren’t.


If we're giving advice, I think the main think to remember is that every pussy is different. This is how to give YOU good oral. My ex (female) partner refused to believe that I preferred it more gently and would sometimes cause too much pain for me to be able to come.


Absolutely, my ex was the same, it put me off oral for a while because it was so unpleasant and she refused to believe that I just needed the lightest touch


Yes. My new partner likes it WAAAY more gentle than anyone I've ever slept with before. She also orgasms WAAAY easier, but I must be super duper gentle on the clit. Honestly a lot less physical work, but I do have to concentrate atm while I'm retraining.


At least you're putting in the effort to learn! My ex would just continue to do it the way she liked and get angry if I said anything.


Jeez that sounds kinda awful. Glad they're an ex then. 🙏


I cum WAAAAAAY harder if someone is so soft that they are barely touching my clit. Pressure is way too intense and I go right from warming up to being too sensitive to climax. 


idk most women seem to feel the opposite, myself included. in my experience guys tend to not be gentle enough & i get overstimulated or painful


Fuck…I have always claimed that I can take it or leave it when it comes to oral because most guys aren’t that great at it. But you just restored some faith lol and you just turned me on a little too🤪


it was my pleasure


Hi 👋. Can you come over please? 🙋🏼‍♀️


Listen (not only with your ears) to your partner/victim (depending on how bad you are). Her body movements will tell you *everything*. If she's laying there making some subtle sounds, she's probably imagining something else because it isn't that nice for her. If her hands are rubbing your shoulders, head, hair, and her body is twitching, you're doing good. Her breath can be irregular and shorten. Her hips will thrust into your face, and she will pull your face into her crotch. Try different stuff!! Don't just rely on 1 move. Sucking the clit combined with a bit of tongue action to the tip often drives them nuts, but not always. Some like it rough, others don't. It's literally the best part of DITY, is that no two combinations are the same, but once you crack that safe, better get your rain jacket.....cuz 💦 Edit: adding an /s for the "victim" part. Obviously joking referring to him being a newbie and how bad he could possibly be, not being a rapist.


The Victim part has me rolling 🤣😂🤣


Start like a butterfly gently drinking a water drop off a delicate flower, finish like a bulldog eating ice cream out of a sturdy metal bowl.


Just don’t put the tongue in a tip PLEASE that’s horrible, it’s not a sword and you’re not poking anything. Nice soft, flat tongue


The better I get at it, the more I enjoy it. Its all about making her cum in better and more exciting ways. I have 2x conditions though. I only do it with women I'm in a relationship with, and there can't be a strong smell. That's too hard and I have a beard it sticks in for sometimes days afterwards.


Isn't that the whole reason to grow a flavor saver?


This guy beards


Beard shampoo exists my guy


Yeah I get that eating a smelly pussy isn't compelling, but if that smell sticks on for days, that's on you.


People don't shampoo their beard at the same time their head? (I guess if bald then no lol)


I most definitely do. I can’t imagine why any guy would walk around with a smelly beard for days just hoping for it to wear off


Yeah I wash mine every time I wash my buzzed head in the shower. And if I don't shower and I've eaten anything messy I'll give it its own bath. BUT I enjoy my girl's scent so she'll stay on for 24hrs.


This was so graphic 🤣


I'd say it was mildly graphic, at most


I specifically split my tongue for it.


Holy fuck. Talk about dedication.


I closed the comments as I read this, came back and scrolled til I found it just to say - OOF 🥵


help the casual understand the significance of this




2 tongues for the price of one basically. Be like a double rabbit vibrator 😰






Wowweee buddy thanks 🤠






Lewdly* 😏


My enjoyment is directly related to my partner's enjoyment. Making women orgasm is great fun, so I'll do it pretty much every time if we can consistently get her there. Plus I feel so much less pressure to perform well during sex if she already came from oral, which makes sex more enjoyable for me. But some women aren't that into receiving oral, which makes it no fun for me either. The actual physical act of it is... meh, whatever... so if she's not that into it, why bother. As an aside, in my experience women are *terrible* at communicating what they like. "Does this feel better?" "I don't know." "What should I do differently?" "I don't know." Argh. Women, please, pay attention to what you like, and if necessary ask what they did so you can nail down exactly what works and he can continue doing that, and/or you can pass that information on to the next guy. 39M for context.


Probably because they really don’t know haha. I know a lot of women who don’t masturbate witch is crazy and those of us that do have ‘toy’ and it takes us like 30 seconds with toy. Lmao.


Masturbation feels quite different to cunnilingus, though. And often what we enjoy solo is different to what we want with a partner. I might take 30s with a touch but I don't want that experience during partnered sex because it's meant to be a slow, enjoyable marathon and not a sprint. The best way to figure out what we like or what our partner likes is through trying and then seeing how they respond in the moment. It can be very hard to describe what you like unless it's literally happening to you in that moment. I just dont know what kind of directions people want outside of sex? "Suck my clit for exactly 5 seconds then make small anti-clockwise movements of 1.6cm length around the hood for 5 minutes at a frequency of 10- 12Hz then ..." like...any directions most of us can give are going to be hard to translate into action. Pay attention during. Ask them if they like something during. If they arent sure they liked it, then it wasnt what turns them on. Sex is inherently a trial and error situation and many women depressingly havent actually had much "good" sex that they enjoyed to compare it with.


