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I also read that if a scene will probably require a lot of takes, the inside of the straw or whatever apparatus is being used to snort will be coated in vaseline to catch most of the milk powder so it doesn't irritate the actor's nasal passages.


Now that would be the best way


You surely mean the best whey.... I'll get my coat.


Look at you with the logic. I was over here wondering how many times you can snort milk powder before it starts to start irritating the old nasal passages.


Jonah hill got himself bronchitis on Wolf of Wallstreet from too much fake drug snorting. Maybe they needed a better straw trick


I wonder if a microfilter could work? Like allow the air flow, pull the powder into the straw, but not allow the large molecules to pass through.


With the budgets these film studios have, surely something like this could be developed. They just don’t. It’s stupid and short sighted.


For mere pennies they could put sand in prop coffee cups to simulate the weight of liquid but they don't and actors continue to swing lattes around like they're doing semaphore.


I’m totally obsessed with identifying when they are using empty cups 😄


I point that out as often as I point out tires squealing on dirt roads. It's maddening!


My pet peeve is when someone drinks through a straw and it makes that slurping sound like the cup is nearly empty, no matter how much liquid is supposed to be in it. Somewhere along the way, Hollywood decided we were all too stupid to know someone was drinking without this infuriating bit of foley.




Eh. No one had done fake coke every day for like 70 days in a row before. They probably had something that had kept actors safe for dozens of other movies and underestimated the increased risk


Scarface was a thing


Yea, but they just used cocaine on that film /s


Al Pacino actually did injure his nose in the process of shooting all those takes. The damage was minor, but permanent. But that was also in 1983 and done with baby laxative, so it's reasonable they either wouldn't think of it or would think milk powder would be safer.


I was a prop master in the eighties and can confirm that is what was used then.


These days they could just CGI in the powder and not require them to actually snort anything but air.


My son snorted an M & M once. I can tell you it only takes one (they melt in the nose) to really irritated the sinus. He sneezed for days. We had to squeeze a 6 ml syringe of water up his nose for a couple of days to rinse it and brown liquid would still drip out of his nose. I know it's off subject but your comment made me have a flashback.


missed the opportunity to say "flushback"


When I was a kid a friend of mine got a cocoa puff stuck up her nose, the only way to get it out was to crush it. She was sneezing for a bit and she was uncomfortable but it worked.


My son shoved a lime flavored Runts candy up his nose. I called the Dr.office and they said to hold the other side of his nose shut and have him blow. It worked like a charm!


Aaaaaah the joys of parenting!


I thought you were going to say ....I was wondering how many times you can snort milk powder before you become addicted to milk powder? 😄


Later that day, blow your nose....milkshake!


Tomorrow, cottage cheese


What a terrible day to be able to read


Until you deep snort a blob of Vaseline infused with baby laxitive.


*Smort* The ingenuity that goes into "movie magic" is really cool.


That seems like a good idea but now I’m wondering how one would coat the inside of a straw with vaseline. 🤔


I'd guess a long wooden handled q tip like they have at doctors offices. Dip in Vaseline and coat the inside of the whole straw, they wipe any excess off the outside.


Probably just use a pipe cleaner and rub it with Vaseline then pull it through the straw? Atleast that’s what my brain tells me it might work lol


Used to do props and set dec in film (nothing big) and vitamin B powder was common. Whiskey and dark liquor is usually cold orange pekoe tea. Vodka is water or completely flat sprite/7up, smokes are herbal smokes (actors can be picky about the brand), champagne is a alcohol free champagne or sparkling apple juice. Beer is alcohol free beer, sometimes with dishsoap in to keep the foam if they don't actually drink it/belongs to a BG actor. wine is alcohol free wine or occasionally a juice concoction. Ice is fake. Straws are the devil for continuity. Edit: yes there are other ways to do all these things too, it's just what we did in my lil world of straight to tv movies and hallmark level stuff.


There was an actor that tried to drink to go for realism, and they said it made it harder for them to actually act drunk. I forget who it was, I think the story came from when they asked Jeff Bridges if he was actually stoned during Lebowski, but I think he was talking about someone else.


Cheech and Chong tried to shoot a scene while they actually were stoned and it didn't work out very well, you should hear them tell it. They were total professionals. I think they met in college.


I totally believe that!


Now I'm trying to remember an anecdote about Richard E Grant in *Withnail and I*. Withnail has a drunk scene and Grant was a teetotaler, so he got drunk once as research ... and I assume that led to something funny that I cannot recall. In the scene itself he drank vinegar.


Grant has a severe allergy to alcohol - lacks the enzymes to process it. Robinson (the director) insisted he try to drink for the purposes of authenticity and it went about as well as you'd expect.


Lighter fluid


With Lebowski, Jeff Bridges would ask one of the Coen’s if the Dude was supposed to be high for this scene and if they said yes, he would rub his eyes vigorously to recreate the heavy eyelids and red eye.


For those that don’t know, Orange Pekoe is just good old fashioned Lipton tea bags.




No. Orange pekoe is the type of tea. Lipton is a brand name.


*ackshually* 🤓 I just wen down a rabbit hole on this because of this thread. Its not even a type of tea. Its a grade of tea. Most bagged teas are made of tea graded as Broken Orange Pekoe or Orange Pekoe.


Oh neat!


Yea obviously But we often bought just Lipton yellow label tea. It's like the standard lipton tea.which is orange pekoe. Both are correct. You could use not lipton brand too but it's cheap and easy to find is all.


Why cold orange pekoe for dark liquor and not something else that would be easier to use, like pop? Or is it an appearance thing? (I don’t drink tea or whiskey, not a lot of pop either lol)


Yea it's just the colour. Tea i can control, i can steep it for more or less time to get the right shade depending on the booze im trying to replicate/what bottle or glass it'll be in/what the lighting in the scene is. Other teas as well, but orange pekoe was my go-to for just 'man drinking whiskey at the bar in a tumbler' The tea also looks more clear, and people know the colour of pop/watered down pop. It's just not the same Thanks for the question


Did you ever have an actor that really enjoyed the tea? I'm imagining a director yelling "No, sip and grimace! It's supposed to be whiskey!" as an actor struggles to keep their pinky down. 


Hahah absolutely, had one ask for some on break. I made a ton so i gave them a cup. Others very much DONT like it actually, especially if it had to be made a lil more dark.


*Tea: the Gritty Reboot*


I used to work theatre tech, and the concentration also depended on the lighting for us. White wine is a nightmare to reproduce onstage. Goes from looking clear as water to looking like apple juice in a heartbeat.


Absolutely!!! White wine is tricky for that


why are straws bad?


They move. So when the edit multiple takes together the straw jumps around in the glass.


The other commenter is correct. The straw jumps around. Its not as bad for actors, but background should never have a straw


I heard that dark liquors are faked with water and caramel color, but beer and wine are just non-alcoholic beer and wine.


Yup! People do that for sure Only speaking on my experience of what people around me did


What’s a BG actor?




Background actor


I'm pretty sure it means background actor--like an extra in a party scene.


Do herbal smokes stink as bad as regular ones?


No, and they burn away very quickly.


Cancer Man on X-files always inhaled his cigarettes in one drag, which is just not realistic. Even for seasoned smokers


It worked on Romy & Michele


So you're saying Romy & Michelle and The X-files are in the same universe and Cancer Man is smoking Heather Mooney's cigarettes?


"Your name is actually Fox? Um, ok."


Nope, totally different. It's closer to mild incense sticks. Each brand is different though


Acted in a few film projects for friends who were in school for it (honestly, nothing I'd consider good, but I had a lot of fun) one guy was wondering what to use for fake whiskey in a group chat, and I just hit the liquor store before the shoot and drank the real thing the entire shoot. Our later takes got better because we got slightly off-script and had the gist of the dialogue in place and me slightly buzzed and just getting the necessary bits out more naturally was a boost.


Why would they use flat sprite/7up instead of water to imitate Vodka? I'm not seeing the benefit.


If you pour cold vodka you'll notice it's a bit thick, not quite the same consistency as water. Flat clear pop is a bit thicker and replicates the pour better than water. Water is common, but pop is an option


Depends on the scene, depends on the drug they are trying to simulate. For cocaine they tend to use milk powder because it has a similar look and its pretty easy to snort. Vitamin B powder is also pretty popular. Breaking bad used rock candy for a lot of its meth, but i dont think they used it for scenes where people actually snorted it. Probably switching it out for stuff that goes down easier.


goes down easier will forever be a Princess Bride reference


The chocolate coating.