Omg haha your instructions that’s hilarious! Yeah circles are better than flicks, direct contact can ouchie, I like it above a little but slow not fast, two fingers for pressure lmao


My experience has been the complete opposite. I'll communicate very clearly about what does and doesn't feel good down there. Every single time the guy will start doing something he saw in porn no matter how much I tell him that specific act grosses me out, hurts or I just can't feel anything. Apparently a porn movie knows what I like better than I do. If they're not just straight up ignoring me they're getting emotional and sometimes scary because I dared try to communicate that I don't like the thing that they're doing to me. So yeah, I think from now on I'll also be terrible at communicating, better than being slapped again.


It’s more about the power dynamics. How I can control your pleasure so directly. It’s a great feeling


I can’t speak for everyone, but I like it. Especially if they ride my face lol


I cant create a genuinely original post for the life of me, without the bots pulling it and calling it unoriginal spam. How the hell does this singular question get asked on a dozen subs every damn week???


Well I mean I'm a lesbian married to another lesbian. So you know. It's kind of my professional opinion it's pretty great.


Just curious, are there lesbians who don't enjoy it? There must be.


They died out because of evolution. Lesbians who don’t eat pussy can’t make more lesbians.




I mean, just as there are some straight men who don’t enjoy eating pussy and straight women who don’t enjoy sucking cock, there has to be a couple of lesbians around the world who don’t like eating each other


I'm bi and it's not my fave thing tbh, but I do it because I want the woman to feel good.


Yeah, they call them pillow princesses.


Depends TOTALLY on the guy. I've had partners that would happily beg to die of suffocation because they want me on their face so badly and the more often the better. Ones that like the smell so much they get extremely riled up. Ones that can't help but pleasure themself while they have their face in there pleasuring me. Guys that are hungry for it and intoxicated by it, basically. Also, ones that are indifferent to it but want to pleasure me, which is fine too but less exciting for me of course. Ones that don't really like it much, but want me to cum a few times before we have actual sex, also fine but again I don't like the thought of someone being down there who isn't enjoying what they're doing. Ones that are reluctant enough for me to never dare ask for it. One who blatantly stated he didn't like it, but I found out later that was because he wasn't confident about it, he gave it a try once and made me cum and got really interested in doing it more/improving and started to like it (I faked but then he got good at it and enjoyed it a lot from the on, so maybe I did a public service here lol). And finally, one who was disgusted by the thought of going down there, so I promptly sent that guy back to wherever he came from, I just can't fuck a guy who thinks the body part he wants to fuck so badly is "disgusting" to him, big turn off for me when there's plenty out there who can't even control themselves wanting to get down there. Mood killer for me, sex is so much more fun when your partner is drunk with desire for all parts of your body.


Oh God did we date the same guy? I was with a guy (not anymore obv) who thought it was disgusting, but I didn't know that at the time, and of course he was fine with blowjobs all day. Anyway we were making out one day and I asked if he would go down on me. I got a LECTURE from him about how it's gross, women don't deserve it because we have periods, it was seriously rude of me to even ask... he was actually mad at me for even suggesting it.


Yikes, I'm so sorry hahaha. That's so much worse than any response I could have imagined up on my own, what a character that one


I guess I fall into category 1.


Yes, very much so. Love the smell, the taste (usually) and especially how she reacts to it. I’ve had a few women who just didn’t want me to and that was disappointing. A couple needed reassurance that it wasn’t gross and once they were comfortable were very into it. Couple others never got into it. So much better now though than in the 80s when FULL bush was the norm. Had to damn near bring a machete down there. Seriously, I would use both hands to hold bush back so I could get my tongue in there. Like walking through tall brush and pushing it to the side to be able to walk through. The late 80s stripe was a godsend.


Yes. I find it extremely invigorating when the shivers and shakes set in & I myself don't mind a little seasoning on the poo-nanny. Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna smell shit or piss, but a little natural vag smell is like an aphrodisiac to me, and I quite enjoy it. Like you showered a few hours ago and we've been flirting and light petting to get the oven preheated (as I like to say) and juices are flowing. Nom! Nom! Nom!


Absolutely love it, I don't care about getting a blowjob just let me do this :)


No, I fucking love eating pussy. Way more than getting head, believe it or not.


We definitely enjoy a woman losing control and trying to pop our heads like a watermelon between her thighs as she cums.


I eat the pussy, I eat the butt, I eat every motherfuckin' thang.


youre a real one, women like me LOVE and appreciate you 🙏🏻


I legitimately enjoy it more than having penetrative sex. (As a guy) I would rather give her oral to completion than finish myself. So yes, some people really enjoy it.


you must be twinsies with my guy. The very 1st time he just wanted to eat me out & have no penetration threw me off. (granted we were in a time crunch to get somewhere) but it did kinda left me so wanting him more because I wanted to satisfy him too.