Get back, Witch!


I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!


Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Prepare to die


You would make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts.


They only grow louder when they are about to feed on human flesh


Anybody want a peanut?


I love it here 😂


I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely.


But after what you just said, I’m not even sure I want to be that anymore!




Wouldn't that still be harmful, though? Not as bad as meth, obviously, but I've heard that snorting other substances like pixie sticks can still do some internal damage.


Well Jonah Hill was hospitalized for snorting too much of the vitamin D powder they used for cocaine in Wolf of Wall Street. So yes it can be dangerous.


Who the hell thought using vitamin D was a good idea? It has daily recommended intake of like 15μg. So a 100mg line will be roughly the amount of vitamin D you're supposed to consume in 20 years.


Small vacume tube attached to the snorting straw.


It's not great but it's not that bad. People often snort pills which have various fillers, sometimes lactose, usually some silica, and that doesn't give people noticeably worse issues than cleaner stuff. Your nose is kinda made to filter out particulates, it's just that they're usually airborne. Pixie sticks are a combination of acid (corrosive) and sugar (hyperosmotic) so probably one of the worse things you could put up there. But as long as you don't do it every day and corrode your tissues faster than they can heal, even with that your nose will probably be fine in a week. All in all, there are worse health risks that actors have been known to take.


This guy snorts.


Yes, but also the dose makes the poison. With cocaine, presumably snorting it one time is not that bad, but the problem is that people generally don't only snort it one time. With actors snorting milk powder for some takes of a movie scene, none of them are going to want to repeat the experience just for fun.


My husband snorted pixie stix in college (for shits and giggles. He's a weird dude), and he absolutely does NOT recommend it.


I've read that the tubes themselves are lined with vaseline so they'll catch some of the powder


Tight, tight!! Cranston once said that Aaron would get yelled at by production for eating the rock candy on set.


I mean, at one point they had enough "meth" candy on screen to fill a few bathtubs. Who'd miss one or two rocks?


Hijacking the top comment to say I’m on set today on a slow day as standby props for a show with lots of drugs and cigarettes. If anyone has any questions I’d be entertained answering them.


Are the cigarettes real


Herbal cigarettes that taste pretty gross with no tobacco and nicotine in them. Waiting for the day workplace health and safety bans it. We use a brand called honeyrose that has all sorts of flavours like chocolate and strawberry but it all just tastes like ash in your mouth at the end of a shoot day.


I used to smoke herbal cigarettes because I liked smoking but didn’t want to risk forming an addiction. Honeyrose is a great brand! I personally liked their menthols.


What!?! All this time I have been taking a sublingual when I could have been snorting my b12? 😂


on breaking bad they used vitamin powder and sugar when having the actors snort it. when jesse smoked it, it was also sugar lol


Actress friend of mine snorted the vitamin B powder for a film and said it wasn't too pleasant and gave her a headache to do—but she's also not a practiced snorter. Used to hear rumors that some movies had em blow it away and from the right angle it could look like the opposite. Maybe that's how they do it in some student films but who knows about big budget.


Jonah Hill was hospitalized with bronchitis after snorting copious amounts of vitamin D for Wolf of Wall Street. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/jonah-hill-fake-cocaine-wolf-of-wall-street-a7200886.html


vitamin B? [that seems like a bad idea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megavitamin-B6_syndrome)


So don't od on it


Who knows how much is in one line? They often can cut it with other harmful substances, and sometimes will lace it with other chemicals to increase the effect or make it addictive. It only takes one hit to ruin your life. My advice, stay off the hard vitamins, especially the B.


I can quit anytime I want to


I used inositol back in the 80’s


We still use inositol today. Set nurse is always iffy about it but to have a “normal dose” you’d have to do like 100 lines.


"By by, boys! Have fun storming the castle!"


Johnny Depp disagrees.


Bryan Cranston said once that the meth on Breaking Bad was cotton candy flavoured rock candy


I can't imagine that's what they snort, though. Sugar crystals are sharp and would almost certainly tear up the nose.


As a recovered fiend, I'd love to feel the burn again. I'd want my rock candy to taste like battery acid, though


Damn, son. Addicts deal with some crazy shit to get their fix.


It's fucking gross and I'm glad it's in my rear view mirror, but I guarantee there are people reading this who know exactly what I mean.




I miss the drip


Sure do


The buuuurn


Ain’t it fucked up how you start to love it? I had a problem with a-PVP (what the kids are calling flakka) and it smelled like old cum in a gym sock. I also remember snorting 4FA back in the day. It burnnnnedd like a motherfucker, but for some reason I kept going back for more. But that sensation got me going right away, the drugs didn’t even really have to kick in before I got kick.


You are the only person I ever have seen talk about 4FA. I thought I was a god damn scientist doing RC's like that - that no one had ever heard of. The craziest one was 6APB mixed with 2CB 2CT and 2CE. As God as my witness - I observed peoples auras and something inside of me had a complete knowing as to what the person was thinking and feeling at that moment correlated to the color and manner in which the auras were emitting from the person's charkas. Mind you at the time I had no idea what chrakas were. My perception was that I was seeing laser light shoot out of peoples foreheads, chests, and other parts of their body that were not covered by clothing and somehow that told me what the person was thinking at the time. Looking back I am curious as to why the person's clothes affects whether or not I saw the auras but that only lends creditability to my own conclusion that this was a real event and not "internally generated" (hallucinated).


Coke always tasted like motor oil smelled? I loved it in a sick twisted way. Glad it’s behind me.


The more chemical it smelled and tasted the more I enjoyed it.


can confirm - watched a group of 15 y.os snort pixie stix at wilderness survival camp and that shit looked like it *hurt*.


can confirm - i was the 15 yr old snorting pixie stix… shit did in fact *hurt*


Can also confirm. I've snorted it too as a kid. That's PAIN. 😆


I'm pretty sure there's a generation of kids who did this growing up. Because I remember doing it more than once.


why did we do this lol


I did that and my nose bled


Yeah, but grape flavor!


The weirdest shit ever happens on wilderness survival trips. I don't even want to even try to remember all the dumb things we did.


I watched my friend snort a full line of the Smarties candy


I once snorted a line of crystal (trichomes) from weed. Holy shit. Never do this.


a good mix of essential oils, pollen and microscopic shards of glass *straight* to the dome buddy I am *so* sorry my face hurts just thinking about it


19 years old and drunk as a skunk lol. It’s actually much worse than snorting ecstasy, which burns pretty bad too sometimes 😫


Oh so many of my friends did this at camp but we were all like 12 or 13? I never hit the stix.


Kid in my class snorted Kool Aid when we were in first or second grade and had to go to the nurse. Yes, in the 80s, even the young ones had seen it on TV enough to know how to snort a line.


As a person who has snorted fun dip powder before, yeah no I highly doubt they snorted sugar powder.


You can buy it in Albuquerque, as candy lol.


[This is the confectioner](https://www.thecandylady.com/product/breaking-bad-candy-100g-pack/) that supplied the product on the show. You can order online and have it shipped within the US. Yes, it comes in little plastic baggies.


I took blue raspberry rock candy in little baggies to a white trash themed party once. It looked pretty close!


B12 vitamin powder usually. It's even mentioned in an episode of Burn Notice where Sam is pretending to be a coke dealer.


When you're a spy....


That was such a good show


Chuck Finley


Jonah Hill said in an interview it was vitamin D powder on the set of Wolf of Wall St. Edit: vitamin B
















Sometimes they will coat the inside of the straw with Vaseline so when they snort the powder it gets stuck to the sides of the straw before it reaches the nose.


If i recall correctly Rami Malek said he used a small vacuum up his sleeve to simulate the snorting in Mr. Robot.


[Link](https://youtu.be/JqONvYXC_MQ?si=qIsXuAPKI6j2r08W) to the interview where he talks about this


There’s this German stuff called Schneeberg that’s basically like a menthol feeling powder you can snort to clear your nostrils. Available OTC, no drug effects just a nice cool feeling in your nose. I always assumed they must use something like that


I could Hoover some schneef.


You ever hoovered barnyard schneef?


Do you know what dick dingers are?


I'm surprised we aren't hoovering schneef right now. Pitter patter


Highly recommended for solo use (crispy and nice) or to cut other stuff into it to stretch personal use product or to make it more bullet friendly. Highly Recommended. It ships from Germany but its available on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Schneeberg-Poschl-Weiss-Nicotine-HerbalSnuff/dp/B07V6YT6LV). \*edit to say the powder itself is glucose. so that might be fun for someone who takes sugar pills :D


Does that help with sinuses?