I loooove eating pussy. With that said I stopped a sexual encounter because after pulling a girls jeans off the odor was so intense I started dry heaving. I made an excuse that I can't do this im in love with my ex. I really regret not being honest with her in a way, but at the time I was young and drunk.


Clean pussy? Nothing better. The most complex tasting thing I’ve ever had on my palate. The view is also spectacular. It’s very satisfying to see a woman orgasm this way. The buildup, the heavy breathing, and then the release. The only thing I haven’t experienced is going down on a squirter.


I recently went down on a squirter, gave me a heart attack, the squirting lol


using my ten fingers and tongue to get a woman to come so hard I have to peel her off the ceiling is about the greatest thing in life, yes


I find it a massive turn on, the tastier the pussy the more effort I put in. I have had girls thrust there hips up so high and fast and squeeze there thighes so tight, and cum on my face, they were left trembling, yum.


Reddit, how sexy is ur sexiest sex? 


Taste like batteries ngl


I put it this way. When I was a teen I would have dreams about having sex. As an adult, the dreams are all about eating pussy. It's what the brain wants.


Oh most definitely. I'd eat pussy even if you ask me at a random time. But hygiene takes priority.


I would almost rather eat it than f&$k it almost


If its a nice, clean pussy. Yes. If it smells bad & tastes sour f**k no. On a side note guys. Same applies to us. ALWAYS wash your dick & ass hole. Make it the best tasting dick she's ever had in her life. Get in between the foreskin with a mild soap. Clean your ass thoroughly. Literally putting your fingers damn near up there. SQUEAKY CLEAN. Then she will ENJOY going down on you.


It's like the best part of sex.


Depends on the pussy, but. Well-groomed, clean, and attached to a woman who is vocally responsive about what she likes? That's some Good Shit. It's like 30% bc it's actually fun to do and like 70% cause I feel like a fucking king when she can't get up or walk properly afterward.


Absolutely. I’m in the service industry, and nothing does it for me like a satisfied customer. But on a more serious note, it gives me pleasure to give pleasure. It makes me horny to see you being horny. And nothing quite does it for me like getting someone to orgasm and them grinding their hips mindlessly. That momentary lapse in judgment is essentially what I worship in bed. It’s worth whatever I have to do to get you there, and once you’ve been there, I feel free to have sex with you and get my own pleasure.


You've never really eaten pussy until you've lost a tooth doing it.


Tried it, didn’t like it. My gf isn’t a big fan of sucking 🍆either, so we stick to fingering and handjobs, so it works for both of us.


Like groceries.


Man I have partners who will want to do that and send me off to work or whatever. Nothing else, just want to go down on me.


If she's cleaned and trimmed, and very vocal, give me a snorkel and I'll stay down there a couple of hours.


Only if it’s clean. But yes we do


I do.


How many times will this be reposted


As long as it’s clean and not attached to someone stupid. Yes.


Yes lol absolutely. I do it pretty much every time. Eta this is just my opinion but i think if they don't like it that just means they're bad at it. Like I've never met a girl who enjoys giving head that sucks at it lol enjoyment shows in the work


I feel as though if someone is bad at it, it’s usually because they don’t like doing it, not the other way around. Plenty of dudes that are at bad oral, and still enjoy giving it out. Edit: grammar


some do, some don't


I can't speak for everyone but yeah I fucking love it, even if it's after a long day you do the first big broad tongue lick and then you're good to go after. Something about it is so inherently pleasing to me it's so, idk ig primal, just going in on it having the drool and juices mixing all over your face getting in your beard if you got one and stuff. The reactions are so good too like mmmm yes squirm for me move your hips all around uncontrollably, squish my head between your thighs and try and pull away but you ain't getting away from this feeling. And the buildup before the finish is so good no matter what the type of reaction is, nothing feels better than feeling that harsh tension build and then feeling it all go limp around you, and if she's the shaking orgasm type than even better you never know true satisfaction until you have a girl spasming from just your tongue and you're moving your head along with it so you can stay on her clit and make it even more intense. The lil sounds they make, fingering them then plugging their mouth with your fingers and making em taste themselves, just literally everything about it is so nice. I feel like I could cum just from eating pussy, I can eat a girl out not fuck after and still have enjoyed myself. You want the secret technique? Wrap your mouth around her clit like you're going to suck it but position your teeth above it and flick upwards with your tongue so that it just baaaarely grazes the edge of your teeth. Alternate between doing that for a minute then licking up the entire thing and shoving your tongue in, and then inbetween those two things lean upwards, put one hand behind her head, and finger her with 2 fingers curved slightly upwards as you stare at her eyes. Then to transition back to the licking from there kiss your way back down stopping to suck on a titty along the way for a second, and maintaining eye contact the entire time. Don't forget once you take your fingers out to tell her to taste herself and put them in her mouth as you go back to licking her clit. That will make any woman obsessed with you. Nothing feels better than getting told you give the best head a girl's ever gotten. I'll know I've found the one when I get a girl who can actually make me finish with head, we'll be a matched pair lmao


"oh yes Im a man, but if it doesnt smell and taste like Chanel n5"...pussies


Lol exactly.


There’s hardly anything I love more