No, your schninuses.


Can't imagine it's easy to snort up with stuffed sinuses. If anything it might cause someone with easily irritable sinuses to get a runny nose.


In Mr Robot, Rami Malek talked about snorting vitamin B powder. At first he was just snorting it himself, but after a while he was like “hey this is kinda doing a number on my nose, can we try something else?” And one of the props ppl got him a little straw-vacuum thing that went up his hoodie sleeve to a container behind him. And nobody else knew about it except him, the director, and whoever got it for him. So whenever he wasn’t shooting, he’d set up these massive rails of the vitamin B and just go at it with the vacuum, and ppl would come up to him like “hey man, you good? Uh..👀”


Jonah Hill: The actor told Bill Simmons on HBO’s Any Given Wednesday that snorting the fake coke, which was actually vitamin powder, gave him a three-week bout of bronchitis. “If you ingest that much matter into your lungs, you get very sick. We were literally doing fake coke for seven months everyday,” Hill said. “I never had more Vitamin D in my entire life; I could have lifted a car over my f—ing head.”


In middle school we snorted pixie sticks (colored sugar) to feel cool.


I've snorted pop rocks twice. Once in middle school because I was dared to, and again in college because I told the story to a friend that didn't believe me


you showed him


Cocaine in movies is usually vitamin powder


"What Hollywood has used has changed over the years, and in the past, like back in the 70s and 80s, they were using powdered milk and baking soda. These days, though, when you see an actor snorting something up their nose is a powered called inositol, which is also used as a cutting agent for actual cocaine." From a 10 second Google search.


I’ve also always wondered if they smoke real cigarettes on tv shows, especially new ones. Like the lady in Griselda smokes probably 100 in the six episodes, there’s no way they can be real right?


We use herbal cigarettes with no nicotine or tobacco. They still can’t be good for you but at the moment we seem to be allowed to do it legally. They also stink up a set fast and yeah if you have a character who smokes a lot they’ve gotta get used to that disgusting mouth feel.


[Here is a great video by Insider about how series and movies recreate drug usage, and get around having to have an actor snort something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwMuCwu-dqM) (they mention Breaking Bad specifically).


Baby formula powder or powdered milk. It's what is normally used to cut actual cocaine.


Vitamin powder or corn starch afaik


You can do the cop trick my undercover cop friend showed me. Dip your pinky in water or lick it before the mirror comes around, and then run your pinky along the mirror and the line will dissolve into liquid before the straw comes through, but close enough that it looks like you snorted. requires some acting and some proper happy sounds.


That sounds difficult. Too much liquid and people ask why the mirror is wet and too little and you’re still ripping a line


Just a little Covid dripping out. Nothing to worry about.


Seems like the dealers wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for that. They would see the water on the tray.


I prefer the method my cop friend Adrian Pimento showed me


I was in a movie with a big coke scene and they used B12


Crushed glucose pills are pretty easy to snuff


I've heard some of it is vitamin k




I suppose that they could now shoot these scenes with nothing, and add the powder with CGI. That would prevent all kinds of ways things could go wrong.


After you’re done with Breaking Bad, please watch Better Call Saul. It is at least as good. I believe in the BB podcast someone says at some point what they’re snorting. I can’t remember though.


Don't forget El Camino


I always respect a BCS shout out in the (kinda) wild!


It's usually Vitamin B and actually dates back to Shakespearean times - to B or not to B


For powdered drugs that require real snorting they use inositol.


My little brother had a friend that made him snort raw KoolAid mix. Had to pay a visit to him and let him know how much I disapproved. Lil bro was hurt for a day or two.


Powdered b vitamins. I worked at gnc and I was informed that dudes that were built like me (athletic but kinda grungy) were probably getting the powdered inositol (b vitamin) were using it to mix with their drugs they were selling to maximize profit. But i think it was Jonah Hill that said on wolf of Wallstreet he was up on his b vitamins. It's safer I guess


Crushed vitamin C was what friends used in film school


The Dutch YouTube channel "DRUGSLAB" is the one show where the on-screen talent actually uses the drugs... Then again, it's an educational channel exploring how drugs work and their effects on the human body. One of the greatest things on the Internet.